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Characterization of Basic Proteins from Goldfish Myelin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Myelin basic protein (MBP) from common goldfish ( Carassius auratus ) myelin was extracted with dilute mineral acid. Immunological cross-reactivity of the goldfish MBP, with polyclonal antisera raised against bovine MBP, suggested that the goldfish protein has epitopes for these antibodies. It also reacted with a monoclonal antibody specific for a seven amino acid epitope (130–137) conserved in the MBP of most mammalian species. To characterize the charge heterogeneity of this protein, we iodinated the protein with 125I and chromatographed it on a carboxymethyl cellulose-52 column together with a nonlabeled acid soluble fraction prepared from human white matter as a carrier protein. All of the goldfish protein was recovered in the unbound fraction, demonstrating that it was less cationic than the carrier protein (human MBP). We have also examined the urea alkaline gel profile of the goldfish MBP together with the human C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, and C-8 components. The results from these experiments indicated that this MBP extracted from goldfish brain myelin lacked the microhet-erogeneity that is associated with MBPs from higher vertebrates. The MBPs from goldfish myelin were separated into their isoforms by reversed-phase HPLC. Amino acid compositions were determined for both the 17- and 14-kDa goldfish proteins. Amino acid analysis revealed similarities with the compositions of other MBPs; however, the serine content in both the 17- and 14-kDa proteins was higher than that of the human C-1, the mouse C-1 protein, and the shark proteins. The HPLC-purified 14-kDa goldfish protein was chemically cleaved with CNBr for partial sequence analysis. Even from the limited sequence obtained, the sequence ATAST was found in goldfish, which is also present in human, rabbit, and guinea pig MBPs.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against P0, myelin basic protein, or myelin-associated glycoprotein were generated by fusing mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with central and peripheral nervous system myelin proteins. The antibodies secreted were either IgG, IgM, or IgA. Clone C6B5 (iso-type IgM) secreted antibody(ies) that bound to both myelin basic protein and myelin-associated glycoprotein, although binding of antibody to myelin basic protein as detected by the immunoblot technique appeared to be much less than to the myelin-associated glycoprotein. Antibodies were characterized in solid-phase radioimmunoassay for their species cross-reaction, and histologically for the specificity of binding to myelin in central and peripheral nervous system tissues. These monoclonal reagents should prove valuable in studying CSF and myelin-producing cells, since in both cases the concentration of myelin proteins is low.  相似文献   

As a basis for attempts to define the structures of the proteins within myelin, methods have been developed for their extraction and isolation in solutions of non-denaturing detergents. With use of solutions of deoxycholate or Triton X-100, up to 90% of the protein has been extracted from bovine CNS myelin, along with most of the phospholipid. The proteolipid protein has been purified in deoxycholate solutions by chromatography on a blue dye-ligand column, which retained all of the basic protein and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphodiesterase, and then on Sephacryl S300, which separated proteolipid protein from phospholipid and high-molecular-weight proteins. The proteolipid protein was isolated from Triton X-100 extracts of myelin by adsorption onto phosphocellulose resin, with subsequent elution by 0.5 M sodium chloride. Gel permeation chromatography was used as the final purification step. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments gave a monomer molecular weight of 134,000 +/- 8000 in deoxycholate and 145,000 +/- 17,000 in Triton X-100 solutions. On the basis of an apparent subunit molecular weight of 23,500 it was deduced that the native protein is probably hexameric. Above 0.2 gL-1 in Triton X-100 solutions and 0.5 gL-1 in deoxycholate solutions the protein aggregated. In deoxycholate solutions the protein adopts the highly helical conformation expected for an intrinsic membrane protein.  相似文献   

P2 protein, a myelin-specific protein, was detected immunocytochemically and biochemically in rabbit central nervous system (CNS) myelin. P2 protein was synthesized by rabbit oligodendrocytes and was present in varying amounts throughout the rabbit CNS. Comparison of P2 and myelin basic protein (MBP) stained sections revealed that P2 antiserum did not stain all myelin sheaths within the rabbit CNS. The proportion of myelin sheaths stained by P2 antiserum and the amount of P2 detected biochemically were greater in more caudal regions of the rabbit CNS. The highest concentration of P2 protein was found in rabbit spinal cord myelin, where P2 antiserum stained the majority of myelin sheaths. P2 protein was barely detectable biochemically in myelin isolated from frontal cortex, and in sections of frontal cortex only occasional myelin sheaths reacted with P2 antiserum. These results suggest the the regional variations in the amount of P2 protein are dut to regional differences in the number of myelin sheaths that contain P2 protein. P2 protein was detected immunocytochemically and biochemically in rabbit sciatic nerve myelin. Immunocytochemically, P2 antiserum only stained a portion of the myelin sheaths present. The myelin sheaths not reacting with P2 antiserum had small diameters and represented less than 10% of the total myelinated fibers.  相似文献   

Myelin isolated from central nervous tissue activates the classic pathway of complement by directly activating C1. Activation of C1 can proceed to form membrane attack complex, C5b-9, in the myelin. Such an interaction between myelin and complement may be important in diseases involving myelin damage, in view of the role of complement in membrane attack and inflammation. To identify the C1-activating protein, myelin was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot. The blots were incubated with C1 or with whole serum complement, followed by immunostaining for C1 or C3, respectively. A duplicate strip was stained with amido black or anti-myelin antibody to visualize the myelin proteins. The results showed that two major protein bands were capable of activating C1. An approximately 56-58-kilodalton band comigrated with the W2 protein and an approximately 45-47-kilodalton band migrated along with, but slightly behind, the W1 Wolfgram doublet.  相似文献   

The Presence of Phospholipase D In Rat Central Nervous System Axolemma   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
An axolemma-enriched fraction prepared from a purified myelinated axon fraction isolated from rat CNS was found to contain phospholipase D at a specific activity similar to that of a microsomal fraction isolated from whole brain. There was a concomitant threefold enrichment in the specific activity of phospholipase D and acetylcholinesterase in the axolemma-enriched fraction compared with the specific activities of these enzymes in the starting white matter whole homogenate. This axonal phospholipase D may be involved in remodeling of phospholipid, which in turn may affect axonal functions such as ion translocation.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in amounts of myelin proteins from rat sciatic nerve or spinal root were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). In the aged peripheral nerve myelin, the relative amounts of band 105K and proteins X and Y increased, whereas those of proteins P0 and P1 and band 190K decreased. Band 105K purified by preparative SDS-PAGE exhibited three bands of 105K, 28K, and 21K at the second electrophoresis. A repeated SDS-PAGE did not improve the purity of bank 105K, but increased the ratio of 21K to 28K. Compared with P0 protein, band 105K has a very similar peptide map pattern and amino acid composition, as well as the identical NH2 terminal residue, isoleucine. These findings suggest that band 105K is an aggregate form of P0 protein and its fragment, 21K. The 21K protein is a distinct entity from X protein. The quantitative and qualitative alterations in myelin proteins, as we report here, may reflect continuing demyelination and remyelination in aged peripheral nerves.  相似文献   

Rat and guinea pig myelin membranes were incubated at physiological ionic strength with millimolar concentrations of Ca2+/Mg2+ ions (37 degrees C; pH 7.4). After 1-3 h, electrophoresis of the membranes revealed loss of 50% of 18.2- and 14.1-kilodalton (kDa) forms of myelin basic protein (MBP). Concomitantly, peptides representing 25% of the original membrane-associated MBP were detected in incubation media. Roughly equal amounts of MBP fragments with molecular masses of 10.0 and 8.4 kDa were found in media from guinea pig myelin incubations. Media from rat myelin experiments contained a major 8.4-kDa and minor 10.0- and 5.9-kDa MBP peptides. Kinetic studies implied that proteolysis occurred subsequent to MBP dissociation from the membranes. Immunoblotting studies indicated that both the 18.2- and 14.1-kDa forms of MBP were cleaved near residue 73 to produce a 10.0- and 5.9-kDa C-terminal fragment, respectively. Degradation of MBP in myelin membranes was partially inhibited by only 5-20% using leupeptin (20 microM) but up to 50% by dithiothreitol mM), phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (1 mM), and phosphoramidon (50 microM) but up to 50% by dithiothreitol (DDT, 10 mM). Only DDT and 1,10-phenanthroline substantially blocked the formation of the characteristic 10.0-and 5.9-kDa C-terminal fragments. This suggests that MBP, dissociating from myelin membrane preparations, is cleaved near residue 73 by a metalloendoprotease distinct from N-ethylmaleimide/leupeptin-sensitive calpains and phosphoramidon-sensitive endopeptidase 24.11.  相似文献   

Abstract: Myelin proteins and the total Wolfgram protein fraction were isolated from the CNS of several mammalian species and characterized with rabbit anti-bovine 2', 3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP) antisera after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electrophoretic transfer to nitrocellulose membranes. The corresponding CNP proteins cross-reacted across all species examined, suggesting that the CNP amino acid sequence was fairly well conserved in all six species. The same corresponding proteins were also identified immunochemically in the crude total Wolfgram protein fraction in the region of the W1 myelin protein, thus further supporting and extending two different previous reports indicating a relationship between CNP and the W1 protein. In addition to these CNS enzyme sources, peripheral nervous system CNP (rabbit and rat sciatic nerve) was also recognized by these same rabbit anti-bovine (CNS) CNP antisera. CNP was also detected in freshly isolated delipidated bovine oligodendrocyte membranes. These results suggest that rabbit anti-bovine CNP antisera may be of use in localization and structural studies of this enzyme in several different species and will permit clear identification of CNP in oligodendrocytes and their isolated membrane fractions.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) consists of several components or charge isomers (C-1 through C-8) generated by one or a combination of posttranslational modifications. One of these, C-8, has been shown to contain citrulline (Cit) at defined sites formed by deimination of six arginyl residues. This unusual modification has allowed us to raise antibodies specific for this charge isomer only. To do this, a synthetic peptide, Gly-Cit-Cit-Cit-Cit, was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin and injected into rabbits. The antibodies so generated reacted only with C-8 and not with any of the other charge isomers. A second antibody fraction was raised against the synthetic peptide ACitHGFLPCitHR naturally occurring between residues 24 and 33 of C-8 (all other charge isomers contain R instead of Cit at positions 25 and 31). These antibodies preferred C-8 but reacted with the other charge isomers, to the extent of approximately 25-30% of the reactivity shown with C-8. In studies with C-8 from multiple sclerosis (MS) MBP, much greater reactivity was obtained with these antibodies when compared with their reactivity with C-8 from normal MBP. Because the total number of Cit residues in C-8 from MS and normal MBP is the same, the difference in reactivity may be related to structural factors. The antibodies raised with the tetra-Cit peptide were reacted with three pairs of synthetic peptides: 24ARHGFLPRHR33 and ACitHGFLPCitHR; 120GQRPGFGYGGRAS132 and GQCitPGFGYGGCitAS; and 157GGRDSRSGSPMARR170 and GGCitDSRSGSPMACitR. They reacted only with the Cit-containing peptides in the order 157-170 greater than 120-130 greater than 24-33.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The suitability of isolated central nerve myelin preparations for probe labelling studies was assessed and the accessibility of galactosyl ceramides in myelin to galactose oxidase and sodium periodate was determined. Isolated myelin preparations present a uniform external membrane surface to added probes because lamellae in the myelin sheath separate at their external apposition surfaces exclusively during isolation. The cytoplasmic apposition remains intact in isolated myelin. Cationised ferritin can gain access along external apposition regions of inner lamellae in multilamellar fragments of isolated myelin, indicating that proteins and lipids on the external membrane surface will be accessible to probes. Over 50% of the total galactosyl ceramides of myelin are accessible to galactose oxidase attack; hydroxy fatty acid- and nonhydroxy fatty acid-containing cerebrosides are equally attacked. Sodium periodate attacks over 90% of the galactosyl ceramides in isolated myelin at 20°C and electron micrographs of the periodate-treated myelin reveal changes at the external apposition only. Galactosyl ceramides in vesicles of myelin lipid vesicles are not so readily attacked by periodate. The disposition of galactosyl ceramides in the myelin lamellae is discussed.  相似文献   

Cyclic-AMP-binding proteins in membrane and soluble fractions from rat forebrain were compared; membrane fractions included smooth and rough microsomes and a plasma membrane fraction enriched in synaptic membranes. Protein fractions were treated with 8-azido-[32P]cyclic AMP and ultraviolet irradiation to covalently tag cyclic-AMP-binding proteins. Labeled proteins were then analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE) and fluorography. The soluble CNS proteins contained two major cyclic-AMP-binding species at 48K (48K 5.5 and 48K 5.45), differing slightly in their isoelectric points. Another protein was seen at 54K (54K 5.3) adjacent to the beta-tubulin subunits in the 2D electrophoretogram. The analysis of the smooth microsome and plasma membrane fractions differed from the soluble fraction in that there were two cyclic-AMP-binding proteins adjacent to the beta-tubulin region (54K 5.3 and 52K 5.3) differing slightly in apparent molecular weight. The membrane fractions also contained a cyclic-AMP-binding protein at 54K 5.8. The 52K 5.3 and 54K 5.8 species were unique to the membrane fractions. The rough microsomes did not contain detectable amounts of cyclic-AMP-binding proteins. Free polysomes were isolated from brain tissue, and translation products were analyzed by cyclic AMP affinity chromatography and immunopurification with antibodies to the brain specific type II regulatory subunit. The translation products that were found to bind cyclic AMP Sepharose are as follows: 48K 5.5, 48K 5.45, 52K 5.3, and 54K 5.8. These species comigrated with proteins that were photoaffinity-labeled in cytosol and membrane fractions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Isolated myelin has been used for determinations of membrane surface charge density and topographical mapping of components in the membrane. To determine how similar such myelin is to myelin of intact tissue, we have used x-ray diffraction to compare their intermembrane interactions. The interactions were monitored by measuring the myelin period in samples treated with distilled water, buffered saline at pH 4-9 and ionic strength 0.06-0.18, and saline containing HgCl2 or triethyl tin sulfate. Myelin was isolated from whole brains and sciatic nerves of mice by conventional methods involving sucrose gradient centrifugation and osmotic shock. Consistent with previous findings, electron microscopy showed that the multilamellar morphology, staining, and repeat periods of isolated myelin were essentially like those of intact myelin; however, the membrane stacks were less extensive than those in whole tissue. X-ray diffraction revealed that isolated CNS myelin was like intact myelin in showing reversible compaction in acidic media and in distilled water. However, unlike the myelin in whole tissue, isolated CNS myelin did not swell in hypotonic or alkaline media, or in the presence of HgCl2-saline or triethyl tin. The altered membrane interactions could result from an increase in adhesiveness of the apposed membrane surfaces. Reorganization of proteolipid protein and/or a reduction of surface charge could account for the change in surface properties of isolated CNS myelin. Isolated PNS myelin, like the membranes in whole tissue, showed both compaction and swelling; however, the membrane pairs were disordered in the swollen structure. This irregular membrane swelling could result from charge variation in the extracellular surfaces.  相似文献   

Peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin from the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) banded at a density of 0.38 M sucrose. The main myelin proteins consisted of (1) two basic proteins, BPa and BPb (11,500 and 13,000 MW, similar to those of trout central nervous system (CNS) myelin proteins BP1 and BP2), and (2) two glycosylated components, IPb (24,400 MW) and IPc (26,200 MW). IPc comigrated with trout CNS myelin protein IP2 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas trout CNS myelin protein IP1 had a lower molecular weight (23,000). Following two-dimensional separation, however, both IPb and IPc from PNS showed two components; the more acidic component of IPc comigrated with IP2 from CNS. PNS tissue autolysis led to the formation of IPa (20,000 MW), consisting of two components in isoelectric focusing of which again the more acidic one comigrated with the CNS autolysis product IP0. Limited enzymatic digestion of isolated IP proteins from PNS and CNS led to closely similar degradation patterns, being most pronounced in the case of IP2 and IPc. Immunoblotting revealed that all IP components from trout PNS and CNS myelins reacted with antibodies to trout IP1 (CNS) and bovine P0 protein (PNS) whereas antibodies to rat PLP (CNS) were entirely unreactive. All BP components from trout PNS and CNS myelins bound to antibodies against human myelin basic protein. On the basis of these studies trout PNS and CNS myelins contain at least one common IP glycoprotein, whereas other members of the IP myelin protein family appear closely related. In the CNS myelin of trout the IP components appear to replace PLP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: We have created transgenic mice bearing varying copy numbers of a transgene coding for normal DM-20, the alternatively spliced quantitatively minor isoform of myelin proteolipid protein. Demyelination of the CNS occurs as a consequence of 70 copies of this transgene. Overt symptoms begin at ∼3 months with a wobbling gait. Occasional seizures lasting a few seconds begin at 3–4 months. These symptoms progress in severity with age. Death occurs by 8–10 months. Myelination in 2-month-old animals, before the onset of any overt symptoms, appears morphologically normal at the electron microscopic level. However, the myelin in these 2-month-old animals has a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein and about three times as much DM-20 as normal animals. In 7-month-old animals that appear to be undergoing demyelination in the CNS, both the major myelin proteolipid protein and DM-20 are greatly reduced relative to the 2-month-old animal. Mice with 17 copies of the transgene also have a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein but appear to be otherwise normal and have normal life spans (>2 yr). Mice with low copy numbers of the transgene (2–4 copies) appear to be unaffected and have normal life spans.  相似文献   

Total polyribosomes were isolated from the brains of 16-20 day C57BL/6 mice, four neurological mutants (qk/qk, shi/shi, mld/mld, and jp/Y), and four heterozygote or littermate controls (qk/+, shil/+, mld, and jp littermates) and translated in a homologous, cell-free system. No differences were observed among the nine genotypes in either the yield of polysomes (32.2 +/- 0.6 A260/g brain) or in the incorporation of [35S]methionine into trichloroacetic acid-precipitable protein. However, when the four myelin basic proteins (BPs) were isolated from the translation mixtures little incorporation of [35S]methionine into the BPs was noted in those assays directed by polysomes from mld/mld or from shi/shi animals. Compared with C57BL/6 polysomes, mld littermate and shi/+ polysomes incorporated approximately half the levels of label into the four BPs while qk/+ and qk/qk incorporated normal and close-to-normal levels. Polysomes from jp littermates and jp/Y brains synthesized 66% and less than 15% of the levels of the 14K BP compared with C57BL/6 polysomes. Incorporation of label into the other three BPs was normal with jp littermate polysomes and about half the control levels with jp/Y polysomes. The data indicate that shi/shi and mld/mld mutants either produce altered BPs not recognized by our antibody or synthesize very low levels of BP. The data provide additional support for the notion that the qk/qk mutant synthesizes much higher levels of MBP than are incorporated into myelin. They also indicate that in the jimpy mutant the synthesis of the four BPs is affected to differing extents; thus, the mutant cannot be easily characterized as either an "assembly" or "synthesis" defect.  相似文献   

Abstract: Single-bilayer vesicles of myelin are desirable for studying myelin development and metabolism. Accordingly, our interest was drawn to a procedure for ves-iculating myelin (Steck et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 509, 397–408, 1978). We used X-ray diffraction analysis to examine these putative vesicle preparations because much larger amounts of material can be surveyed by this method than by electron microscopy. The sharpness (width) of the rings in the X-ray diffraction pattern varies inversely with the number of bilayers per multilayer structure. We therefore expected to see the diffuse diffraction pattern characteristic of single bilayers. Diffraction patterns were recorded from isolated rat brain myelin before and after the vesiculation procedure. Both patterns showed sharp rings, indicating numerous multilayered structures. Average values ranging from 7 to 10 bilayers per multilayer were calculated in both cases. This procedure did produce a small fraction of single-bilayer structures, which were isolated by differential centnfu gation; however, these accounted for only about 1% of the total myelin present. The diffraction pattern of this material showed the diffuse band typical of single-bilayer structures, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated it had the same protein composition as in normal myelin. Similar results were also obtained using either fresh or frozen bovine brain myelin. Variations of the published vesiculation procedure (incubation in 0.1 M NaCl or in buffers containing glycerol; disruption by sonication or use of a Tissumizer) also were not effective in breaking down the multilamellar fragments into thinner structures. We conclude that the multilamellar fragments of isolated CNS myelin resist disruption into single-bilayer structures.  相似文献   

Uridine Transport and Metabolism in the Central Nervous System   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Myelin and myelin-containing (P3) fractions were prepared from human white matter by discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. The myelin isolated from each of the fractions of different densities was morphologically and biochemically distinct. Light myelin fractions consisted of compact, multilamellar myelin, whereas the denser fractions consisted predominantly of loose myelin with fewer lamellae. The amounts of both basic protein and lipophilin (proteolipid protein) were reduced in the denser fractions. In contrast, the high-molecular-weight components were elevated in the dense fractions. The lipid composition was similar in all the fractions studied. Analysis of basic protein by gel electrophoresis at pH 10.6 revealed differences in basic protein microheterogeneity among the fractions. The light myelin fraction was enriched in the more positively charged basic protein components (components 1, 2, and 3), whereas these components were reduced in the denser fractions. Myelin in the dense fractions was enriched in the more modified forms of basic protein (components 6, 7, and 8). The pattern of microheterogeneity was different for basic protein isolated from myelins of a 2-year-old and an adult brain; the former showed fewer components and mainly the most cationic species. On the other hand, the pattern of microheterogeneity of basic protein isolated from the different density gradient fractions was similar for both ages.  相似文献   

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