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The mechanisms of inactivation gating of the neuronal somatodendritic A-type K(+) current and the cardiac I(to) were investigated in Xenopus oocyte macropatches expressing Kv4.1 and Kv4.3 channels. Upon membrane patch excision (inside-out), Kv4.1 channels undergo time-dependent acceleration of macroscopic inactivation accompanied by a parallel partial current rundown. These changes are readily reversible by patch cramming, suggesting the influence of modulatory cytoplasmic factors. The consequences of these perturbations were investigated in detail to gain insights into the biophysical basis and mechanisms of inactivation gating. Accelerated inactivation at positive voltages (0 to +110 mV) is mainly the result of reducing the time constant of slow inactivation and the relative weight of the slow component of inactivation. Concomitantly, the time constants of closed-state inactivation at negative membrane potentials (-90 to -50 mV) are substantially decreased in inside-out patches. Deactivation is moderately accelerated, and recovery from inactivation and the peak G--V curve exhibit little or no change. In agreement with more favorable closed-state inactivation in inside-out patches, the steady-state inactivation curve exhibits a hyperpolarizing shift of approximately 10 mV. Closed-state inactivation was similarly enhanced in Kv4.3. An allosteric model that assumes significant closed-state inactivation at all relevant voltages can explain Kv4 inactivation gating and the modulatory changes.  相似文献   

Kv4 channels mediate the somatodendritic A-type K+ current (I(SA)) in neurons. The availability of functional Kv4 channels is dynamically regulated by the membrane potential such that subthreshold depolarizations render Kv4 channels unavailable. The underlying process involves inactivation from closed states along the main activation pathway. Although classical inactivation mechanisms such as N- and P/C-type inactivation have been excluded, a clear understanding of closed-state inactivation in Kv4 channels has remained elusive. This is in part due to the lack of crucial information about the interactions between gating charge (Q) movement, activation, and inactivation. To overcome this limitation, we engineered a charybdotoxin (CTX)-sensitive Kv4.2 channel, which enabled us to obtain the first measurements of Kv4.2 gating currents after blocking K+ conduction with CTX (Dougherty and Covarrubias. 2006J. Gen. Physiol. 128:745-753). Here, we exploited this approach further to investigate the mechanism that links closed-state inactivation to slow Q-immobilization in Kv4 channels. The main observations revealed profound Q-immobilization at steady-state over a range of hyperpolarized voltages (-110 to -75 mV). Depolarization in this range moves <5% of the observable Q associated with activation and is insufficient to open the channels significantly. The kinetics and voltage dependence of Q-immobilization and ionic current inactivation between -153 and -47 mV are similar and independent of the channel's proximal N-terminal region (residues 2-40). A coupled state diagram of closed-state inactivation with a quasi-absorbing inactivated state explained the results from ionic and gating current experiments globally. We conclude that Q-immobilization and closed-state inactivation at hyperpolarized voltages are two manifestations of the same process in Kv4.2 channels, and propose that inactivation in the absence of N- and P/C-type mechanisms involves desensitization to voltage resulting from a slow conformational change of the voltage sensors, which renders the channel's main activation gate reluctant to open.  相似文献   

Lowering external pH reduces peak current and enhances current decay in Kv and Shaker-IR channels. Using voltage-clamp fluorimetry we directly determined the fate of Shaker-IR channels at low pH by measuring fluorescence emission from tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide attached to substituted cysteine residues in the voltage sensor domain (M356C to R362C) or S5-P linker (S424C). One aspect of the distal S3-S4 linker α-helix (A359C and R362C) reported a pH-induced acceleration of the slow phase of fluorescence quenching that represents P/C-type inactivation, but neither site reported a change in the total charge movement at low pH. Shaker S424C fluorescence demonstrated slow unquenching that also reflects channel inactivation and this too was accelerated at low pH. In addition, however, acidic pH caused a reversible loss of the fluorescence signal (pKa = 5.1) that paralleled the reduction of peak current amplitude (pKa = 5.2). Protons decreased single channel open probability, suggesting that the loss of fluorescence at low pH reflects a decreased channel availability that is responsible for the reduced macroscopic conductance. Inhibition of inactivation in Shaker S424C (by raising external K+ or the mutation T449V) prevented fluorescence loss at low pH, and the fluorescence report from closed Shaker ILT S424C channels implied that protons stabilized a W434F-like inactivated state. Furthermore, acidic pH changed the fluorescence amplitude (pKa = 5.9) in channels held continuously at −80 mV. This suggests that low pH stabilizes closed-inactivated states. Thus, fluorescence experiments suggest the major mechanism of pH-induced peak current reduction is inactivation of channels from closed states from which they can activate, but not open; this occurs in addition to acceleration of P/C-type inactivation from the open state.  相似文献   

The role of sodium channel closed-state fast inactivation in membrane excitability is not well understood. We compared open- and closed-state fast inactivation, and the gating charge immobilized during these transitions, in skeletal muscle channel hNa(V)1.4. A significant fraction of total charge movement and its immobilization occurred in the absence of channel opening. Simulated action potentials in skeletal muscle fibers were attenuated when pre-conditioned by sub-threshold depolarization. Anthopleurin A, a site-3 toxin that inhibits gating charge associated with the movement of DIVS4, was used to assess the role of this voltage sensor in closed-state fast inactivation. Anthopleurin elicited opposing effects on the gating mode, kinetics and charge immobilized during open- versus closed-state fast inactivation. This same toxin produced identical effects on recovery of channel availability and remobilization of gating charge, irrespective of route of entry into fast inactivation. Our findings suggest that depolarization promoting entry into fast inactivation from open versus closed states provides access to the IFMT receptor via different rate-limiting conformational translocations of DIVS4.  相似文献   

Changes in holding potential (Vh), affect both gating charge (the Q(Vh) curve) and peak ionic current (the F(Vh) curve) seen at positive test potentials. Careful comparison of the Q(Vh) and F(Vh) distributions indicates that these curves are similar, having two slopes (approximately 2.5e for Vh from -115 to -90 mV and approximately 4e for Vh from -90 to -65 mV) and very negative midpoints (approximately -86 mV). Thus, gating charge movement and channel availability appear closely coupled under fully-equilibrated conditions. The time course by which channels approach equilibration was explored using depolarizing prepulses of increasing duration. The high slope component seen in the F(Vh) and Q(Vh) curves is not evident following short depolarizing prepulses in which the prepulse duration approximately corresponds to the settling time for fast inactivation. Increasing the prepulse duration to 10 ms or longer reveals the high slope, and left-shifts the midpoint to more negative voltages, towards the F(Vh) and Q(Vh) distributions. These results indicate that a separate slow-moving voltage sensor affects the channels at prepulse durations greater than 10 ms. Charge movement and channel availability remain closely coupled as equilibrium is approached using depolarizing pulses of increasing durations. Both measures are 50% complete by 50 ms at a prepulse potential of -70 mV, with proportionately faster onset rates when the prepulse potential is more depolarized. By contrast, charge movement and channel availability dissociate during recovery from prolonged depolarizations. Recovery of gating charge is considerably faster than recovery of sodium ionic current after equilibration at depolarized potentials. Recovery of gating charge at -140 mV, is 65% complete within approximately 100 ms, whereas less than 30% of ionic current has recovered by this time. Thus, charge movement and channel availability appear to be uncoupled during recovery, although both rates remain voltage sensitive. These data suggest that channels remain inactivated due to a separate process operating in parallel with the fast gating charge. We demonstrate that this behavior can be simulated by a model in which the fast charge movement associated with channel activation is electrostatically-coupled to a separate slow voltage sensor responsible for the slow inactivation of channel conductance.  相似文献   

Sodium-calcium exchange current was isolated in inside-out patches excised from guinea pig ventricular cells using the giant patch method. The outward exchange current decayed exponentially upon activation by cytoplasmic sodium (sodium-dependent inactivation). The kinetics and mechanism of the inactivation were studied. (a) The rate of inactivation and the peak current amplitude were both strongly temperature dependent (Q10 = 2.2). (b) An increase in cytoplasmic pH from 6.8 to 7.8 attenuated the current decay and shifted the apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of cytoplasmic calcium for secondary activation of the exchange current from 9.6 microM to < 0.3 microM. (c) The amplitude of exchange current decreased synchronously over the membrane potential range from -120 to 60 mV during the inactivation, indicating that voltage dependence of the exchanger did not change during the inactivation process. The voltage dependence of exchange current also did not change during secondary modulation by cytoplasmic calcium and activation by chymotrypsin. (d) In the presence of 150 mM extracellular sodium and 2 mM extracellular calcium, outward exchange current decayed similarly upon application of cytoplasmic sodium. Upon removal of cytoplasmic sodium in the presence of 2-5 microM cytoplasmic free calcium, the inward exchange current developed in two phases, a fast phase within the time course of solution changes, and a slow phase (tau approximately 4 s) indicative of recovery from sodium-dependent inactivation. (e) Under zero-trans conditions, the inward current was fully activated within solution switch times upon application of cytoplasmic calcium and did not decay. (f) The slow recovery phase of inward current upon removal of cytoplasmic sodium was also present under the zero-trans condition. (g) Sodium-dependent inactivation shows little or no dependence on membrane potential in guinea pig myocyte sarcolemma. (h) Sodium-dependent inactivation of outward current is attenuated in rate and extent as extracellular calcium is decreased. (i) Kinetics of the sodium-dependent inactivation and its dependence on major experimental variables are well described by a simple two-state inactivation model assuming one fully active and one fully inactive exchanger state, whereby the transition to the inactive state takes place from a fully sodium-loaded exchanger conformation with cytoplasmic orientation of binding sites (E1.3Ni).  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(13):2427-2442.e4
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Rod vision begins when 11-cis-retinal absorbs a photon and isomerizes to all-trans-retinal (ATR) within the photopigment, rhodopsin. Photoactivated rhodopsin triggers an enzyme cascade that lowers the concentration of cGMP, thereby closing cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels. After isomerization, ATR dissociates from rhodopsin, and after a bright light, this release is expected to produce a large surge of ATR near the CNG channels. Using excised patches from Xenopus oocytes, we recently showed that ATR shuts down cloned rod CNG channels, and that this inhibition occurs in the nanomolar range (aqueous concentration) at near-physiological concentrations of cGMP. Here we further characterize the ATR effect and present mechanistic information. ATR was found to decrease the apparent cGMP affinity, as well as the maximum current at saturating cGMP. When ATR was applied to outside-out patches, inhibition was much slower and less effective than when it was applied to inside-out patches, suggesting that ATR requires access to the intracellular surface of the channel or membrane. The apparent ATR affinity and maximal inhibition of heteromeric (CNGA1/CNGB1) channels was similar to that of homomeric (CNGA1) channels. Single-channel and multichannel data suggest that channel inhibition by ATR is reversible. Inhibition by ATR was not voltage dependent, and the form of its dose-response relation suggested multiple ATR molecules interacting per channel. Modeling of the data obtained with cAMP and cGMP suggests that ATR acts by interfering with the allosteric opening transition of the channel and that it prefers closed, unliganded channels. It remains to be determined whether ATR acts directly on the channel protein or instead alters channel-bilayer interactions.  相似文献   

Potassium channels have a very wide distribution of single-channel conductance, with BK type Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels having by far the largest. Even though crystallographic views of K(+) channel pores have become available, the structural basis underlying BK channels' large conductance has not been completely understood. In this study we use intracellularly applied quaternary ammonium compounds to probe the pore of BK channels. We show that molecules as large as decyltriethylammonium (C(10)) and tetrabutylammonium (TBA) have much faster block and unblock rates in BK channels when compared with any other tested K(+) channel types. Additionally, our results suggest that at repolarization large QA molecules may be trapped inside blocked BK channels without slowing the overall process of deactivation. Based on these findings we propose that BK channels may differ from other K(+) channels in its geometrical design at the inner mouth, with an enlarged cavity and inner pore providing less spatially restricted access to the cytoplasmic solution. These features could potentially contribute to the large conductance of BK channels.  相似文献   

DeltaKPQ, a three amino acid [lysine (K), proline (P), glutamine (Q)] deletion mutation of the human cardiac Na channel (hH1), which is one cause of long QT syndrome (LQT3), has impaired inactivation resulting in a late sodium current. To better understand inactivation in DeltaKPQ, we applied a site-3 toxin anthopleurin A, which has been shown to inhibit inactivation from the open state with little or no effect on inactivation from the closed state(s) in wild-type hH1. In contrast to the effect of site-3 toxins on wild-type hH1, inactivation from closed state(s) in toxin-modified DeltaKPQ demonstrated a large negative shift in the Na channel availability curve of nearly -14 mV. Recovery from inactivation showed that toxin-modified DeltaKPQ channels recovered slightly faster than those in control, whereas development of inactivation at potentials negative to -80 mV showed that inactivation developed much more rapidly in toxin-modified DeltaKPQ channels compared with control. An explanation for our results is that closed-state inactivation in toxin-modified DeltaKPQ is enhanced by the mutated inactivation lid being positioned "closer" to its receptor resulting in an increased rate of association between the inactivation lid and its receptor.  相似文献   

Local anesthetics bind to ion channels in a state-dependent manner. For noninactivating voltage-gated K channels the binding mainly occurs in the open state, while for voltage-gated inactivating Na channels it is assumed to occur mainly in inactivated states, leading to an allosterically caused increase in the inactivation probability, reflected in a negative shift of the steady-state inactivation curve, prolonged recovery from inactivation, and a frequency-dependent block. How local anesthetics bind to N-type inactivating K channels is less explored. In this study, we have compared bupivacaine effects on inactivating (Shaker and Kv3.4) and noninactivating (Shaker-IR and Kv3.2) channels, expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Bupivacaine was found to block these channels time-dependently without shifting the steady-state inactivation curve markedly, without a prolonged recovery from inactivation, and without a frequency-dependent block. An analysis, including computational testing of kinetic models, suggests binding to the channel mainly in the open state, with affinities close to those estimated for corresponding noninactivating channels (300 and 280 μM for Shaker and Shaker-IR, and 60 and 90 μM for Kv3.4 and Kv3.2). The similar magnitudes of Kd, as well as of blocking and unblocking rate constants for inactivating and noninactivating Shaker channels, most likely exclude allosteric interactions between the inactivation mechanism and the binding site. The relevance of these results for understanding the action of local anesthetics on Na channels is discussed.  相似文献   

To study the kinetic and steady-state properties of voltage-dependent sodium conductance activation, squid giant axons were perfused internally with either pronase or N-bromoacetamide and voltage clamped. Parameters of activation, tau m and gNa(V), and deactivation, tau Na, were measured and compared with those obtained from control axons under the assumption that gNa oc m3h of the Hodgkin-Huxley scheme. tau m(V) values obtained from the turn-on of INa agree well with control axons and previous determinations by others. tau Na(V) values derived from Na tail currents were also unchanged by pronase treatment and matched fairly well previously published values. tau m(V) obtained from 3 x tau Na(V) were much larger than tau m(V) obtained from INa turn-on at the same potentials, resulting in a discontinuous distribution. Steady-state In (gNa/gNa max - gNa) vs. voltage was not linear and had a limiting logarithmic slope of 5.3 mV/e-fold gNa. Voltage step procedures that induce a second turn-on of INa during various stages of the deactivation (Na tail current) process reveal quasiexponential activation at early stages that becomes increasingly sigmoid as deactivation progresses. For moderate depolarizations, primary and secondary activation kinetics are superimposable. These data suggest that, although m3 can describe the shape of INa turn-on, it cannot quantitatively account for the kinetics of gNa after repolarization. Kinetic schemes for gNa in which substantial deactivation occurs by a unique pathway between conducting and resting states are shown to be unlikely. It appears that the rate-limiting step in linear kinetic models of activation may be between a terminal conducting state and the adjacent nonconducting intermediate.  相似文献   

Tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na currents were examined in single dissociated ventricular myocytes from neonatal rats. Single channel and whole cell currents were measured using the patch-clamp method. The channel density was calculated as 2/micron 2, which agreed with our usual finding of four channels per membrane patch. At 20 degrees C, the single channel conductance was 20 pS. The open time distributions were fit by a single-exponential function with a mean open time of approximately 1.0 ms at membrane potentials from -60 to -40 mV. Averaged single channel and whole cell currents were similar when scaled and showed both fast and slow rates of inactivation. The inactivation and activation gating shifted quickly to hyperpolarized potentials for channels in cell-attached as well as excised patches, whereas a much slower shift occurred in whole cells. Slowly inactivating currents were present in both whole cell and single channel current measurements at potentials as positive as -40 mV. In whole cell measurements, the potential range could be extended, and slow inactivation was present at potentials as positive as -10 mV. The curves relating steady state activation and inactivation to membrane potential had very little overlap, and slow inactivation occurred at potentials that were positive to the overlap. Slow inactivation is in this way distinguishable from the overlap or window current, and the slowly inactivating current may contribute to the plateau of the rat cardiac action potential. On rare occasions, a second set of Na channels having a smaller unit conductance and briefer duration was observed. However, a separate set of threshold channels, as described by Gilly and Armstrong (1984. Nature [Lond.]. 309:448), was not found. For the commonly observed Na channels, the number of openings in some samples far exceeded the number of channels per patch and the latencies to first opening or waiting times were not sufficiently dispersed to account for the slowly inactivating currents: the slow inactivation was produced by channel reopening. A general model was developed to predict the number of openings in each sample. Models in which the number of openings per sample was due to a dispersion of waiting times combined with a rapid transition from an open to an absorbing inactivated state were unsatisfactory and a model that was more consistent with the results was identified.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Ca2+ (Ca(V)) channels are central to the biology of excitable cells, and therefore regulating their activity has widespread applications. We describe genetically encoded molecules for inducibly inhibiting Ca(V) channels (GEMIICCs). GEMIICCs are derivatives of Rem, a Ras-like GTPase that constitutively inhibits Ca2+ currents (I(Ca)). C terminus-truncated Rem(1-265) lost the ability to inhibit I(Ca) owing to loss of membrane targeting. Fusing the C1 domain of protein kinase Cgamma to yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-Rem(1-265) generated a molecule that rapidly translocated from cytosol to plasma membrane with phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate in human embryonic kidney cells. Recombinant Ca(V)2.2 and Ca(V)1.2 channels were inhibited concomitantly with C1(PKCgamma)-YFP-Rem(1-265) membrane translocation. The generality of the approach was confirmed by creating a GEMIICC using rapamycin-dependent heterodimerization of YFP-FKBP-Rem(1-265) and a constitutively membrane-targeted rapamycin-binding domain. GEMIICCs reduced I(Ca) without diminishing gating charge, thereby ruling out decreased number of surface channels and voltage-sensor immobilization as mechanisms for inhibition. We introduce small-molecule-regulated GEMIICCs as potent tools for rapidly manipulating Ca2+ signals in excitable cells.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of sodium channel mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis reveals 2 variants on channel dysfunction. Charge-reducing mutations of voltage sensing S4 arginine residues alter channel gating as typically studied with expression in mammalian cells. These mutations also produce leak currents through the voltage sensor module, as typically studied with expression in Xenopus oocytes. DIIIS4 mutations at R3 in the skeletal muscle sodium channel produce gating defects and omega current consistent with the phenotype of reduced excitability. Here, we confirm DIIIS4 R3C gating defects in the oocyte expression system for fast inactivation and its recovery. We provide novel data for the effects of the cysteine mutation on voltage sensor movement, to further our understanding of sodium channel defects in hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Gating charge movement and its remobilization are selectively altered by the mutation at hyperpolarized membrane potential, as expected with reduced serum potassium.  相似文献   

Yang H  Hu L  Shi J  Cui J 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(8):2892-2900
Intracellular Mg(2+) at physiological concentrations activates mSlo1 BK channels by binding to a metal-binding site in the cytosolic domain. Previous studies suggest that residues E374, Q397, and E399 are important in Mg(2+) binding. In the present study, we show that mutations of E374 or E399 to other amino acids, except for Asp, abolish Mg(2+) sensitivity. These results further support that the side chains of E374 and E399 are essential for Mg(2+) coordination. To the contrary, none of the Q397 mutations abolishes Mg(2+) sensitivity, suggesting that its side chain may not coordinate to Mg(2+). However, because Q397 is spatially close to E374 and E399, its mutations affect the Mg(2+) sensitivity of channel gating by either reducing or increasing the Mg(2+) binding affinity. The pattern of mutational effects and the effect of chemical modification of Q397C indicate that Q397 is involved in the Mg(2+)-dependent activation of BK channels and that mutations of Q397 alter Mg(2+) sensitivity by affecting the conformation of the Mg(2+) binding site as well as by electrostatic interactions with the bound Mg(2+) ion.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of sodium channel mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis reveals 2 variants on channel dysfunction. Charge-reducing mutations of voltage sensing S4 arginine residues alter channel gating as typically studied with expression in mammalian cells. These mutations also produce leak currents through the voltage sensor module, as typically studied with expression in Xenopus oocytes. DIIIS4 mutations at R3 in the skeletal muscle sodium channel produce gating defects and omega current consistent with the phenotype of reduced excitability. Here, we confirm DIIIS4 R3C gating defects in the oocyte expression system for fast inactivation and its recovery. We provide novel data for the effects of the cysteine mutation on voltage sensor movement, to further our understanding of sodium channel defects in hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Gating charge movement and its remobilization are selectively altered by the mutation at hyperpolarized membrane potential, as expected with reduced serum potassium.  相似文献   

Single calcium channels and their inactivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inactivation of single Ca channels in snail neurons was examined to test the idea that entering Ca ions react directly with the channel to produce this effect. Simulations of specific models were used for comparison with the experimental data. The Ca-dependent model predicts time-dependent changes in the single-channel events which were not found experimentally. It is possible that Ca-dependent inactivation is mediated by a Ca-binding protein that is associated with but not part of the channel itself.  相似文献   

Tao J  Shi J  Liu ZR  Ji YH 《生理学报》2012,64(4):355-364
大电导钙激活钾离子(BK)通道广泛分布于可兴奋细胞与非兴奋细胞中,行使着一系列重要的生理功能。以源于蝎粗毒的高亲和性毒素作为研究工具,使BK通道的药理学和结构性质正逐步被揭示。Martentoxin是一种分离提取自东亚短钳蝎(Buthus martensi Karsch)粗毒的短链多肽,由37个氨基酸残基构成。研究表明,其对BK通道的特异性远高于其它各类型的电压门控钾通道(Kv)。迄今为止,由于用以探明BK通道亚型结构与功能及相关病理的特异性药物工具仍然稀缺,因此阐明martentoxin与BK通道间的相互作用模式就显得至关重要了。鉴于此原因,本综述将针对martentoxin的药理性质和其与BK通道相互作用的分子机制做进一步阐明。  相似文献   

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