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K contractures and two-microelectrode voltage-clamp techniques were used to measure inactivation of excitation-contraction coupling in small bundles of fibers from rat extensor digitorum longus (e.d.l.) and soleus muscles at 21 degrees C. The rate of spontaneous relaxation was faster in e.d.l. fibers: the time for 120 mM K contractures to decay to 50% of maximum tension was 9.8 +/- 0.5 s (mean +/- SEM) in e.d.l. and 16.8 +/- 1.7 s in soleus. The rate of decay depended on membrane potential: in e.d.l., the 50% decay time was 14.3 +/- 0.7 s for contractures in 80 mM K (Vm = 25 mV) and 4.9 +/- 0.4 s in 160 mM K (Vm = -3 mV). In contrast to activation, which occurred with less depolarization in soleus fibers, steady state inactivation required more depolarization: after 3 min at -40 mV in 40 mM K, the 200 mM K contracture amplitude in e.d.l. fell to 28 +/- 10% (n = 5) of control, but remained at 85 +/- 2% (n = 6) of control in soleus. These different inactivation properties in e.d.l. and soleus fibers were not influenced by the fact that the 200 mM K solution used to test for steady state inactivation produced contractures that were maximal in soleus fibers but submaximal in e.d.l.: a relatively similar depression was recorded in maximal (200 mM K) and submaximal (60 and 80 mM K) contracture tension. A steady state "pedestal" of tension was observed with maintained depolarization after K contracture relaxation and was larger in soleus than in e.d.l. fibers. The pedestal tension was attributed to the overlap between the activation and inactivation curves for tension vs. membrane potential, which was greater in soleus than in e.d.l. fibers. The K contracture results were confirmed with the two-microelectrode voltage clamp: the contraction threshold increased to more positive potentials at holding potentials of -50 mV in e.d.l. or -40 mV in soleus. At holding potentials of -30 mV in e.d.l. or 0 mV in soleus, contraction could not be evoked by 15-ms pulses to +20 mV. Both K contracture and voltage-clamp experiments revealed that activation in soleus fibers occurred with a smaller transient depolarization and was maintained with greater steady state depolarization than in e.d.l. fibers. The K contracture and voltage-clamp results are described by a model in which contraction depends on the formation of a threshold concentration of activator from a voltage-sensitive molecule that can exist in the precursor, activator, or inactive states.  相似文献   

1. Thiamine diphosphate level was higher in soleus muscle than in extensor digitorum longus muscle in various animals, whereas thiamine triphosphate level was less in the former muscle than in the latter except for mouse. 2. 2-Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, transketolase and thiamine pyrophosphokinase activities were higher in soleus muscle than in extensor digitorum longus in rat and guinea pig. 3. The differences between rat two muscle phenotypes in thiamine diphosphate, but not thiamine triphosphate, level and the thiamine-related enzyme activities disappeared after denervation. 4. Tenotomy had little effect on thiamine phosphate levels and the thiamine-related enzyme activities in rat skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Following muscle damage, fast- and slow-contracting fibers regenerate, owing to the activation of their satellite cells. In rats, crush-induced regeneration of extensor digitorum longus (EDL, a fast muscle) and soleus (a slow muscle) present different characteristics, suggesting that intrinsic differences exist among their satellite cells. An in vitro comparative study of the proliferation and differentiation capacities of satellite cells isolated from these muscles is presented there. We observed several differences between soleus and EDL satellite cell cultures plated at high density on gelatin-coated dishes. Soleus satellite cells proliferated more actively and fused into myotubes less efficiently than EDL cells. The rate of muscular creatine kinase enzyme appeared slightly lower in soleus than in EDL cultures at day 11 after plating, when many myotubes were formed, although the levels of muscular creatine kinase mRNA were similar in both cultures. In addition, soleus cultures expressed higher levels of MyoD and myogenin mRNA and of MyoD protein than EDL satellite cell cultures at day 12. A clonal analysis was also carried out on both cell populations in order to determine if distinct lineage features could be detected among satellite cells derived from EDL and soleus muscles. When plated on gelatin at clonal density, cells from both muscles yielded clones within 2 weeks, which stemmed from 3–15 mitotic cycles and were classified into three classes according to their sizes. Myotubes resulting from spontaneous fusion of cells from the progeny of one single cell were seen regardless of the clone size in the standard culture medium we used. The proportion of clones showing myotubes in each class depended on the muscle origin of the cells and was greater in EDL- than in soleus-cell cultures. In addition, soleus cells were shown to improve their differentiation capacity upon changes in the culture condition. Indeed, the proportions of clones showing myotubes, or of cells fusing into myotubes in clones, were increased by treatments with a myotube-conditioned medium, with phorbol ester, and by growth on extra-cellular matrix components (Matrigel). These results, showing differences among satellite cells from fast and slow muscles, might be of importance to muscle repair after trauma and in pathological situations.  相似文献   

Differences in the concentrations of signal transduction proteins often alter cellular function and phenotype, as is evident from numerous, heterozygous knockout mouse models for signal transduction proteins. Here, we measured signal transduction proteins involved in the adaptation to exercise and insulin signalling in fast rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL; 3% type I fibres) and the slow soleus muscles (84% type I fibres). The EDL and soleus were excised from four rats, the proteins extracted and subjected to Western blots for various signal transduction proteins. Our results show major differences in signal transduction protein concentrations between EDL and soleus. The EDL to soleus concentration ratios were: Calcineurin: 1.43 +/- 0.10; ERK1: 0.38 +/- 0.18; ERK2: 0.61 +/- 0.16; p38alpha, beta: 1.36 +/- 0.15; p38gamma/ERK6: 0.95 +/- 0.11; PKB/AKT: 1.44 +/- 0.08; p70S6k: 6.86 +/- 3.58; GSK3beta: 0.69 +/- 0.03; myostatin: 1.95 +/- 0.43; NF-kappaB: 0.32 +/- 0.10 (values >1 indicate higher expression in the EDL, and values < 1 indicate higher expression in the soleus). With the exception of p38gamma/ERK6, the concentration of each signal transduction protein was uniformly higher in one muscle than in the other in all four animals. These experiments show that signal transduction protein concentrations vary between fast and slow muscles, presumably reflecting a concentration difference on a fibre level. Proteins that promote particular functions such as growth or slow phenotype are not necessarily higher in muscles with that particular trait (e.g. higher in larger fibres or slow muscle). Interindividual differences in fibre composition might explain variable responses to training and insulin.  相似文献   

The size, distribution, and content of catalase-reactive microperoxisomes were studied cytochemically in slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic (FOG), and fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers of soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) rat muscles. Fiber types were classified on the basis of mitochondrial content and distribution, Z-band widths, and myofibril size and shape. Microperoxisomes were generally located between myofibrils at the I-bands. The absence of crystalloid inclusions prevented positive identification of microperoxisomes in nonreacted and aminotriazole-inhibited muscles. EDL and soleus SO fibers possessed the largest microperoxisomes, whereas FOG and FG fibers of the EDL contained small- to medium-sized microperoxisomes. Comparing either microperoxisome number per muscle fiber area or microperoxisome area per fiber area revealed significant differences between fiber types with this ranking: soleus SO greater than EDL SO greater than EDL FOG greater than EDL FG. The present observations demonstrate that the content of catalase-positive microperoxisomes is greatest in the oxidative muscle fiber types. These cytochemical findings account for the higher catalase activity in homogenates of soleus muscles as compared to that of EDL muscles, because the soleus contains more oxidative fibers than EDL.  相似文献   

Differences in the concentrations of signal transduction proteins often alter cellular function and phenotype, as is evident from numerous, heterozygous knockout mouse models for signal transduction proteins. Here, we measured signal transduction proteins involved in the adaptation to exercise and insulin signalling in fast rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL; 3% type I fibres) and the slow soleus muscles (84% type I fibres). The EDL and soleus were excised from four rats, the proteins extracted and subjected to Western blots for various signal transduction proteins. Our results show major differences in signal transduction protein concentrations between EDL and soleus. The EDL to soleus concentration ratios were: Calcineurin: 1.43 ± 0.10; ERK1: 0.38 ± 0.18; ERK2: 0.61 ± 0.16; p38, : 1.36 ± 0.15; p38/ERK6: 0.95 ± 0.11; PKB/AKT: 1.44 ± 0.08; p70S6k: 6.86 ± 3.58; GSK3: 0.69 ± 0.03; myostatin: 1.95 ± 0.43; NF-B: 0.32 ± 0.10 (values >1 indicate higher expression in the EDL, and values <1 indicate higher expression in the soleus). With the exception of p38/ERK6, the concentration of each signal transduction protein was uniformly higher in one muscle than in the other in all four animals. These experiments show that signal transduction protein concentrations vary between fast and slow muscles, presumably reflecting a concentration difference on a fibre level. Proteins that promote particular functions such as growth or slow phenotype are not necessarily higher in muscles with that particular trait (e.g. higher in larger fibres or slow muscle). Interindividual differences in fibre composition might explain variable responses to training and insulin. (Mol Cell Biochem 261: 111–116, 2004)  相似文献   

1. The effect of acetoacetate on glucose metabolism was compared in the soleus, a slow-twitch red muscle, and the extensor digitorum longus, a muscle composed of 50% fast-twitch red and 50% white fibres. 2. When incubated for 2h in a medium containing 5 mM-glucose and 0.1 unit of insulin/ml, rates of glucose uptake, lactate release and glucose oxidation in the soleus were 19.6, 18.6 and 1.47 micronmol/h per g respectively. Acetoacetate (1.7 mM) diminished all three rates by 25-50%; however, it increased glucose conversion into glycogen. In addition, it caused increases in tissue glucose, glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate, suggesting inhibition of phosphofructokinase. The concentrations of citrate, an inhibitor of phosphofructokinase, and of malate were also increased. 3. Rates of glucose uptake and lactate release in the extensor digitorum longus were 50-80% of those in the soleus. Acetoacetate caused moderate increases in tissue glucose 6-phosphate and possibly citrate, but it did not decrease glucose uptake or lactate release. 4. The rate of glycolysis in the soleus was approximately five times that previously observed in the perfused rat hindquarter, a muscle preparation in which acetoacetate inhibits glucose oxidation, but does not alter glucose uptake or glycolysis. A similar rate of glycolysis was observed when the soleus was incubated with a glucose-free medium. Under these conditions, tissue malate and the lactate/pyruvate ratio in the medium were decreased, and acetoacetate did not decrease lactate release or increase tissue citrate or glucose 6-phosphate. An intermediate rate of glycolysis, which was not decreased by acetoacetate, was observed when the soleus was incubated with glucose, but not insulin. 5. The data suggest that acetoacetate glucose inhibits uptake and glycolysis in red muscle under conditions that resemble mild to moderate exercise. They also suggest that the accumulation of citrate in these circumstances is linked to the rate of glycolysis, possibly through the generation of cytosolic NADH and malate formation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare dexamethasone-induced glycogen increases in normal EDL and SOL muscles with that in free muscle grafts. Glycogen in mature EDL and SOL grafts in the rat equalled control concentrations irrespective of whether the graft was a nerve-intact (NI), nerve-crushed (NC), reimplanted, or cross-transplanted graft. The grafts also possessed the glycogen-regulatory mechanisms to respond to the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX), which increases muscle glycogen. The increase in glycogen induced by DEX in the EDL and SOL grafts resembled that of the EDL and SOL muscles, respectively, whether the grafted muscle was originally an EDL or SOL. DEX induced an approximate twofold increase in glycogen concentration in control muscles and nerve-intact SOL grafts, and a smaller but significant increase in all other free grafts. Nerve crushing prior to grafting resulted in no significant change in muscle weight, glycogen concentration, or DEX-induced glycogen increase in these grafts. The data suggest that skeletal muscle grafts are qualitatively similar to normal muscles in terms of metabolic responsiveness to hormones. Leaving the nerve intact during grafting quantitatively enhances the graft's hormonal sensitivity but the technique of nerve crushing prior to grafting has no such effect.  相似文献   

1. Changes in protein turnover of the soleus and EDL muscles of adult mice have been studied 1, 7 and 80 days after denervation. 2. Increased rates of protein degradation 7 and 80 days post-denervation correlated with the atrophy and loss of protein from these muscles. 3. Rates of protein synthesis in the EDL decreased 24 hr after nerve section. However, these synthetic rates increased again to become higher in the 7 day denervated muscles compared with their controls. These latter anabolic changes are inconsistent with the concept of a denervated muscle being inactive. 4. These findings have been compared with a similar study on muscles of growing rats. Any passive stretching of the denervated muscles by continued bone growth appears unlikely to be a crucial factor explaining the increased rates of protein synthesis 7 days after denervation.  相似文献   

We studied the fiber types and contractile properties of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscles from young adult mice, rats and guinea pigs, and the correlation between these two parameters. Individual fibers in both muscles were classified as fast-twitch glycolytic (FG), fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic (FOG) or slow-twitch oxidative (SO) fibers according to Peter et al., and type II B, II A, or I fibers according to Brooke & Kaiser. Contractile properties were measured in situ at 37 degrees C. The isometric twitch contraction time (CT) and one-half relaxation time (1/2 RT) tended to be shortened in proportion to the area occupied by type II fibers, and type II B fibers. However, the differences between CT and fiber types were not always uniform among the three species. The CT of the rat EDL, in spite of its higher proportion of type II B fibers about 10% was the same as that of the guinea-pig EDL. The SOL of the mouse, composed of about 50% type I (SO) fibers, had a CT about as short as that of the EDL. In the case of the classification by Peter et al., the relationship between the percentage of subgroups of fast-twitch fibers and the CT or 1/2 RT, but not the resistance to fatigue, was not obvious. The resistance to fatigue tended to be enhanced in proportion to the area occupied by FOG in the EDL and by SO (type I) in the SOL. These results suggest that the contractile properties of individual fibers identified histochemically are distinct among animal species, producing interspecies differences in fiber types along with different contractile properties. However, it may be possible to compare the difference between fiber types and CT or 1/2 RT in the classification based on the pH lability of myosin ATPase, and also the difference between fiber types and resistance to fatigue in the classification based on the oxidative enzyme.  相似文献   

Some contractile properties of small bundles (100–200 m diameter) of muscle fibres isolated from the extensor digitorum longus muscle of rats at different times of development were compared. An increase of resting potential was observed in these muscles from-26.9 mV at 1 day of age to-72.6 mV at 3 months. Twitch tension and duration of postnatal muscles 1–7 days were diminished by reducing [Ca]o (substituted by Mg2+) or adding inorganic cations (Ni2+, Cd2+, La3+), unlike in the oldest animals (14 days–3 months postnatal) where twitch responses were unaffected. In the latter, potentiation of the twitch tension was even recorded in the presence of Ni2+ (0.5–1 mmol·l-1) and Cd2+ (0.5–2 mmol·l-1). Properties of activation and inactivation of the developed tension following elevation of [K]o to 15–200 mmol·l-1 were analysed at the same stages of postnatal development. In contrast to the tension-membrane potential curves for activation, which presented an average negative shift of-17.6 mV between 1 day postnatal and 3 months of age, a voltage dependence of inactivation similar to that encountered in adult extensor digitorum longus muscles, was already reached at 7 days of age. These results suggest an asynchronism in the maturation of the potential-dependent characteristics of the depolarization-contraction coupling mechanism. Furthermore, during the first week postnatal, in relation with poorly developed membrane systems and low [Ca]i-recycling capability, [Ca]o plays a fundamental role in maintaining contraction by replenishing the intracellular calcium pool.Abbreviations ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - [Ca]o ([K]o) extracellular calcium (potassium) concentration - DC depolarization-contraction - EC excitation-contraction - e.d.l. muscle extensor digitorum longus muscle - E m membrane potential - E r resting potential - HEPES N-2 hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2 ethanesulphonic acid - I fast fast calcium current - sr sarcoplasmic reticulum - T-tubules transverse tubules  相似文献   

In this study, conducted on mice of the C57BL/6J+/+ strain, we investigated the differential effects of denervation on the isometric contractile properties of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscles. The contractile properties were studied at 1, 28, 84, and 210 days following unilateral section of the sciatic nerve at 12 weeks of age. When isometric tetanus tension was expressed relative to wet weight, the denervated SOL showed an earlier and more pronounced loss in tension generating capacity than the EDL. Both the denervated SOL and EDL showed potentiation of the twitch tension at 28 days postdenervation. The time to peak twitch tension (TTP) and the time to half-relaxation (1/2RT) were prolonged by 28 days postdenervation in both muscles. This trend continued to the oldest age-groups studied in the EDL, but reached an apparent plateau in the SOL at 84 days postdenervation. In response to fatigue, the denervated SOL showed a marked decrease in resistance to fatigue at 1 day but a relatively normal response thereafter, whereas the denervated EDL showed an increase in resistance to fatigue at and beyond the 28-day period. In spite of the fact that the total contraction time of both muscles increased following denervation, the predominantly oxidative SOL remained a slower contracting muscle than the more glycolytic EDL.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the unilateral heterochronous isotransplantation on the fiber type composition and myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform content of unoperated slow soleus and fast extensor digitorum longus muscles of female inbred Lewis strain rats. Comparison was made between "control" unoperated muscles of experimental rats (after intramuscular transplantation surgery) with the corresponding muscles of completely naive (unoperated) rats of three age groups (5-, 8- and 14-month-old). This was done in order to ascertain whether these muscles can be used as reliable controls to the transplanted and host muscles for our ongoing grafting experiments. The fiber type composition was determined by assessing the histochemical reaction for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase, the MyHC isoform content was determined immunocytochemically using monoclonal antibodies specific to different MyHC isoforms and by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our experiments show that the heterochronous intramuscular isotransplantation procedure had no significant effect on the fiber type composition and MyHC isoform content of the "control" unoperated muscles of the experimental rats when compared to the corresponding muscles of the naive animals. Furthermore, the duration and type of isotransplantation did not also lead to differences among corresponding "control" muscles of experimental animals. We conclude that the unoperated muscles of the experimental rats can be used as controls in our current transplantation project dealing with long-term grafting experiments.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how long myogenic cells can survive in the central ischemic zone of early free muscle grafts in the rat. The study was conducted on free grafts of a large (rectus femoris) and a small (extensor digitorum longus) muscle. At times ranging from zero hr to five days post-grafting, the central zones were isolated, minced, and implanted under the back skin of mice. After five days the minces were removed and examined histologically for the presence of rat myotubes, which should form only in minces that contain viable myogenic cells. The results show that myogenic cells survive two to four hr in the ischemic centers of the large rectus femoris grafts; after longer post-grafting intervals, rat myotubes did not arise in central zone minces. In grafts of small muscles, myotubes consistently appeared in central zone minces. Since the formerly ischemic central areas of rectus muscle grafts are ultimately replaced by regenerating muscle fibers, we conclude that these regenerating muscle fibers are derived from precursor cells located outside of the ischemic zone.  相似文献   

Histochemical (M-ATPase) fiber typing was done on extensor digitorum longus, (EDL), soleus (SOL), and diaphragm (DIA) muscles of barrier-reared Fisher 344 rats obtained at four different ages (3, 9, 28, and 30 months) from the colonies of the National Institute of Aging. In the EDL there are no differences in the percent of type I fibers among the four age groups. The percent of type IIa and IIb fibers also showed no difference between the 3 and 30 month age groups. There was no apparent trend for an increase or decrease in the percent of type IIa or IIb fibers between the four age groups. In both the SOL and DIA muscles the percent of type I fibers was greater in the aged than in the young groups. The percent of type IIa fibers was lower in the 30 month group than in the younger groups for both muscles. The percent of type IIb (DIA) and IIc (SOL) fibers did not change between groups. Total fiber number per cross section of muscle showed no change in the EDL over this age range or in the SOL after 9 months of age. These findings bring into question published results that imply that decreasing fiber number and preferential loss of type II (a and b) fibers are typical aging phenomena.  相似文献   

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