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The hormone cholecystokinin is produced by the enteroendocrine I cells in the intestine, and it plays an important role in a number of physiological processes including digestion and food intake. Recent data suggest that cholecystokinin gene expression and protein secretion are regulated by macronutrients. The mechanism involves a change in intracellular levels of cAMP and Ca+2, brought about by the activity of a number of nutrient-responsive G protein-coupled receptors, nutrient transporters, ion channels and intracellular enzymes. How these intracellular responses could lead to gene expression and protein secretion are discussed along with new directions for future investigation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although polycations are among the most efficient nonviral vectors for gene transfer, the gene expression they allow is still too low for in vivo applications. To engineer more potent polycationic vectors, the factors governing the intracellular trafficking of a plasmid complexed with current polycations need to be identified. METHODS AND RESULTS: The trafficking of plasmid DNA complexed to glycosylated polylysines or polyethylenimine (PEI) derivatives was studied by electron microscopy of human airway epithelial cells. The cellular processing of complexes varied with their size and the polycation derivative used: large complexes (> 200 nm) made with all polycationic vectors studied were internalized by macropinocytosis. In contrast, intermediate (100-200 nm) ligand-coupled polylysine and PEI complexes primarily entered through clathrin-coated pits. Complexes were then found in endosomal vesicles, accumulated in lysosomes or vesicles near the nucleus and their nuclear entry was limited. For the population of small complexes (< or = 100 nm) obtained with PEI derivatives, they were internalized through caveolae and pursued a traffic pattern of potocytosis to the endoplasmic reticulum where their fate remains unclear. Finally, some complexes exited the cells either by regurgitation when PEI derivatives were used or through an exosome-like pathway for glycosylated-polylysine complexes. CONCLUSIONS: The different pathways of complex trafficking observed in relation with complex size imply the development and study of vectors forming complexes with definite size. Moreover, the complex exit we describe may contribute to the well-established short-term efficiency of gene transfer based on synthetic vectors. It favors the engineering of vectors allowing repeated treatment.  相似文献   

The important cardiovascular regulator renin contains a strong in vitro enhancer 2.7 kb upstream of its gene. Here we tested the in vivo role of the mouse Ren-1c enhancer. In renin-expressing As4.1 cells stably transfected with Ren-1c promoter with or without enhancer, expression of linked beta-geo reporter, stable expression, and colony formation were dependent on the presence of the enhancer. We then generated mice carrying a targeted deletion of the enhancer (REKO mice) and found marked depletion of renin in renal juxtaglomerular and submandibular ductal cells, as well as hyperplasia of macula densa cells. Plasma creatinine was increased, but electrolytes were normal. Male REKO mice implanted with telemetry devices had 9 +/- 1 mm Hg lower mean arterial pressure (p < 0.001), which was partly normalized by a high NaCl diet. Locomotor activity was lower, and baroreflex sensitivity was normal. Markedly reduced mean arterial pressure variability in the midfrequency band indicated a contribution of reduced sympathetic vasomotor tone to the hypotension. In conclusion, the renin enhancer is critical for renin gene expression and physiological sequelae, including response to alteration in salt intake. The REKO mouse may be useful as a low renin expression model.  相似文献   

Ghrelin是由28个氨基酸组成的一种脑肠肽.除了可以刺激生长激素释放以外,ghrelin具有促进摄食、调节能量代谢等多种中枢及外周的重要功能.本文总结近年关于ghrelin合成与分泌的研究成果,简要介绍ghrelin基因转录、ghrelin蛋白质的加工修饰及其相关调控机制,并从营养物质、激素、自主神经系统、机体生理状态和病理状态等方面,介绍影响ghrelin水平的一些主要因素.  相似文献   

Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRH) was initially isolated, characterized, sequenced, and cloned from human tumors and subsequently from the hypothalamus of humans and other animal species. Extensive structure-function studies have indicated the amino terminus to be most important for its biologic action, and the primary mechanism of its bioinactivation occurs by cleavage of an amino terminal dipeptide. The GRH gene is expressed primarily in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus but also in the placenta. Expression of the GRH gene is regulated by growth hormone in a classical feedback manner, with hypophysectomy leading to increased expression that is reversed by growth hormone treatment. GRH gene overexpression in transgenic mice leads to a syndrome similar to that of ectopic GRH secretion with massive pituitary hyperplasia and markedly enhanced growth. The transgenic mouse has been used for studies of GRH biosynthesis and provides a suitable model for the study of precursor processing to the mature hormone.  相似文献   

Resistin (Rstn) is known as an adipocyte-specific secretory factor that can cause insulin resistance and decrease adipocyte differentiation. Conversely, based on various studies, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) can improve insulin resistance and stimulate adipocyte adipogenesis. Whether IGFs exert their effects through the control of Rstn's production or modulation of Rstn's action is unknown. This study was designed to examine the influence and the signaling of IGF-I on Rstn gene expression and protein secretion by 3T3-L1 adipocytes. We found that IGF-I suppressed Rstn mRNA expression and protein release in dose- and time-dependent manners. The IC50 of IGF-I was approximately 1 nM for a range of 6-10 h of treatment. Treatment with cycloheximide, but not with actinomycin D, prevented IGF-I-suppressed Rstn mRNA expression, suggesting that IGF-I destabilizes Rstn mRNA and that IGF-I's effect requires new protein, but not mRNA, synthesis. Pretreatment with IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) antibody blocked IGF-I-altered IGF-IR activity and Rstn mRNA levels. Neither PD-98059, SB-203580, nor LY-294002 changed the IGF-I-decreased levels of Rstn mRNA, but they inhibited IGF-I-stimulated activities of MEK1, p38 MAPK, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase, respectively. However, SB-203580 antagonized the IGF-I-decreased Rstn protein release. These data demonstrate that IGF-I downregulates Rstn gene expression via IGF-IR-dependent and MEK1-, p38 MAPK-, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase-independent pathways and likely modifies the distribution of Rstn protein between the intracellular and extracellular compartments via a p38 MAPK-dependent pathway. Decreases in Rstn production and secretion induced by IGF-I may be related to the mechanism by which IGF-I modulates body weight and diabetes in animals.  相似文献   

Inactivation of pgsA, which is responsible for biosynthesis of anionic phospholipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG), was shown to affect biosynthesis and secretion of alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) in Escherichia coli. A decrease in PG, but not in total anionic phospholipids, correlated with reduction of PhoA secretion, suggesting the role of PG in this process. A dramatic decrease in PG (from 18 to 3, but not 8, percent of the total phospholipids) inhibited not only secretion, but also synthesis of PhoA. In addition, pgsA inactivation expedited repression of PhoA synthesis by exogenous orthophosphate.  相似文献   

Ethylene suppresses jasmonate-induced gene expression in nicotine biosynthesis   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In Nicotiana sylvestris, a set of nicotine biosynthesis genes were activated by exogenous application of methyl jasmonate, but the activation was effectively suppressed by simultaneous treatment with ethylene. When N. sylvestris transgenic hairy roots were treated with a natural ethylene precursor, the jasmonate-responsive expression of the promoter from a nicotine pathway enzyme gene was completely suppressed, and this suppressive effect was abolished when ethylene perception was blocked with silver cation. These and additional immunoblot results suggest that ethylene signal antagonizes jasmonate signal in nicotine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Reprogrammed genetic decoding signals in mRNAs productively overwrite the normal decoding rules of translation. These "recoding" signals are associated with sites of programmed ribosomal frameshifting, hopping, termination codon suppression, and the incorporation of the unusual amino acids selenocysteine and pyrrolysine. This review summarizes current knowledge of the structure and function of recoding signals in cellular genes, the biological importance of recoding in gene regulation, and ways to identify new recoded genes.  相似文献   

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