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Antisera specific for different regions of porcine VIP have been used in radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemical studies of immunoreactive VIP in rat small and large intestine. Cation exchange chromatography of intestinal extracts separated two major and one minor peak of immunoreactivity. One major peak eluted in a similar position to natural porcine VIP and was read equally by NH2-terminal-specific, and mid- and COOH-terminal-specific antisera. A second major peak, and the minor peak, eluted earlier than porcine VIP, and were read significantly less well with mid- and COOH-terminal antisera compared with NH2-terminal-specific antisera. All forms of VIP occurred mainly in extracts of muscle layers of the gut, and no antiserum revealed more than trace amounts of immunoreactivity in mucosal extracts. In immunohistochemical studies all antisera demonstrated fluorescent nerve fibres in the enteric plexuses, circular smooth muscle and lamina propria; some antisera demonstrated nerve cell bodies predominantly in the submucous plexus. NH2-terminal-specific antisera also demonstrated a sparse population of mucosal endocrine-like cells in the ileum and colon that were not seen with other antisera. It is concluded that VIPergic neurons of the rat gut contain a peptide closely resembling porcine VIP and at least two less basic variants with similar NH2-terminal antigenic determinants. VIP-like peptides may also occur in endocrine cells, but since these peptides appearto fact that the majority of neuronal VIP in rat gut exists in a form that is both chromatographically and immunochemically distinct from porcine VIP, and may well possess different biological properties.  相似文献   

The distribution of substance P in the colon of piebald lethal (s1/s1) mice was studied by radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry. These animals inherit as a Mendelian recessive trait an aganglionic distal colon. In the region proximal to the aganglionic segment, there is an extensive transitional or hypoganglionic zone, in which the total number of nerve cells in the myenteric plexus is reduced, while those in the submucous plexus tend to be normal. Immunohistochemical studies indicate that substance P-immunoreactive neurones accounted for approx. 10% of the total number of normal myenteric neurones, but in the hypoganglionic region they accounted for about 5%, and this difference was statistically significant. By radioimmunoassay, the concentrations of substance P in both the aganglionic and the hypoganglionic regions of the colon were reduced compared with the corresponding segments in normal mice. However calculation of the mean substance P content per neurone revealed similar quantities (about 1 fmol) in both normal and s1/s1 mice. Substance P-immunoreactivity in the tissue extracts eluted in the same position as the synthetic peptide on ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. It is suggested that a sub-population of substance P-immunoreactive neurones in the hypoganglionic zone is selectively depleted compared with other myenteric neurones. The factors involved remain to be elucidated, but this strain of mice could prove useful for studies of the mechanisms involved in differentiation and development of enteric peptidergic neurones.  相似文献   

Digestion of the gastric mucosae of 10 horses with pepsin or Pronase was followed by phenol/ethanol fractionation. Chemical and immunochemical examination of the fractions showed the mucosae to possess various combinations of A, B and H activities. Most were B-active, three had weak A activity, one had strong H activity and the remainder were weakly H-active; one mucosa possessed neither A, B nor H activity. Digestion with pepsin or Pronase of different portions of the same mucosa yielded products equivalent in serological and most chemical properties. Materials digested by Pronase tended to have less peptide nitrogen than those treated with pepsin. Fractions with the strongest serological activities contained significantly higher amounts of carbohydrate and lesser amounts of peptide nitrogen than those with weak A, B or H activity or with no activity. All mucosae, independent of their A, B or H activity, reacted with concanavalin A. The fractions precipitable by 10% ethanol from 90% phenol reacted most strongly.  相似文献   

Activation of yeast enolase by Cd2+ exhibits properties similar to activation by the physiological cofactor Mg2+. The activity is weakly stimulated, then inhibited by increasing ionic strength. The activity increases, then falls with increasing Cd2+ concentration. The effect of pH on activity produced by Cd2+ is very similar to that produced by Mg2+, except that the Cd2+ profile is shifted one pH unit to more alkaline values, and the maximum activity of the Cd2+-enzyme is about 10% of that of the Mg2+-enzyme. The apparent kinetic parameters of Cd2+ activation show little effect of pH except for inhibition by high concentrations of Cd2+: the apparent Ki increases sharply with pH. This is interpreted as the result of Cd2+ being a less effective "catalytic" metal ion, and Cd2+ being more effective in stabilizing the enzyme at alkaline pH's. The similarity of effects of ionic strength, divalent cation, and pH may be due to interaction with the same six sites per mole of enzyme. We also characterized the dependence of what is believed to be the enzyme-catalyzed enolization of a substrate analog, D-tartronate semialdehyde-2-phosphate (TSP) on similar parameters of pH, ionic strength, etc. The putative enolization is dependent on catalytic metal ion, although the TSP binds to the conformational Cd2+-enzyme complex. The reaction is very slow and very pH dependent, increasing with pH with a midpoint of reaction velocity at pH 8.7. There is a strong qualitative correlation between pH dependencies of reaction velocity of substrate conversion and TSP enolization and absorbance of the enzyme-bound TSP enolate, whether with Mg2+ or Cd2+ as cofactor. The slowness of the Cd2+-TSP reaction is not limited by proton release or any reaction involving covalent bonds to hydrogen. The apparent reaction rate constant increases linearly with Cd2+ concentration. Addition of excess ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid reverses the TSP reaction, but again very slowly. The binding of Cd2+ to the catalytic sites is characterized by low association and dissociation rate constants.  相似文献   

The effect of divalent cations on the near ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of yeast enolase showed that calcium, magnesium, and nickel ions produced identical changes. This was interpreted as indicating that the cations bound to the same sites on the enzyme and produced identical changes in tertiary structure. There was no effect of magnesium ion on the far ultraviolet spectrum. Evidently magnesium ion has no effect on the secondary structure. Substrate bound to the enzyme when the above cations were present although calcium permits no enzymatic activity. The CD spectral difference produced by the substrate was nearly the reverse of that produced by the metal ions. Glycolic acid phosphate, a competitive inhibitor lacking carbon-3, produced no effect, indicating carbon-3 was necessary for the CD spectral changes. The CD and visible absorption spectra of nickel and cobalt bound to various sites on the enzyme showed that the binding sites were octahedral or distorted octahedral in coordination and that the ligands appeared to be oxyligands: water molecules, hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. Examination of the effects of substrate and two compounds thought to be "transition state analogues" showed that these perturbed the "conformational" sites of the enzyme. The "catalytic" and "inhibitory" sites did not appear to be very CD active.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) on 110- and 440-ml columns can result in the loss of enzyme activity. Such losses can be reduced or eliminated by focusing on 20-ml columns. Artifacts which arise during the IEF procedure may result from protein-protein interaction or from the interaction of pH with other sources of artifacts. The reasons for greater loss of activity on large columns and the mechanism of artifacts due to pH and protein-protein interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Yeast enolase binds one mole of 113Cd2+ per subunit at a site that consists of all oxyligands in a distorted octahedral environment. This "conformational" metal ion's environment undergoes further distortion on addition of substrate/product or analogs. At pH's below the optimum value the shifted resonance tends to break up into several, suggesting the existence of several slowly exchanging intermediate forms. At acid pH's, on addition of one additional mole/subunit of 113Cd2+, which greatly increases catalysis, "conformational" resonance(s) further broadens, suggesting that the second, "catalytic" metal ion increases the rates of interconversion between "conformational" species. At more alkaline pH's, near the optimum pH, the "conformational" peak is sharpened, which suggests that very fast interconversion is occurring. The position of the "catalytic" metal ion resonance also suggests all oxyligands in a distorted octahedral geometry. The "catalytic" resonance is often broadened to the point where it cannot be seen, suggesting rapid changes in its geometry due to interconversion of substrate and product.  相似文献   

Thermal elution chromatography of nucleic acids on hydroxylapatite was studied from a technical standpoint. It is shown that current methods for selecting elution buffers are inadequate. The construction of window diagrams for the purpose of determining suitable conditions is demonstrated. The resolving ability of various buffer-hydroxylapatite systems was studied in some detail. The best system for resolving single- from double-stranded nucleic acids was found to be the use of potassium phosphate together with Bio-Rad HTP (non-DNA grade) which has been preheated in phosphate buffer. Sodium phosphate gives the best resolution among various species of double-stranded nucleic acid.  相似文献   

At the physiological pH 7.4, the zeta potential of the normal red blood cell in 1.5% glycine buffer was found to be ?52 mv, whereas that of sickling erythrocytes is ?45 mv. Addition of spermidine to normal red blood cells reduced the zeta potential by approximately 20 mv. In sickling red blood cells, where the polyamine content is determined to be 5 to 6 times greater than in the normal erythrocyte, addition of spermidine reduced the zeta potential by only 5 mv, indicating that little more polyamine binding occurs. The polyamine content of whole blood taken from 24 patients having sickle cell anemia was found to be more than ten times that of whole blood from normal donors. Binding of polyamines to the normal red blood cell was analyzed from the surface charge potential variation as a function of polyamine concentration and the apparent binding constant determined to be 130 d1/g. The difference in the electrokinetic properties of normal and sickling red blood cells in this system may be attributed, in part, to a variation in the polyamine content of the two types of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed for obtaining haemoglobin-free, erythrocyte ghosts under ionic conditions approximating that of the cell cytoplasm. Haemolysis was effected by incorporating glycol into cells suspended in the isoionic medium and then diluting with a large volume of glycol-free medium.The ghosts were of uniform spherical shape throughout the preparative procedure and were impermeable to macromolecules.Analysis of polypeptides by sodium dodecyl sulphate-gel elecrophoresis at each stage of preparation and comparison with ghosts prepared under hypo-ionic conditions served to distinguish membrane components from those of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Natural-abundance 13C NMR spectroscopy at 15.04 MHz has been used to examine the effects of pH, calcium, and lanthanide ions on the polypeptide cardiac stimulant Anthopleurin-A in aqueous solution. The carboxyl resonance from the aspartic acid residue not observed in a previous study (R. S. Norton and T. R. Norton, 1979, J. Biol. Chem.254, 10220–10226) has been identified and an apparent pKa of 3.4 obtained. More accurate estimates have been derived for the apparent pKa values of the two histidine residues. Binding of Ca2+ ions has been found by equilibrium dialysis and 13C NMR to be weak (Kd > 0.1 M). The interaction with lanthanide ions is slightly stronger, but binding occurs at the C terminus as well as at a site involving one or both of the aspartate carboxylate groups. These results suggest that possible Anthopleurin-A-induced calcium translocation in the myocardial cell is a secondary effect. The interaction of Anthopleurin-A with lipid monolayers has also been examined. Binding occurs to neutral and zwitterionic lipids, but is stronger with negatively charged lipids, particularly cardiolipin. This interaction is also influenced by the presence of Ca2+ ions. The implications of these results for the mechanism of action of this polypeptide are discussed.  相似文献   

An exo-β-glucan hydrolase, present in the digestive juice of the snail, Helix pomatia, has been purified to homogeneity by chromatography on Bio-Gel P-60, Sephadex G-200, DEAE-cellulose, and DEAE-Sephadex. The enzyme degrades β-(1 → 3)-linked oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, rapidly and to completion, or near completion, yielding glucose as the major product of enzyme action. Mixed linkage (1→3; 1→4)-β-glucans are also extensively degraded and β-(1→6)- and β-(1→4)-linked glucose polymers are slowly degraded by the enzyme. This enzyme differs from other exo-β-glucanases, reported previously, in the broadness of its substrate specificity. The Km values for action on laminarin and lichenin are respectively 1.22 and 2.22 mg/ml; the maximum velocity of action on laminarin is approximately twice that on lichenin. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 82,000 as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Maximum activity is exhibited at pH 4.3 and at temperatures of 50–55 °C.  相似文献   

The chloramine-T, iodine monochloride, and lactoperoxidase radioiodination procedures were evaluated for their ability to label proteins in the presence of large amounts of reactive lipid. Mouse serum very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) (10% protein, 90% lipid) and detergent-disrupted Friend murine leukemia virus (FLV) (60% protein, 33% lipid) were used as model systems. Based on the distribution of label between protein and lipid, as well as the total amount of label incorporated by each procedure, only a modification of the iodine monochloride procedure preferentially labeled proteins to a high specific activity in both VLDL and FLV. The technique, which is described in detail, is technically simple, rapid, and causes no detectable degradation of proteins.  相似文献   

A series of three experiments compared the inhibitory effects of progesterone on estrogen- or androgen-induced sexual behavior in male and female hamsters. In the first experiment chronic progesterone treatment was found to have no effect on male copulatory behavior maintained after castration with testosterone propionate or estradiol benzoate. However, testosterone propionate was more effective at maintaining male behavior than estradiol benzoate. In the second experiment progesterone was found to have a slight inhibitory effect on the rate of the restoration of the intromission response after androgen treatment in males which had been castrated for 8 weeks. In the final experiment, chronic progesterone treatment markedly inhibited sexual receptivity in male and female hamsters which had been given 4 weeks of androgen or estrogen treatment and a single pretest injection of progesterone. Thus, progesterone was shown to be a potent inhibitor of androgen- or estrogen-induced estrus in both male and female hamsters. Due to the large difference in effectiveness on these two behavioral systems, we suggest that progesterone affects steroid-induced male copulatory behavior and female receptivity by different mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

An extensive search resulted in the identification of pamoic acid as an inhibitor of superoxide dismutases. Pamoic acid appeared to rapidly and reversibly inhibit all types of superoxide dismutases and did so in both the cytochrome c reduction and in the dianisidine photooxidation assays, used to measure this activity. It could nevertheless be shown that pamoic acid did not at all inhibit superoxide dismutase but rather diminished the sensitivity of the assays. The mechanism proposed to account for this effect involved oxidation of pamoate, by O2?, to yield a pamoate radical which can then reduce cytochrome c or oxidize pyrogallol. Pamoate thus competes with superoxide dismutase for the available O2?, without affecting the observable effects of that O2? upon cytochrome c or upon pyrogallol. It consequently makes these assays less responsive to superoxide dismutase, while appearing to be without effect in the absence of superoxide dismutase. Several of the predicted consequences of this proposal were affirmed. Other workers, interested in finding inhibitors for superoxide dismutases, are hereby forwarned of this subtle snare.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence-determining information is obtained from nanomole amounts of the underivatized, biologically important peptide substance P by combining fast atom bombardment, collision activated dissociation, and linked field scanning mass spectrometry. Protonated molecular ions of substance P are produced by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, accelerated to high translational energy (8 kV), and transit a collision chamber. Collision activated dissociations occur in the first field-free region. Amino acid sequence-determining ions are collected by scanning the magnetic and electric fields, keeping their ratio constant. In this manner, the precursor-product relationship among ions produced during fragmentation of the protonated molecular ion is firmly established.  相似文献   

Terbium ion (Tb3+), like other rare earth lanthanides, has traditionally been viewed as binding nucleic acids at or near their ionized phosphate groups only. Here evidence is presented from 1H NMR studies that confirms this mode of binding in Tb3+-mono-nucleotide complexes. However, in polynucleotides, we find that Tb3+ coordinately binds at two distinct sites, the phosphate moiety and electron donor groups on purine and pyrimidine bases. This two-site binding is best illustrated by complexes of Tb3+-polyuridylic acid, where the relative sensitivities of the uracil protons H5 and H6 to induced chemical shift and nuclear spin relaxation are the inverse of that seen in Tb3+-uridine monophosphate complexes. These data substantiate recently reported results derived from ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy (D. S. Gross and H. Simpkins, 1981, J. Biol. Chem.256, 9593–9598) that two-site binding is characteristic of the terbium(III)-polynucleotide interaction.  相似文献   

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