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The assimilatory NADPH-nitrate reductase (NADPH:nitrate oxidoreductase, EC from Neurospora crassa is competitively inhibited by 3-aminopyridine adenine dinucleotide (AAD) and 3-aminopyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate (AADP) which are structural analogs of NAD and NADP, respectively. The amino group of the pyridine ring of AAD(P) can react with nitrous acid to yield the diazonium derivative which may covalently bind at the NAD(P) site. As a result of covalent attachment, diazotized AAD(P) causes time-dependent irreversible inactivation of nitrate reductase. However, only the NADPH-dependent activities of the nitrate reductase, i.e. the overall NADPH-nitrate reductase and the NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activities, are inactivated. The reduced methyl viologen- and reduced FAD-nitrate reductase activities which do not utilize NADPH are not inhibited. This inactivation by diazotized AADP is prevented by 1 mM NADP. The inclusion of 1 muM FAD can also prevent inactivation, but the FAD effect differs from the NADP protection in that even after removal of the exogenous FAD by extensive dialysis or Sephadex G-25 filtration chromatography, the enzyme is still protected against inactivation. The FAD-generated protected form of nitrate reductase could again be inactivated if the enzyme was treated with NADPH, dialyzed to remove the NADPH, and then exposed to diazotized AADP. When NADP was substituted for NADPH in this experiment, the enzyme remained in the FAD-protected state. Difference spectra of the inactivated nitrate reductase demonstrated the presence of bound AADP, and titration of the sulfhydryl groups of the inactivated enzyme revealed that a loss of accessible sulfhydryls had occurred. The hypothesis generated by these experiments is that diazotized AADP binds at the NADPH site on nitrate reductase and reacts with a functional sulfhydryl at the site. FAD protects the enzyme against inactivation by modifying the sulfhydryl. Since NADPH reverses this protection, it appears the modifications occurring are oxidation-reduction reactions. On the basis of these results, the physiological electron flow in the nitrate reductase is postulated to be from NADPH via sulfhydryls to FAD and then the remainder of the electron carriers as follows: NADPH leads to -SH leads to FAD leads to cytochrome b-557 leads to Mo leads to NO-3.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa nitrite reductase (Mr = 290,000) catalyzes the NAD(P)H-dependent 6-electron reduction of nitrite to ammonia via flavin and siroheme prosthetic groups. Homogeneous N. crassa nitrite reductase has been prepared employing conventional purification methods followed by affinity chromatography on blue dextran-Sepharose 4B. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of homogeneous nitrite reductase reveals a single subunit band of Mr = 140,000. Isoelectric focusing of dissociated enzyme followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis in the second dimension yields a single subunit spot with an isoelectric point at pH 6.8-6.9. Two-dimensional thin layer chromatography of acid-hydrolyzed nitrite reductase treated with 5-dimethylaminoaphthalene-1-sulfonyl chloride yields a single reactive NH2-terminal corresponding to glycine. An investigation of the prosthetic groups of nitrite reductase reveals little or no flavin associated with the purified protein, although exogenously added FAD is required for activity in vitro. An iron content of 9-10 Fe eq/mol suggests the presence of nonheme iron in addition to the siroheme moieties. Amino acid analysis yields 43 cysteinyl residues and sulfhydryl reagents react with 50 thiol eq/mol of nitrite reductase. The non-cysteinyl sulfur content, determined as 8.1 acid-labile sulfide eq/mol, is presumably associated with nonheme iron to form iron-sulfur centers. We conclude that N. crassa nitrite reductase is a homodimer of large molecular weight subunits housing an electron transfer complex of FAD, iron-sulfur centers, and siroheme to mediate the reduced pyridine nucleotide-dependent reduction of nitrite to ammonia.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are a main providers of high levels of energy, but also a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during normal oxidative metabolism. The involvement of Neurospora crassa alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases in mitochondrial ROS production was evaluated. The growth responses of a series of respiratory mutants to several stress conditions revealed that disrupting alternative dehydrogenases leads to an increased tolerance to the redox cycler paraquat, with a mutant devoid of the external NDE1 and NDE2 enzymes being significantly more resistant. The nde1nde2 mutant mitochondria show a significant decrease in ROS generation in the presence and absence of paraquat, regardless of the respiratory substrate used, and an intrinsic increase in catalase activity. Analysis of ROS production by a complex I mutant (nuo51) indicates that, as in other organisms, paraquat-derived ROS in Neurospora mitochondria occur mainly at the level of complex I. We propose that disruption of the external NAD(P)H dehydrogenases NDE1 and NDE2 leads to a synergistic effect diminishing ROS generation by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. This, in addition to a robust increase in scavenging capacity, provides the mutant strain with an improved ability to withstand paraquat treatment.  相似文献   

The (6-4) photoproduct lesion found in DNA after UV irradiation is repaired by germinating Neurospora crassa conidia. Wild-type Neurospora removes 80% of the (6-4) photoproduct in approximately 20 min and maximal repair is accomplished by 30 min with approximately 89% of the original lesions removed. Mutagen-sensitive Neurospora mutants belonging to the established excision repair epistasis group, UVS-2, are not defective in the removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. Furthermore, we find these mutants capable of removing (6-4) photoproducts from their DNA at a rate similar to wild type. Comparable kinetics are also observed in key members of the other two epistasis groups.  相似文献   

In Neurospora crassa mycelia, the amounts of the main polyamines, putrescine and spermidine, are approximately 0.8 and 18 nmol/mg, dry weight. We wished to know what determines these pool sizes. In the growth medium, externally added polyamines enter cells largely by a nonsaturable, diffusional system. In a mutant unable to polyamines, internal and external spermidine appear to equilibrate across the cell membrane during growth. However, this was true only after an intracellular "sink," with a capacity equal to the amount of spermidine found in wild-type cells, had been saturated. We speculate that internal anionic binding sites, detectable in permeabilized cells, sequester virtually all of the spermidine normally found in exponentially growing N. crassa. Further evidence for this view was that in mature, stationary cultures, excess spermidine is excreted. Putrescine is also excreted if its concentration in the cell is abnormally high. The control of pool size by intracellular binding and excretion may be an advantage in this pathway, because feedback inhibition does not prevail, enzyme regulation is by comparison slow, and excessive polyamines are toxic.  相似文献   

The expression of the NAD+-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD-GDH) gene of Neurospora crassa is subject to catabolite repression. To identify the minimal sequence necessary for promoter function, the 5'-flanking region of the NAD-GDH gene was screened for potential protein-binding sites. Fragments of DNA, containing sequences upstream from the ATG initiation codon, were employed as probes of Southwestern blots of total cellular protein from cells grown in media promoting repression and induction of NAD-GDH. Two polypeptides interacted differentially with a promoter probe; one was present in greater abundance in repressed cells and a higher relative level of the second was witnessed in induced cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays with labeled promoter fragments exhibited preferential interaction with proteins in the induced cultures. The upstream sequence containing the putative protein-binding sites was fused with the coding sequence of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). The resulting plasmid was introduced into the microconidia of an albino mutant of N. crassa by electroporation. Stable integration of the plasmid and_expression of GFP in the hyphae and conidia of the transformants were demonstrated by Southern and Western blot analysis and fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Growth of the walls of hyphae of Neurospora crassa and Geotrichum candidum was studied using longitudinal and serial transverse sectioning methods. Rigidification of the hyphal wall below the extension zone did not appear to involve the gross formation of a secondary wall since the transition from extensible to non-extensible wall was not associated with an increase in thickness. However, behind the extension zone the walls leading hyphae of N. crassa increased in thickness until eventually they attained a thickness which was up to five times that of the tip wall. A hypothesis of hyphal wall growth is proposed.  相似文献   

The inactivating effects of both near ultraviolet (blacklight) and shortwave ultraviolet (UV) have been investigated for two auxotrophic strains of Neurospora crassa. The two strain were indistinguishable with respect to their sensitivity to inactivation by blacklight, but differed in their sensitivity to UV (DEF congruent to 1.3-1.6 at 0.1 survival). The strains each carried an allele of different genes previously demonstrated as being capable of mutation in response to UV. The results confirm the mutability of these alleles, but reveal that within the population densities investigated mutations to nutritional independence by blacklight were undetectable.  相似文献   

Improved methods were developed for the determination of reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione disulfide (GSSG), and protein-glutathione disulfide (PSSG) and applied to determine the glutathione status at various stages of the asexual life cycle for the band strain of Neurospora crassa. The GSH-GSSG ratio in freshly harvested dry conidia was found to be about 150 but decreased to around 6 when dryconidia were aged (stored) for 10 days after harvest. When conidia were germinated, this ratio increased to about 300 during the first 10 min of the 6-h germination process. In mycelia, during log-phase growth, the ratio was about 10-3. Changes in the ratio occurred primarily through changes in the GSSG content, which ranges from about 0.023 (mycelia) to 2(10-day aged conidia) mumol per g (dry weight) of residue, whereas GSH levels varied by a factor of about two. The PSSG content varied from 0.02 (mycelia) to 0.6 (10-day aged conidia) mumol per g (dry weight) of residue and generally paralleled the GSSG content. The results demonstrate the potential importance of thiol-disulfide reactions as a mechanism for the control of physiological properties associated with dormancy, and the observed changes in GSSG level are found to be compatible with the view that GSSG plays a role in the regulation of protein synthesis through control of polysome formation.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa conidia incubating in buffer at low water activities (a(w)) release a germination-essential component as well as 260-nm absorbing and ninhydrin-positive materials, regardless of whether an electrolyte or non-electrolyte is used to reduce a(w). Chloroform and antibiotics known to increase cell-membrane permeability have a similar effect. This suggests that membrane damage occurs in media of low a(w) and that an increase in permeability is responsible for the release of cellular components. The damage caused in media of low a(w) is nonlethal in most cases, and the conidia recover when transferred to nutrient medium.  相似文献   

The effects of the nonionic surfactant nonylphenol on the growth and morphologies of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa and the diploid yeast Candida albicans have been examined. Nonylphenol inhibited respiration and growth of N. crassa, effecting a 10-fold decrease in organism yield at 25 microM. Severe morphological defects were also induced: cell shape was abnormal and apical dominance was lost. Nonylphenol monoethoxylate (the parent compound of nonylphenol) was a less potent growth inhibitor and morphogen. The growth of the yeast form of C. albicans was sensitive to nonylphenol (inducing an order of magnitude decrease in specific growth rate with a 10-fold increase in dose concentration) but not nonylphenol monoethoxylate. Similarly, C. albicans ATP content was reduced and glucose-induced extracellular acidification was inhibited only by nonylphenol. Although estrogens may induce the dimorphic transition of C. albicans, nonylphenol (as an environmental estrogen mimic) failed to trigger germ tube formation under nonpermissive conditions and inhibited it under permissive conditions. The effects of nonylphenol are most readily explained as the result of uncoupling of respiration, which produces multiple physiological effects.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the enzymes of the glycerophosphate pathway in Neurospora has been examined during exponential growth of cells on acetate as the sole carbon source. After the addition of glycerol to the media, increases in the levels of both glycerokinase and a mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase are observed within 1 h and fully induced levels are reached within one and a half mass doublings for glycerokinase and two and a half mass doublings for glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. The increase in glycerokinase activity represents de novo synthesis of enzyme as evidenced by the absence of immunologically related protein in uninduced cell extracts. The synthesis of both glycerokinase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase can be totally inhibited by treatment of cells with 20 μg/ml cycloheximide. During incubation with 4 mg/ml chloramphenicol, there is normal synthesis of glycerokinase but a 30–50% inhibition of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase synthesis. However, under these conditions, in the cytosol fraction there is a significant increase in glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase specific activity, suggesting that precursors are synthesized and accumulated in the cytosol prior to incorporation into mitochondria. Upon removal of chloramphenicol, the rate of appearance of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase into the mitochondria is up to four times greater than observed in untreated controls. It is concluded that both glycerokinase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase are synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes, but that final assembly of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase into mitochondria is dependent on concomitant synthesis of mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of heat stability of urease in extracts of 24 revertants, six for each of four ure loci, revealed that at least one revertant for each locus had a heat stability about one-third that of wild type. Similar results were obtained with urease formed by interallelic complementation at the ure-2 and ure-4 loci, but interallelic complementation at the ure-1 and ure-3 loci produced insufficient urease activity for analysis. The data are interpreted to suggest, as a tentative model, a structural function for each of the four ure loci.  相似文献   

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