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Microtubule flux in spindles of insect spermatocytes, long-used models for studies on chromosome behavior during meiosis, was revealed after iontophoretic microinjection of rhodamine-conjugated (rh)-tubulin and fluorescent speckle microscopy. In time-lapse movies of crane-fly spermtocytes, fluorescent speckles generated when rh-tubulin incorporated at microtubule plus ends moved poleward through each half-spindle and then were lost from microtubule minus ends at the spindle poles. The average poleward velocity of approximately 0.7 microm/min for speckles within kinetochore microtubules at metaphase increased during anaphase to approximately 0.9 microm/min. Segregating half-bivalents had an average poleward velocity of approximately 0.5 microm/min, about half that of speckles within shortening kinetochore fibers. When injected during anaphase, rhtubulin was incorporated at kinetochores, and kinetochore fiber fluorescence spread poleward as anaphase progressed. The results show that tubulin subunits are added to the plus end of kinetochore microtubules and are removed from their minus ends at the poles, all while attached chromosomes move poleward during anaphase A. The results cannot be explained by a Pac-man model, in which 1) kinetochore-based, minus end-directed motors generate poleward forces for anaphase A and 2) kinetochore microtubules shorten at their plus ends. Rather, in these cells, kinetochore fiber shortening during anaphase A occurs exclusively at the minus ends of kinetochore microtubules.  相似文献   

Spermatocytes of the crane-fly, Nephrotoma suturalis, were attached to electron microscope grids and then sheared by applying centrifugal force. Transmission electron microscopy of exposed regions of the cell cortex revealed networks containing arrays of filamentous structures. Networks were present in sheared spermatocytes at all stages of meiosis. The networks of dividing spermatocytes (meta- through telophase) were denser and appeared to contain more aggregated material then networks of prophase cells. The appearance of networks in spermatocytes resembled actin-containing networks of sheared and detergent-extracted human erythrocytes. Networks treated with myosin subfragment 1 under conditions in which muscle F-actin was clearly decorated were not distinguishable from those of untreated cells. Exposure to deoxyribonuclease-1 caused the disruption of networks in sheared spermatocytes as well as in erythrocytes. The results of deoxyribonuclease experiments are interpreted as an indication that actin is a component of the cell cortex in crane-fly spermatocytes.  相似文献   

Anillin is a conserved cytokinetic ring protein implicated in actomyosin cytoskeletal organization and cytoskeletal-membrane linkage. Here we explored anillin localization in the highly asymmetric divisions of the mouse oocyte that lead to the extrusion of two polar bodies. The purposes of polar body extrusion are to reduce the chromosome complement within the egg to haploid, and to retain the majority of the egg cytoplasm for embryonic development. Anillin's proposed roles in cytokinetic ring organization suggest that it plays important roles in achieving this asymmetric division. We report that during meiotic maturation, anillin mRNA is expressed and protein levels steadily rise. In meiosis I, anillin localizes to a cortical cap overlying metaphase I spindles, and a broad ring over anaphase spindles that are perpendicular to the cortex. Anillin is excluded from the cortex of the prospective first polar body, and highly enriched in the cytokinetic ring that severs the polar body from the oocyte. In meiosis II, anillin is enriched in a cortical stripe precisely coincident with and overlying the meiotic spindle midzone. These results suggest a model in which this cortical structure contributes to spindle re-alignment in meiosis II. Thus, localization of anillin as a conserved cytokinetic ring marker illustrates that the geometry of the cytokinetic ring is distinct between the two oogenic meiotic cytokineses in mammals.  相似文献   

Univalent sex chromosomes in crane-fly spermatocytes have kinetochore spindle fibres to each spindle pole (amphitelic orientation) from metaphase throughout anaphase. The univalents segregate in anaphase only after the autosomes approach the poles. As each univalent moves in anaphase, one spindle fibre shortens and the other spindle fibre elongates. To test whether the directionality of force production is fixed at anaphase, that is, whether one spindle fibre can only elongate and the other only shorten, we cut univalents in half with a laser microbeam, to create two chromatids. In both sex-chromosome metaphase and sex-chromosome anaphase, the two chromatids that were formed moved to opposite poles (to the poles to which their fibre was attached) at speeds about the same as autosomes, much faster than the usual speeds of univalent movements. Since the chromatids moved to the pole to which they were attached, independent of the direction to which the univalent as a whole was moving, the spindle fibre that normally elongates in anaphase still is able to shorten and produce force towards the pole when allowed (or caused) to do so.  相似文献   

Proacrosin biosynthesis timing during human spermatogenesis has been studied using the monoclonal antibody 4D4 (mAb 4D4). Frozen and paraffin-embedded sections of testicular biopsies were labelled by standard indirect immunofluorescence and avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase procedures. The labelling specificity was checked by immunochemistry assays on unrelated tissues and by western blotting of testis extracts showing that only the 50-55 x 10(3) Mr proacrosin was recognized by mAb 4D4. Proacrosin was first observed in the Golgi region of midpachytene primary spermatocytes. In late pachytene primary spermatocytes, proacrosin was observed in two regions located at opposite nuclear poles. During the subsequent steps of the first meiotic division, the two bodies containing proacrosin were located: (i) on opposite sides of the equatorial plate during metaphase; (ii) along the microtubular spindle during anaphase; and (iii) close to each chromosomal aggregate during telophase. Two bodies containing proacrosin were still observed in interphasic secondary spermatocytes. The single labelled area observed in early spermatids was found to increase considerably in size during spermiogenesis. Anomalies of proacrosin scattering were observed in patients with Golgi complex partitioning failure. These data reveal proacrosin biosynthesis during diploid and haploid phases of human spermatogenesis and the proacrosin partitioning pattern during meiosis.  相似文献   

The role of cyclin B in meiosis I   总被引:60,自引:15,他引:45       下载免费PDF全文
In clams, fertilization is followed by the prominent synthesis of two cyclins, A and B. During the mitotic cell cycles, the two cyclins are accumulated and then destroyed near the end of each metaphase. Newly synthesized cyclin B is complexed with a small set of other proteins, including a kinase that phosphorylates cyclin B in vitro. While both cyclins can act as general inducers of entry into M phase, the two are clearly distinguished by their amino acid sequences (70% nonidentity) and by their different modes of expression in oocytes and during meiosis. In contrast to cyclin A, which is stored solely as maternal mRNA, oocytes contain a stockpile of cyclin B protein, which is stored in large, rapidly sedimenting aggregates. Fertilization results in the release of cyclin B to a more disperse, soluble form. Since the first meiotic division in clams can proceed even when new protein synthesis is blocked, these results strongly suggest it is the fertilization-triggered unmasking of cyclin B protein that drives cells into meiosis I. We propose that the unmasking of maternal cyclin B protein allows it to interact with cdc2 protein kinase, which is also stored in oocytes, and that the formation of this cyclin B/cdc2 complex generates active M phase-promoting factor.  相似文献   

Separase not only triggers anaphase of meiosis I by proteolytic cleavage of cohesin on chromosome arms, but in vitro vertebrate separase also acts as a direct inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) on liberation from the inhibitory protein, securin. Blocking separase-Cdk1 complex formation by microinjection of anti-separase antibodies prevents polar-body extrusion in vertebrate oocytes. Importantly, proper meiotic maturation is rescued by chemical inhibition of Cdk1 or expression of Cdk1-binding separase fragments lacking cohesin-cleaving activity.  相似文献   

Summary. We used an ultraviolet microbeam to cut individual kinetochore spindle fibres in metaphase crane-fly spermatocytes. We then followed the growth of the “kinetochore stubs”, the remnants of kinetochore fibres that remain attached to kinetochores. Kinetochore stubs elongate with constant velocity by adding tubulin subunits at the kinetochore, and thus elongation is related to tubulin flux in the kinetochore microtubules. Stub elongation was blocked by cytochalasin D and latrunculin A, actin inhibitors, and by butanedione monoxime, a myosin inhibitor. We conclude that actin and myosin are involved in generating elongation and thus in producing tubulin flux in kinetochore microtubules. We suggest that actin and myosin act in concert with a spindle matrix to propel kinetochore fibres poleward, thereby causing stub elongation and generating anaphase chromosome movement in nonirradiated cells. Correspondence: A. Forer, Biology Department, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Salamander spermatocytes were isolated in a modified Eagle's medium in Rose Chambers. The behavior of the spermatocytes during meiosis was recorded on a time lapse, phase contrast film. The two meiotic divisions progressed without visible irregularities in freshly isolated spermatocytes. Times required for the various meiotic events were obtained. Spermatocytes four days in vitro carried out the first meiotic division, but there were many abnormalities and the second meiotic division did not occur. At first meiotic metaphase, whole bivalent oscillations were accompanied by a relatively higher frequency oscillatory movement of the two homologous kinetochore regions. Oscillations of the kinetochore region were independently variable in magnitude and frequency. A system is proposed by which the metaphase bivalent movements are explained in terms of two pulling forces acting with variable intensity and frequency in opposite directions at the two homologous kinetochores. Meiosis in heavily compressed spermatocytes was blocked at the first meiotic metaphase, apparently because of the absence of a bipolar meiotic apparatus. In compressed spermatocytes, the centrosome divided but the two resulting centrosomes failed to reach their definitive polar positions. After about two hours of separation, the two centrosomes reversed their movement and fused to form a single centrosome from which a unipolar half-spindle radiated.This investigation was supported by grant GB-15 from the National Science Foundation and by Public Health Service Research Grant GB 12431-02 from the Division of General Medical Sciences.Deceased June 17, 1964.  相似文献   

The kinetics of spindle and chromosomes during bovine oocyte meiosis from meiosis I to meiosis III is described. The results of this study showed that (1) oocytes began to extrude the first polar body (Pb1) at the early anaphase I stage and the Pb1 totally separated from the mother cell only when oocytes reach the MII stage; (2) the morphology of the spindle changed from barrel-shaped at the metaphase stage to cylinder-shaped at early anaphase, and then to a thin, long triangle-shaped cone at late anaphase and telophase stages; (3) chromosome morphology went from an individual visible stage at metaphase to a less defined chromatin state during anaphase and telophase stages, and then back to visible individual chromosomes at the next metaphase; (4) chromatin that connected with the floor of the cone became the polar bodies and expelled, and almost all of the microtubules (MTs) and microfilaments (MFs) composing the spindles moved towards and contributed to the polar bodies; and (5) the size of the metaphase I (MI) spindle was larger than the metaphase II (MII) and metaphase III (MIII) spindles. The MII spindle, however, is more barrel-shaped than the MI spindle. This study suggests that spindle MTs and MFs during bovine oocyte meiosis are asymmetrically divided into the polar bodies.  相似文献   

Single anaphase chromosomes (in crane-fly spermatocytes) moved backwards after double irradiations with an ultraviolet light (UV) microbeam, first of the interzone and then of a kinetochore: the chromosome irradiated at the kinetochore moved backwards rapidly, across the equator and into the other half-spindle. High irradiation doses at the kinetochore were required to induce backward movement. Single irradiations of kinetochores or interzones were ineffective in inducing backward movements.  相似文献   

We use liquid crystal polarized light imaging to record the life histories of single kinetochore (K-) fibers in living crane-fly spermatocytes, from their origins as nascent K-fibers in early prometaphase to their fully matured form at metaphase, just before anaphase onset. Increased image brightness due to increased retardance reveals where microtubules are added during K-fiber formation. Analysis of experimentally generated bipolar spindles with only one centrosome, as well as of regular, bicentrosomal spindles, reveals that microtubule addition occurs at the kinetochore-proximal ends of K-fibers, and added polymer expands poleward, giving rise to the robust K-fibers of metaphase cells. These results are not compatible with a model for K-fiber formation in which microtubules are added to nascent fibers solely by repetitive “search and capture” of centrosomal microtubule plus ends. Our interpretation is that capture of centrosomal microtubules—when deployed—is limited to early stages in establishment of nascent K-fibers, which then mature through kinetochore-driven outgrowth. When kinetochore capture of centrosomal microtubules is not used, the polar ends of K-fibers grow outward from their kinetochores and usually converge to make a centrosome-free pole.  相似文献   

To investigate whether myosin is involved in crane-fly primary spermatocyte division, we studied the effects of myosin inhibitors on chromosome movement and on cytokinesis. With respect to chromosome movement, the myosin ATPase inhibitor 2,3-butanedione 2-monoxime (BDM) added during autosomal anaphase reversibly perturbed the movements of all autosomes: autosomes stopped, slowed, or moved backwards during treatment. BDM added before anaphase onset altered chromosome movement less than when BDM was added during anaphase: chromosome movements only rarely were stopped. They often were normal initially and then, if altered at all, were slowed. To confirm that the effects of BDM were due to myosin inhibition, we treated cells with ML-7, a drug that inhibits myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), an enzyme necessary to activate myosin. ML-7 affected anaphase movement only when added in early prometaphase: this treatment prevented chromosome attachment to the spindle. We treated cells with H-7 as a control for possible non-myosin effects of ML-7. H-7, which has a lower affinity than ML-7 for MLCK but a higher affinity than ML-7 for other potential targets, had no effect. These data confirm that the BDM effect is on myosin and indicate that the myosin used for chromosome movement is activated near the start of prometaphase. With respect to cytokinesis, BDM did not block furrow initiation but did block subsequent contraction of the contractile ring. When BDM was added after initiation of the furrow, the contractile ring either stalled or relaxed. ML-7 blocked contractile ring contraction when added at all stages after autosomal anaphase onset, including when added during cytokinesis. H-7 had no effect. These results confirm that the effects of BDM are on myosin and indicate that the myosin used for cytokinesis is activated starting from autosomal anaphase and continuing throughout cytokinesis.  相似文献   

In order to identify genes regulating meiosis, a mouse spermatocyte cDNA library was screened for sequences encoding proteins with C2H2-type zinc finger motifs which are typically expressed by the Drosophila Krüppel gene. Three new cDNAs were isolated, and they were designated CTfin33, CTfin51, and CTfin92. Among them, CTfin51 was selected for further study. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed seven zinc finger motifs in its C-terminal region. Northern blot and in situ hybridization showed CTfin51 mRNA expression in spermatocytes after the pachytene stage and in early stage round spermatids of prepuberal and adult males. Immunocytochemical staining with an antiserum against beta-gal-CTfin51 fusion protein was localized within nuclei of spermatocytes and spermatids. Oocyte nuclei after the pachytene stage also were immunoreactive for CTfin51 protein. Immunoblots revealed a band at M(r) 75,000 in protein extracts from the testis and the ovary. These results suggest that the CTfin51 gene encodes a DNA-binding regulatory protein functionally associated with meiosis in both male and female gametogenesis.  相似文献   

In crane-fly spermatocytes and Haemanthus endosperm, all metaphase and anaphase chromosomal spindle fibres were stained with rhodamine-labelled phalloidin. In crane-fly spermatocytes, each kinetochore was stained with rhodamine-labelled phalloidin at diakinesis of prophase and after colcemid caused metaphase spindles to depolymerize. Since phalloidin stains actin filaments, the distributions of rhodamine-labelled phalloidin-stained material in crane-fly spermatocytes and Haemanthus endosperm suggest that actin filaments might interact with microtubules to produce forces that move chromosomes during cell division, either directly or via an intermediate motor molecule.  相似文献   

Inhibition of cytokinesis by cytochalasins without an effect on karyokinesis has been demonstrated in several types of cells. We report here that treating crane-fly spermatocytes with cytochalasins at concentrations (10 M CE, 100 M CD, and 200 CB) in excess of that needed to inhibit cell division induces one or more half-bivalents to lag at anaphase during the first meiotic division. The behavior of the laggards is similar to that of maloriented half-bivalents. Following treatment at these concentrations, probing with rhodamine-phalloidin or bodipy-phallacidin reveals loss of filamentous actin from the poles and its appearance in the spindle, predominantly in regions where centromeres and kinetochores are normally found. When either N350 anti-actin monoclonal antibody or rhodamine DNase I was used to probe for actin in cytochalasin-treated cells, a similar redistribution of actin was observed. CD and CE treatments alter the pattern of fluorescence at centromere/kinetochore regions after staining with scleroderma CREST serum: CREST-positive structures become broader, with spikes extending from them toward the pole; in addition, some strands of CREST fluorescence appear that are apparently extraneous, and not associated with chromosomes. Probes for actin yield staining patterns in centromere/kinetochore regions that match closely the cytochalasin-altered pattern of CREST staining. Our finding of actin in the vicinity of kinetochores under conditions that result in abnormal chromosome behavior raises numerous questions about the possible role(s) of actin in meiosis, particularly in chromosome orientation.Abbreviations CREST calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia by W.C. Earnshaw  相似文献   

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