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The major envelope glycoprotein of bovine leukemia virus was isolated by lectin-bound Sepharose and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. This protein was shown to have a molecular weight of about 41,000 and to lack detectable immunological cross-reactivity with glycoproteins of other oncornaviruses. Sera obtained from 100% of cattle examined with clinically diagnosed lymphosarcoma contained high-titered antibody to 125I-labeled bovine leukemia virus glycoprotein, whereas sera from animals in a disease-free herd were antibody negative.  相似文献   

Bovine leukemia virus (BLV), a transactivating lymphotropic retrovirus, is the etiologic agent of enzootic lymphosarcoma or leukemia in cattle. Sera from BLV-infected animals possess high BLV-neutralizing antibody titres. The availability of the recombinant BLV receptor candidate, BLVRcp1, allowed us to determine a mechanism of virus neutralization by polyclonal sera and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Bovine sera from animals naturally infected with BLV blocked gp51 binding to recombinant BLVRcp1. In contrast, virus-neutralizing MAbs specific for gp51 F, G, and H epitopes did not prevent gp51-receptor attachment. Furthermore, gp51 neutralization epitopes F, G, and H were accessible to antibodies following gp51 attachment to BLVRcp1. This finding implies that virus neutralization by MAbs to defined BLV gp51 epitopes can occur subsequent to virus engagement of the receptor while polyclonal sera can specifically block virus attachment to the receptor. In conclusion, these data suggest that cell infection by BLV is a multistep process requiring receptor binding (inhibited by polyclonal sera) followed by a second, postbinding event(s) at the cell membrane (inhibited by anti-gp51 MAbs).  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody against glycoprotein gp51 of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) envelope antigen was produced by in vitro immunization. This monoclonal antibody reacted with viral antigen was observed at the 69 kilodalton (kDa) glycoprotein. However, this monoclonal antibody was not involved in neutralizing. It was shown that in comparison with in vivo immunization, in vitro immunization has some advantages, namely a short immunization period and a small antigen quantity.  相似文献   

We have previously constructed vaccinia virus (VV) recombinants containing a complete or truncated envelope (env) gene of bovine leukemia virus (BLV). Only recombinants carrying the complete env gene (VV-BLV2 and VV-BLV3) expressed env glycoprotein on the surface of virus-infected cells and produced an antibody response in rabbits. In the present study, these VV recombinants were used to immunize sheep prior to challenge with BLV-infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Both humoral and cell-mediated immunity were monitored in infected animals. Sheep inoculated with recombinants containing the complete env gene showed a CD4 response to a defined epitope of gp51, but this response was absent 4 months postchallenge. Anti-gp51 antibodies appeared in animals inoculated with complete env 2 weeks after challenge, reached a peak at 4 weeks, and subsequently declined over 16 months. No CD4 response was recorded in animals inoculated with recombinants containing truncated env gene (VV-BLV1). BLV-infected control animals and those animals receiving VV-BLV1 were slower to develop antibodies postchallenge, and the titers of anti-gp51 antibodies continued to increase over 16 months. Proviral DNA was detected by the polymerase chain reaction in the four groups at 6 weeks after challenge. However, it could not be detected 4 months postinfection in the VV groups inoculated with complete env. Provirus was present in the VV-BLV1 and control groups over the 16-month trial period. These results demonstrate that vaccination with VV recombinants containing the complete env gene of BLV protects sheep against infection and that protection correlated with a CD4 T-cell response to a defined epitope.  相似文献   

A battery of 19 synthetic peptides was used to characterize efficient neutralizing and helper T-cell epitopes on the bovine leukemia virus (BLV) external envelope glycoprotein gp51. Four of the antipeptide antisera raised in rabbits inhibited the formation of BLV-induced syncytia; these antisera are directed against peptides 64-73, 98-117, and 177-192. Only antisera directed against the 177-192 region also neutralized vesicular stomatitis virus-BLV pseudotypes. This study clearly demonstrates that neutralizing properties can be observed with antibodies raised to regions undescribed so far and included in both the amino-terminal and central parts of the antigen. In addition, some helper T-cell determinants were defined from gp51-immunized mice and from BLV-infected cattle. Although none of the peptides tested behaved as a universal helper T-cell epitope, peptide 98-117 stimulated T-cell proliferation from BALB/c mice and from three infected cows, while peptide 169-188 strongly stimulated T-cell proliferation from one infected cow. Further experiments performed with three peptides overlapping the 169-188 region (177-192, 179-192, 181-192) demonstrated the particular relevance of residue(s) P-177 and/or D-178 in the helper T-cell epitope. These data should assist in the design of an efficient subunit vaccine against BLV infection that contains peptides possessing both B-neutralizing and helper T-cell determinants.  相似文献   

I Callebaut  A Burny  D Portetelle 《FEBS letters》1991,292(1-2):148-150
Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were raised against synthetic peptides of the bovine leukemia virus envelope glycoprotein gp51 and tested against the full size protein by the Western blotting technique. We show that acetylation of gp51 by iodoacetamide either maintains or significantly increases the antigen-antibody reaction and conclude therefrom that the reactive potential of an anti-peptide antibody may require acetylation of the sulfhydryl groups of the blotted protein.  相似文献   

Enzootic bovine leucosis is a chronic lymphoproliferative disease of cattle. The causative agent, bovine leukemia virus (BLV), is related to the human retroviruses HTLV-I and -II. The external env-protein of BLV, a glycoprotein of 51 kDa, carries neutralizing epitopes and should be an essential component in a vaccine against the virus. Problems have been encountered with the concentration and purification of intact virions of BLV and other retroviruses. During centrifugation procedures the external env-proteins are to a great extent detached and consequently poorly recovered with the virion particles. Therefore, other methods are sought to obtain a high yield of the external glycoproteins. The use of two-phase systems based on water soluble polymers is described for the extraction of BLV-gp51 from culture medium. Several polymer systems were tested and the results showed that some were attractive for large scale application. The classical combination dextran-polyethylene glycol gave promising results; a partition coefficient of about 0.02 was obtained for the distribution of the gp51 between the top and combined inter- and bottom phases. In a single extraction step it was possible to obtain 45% of the glycoprotein in a small volume bottom phase and at the same time about 15-fold purified. That should be compared with a recovery of less than 20% with the conventional centrifugation procedures. It is concluded that extraction in phase systems based on water soluble polymers is a methodology well suited for the concentration and purification of BLV-gp51.  相似文献   

To examine the envelope proteins of duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), which are encoded by the pre-S/S open reading frame of the viral genome, an antiserum was raised in rabbits against a fusion protein comprising most of the pre-S coding segment. By using this antiserum, viral particles could be precipitated from serum, and two pre-S proteins with molecular sizes of approximately 35 and 37 kilodaltons were detected in the sera and livers of DHBV-infected ducks after Western blotting and after biosynthetic labeling of a primary duck liver cell culture. In serum, the pre-S proteins were shown to exist predominantly in DHBV-DNA-free particles associated with a 17-kilodalton protein which, by N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis, was shown to represent the viral S protein which is encoded by the 3' proximal segment of the DHBV pre-S/S open reading frame. To compare the immunogenic potential of the S and pre-S proteins, serum particles and gel-purified S protein were used to immunize rabbits. In neither case was a significant immune response against the DHBV S protein observed. However, a good antibody titer against DHBV pre-S was obtained even after immunization with small amounts of the pre-S antigen.  相似文献   

T Kuga  S Hattori  M Yoshida  T Taniguchi 《Gene》1986,44(2-3):337-340
The entire envelope gene of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) was inserted into an expression vector and expressed under the control of the repressible acid phosphatase promoter in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The product in yeast cells was glycosylated into heterodisperse proteins.  相似文献   

cDNA synthesized on the bovine leukemia virus RNA template has been cloned in the pBR322 Pst I site. Colony hybridization with BLV RNA fragments and oligo (dT) has revealed a clone with cDNA insert containing 660 3'-terminal nucleotides of the BLV genome. The nucleotide sequence of the insert corresponding to U3 and R regions of the long terminal repeats (LTR) of viral genome has been determined. BLV U3, like U3 of other retroviruses, presumably contains promoter. The unusually long R region (about 230 bp), a certain homology with ATLV U3-R and some other structural features allow to group BLV LTR together with ATLV LTR in a separate class of retroviral LTR.  相似文献   

The major envelope glycoprotein (gp71) purified from Rauscher leukemia virus (R-MuLV) binds efficiently to murine lymphoid cells but not to either murine nonlymphoid cells or lymphoid cells from other species. Binding of 125I-labeled R-MuLV gp71 was competitively inhibited by unlabeled glycoprotein, as well as by whole R-MuLV, but not by murine xenotropic viruses, R-MuLV p30, and several unrelated proteins. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles of iodinated gp71 after binding to lymphoid cells were similar to prebound profiles. Antibody to R-MuLV gp71 prevented binding, whereas normal serum had no effect. Adsorption of the glycoprotein to murine lymphoid cells occurs rapidly and is time and temperature dependent. The procedure described is sensitive for detecting the binding activity of approximately 10(4) cells. Binding was proportional up to 2.5 X 10(5) cells per ml and plateaued above 10(7) cells per ml. In the presence of excess R-MuLV gp71, BALB/c thymocytes bound approximately 2.4 X 10(4) molecules per cell.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte proliferation responses were investigated in sheep and cattle, in which the replication of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) had been known to be suppressed by inoculation with recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) expressing BLV envelope glycoprotein (gp60). Enhanced lymphocyte proliferation responses were observed in animals inoculated with rVV, regardless of whether they were naive or BLV carriers. These responses were roughly inversely correlated to the growth of BLV in the peripheral blood leukocytes. In contrast, there was no apparent correlation between humoral immune response and BLV growth. Based on these results, it was suggested that rVV rendered its suppressive effect of BLV replication primarily via augmentation of cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the structures of the N-linked oligosaccharides of the human-immunodeficiency-virus (HIV) envelope glycoprotein gp120 (cloned from the HTLV-III B isolate and expressed as a secreted fusion protein after transfection of Chinese-hamster ovary cells), which is known to bind with high affinity to human T4-lymphocytes. Oligosaccharides were released from peptide by hydrazinolysis, fractionated by paper electrophoresis, high-performance lectin-affinity chromatography and Bio-Gel P-4 column chromatography, and their structures determined by sequential exoglycosidase digestions in conjunction with methylation analysis. The glycoprotein was found to be unique in its diversity of oligosaccharide structures. These include high-mannose type and hybrid type, as well as four categories of complex-type chains: mono-, bi-, tri- and tetra-antennary, with or without N-acetyl-lactosamine repeats, and with or without a core-region fucose residue. Among the sialidase-treated oligosaccharides, no less than 29 structures were identified as follows: (formula; see text) where G is galactose, GN is N-acetylglucosamine, M is mannose, F is fucose, and '+/- ' means that residues are present in a proportion of chains. The actual number of oligosaccharide structures is much greater, since before desialylation there was evidence that, among the hybrid and complex-type chains, all but 6% contained sialic acid at the C-3 position of terminal galactose residues, and partially sialylated forms of the bi- and multi-antennary chains were present. Detailed evidence for the proposed oligosaccharide sequences will be published as a supplementary paper [T. Mizuochi, M. W. Spellman, M. Larkin, J. Solomon, L. J. Basa & T. Feizi (1988) Biomed. Chromatogr., in the press].  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus core antigen gene was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the product (yHBcAg) was purified from a crude lysate of the yeast by three steps: sucrose step-gradient ultracentrifugation, hydroxyapatite chromatography and CsCl-isopycnic ultracentrifugation. yHBcAg was synthesized in yeast cells as a particle consisting of polypeptides which have a molecular weight of 21.5 kDa (p21.5). In the CsCl-density gradient, yHBcAg particles synthesized with the expression vector pYG701c (the GAP promoter) had two peaks, at 1.35 g cm−3 (HP; high-density particle) and 1.31 g cm−3 (LP; low-density particle). On the other hand, the particles synthesized with expression vector pAC701 (the PHO5 promoter) had only one peak at 1.32 g cm−3. The isoelectric points of HP and LP were estimated to be 4.05 and 4.07, respectively. Absorption spectrum analysis showed that the HP contains nucleic acids. yHBcAg particles possessed the immunogenicity of HBcAg and its component polypeptide (p21.5) possessed that of HBeAg in addition to HBcAg. Moreover, Western blotting analysis of p21.5 using a monoclonal antibody against yHBcAg or yHBeAg indicated that the hepatitis B virus C-gene-coded protein shares the antigenic sites responsible for both antibodies.  相似文献   



Viral promoters are used in mammalian expression vectors because they generally have strong activity in a wide variety of cells of differing tissues and species.  相似文献   

J DeLarco  G J Todaro 《Cell》1976,8(3):365-371
The 71,000 dalton glycoprotein (gp71) purified from Rauscher murine leukemia virus (R-MuLV) by affinity chromatography specifically binds to murine but not other mammalian cells in culture. Binding is prevented by specific antiserum raides to gp71 (anti-gp71). The binding assay as described in this report can detect receptors on as few as 300 murine cells, and with 1 X 10(5) cells gives significant binding with 30 sec. The results show that the purified glycoprotein retians biologic activity and can form a stable complex with specific receptors on mouse cell membranes. The assay can therefore be used to characterize the nature of the cellular receptors that are essential for leukemia virus infection. Purified gp71 binding to mouse cells is prevented if the cells are actively producing related ecotropic type C viruses, presumably because the receptors are occupied and are not available to bind exogenously applied gp71. The binding of gp71 to murine cells is enhanced by the presence of calcium ions and low pH. Binding studies performed using an excess of 125I-gp71 indicate the NIH/3T3 cells bind approximately 5.3 X 10(5) molecules of 125I-gp71 per cell.  相似文献   

Cardiolipin (CL) synthase activity was characterized in mitochondrial extracts of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and was shown for the first time to utilize CDP-diacylglycerol as a substrate. CL synthase exhibited a pH optimum of 9.0. Maximal activity was obtained in the presence of 20 mM magnesium with a Triton X-100: phospholipid ratio of 1:1. The apparent Km values for phosphatidylglycerol and CDP-diacylglycerol were 1 mM and 36 microM, respectively. CL synthase activity was maximal at 45 degrees C and heat inactivation studies showed that the enzyme retained greater than 75% of its activity at temperatures up to 55 degrees C. To study the regulation of CL synthase, the enzyme was assayed in cells grown under conditions known to affect general phospholipid synthesis. Unlike many phospholipid biosynthetic enzymes including PGP synthase, which catalyzes the initial step in CL biosynthesis, CL synthase was not repressed in cells grown in the presence of the phospholipid precursor inositol. Detailed procedures for the enzymatic synthesis of 32P-labelled substrates are described.  相似文献   

The glycosylated env gene precurosr (Pr80env) of Moloney murine leukemia virus has been isolated by selective immunoprecipitation. Use of the drug tunicamycin to inhibit nascent glycosylation or specific cleavage with endoglycosidase H demonstrated that the precursor contained an apoprotein with a molecular weight of 60,000. The finished virion glycoprotein (gp70) was largely resistant to the action of endoglycosidase H. Chromatography of the glycopeptides of Pr80env in conjunction with endoglycosidase H digestion studies suggested that the precursor contained two distinct major glycosylation sites. Analysis of partial proteolytic cleavage fragments of Pr80env before and after endoglycosidase H treatment placed the two glycosylation sites within a 30,000-dalton region of the apoprotein sequence. Kinetic experiments showed that carbohydrate processing as well as proteolytic cleavage are late steps in the maturation of Pr80env.  相似文献   

The bovine leukemia virus (BLV) envelope gene encoding extracellular glycoprotein gp51 and transmembrane glycoprotein gp30 was cloned into a vehicle expression vector under the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) intermediate early promoter. The intramuscular injection of this plasmid vector generated a cellular immune response. Seven out of ten cows vaccinated with the DNA construct resisted a drastic challenge (500 BLV-infected lymphocytes as an infectious dose).  相似文献   

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