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The living skin equivalent, a three-dimensional organotypic model, has been widely used to investigate many aspects of cutaneous biology. However, there are relatively few studies assessing how faithfully the skin equivalent reproduces normal skin biology. The skin equivalent was fabricated by seeding human epidermal keratinocytes onto the upper surface of a hydrated collagen lattice populated with human dermal fibroblasts and subsequently raised to the air-liquid interface where keratinocyte stratification and differentiation led to the formation of a tissue which showed many common morphological features to that of normal skin. Histology and immunohistochemical detection of keratinocyte integrins and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) were used as cytological markers to assess the accuracy of the model during cutaneous re-epithelialization. Analysis of expression of keratinocyte integrins revealed that whilst there were a number of similarities to normal skin, skin equivalent keratinocytes appeared to be 'activated' and hyper-proliferating. Wounding of the skin equivalent, by complete bisection, induced re-epithelialization from both wound edges within 8-12 h, which completely restored the epidermis within 4 days. This migration, like that in vivo, was associated with nascent expression of MMPs and upregulation of certain integrins. However, whilst integrin expression, was similar to in vivo re-epithelialization, there were subtle differences in the level of expression and distribution of certain integrins.  相似文献   

Summary— Snail muscles were extracted by a solution of EDTA and electron microscopy showed that the extract contained dispersed, depolymerized collagen fibrils and cross-shaped laminin-like structures. The extracts were purified by ultracentrifugation followed by two different procedures which enriched the content of laminin-like structures. The laminin-related molecules displayed unique properties when analyzed by biochemical, immunological and morphological methods. Electrophoretic patterns of the molecular form purified primarily by ion exchange chromatography, resembled EHS-tumor laminin and displayed a cruciform shape when viewed by electron microscopy. Immunohistology, using antiserum obtained against the agarose gel-purified protein, showed that this laminin was primarily located in the extracellular matrix surrounding muscle fibers. Western blots using anti-EHS laminin antibody showed reaction of a 300 kDa subunit of this snail laminin. The protein obtained by another procedure, initially using gel filtration, followed by ion exchange chromatography, also appeared to be a laminin. It had a collapsed cruciform appearance when viewed by electron microscopy. It contained several different subunits, one of which, ca 300 kDa, reacted with anti-EHS-laminin antibody and with anti-snail laminin antibody. In contrast, EHS laminin did not react with the anti-snail laminin antibody. The composite results suggest that at least two different forms of laminin are extractable from snail muscle and that they share molecular properties and immune determinants with mouse tumor laminin.  相似文献   

Laminin carbohydrates are implicated in cell signaling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have examined how laminin carbohydrates participate in cellular responses and have focused upon cell spreading and neurite outgrowth. Our earlier studies showed that unglycosylated laminin fully supported cell adhesion but did not promote subsequent spreading of mouse melanoma cells or neurite outgrowth of rat pheochromocytoma cells (Dean et al. (1990): J Biol Chem 265:12553-12562). In the present experiments, we determined whether those cellular responses could be restored to adherent cells. When a mixture of unglycosylated and glycosylated laminins was used as a substratum for mouse melanoma cells, some cells began to spread when 30% glycosylated laminin was present. At least 65% glycosylated laminin was required to elicit a maximal spreading response by the majority of the cells. In separate experiments, we found that cell spreading was fully restored by a pronase digest of glycosylated laminin; a similar digest of unglycosylated laminin had no effect. These results indicate that laminin carbohydrates, rather than polypeptide sequences, were responsible for cell spreading. We also conclude that substrate attachment of the carbohydrate moieties was not essential. In other experiments, laminins containing immature oligosaccharides were produced using two glycosylation pathway inhibitors, swainsonine or castanospermine. When such laminins were used to study cell spreading or neurite outgrowth, laminin containing immature oligosaccharides was as effective as laminin which contains fully processed oligosaccharides. In contrast, laminin with partially processed oligosaccharides had incomplete activity. These composite reconstitution experiments show that laminin carbohydrates provide essential information to responsive cells, enabling them to progress from an adherent state to a spread form or to extend neurite processes.  相似文献   

Laminin alpha/beta/gamma heterotrimers are the major noncollagenous components of all basement membranes. To date, five alpha, three beta, and three gamma chains have been identified. Laminin alpha 5 is expressed early in lung development and colocalizes with laminin alpha1. While laminin alpha1 expression in the lung is restricted to the embryonic period, laminin alpha 5 expression persists throughout embryogenesis and adulthood. Targeted mutation of the mouse laminin alpha 5 gene Lama5 causes embryonic lethality at E14-E17 associated with exencephaly, syndactyly, placentopathy, and kidney defects, all attributable to abnormal basement membranes. In this investigation, lung development in Lama5(-/-) mice up to E16.5 was examined. We observed normal lung branching morphogenesis and vasculogenesis, but incomplete lobar septation and absence of the visceral pleura basement membrane. Preservation of branching morphogenesis was associated with ectopic deposition of laminin alpha 4 in the airway basement membrane. Perturbation of pleural basement membrane formation and right lung septation correlated with absence of laminin alpha 5, which was found to be the only laminin alpha chain present in the normal visceral pleura basement membrane. Our finding of normal lung branching morphogenesis with abnormal lobar septation demonstrates that these processes are not obligatorily linked.  相似文献   

Laminins, one of the major functional components of basement membranes, are found underlying endothelium, and encasing pericytes and smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall. Depending on the type of blood vessel (capillary, venule, postcapillary venule, vein or artery) and their maturation state, both the endothelial and mural cell phenotype vary, with associated changes in laminin isoform expression. Laminins containing the α4 and α5 chains are the major isoforms found in the vessel wall, with the added contribution of laminin α2 in larger vessels. We here summarize current data on the precise localization of these laminin isoforms and their receptors in the different layers of the vessel wall, and their potential contribution to vascular homeostasis.  相似文献   

A new technique for the isolation and purification of basal lamina from insect tissues using cell dissociation at pH 2 is described. Tissue incubation in these solutions results in the spontaneous detachment of cells from the basal lamina which can be collected free of any significant contamination by cellular components. Short lengths of plasma membrane which remain attached to the basal lamina can be removed by subsequent sonication or detergent treatment. Using Malpighian tubules as the primary test tissue, we have found that the procedure only requires a few minutes, works equally well on pooled tissue samples, individual tissue pieces or tissue subregions and involves no loss of basal lamina from the starting material.  相似文献   

Laminin 332 is an essential component of the dermal-epidermal junction, a highly specialized basement membrane zone that attaches the epidermis to the dermis and thereby provides skin integrity and resistance to external mechanical forces. Mutations in the LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2 genes that encode the three constituent polypeptide chains, α3, β3 and γ2, abrogate or perturb the functions of laminin 332. The phenotypic consequences are diminished dermal-epidermal adhesion and, as clinical symptoms, skin fragility and mechanically induced blistering. The disorder is designated as junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB). This article delineates the signs and symptoms of the different forms of JEB, the mutational spectrum, genotype-phenotype correlations as well as perspectives for future molecular therapies.  相似文献   

Laminins are the major noncollagenous glycoproteins of all basal laminae (BLs). They are α/β/γ heterotrimers assembled from 10 known chains, and they subserve both structural and signaling roles. Previously described mutations in laminin chain genes result in diverse disorders that are manifested postnatally and therefore provide little insight into laminin''s roles in embryonic development. Here, we show that the laminin α5 chain is required during embryogenesis. The α5 chain is present in virtually all BLs of early somite stage embryos and then becomes restricted to specific BLs as development proceeds, including those of the surface ectoderm and placental vasculature. BLs that lose α5 retain or acquire other α chains. Embryos lacking laminin α5 die late in embryogenesis. They exhibit multiple developmental defects, including failure of anterior neural tube closure (exencephaly), failure of digit septation (syndactyly), and dysmorphogenesis of the placental labyrinth. These defects are all attributable to defects in BLs that are α5 positive in controls and that appear ultrastructurally abnormal in its absence. Other laminin α chains accumulate in these BLs, but this compensation is apparently functionally inadequate. Our results identify new roles for laminins and BLs in diverse developmental processes.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of the collagen matrix form to support the formation of a basal lamina by cultured normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) was determined using transmission electron microscopy. The collagen matrix forms tested in this study were a) a dry type I collagen film and b) a type I collagen gel. NHEK were grown for 14 days on the following five different substrates: plain plastic culture dishes without the addition of collagen (PP); plain plastic culture dishes overlaid with a dry, aldehyde-crosslinked type I collagen film (DCF-P); plain plastic culture dishes overlaid with an aldehyde-crosslinked type I collagen gel (GEL-P); Millipore Millicell CM microporous membranes overlaid with a dry, aldehyde-crosslinked type I collagen film (DCF-CM); and Millipore Millicell CM microporous membranes overlaid with an aldehyde-crosslinked type I collagen gel (GEL-CM). NHEK maintained for 2 wk on PP and DCF-P were unable to secrete a basal lamina. NHEK grown for 2 wk on the GEL-P and GEL-CM substrates, however, secreted a contiguous basal lamina at the GEL-NHEK interface. To determine if the appearance of this basal lamina correlated with laminin synthesis, laminin was immunoprecipitated from cellular extracts, as well as media from the apical and basal chambers. NHEK grown on the GEL-P substrate synthesized more laminin than did NHEK grown on the other four alternative substrates. In addition, NHEK grown on GEL-CM were able to direct more laminin to the basal compartment than NHEK grown on DCF-CM substrates. Taken together, the data indicate that the matrix form of collagen can influence basal lamina deposition, laminin synthesis, and laminin trafficking in NHEK.  相似文献   

This was a preliminary investigation to define the conditions of colonization of a human skin equivalent (SE) model with cutaneous microorganisms. SEs of 24 mm diameter were constructed with a dermal matrix of fibrin containing fibroblasts and a stratified epidermis. Microbial colonization of the SEs was carried out in a dry environment, comparable to ' in vivo ' skin, using a blotting technique to remove inoculation fluid. The microbial communities were sampled by scrub washing and viable cells enumerated on selective growth medium. Staphylococcus epidermidis , Propionibacterium acnes and Malassezia furfur (human skin commensals) and Staphylococcus aureus (transient pathogen) were colonized at inoculum densities of 102–106 CFU SE−1 on the surface of replicate SEs. Growth of all species was supported for upto 72–120 h, with recovery densities of between 104–109 CFU SE−1. A novel, real-time growth monitoring method was also developed, using S. aureus containing a lux cassette. Light output increased from 20 to 95 h, and colonization increased from 102 to 108 CFU SE−1, as confirmed by conventional recovery. Thus, the SE model has potential to investigate interactions between resident and transient microbial communities with themselves and their habitat, and for testing treatments to control pathogen colonization of human skin.  相似文献   

Characterization of a new tissue-engineered human skin equivalent with hair   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary We designed a new tissue-engineered skin equivalent in which complete pilosebaceous units were integrated. This model was produced exclusively from human fibroblasts and keratinocytes and did not contain any synthetic material. Fibroblasts were cultured for 35 d with ascorbic acid and formed a thick fibrous sheet in the culture dish. The dermal equivalent was composed of stacked fibroblast sheets and exhibited some ultrastructural organization found in normal connective tissues. Keratinocytes seeded on this tissue formed a stratified and cornified epidermis and expressed typical markers of differentiation (keratin 10, filaggrin, and transglutaminase). After 4 wk of culture, a continuous and ultrastructurally organized basement membrane was observed and associated with the expression of laminin and collagen IV and VII. Complete pilosebaceous units were obtained by thermolysin digestion and inserted in this skin equivalent in order to assess the role of the transfollicular route in percutaneous absorption. The presence of hair follicles abolished the lag-time observed during hydrocortisone diffusion and increased significantly its rate of penetration in comparison to the control (skin equivalent with sham hair insertion). Therefore, this new hairy human skin equivalent model allowed an experimental design in which the only variable was the presence of pilosebaceous units and provided new data confirming the importance of hair follicles in percutaneous absorption.  相似文献   

When tissues are processed for electron microscopy by conventional methods, such as glutaraldehyde fixation followed by rapid dehydration in acetone, basement membranes show two main layers: the electron-lucent lamina lucida (or rara) and the electrondense lamina densa. In an attempt to determine whether this subdivision is real or artefactual, two approaches have been used. Firstly, rat and mouse seminiferous tubules, mouse epididymis and associated tissues, and anterior parts of mouse eyes were subjected to cryofixation by instant freezing followed by freeze substitution in a-80° C solution of osmium tetroxide in dry acetone, which was gradually warmed to room temperature over a 3-day period. The results indicate that, in areas devoid of ice crystals, basement membranes consist of a lamina densa in direct contact with the plasmalemma of the associated cells without an intervening lamina lucida. Secondly, a series of tissues from mice perfused with 3% glutaraldehyde were cryoprotected in 30% glycerol, frozen in Freon 22 and subjected to a 3-day freeze substitution in osmium tetroxide-acetone as above. Under these conditions, no lamina lucida accompanies the lamina densa in the basement membranes of the majority of tissues, including kidney, thyroid gland, smooth and skeletal muscle, ciliary body, seminiferous tubules, epididymis and capillary endothelium. Thus, even though these tissues have been fixed in glutaraldehyde, no lamina lucida appears when they are slowly dehydrated by freeze substitution. It is concluded that the occurrence of this lamina in conventionally processed tissues is not due to fixation but to the rapid dehydration. However, in this series of experiments, the basement membranes of trachea and plantar epidermis include a lamina lucida along their entire length, while those of esophagus and vas deferens may or may not include a lamina lucida. To find out if the lamina lucida appearing under these conditions is a real structure or an artefact, the trachea and epidermis were fixed in paraformaldehyde and slowly dehydrated by freeze substitution. Under these conditions, no lamina lucida was found. Since this result is the same as observed in other tissues by the previous approaches, it is proposed that the lamina lucida is an artefact in these as in the other investigated basement membranes. Thus, basement membranes are simply composed of a lamina densa that closely follows the plasmalemma of the associated cells. At high magnification, the lamina densa consists of a tridimensional network of cords, while the plasmalemma is covered by a glycocalyx; close contact is observed between cords and glycocalyx and is interpreted by assuming that the laminin present in the cords binds to laminin receptors in the glycocalyx.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the nuclear lamina (NL) in sperm cells ofGinkgo biloba was visualised using high resolution low-voltage scanning electron microscopy (LVSEM). It was shown that the nuclear lamina was composed of 10 nm filaments which formed a fine network. Lamins were purified from cultured carrot suspension cells and assembledin vitro. Long 8–12 nm diameter filaments were seen and sometimes subfilaments could be distinguished. Western blot of filament preparations showed that these contained the 66 and 84 ku lamins. These data demonstrate that plant lamins are capable of assembling into filamentsin vitro. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 3500073).  相似文献   

Experimental prevention of basal lamina (BL) thickening of retinal capillaries ameliorates early vascular changes caused by diabetes. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is upregulated early in diabetes in the human retina and is a potent inducer of expression of BL components. We hypothesize that CTGF is causally involved in diabetes-induced BL thickening of retinal capillaries. To test this hypothesis, we compared the effects of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes on retinal capillary BL thickness between wild-type mice (CTGF+/+) and mice lacking one functional CTGF allele (CTGF+/-). Differences in BL thickness were calculated by quantitative analysis of electron microscopic images of transversally sectioned capillaries in and around the inner nuclear layer of the retina. We show that BL thickening was significant in diabetic CTGF+/+ mice compared with control CTGF+/+ mice, whereas diabetes did not significantly induce BL thickening in CTGF+/- mice. We conclude that CTGF expression is necessary for diabetes-induced BL thickening and suggest that reduction of CTGF levels may be protective against the development of diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

The epidermal basement membrane (BM) plays important roles in adhesion between epidermis and dermis and in controlling epidermal differentiation. In a skin-equivalent (SE), components of the epidermal BM such as laminin 5 and type IV and VII collagens were detected in conditioned media and in basal keratinocytes. Despite production of these BM components, however, BM was rarely observed at the dermal-epidermal junction. One possible explanation for the absence of BM in SEs is that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade newly synthesized extracellular matrices. In fact, several MMPs, such as MMPs-1, 2, 3, and 9, were observed to be present in conditioned media and some of them were in active forms. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-2 was not detected, although TIMP-1 was present. BM degradation activity presumably exceeds BM formation activity in the SE, resulting in the absence of lamina densa at the dermal-epidermal junction. Synthetic MMP inhibitors CGS27023A and MMP inhibitor I, which inhibit MMPs 1, 2, 3, and 9, markedly augmented deposition of laminin 5 and type IV and VII collagens at the dermal-epidermal junction, resulting in formation of continuous epidermal BM. These results suggest that the balance between synthesis and degradation of BM components is important for BM formation.  相似文献   

Thenuclearlamina(NL)inanimalcellsisameshworkstructurecomposedofintermediatefilamentproteins,termedlamins.Itunderliestheinnernuclearmembraneandconfersmechanicalstabilitytothenuclearenvelope[1].Inaddition,anumberofputativeroleshavebeensuggestedforlaminsbot…  相似文献   

Quantum dots (QDs) are rapidly emerging as an important class of nanoparticles (NPs) with potential applications in medicine. However, little is known about penetration of QDs through human skin. This study investigated skin penetration of QDs in both in vivo and in vitro human skin. Using the tape stripping method, this study demonstrates for the first time that QDs can actually penetrate through the stratum corneum (SC) of human skin. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and energy diverse X-ray (EDX) analysis showed accumulation of QDs in the SC of a human skin equivalent model (HSEM) after dermal exposure to QDs. These findings suggest possible transdermal absorption of QDs after dermal exposure over a relatively long period of time.  相似文献   

To study the biology of basal laminae in the developing nervous system the protein composition of the embryonic retinal basal lamina was investigated, the site of synthesis of its proteins in the eye was determined, and basal lamina assembly was studied in vivo in two assay systems. Laminin, nidogen, agrin, collagen IV, and XVIII are major constituents of the retinal basal lamina. However, only agrin is synthesized by the retina, whereas the other matrix constituents originate from cells of the ciliary body, the lens, or the optic disc. The synthesis from extraretinal tissues infers that the retinal basal lamina proteins must be shed from their tissues of origin into the vitreous body and from there bind to receptor proteins provided by the retinal neuroepithelium. The fact that all proteins typical for the retinal basal lamina are abundant in the vitreous body and a new basal lamina is only formed when the vitreous body was directly adjacent to the retina is consistent with the contention of the vitreous body having a function in retinal basal lamina formation. Basal lamina assembly was also studied after disrupting the retinal basal lamina by intraocular injection of collagenase. The basal lamina regenerated after chasing the collagenase with Matrigel, which served as a collagenase inhibitor. The basal lamina was reconstituted within 6 h. However, the regenerated basal lamina was located deeper in the retina than normal by reconstituting along the retracted neuroepithelial endfeet demonstrating that these endfeet are the preferred site of basal lamina assembly.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin sheets of self-assembled extracellular matrices that are essential for embryonic development and for the homeostasis of adult tissues. They play a role in structuring, protecting, polarizing, and compartmentalizing cells, as well as in supplying them with growth factors. All basement membranes are built from laminin and collagen IV networks stabilized by nidogen/perlecan bridges. The precise composition of basement membranes, however, varies between different tissues. Even though basement membranes represent physical barriers that delimit different tissues, they are breached in many physiological or pathological processes, including development, the immune response, and tumor invasion. Here, we provide a brief overview of the molecular composition of basement membranes and the process of their assembly. We will then illustrate the heterogeneity of basement membranes using two examples, the epithelial basement membrane in the gut and the vascular basement membrane. Finally, we examine the different strategies cells use to breach the basement membrane.  相似文献   

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