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叶类蔬菜的硝态氮累积及成因研究   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
王朝辉  田霄鸿  李生秀 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1136-1141
在菜园土壤上进行的田间试验,用禾谷类作物冬小麦作比较,研究了菠菜、小白菜、大青菜和油菜等叶类蔬菜累积硝态氮的特点,结果表明:硝态氮累积是一般早作作物的共性,苗期更为明显,无论蔬菜还是冬小麦均有较高的硝态氮含量(367.8-1413.4μg/g);但随生育期后延,蔬菜的硝态氮含量波动升高,冬小麦波动降低,盆栽试验表明,施入土壤的氮肥是蔬菜硝态氮累积的主要来源,过量施用氮肥所导致的蔬菜硝态氮吸收与还原转化不平衡是产生累积的根本原因,吸收与生长不协调更使累积过程加剧。  相似文献   

氮肥施用与蔬菜硝酸盐积累的相关研究   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
蔬菜是一种容易富集硝酸盐的作物,人体摄入的硝酸盐有81.2%来自蔬菜,而 酸盐是强致癌物---亚硝胺的前体物。硝酸盐在一定条件下可墨迹为亚硝酸盐,对人体前直接破坏血红蛋白中的Fe^2+等危害。为获高产,不合理地超量施用化学氮肥,使得蔬菜硝酸盐积累量剧增,品质退化。研究表明:筛选出氯化铵、硫酸铵两种氮肥品种,氮素施用剂量以300kg/hm^2为临界值;氮肥施用安全始期以施氮后8d为宜;化学氮肥与有机  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥施用对蔬菜中硝酸盐积累的数学模型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
氮磷钾肥施用对蔬菜中硝酸盐积累的数学模型段咏新付庭治(徐州师范学院生物系,221009)(南京大学生物系,210008)MathematicalModelonNitrateAccumulationinVegetableafterApplyingN,PandKFertilizers¥DuanYongxin(DepartmentofBiology,XuzhouTeacher'sCollege,221009),FuTingzhi(DepartmentofBiology,NanjingUniversity,210008).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(6):34-36.InThispaper,aregressionwodelonnitrateaccumulationinspirachisestablised,whichcanpredicttheaccumulationamountofnitrateunderdifferentapplicationratesofN,PandKfertilizers。Usingthismodel,thenitratecontentinspirachca  相似文献   

蔬菜温室土壤某些化学性质的演变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1引言温室蔬菜生产具有许多露地栽培无可比拟的优点,如通过人工调节水、肥、气、热条件,充分利用光能进行高效生产,使土地生产力和光能利用率成倍提高.然而,由于温室土壤常处于半封闭状态下,气温高,湿度大,水分蒸发量大,缺少雨水淋洗,化肥及有机肥投入量大,土壤利用频度高,与露地土壤环境条件存在明显差别[2,9,10,16].蔬菜栽培几年后,温室土壤的基本性状会发生明显变化,从而导致土壤化学性质发生明显变化,并进一步影响蔬菜的生长发育及产量、品质等[2~5,7,13].本文对辽宁省新民市大民屯蔬菜基地不同使用年限蔬菜温室的不同深度土壤化学性质…  相似文献   

玉米幼苗地下部/根间氮的循环及其基因型差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以两个玉米(Zea mays L.)自交系原引1号(YY1)和综31(Z31)为研究材料,采用盆裁土培的培养方法,在正常供氮(HN,K0.15gN/kg干土)和低氮量供应(ON,0.038gN/kg干土)培养条件下对玉米幼苗植株体内氮的循环量及其他在地上部/根间的分配量进行了定量地测定、计算。结果表明,在玉米幼苗地上部/根间氮的循环量很高。低氮量供应使玉米幼苗植株吸氮量下降,根中氮的分配比例增加,同时地上部/根间氮的循环量也随之减少。与氮低效自交系Z31相比,氮高效自交系YY1幼苗中地上部/根间的氮循环量大、氮向根的分配量高,因而有利于其根系的生长,表现为根/地上部之比和部根长较高。这可能有利于其中后期对氮素的高效吸收与利用。  相似文献   

经甘氨酸溶液浸叶处理的黄瓜幼苗光下对NO_3~-的吸收和还原明显受到促进,地上部氨态氮积累增加,硝态氮减少,而根部硝态氮和氨态氮均增加。  相似文献   

绿洲农田氮素积累与淋溶研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨荣  苏永中  王雪峰 《生态学报》2012,32(4):1308-1317
作物对氮素的吸收利用及氮素在土壤中的积累和运移,制约着绿洲农田生产力并对农田环境造成影响,是绿洲农田生态系统可持续发展和绿洲稳定性研究的一个重要方面。针对农田氮素积累和淋溶这一绿洲资源消耗量增加、耕作方式粗放结果下的环境问题,对其特征及引发的环境效应进行了详细阐述,并从不同的角度综述了缓减绿洲氮素淋失及环境污染的对策。指出在未来还需加强绿洲地下水氮污染调查及农田氮素积累和淋溶现状的区域评价,并针对一些在绿洲大面积推广的农田管理技术开展其对农田氮素积累和淋溶影响的研究,并强调人文因素在绿洲农田氮素积累与淋溶调控中的重要性。  相似文献   

土壤类型与作物基因型对花生籽实镉积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以花生主产区的棕壤和潮土为供试土壤,以种植面积最大的白沙1016、花育22和湛油27基因型花生(Arachis hypogaea)为供试作物,采用不添加Cd(对照)和添加Cd(1.5 mg· kg-1)处理进行盆栽试验,研究土壤类型和作物基因型对花生籽实Cd积累的影响.结果表明:两种土壤对照处理的3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量均低于国家食品安全标准,而Cd处理下均高于食品安全标准.同种土壤Cd处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量显著高于对照,不同基因型间表现为湛油27>白沙1016>花育22,棕壤花生籽实Cd含量及总量均高于潮土.对照处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd生物富集系数均大于1.0,Cd处理下多小于1.0,表明花生籽实对土壤中Cd的累积能力较强,土壤Cd含量进一步增加时,其生物富集能力降低.  相似文献   

甘肃陇东旱塬不同树龄苹果园矿质氮的分布和积累特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对甘肃陇东地区不同树龄苹果园土壤矿质氮的分布和积累特征进行了研究.结果表明:土壤铵态氮含量随着苹果树龄的增大呈上升趋势,2~3年生、5年生、10年生、15年生、20年生、22年生果园0~120 cm土层铵态氮含量分别为3.3、5.8、6.5、9.1、12.1和15.3 mg·kg-1;不同树龄果园0~60 cm土层铵态氮含量大于60~120 cm土层.不同树龄果园硝态氮含量在0~40 cm土层相对较低,随土层深度增加,其含量迅速增加;随着种植年限增加,不同苹果园硝态氮累积量也呈显著增加趋势,22年生果园0~120 cm土层硝态氮累积量达到2602.5 kg·hm-2.旱塬苹果园表现为土壤铵态氮呈浅层积累、而硝态氮呈深层积累的特征.  相似文献   

以花生主产区的棕壤和潮土为供试土壤,以种植面积最大的白沙1016、花育22和湛油27基因型花生(Arachis hypogaea)为供试作物,采用不添加Cd(对照)和添加Cd(1.5 mg·kg-1)处理进行盆栽试验,研究土壤类型和作物基因型对花生籽实Cd积累的影响.结果表明:两种土壤对照处理的3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量均低于国家食品安全标准,而Cd处理下均高于食品安全标准. 同种土壤Cd处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量显著高于对照,不同基因型间表现为湛油27>白沙1016>花育22,棕壤花生籽实Cd含量及总量均高于潮土. 对照处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd生物富集系数均大于1.0,Cd处理下多小于1.0,表明花生籽实对土壤中Cd的累积能力较强,土壤Cd含量进一步增加时,其生物富集能力降低.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to establish a methodology to determine drainage and nitrate leaching in unevenly irrigated vegetable crops. It was conducted in a tomato crop (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) with drip irrigation in the summer of 2000 in the Ebro Valley, Spain. Two soil management techniques and two irrigation treatments were evaluated bare soil (S1) and soil mulched with black plastic (S2), with irrigation calculated according to the Crop Evapotranspiration (ETc) for bare soil (R1) and for mulched soil (R2). Volumetric soil water content (θv) was measured weekly to 1 m depth in six positions transverse to the drip line. Drainage was calculated by applying the water balance equation to the data from: (i) all six positions (method 1) and (ii) to the positions located under the plants and between the rows, respectively (method 2). Soil solution was extracted at 1 m depth with porous ceramic cups and analysed for nitrate. Nitrate leached to 1 m depth was calculated as the product of volume of drainage accumulated weekly and the nitrate concentration of the soil solution. Drainage and nitrate leaching were evaluated for two different crop periods crop establishment and crop growth. Method 2 produced results that were not significantly different from those from method 1. However, method 1 was more accurate and identified more differences between treatments. The greater drainage occurred during the crop establishment period, which also favoured the leaching of nitrates previously stored in the soil profile and later applied as fertilizer before planting. During establishment the crop was unable to use all available nitrate and the quality of groundwater deteriorated. The results suggest that further studies are required to adjust crop coefficients (Kc) to the actual needs of tomato crops grown with drip irrigation under bare soil and plastic mulching conditions.  相似文献   

Trivalent chromium (Cr3+) is essential for animal and human health, whereas hexavalent Cr (CrO4 2−) is a potent carcinogen and extremely toxic to animals and humans. Thus, the accumulated Cr in food plants may represent potential health hazards to animals and humans if the element is accumulated in the hexavalent form or in high concentrations. This study was conducted to determine the extent to which various vegetable crops absorb and accumulate Cr3+ and CrO4 2− into roots and shoots and to ascertain the different chemical forms of Cr in these tissues. Two greenhouse hydroponic experiments were performed using a recirculating-nutrient culture technique that allowed all plants to be equally supplied with Cr at all times. In the first experiment, 1 mg L−1 Cr was supplied to 11 vegetable plant species as Cr3+ or CrO4 2−, and the accumulation of Cr in roots and shoots was compared. The crops tested included cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.), celery (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Mill.) Pers.), chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.), collard (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC.), garden pea (Pisum sativum L.), kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), onion (Allium cepa L.), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), and strawberry (Fragaria ×  ananassaDuch.). In the second experiment, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) analysis on Cr in plant tissues was performed in roots and shoots of various vegetable plants treated with CrO4 2− at either 2 mg Cr L−1 for 7 d or 10 mg Cr L−1 for 2, 4 or 7 d. The crops used in this experiment included beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. crassa (Alef.) J. Helm), broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica Plenck), cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L. gp. Cantalupensis), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), lettuce, radish (Raphanus sativus L.), spinach, tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten), and turnip (Brassica rapa L. var. rapifera Bailey). The XAS speciation analysis indicates that CrO4 2− is converted in the root to Cr3+ by all plants tested. Translocation of both Cr forms from roots to shoots was extremely limited and accumulation of Cr by roots was 100-fold higher than that by shoots, regardless of the Cr species supplied. Highest Cr concentrations were detected in members of the Brassicaceae family such as cauliflower, kale, and cabbage. Based on our observations and previous findings by other researchers, a hypothesis for the differential accumulation and identical translocation patterns of the two Cr ions is proposed. Received: 27 February 1998 / Accepted: 2 April 1998  相似文献   

Moderate levels of N were toxic to the native Australian plant boronia (Boronia megastigma Nees). As NO-3 is the major N form available for plants under cultivated conditions, NO-3 reduction and accumulation patterns in boronia were examined following the supply of various levels of NO-3 to understand the physiological basis of this toxicity. At a low level of supplied NO-3 [15 mmol (plant)-1], NO-3 was reduced without any detectable accumulation and without nitrate reductase activity (NRA) reaching its maximum capacity. When higher NO-3 levels [≥25 mmol (plant)-1] were supplied, both NRA and NO-3 accumulation increased further. However, NRA increased to a maximum of ca 500 nmol NO-3 (g fresh weight)-1 h-1, both in the roots and leaves, irrespective of a 4-fold difference in the levels of supplied NO-3, whereas NO-3 continued to accumulate in proportion to the level of supplied NO-3. Chlorotic toxicity symptoms appeared on the leaves at an accumulation of ca 32 μmol NO-3 (g fresh weight)-1. High endogenous NO-3 concentrations inhibited NRA. The low level of NRA in boronia was not limited by NO-3 or electron donor availability. It is concluded that the low NR enzyme activity is a genetic adaptation to the low NO-3 availability in the native soils of boronia. Thus, when NO-3 supply is high, the plat cannot reduce it at high rates, leading to large and toxic accumulations of the ion in the leaf tissues.  相似文献   

Catharanthus roseus cell suspension cultures may accumulate large quantities of malate in the vacuolar space. Upon transfer into a fresh medium malate moves out of the vacuole. This compound is then oxidized and its assimilatory products (CO2 + HCO3?) are excreted into the medium. The malate concentration decreases concurrently with an intracellular accumulation of nitrate. The opposite time course changes in malate and nitrate concentrations can be slowed down by treatment with synthetic auxins and fusicoccin which increase the HCO3? concentration in the cytoplasm. A line of evidence is presented which shows that malate consumption is causally related with the uptake of nitrate. The involvement of a HCO3?/NO3? antiport is proposed.  相似文献   

农田土壤硝酸盐积累与淋失研究进展   总被引:88,自引:7,他引:88  
农田土壤硝酸盐淋失是导致地下水硝酸盐污染的主要原因。影响农田土壤中硝酸盐积累的淋失的因素很多。主要有施肥、降水、灌溉、土壤性质以及耕种制度等,过量施用氮肥,不论是单独施用无机肥、有机肥还是有机、无机混施都能造成硝酸盐在土体中大量积累;耕作和种植制度均能影响硝酸盐在土体中的积累和迁移;降水和灌溉带来的下渗水流是累积在土壤中的硝酸盐向下迁移直至淋失的必要条件,也是运载工具,而土壤中的大孔隙则是下渗水流的主要通道,农田土壤硝酸盐的积累与淋失是多种因素综合作用的结果,模型是研究和预测硝酸盐淋失的理想工具,近年来发展很快,并且得到了很好的应用。  相似文献   

The short term effect of NO3 (12 mM) on nitrate reductase (NR. EC activity has been studied in the roots, nodules and leaves of different genotypes of Vicia faba L. at the end of vegetative growth. Root and leaf NR activity responded positively to NO3 while nodule activity, where detected, proved to he strongly inhibited. The withdraw of this NO3 from the solution consistently reduced activity in the roots and leaves but surprising, promoted a significant increase in nodule activity, which matched or surpassed that of control plants On the other hand, nodules developed in the presence of 8 mM NO3 expressed an on average 141% higher level of NR activity than did controls. This effect was observed even in nodules with negligible control activity. In any case, a naturally occurring mutant (VF17) lacking root and nodule NR activity is described. The results indicate that in V. faba. the effects of NO3 and plant genotype on NR activity depended on plant organ and time of NO3 application, hut the distribution of NO3 reduction through the plain was mainly dependent on plant genotype, and to a lesser extent on NO: supply and plant age.  相似文献   

蔬菜地大量施用氮肥可以引起土壤硝态氮积累,导致土壤退化,快速消除土壤积累的硝态氮,可以提高蔬菜地土壤质量,延长其使用时间.在硝态氮(360 mg N·kg-1)积累的蔬菜地土壤中,分别加入0、2500、5000和7500 kg C·hm-2黑麦草(记为CK、C2500、C5000和C7500),淹水条件下,30 ℃恒温室内培养240 h,研究土壤硝态氮含量及氮素气体排放量变化.结果表明:培养结束时,CK处理中土壤硝态氮含量高达310 mg N·kg-1,添加黑麦草能有效地消除土壤中积累的硝态氮,C2500、C5000和C7500处理中土壤硝态氮含量降低至10 mg N·kg-1以下需要的时间分别为240、48和24 h.添加黑麦草显著提高了土壤pH,降低了土壤电导率,其变化幅度随黑麦草添加量的增加而增大.添加黑麦草处理的土壤N2O和N2累积排放量为270~378 mg N·kg-1,N2O/N2为0.6~1.5.淹水条件下添加黑麦草可快速消除蔬菜地土壤积累的硝态氮,但应充分重视N2O在这一过程中的大量排放.  相似文献   

王煌平  张青  翁伯琦  张潘丹  罗涛 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4608-4615
采用田间试验研究了双氰胺(dicyandiamide,缩写DCD)单次配施和连续配施的土壤氮素形态和蔬菜硝酸盐累积变化。结果表明,与单施化肥相比,DCD单次配施的长期叶菜甘蓝生长过程中土壤铵态氮含量增幅为21.3%—339.4%,土壤硝态氮和菜体硝酸盐含量降幅分别为5.4%—80.2%和4.4%—58.3%;短期叶菜空心菜收获时土壤铵态氮含量增加了299.4%,土壤硝态氮和菜体硝酸盐含量分别降低了26.2%和31.7%。DCD连续配施的"甘蓝-菠菜-空心菜-萝卜-大白菜"种植体系中,土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和菜体硝酸盐含量均呈累积的趋势,配施DCD的土壤铵态氮含量从略高于化肥处理(44.0%)发展到极显著高于化肥处理(392.5%,P<0.01),土壤硝态氮含量从极显著低于化肥处理(-68.2%,P<0.01)发展到显著高于化肥处理(146.6%,P<0.05),菜体硝酸盐含量从显著低于化肥处理(-30.2%,P<0.05)发展到极显著高于化肥处理(40.4%,P<0.01)。由此可见,DCD单次配施可显著降低菜体硝酸盐含量,而连续配施DCD的土壤能维持一定量的铵态氮水平,这些盈余的铵态氮会进一步转化为硝态氮残留在土壤中,并可能产生蔬菜硝酸盐累积的风险。  相似文献   

Abstract The ‘tidal salt marsh’ ecotype of the halophyte Aster tripolium L. was grown in a nutrient solution with either a continuous or an intermittent NO3? supply with either Cl? or SO42? as the alternative anion. With increasing periods of NO3? supply per week the rate of the dry weight increment increased. When NO3? was supplied for longer than 48 h per week, the dry weight and the organic-N content in the shoots hardly increased, whereas the NO3? content in shoots and roots increased further. With alternated supply of a nutrient solution containing NO3? with one containing Cl?, the internal NO3? content in the shoot was lower than in shoots grown in solutions in which NO3? alternated with SO42?. It is concluded, that NO3? does not have a specific function in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

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