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Epithelial cell kinetic parameters were compared in intestines of control and Trichostrongylus colubriformis infected rabbits using a microdissection and metaphase accumulation technique in regions of gut with heavy (proximal site) and small (distal site) burdens of worms. In control animals, the cell production rates were respectively 4.3 cells/crypt/hr in the proximal region and 3.7 cells/crypt/hr in the distal one; and the influx of cells onto villi were respectively 67.5 cells/hr and 37.4 cells/hr. In the parasitized rabbits, in the main site of infection, a fourfold increase was recorded in the cell proliferation rate and in the influx of cells onto villi. In the region distal to the main site of infection, the same parameters were twice the control values, although only a low number of T. colubriformis were recovered from this part of gut. These large modifications in the epithelial renewal probably underlies the morphological and enzymological changes previously described in both parts of the T. colubriformis infected gut.  相似文献   

Abstract. The cell population kinetics of the villus epithelium of the mouse have been analysed with respect to the size, flux and time. Microdissection methods were employed to measure the villus cell population size and yielded reproducible, precise results. There was a proximodistal negative size gradient in villus cell population and, in those villi of normal morphology, there was a good correlation with the usual morphometric estimators such as height and row count, although correlation was improved by a product variable consisting of a height multiplied by a width parameter.
Flux onto the villus is the product of the crypt cell production rate, which was measured by a metaphase arrest method using vincristine and crypt microdissection, and the crypt:villus ratio; net villus influx was maximum proximally in the bowel, where the largest villi were found, and decreased distally. The distribution of transit times of labelled cells to the crypt: villus junction and to the villus tip was measured, allowing the measurement of the median villus transit time.
Comparison of the measured villus transit time with the theoretical transit time calculated from the villus influx and population size gave results consistent with a steady state hypothesis. It was found, at each level of the small intestine studied, that the number of epithelial cells on the villus was equivalent to the total number of crypt cells associated with the villus.  相似文献   

While previous studies have indicated that exogenous TGF-alpha stimulates epithelial growth, maintenance, and repair of the gut, roles of endogenous TGF-alpha are less well-defined particularly in the small bowel. The current study examined effects of TGF-alpha knockout on adult small intestinal epithelial cell proliferation, migration, apoptosis, and damage/repair response after methotrexate treatment. Compared to normal mice, TGF-alpha gene knockout did not affect crypt cell production, mitosis position, migration, and apoptosis in non-injured intestine. RT-PCR gene expression analysis revealed presence of four out of six TGF-alpha related EGF family ligands in the normal intestine, suggesting a possible functional redundancy of the EGF family in maintenance of the intestine. Although TGF-alpha gene knockout did not significantly impair the overall mucosal repair in methotrexate-induced acute damage in the small intestine, it resulted in a higher apoptotic response in the early hours following methotrexate challenge, and a delayed and reduced crypt cell proliferation during repair. Consistently, after methotrexate challenge, intestinal TGF-alpha mRNA was found to be markedly upregulated in the early hours and during repair in the wild type, and there were similar profiles in the increased expression of all other ligands (except EGF) between the wild type and knockout intestines. Therefore, despite a possible functional redundancy among the EGF family ligands in the normal small intestine, TGF-alpha may play a role in modulating the early apoptotic events and in enhancing the subsequent reparative proliferative response in the methotrexate-damaged intestine.  相似文献   

The absence of bile from the intestinal lumen of rats for a period of 48 hr led to: a decreased proliferative cell pool, reduced cell shedding, and a 50% decrease of the labeling index in the ileum. The constant duodenal perfusion of Na taurocholate for periods of 48, 60, 72, and 96 hr in animals with a biliary diversion was associated with: deepening of crypts and decreased crypt/villus ratios as well as with acceleration of the epithelial cell migration rate on the crypt-villus units. The data suggest that bile and bile acids constitute important regulatory factors influencing enterocyte proliferation, migration and loss.  相似文献   

The proliferative kinetics of the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IL) of the mouse intestine have been evaluated. By inducing mitotic arrest it was found that large IL - constituting about 50% of the IL - showed a mitotic rate of 2.3. Autoradiographic results obtained after two different schedules of 3H-thymidine injections showed that 30% of the large IL were in DNA synthesis, and that the large IL were renewed at a rate comparable to that of blast cells from Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes and thoracic duct lymph. The small IL were renewed very rapidly compared to small lymphocytes of peripheral lymphoid tissues, although small lymphocytes with lifespans of several weeks were also present in the epithelial sheet. By the use of intestinal perfusion, in vivo, it was estimated that the loss of lymphocytes from intestinal villi into the lumen of the gut was negligible, and it is concluded that the most probable kinetic model for the majority of IL is: B and T lymphoblasts invade the epithelium and undergo mitosis. B lymphoblasts give rise predominantly to plasma cells, and T lymphoblasts give rise to small lymphocytes - probably long-lived - which reenter the circulation.  相似文献   

Upper jejunum and terminal ileum were examined in specified-pathogen-free (SPF), conventional and conventional after SPF rearing (ex-SPF) rats. The effect of 2 differential diets on the last 2 groups was examined. Ex-SPF rats had taller villi and deeper crypts than SPF rats, but similar crypt to villus ratios and cell production rates. Ex-SPF rats had similar crypt depth and jejunal villus height to conventional rats on the same diet, but taller ileal villi and a lower cell production rate. Even after 6-8 weeks, in a conventional environment, ex-SPF rat intestine was still not identical with conventional rat intestine. Diet had a significant effect on mucosal architecture, and a smaller effect on cell production rate. It is concluded that diet, microbiological status of colony of origin, and environment after weaning, can all affect mucosal architecture and epithelial cell production, and should be properly controlled in experimental studies.  相似文献   

1. Only a single phosphofructokinase isoenzyme is present in the mucosa of rat small intestine. 2. Mucosal phosphofructokinase was purified to yield a homogeneous preparation of specific activity 175 units/mg of protein. 3. The native enzyme is a tetramer, with monomer Mr 84 500 +/- 5000. 4. The native enzyme may be degraded by the action of endogenous proteinases to give two products with the same specific activity as the native enzyme: degradation occurs in the order native enzyme leads to proteolytic product 1 leads to proteolytic product 2. 5. Proteolytic product 1 has a greater mobility in cellulose acetate electrophoresis at pH8 and binds more strongly to DEAE-cellulose than does native enzyme; the converse is true for proteolytic product 2. 6. Proteolytic product 1 is a tetramer with a monomer Mr about 74 300; proteolytic product 2 is also a tetramer. 7. Native enzyme can only be prepared in the presence of proteinase inhibitors; partial purifications based on simple fractionation of crude mucosal extracts in the absence of proteinases inhibitors contain proteolytic product 2 as the main component and proteolytic product 1 together with little native enzyme. 8. Purified native mucosal phosphofructokinase displayed little co-operativity with respect to fructose 6-phosphate at pH 7.0 and was only weakly inhibited by ATP.  相似文献   

目的:研究普伐他汀在大鼠小肠的吸收情况。方法:采用大鼠在体小肠回流实验装置,利用HPLC紫外检测的方法测定肠循环液中酚红和普伐他汀的含量。采用XTerra@MS C-18色谱柱(5μm,150mm×2.1 mm.ID),流动相为3.5 mmol/L磷酸二氢钠溶液—乙腈(70:30,用磷酸调至pH 3.0),流速为0.2ml/min;结果:普伐他汀在大鼠小肠全肠段的吸收速率常数和吸收百分率分别为0.110±0.023(h~(-1))和18.21±2.50%。普伐他汀在小肠中吸收量与时间呈线性关系,但吸收速率较低。结论:普伐他汀可以通过增加药物的脂溶性,进而提高药物的生物利用度。  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase from the epithelial cells of rat small intestine was characterized with respect to isoenzyme type in a comparison of its properties with those of the skeletal-muscle, brain and major liver isoenzymes by using five different techniques, namely electrophoresis on cellulose acetate and in polyacrylamide gels, chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and immunotitration. When precautions were taken to inhibit the formation of active proteolytic artifacts by the action of endogenous proteinases, each technique revealed that rat intestinal mucosa contains only a single form of phosphofructokinase. The mucosal isoenzyme was found to be very similar to, although not identical with, the major liver isoenzyme and to be quite distinct from the skeletal-muscle isoenzyme when studied by the techniques of cellulose acetate electrophoresis, chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and immunotitration, whereas the converse was true when studied by the techniques of (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The mucosal isoenzyme was distinct from the brain isoenzyme when studied by each of the five techniques. Tsai & Kemp [(1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 785-792] reported that animal tissues contain three principal isoenzymes of phosphofructokinase, type A found as the sole isoenzyme in skeletal muscle, type B found as the major isoenzyme in liver and type C found as a significant isoenzyme in brain. Phosphofructokinase from mucosa is distinct from each of these isoenzymes. Following the nomenclature of Tsai & Kemp (1973), the isoenzyme from the mucosa of rat intestinal epithelial cells is designated phosphofructokinase D. The mucosal and liver isoenzymes behave so similarly with respect to their charge and immunological characteristics, on which the typing of isoenzymes is conventionally based, that it is likely that some tissues reported to contain the liver isoenzyme contain instead the mucosal isoenzyme.  相似文献   

In Trichostrongylus colubriformis-infected rabbits, epithelial cell migration rates and cell transit times along the villi were compared by radioautography on histological slides to normal values from noninfected small intestine. Regions of gut with high (upper jejunum) and low (ileum) burdens of worms were both examined. In the control rabbits, the estimated values for the cell migration rates in the proximal and distal parts of gut were respectively 5.8 and 2.8 microns/hr. Seventy-two hours after the thymidine injection, the labeled epithelial cells were near the tip of the villi in the jejunum whereas only 60% of the villous length was labeled in the ileum. In the infected rabbits, the presence of T. colubriformis was associated with a two-fold increase of the cell velocity, in the main site of infection. Although less prominent than in the proximal region, a significant acceleration in the cell migration was also noticed in the ileum. The cell transit time was markedly reduced in the parasitized jejunum, but no variation of this parameter was found in the distal part of gut. These changes in the dynamics of epithelial cells in both regions of the gut appeared to underlie the morphological and enzymological changes of the parasitized mucosa. They particularly contribute to create an adaptive region in the small intestine beyond the main site of infection.  相似文献   

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