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Abstract.— We examined the phylogeography and history of giant Galàpagos tortoise populations based on mito-chondrial DNA sequence data from 161 individuals from 21 sampling sites representing the 11 currently recognized extant taxa. Molecular clock and geological considerations indicate a founding of the monophyletic Galàpagos lineage around 2–3 million years ago, which would allow for all the diversification to have occurred on extant islands. Founding events generally occurred from geologically older to younger islands with some islands colonized more than once. Six of the 11 named taxa can be associated with monophyletic maternal lineages. One, Geochelone porteri on Santa Cruz Island, consists of two distinct populations connected by the deepest node in the archipelago-wide phylogeny, whereas tortoises in northwest Santa Cruz are closely related to those on adjacent Pinzón Island. Volcan Wolf, the northernmost volcano of Isabela Island, consists of both a unique set of maternal lineages and recent migrants from other islands, indicating multiple colonizations possibly due to human transport or multiple colonization and partial elimination through competition. These genetic findings are consistent with the mixed morphology of tortoises on this volcano. No clear genetic differentiation between two taxa on the two southernmost volcanoes of Isabela was evident. Extinction of crucial populations by human activities confounds whether domed versus saddleback carapaces of different populations are mono- or polyphyletic. Our findings revealed a complex phylogeography and history for this tortoise radiation within an insular environment and have implications for efforts to conserve these endangered biological treasures.  相似文献   

The honesty of animal communication is in the spot lights in the last 30 years. During most of this time the field was dominated by one explanation: Zahavi’s handicap principle (Zahavi, J Theor Biol 67:603–605, 1975; Grafen, J Theor Biol 144:517–546, 1990). Grose (Biol Philos 2011) embarks to explain both the success of the theory and the empirical difficulties that exist despite this success. While I wholeheartedly agree with the criticism offered by Grose and with almost all the claims he makes, the treatment of the issue is far from complete and it still leaves much to be explained. Accordingly, my commentary consist of six sections: in the first section I clear up some technical issues left unexposed, most importantly the role of strategic cost in handicap signalling; in the second section I relate this to empirical testing; in the next section I comment on the historical development of the handicap principle; in the fourth section I review the biological models that came up with conclusions that contradict the handicap principle; in the fifth section I discuss the reasons behind the success of the handicap theory; finally, in the last section I discuss the application of the handicap theory to anthropology and human sciences.  相似文献   

The discussion of the adaptive landscape in the philosophical literature appears to be divided along the following lines. On the one hand, some claim that the adaptive landscape is either “uninterpretable” or incoherent. On the other hand, some argue that the adaptive landscape has been an important heuristic, or tool in the service of explaining, as well as proposing and testing hypotheses about evolutionary change. This paper attempts to reconcile these two views.
Anya PlutynskiEmail:

Galápagos hawks (Buteo galapagoensis) are one of the most inbred bird species in the world, living in small, isolated island populations. We used mitochondrial sequence and nuclear minisatellite data to describe relationships among Galápagos hawk populations and their colonization history. We sampled 10 populations (encompassing the entire current species range of nine islands and one extirpated population), as well as the Galápagos hawk's closest mainland relative, the Swainson's hawk (B. swainsoni). There was little sequence divergence between Galápagos and Swainson's hawks (only 0.42% over almost 3kb of data), indicating that the hawks colonized Galápagos very recently, likely less than 300,000 years ago, making them the most recent arrivals of the studied taxa. There were only seven, closely related Galápagos hawk haplotypes, with most populations being monomorphic. The mitochondrial and minisatellite data together indicated a general pattern of rapid population expansion followed by genetic isolation of hawk breeding populations. The recent arrival, genetic isolation, and phenotypic differentiation among populations suggest that the Galápagos hawk, a rather new species itself, is in the earliest stages of further divergence.  相似文献   

Royo AA  Carson WP 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):66-75
Mammals are hypothesized to either promote plant diversity by preventing competitive exclusion or limit diversity by reducing the abundance of sensitive plant species through their activities as browsers or disturbance agents. Previous studies of herbivore impacts in plant communities have focused on tree species and ignored the herbaceous community. In an experiment in mature-phase, tropical moist forest sites in central Panamá, we studied the impact of excluding ground-dwelling mammals on the richness and abundance of herbs in 16, 30×45-m plots. Within each plot, we censused the herbaceous community in 28, 2×2-m subplots (1,792 m2 total area sampled). We identified over 54 species of herbs averaging 1.21 ramets m−2 and covering approximately 4.25% of the forest floor. Excluding mammals for 5 years had no impact on overall species richness. Within exclosures, however, there was a significant two-fold increase in the density of rare species. Overall herbaceous density and percent cover did not differ between exclosures and adjacent control plots, although cover did increase over time. Mammalian exclusion significantly increased the total cover of three-dominant herb species, Pharus latifolius, Calathea inocephala, and Adiantum lucidum, but did not affect their density. This study represents one of the most extensive herbaceous community censuses conducted in tropical forests and is among a few that quantify herbaceous distribution and abundance in terms of both density and cover. Additionally, this work represents the first community level test of mammalian impacts on the herbaceous community in a tropical forest to date. Our results suggest that ground dwelling mammals do not play a key role in altering the relative abundance patterns of tropical herbs in the short term. Furthermore, our results contrast sharply with prior studies on similar temporal and spatial scales that demonstrate mammals strongly alter tree seedling composition and reduce seedling density. Thus, we question the pervasiveness of top–down control on tropical plant communities and the paradigm that defaunation will inexorably lead to widespread, catastrophic shifts in plant communities.  相似文献   

Our objective was to ascertain the population status of the Pygmy Three-toed Sloth, Bradypus pygmaeus, an IUCN Critically Endangered species, on Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Panama. Bradypus pygmaeus are thought to be folivorous mangrove specialists; therefore we conducted a visual systematic survey of all 10 mangrove thickets on the island. The total mangrove habitat area was measured to be 1.67 ha, comprising 0.024% of the total island area. The population survey found low numbers of B. pygmaeus in the mangrove thickets and far lower numbers outside of them. The connectivity of subpopulations between these thickets on the island is not established, as B. pygmaeus movement data is still lacking. We found 79 individuals of B. pygmaeus; 70 were found in mangroves and 9 were observed just beyond the periphery of the mangroves in non-mangrove tree species. Low population number, habitat fragmentation and habitat loss could lead to inbreeding, a loss of genetic diversity, and extinction of B. pygmaeus.  相似文献   

The effects of topographic position on water regime in a semideciduous tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island in Panamá were assessed by measuring soil matric potential using the filter paper technique and by using measured soil water release characteristics to convert a long-term (20 years) gravimetric water content data-set to matric potential. These were also compared against predictions from a simple water balance model. Soil matric potentials on slope sites were significantly higher than on plateau sites throughout the measurement interval and slopes experienced a shorter duration of drought during the annual dry-season. Measured values of matric potential agreed with those predicted from converting the gravimetric measurements using water release characteristics. Annual duration of drought predicted by the simple water balance model agreed with values determined from the converted long term water content data-set and was able to predict the annual duration of drought on plateau sites. On slope sites, the water balance systematically and significantly overestimated the duration of drought obtained from the water content data-set, suggesting that slope sites were supplied with water from upslope. Predictions of annual drought duration from sites with higher annual rainfall than Barro Colorado Island (BCI), suggest that while plateau sites on BCI experience a water regime consistent with annual rainfall, slopes experience a water regime more similar to that of forests with much higher rainfall. We conclude that such large variations in water regime over small spatial scales may play a role in maintaining high species richness through providing opportunities for niche specialisation and by buffering slopes against possible climate change.  相似文献   

The latter half of the nineteenth century produced a remarkable expansion of surgical practice. Although most of these new techniques and concepts were soundly based, others, such as the movable or floating kidney, were later ridiculed and discredited.In Glasgow Royal Infirmary during the 48 years from 1880, when movable kidney was first mentioned in the annual reports of the hospital, to 1928 472 patients (89% female) were diagnosed as suffering from the condition. Nearly half of them (216) underwent operation and the operative mortality was low. In the first decade of this century an average of 18 cases a year were admitted to the wards of the infirmary. From 1915 to 1920 the number of cases dropped, as did the proportion undergoing operation, but in the 1920s the numbers increased again.In common with other ineffective treatments for imaginary diseases, operations for the movable kidney simply faded away in Britain in the 1930s.  相似文献   

The Western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) is a keystone species of Palearctic boreal and altitude coniferous forests. With the increase of mountain leisure activities and habitat loss, populations are declining in most mountain ranges in Western Europe. Recent work has shown that the populations from the Pyrenees and Cantabrian Mountains survived a severe bottleneck during the 19th century, and are still considered as threatened due to habitat fragmentation and isolation with other populations. We present an extensive phylogeographic study based on mitochondrial DNA sequence (control region) extracted non-invasively from faeces collected throughout the species range (from western European mountains to central and eastern Europe, Fenno-Scandia, Russia and Siberia). We also compared our results with DNA sequences of closely related black-billed capercaillie (T. parvirostris). We found that populations from Pyrenees and Cantabrians are closely related but are different from all other capercaillie populations that form a homogenous clade. Therefore, we consider that these South-Western populations should be considered as forming an Evolutionary Significant Unit that needs an appropriate management at a local scale. We also discuss the possible locations of glacial refugia and subsequent colonisation routes in Eurasia, with a Western “aquitanus” lineage from Iberia and Balkans, and an Eastern “urogallus” lineage from Southern Asia. This work might have important implication for capercaillie conservation strategies to define important areas for conservation, and to prevent possible exchange or introductions of individuals originated from other lineages. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The valley of Cuatro Ciénegas, an aquatic oasis located in the Mexican Chihuahuan Desert, exhibits the highest level of endemism in North America and is a Mexican National Protected Area. However, little is known about the evolutionary distinctiveness of several vertebrate species present in the Cuatro Ciénegas valley. We conducted a phylogeographic study using mitochondrial haplotypes from the centrarchid fish Lepomis megalotis to determine if the populations found within the valley were evolutionarily distinct from populations outside the valley. We also examined if there was evidence of unique haplotypes of this sunfish within the valley. Genetic divergence of L. megalotis suggests populations within the valley are evolutionarily unique when compared to L. megalotis outside the valley. Significant mitochondrial sequence divergence was also discovered between L. megalotis populations on either side of the Sierra de San Marcos that bisects the valley. Our results reinforce previous studies that suggest the organisms occupying aquatic habitats not only within Cuatro Ciénegas but also in each of the two lobes of the valley generally deserve independent consideration during management decisions.  相似文献   

Aposematism involves predators learning conspicuous signals of defended prey. However, prey species utilize a wide range of chemical (or physical) defenses, which are not likely to be equally aversive to all predators. Aposematism may therefore only be effective against a physiologically sensitive subset of potential predators, and this can only be identified through behavioral testing. We studied the emerging model organism Tectocoris diophthalmus (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), an aposematically colored but weakly defended shieldback stinkbug, to test the efficacy of its defenses against a suite of predator types. We predicted the bugs' defenses would be ineffectual against both experienced and naïve birds but aversive to predaceous insects. Surprisingly, the opposite pattern was found. Both habituated wild passerines and naïve chickens avoided the bugs, the chickens after only one or two encounters. To avian predators, T. diophthalmus is aposematic. However, praying mantids showed no repellency, aversion, or toxicity associated with adult or juvenile bugs after multiple trials. Comparison with prior studies on mantids using bugs with chemically similar but more concentrated defenses underscores the importance of dose in addition to chemical identity in the efficacy of chemical defenses. Our results also emphasize the importance of behavioral testing with multiple ecologically relevant predators to understand selective pressures shaping aposematic signals and chemical defenses.  相似文献   

Aquatic habitats in the Republic of Panamá were examined for freshwater sponges during 21 Feb. to 6 March 1986. Eunapius carteri, Trochospongilla leidyi, and Trochospongilla horrida were found in the northern canal area. This is the first report of E. carteri and T. horrida from Central America, and the first record of E. carteri from the Western Hemisphere. Taxonomic characters used to distinguish T. leidyi and T. horrida from similar South American species are discussed.  相似文献   



Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) is a neglected tropical vector-borne disease. Sand fly vectors (SF) and Leishmania spp parasites are sensitive to changes in weather conditions, rendering disease transmission susceptible to changes in local and global scale climatic patterns. Nevertheless, it is unclear how SF abundance is impacted by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and how these changes might relate to changes in CL transmission.

Methodology and Findings

We studied association patterns between monthly time series, from January 2000 to December 2010, of: CL cases, rainfall and temperature from Panamá, and an ENSO index. We employed autoregressive models and cross wavelet coherence, to quantify the seasonal and interannual impact of local climate and ENSO on CL dynamics. We employed Poisson Rate Generalized Linear Mixed Models to study SF abundance patterns across ENSO phases, seasons and eco-epidemiological settings, employing records from 640 night-trap sampling collections spanning 2000–2011. We found that ENSO, rainfall and temperature were associated with CL cycles at interannual scales, while seasonal patterns were mainly associated with rainfall and temperature. Sand fly (SF) vector abundance, on average, decreased during the hot and cold ENSO phases, when compared with the normal ENSO phase, yet variability in vector abundance was largest during the cold ENSO phase. Our results showed a three month lagged association between SF vector abundance and CL cases.


Association patterns of CL with ENSO and local climatic factors in Panamá indicate that interannual CL cycles might be driven by ENSO, while the CL seasonality was mainly associated with temperature and rainfall variability. CL cases and SF abundance were associated in a fashion suggesting that sudden extraordinary changes in vector abundance might increase the potential for CL epidemic outbreaks, given that CL epidemics occur during the cold ENSO phase, a time when SF abundance shows its highest fluctuations.  相似文献   

The original ammoniacal silver carbonate staining technique and subsequent modification developed by Fernández-Galiano are useful for investigating ciliate protozoan systematics and/or ciliate cortical structure and morphogenesis. The technique is complicated, however, by both uncertainties arising from the need to count drops of reagents and subjective control of the staining intensity. I have resolved these complications by defining volumes of reagents rather than using drops and by defining a range of staining times. I also comment on various steps of the techniques. My techniques are simplified and refined to produce consistent, high quality staining results.  相似文献   

This study examined whether topography-induced gradients in water potential and leaf litter depth contribute to species coexistence in tropical forests through species-specific effects on seedling emergence and mortality. Seedling emergence and mortality were followed for a period of 12 months in 36 (1 × 2 m) plots on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panamá. Plots with and without litter were distributed on slope and plateau sites in three catchments. In the absence of manipulations, the lower litter depth on slopes resulted in approximately four times as many emergent seedlings than on plateau sites. However, litter depth had little effect on seedling community composition. By the end of the first dry-season, post-emergence, there were no significant differences in surviving seedling numbers between any treatments. There were differences in the emergent seedling community between slope and plateau sites within the same catchment as well as differences in composition between catchments, suggesting that both niche partitioning and dispersal limitation might play a role in structuring seedling community composition. During the wet-season seedling mortality was highest on slope sites although this pattern was reversed during the dry-season. In both seasons mortality was higher for small-seeded species. These results demonstrate that gradients in water potential related to topography impact on patterns of seedling emergence and mortality although processes in the first year after emergence may be insufficient to explain observed habitat preferences of adult plants.  相似文献   

This paper examines the perspectives of local Roma leaders regarding the ongoing impacts, contradictions and civic outcomes of Hungary’s 1993 Act 77 on the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities, legislation that created the framework for minority self-governance among Hungary’s thirteen recognized minority groups. We use interview data with Roma self-government leaders to examine the perceptions and experiences of Roma leaders regarding nationality self-governance as, alternately, a mechanism for enhancing social inclusion and political agency and/or, an institution that only exacerbates the exact exclusions it purports to address. We find that while some Roma nationality self-government leaders have been able to assert political agency and use local nationality self-governments for local initiatives, they report marked limitations in the scope of what they are able to do. This is accentuated in places marked by ethnic conflict where leaders struggle with balancing political agency against political cooptation.  相似文献   

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