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Keratan sulfate (KS) proteoglycan side chains are abundant in the human cartilage matrix, but these chains have been said to be absent in murine skeletal tissues. We previously showed that KS suppresses cartilage damage and ameliorates inflammation in mice arthritis model. Because mice deficient of N-acetylglucosamine 6-O-sulfotransferase-1 (GlcNAc6ST-1) (KS biosynthesis enzyme) are now available, we decided to do further examinations.We examined, in culture, the difference between GlcNAc6ST-1−/− and wild-type (WT) mice for interleukin (IL)-1α-induced glycosaminoglycan (GAG) release from the articular cartilage. Arthritis was induced by intravenous administration of an anti-type II collagen antibody cocktail and subsequent intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide. We examined the differences in arthritis severities in the two genotypes. After intraperitoneal KS administration in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or PBS alone, we evaluated the potential of KS in ameliorating arthritis and protecting against cartilage damage in deficient mice.GAG release induced by IL-1α in the explants, and severity of arthritis were greater in GlcNAc6ST-1−/− mice than their WT littermates. Intraperitoneal KS administration effectively suppressed arthritis induction in GlcNAc6ST-1−/− mice. Thus, GlcNAc6ST-1−/− mice cartilage is more fragile than WT mice cartilage, and exogenous KS can suppress arthritis induction in GlcNAc6ST-1−/− mice. Vestigial KS chain or altered glycosylation in articular cartilage in GlcNAc6ST-1−/− mice may be protective against arthritis and associated cartilage damage as well as cartilage damage in culture. KS may offer therapeutic opportunities for chondroprotection and suppression of joint damage in inflammatory arthritis and may become a therapeutic agent for treating rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

The phagocytic ability of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) granulocytes was evaluated in vivo and in vitro. In suspensions of head kidney cells, neutrophil granulocytes incorporated both latex beads and coccidian merozoites. In intestinal tissues from carp with a Goussia carpelli infection, all granulocyte cell types (neutrophils and cells of the basophilic-eosinophilic complex) phagocytosed cell detritus and coccidian developmental stages, mainly merozoites.  相似文献   

The analysis of the spatial patterning of mRNA expression is critically important for assigning functional and physiological significance to a given gene product. Given the tens of thousands of mRNAs in the mammalian genome, a full assessment of individual gene functions would ideally be overlaid upon knowledge of the specific cell types expressing each mRNA. In situ hybridization approaches represent a molecular biological/histological method that can reveal cellular patterns of mRNA expression. Here, we present detailed procedures for the detection of specific mRNAs using radioactive RNA probes in tissue sections followed by autoradiographic detection. These methods allow for the specific and sensitive detection of spatial patterns of mRNA expression, thereby linking mRNA expression with cell type and function. Radioactive detection methods also facilitate semi-quantitative analyses of changes in mRNA gene expression.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rates (P n) of easy (EK 16-3) and difficult-to-acclimatize (EK 11-1) sea oats genotypes were examined under the following culture conditions: (1) photoautotrophic [sugar-free medium, high photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), high vessel ventilation rates and CO2 enrichment, (PA)]; (2) modified photomixotrophic [sugar-containing medium diluted with sugar-free medium over time, high PPF, and high vessel ventilation rates (PM)]; (3) modified photomixotrophic enriched [same as PM with CO2 enrichment, (PME)]; or (4) conventional photomixotrophic [sugar-containing medium, low PPF, and low vessel ventilation rates (control)]. Regardless of genotype, plantlets cultured under PA conditions died within 2 wk, whereas under PM and PME conditions, plantlets increased their P n. After 6 wk, P n per gram dry weight was 1.7 times greater in EK 16-3 than EK 11-1 plantlets cultured under PME conditions. In vitro-produced leaves of EK 16-3 plantlets were elongated with expanded blades, whereas EK 11-1 produced short leaves without expanded blades, especially under control conditions. After in vitro culture, EK 16-3 PME plantlets exhibited the highest dry weights among treatments. EK 16-3 PME and EK 16-3 PM had similarly high survivability, shoot and root dry weights and leaf lengths ex vitro compared to EK 16-3 control and EK 11-1 PM and PME plantlets. Ex vitro growth, survivability and P n per leaf area of either genotype were not affected by CO2 enrichment under modified photomixotrophic conditions. These results suggest that growth and survivability of sea oats genotypes with different acclimatization capacities can be enhanced by optimizing culture conditions.  相似文献   



Cell lines as model systems of tumors and tissues are essential in molecular biology, although they only approximate the properties of in vivo cells in tissues. Cell lines have been selected under in vitro conditions for a long period of time, affecting many specific cellular pathways and processes.  相似文献   



Phosphorus deficiency is a major constraint to crop production due to rapid binding of the applied phosphorus into fixed forms not available to the plants. Microbial solubilization of inorganic phosphates has been attributed mainly to the production of organic acids. Phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms enhance plant growth under conditions of poor phosphorus availability by solubilizing insoluble phosphates in the soil. This paper describes the production of organic acids during inorganic phosphate solubilization and influence on plant growth as a function of phosphate solubilization by fluorescent Pseudomonas.  相似文献   

In a previous study of the cellular mechanism underlaying Wolff's law we showed that mechanical stimulation by intermittent hydrostatic compression (IHC) increases bone formation in cultured fetal mouse calvariae compared to non-stimulated cultures. To test whether mechanical stimuli may modulate bone-specific gene expression, we studied the effect of IHC on alkaline phosphatase (AP) expression and enzyme activity as well as collagen and actin mRNA levels in neonatal mouse calvariae and calvarial bone cells. Two cell populations, one resembling osteoprogenitor (OPR) cells and another resembling osteoblasts (OB) were obtained from calvariae by sequential digestion. IHC was applied by intermittently (0.3 Hz) compressing the gas- phase of a closed culture chamber (peak stress 13 kPa, peak stress rate 32.5 kPas−1).

In control cultures of calvariae as well as OB and OPR cells, AP activity and AP-, collagen-, and actin-mRNA levels all decreased after one or more days, with the exception of OPR cell collagen expression which increased during culture. IHC treatment upregulated AP, collagen and actin expression and AP activity in calvariae and OB cells, but decreased collagen expression in OPR cells.

These results suggest that treatment with IHC promotes the osteoblastic phenotype in bone organ cultures and in osteoblasts. Osteoprogenitor cells seem to react somewhat differently to mechanical stress than osteoblasts. The loss of bone-specific gene expression under control culture conditions, in the absence of mechanical stimuli, suggests that the mechanical environment is important in maintaining the differentiated phenotype of bone cells, and that IHC treatment partially restores this environment in bone cell- and organ cultures.  相似文献   

Inhibition of prolyl endopeptidase by Z-cyclohexyl prolinal and Z-indolinyl prolinal occurs with slow, tight binding inhibition and Ki values of 2 – 3 nM. In vivo enzyme inhibition is also observed with a half time for recovery of enzyme activity of 3 – 4 h.Inhibition of prolyl endopeptidase by Z-cyclohexyl prolinal and Z-indolinyl prolinal occurs with slow, tight binding inhibition and Ki values of 2 – 3 nM. In vivo enzyme inhibition is also observed with a half time for recovery of enzyme activity of 3 – 4 h.  相似文献   

High molecular weight alginates having a variety of initial composition and sequential structures were modified with a mannuronan-C-5 epimerase from Azotobacter vinelandii to yield polymers with a high content of guluronic acid and, hence, an enhanced ability to form gels with calcium ions. The monad, diad and triad frequencies in the modified polymers were determined by n.m.r. spectroscopy, and the strength of homogeneous gels prepared from them with calcium ions were measured and compared with those prepared from the starting materials and other naturally occurring alginates. Immobilization of the bacterial enzyme on Eupergite beads greatly increased its stability and favoured high degree of conversion.  相似文献   

Ruminal inoculum enriched with particle-associated microorganisms was collected from two lactating dairy cows fed an alfalfa hay/cereal silage/concentrate diet 1 h before feeding and used to evaluate effects of essential oils (EO) on ruminal fermentation in short-term in vitro incubations. Ruminal ammonia N was labeled with 15N and native and hydrolyzed casein were provided as sources of amino acids. Forty EO were tested at 10 and 100 mg/l final medium concentration. Monensin-Na, and sodium laurate were also incubated at 5 and 2000 mg/l, respectively. Compared with blanks (i.e., no addition of EO), sodium laurate increased medium pH and a number of EO reduced medium pH. Both sodium laurate and monensin reduced ammonia concentrations compared to the blank. Only one of the tested EO (i.e., Caraway) slightly reduced ammonia concentration, by 8%, compared with the blank. Monensin and sodium laurate resulted in higher (i.e., 9–34%, monensin, and 29–47%, sodium laurate) 15N enrichment of ammonia N, an indication of reduced deamination of amino acids in these treatments versus the blank. Several EO (i.e., FrankMyrrh, Gardenia, Hibiscus, Eucaliptus, and Peppermint) had similar effects, but of a smaller magnitude (i.e., 5–12%). Some EO increased medium total VFA concentration, primarily through an increase in acetate concentration. Overall, effects of EO on fermentation were subtle, and it is unlikely that these moderate in vitro effects would correspond to any substantive impact on ruminal fermentation in vivo.  相似文献   

We evaluated 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE), a major arachidonic acid product of vascular endothelium and leukocytes, for its effect on neovascularization. In a modified Boyden chamber assay, 15-HETE (10−7 M) sitmulated human retinal microvessel endothelial cell migration by 42 ± 10% (mean ± S.E.M., p<0.01). 12-HETE, a major arachidonic acid metabolite of platelets, had no such effect. Further studies in the rabbit corneal pocket assay revealed that 15-HETE stimulated neovascularization . Concentrations at which the effects were observed are within the range generated by several cell types and are achievable in human serum. 15-HETE stimulation of human endothelial cell migration and neovascularization suggests that it may play a role in vasoproliferative disorders.  相似文献   

The effect of jasmonic acid (JA) onde novo shoot formation in excised cotyledons of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don), was examined. JA had no effect on shoot-forming (SF) tissues at concentrations up to 10−6 mol · L−1. At concentrations greater than that, JA caused a reduction in the number of shoots formed, as well as the lengths of the shoots and fresh and dry masses of the tissues. Reciprocal transfer of excised radiata pine cotyledons from a SF medium with 10−5 mol · L−1 JA to a SF medium without JA and vice versa showed that any exposure of the cotyledons to JA either during the shoot induction phase (days 0-21) or the shoot development phase (beyond day 21) led to a reduction in shoot formation. However, the JA effect was significantly less if the cotyledons were not exposed to JA during the initial 10 days in culture; indicating that the JA effect was mainly during shoot primordia formation and the subsequent development into shoots.  相似文献   

The release of endogenous acetylcholine was measured in electrically (5–20 Hz) stimulated guinea pig cerebral cortex and caudate nucleus slices under ischemic (hypoxic and glucose-free) conditions. Ischemia reduced acetylcholine release by 40–90%; the inhibition depended on the duration of ischemia (10–30 min) while the extent of post-ischemic recovery was inversely related to it. Caudate nucleus slices displayed a higher sensitivity to ischemia than did cortical slices. To test the effects of excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists on the ischemia-induced reduction of acetylcholine release and on its post-ischemic recovery, the following drugs were used: 5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5-H-dibenzo-[a,b]-cyclohepten-5,10-imine (MK-801, a blocker of the N-methyl-D-aspartate [NMDA] receptor-linked channel), 7-chloro-kynurenic acid (7-Cl-KYN) and (E)-3-[2(phenylcarbamoyl)ethenyl]-4,6-dichloroindole-2-carboxylic acid sodium salt (GV150526A, blockers of the glycine site of the NMDA receptor), eliprodil, (an antagonist at the polyamine site of the NMDA receptor), and 6-cyano- 7-nitro-quinoxalin-2,3-dione (CNQX, a D,L--amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxalone propionic acid [AMPA] receptor antagonist). These did not modify the time-course and the extent of ischemia-induced inhibition but improved post-ischemic recovery in a concentration dependent manner. GV 150526A and CNQX appeared to be more effective in the cerebral cortex. Only eliprodil was devoid of any effect in both areas.

The evaluation of acetylcholine release from brain slices represents a suitable in vitro model to quantify the effectiveness of drugs in favouring recovery from the cholinergic presynaptic failure induced by ischemic conditions. The different effects of the excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists cited above, depending on the brain areas considered and the receptor subtypes involved, may be of interest in view of their therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Riboflavin, suggested to be a radiosensitizer, was studied in murine thymocytes and human hepatoma L02 cell line in vitro with MTT method and fluorescence microscopy. When the murine thymocytes treated with 5–400 μmol/L riboflavin were irradiated by 5 Gy 60Co γ ionizing radiation, the low concentration groups, i.e. treated with 5–50 μmol/L riboflavin, showed a different surviving fractions-time relating correlation compared with the high concentration groups, i.e. treated with 100–400 μmol/L riboflavin. The former had a high survival level at the end of irradiation, but which, after 4-h incubation, decreased rapidly to a low level. On the contrary, the high concentration groups showed a low survival level at the end of irradiation, and a poor correlation was found between the surviving fraction and the incubation time, after 4 h a little difference was observed. The results of fluorescence microscopy indicated that under low concentration conditions, the riboflavin localized mainly in nucleus (both perinuclear area and inside of nuclear membrane), while under high concentration conditions, intensive riboflavin also localized around cytoplasmic membranes. Thus we can conclude: the riboflavin had radiosensitivity effect on DNA under low concentration conditions, and enhanced the damage to cytoplasmic membrane under high concentration conditions. Also the most effective concentration of riboflavin can be evaluated to be approximate 100 μmol/L.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that at embryonic Day (E) 8, some cells of the chick ciliary ganglion (CG) contain the catecholaminergic (CA) enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), but not phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT); and that in culture essentially all cells express both enzymes. In the present study, we sought to determine, first, whether the expression of adrenergic traits in the CG in vivo is transient or permanent in the CG. To do so, CGs were removed from E5 to postnatal Day 5, fixed, and processed for the immunocytochemical localization of the CA enzymes: TH, L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), and PNMT. At all stages examined, some CG neurons expressed TH immunoreactivity (TH-IR) and all contained AADC-IR. However, none stained with PNMT antibodies, indicating that these cells stably express some, but not all, of the CA enzymes. Second, we examined whether CG neurons in culture expressed other CA markers. CG neurons did not contain detectable levels of TH enzyme activity nor did they transport and store exogenously supplied monoamines. These results indicate that some but not all traits necessary for adrenergic function are present in CG neurons in vitro. Third, we sought to establish whether CA expression in CG neurons is affected by modification in culture conditions. Cultures of CG neurons continued to express TH-IR even when grown in the presence of either 50% HCM or 20 mM KCl for 5 days. Finally, the expression of the cholinergic enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (CAT) was assessed in CG cultures by biochemical assay. CAT activity increased five-fold between 5 and 17 days in vitro, irrespective of the presence of TH-IR in 100% of the CG neurons of sister cultures. These data suggest that at least a subpopulation of CG neurons express both TH and CAT in culture. We conclude that the postmitotic neurons of the CG are able to express some but not all of the traits characteristic of a CA phenotype while maintaining cholinergic expression. These findings suggest that (1) the appearance of the full complement of adrenergic properties is not coordinated and may be regulated by different environmental cues and (2) parasympathetic neurons can express both adrenergic and cholinergic traits simultaneously.  相似文献   

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