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Charlesworth D  Kamau E  Hagenblad J  Tang C 《Genetics》2006,172(4):2699-2704
We compared allele sequences of two loci near the Arabidopsis lyrata self-incompatibility (S) loci with sequences of A. thaliana orthologs and found high numbers of shared polymorphisms, even excluding singletons and sites likely to be highly mutable. This suggests maintenance of entire S-haplotypes for long evolutionary times and extreme recombination suppression in the region.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is unusually high at loci in the S-locus region of the self-incompatible species of the flowering plant, Arabidopsis lyrata, not just in the S loci themselves, but also at two nearby loci. In a previous study of a single natural population from Iceland, we attributed this elevated polymorphism to linkage disequilibrium (LD) between variants at loci close to the S locus and the S alleles, which are maintained in the population by balancing selection. With the four S-flanking loci whose diversity we previously studied, we could not determine the extent of the region linked to the S loci in which neutral sites are affected. We also could not exclude the possibility of a population bottleneck, or of admixture, as causes of the LD. We have now studied four more distant loci flanking the S-locus region, and more populations, and we analyze the results using a theoretical model of the effect of balancing selection on diversity at linked neutral sites within and between different functional S-allelic classes. In the model, diversity is a function of the number of selectively maintained alleles and the recombination distances from the selectively maintained sites. We use the model to estimate the number of different functional S alleles, their turnover rate, and recombination rates between the S-locus region and other loci. Our estimates suggest that there is a small region of very low recombination surrounding the S-locus region.  相似文献   

Differences in neutral diversity at different loci are predicted to arise due to differences in mutation rates and from the "hitchhiking" effects of natural selection. Consistent with hitchhiking models, Drosophila melanogaster chromosome regions with very low recombination have unusually low nucleotide diversity. We compared levels of diversity from five pericentromeric regions with regions of normal recombination in Arabidopsis lyrata, an outcrossing close relative of the highly selfing A. thaliana. In contrast with the accepted theoretical prediction, and the pattern in Drosophila, we found generally high diversity in pericentromeric genes, which is consistent with the observation in A. thaliana. Our data rule out balancing selection in the pericentromeric regions, suggesting that hitchhiking is more strongly reducing diversity in the chromosome arms than the pericentromere regions.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility in Arabidopsis lyrata is sporophytically controlled by the multi-allelic S-locus. Self-incompatibility alleles (S-alleles) are under strong negative frequency dependent selection because pollen carrying common S-alleles have fewer mating opportunities. Population genetics theory predicts that deleterious alleles can accumulate if linked to the S-locus. This was tested by studying segregation of S-alleles in 11 large full sib families in A. lyrata. Significant segregation distortion leading to an up to fourfold difference in transmission rates was found in six families. Differences in transmission rates were not significantly different in reciprocal crosses and the distortions observed were compatible with selection acting at the gametic stage alone. The S-allele with the largest segregation advantage is also the most recessive, and is very common in natural populations concordant with its apparent segregation advantage. These results imply that frequencies of S-alleles in populations of A. lyrata cannot be predicted based on simple models of frequency-dependent selection alone.  相似文献   

Mable BK  Beland J  Di Berardo C 《Heredity》2004,93(5):476-486
Natural populations of diploid Arabidopsis lyrata exhibit the sporophytic type of self-incompatibility system characteristic of Brassicaceae, in which complicated dominance interactions among alleles in the diploid parent determine self-recognition phenotypes of both pollen and stigma. The purpose of this study was to investigate how polyploidy affects this already complex system. One tetraploid population (Arabidopsis lyrata ssp kawasakiana from Japan) showed complete self-compatibility and produced viable selfed progeny for at least three generations subsequent to field collection. In contrast, individuals from a second tetraploid population (A. lyrata ssp petraea from Austria) were strongly self-incompatible (SI). Segregation of SI genotypes in this population followed Mendelian patterns based on a tetrasomic model of inheritance, with two to four alleles per individual, independent segregation of alleles, and little evidence of dosage effects of alleles found in multiple copies. Similar to results from diploids, anomalous compatibility patterns involving particular combinations of individuals occurred at a low frequency in the tetraploids, suggesting altered dominance in certain genetic backgrounds that could be due to the influence of a modifier locus. Overall, dominance relationships among S-alleles in self-incompatible tetraploid families were remarkably similar to those in related diploids, suggesting that this very important and complicated locus has not undergone extensive modification subsequent to polyploidization.  相似文献   

We report studies of seven members of the S-domain gene family in Arabidopsis lyrata, a member of the Brassicaceae that has a sporophytic self-incompatibility (SI) system. Orthologs for five loci are identifiable in the self-compatible relative A. thaliana. Like the Brassica stigmatic incompatibility protein locus (SRK), some of these genes have kinase domains. We show that several of these genes are unlinked to the putative A. lyrata SRK, Aly13. These genes have much lower nonsynonymous and synonymous polymorphism than Aly13 in the S-domains within natural populations, and differentiation between populations is higher, consistent with balancing selection at the Aly13 locus. One gene (Aly8) is linked to Aly13 and has high diversity. No departures from neutrality were detected for any of the loci. Comparing different loci within A. lyrata, sites corresponding to hypervariable regions in the Brassica S-loci (SLG and SRK) and in comparable regions of Aly13 have greater replacement site divergence than the rest of the S-domain. This suggests that the high polymorphism in these regions of incompatibility loci is due to balancing selection acting on sites within or near these regions, combined with low selective constraints.  相似文献   

We investigated DNA sequence diversity for loci on chromosomes 1 and 2 in six natural populations of Arabidopsis lyrata and tested for the role of natural selection in structuring genomewide patterns of variability, specifically examining the effects of recombination rate on levels of silent polymorphism. In contrast with theoretical predictions from models of genetic hitchhiking, maximum-likelihood-based analyses of diversity and divergence do not suggest reduction of diversity in the region of suppressed recombination near the centromere of chromosome 1, except in a single population from Russia, in which the pericentromeric region may have undergone a local selective sweep or demographic process that reduced variability. We discuss various possibilities that might explain why nucleotide diversity in most A. lyrata populations is not related to recombination rate, including genic recombination hotspots, and low gene density in the low recombination rate region.  相似文献   

Recombination and selection at Brassica self-incompatibility loci   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Awadalla P  Charlesworth D 《Genetics》1999,152(1):413-425
In Brassica species, self-incompatibility is controlled genetically by haplotypes involving two known genes, SLG and SRK, and possibly an as yet unknown gene controlling pollen incompatibility types. Alleles at the incompatibility loci are maintained by frequency-dependent selection, and diversity at SLG and SRK appears to be very ancient, with high diversity at silent and replacement sites, particularly in certain "hypervariable" portions of the genes. It is important to test whether recombination occurs in these genes before inferences about function of different parts of the genes can be made from patterns of diversity within their sequences. In addition, it has been suggested that, to maintain the relationship between alleles within a given S-haplotype, recombination is suppressed in the S-locus region. The high diversity makes many population genetic measures of recombination inapplicable. We have analyzed linkage disequilibrium within the SLG gene of two Brassica species, using published coding sequences. The results suggest that intragenic recombination has occurred in the evolutionary history of these alleles. This is supported by patterns of synonymous nucleotide diversity within both the SLG and SRK genes, and between domains of the SRK gene. Finally, clusters of linkage disequilibrium within the SLG gene suggest that hypervariable regions are under balancing selection, and are not merely regions of relaxed selective constraint.  相似文献   

We describe analyses of almost full-length sequences (including both the kinase domain and the S-domain) of the putative SRK incompatibility gene of the self-incompatible plant Arabidopsis lyrata. In A. lyrata, the SRK S-domain controls the pistil recognition specificity, as in self-incompatible Brassica species. In alleles from plants derived from natural A. lyrata populations, nonsynonymous and synonymous site diversity values are very high in both domains; even in exons 3 to 7 of the kinase domain, which probably have no recognition functions, 39% of the amino acids are polymorphic. Within populations, diversity between alleles is high, as expected for an incompatibility locus, which should be under frequency-dependent selection within populations, whereas within the different putative allelic classes polymorphism is very low, as predicted from theoretical models when recombination is rare. Nonsynonymous site variability declines in the kinase domain with increasing distance from the S-domain border, although synonymous diversity remains high, and the introns are unalignable. A decline in nonsynonymous diversity is expected due to selective constraints in the kinase domain, in combination with recombination (allowing diversity to decrease at sites distant from those under balancing selection). However, it is unclear whether recombination occurs in the SRK locus, and interpretation of the observed diversity pattern is complicated by apparent gene conversion with a paralogous gene (or genes). Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in our SRK sequences do not support the conclusion that recombination occurs, which was suggested from previous analyses based on Brassica SLG sequences.  相似文献   

Mating systems in plants are known to be highly labile traits, with frequent transitions from outcrossing to selfing. The genetic basis for breakdown in self-incompatibility (SI) systems has been studied, but data on variation in selfing rates in species for which the molecular basis of SI is known are rare. This study surveyed such variation in Arabidopsis lyrata (Brassicaceae), which is often considered an obligately outcrossing species, to examine the causes and genetic consequences of changes in its breeding system. Based on controlled self-pollinations in the greenhouse, three populations from the Great Lakes region of North America included a minority of self-compatible (SC) individuals, while two showed larger proportions of SC individuals and all populations contained some individuals capable of setting selfed seeds. Loss of SI was not associated with particular haplotypes at the S-locus (as estimated by alleles amplified at the SRK locus, the gene controlling female specificity) and all populations contained similar numbers of SRK alleles, suggesting that some other genetic factor is responsible for modifying the SI reaction. The loss of SI has resulted in an effective shift in the mating system, as the two populations with a high frequency of SC individuals showed significantly lower microsatellite-based multilocus outcrossing rates and higher inbreeding coefficients than the other populations. Based on microsatellites, observed heterozygosities and genetic diversity were also significantly depressed in these populations. These findings provide the unique opportunity to examine in detail the consequences of mating system changes within a species with a well-characterized SI system.  相似文献   

Molecular imprinting is the differential expression and/or silencing of alleles according to their parent of origin [1, 2]. Conflicts between parents, or parents and offspring, should cause "arms races," with accelerated evolution of the genes involved in imprinting. This should be detectable in the evolution of imprinting genes' protein sequences and in the promoter regions of imprinted genes. Previous studies, however, found no evidence of more amino acid substitutions in imprinting genes [1, 3]. We have analyzed sequence diversity of the Arabidopsis lyrata Medea (MEA) gene and divergence from the A. thaliana sequence, including the first study of the promoter region. In A. thaliana, MEA is imprinted, with paternal alleles silenced in endosperm cells [4, 5], and also functions in the imprinting machinery [4, 6]; MEA protein binding at the MEA promoter region indicates self-regulated imprinting [7-9]. We find the same paternal MEA allele silencing in A. lyrata endosperm but no evidence for adaptive evolution in the coding region, whereas the 5' flanking region displays high diversity, with distinct haplotypes, suggesting balancing selection in the promoter region.  相似文献   

Haudry A  Zha HG  Stift M  Mable BK 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(5):1130-1142
A breakdown of self‐incompatibility (SI) followed by a shift to selfing is commonly observed in the evolution of flowering plants. Both are expected to reduce the levels of heterozygosity and genetic diversity. However, breakdown of SI should most strongly affect the region of the SI locus (S‐locus) because of the relaxation of balancing selection that operates on a functional S‐locus, and a potential selective sweep. In contrast, a transition to selfing should affect the whole genome. We set out to disentangle the effects of breakdown of SI and transition to selfing on the level and distribution of genetic diversity in North American populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. Specifically, we compared sequence diversity of loci linked and unlinked to the S‐locus for populations ranging from complete selfing to fully outcrossing. Regardless of linkage to the S‐locus, heterozygosity and genetic diversity increased with population outcrossing rate. High heterozygosity of self‐compatible individuals in outcrossing populations suggests that SI is not the only factor preventing the evolution of self‐fertilization in those populations. There was a strong loss of diversity in selfing populations, which was more pronounced at the S‐locus. In addition, selfing populations showed an accumulation of derived mutations at the S‐locus. Our results provide evidence that beyond the genome‐wide consequences of the population bottleneck associated with the shift to selfing, the S‐locus of A. lyrata shows a specific signal either reflecting the relaxation of balancing selection or positive selection.  相似文献   

We study the segregation of variants of a putative self-incompatibility gene in Arabidopsis lyrata. This gene encodes a sequence that is homologous to the protein encoded by the SRK gene involved in self-incompatibility in Brassica species. We show by diallel pollinations of plants in several full-sib families that seven different sequences of the gene in A. lyrata are linked to different S-alleles, and segregation analysis in further sibships shows that four other sequences behave as allelic to these. The family data on incompatibility provide evidence for dominance classes among the S-alleles, as expected for a sporophytic SI system. We observe no division into pollen-dominant and pollen-recessive classes of alleles as has been found in Brassica, but our alleles fall into at least three dominance classes in both pollen and stigma expression. The diversity among sequences of the A. lyrata putative S-alleles is greater than among the published Brassica SRK sequences, and, unlike Brassica, the alleles do not cluster into groups with similar dominance.  相似文献   

Mable BK  Adam A 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(17):3565-3580
Arabidopsis lyrata is normally considered an obligately outcrossing species with a strong self-incompatibility system, but a shift in mating system towards inbreeding has been found in some North American populations (subspecies A. lyrata ssp. lyrata). This study provides a survey of the Great Lakes region of Canada to determine the extent of this mating system variation and how outcrossing rates are related to current population density, geographical distribution, and genetic diversity. Based on variation at microsatellite markers (progeny arrays to estimate multilocus outcrossing rates and population samples to estimate diversity measures) and controlled greenhouse pollinations, populations can be divided into two groups: (i) group A, consisting of individuals capable of setting selfed seed (including autogamous fruit set in the absence of pollinators), showing depressed outcrossing rates (T(m) = 0.2-0.6), heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.02-0.06) and genetic diversity (H(E) = 0.08-0.10); and (ii) group B, consisting of individuals that are predominantly self-incompatible (T(m) > 0.8), require pollinators for seeds set, and showing higher levels of heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.13-0.31) and diversity (H(E) = 0.19-0.410). Current population density is not related to the shift in mating system but does vary with latitude. Restricted gene flow among populations was evident among all but two populations (F(ST) = 0.11-0.8). Group A populations were more differentiated from one another (F(ST) = 0.78) than they were from group B populations (F(ST) = 0.59), with 41% of the variation partitioned within populations, 47% between populations, and 12% between groups. No significant relationship was found between genetic and geographical distance. Results are discussed in the context of possible postglacial expansion scenarios in relation to loss of self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

In self-incompatibility, a number of S haplotypes are maintained by frequency-dependent selection, which results in trans-specific S haplotypes. The region of several kilobases (approximately 40-60 kb) from SP6 to SP2, including self-incompatibility-related genes and some adjacent genes in Brassica rapa, has high nucleotide diversity due to the hitchhiking effect, and therefore we call this region the "S-locus complex." Recombination in the S-locus complex is considered to be suppressed. We sequenced regions of >50 kb of the S-locus complex of three S haplotypes in B. rapa and found higher nucleotide diversity in intergenic regions than in coding regions. Two highly similar regions of >10 kb were found between BrS-8 and BrS-46. Phylogenetic analysis using trans-specific S haplotypes (called interspecific pairs) of B. rapa and B. oleracea suggested that recombination reduced the nucleotide diversity in these two regions and that the genes not involved in self-incompatibility in the S-locus complex and the kinase domain, but not the S domain, of SRK have also experienced recombination. Recombination may reduce hitchhiking diversity in the S-locus complex, whereas the region from the S domain to SP11 would disfavor recombination.  相似文献   

We have studied diversity in Arabidopsis lyrata of sequences orthologous to the ARK3 gene of A. thaliana. Our main goal was to test for recombination in the S-locus region. In A. thaliana, the single-copy ARK3 gene is closely linked to the non-functional copies of the self-incompatibility loci, and the ortholog in A. lyrata (a self-incompatible species) is in the homologous genome region and is known as Aly8. It is thus of interest to test whether Aly8 sequence diversity is elevated due to close linkage to the highly polymorphic incompatibility locus, as is theoretically predicted. However, Aly8 is not a single-copy gene, and the presence of paralogs could also lead to the appearance of elevated diversity. We established a typing approach based on different lengths of Aly8 PCR products and show that most A. lyrata haplotypes have a single copy, but some have two gene copies, both closely linked to the incompatibility locus, one being a pseudogene. We determined the phase of multiple haplotypes in families of plants from Icelandic and other populations. Different Aly8 sequence types are associated with different SRK alleles, while haplotypes with the same SRK sequences tend to have the same Aly8 sequence. There is evidence of some exchange of sequences between different Aly8 sequences, making it difficult to determine which ones are allelic or to estimate the diversity. However, the homogeneity of the Aly8 sequences of each S-haplotype suggests that recombination between the loci has been very infrequent over the evolutionary history of these populations. Overall, the results suggest that recombination rarely occurs in the interval between the S-loci and Aly8 and that linkage to the S-loci can probably account for the observed high Aly8 diversity.  相似文献   

Gos G  Wright SI 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(23):4953-4962
We examined patterns of nucleotide diversity at a genomic region containing two linked candidate disease resistance (NBS-LRR) genes in seven populations of the outcrossing plant Arabidopsis lyrata. In comparison with two adjacent control genes and neutral reference genes across the genome, the NBS-LRR genes exhibited elevated nonsynonymous variation and a large number of major-effect polymorphisms causing early stop codons and/or frameshift mutations. In contrast, analysis of synonymous diversity provided no evidence that the region was subject to long-term balancing selection or recent selective sweeps in any of the seven populations surveyed. Also in contrast with earlier surveys of one of these R genes, there was no evidence that the resistance genes or the major-effect mutations were subject to elevated differentiation between populations. We suggest that conditional neutrality in the absence of the corresponding pathogen, rather than long-term balancing selection or local adaptation, may in some circumstances be a significant cause of elevated functional polymorphism at R genes. In contrast with the R genes, analysis of diversity and differentiation at the flanking FERONIA locus showed high population divergence, suggesting local adaptation on this locus controlling male-female signalling during fertilization.  相似文献   

How the balance between selection, migration, and drift influences the evolution of local adaptation has been under intense theoretical scrutiny. Yet, empirical studies that relate estimates of local adaptation to quantification of gene flow and effective population sizes have been rare. Here, we conducted a reciprocal transplant trial, a common garden trial, and a whole‐genome‐based demography analysis to examine these effects among Arabidopsis lyrata populations from two altitudinal gradients in Norway. Demography simulations indicated that populations within the two gradients are connected by gene flow (0.1 < 4Nem < 11) and have small effective population sizes (Ne < 6000), suggesting that both migration and drift can counteract local selection. However, the three‐year field experiments showed evidence of local adaptation at the level of hierarchical multiyear fitness, attesting to the strength of differential selection. In the lowland habitat, local superiority was associated with greater fecundity, while viability accounted for fitness differences in the alpine habitat. We also demonstrate that flowering time differentiation has contributed to adaptive divergence between these locally adapted populations. Our results show that despite the estimated potential of gene flow and drift to hinder differentiation, selection among these A. lyrata populations has resulted in local adaptation.  相似文献   

Polyploidization, or genome duplication, has played a critical role in the diversification of animals, fungi and plants. Little is known about the population structure and multiple origins of polyploid species because of the difficulty in identifying multiple homeologous nuclear genes. The allotetraploid species Arabidopsis kamchatica is closely related to the model species Arabidopsis thaliana and is distributed in a broader climatic niche than its parental species. Here, we performed direct sequencing of homeologous pairs of the low-copy nuclear genes WER and CHS by designing homeolog-specific primers, and obtained also chloroplast and ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that 50 individuals covering the distribution range including North America are allopolyploids derived from Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis halleri . Three major clusters within A. kamchatica were detected using Bayesian clustering. One cluster has widespread distribution. The other two are restricted to the southern part of the distribution range including Japan, where the parent A. lyrata is not currently distributed. This suggests that the mountains in Central Honshu and surrounding areas in Japan served as refugia during glacial–interglacial cycles and retained this diversity. We also found that multiple haplotypes of nuclear and chloroplast sequences of A. kamchatica are identical to those of their parental species. This indicates that multiple diploid individuals contributed to the origin of A. kamchatica . The haplotypes of low-copy nuclear genes in Japan suggest independent polyploidization events rather than introgression. Our findings suggest that self-compatibility and gene silencing occurred independently in different origins.  相似文献   

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