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Molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteins are making rapid progress, because of new high-resolution structures, advances in computer hardware and atomistic simulation algorithms, and the recent introduction of coarse-grained models for membranes and proteins. In addition to several large ion channel simulations, recent studies have explored how individual amino acids interact with the bilayer or snorkel/anchor to the headgroup region, and it has been possible to calculate water/membrane partition free energies. This has resulted in a view of bilayers as being adaptive rather than purely hydrophobic solvents, with important implications, for example, for interaction between lipids and arginines in the charged S4 helix of voltage-gated ion channels. However, several studies indicate that the typical current simulations fall short of exhaustive sampling, and that even simple protein-membrane interactions require at least ca. 1mus to fully sample their dynamics. One new way this is being addressed is coarse-grained models that enable mesoscopic simulations on multi-mus scale. These have been used to model interactions, self-assembly and membrane perturbations induced by proteins. While they cannot replace all-atom simulations, they are a potentially useful technique for initial insertion, placement, and low-resolution refinement.  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 4A (NS4A) of Dengue virus (DENV) is a membrane protein involved in rearrangements of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane that are required for formation of replication vesicles. NS4A is composed most likely of three membrane domains. The N- and C-terminal domains are supposed to traverse the lipid membrane whereas the central one is thought to reside on the membrane surface, thus forming a u-shaped protein. All three membrane domains are proposed to be helical by secondary structure prediction programs. After performing multi nanosecond molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at various temperatures (300, 310, and 315.15?K) with each of the individual domains, they are used in a docking approach to define putative association motifs of the transmembrane domains (TMDs). Two structures of the u-shaped protein are generated by separating two assembled TMDs linking them with the membrane-attached domain. Lipid undulation is monitored with the structures embedded in a fully hydrated lipid bilayer applying multiple 200?ns MD simulations at 310?K. An intact structure of the protein supports membrane undulation. The strong unwinding of the helices in the domain-linking section of one of the structures lowers its capability to induce membrane curvature. Unwinding of the link region is due to interactions of two tryptophan residues, Trp-96 and 104. These results provide first insights into the membrane-altering properties of DENV NS4A.  相似文献   

Stearoylsphingomyelin (SSM) bilayers containing 0, 22, and 50 mol % cholesterol (Chol) and a pentadecanoyl-stearoylphosphatidylcholine (15SPC) bilayer containing 22 mol % Chol were molecular dynamics simulated at two temperatures (37 degrees C and 60 degrees C). 15SPC is the best PC equivalent of SSM. The Chol effect on the SSM bilayer differs significantly from that on the 15SPC bilayer. At the same temperature and Chol content, H-bonding of Chol with SSM is more extensive than with 15SPC. SSM-Chol H-bonding anchors the OH group of Chol in the lower regions of the SSM-Chol bilayer interface. Such a location strengthens the influence of Chol on the SSM chains. In effect, the phase of the SSM-Chol bilayer containing 22 mol % Chol at 37 degrees C is shifted from the gel to the liquid-ordered phase, and the bilayer displays similar properties below and above the main phase-transition temperature for a pure SSM bilayer of approximately 45 degrees C. In contrast, due to a higher location, Chol is not able to change the phase of the 15SPC-Chol bilayer, which at 37 degrees C remains in the gel phase. Chol affects both the core and interface of the SSM bilayer. With increasing Chol content, the order of SSM chains and hydration of SSM headgroups increase, whereas polar interactions between lipids decrease.  相似文献   

Mu Y  Stock G 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(2):391-399
Molecular dynamics simulations of the binding of the heterochiral tripeptide KkN to the transactivation responsive (TAR) RNA of HIV-1 is presented, using an all-atom force field with explicit water. To obtain starting structures for the TAR-KkN complex, semirigid docking calculations were performed that employ an NMR structure of free TAR RNA. The molecular dynamics simulations show that the starting structures in which KkN binds to the major groove of TAR (as it is the case for the Tat-TAR complex of HIV-1) are unstable. On the other hand, the minor-groove starting structures are found to lead to several binding modes, which are stabilized by a complex interplay of stacking, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions. Although the ligand does not occupy the binding position of Tat protein, it is shown to hinder the interhelical motion of free TAR RNA. The latter is presumably necessary to achieve the conformational change of TAR RNA to bind Tat protein. Considering the time evolution of the trajectories, the binding process is found to be ligand-induced and cooperative. That is, the conformational rearrangement only occurs in the presence of the ligand and the concerted motion of the ligand and a large part of the RNA binding site is necessary to achieve the final low-energy binding state.  相似文献   

P Auffinger  E Westhof 《Biopolymers》2000,56(4):266-274
With the availability of accurate methods to treat the electrostatic long-range interactions, molecular dynamics simulations have resulted in refined dynamical models of the structure of the hydration shell around RNA motifs. The models reviewed here range from basic Watson-Crick to more specific noncanonical base pairs, from "simple" double helices to RNA molecules displaying more complex tertiary folds, and from DNA/RNA hybrid double helices to RNA hybrids formed with a chemically modified strand.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the initial mechanism of selectivity and membrane association of the synthetic antimicrobial peptide NK‐2, we have applied molecular dynamics simulation techniques to elucidate the interaction of the peptide with the membrane interfaces. A homogeneous dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) and a homogeneous dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) bilayers were taken as model systems for the cytoplasmic bacterial and human erythrocyte membranes, respectively. The results of our simulations on DPPG and DPPE model membranes in the gel phase show that the binding of the peptide, which is considerably stronger for the negatively charged DPPG lipid bilayer than for the zwitterionic DPPE, is mostly governed by electrostatic interactions between negatively charged residues in the membrane and positively charged residues in the peptide. In addition, a characteristic distribution of positively charged residues along the helix facilitates a peptide orientation parallel to the membrane interface. Once the peptides reside close to the membrane surface of DPPG with the more hydrophobic side chains embedded into the membrane interface, the peptide initially disturbs the respective bilayer integrity by a decrease of the order parameter of lipid acyl chain close to the head group region, and by a slightly decrease in bilayer thickness. We found that the peptide retains a high content of helical structure on the zwitterionic membrane‐water interface, while the loss of α‐helicity is observed within a peptide adsorbed onto negatively charged lipid membranes. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Employing nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, a comprehensive computational study of the photoinduced conformational dynamics of a photoswitchable bicyclic azobenzene octapeptide is presented. The calculation of time-dependent probability distributions along various global and local reaction coordinates reveals that the conformational rearrangement of the peptide is rather complex and occurs on at least four timescales: 1) After photoexcitation, the azobenzene unit of the molecule undergoes nonadiabatic photoisomerization within 0.2 ps. 2) On the picosecond timescale, the cooling (13 ps) and the stretching (14 ps) of the photoexcited peptide is observed. 3) Most reaction coordinates exhibit a 50-100 ps component reflecting a fast conformational rearrangement. 4) The 500-1000 ps component observed in the simulation accounts for the slow diffusion-controlled conformational equilibration of the system. The simulation of the photoinduced molecular processes is in remarkable agreement with time-resolved optical and infrared experiments, although the calculated cooling as well as the initial conformational rearrangements of the peptide appear to be somewhat too slow. Based on an ab initio parameterized vibrational Hamiltonian, the time-dependent amide I frequency shift is calculated. Both intramolecular and solvent-induced contributions to the frequency shift were found to change by < or = 2 cm(-1), in reasonable agreement with experiment. The potential of transient infrared spectra to characterize the conformational dynamics of peptides is discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulation of ganglioside GD1a attached to the upper layer of a fully hydrated lipid bilayer of dimyristoyl phosphatidyl choline (DMPC) at room temperature under periodic boundary conditions was performed. The time average conformation of GD1a reveals that the terminal sialic acid is more exposed into the solvent than the internal branched one. Many interresidual contacts between N-acetyl galactosamine-internal branched sialic acid; external Gal-external sialic acid; N-acetyl galactosamine-internal gal are also observed. The conformation of the GD1-hexasaccharide is stabilized by a number of intra molecular hydrogen bonds that were previously observed experimentally. The simulation results indicate that the presence of a single GD1a molecule has local effects on the bilayer. A local disorder in the arrangement of the acyl chains as well as the head groups is evident in the upper layer due to the presence of GD1a.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the structure and mobility of Sperm Wale Apomyoglobin was studied by Molecular Dynamics computer simulation at 1 bar and 3 kbar (1 atm=1.01325 bar=101.325 kPa). The results are in good agreement with the available experimental data, allowing further analysis of other features of the effect of pressure on the protein solution. From the analysis of Secondary Structures (SS) along the trajectories it is observed that alpha-helixes are favoured under pressure at the expense of bends, turns and 3-helixes. The studies of mobility show that although the general mobility is restricted under pressure this is not true for some particular residues. The studies of tertiary structure show important conformational changes. The evolution of the Solvent Accessed Surface (SAS) with pressure shows a notorious increase due almost completely to a biased raise in the hydrophobic area exposed, which consequently shows that the hydrophobic interaction is considerably weaker under high hydrostatic pressure conditions.  相似文献   

The full-atomic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of adsorption mode for diantennary oligoglycines [H-Gly4-NH(CH2)5]2 onto graphite and mica surface is described. The resulting structure of adsorption layers is analyzed. The peptide second structure motives have been studied by both STRIDE (structural identification) and DSSP (dictionary of secondary structure of proteins) methods. The obtained results confirm the possibility of polyglycine II (PGII) structure formation in diantennary oligoglycine (DAOG) monolayers deposited onto graphite surface, which was earlier estimated based on atomic-force microscopy measurements.  相似文献   

The anti-hypertensive drugs amlodipine, atenolol and lisinopril, in ordinary and PEGylated forms, with different combined-ratios, were studied by molecular dynamics simulations using GROMACS software. Twenty simulation systems were designed to evaluate the interactions of drug mixtures with a dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer membrane, in the presence of water molecules. In the course of simulations, various properties of the systems were investigated, including drug location, diffusion and mass distribution in the membrane; drug orientation; the lipid chain disorder as a result of drug penetration into the DMPC membrane; the number of hydrogen bonds; and drug surface area. According to the results obtained, combined drugs penetrate deeper into the DMPC lipid bilayer membrane, and the lipid chains remain ordered. Also, the combined PEGylated drugs, at a combination ratio of 1:1:1, enhance drug penetration into the DMPC membrane, reduce drug agglomeration, orient the drug in a proper angle for easy penetration into the membrane, and decrease undesirable lipotoxicity due to distorted membrane self-assembly and thickness.
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Trp cage is a recently-constructed fast-folding miniprotein. It consists of a short helix, a 3,10 helix and a C-terminal poly-proline that packs against a Trp in the alpha helix. It is known to fold within 4 ns.  相似文献   

The conformational spaces of five oligomers of tetrahydrofuran-based carbopeptoids in chloroform and dimethyl sulfoxide were investigated through nine molecular dynamics simulations. Prompted by nuclear magnetic resonance experiments that indicated various stable folds for some but not all of these carbopeptoids, their folding behaviour was investigated as a function of stereochemistry, chain length and solvent. The conformational distributions of these molecules were analysed in terms of occurrence of hydrogen bonds, backbone torsional-angle distributions, conformational clustering and solute configurational entropy. While a cis-linkage across the tetrahydrofuran ring favours right-handed helical structures, a trans-linkage results in a larger conformational variability. Intra-solute hydrogen bonding is reduced with increasing chain length and with increasing solvent polarity. Solute configurational entropies confirm the picture obtained: they are smaller for cis- than for trans-linked peptides, for chloroform than for dimethyl sulfoxide as solvent and for shorter peptide chains. The simulations provide an atomic picture of molecular conformational variability that is consistent with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

Interaction of the calcium-channel antagonist dihydropyridines (DHPs), lacidipine and nifedipine, with a phospholipid bilayer was studied using 600 ps molecular dynamic simulations. We have constructed a double layer membrane model composed of 42 dimirystoyl-phosphatidylcholine molecules. The DHP molecules locate at about 7 Å from the centre of the membrane, inducing an asymmetry in the bilayer. While lacidipine did not induce significant local perturbations as judged by the gauche-trans isomerisation rate, nifedipine significantly decreased this rate, probably by producing a local rigidity of the membrane in the vicinity of the DHP.  相似文献   

Irisin is found closely associated with promoting the browning of beige fat cells in white adipose tissue. The crystal structure reveals that irisin forms a continuous inter-subunit β-sheet dimer. Here, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulation were performed to investigate the dissociation process and the intricate interactions between the two irisin monomers. In the process of MD, the interactions between the monomers were roughly analyzed through the average numbers of both hydrophobic contacts and H-bonds. Then, SMD was performed to investigate the accurate interaction energy between the monomers. By the analysis of dissociation energy, the van der Waals (vdW) force was identified as the major energy to maintain the dimer structure, which also verified the results of MD simulation. Meanwhile, 11 essential residues were discovered by the magnitude of rupture force during dissociation. Among them, residues Arg75, Glu79, Ile77, Ala88, and Trp90 were reported in a previous study using the method of mutagenesis and size exclusion chromatography, and several new important residues (Arg72, Leu74, Phe76, Gln78, Val80, and Asp91) were also identified. Interestingly, the new important residues that we discovered and the important residues that were reported are located in the opposite side of the β-sheet of the dimer.  相似文献   

The structures of the 16-residue fusion domain (or fusion peptide, FP) of the human immunodeficiency virus gp41 fusion protein, two of its mutants, and a shortened peptide (5-16) were studied by molecular dynamics simulation in an explicit palmitoyloleoylphosphoethanolamine bilayer. The simulations showed that the active wild-type FP inserts into the bilayer approximately 44 degrees +/- 6 degrees with respect to the bilayer normal, whereas the inactive V2E and L9R mutants and the inactive 5 to 16 fragment lie on the bilayer surface. This is the first demonstration by explicit molecular dynamics of the oblique insertion of the fusion domain into lipid bilayers, and provides correlation between the mode of insertion and the fusogenic activity of these peptides. The membrane structure of the wild-type FP is remarkably similar to that of the influenza HA(2) FP as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resistance power saturation. The secondary structures of the wild-type FP and the two inactive mutants are quite similar, indicating that the secondary structure of this fusion domain plays little or no role in affecting the fusogenic activity of the fusion peptide. The insertion of the wild-type FP increases the thickness of the interfacial area of the bilayer by disrupting the hydrocarbon chains and extending the interfacial area toward the head group region, an effect that was not observed in the inactive FPs.  相似文献   


Coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulation technique (MARTINI force field) is applied to monitor the aggregation of helical peptides representing the transmembrane sequence and its extension of bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST-2). One of the peptides is coupled with a protein transducing domain (PTD) of nine arginine residues (R9) at its N-terminal side as well as a peptide, pep11**, which has been shown to bind to human papilloma virus 16 (HPV16) E6 oncoprotein. A short hydrophobic stretch of the transmembrane domain (TMD) of BST-2 aggregates the fastest and inserts into a lipid membrane. An aggregate of R9-pep11** attaches to the membrane via simultaneous contact of many arginine residues. Monomers from the aggregates of the shortest of the hydrophobic TMDs dissolve into the opposing leaflet when the aggregate spans the bilayer. A ‘flipping’ of the individual monomeric peptides is not observed.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of protein folding allow analysis of the folding process at an unprecedented level of detail. Unfortunately, such simulations have not yet reached their full potential both due to difficulties in sufficiently sampling the microsecond timescales needed for folding, and because the force field used may yield neither the correct dynamical sequence of events nor the folded structure. The ongoing study of protein folding through computational methods thus requires both improvements in the performance of molecular dynamics programs to make longer timescales accessible, and testing of force fields in the context of folding simulations. We report a ten-microsecond simulation of an incipient downhill-folding WW domain mutant along with measurement of a molecular time and activated folding time of 1.5 microseconds and 13.3 microseconds, respectively. The protein simulated in explicit solvent exhibits several metastable states with incorrect topology and does not assume the native state during the present simulations.  相似文献   

A molecular dynamics simulation of a mono-cis-unsaturated 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer containing approximately 22 mol% of cholesterol (POPC-Chol) was carried out for 15 ns. An 8-ns trajectory was analysed to determine the effects of Chol on the membrane properties and compare it with that on the fully saturated 1,2-dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer containing approximately 22 mol% of Chol (DMPC-Chol). The study suggests that the experimentally observed weaker effect of Chol on the POPC than DMPC bilayer might result from a different vertical localisation of the Chol hydroxyl group (OH-Chol) in both bilayers: in the POPC-Chol bilayer, OH-Chol is placed approximately 3 A higher in the bilayer interface than in the DMPC-Chol bilayer. Because of the rigid cis double bond in the beta-chain of POPC, Chol fits worse to the POPC-Chol membrane environment and is pushed up, in effect all Chol ring atoms are, on average, located above the double bond. Both in mono-cis-unsaturated and fully saturated PC bilayers, Chol induces stronger van der Waals interactions among the chains, whereas its interactions with the chains are weak. In contrast to DMPC, the smooth alpha-face of the Chol ring lowers the order of POPC chains, whereas the rough beta-face increases the order.  相似文献   

Understanding the properties of interfacial water at solid–liquid interfaces is important in a wide range of applications. Molecular dynamics is becoming a widespread tool for this purpose. Unfortunately, however, the results of such studies are known to strongly depend on the selection of force fields. It is, therefore, of interest to assess the extent by which the implemented force fields can affect the predicted properties of interfacial water. Two silica surfaces, with low and high surface hydroxyl density, respectively, were simulated implementing four force fields. These force fields yield different orientation and flexibility of surface hydrogen atoms, and also different interaction potentials with water molecules. The properties for interfacial water were quantified by calculating contact angles, atomic density profiles, surface density distributions, hydrogen bond density profiles and residence times for water near the solid substrates. We found that at low surface density of hydroxyl groups, the force field strongly affects the predicted contact angle, while at high density of hydroxyl groups, water wets all surfaces considered. From a molecular-level point of view, our results show that the position and intensity of peaks observed from oxygen and hydrogen atomic density profiles are quite different when different force fields are implemented, even when the simulated contact angles are similar. Particularly, the surfaces simulated by the CLAYFF force field appear to attract water more strongly than those simulated by the Bródka and Zerda force field. It was found that the surface density distributions for water strongly depend on the orientation of surface hydrogen atoms. In all cases, we found an elevated number of hydrogen bonds formed between interfacial water molecules. The hydrogen bond density profile does not depend strongly on the force field implemented to simulate the substrate, suggesting that interfacial water assumes the necessary orientation to maximise the number of water–water hydrogen bonds irrespectively of surface properties. Conversely, the residence time for water molecules near the interface strongly depends on the force field and on the flexibility of surface hydroxyl groups. Specifically, water molecules reside for longer times at contact with rigid substrates with high density of hydroxyl groups. These results should be considered when comparisons between simulated and experimental data are attempted.  相似文献   

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