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微管(microtubule)作为细胞骨架的主要成分,在植物体内,微管除决定细胞的形状外,还参与很多重要的细胞功能。但有关微管蛋白生物化学的研究绝大多数来自动物脑组织材料,对植物微管蛋白的研究除培养细胞外所知甚少,我们纯化了毫克数量的萱草(Hemer-ocallis fulvaL.)花粉微管蛋白,利用紫杉醇作为促进剂,在Mg2 、GTP等存在下体外聚合成功,并观察了其电镜下的形态。  相似文献   

中国西北地区萱草属花粉形态研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孔红  王庆瑞 《植物研究》1991,11(1):85-90
本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对我国西北地区萱草属6种1变种的花粉形态进行了比较研究,不同的种类,其花粉形态或多或少有所不同,说明花粉形态在种间具有分类意义,而且6种、1变种可自然地分为两大类群,第一类群包括小黄花菜、北萱草、黄花菜,第二类群包括北黄花菜、折叶萱草、萱草、重瓣萱草。#br#北黄花菜、小黄花菜的花粉形态差别较大,证明把小黄花菜做为北黄花菜的变种是不妥当的。  相似文献   

萱草花粉原生质体培养启动胚胎发生分裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

利用FPLC技术从萱草花粉中鉴定并纯化了动力蛋白,研究了它的酶学性质及部分生物化学性质。结果如下:纯化的类动力蛋白分子量为100kD,等电点pI=6·15和6·80。在280nm波长激发下,最大的荧光发射波长是346nm。荧光光谱分析结合紫外吸收光谱及导数光谱分析推断它含有色氨酸和酪氨酸残基。药理学性质研究表明巯基可能在酶的活性中心起重要作用。  相似文献   

采用丙酮粉抽提,DEAE-Sephadex A-50、Sephacryl S-300、MonoQ柱层析,从银杏花粉中分离纯化出微管蛋白,其两个亚基的分子量分别为54kD和52kD纯化的微管蛋白可与鸡脑微管蛋白抗体发生免疫交叉反应。  相似文献   

微管与微管蛋白概述及其研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综合了近年来有关微管、微管蛋白的研究进展,介绍了 MT 与微管蛋白的形态构造和生化特征;着重讨论了体内和离体条件下MT 的聚合过程,以及影响聚合的各种因素,如 MAP 和 Tau 蛋白等。最后简单地归纳了一下 MT 与其他细胞器的关系,以及 MT 的功能。MT 是如何由微管蛋白聚合成的,是目前MT 研究的关键。  相似文献   

采用丙酮粉抽提,DEAE-SephadexA-50、SephacrylS-300、MonoQ柱层析,从银杏(GinkgobilobaL.)花粉中分高纯化出微管蛋白(tubulin),其两个亚基(α、β)的分子量分别为54kD和52kD.纯化的微管蛋白可与鸡脑微管蛋白抗体发生免疫交叉反应.  相似文献   

萱草幼嫩花粉原生质体培养启动细胞分裂的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
萱草(Hemerocallis fulva L.)幼嫩花粉,即后期小孢子原生质体在培养8天时进入有丝分裂或已形成二个细胞。此外,还观察到游离核分裂、无丝分裂、微核形成等现象。这显示了花粉原生质体分裂方式的多样性。在启动分裂时发生一系列变化:如细胞核移位、大液泡消失、细胞质电子密度增加、细胞器增多、质体不含淀粉等。再生的细胞壁含许多小泡,很少纤丝,表现出现有培养条件下壁的形成能力薄弱。这是今后改进培养技术需要特别注意的问题。  相似文献   

γ-微管蛋白研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
概述了近年来对γ-微管蛋白复合体结构、分子机制以及功能的研究进展.γ-微管蛋白是真核生物体内一种重要的保守性功能蛋白,以γ-微管蛋白小复合体和γ-微管蛋白环式复合体两种形式存在.通过γ-微管蛋白复合体结合蛋白定位于微管组织中心,参与微管的晶核起始以及有丝分裂纺锤体的组装等细胞功能.  相似文献   

Eucaryotic cells contain a complex network of filamentous proteins collectively called the cytoskeleton, which participates in many cellular functions, including organelle motility and information transfer. Tubulins are one of the maincomponents of the cell cytoskeleton. Tubulins of high purity were prepared from day lily pollen grains, and were biochemically and biophysically characterized in this study. The molecular weight ofα-andβ- tubulin from day lily pollen is about 56 kD and 58 kD on SDS-PAGE, respectively. The purity is 93.7% by scanning analysis. The tubulin has a sedimentation coefficient of 6.2S and an isoelectric point of about 5.35. The maximum ultraviolet absorption is 280.8 nm. Fluorescence emission wave length of day lily tubulin is 338 nm by excitation at 282 nm. Circular dichroism (CD) spectrum analysis showed that the percentage ofα-helix, β-sheet and random coil of day lily tubulin is 27.24%, 24.48% and 48.28%, respectively, indicating a typical feature of globulin.  相似文献   

研究表明,鸟苷三磷酸酶(GTP酶)超家族是细胞中一类重要的酶类.其功能之一是水解GTP或ATP,提供细胞生存和运动所需要的能量,如已发现的具GTP酶活性的微管相关马达蛋白、动蛋白和力蛋白等,在微管系统相关运动中提供所需的动力,其分子量一般较大,在10...  相似文献   

A novel motor protein , dynamin- like protein from day lily, was purified and identified by FPLC . Here we report its biochemical characterization . The molecular weight of the dynamin-like protein is 100 kD on SDS-PAGE. Isoelectric points are about 6. 15 and 6 .80 . The fluorescence emission wave length of dynamin-like protein is 346 nm by excitation at 280 nm . Through fluorescence spectra analysis, ultraviolet absorption spectrum and derivative spectrum, we conclude that it contains tryptophan and tyrosine residues . Pharmacological study indicates that mercapto may play an important role inenzyme activity of dynamin-like protein .  相似文献   

萱草花粉动力蛋白的分离与特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动力蛋白(dynamin)是一类具有可被微管激活的GTP酶活性的新型马达蛋白,被证明在动物细胞受体介导的内吞小泡的形成,突触小泡再循环及高尔基体的囊泡运输中起关键作用。近几年,一些植物细胞也被发现有动力蛋白类似物。本研究通过分子量鉴定和免疫印迹法证明萱草(Hemerocallis fulva L.)花粉中存在动力蛋白,其分子量为100kD。经过高度纯化的花粉动甩具有GTPase活性,且可被牛脑微管激活1.64倍;电子显微镜表明,花粉动力蛋白可自我组装成环状结构。  相似文献   

动力蛋白(dynamin)是一类具有可被微管激活的GTP酶活性的新型马达蛋白,被证明在动物细胞受体介导的内吞小泡的形成、突触小泡再循环及高尔基体的囊泡运输中起关键作用.近几年,一些植物细胞也被发现有动力蛋白类似物.本研究通过分子量鉴定和免疫印迹法证明萱草(Hemerocallis fulva L.)花粉中存在动力蛋白,其分子量为100 kD;经过高度纯化的花粉动力蛋白仍具有GTPase活性,且可被牛脑微管激活1.64倍;电子显微镜观察结果表明,花粉动力蛋白可自我组装成环状结构.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes of young pollen protoplasts under culture condition in Hemerocallis fulva were studied. In comparison with the original pollen grains, the pollen protoplasts had been completely deprived of pollen wall, but kept the internal structure intact, including a large vacuole, a thin layer of cytoplasm and a peripherally located nucleus. After 8 days of culture a few pollen protoplasts were triggered to cell division: some of them were just undergoing mitosis with clearly visible chromosomes and spindle fibers; the others already divided into 2-celled units. The two daughter cells were equal or unequal in size but with similar distribution of organelles inside. Besides cell division, there were also free nuclear division, amitosis and formation of micronuclei indicating a diversity of division modes in pollen protoplast culture, A series of changes occurred during the process of induction of cell division, such as locomotion of the nucleus toward the central position, disappearence of the large vacuole, increase of electron density of cytoplasm, increase and activation of organelles, diminishing of starch granules in plastids, etc. However, the regeneration of surface wall was not sufficient it contained mostly vesicles with only a few microfibrits. The wall separating the two daughter cells were either complete or incomplete. The weak capability of wall formation is supposed to be one of the major obstacles which has so far restricted sustained cell divisions of young pollen protoplasts under current culture condition.  相似文献   

In the present work, pollen grains of 3 species of Liriope, 24 species of Ophiopogon and 2 species of Peliosanthes were examined under scanning electron microscope, Among them 4 species were also observed under transmission electron microscope. The observation (Table 3)shows that Liriope and Ophiopogon distinctly differ from Peliosanthes in the exine ornamentation and structure, They may be divided into two types: 1. Rugulate-perforate, ektexine with perforate tectum in Liriope and Ophiopogon. 2. Verrucate, Verracae unequal in size, ektexine intectate in Peliosanthes. Pollen morphology shows the close affinity between Liriope and Ophiopogon, but they are very far from Peliosanthes. The correlation between pollen and gross morphology in Liriope, Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes are stated and their evolutionaly trends are discussed in this paper. The pollen characters support the placement of Liriope and Ophiopogon in one tribe—Ophiopogoneae, and Peliosanthes in another tribe—Peliosantheae. Peliosanthes is more advancedthan Liriope and Ophiopogon.  相似文献   

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