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Runway tests are considered indicative of underlying sociality in birds and their ability to make social discriminations. We evaluated whether experience of a prior stressor alters the subsequent affiliation responses of 9 or 10-day-old chicks simultaneously exposed to familiar (cagemates) and unfamiliar conspecifics placed in goal boxes at opposite ends of a runway. Birds were housed in groups of eight in home cages. Half of the birds in each home cage were used as either familiar or unfamiliar social stimuli in the goal boxes. The other half of the birds were randomly assigned either to a control (CON; n = 51) group that remained undisturbed until testing or to a stress-treatment (STR; n = 52) group that was exposed to a 5-min restraint stressor, returned to its home cage and then tested 1 h later. Birds were individually tested in the runway for 5 min and the behaviours video-recorded. During revision of tapes, the projected floor image of the runway was divided into squares and zones. The stressor decreased (P < 0.01) the time spent in close proximity (close zone; CZ) to conspecifics regardless of the familiarity of the stimulus birds. Regardless of treatment, test chicks showed shorter latencies to enter (P < 0.05) and spent longer time (P < 0.02) in the familiar than in the unfamiliar CZ suggesting that young chicks can discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics encountered in novel surroundings. While in close proximity to familiar conspecifics, STR birds showed a reduced (P < 0.05) number of squares entered compared to CONs. This reduced locomotor activity was not accompanied by an increased activity in other zones of the runway. At the end of the trial, both CON and STR birds showed a reduced (P < 0.05) locomotor activity in the unfamiliar CZ and an increased (P < 0.05) activity in the central zone of the runway. Interestingly, no differences were detected between CON and STR birds in the total number of squares entered during the trial. These results suggest that prior stressor exposure did not affect the overall amount of locomotion but altered the spatial distribution of it. Collectively, our findings suggest that exposure to an acute stressor event subsequently affects chicks’ affiliation responses in runway tests. The way a bird will react depends on the identity (familiar or unfamiliar) of the conspecifics in its close environment.  相似文献   

Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa Lam.) is an invasive plant that alters species composition and grazing value of rangelands in the northwestern United States. The spread of invasive plants may be reduced by using livestock as a biological control. We determined if mature ewes and their lambs (n = 34 ewe/lamb pairs) consume more spotted knapweed when ewes and/or lambs are conditioned to fresh-cut spotted knapweed. Ewe/lamb pairs were randomly assigned to one of four conditioning treatments: ewes and lambs not conditioned to spotted knapweed (N), conditioned ewes with non-conditioned lambs (E), non-conditioned ewes with conditioned lambs (L), or conditioned ewes and lambs (both—B). Then, ewes and lambs were observed together for 5 days (Trial 1); 11 days later, lambs were observed for 4 days without their mothers (Trial 2). During conditioning, intake by conditioned and non-conditioned ewes and lambs varied over time (as-fed basis, treatment by day interaction; ewes P = 0.03; lambs P = 0.05). Overall, non-conditioned lambs (N, E) consumed more than conditioned lambs (L, B; P = 0.02). In Trial 1, N ewes consumed similar amounts of spotted knapweed and bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) as the E, L, and B ewes (P = 0.67). E ewes spent more time eating spotted knapweed than L ewes (P = 0.001), and E ewe/lamb pairs consumed more spotted knapweed than L ewe/lamb pairs (P = 0.02). In Trial 2, N lambs consumed less spotted knapweed than E, L, and B lambs (P = 0.06). L lambs consumed more than E lambs (P = 0.007). Conditioning ewes, lambs, or ewes and lambs did not increase time spent eating spotted knapweed when both grazed together in a drylot, but conditioned lambs, without their mothers present, consumed more spotted knapweed 11 days later than non-conditioned lambs. Conditioning lambs only in a group setting with their peers may have the greatest potential to enhance consumption of spotted knapweed, because of social facilitation and the predilection for young animals to try novel feeds.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how co-mingling litters affected piglets’ pre-weaning growth, ear injuries, suckling behaviour and responses to behavioural tests used to measure coping abilities. Thirty sows and their respective litters were housed in standard farrowing crates until day 13 after birth. On day13, the partition between two neighbouring pens was removed for 20 litters allowing piglets to interact (forming 10 co-mingled litters). The remaining 10 control litters were kept in standard farrowing crates throughout the experiment. Three focal piglets from each litter were used for data collection. Focal piglets were weighed and ear injuries recorded on days 2, 4, 9, 12, 15 and 18 after birth. There were no differences in piglets’ weight gain before or after co-mingling. Ear injuries were more abundant in co-mingled litters on day 15 (P < 0.05) but these differences disappeared by day 18. Suckling behaviour was recorded on days 5, 8, 10, 14, 16 and 18 after birth. There were no differences in teat fidelity, suckling frequency and mother fidelity between treatments. Three behavioural tests, social challenge, isolation, and backtest, were performed before and after co-mingling. There were no treatment effects on piglets’ response to the isolation test and backtest. Co-mingled piglets showed longer latency for the first aggressive interaction (P < 0.05), spent more time in proximity to one another (P < 0.05) and performed less single bites (P < 0.05) than control piglets during the social challenge. In addition, the duration and frequency of aggressive interactions (P < 0.05) were lower in co-mingled piglets than control piglets. Co-mingling did not affect the frequency of single head thrusts or oral–nasal contact, but did tend to increase the frequency of escape attempts (P < 0.10). Our results suggest that co-mingling litters during lactation affects piglets’ social behaviour, by primarily decreasing aggressive interactions during social challenges.  相似文献   

Ewes in oestrus, besides being receptive to rams, develop an active search for them. We performed two experiments to determine if oestrous ewes prefer: (1) high or low sexual-performance rams, and (2) 2-year-old or aged (>8-years-old) rams. In the first experiment, the preference of ewes for rams with high or low sexual performances was compared in 16 tests. In the second experiment, 17 tests were performed comparing ewes’ preference for aged rams (>8-years-old) or young rams (2-years-old). In each test, two rams were tied at equal distances from the point of entrance of the ewe, with a maximum mobility for each ram of 2 m. The first approach to a ram, the quantity of approaches toward each ram (less than one body length), and the total time that the ewe remained near each ram were registered during 5 min. Oestrous ewes did not display any preference according to sexual performance of rams, but spent significantly more time (P = 0.02), and did it in more tests (P = 0.025), with young than with aged rams. Ewes also tended to approach first (P = 0.07), and more times in more tests (P = 0.06), to young than to aged rams. We conclude that ram's sexual performance seems not to influence oestrous ewes preference, and that ewes’ prefer young (2-years-old) rather than aged rams (>8-years-old).  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine whether parity is a factor that influences the estrous and ovulatory responses of female goats when they are stimulated by males that show increased sexual activity. To stimulate sexual activity, four adult male goats were subjected to photoperiodic treatment for 2.5 months comprising long days, with the treatment commencing on 1 November. On 14 April at 1900 h, a group of multiparous females (n = 21) and a group of 16 months-old nulliparous females (n = 19) were exposed to four bucks (two per group) for 15 days. Throughout the study period, the estrous behavior of these female goats was detected twice on a daily basis. Ovulations of the female goats were determined by ecography on days 7 and 18 after exposure to males. The sexual behavior of males was recorded twice every day from 0800 to 0900 h and from 1730 to 1830 h during the first 4 days after introduction in the pen of females. The total cumulative proportion of multiparous females that had ovulations (100%) and displayed estrous behavior (100%) during the 15 days of exposure to males did not differ (P > 0.05) from that of nulliparous females (100% and 95%, respectively). The interval between introduction of males and onset of estrous behavior did not differ (P > 0.05) between multiparous (1.9 ± 0.1 days) and nulliparous (1.7 ± 0.2 days) females. The proportion of females displaying a short estrous cycle was greater (P < 0.05) in multiparous (13/21, 62%) than in nulliparous (5/19, 26%) females. Duration of these shorter than typical estrous cycles did not differ (P > 0.05) between groups (multiparous: 5.2 ± 0.3 days, nulliparous: 4.5 ± 0.1 days). The number of anogenital sniffings was greater (P < 0.001) in males exposed to nulliparous than in those exposed to multiparous females. In contrast, the number of mounting attempts was greater (P < 0.01) in males that were introduced to multiparous than in those that were introduced to nulliparous does. The number of flehmen, nudging, self-marking with urine, and mounts was not different (P > 0.05) between males that were in contact with multiparous and nulliparous females. These results indicate that regardless of parity, female goats respond to male introduction if they are stimulated by males that were previously exposed to artificial long days to increase their sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of an acute stressor in the early postnatal life of pigs, surgical castration, on post-weaning behaviour, and on the behavioural, endocrine and immune responses elicited by a low-dose lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge after weaning. At 5-days-of-age, 64 male piglets were randomly assigned to undergo surgical castration or were left untreated (treatment). Pigs were weaned at 28 days-of-age. Behaviour post-weaning and mixing was assessed during a 1-h period, during which agonistic interactions were recorded. One day post-weaning, pigs were injected intraperitoneally with a single dose of 0 or 5 μg/kg of BW of LPS from Escherichia coli (challenge). Sickness behaviour was studied by scan sampling every 5 min for 45 min at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 h after the challenge. Blood samples were taken at 0, 2, 12 or 24 h after injection and were analysed for plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-), interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA) and cortisol. Results showed that non-castrated pigs were more aggressive than castrated pigs immediately after weaning (P < 0.05). Administration of LPS provoked behaviours characteristic of sickness including a reduction in general activity, as well as decreased eating and exploratory behaviours (P < 0.05). These altered behaviours occurred predominantly 3-h post injection (P < 0.05). Significant treatment by challenge interactions showed that castration reduced the occurrence of sickness behaviours induced by LPS, such as depressed general activity (P < 0.01), anorexia (P < 0.01) and reduced exploratory behaviours (P < 0.05). LPS administration increased TNF- levels (P < 0.05), with peak concentrations 2 h after injection (P < 0.01). CRP levels of LPS-treated pigs were higher than saline-treated animals at 12 h (P < 0.05). LPS administration tended to increase plasma SAA levels (P < 0.1), but did not increase cortisol levels (P > 0.1). However, castration did not affect the response of pro-inflammatory cytokines, acute phase proteins and cortisol to the challenge. These results show that surgical castration reduces aggressiveness at weaning and affects specific sickness behaviours but not the endocrine and immune responses elicited by low-dose endotoxin challenge in weaned pigs.  相似文献   

Our objective was to test the effects of two types of stall flooring and two tie stall designs on the behaviour of dairy cows. Using two cross-over designs, 16 lactating Holstein cows were housed for 3-week periods in each of four tie stalls to compare the effects of concrete versus mattress flooring, and a narrow versus a wide stall front opening. When cows were housed on a mattress flooring they increased their total lying time by 1.8h per day (51.0 versus 43.4% time per day). The duration of individual lying bouts was longer on concrete flooring (78 versus 62min) and the same was true for the duration of individual bouts of standing (80 versus 48min). On mattress flooring cows stood up and lay down more often than on concrete (28 versus 20 per day, respectively). On concrete cows spent more time standing without eating (35.2 versus 28.1% of sampling observations). Cows consistently made use of the additional space provided with the wide stall front opening, placing their head in the manger area during 70.6% of lying observations compared to only 43.4% of observations in the narrow stall front. However, measures of general activity were not significantly different for the two stall designs. Cows spent similar amounts of time eating and consumed similar quantities of feed in all four tie stalls. Our results suggest a lack of comfort may be apparent in reduced time spent lying and a subsequent increase in time spent standing without eating. A lower frequency of standing and lying and an increase in the bout duration of lying suggests that cows on concrete flooring have difficulty standing up and lying down.  相似文献   

Apart from acetyl-choline (Ach), adenosine-5′-trisphosphate (ATP) is thought to play a role in neuromuscular function, however little information is available on its cellular physiology. As such, effects of ATP and adenosine on contractility of mice diaphragmatic and skeletal muscles (m. extensor digitorum longa—MEDL) have been investigated in in vitro experiments. Application of carbacholine (CCh) in vitro in different concentrations led to pronounced muscle contractions, varying from 9.15 ± 4.76 to 513.13 ± 15.4 mg and from 44.65 ± 5.01 to 101.46 ± 9.11 mg for diaphragm and MEDL, respectively. Two hundred micromolars of CCh in both muscles caused the contraction with the 65% (diaphragm) to 75% (MEDL) of maximal contraction force—this concentration was thus used in further experiments. It was found that application of ATP (100 μM) increased the force of diaphragmatic contraction caused by CCh (200 μM) from 335.2 ± 51.4 mg (n = 21) in controls to 426.5 ± 47.8 mg (n = 10; P < 0.05), but decreased the contractions of MEDL of CCh from 76.6 ± 6.5 mg (n = 26) in control to 40.2 ± 9.0 mg (n = 8; P < 0.05). Application of adenosine (100 μM) had no effect on CCh-induced contractions of these muscles.

Resting membrane potential (MP) measurements using sharp electrodes were done at 10, 20 and 30 min after the application of ATP and adenosine. Diaphragm showed depolarization from 75 ± 0.6 down to 63.2 ± 1.05, 57.2 ± 0.96 and 53.6 ± 1.1 mV after 10, 20 and 30 min of exposition, respectively (20 fibers from 4 muscles each, P < 0.05 in all three cases). Adenosine showed no effect on diaphragmatic MP. Both agents were ineffective in case of MEDL.

The effects of ATP in both tissues were abolished by suramin (100 μM), a P2-receptor antagonist, and chelerythrin (50 μM), a specific protein-kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, but were not affected by 1H-[1,2,4]-oxadiazolo-[4,3-]-quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ, 1 μM), a guanylyl-cyclase inhibitor, or by adenosine-3,5-monophosphothioate (Rp-cAMP, 1 μM), a protein-kinase A (PKA) inhibitor.

Besides the action on contractile activity, ATP (100 μM) led to a significant (P < 0.001) depolarization of diaphragm muscle fibers from 74.5 ± 2.3 down to 64 ± 2.1, 58.2 ± 2.2 and 54.3 ± 2.4 mV after 10, 20 and 30 min of incubation, respectively. Incubation of MEDL with the same ATP concentration showed no significant change of MP.

Denervation of the muscles for 28 days led to a decrease of CCh-induced contractions of diaphragm down to 171.1 ± 34.5 mg (n = 11, P < 0.05), but increased the contractile force of MEDL up to 723.9 ± 82.3 mg (n = 9, P < 0.01). Application of ATP elevated the contractility of denervated diaphragm caused by CCh up to normal values (311.1 ± 79.7 mg, n = 6, P > 0.05 versus control), but did not significantly affect of contractility of MEDL, which became 848.1 ± 62.7 mg (n = 6).

These results show that the effects of ATP on both diaphragmatic and skeletal muscles are mediated through P2Y receptors coupled to chelerytrin-sensitive protein-kinase C.  相似文献   

Forty-eight individually fed purebred Angus steers (7±1.1 mo of age, 218±9.1 kg BW) were used to determine the effects of copper (Cu) source and concentration on Cu status and immune function. Steers were stratified by weight and initial liver Cu concentration and randomly assigned to one of five treatments. Treatments were: (1) control (no supplemental Cu), (2) 10 mg Cu/kg dry matter (DM) from Cu sulfate (CuSO4), (3) 10 mg Cu/kg DM from a Cu-amino acid complex (Availa Cu; Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN, USA), (4) 20 mg Cu/kg DM from CuSO4, and (5) 20 mg Cu/kg DM from Availa Cu. Steers were housed in individual pens and fed an alfalfa-corn based growing diet (7.1 mg Cu/kg DM) for 56 d then gradually switched to a high concentrate diet (6.1 mg Cu/kg DM) for 144 d. On d 56 of the growing phase and d 112 of the finishing phase, liver Cu concentrations were higher (P<0.01) in Cu supplemented steers. Steers receiving 20 mg Cu/kg DM had higher (P<0.01) liver Cu concentrations than steers receiving 10 mg Cu/kg DM. On d 112 of the finishing phase, steers receiving 20 mg Cu/kg DM from Availa Cu had higher (P<0.01) liver Cu concentrations than steers supplemented 20 mg Cu/kg DM from CuSO4. Cell mediated immune response to phytohemagglutinin was higher (P<0.01) in steers supplemented with 20 mg Cu/kg DM compared to steers supplemented with 10 mg Cu/kg DM. Total immunoglobulin (Ig) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations specific to pig red blood cells (PRBC) were higher (P<0.01) in steers supplemented with 10 mg Cu/kg DM from CuSO4 than steers supplemented with 10 mg Cu/kg DM from Availa Cu. During the finishing phase, IgG concentrations specific to PRBC were higher (P<0.03) and antibody titers specific to ovalbumin (OVA) were lower (P<0.05) in control steers relative to Cu supplemented steers. Steers receiving 20 mg Cu/kg DM had higher (P<0.02) antibody titers specific to OVA than steers receiving 10 mg Cu/kg DM. Steers receiving 20 mg Cu/kg DM from Availa Cu had higher (P<0.01) antibody titers specific to OVA than steers supplemented with 20 mg Cu/kg DM from CuSO4. Results indicate that the immune response to an antigen varies depending on the type of antigen administered as well as the concentration and source of Cu supplemented.  相似文献   

Male Beulah speckled face lambs (initial live weight (LW) 28.8 ± 0.31 kg) were allocated to three dietary treatments to evaluate the performance of store lambs of a hill breed when offered ensiled lucerne (Medicago sativa), red clover (Trifolium pratense) or ryegrass. Second-cut silage bales (wilted and inoculated) were prepared from 3-year old lucerne and red clover stands and a 1-year old ryegrass sward. All the lambs were group-housed and offered ad libitum ryegrass silage during a 3-week co-variate period. This was followed by a week of dietary changeover period, after which the lambs were housed individually and offered their treatment diet ad libitum. All the lambs received a flat rate supplement of pelleted molassed sugarbeet (250 g fresh weight/day). Individual intakes were determined daily, and weekly measurements of LW and body condition score (CS) were made. Additional measurements were taken by scanning the lambs for depth of Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle and subcutaneous fat. Over an experimental period of 7 weeks, the lambs offered red clover silage had a higher voluntary silage dry matter (DM) intake, total DM intake and metabolisable energy (ME) intake (P < 0.001) than lambs offered either lucerne or ryegrass silage. This resulted in a faster (P < 0.001) growth rate and increase (P < 0.001) in CS, with no difference between lucerne and ryegrass silages. The feed conversion efficiency (FCE) was 8.0 ± 0.61 kg feed/kg gain for lambs fed red clover silage, compared with 16.6 ± 2.82 and 10.6 ± 1.94 kg feed/kg gain for lucerne and ryegrass silage, respectively. The CP intake was higher (P < 0.001) for lambs fed the lucerne and red clover silages than for the ryegrass silage treatment. The concentration of plasma total protein (TP) was higher (P < 0.05) for lambs offered ryegrass silage versus lucerne and red clover silage. Urea concentrations were highest for lambs fed lucerne silage and lowest for those fed ryegrass silage (P < 0.05). The glucose concentration was higher (P < 0.05) for lambs offered red clover silage, whereas non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentration was higher (P < 0.05) for lambs offered lucerne silage. Substituting ryegrass silage with red clover silage has the potential to improve the performance of finishing store lambs.  相似文献   

With the aim of testing the hypothesis that regrouping decreases milk production in French Alpine goats that were lactating, a study was done using two groups (n = 8, 7). During their third month after parturition, four goats from each group were exchanged (first regrouping) between pens and left for 2 weeks, then the same two subgroups of four goats were taken back to their original pen for another 2 weeks (second regrouping). In the third regrouping, the two groups were all placed in the one pen. Milk production and social behaviour were measured daily before and after each regrouping. All regroupings led to an increase in aggressive behaviours that last by 1–2 days. Mean daily milk production decreased after first (2.82 ± 0.2 kg versus 2.53 ± 0.2 kg; P < 0.05) but not after second and third regrouping. It is concluded that aggressive behaviour increases after all regroupings, whereas milk production decreases only after the first regrouping, suggesting an important capacity of adaptation to a novel and stressful managements in the French Alpine goat. The study highlights the importance of considering effects of common practices in herd managements on social behaviour and production.  相似文献   

Systems’ welfare evaluation, including behavioural testing, is becoming increasingly popular in farm animal assurance schemes. The aims of this study were to investigate whether fairly short-term exposure to gestation housing systems, which varied in physical, environmental and human-input factors, influenced behavioural and physiological measures during a human approach test—often used to identify problems in human–animal interactions. Twenty-four Large White×Landrace gilts were initially subjected to identical human contact and daily husbandry. Forty-two days after service, the gilts were randomly assigned to either an indoor housing system (n=16) or an outdoor housing system (n=8), which differed physically and in the amount of human contact and daily husbandry. The indoor system used an electronic sow feeder (ESF), was more space-limited and thermally-controlled and had human contact centered on cleaning out. The outdoor system was more extensive, had much greater space accessible, was not thermally-controlled and had human contact that centered around feeding. The human approach test was carried out on all gilts 30–44 days after entry to the gestation system. At testing, each individual was fitted with heart rate monitor and then moved into a test arena. After 2 min an unfamiliar human entered the pen and stood motionless for 3 min against one wall and then approached the gilt and touched her snout. Throughout the experimental period, behaviour and sound within the test arena were recorded continuously. During the 2 min familiarisation period, outdoor gilts had lower heart rates (108.2 bpm versus 123.7 bpm, P<0.05) and tended to perform fewer short vocalisations (0.5 calls per min versus 3.4 calls per min, P<0.1). Outdoor-housed gilts also carried out less locomotor behaviour (2.2 sections crossed versus 4.0 sections crossed, P<0.05) and tended to perform fewer short (1.4 calls per min versus 5.0 calls per min, P<0.1) and long vocalisations (0.2 calls per min versus 1.8 calls per min, P<0.1) over the 3 min test period. Outdoor gilts tended to be slower to approach within 0.5 m of the human (69.9 s versus 19.3 s, P<0.1) but they then took less extra time to make physical contact (3.3 s versus 52.7 s, P<0.1). Mean heart rate was significantly lower in outdoor sows over the whole 3 min period (99.5 bpm versus 115.5 bpm, P<0.05). The results demonstrate that short-term exposure to different housing systems did influence behavioural and physiological measures during a standard human approach test and thus, systems differences should be taken into account before making judgements about the human–animal relationship on any commercial farm, based on results of behavioural tests of this type.  相似文献   

B-mode sonography is a well-established diagnostic tool for determination of cycle stage in gynaecology. The aim of this study was to determine whether computer-assisted texture analysis of B- mode sonographic images of bovine luteal glands provides further information about the animal's plasma progesterone concentration and cycle stage. Four Simmenthal cows were examined during two consecutive estrous cycles with an ultrasound device equipped with a 7.5 MHz microconvex probe. During each examination three B-mode images of the corpus luteum (CL) were digitized and analyzed off-line using a computer-assisted texture analysis program. Size, echogeneity, and echotexture of the CL were characterized by the following texture parameters: area of cross-sectional planes of the CL (A), mean gray level (MGL), correlation (CORR), run percentage (RPERC), and long-run emphasis (LREM). Plasma progesterone levels (P4) were also determined. All parameters showed characteristic changes during the estrous cycle (P < 0.05). Variance component estimates for the effect of Day of estrous cycle on A, MGL, CORR, RPERC, and LREM were 56.6%, 64.6%, 77.6%, 89.9%, and 86.0%, respectively, and 20.6%, 24.5%, 7.2%, 0.0%, and 14.0% for the influence of the individual cow. The factor estrous cycle within cows was responsible for 22.8%, 10.9%, 15.2%, 10.1%, and 0.0% of the variability of A, MGL, CORR, RPERC and LREM values, respectively. Cyclic changes were similar in A and P4. In contrast to P4, which decreased already between Days –5 and –3 (Day 0 = ovulation), A stayed at constant high values until Day –3. Mean MGL values were higher (P < 0.05) on Days 7, 9, and 13 compared to Days 3 and –3. Mean CORR values were constantly high (P > 0.05) during the first days after ovulation and decreased continuously (P < 0.05) between Days 5 and 13. Thereafter, mean CORR values remained low (P < 0.05) until the next ovulation, except on Day –3 (P < 0.05). Mean RPERC rose between Days 1 and 9 from low to high values (P < 0.0001) remained at these high values (P > 0.05) between Days 9 and 15, and decreased (P < 0.05) afterwards to baseline values on Day –1. Mean LREM inclined steeply (P < 0.0001) from minimum to maximum between Days 1 and 5. From Days 7 to –3, mean LREM remained (P > 0.05) at a constant level close below the maximum value, and decreased to baseline values on Day –1. The results of this study show that statistical pattern recognition techniques provide new information about the luteal glands, thus facilitating a more accurate differentiation between different cycle stages in cows.  相似文献   

Wether lambs (n = 27, average BW = 40 kg) were used to test response to forage treated with Tasco-Forage (an extract of the brown kelp Ascophyllum nodosum) prior to conserving, or to direct feeding of the extract (Tasco-EX). Hays made from endophyte (Neoyphodium coenophialum)-infested tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)-based pasture received 0 or 3 kg of Tasco/ha prior to harvest. Lambs, blocked by weight, were randomly allotted to three diets: (1) control hay, (2) treated hay, and (3) #1 + Tasco-EX fed at 1% of the diet. Hays were low in CP (<7%) so all lambs were fed soybean meal (12% of the diet) in addition to trace mineralized salt. Diets were fed at 1.5% BW to prevent refusals. Total collections (7 d) were made during periods without or with applied heat stress. After each period, rumen contents were obtained to determine pH, NH3 and VFA. Lambs were sacrificed post-trial. A subset was used to evaluate sensory traits and muscle fatty acids. Lambs were in negative N balance during the study and Tasco treatments did not affect N metabolism. Fecal N tended (P < 0.10) to increase with short duration heat stress causing a concomitant decrease (P < 0.05) in apparent N digestibility (58.6 versus 56.1%; S.E. = 0.7). Urinary N loss decreased (P < 0.001) with heat stress (8.0 versus 5.9 g/d; S.E. = 0.2), resulting in increased (P < 0.001) N retention (−2.1 versus −0.3 g/d; S.E. = 0.2). Apparent OM digestibility was not affected by heat stress but was greater (P < 0.05) for lambs fed Tasco-EX treatment than those fed treated hay. Treatment diets decreased (P < 0.05) ruminal butyrate. Heat stress increased (P < 0.05) acetate and total VFA and decreased (P < 0.01) ruminal pH. A tendency (P < 0.11) of increased 14:1ω5, decreased (P < 0.05) 18:0 and total saturated fatty acids in muscle was observed with Tasco diets. Meat sensory characteristics were not affected by treatment. Tasco may alter some aspects of rumen or lipid metabolism but has no effect on N metabolism or meat sensory characteristics of sheep fed restricted, low-quality diets.  相似文献   

The ram effect is widely used in Mediterranean breeds of sheep but its use in temperate genotypes is restricted by breed seasonality. However, ewes from these highly seasonal genotypes are sensitive to stimulation by rams close to the onset of the natural breeding season. In this study we developed a pre-mating protocol of repeated, short-term exposure to rams (fence-line contact or vasectomised rams) beginning during late anoestrus and continuing into the breeding season. We hypothesised that this pre-mating protocol would synchronise the distribution of mating of North of England Mule ewes during the breeding season above that observed in ewes isolated from rams prior to mating. Ram-exposed ewes were given contact with rams (Experiment 1: fence-line; FR, n = 94 and Experiment 2: vasectomised rams; VR; n = 103) for 24 h on Days 0 (10 September), 17 and 34 of the experiment. Control ewes (Experiment 1; FC, n = 98 and Experiment 2; VC; n = 106) remained isolated from rams prior to mating. In Experiment 2, a subset of VR (n = 35) and VC ewes (n = 35) were blood sampled twice weekly to monitor their pre-mating progesterone profiles. At mating, harnessed entire rams were introduced, 17 or 16 days after the last ram exposure (Experiments 1 and 2) and raddle marks were recorded daily. The median time from ram introduction to mating was reduced in ewes given both fence-line and vasectomised ram contact (P < 0.001), leading to a more compact distribution of mating and lambing (At least P < 0.01). In the blood sampled VR ewes, there was a progressive decline in the number of days from ram exposure to the onset of dioestrus (at least P < 0.05). This observation indicates that the cycles in VR ewes became increasingly synchronised over the pre-mating period, a pattern not evident in VC ewes. In conclusion, repeated, short-term exposure of ewes to rams during the transition into the breeding season is an effective method of synchronising the distribution of mating during the breeding season.  相似文献   

To control postpartum anestrus and reduce calving to conception interval, 167 crossbred non-pregnant cows that were 90–130 days postpartum were allotted randomly to one of the following treatments: PH (n = 59), intra-vaginal sponge with 250 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) for 7 days plus 50 mg of MAP and 5 mg 17-β estradiol (17β-E) in the first day of treatment (day −8), 500 UI eCG (day −3) and 1.5 mg 17β-E in 24 h after sponge removal (day 0); CR (n = 57), temporary calf removal for 120 h; CG (n = 51), control group without treatment. Estrus rate differed among treatments (P < 0.01) being greater in PH (78.2%), followed by CR (52.0%) and CG (22.9%). A greater proportion of cows in the PH (80.0%) and CR (54%) groups had ovulations when compared to CG (35.4%). Intervals to first estrus were 13.5 ± 6.3 days, 26.1 ± 6.4 days and 52.5 ± 7.5 days for the PH, CR and CG groups, respectively. First insemination conception was similar in the three groups. Postpartum intervals to first breeding (PFS) and to conception (PCI) were longer in CG than PH and CR groups (P < 0.05; P < 0.01). The PH and CR groups had a similar PFS but PCI was different (P < 0.02). Accumulated pregnancy rate at 30 and 60 but not at 90 days were different (30 days: P < 0.09; P < 0.01; P < 0.09; 60 days: P < 0.06; P < 0.01; P < 0.03) among treatments. After 90 days post-treatment, 9%, 18% and 33% of cows from the PH, CR and CG groups had not conceived. Similarly, 5.4%, 6.0% and 12.5% of cows from the PH, CR and CG groups, respectively, were culled from the herd because of lack of pregnancy after 180 days post treatment. In the group of cows evaluated by ultrasonography, only those cows having larger ovaries and dominant follicles had ovulations. It was concluded that the hormonal treatment was more efficient in inducing a fertile estrus and reducing calving to conception interval followed by the calf removal for 120 h. Each method can be considered as an important tool to reduce the postpartum anestrous period in dual purpose herds when AI is conduct in the tropics.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate sperm functional attributes in relation to in vitro sperm-zona binding ability and cleavage rate in assessing frozen thawed buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) semen quality. Frozen-thawed forty-eight ejaculates from eight Surti buffalo bulls (six ejaculates/bull) obtained by artificial vagina were used. Frozen semen from each bull was thawed, pooled, and subjected for sperm functional (six replicates) and in vitro fertilization (four replicates) tests. The progressive forward motility, plasmalemma functional integrity assessed by fluorogenic [6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA), and propidium iodide (PI)], hypoosmotic swelling (HOS), and hypoosmotic swelling-Giemsa (HOS-G) test, mitochondrial membrane potential, sperm nuclear morphology, the number of sperm bound to zona and cleavage rate differed significantly (P < 0.05) between bulls. When the animals were grouped based on cleavage rate (group I, >40% cleavage rate, n = 5, and group II, <40% cleavage rate, n = 3), in vitro fertility parameters and all the sperm functional attributes except sperm nuclear morphology differed significantly (P < 0.05). The proportions of sperm with functional plasmalemma in the tail and intact acrosome assessed by HOS-G test (25.33, range: 17.48–40.27) were significantly (P < 0.001) lower than the functional plasmalemma in the tail assessed by HOS test (39.80, range: 27.85–54.67). The number of sperm bound to zona had significant correlations with the mitochondrial membrane potential (r = 0.90, P < 0.01) and plasmalemma integrity (fluorogenic, r = 0.74 and HOS, r = 0.79, P < 0.05) and HOS-G, r = 0.87, P < 0.01). The cleavage rate had significant (P < 0.05) correlations with the mitochondrial membrane potential (r = 0.70) and plasmalemma integrity measured by HOS-G test (r = 0.68). The present study indicates that these attributes could represent important determinants of buffalo sperm quality influencing cleavage rate.  相似文献   

The effect of handling and hand-feeding of calves with or without their dams present on the calves’ subsequent response to humans was investigated using 5 groups of 10 Danish Friesian calves, each of which received a different treatment. The treatments were: calf separated from its dam immediately after birth, housed in a single pen and handled (group SH) or not handled (group S) calf adjacent to cow and handled (group CH) or not handled (C) for the first 4 days after calving. The fifth group was housed together with their dams for the first 4 days of life and then moved to single pens and handled there for the next 4 days (group C-SH). The handling treatment was carried out three times daily for 4 days and consisted of 6 min of hand-feeding with milk from a teat-bucket and patting, stroking and talking to the calf. After separation, all calves were housed in single pens. Human contact was minimised except during the treatment periods.

The approach behaviour of each calf to an unknown person was tested at days 20, 40 and 55 in their home pen. Flight distance was determined at day 55. The test at day 55 was carried out in a large single pen where the calves had been housed for 24 h prior to the test. The latency to interact (in seconds) with the person was significantly shorter (P<0.001) in all three tests for SH (13±5, 29±7 and 44±8, at days 20, 40 and 55, respectively) and C-SH (28±6, 47±17 and 70±17) compared to S (240±25, 238±33 and 173±5), C (240±28, 202±36 and 167±13) and CH (233±36, 271±29 and 128±19). The results of the latter three groups did not differ significantly. Treatment also affected the position and the orientation of the calf in the pen during the tests. Calves in SH and C-SH stood at the front of the pen and faced the person more often than calves in S, C and CH. Again, there were no significant differences between the results of the latter three groups.

The results indicate that the presence of the dam limits the effect of the handling treatment on young calves’ motivation to interact with humans. It is likely that primary socialization occurs with the dam, preventing a secondary socialization developing with humans, until the calf is isolated from the dam.  相似文献   

To investigate the DNA damage, expression of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and cell proliferation of human lens epithelial cells (hLEC) after exposure to the 1.8 GHz radiofrequency field (RF) of a global system for mobile communications (GSM). An Xc-1800 RF exposure system was used to employ a GSM signal at 1.8 GHz (217 Hz amplitude-modulated) with the output power in the specific absorption rate (SAR) of 1, 2 and 3 W/kg. After 2 h exposure to RF, the DNA damage of hLEC was accessed by comet assay at five different incubation times: 0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 min, respectively. Western blot and RT-PCR were used to determine the expression of Hsp70 in hLECs after RF exposure. The proliferation rate of cells was evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation on days 0, 1 and 4 after exposure. The results show that the difference of DNA-breaks between the exposed and sham-exposed (control) groups induced by 1 and 2 W/kg irradiation were not significant at any incubation time point (P > 0.05). The DNA damage caused by 3 W/kg irradiation was significantly increased at the times of 0 and 30 min after exposure (P < 0.05), a phenomenon that could not be seen at the time points of 60, 120 or 240 min (P > 0.05). Detectable mRNA as well as protein expression of Hsp70 was found in all groups. Exposure at SARs of 2 and 3 W/kg for 2 h exhibited significantly increased Hsp70 protein expression (P < 0.05), while no change in Hsp70 mRNA expression could be found in any of the groups (P > 0.05). No difference of the cell proliferation rate between the sham-exposed and exposed cells was found at any exposure dose tested (P > 0.05). The results indicate that exposure to non-thermal dosages of RF for wireless communications can induce no or repairable DNA damage and the increased Hsp70 protein expression in hLECs occurred without change in the cell proliferation rate. The non-thermal stress response of Hsp70 protein increase to RF exposure might be involved in protecting hLEC from DNA damage and maintaining the cellular capacity for proliferation.  相似文献   

An animal's ability to select a diet depends on forage availability, the density of herbivores, and the allocation of forage resources. We hypothesized that the temporal and spatial availability of forages in sagebrush steppe vegetation both influence food selection and may encourage lambs to learn to use sagebrush, a shrub that contains high levels of terpenes that limit food intake. We conducted a field study with three treatments of 20 lambs each. Forage resources were manipulated by restricting grazing areas. Lambs in treatment H grazed at a high stock density, whereas lambs in treatment L grazed at a low stock density; both groups were moved to fresh pasture daily. Lambs in treatment H3 had three times the area of treatment H, but they were moved every 3 days, making the total area grazed by H and H3 equal, but with a different temporal allocation of forage. Scan sampling was used to record the incidence of consumption among sagebrush and understory herbs. During 24 days of conditioning, stock density and temporal patterns of forage allocation both influenced the behavior of lambs. Lambs in H spent more time foraging on sagebrush (25%) than lambs in H3 (16%), and lambs in both H and H3 spent more time foraging on sagebrush than lambs in L (1%) (P < 0.05). For lambs in H3, foraging on sagebrush was cyclic and depended on the daily availability of herbs. Use of sagebrush, expressed as a percentage of total foraging time, was <1% for day 1, 13% for day 2, and 37% for day 3 (P < 0.0001). Importantly, use of sagebrush by H3 and H increased steadily as the trial progressed, whereas use of sagebrush by L was consistently low (P < 0.05). Following conditioning, when lambs were tested at low stock densities during preference test 1, use of sagebrush did not differ by groups, but at higher stock densities in preference test 2, their use of sagebrush varied by treatments: H > H3 > L (P < 0.005). Thus, the availability of alternative foods, manipulated through animal density and the temporal allocation of those resources, both affected how readily lambs learned to use sagebrush.  相似文献   

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