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In a double-blind group sequential trial the efficiency of an oxytocin nasal spray in enhancing lactation was studied during the first five days after delivery in women who had given birth prematurely. The cumulative volume of breast milk obtained between the second and fifth days after delivery was 3.5 times greater in primiparas given oxytocin than in primiparas given placebo. There was no significant difference in the composition of the milk between the untreated women and those given oxytocin. The results of this study show that oxytocin nasal spray is an effective and safe means of enhancing lactation in women using a breast pump.  相似文献   

Low birth weight (LBW) is associated with a large number and variety of risk conditions during pregnancy. The number and types of risk conditions per pregnancy were determined in 1,864 white and 872 black mothers delivered at the University of Kansas Medical Center between 1975 and 1978. The incidence of LBW infants increased steadily among white and black mothers as the number of risk factors increased from none to three or four per pregnancy. Among pregnancies without spontaneous premature rupture of membranes (PROM), 51 percent of the LBW infants were born to mothers who had multiple risk factors associated with their pregnancies, even though only 18 percent of these pregnancies were associated with multiple risk factors. Among pregnancies with PROM, 72 percent were associated with multiple risk conditions, and 31 percent resulted in LBW infants. About 90 percent of LBW infants from PROM pregnancies had mothers with multiple risk factors. For all numbers of risk conditions, black mothers had a higher incidence of LBW infants than white mothers. Among black mothers without spontaneous premature rupture of membranes (PROM), the incidence of LBW infants increased from 3.2 percent (10/308) in low (zero)-risk condition pregnancies to 33 percent (16/49) among mothers with three or four risk conditions during the pregnancy. Among white mothers without PROM, the incidence of LBW infants increased from 1.7 percent (12/708) in low (zero)-risk condition pregnancies to 30 percent (19/64) in pregnancies with three or four risk conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The duration of lactational amenorrhoea, and infant feeding patterns and behaviour, were investigated in a sample of 97 mother-infant pairs living in a poor urban area of Dhaka, Bangladesh. A seven-hour time allocation method was used to determine the number of breast-feeding bouts and their duration. The seven-hour observation period was conducted on five occasions: at birth, 1 month, 4 months, 8 months and either 10 or 11 months. The median duration of lactational amenorrhoea was determined to be 24.07 weeks using survival analysis. Mothers who breast-fed their babies for longer and more frequently had, on average, a longer period of lactational amenorrhoea. There was no relationship between sociodemographic characteristics of the mother and duration of lactational amenorrhoea, nor was there any significant relationship between maternal anthropometry and birth weight of the baby and duration of lactational amenorrhoea, but there was a tendency for women with lower body mass index to have longer durations. Using the Cox proportional hazards model, the best predictor of duration of lactational amenorrhoea was the mean of months 0 and 1 durations of breast-feeding, adjusted for the mean frequencies for those months. The introduction of weaning food was also an important predictor.  相似文献   



There has been much discussion about whether female feticide occurs in certain immigrant groups in Canada. We examined data on live births in Ontario and compared sex ratios in different groups according to the mother’s country or region of birth and parity.


We completed a population-based study of 766 688 singleton live births between 2002 and 2007. We used birth records provided by Ontario Vital Statistics for live births in the province between 23 and 41 weeks’ gestation. We categorized each newborn according to the mother’s country or region of birth, namely Canada (n = 486 599), Europe (n = 58 505), South Korea (n = 3663), China (n = 23 818), Philippines (n = 15 367), rest of East Asia (n = 18 971), Pakistan (n = 18 018), India (n = 31 978), rest of South Asia (n = 20 695) and other countries (n = 89 074). We calculated male:female ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all live births by these regions and stratified them by maternal parity at the time of delivery (0, 1, 2 or ≥ 3).


Among infants of nulliparous women, the male:female ratio was about 1.05 overall. As parity increased, the ratio remained unchanged among infants of Canadian-born women. In contrast, the male:female ratio was significantly higher among infants of primiparous women born in South Korea (1.20, 95% CI 1.09–1.34) and India (1.11, 95% CI 1.07–1.15) than among infants of Canadian-born primiparous women. Among multiparous women, those born in India were significantly more likely than Canadian-born women to have a male infant (parity 2, ratio 1.36, 95% CI 1.27–1.46; parity ≥ 3, ratio 1.25, 95% CI 1.09–1.43).


Our study of male:female ratios in Ontario showed that multiparous women born in India were significantly more likely than multiparous women born in Canada to have a male infant.Although there are some myths about correctly guessing the sex of a fetus,1 modern-day prenatal ultrasound enables the identification of whether a fetus is a boy or girl with 99% accuracy.2 There has been much discussion about whether female fetuses are at higher risk of pregnancy termination than male fetuses in certain ethnic groups. In India, a study of data from the National Family Health Survey for 265 516 births showed a sharp increase in the male:female ratio among second-order births when the firstborn was a girl, and no significant increase when the firstborn was a boy.3 The authors attributed this trend to the practice of selective abortion of female fetuses. A recent editorial4 and news item5 in CMAJ suggested that female feticide may also be occurring in Canada.6 Rather than using live-birth statistics, the Canadian study cited in CMAJ used data from the 2001 and 2006 Canada Census long-form questionnaires, which were completed by 20% of the population and relied on self-reporting of additional information, including the number of family members in a given household.We used contemporary data on live births in Ontario, Canada’s most populous and ethnically diverse province, and compared sex ratios among infants of Canadian-born women with sex ratios in different immigrant groups. We focused on immigrant groups from countries purported to have the highest rates of preference for a son following the birth of one or more daughters.36 We determined whether the male:female ratio increased with increasing parity in certain immigrant groups, as has been previously suggested.3,6  相似文献   

Breast-fed preterm infants often show a better outcome, partly ascribed to the benefit of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and their binding proteins (IGFBP). We compared IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 levels, measured by radioimmunoassays in milk samples from 30 mothers of preterm (<31 weeks) and from 19 mothers of term (>37 weeks) infants at days 7 and 21 postpartum. Proteolysis of IGFBP-2 within mother's milk and digestion of (125)I-IGF-II and (125)I-IGFBP-2 by gastric juice from neonates were assessed by electrophoretic techniques. Mean concentrations did not differ between preterm and term milk: IGF-I (2.8 +/- 0.2 vs. 2.3 +/- 0.1 ng/ml), IGF-II (12.0 +/- 0.4 vs. 12.2 +/- 0.5 ng/ml), IGFBP-3 (100.0 +/- 5.1 vs. 80.0 +/- 5.8 ng/ml), but did so for IGFBP-2 (3,144 +/- 172 vs. 2,428 +/- 188 ng/ml, p < 0.02). Immunoblots revealed 42% (p < 0.05) more IGFBP-2 fragments of 14 and 25 kDa in preterm milk. Incubation with gastric juice caused cleavage of (125)I-IGFBP-2 and partial cleavage of (125)I-IGF-II. Mutual complexation protected IGF-II and IGFBP-2 from cleavage, suggesting that both are likely to arrive in the bowel in an intact form to exert promotive effects. The results provide further evidence that IGFBP-2 and IGF-II in breast milk are relevant factors for the early development of preterm infants.  相似文献   

During 1975-7, 96 mothers were referred to University College Hospital for delivery from 39 other hospitals because their pregnancies were considered to be at very high risk. One hundred of the 111 infants born to the 96 mothers weighed 2500 g or less and 60 weighed 1500 g or less. A high proportion of the infants developed serious illnesses necessitating intensive care. The birth-weight-specific neonatal mortality rates of the infants were much lower than those of infants born in England and Wales as a whole and were also lower than those of the 370 infants transported to this hospital for intensive care after delivery elsewhere. Whenever possible mothers with very high-risk pregnancies should be referred for delivery to centres with full facilities for the intensive care of the mother, fetus, and newborn infant.  相似文献   

Quantitative relationships between physical parameters of sucking, milk transfer and the duration of amenorrhoea were examined in normal mother-baby pairs under exclusive breastfeeding. Sucking pressures were recorded twice on the second and once on the fifth month after birth, during complete breastfeeding episodes, by means of a catheter attached to the nipple and connected to a pressure transducer, the signals of which were analysed by computer. Babies were weighed before and after each sucking episode to estimate milk transfer. In the first nursing episode after noon, 2-month-old babies sucked from 140 to > 800 times during 4-15 min from the first breast, obtaining from 20 to > 100 g milk. The physical parameters of sucking and milk transfer exhibited high inter-individual but low intra-individual variabilities. There were significant differences in the physical parameters of sucking and milk transfer efficiency between first and second breast and between the second and fifth months after birth. Milk transfer efficiency was inversely correlated with time occupied by non-sucking pauses > or = 1.5 s, and was directly correlated with mean intersuck intervals in the first breast and with duration of the sucking episode, number of sucks, mean pressure and area under the pressure curve in the second breast. There was no correlation between the physical parameters of sucking and duration of lactational amenorrhoea (n = 62). However, significantly more mothers had amenorrhoea lasting > 180 days among those whose babies spent a longer proportion of the nursing episode in non-sucking pauses > or = 1.5 s. This finding indicates that sensory stimulation of the nipple produced during a nursing episode by stimuli other than sucking itself may have an important role in sustaining lactational amenorrhoea. It is concluded that nursing episodes have a complex structure that allows the development of a breastfeeding phenotype in each mother-baby pair, exhibiting important inter-individual variability. The present analysis does not support the contention that this source of variability accounts for the variability in the duration of lactational amenorrhoea.  相似文献   

K. Minde  L. Ford  L. Celhoffer  C. Boukydis 《CMAJ》1975,113(8):741-745
The initial attachment of three mothers to three premature infants weighing less than 1500 g was assessed by observation of the mother''s behaviour during visits to her child in the hospital nursery. Interactions of mothers and infants were compared with those of nurses and infants. Premature infants, during a stay in hospital of approximately 7 weeks, have to adapt to up to 70 different nurses and receive generally little contact stimulation from them. Mothers change in their interactional behaviour over time but show persistent individual differences in amount of touching, smiling and talking to their infants. Follow-up investigation will determine if the maternal behaviour as demonstrated in the nursery is predictive of later parenting disorders.  相似文献   

To examine longitudinal and gestational effects of mineral content in human milk, we analyzed human milk from lactating mothers of premature (PRT,n = 24, < 2000g birth weight, < 37 wk gestation) and fullterm (FT,n = 19, > 2500g, 39–41 wk gestation), living in Newfoundland, Canada. Samples were collected once a week for 8 wk with one final sample collected at 3 mo. Milk samples collected in acid-washed containers were wet ashed with concentrated HNO3, and barium, cadmium, calcium, cesium, cobalt, copper, cerium, lanthanum, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead, rubidium, tin, strontium, and zinc were measured using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed using standard multiple-regression procedures with correlated data analyses to take account of the relationship between successive weeks. Results indicated lower Ca and Pb in PRT milk. Calcium was the only nutritionally significant element to differ between groups. Molybdenum in both PRT and FT milk showed a definite decrease with time, suggesting that the Mo content in milk is homeostatically regulated. However, Ce, La, Ba, and Sn did not display any pattern indicative of biological regulation and potential human requirement.  相似文献   

Gestation duration and lactation duration are usually treated as independently evolving traits in primates, but the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) suggests both durations should be determined by metabolic rate. We used phylogenetic generalized least-squares linear regression to test these different perspectives. We found that the allometries of the durations are divergent from each other and different from the scaling exponent predicted by the MTE (0.25). Gestation duration increases much more slowly (0.06 < m < 0.12), and lactation duration much more quickly (0.36 < m < 0.52) with body mass than the MTE predicts. By contrast, we found that the combined duration of gestation and lactation is consistent with the MTE''s predictions (0.22 < m < 0.35). These results suggest that gestation duration and lactation duration might best be viewed as distinct but coupled adaptations. When transferring energy to their offspring, primate mothers must meet metabolically dictated physiological requirements while optimizing the timing of the switch from gestation to lactation in relation to some as-yet-unidentified body-size-related factor.  相似文献   

In these studies we investigated the time course of changes in circulating leptin levels in lactating rats and the dependence of these changes on the energetic cost of lactation and evaluated the contribution of changes in leptin levels to lactational hyperphagia and infertility. In the first experiment, plasma leptin levels were measured on Days 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 postpartum in freefeeding lactating rats and age-matched virgin females. Retroperitoneal and parametrial fat pads weights were obtained from the same females. In the second experiment the same measures, together with plasma insulin and prolactin levels, were taken on Days 15 and 20 postpartum from galactophore-cut and sham-operated females. In Experiments 3 and 4, the effects of exogenous leptin administration, either subcutaneously (sc) or intracerebroventricularly (icv), on lactational anovulation, maternal food intake, and dam and litter weights were examined. Circulating leptin levels decreased in lactating rats. Leptin levels were highly positively correlated with fat pad weight. Eliminating the energetic costs of lactation by preventing milk delivery induced dramatic increases in plasma leptin and insulin levels and also increased adiposity. Exogenous leptin administration did not affect length of lactational anovulation but reduced food intake, maternal body weight, and litter weight gain when given centrally and maternal body weight when given systemically. Together, these data show that the energetic costs of lactation are associated with a fall in circulating leptin levels but that these do not make a major contribution to the suppression of reproduction in lactating rats; however, they may be permissive to the hyperphagia of lactation.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q10(CoQ10) in human milk at different stages of maturity in mothers of preterm and full-term infants and its relation to the total antioxidant capacity of milk is described for the first time. Thirty healthy breastfeeding women provided colostrum, transition-milk and mature-milk samples. Coenzyme Q, alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherol, fatty acids and the total antioxidant capacity of the milk were analyzed. Coenzyme Q10 was found at higher concentrations for colostrum (0.81+/-0.06 vs. 0.50+/-0.05 micromol/l) and transition milk (0.75+/-0.06 vs. 0.45+/-0.05 micromol/l) in the full-term vs. the preterm group (similar results were found for total antioxidant capacity). Concentrations of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol were higher in the full-term group and decreased with time. In conclusion, CoQ10 is present in breast milk, with higher concentration in mothers of full-term infants. CoQ10 in breast milk decreases through lactation in mothers delivering full-term infants. Also, CoQ10, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol concentration in human milk directly correlates with the antioxidant capacity of the milk.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q10(CoQ10) in human milk at different stages of maturity in mothers of preterm and full-term infants and its relation to the total antioxidant capacity of milk is described for the first time. Thirty healthy breastfeeding women provided colostrum, transition-milk and mature-milk samples. Coenzyme Q, α-, γ- and δ-tocopherol, fatty acids and the total antioxidant capacity of the milk were analyzed. Coenzyme Q10 was found at higher concentrations for colostrum (0.81 ± 0.06 vs. 0.50 ± 0.05 μmol/l) and transition milk (0.75 ± 0.06 vs. 0.45 ± 0.05 μmol/l) in the full-term vs. the preterm group (similar results were found for total antioxidant capacity). Concentrations of α- and γ-tocopherol were higher in the full-term group and decreased with time. In conclusion, CoQ10 is present in breast milk, with higher concentration in mothers of full-term infants. CoQ10 in breast milk decreases through lactation in mothers delivering full-term infants. Also, CoQ10, α- and γ-tocopherol concentration in human milk directly correlates with the antioxidant capacity of the milk.  相似文献   

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