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The ATP hydrolysis dependent Na+-Na+ exchange of reconstituted shark (Na+ + K+)-ATPase is electrogenic with a transport stoichiometry as for the Na+-K+ exchange, suggesting that translocation of extracellular Na+ is taking place via the same route as extracellular K+. The preparation thus offers an opportunity to compare the sided action of Na+ and of K+ on the affinity for ATP in a reaction in which the intermediary steps in the overall reaction seems to be the same without and with K+. With Na+ but no K+ on the two sides of the enzyme, the ATP-activation curve is hyperbolic and the affinity for ATP is high. Extracellular K+ in concentrations of 50 μM (the lowest tested) and up gives biphasic ATP activation curves, with both a high- and a low-affinity component for ATP. Cytoplasmic K+ also gives biphasic ATP-activation curves, however, only when the K+ concentration is 50 mM or higher (Na+ + K+ = 130 mM). The different ATP-activation curves are explained from the Albers-Post scheme, in which there is an ATP-dependent and an ATP-independent deocclusion of E2(Na2+) and E2(K2+), respectively, and in which the dephosphorylation of E2-P is rate limiting in the presence of Na+ (but no K+) extracellular, whereas in the presence of extracellular K+ it is the deocclusion of E2(K2+) which is rate limiting.  相似文献   

Summary Na+-K+-2Cl cotransport in aortic endothelial cells is activated by cell shrinkage, inhibited by cell swelling, and is responsible for recovery of cell volume. The role of protein phosphorylation in the regulation of cotransport was examined with two inhibitors of protein phosphatases, okadaic acid and calyculin, and a protein kinase inhibitor, K252a. Both phosphatase inhibitors stimulated cotransport in isotonic medium, with calyculin, a more potent inhibitor of protein phosphatase I, being 50-fold more potent. Neither agent stimulated cotransport in hypertonic medium. Stimulation by calyculin was immediate and was complete by 5 min, with no change in cell Na + K content, indicating that the stimulation of cotransport was not secondary to cell shrinkage. The time required for calyculin to activate cotransport was longer in swollen cells than in normal cells, indicating that the phosphorylation step is affected by cell volume. Activation of cotransport when cells in isotonic medium were placed in hypertonic medium was more rapid than the inactivation of cotransport when cells in hypertonic medium were placed in isotonic medium, which is consistent with a shrinkage-activated kinase rather than a shrinkage-inhibited phosphatase. K252a, a nonspecific protein kinase inhibitor, reduced cotransport in both isotonic and hypertonic media. The rate of inactivation was the same in either medium, indicating that dephosphorylation is not regulated by cell volume. These results demonstrate that Na+-K+-2Cl cotransport is activated by protein phosphorylation and is inactivated by a Type I protein phosphatase. The regulation of cotransport by cell volume is due to changes in the rate of phosphorylation rather than dephosphorylation, suggesting the existence of a volume-sensitive protein kinase. Both the kinase and the phosphatase are constitutively active, perhaps to allow for rapid changes in cotransport activity.This work was supported by a Clinical Investigator Award DK01643 (to W.C.O) and a Grant-in-Aid from the American Heart Association of Georgia.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of intracellular K+ and Na+ (K+ c, Na+ c) on the Na+,K+,Cl+– cotransport pathway of HeLa cells were studied by measuring ouabain-insensitive, furosemide-sensitive Rb+ influx (JRb) at various intracellular concentrations of K+ and Na+ ([K+]c, [Na+]c). When [K+]c was increased and [Na+]c was decreased, keeping the sums of their concentrations almost constant, JRb as a function of the extracellular Rb+ or Na+ concentration ([Rb+]e, [Na+]e) was stimulated. However, the apparent K 0.5 for Rb+ e or Na+ e remained unchanged and the ratio of the apparent K +0.5 for K+ c and the apparent K i for Na+ c was larger than 1. When JRb was increased by hypertonicity by addition of 200 mM mannitol, the apparent maximum JRb increased without change in the apparent K 0.5 for Rb+ e. These results show that K+ c stimulates and Na+ c inhibits JRb, without change in the affinities of the pathway for Rb+ e and Na+ e. The affinity for K+ c is slightly lower than that for Na+ c. Hypertonicity enhances JRb without any change in the affinity for Rb+ e. We derived a kinetic equation for JRb with respect to K+ c and Na+ c and proposed a general and a special model of the pathway. The special model suggests that, in HeLa cells, JRb takes place when Rb+ e binds to the external K+ binding site of the pathway after the binding of K+ c to the internal regulatory site.We thank Mr. T. Masuya for technical assistance. This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (No. 03202136) from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.  相似文献   

The effect of the protein structure of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase on its incorporation into liposome membranes was investigated as follows: the catalytic α-subunit of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase was split into low-molecular weight fragments by trypsin treatment and the digested enzyme was reconstituted at the same protein concentration as intact control enzyme. The reconstitution process was quantified by the average number of intramembrane particles appearing on concave and convex fracture faces after freeze-fracture of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase liposomes. The number of intramembrane particles as well as their distribution on concave and convex fracture faces is not modified by the proteolysis. In contrast, the ATPase activity and the transport capacity of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase decrease progessively with increasing incubation times in the presence of trypsin and are abolished when the original 100 000 molecular weight α-subunit is no longer visible by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Apparently, functional (Na+ + K+)-ATPase with intact protein structure and digested, non functional enzyme consisting of fragments of the α-subunit reconstitute in the same manner and to the same extent as judged by freeze-fracture analysis. We conclude that, while trypsin treatment modifies the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase molecule in a functional sense, it appears not to modify its interaction with the bilayer in producing intramembrane particles. On the basis of our results, we propose a lipid-lipid interaction mechanism for reconstitution of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation increases cell mortality in a dose-dependent manner. Increases in DNA double strand breaks, γ-H2AX, p53 phophorylation, and protein levels of p53 and Bax also occur. We investigated the ability of ciprofloxacin (CIP), a widely prescribed antibiotic, to inhibit DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation. Human tumor TK6, NH32 (p53 ?/? of TK6) cells, and human normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were exposed to 2–8 Gy 60Co-γ-photon radiation. γ-H2AX (an indicator of DNA strand breaks), phosphorylated p53 (responsible for cell-cycle arrest), Bcl-2 (an apoptotic protein, and cell death were measured. Ionizing irradiation increased γ-H2AX amounts in TK6 cells (p53+/+) within 1 h in a radiation dose-dependent manner. CIP pretreatment and posttreatment effectively inhibited the increase in γ-H2AX. CIP pretreatment reduced Bcl-2 production but promoted p53 phosphorylation, caspase-3 activation and cell death. In NH32 cells, CIP failed to significantly inhibit the radiation-induced γ-H2AX increase, suggesting that CIP inhibition involves in p53-dependent mechanisms. In normal healthy human PBMCs, CIP failed to block the radiation-induced γ-H2AX increase but effectively increased Bcl-2 production, but blocked the phospho-p53 increase and subsequent cell death. CIP increased Gadd45α, and enhanced p21 protein 24 h postirradiation. Results suggest that CIP exerts its effect in TK6 cells by promoting p53 phosphorylation and inhibiting Bcl-2 production and in PBMCs by inhibiting p53 phosphorylation and increasing Bcl-2 production. Our data are the first to support the view that CIP may be effective to protect normal tissue cells from radiation injury, while enhancing cancer cell death in radiation therapy.  相似文献   

PurposeLinkage between clinical databases and population-based cancer registries may serve to evaluate European Reference Networks’ (ERNs) activity, by monitoring the proportion of patients benefiting from these and their impact on survival at a population level. To test this, a study targeting neuroblastoma (Nb) was conducted in Spain by the European Joint Action on Rare Cancers.Material and methodsSubjects: Nb cases, incident 1999–2017, aged < 15 years. Linkage included: Spanish Neuroblastoma Clinical Database (NbCDB) (1217 cases); Spanish Registry of Childhood Tumours (RETI) (1514 cases); and 10 regional population-based registries (RPBCRs) which cover 33% of the childhood population (332 cases). Linkage was semiautomatic. We estimated completeness, incidence, contribution, deficit, and 5-year survival in the databases and specific subsets.ResultsNational completeness estimates for RETI and NbCDB were 91% and 72% respectively, using the Spanish RPBCRs on International Incidence of Childhood Cancer (https://iicc.iarc.fr/) as reference. RPBCRs’ specific contribution was 1.6%. Linkage required manual crossover in 54% of the semiautomatic matches. Five-year survival was 74% (0–14 years) and 90% (0–18 months).ConclusionsAll three databases were incomplete as regards Spain as a whole and should therefore be combined to achieve full childhood cancer registration. A unique personal patient identifier could facilitate such linkage. Most children have access to Nb clinical trials. Consolidated interconnections between the national registry and clinical registries (including ERNs and paediatric oncology clinical groups) should be established to evaluate outcomes.  相似文献   

Bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes a precise remodeling process involving resorptive osteoclastic cells and bone-forming osteoblastic (OB) cells. The functional imbalance of either of these cell types can lead to severe skeletal diseases. The proliferation and differentiation of OB cells play a major role in bone development and turnover. These cellular processes are coordinated by connexin43 (Cx43)-based gap-junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and by soluble factors such as endothelin-1 (ET-1). We have used the Cx43 heterozygous (Cx43+/−) murine model to study the possible cross-talk between Cx43 and ET-1 in cultured calvarial OB cells. On microcomputed tomographic analysis of 3-day-old pups, Cx43+/− mice showed hypomineralized calvaria in comparison with their Cx43+/+ littermates. Characterization of cultured OB cells clearly demonstrated the effect of the partial deletion of the Cx43 gene on its expression, on GJIC, and subsequently on OB differentiation. In this model, ET-1 (10−8 M) lost its mitogenic action in Cx43+/− OB cells compared with Cx43+/+ cells. Moreover, a correlation between the inhibition of cell differentiation by ET-1 and the decreased amount and function of Cx43 was found in Cx43+/+ OB cells but not in their Cx43+/− counterparts. Thus, as Cx43 is linked to OB differentiation, our data indicate that this mitogenic ET-1 peptide has pronounced effects on fully differentiated OB cells. With respect to roles in mechanotransduction and OB differentiation, Cx43 might modulate osteoblastic sensitivity to soluble factors.  相似文献   

Kinetic models of the F0F1-ATPase able to transport H+ or/and Na+ ions are proposed. It is assumed that (i) H+ and Na+ compete for the same binding sites, (ii) ion translocation through F0 is coupled to the rate-limiting step of the F1-catalyzed reaction. The main characteristics of the dependences of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis rates on Δφ, ΔpH, and ΔpNa are predicted for various versions of the coupling model. The mechanism of the switchover from \(\Delta \bar \mu _{H^ + } \) -dependent synthesis to the \(\Delta \bar \mu _{Na^ + } \) -dependent one is demonstrated. It is shown that even with a drastic drop in \(\Delta \bar \mu _{H^ + } \) , ATP hydrolysis by the proton mode of catalysis can be effectively inhibited by Δφ and ΔpNa. The results obtained strongly support the possibility that the same F0F1-ATPase in bacterial cells can utilize both \(\Delta \bar \mu _{H^ + } \) and \(\Delta \bar \mu _{Na^ + } \) for ATP synthesis underin vivo conditions.  相似文献   

In spite of its strong familiality, gene identification for coronary artery disease (CAD) has not yielded a consistent picture. One major reason for this is that families or cases and controls were not recruited from a homogeneous population. We, therefore, attempted to map genes underlying 10 quantitative traits (QTs) that are known precursors of CAD in a homogeneous population (Marwari) of India. The QTs are apolipoprotein B (ApoB), C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen (FBG), homocysteine (HCY), lipoprotein (a) (LPA), cholesterol – total (CHOL-T), cholesterol – HDL (CHOL-H), cholesterol – LDL (CHOL-L), cholesterol – VLDL (CHOL-V) and triglyceride (TG). We assayed 209 SNPs in 31 genes among members of Marwari families. After log-transformation and covariate-adjustment of the QTs, a two-step analysis was performed. In Step-1, data on unrelated individuals were analysed for association with the SNPs. In Step-2, for validation of Step-1 results, a quantitative transmission-disequilibrium test on parent–offspring data was performed for each SNP found to be significantly associated with a QT in Step-1 on an independent sample set drawn from the same population. Statistically significant results found for the various QTs and SNPs were: rs3774933, rs230528, rs230521, rs1005819 and rs1609798 (intronic, NFKB1) with APOB; rs5361 (Missense, R > S, SELE) and rs4648004 (Intronic, NFKB1) with FBG; rs4220 (Missense, K > R, FGB) with HCY; and rs3025035 (Intronic, VEGFA) with CHOL-H. SNPs in SELE, VEGFA, FGB and NFKB1 genes impact significantly on levels of quantitative precursors of CAD in Marwaris.  相似文献   

The strategy for cold-hardiness and water balance features of two closely related families of Coleoptera, Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae, were investigated. Cerambycids were freeze-avoiding with low supercooling points, whereas chrysomelids froze at high temperatures and were tolerant to freezing. Hence, the two families have adopted different strategies for cold-hardiness. Due to their low trans-cuticular water permeability, the cerambycids have low rates of evaporative water loss. Chrysomelids have much higher trans-cuticular water permeability, but freezing brings their body fluids in vapour pressure equilibrium with ice and prevents evaporative water loss. The differences in cold-hardiness strategies and rates of water loss are likely to reflect the water content of the diets of the two families. Cerambycids feed on dry wood with low water content, causing a restrictive water balance. Chrysomelids feed on leaves with high water content and may use evaporation through the cuticle as a route of water excretion. Haemolymph ice nucleators help chrysomelids to freeze at a high temperature and thus to maximize the period they spend in the water saving frozen state. The diet-related differences in water balance may be the reason why the two families have developed different strategies for cold-hardiness.  相似文献   

Summary In seawater (SW)-adaptedMugil andFundulus, gill effluxes of Na+ and of Cl and the simultaneously recorded transgill potential (P.D.) differ according to whether they are measured in stressed or rested animals.In rested animals of the two species, transfer to Ringer's solution considerably reduces the P.D. but not . InFundulus, is also decreased. Transfer of the two species from SW to fresh water (FW) reduces and by 75 to 85% and leads to a large inversion of P.D. When K+ is added to FW, a gill depolarization occurs, as well as a large increase of and .These results suggest that: 1) the P.D. originates primarily from the diffusion of cations, the gill permeability to Na+ ( ) being greater than that to Cl ( ), 2) a Cl/Cl exchange independent of P.D. is associated with the Cl pump; 3) Cl pump activity is linked to Na+/K+ exchange which in turn is associated to a Na+/Na+ exchange diffusion mechanism.In stressed individuals of the two species, the P.D. in SW, as well as the P.D. changes observed during transfer experiments, are considerably reduced. The decrease of and observed after transfer from SW to FW are also minimised. Changes are smaller inFundulus. The decrease of P.D. characterizing stressed animals may be at least in part due to a 3 to 4 fold increase of which becomes equal to in both species.As a result of stress, the K+-activated Na+ and Cl excretion mechanisms are totally inhibited inFundulus and partially so inMugil.Stress response seems more intense inFundulus and recovery from stress faster inMugil.  相似文献   

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