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2-Amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA) is a remarkably efficient and specific inducer of point mutations in Neurospora, with few or no larger scale events being detected (de Serres et al., 1985). In the present studies, AHA is shown to be a potent point mutagen at the tk +/-, hprt+ and Na+/K+ ATPase loci in L5178Y/tk (+/-)-3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells. Both large and small colony tk-/- mutants were analyzed at the molecular level and a preliminary assessment was made of small colony mutant karyotypes (230 bands/haploid metaphase cell; large colony mutants typically have normal karyotypes and were not analyzed). AHA induced greatly delayed (7-9 cell doublings) cytotoxicity, suggestive of a mutational mechanism (e.g., base-pair substitution) requiring DNA replication prior to its phenotypic expression. Approximately one-third of the tk -/- mutants formed small colonies, a phenotype which is typically associated with alterations to chromosome 11b, the site of the functional tkb allele in the parental cells. However, banded karyotypes have provided convincing evidence for alterations chromosome 11b in only 2 of the 7 small colony mutants analyzed. Southern blot analysis showed that 78% (21/27) of these small colony mutants have retained the Nco-1 6.3-kb band, which is diagnostic of the tkb allele. This makes AHA unique among the mutagens examined so far in inducing small colony mutants without inducing large losses of tkb DNA. Although a dose-dependent increase in the proportion of small colony mutants was noted, no significant dose-dependent differences were seen at the molecular level in the relatively few mutants analyzed. The majority of AHA-induced tk -/- mutants formed large colonies. Southern blot analysis showed that 86% (25/29) of these had retained the Nco-1 6.3-kb band which is diagnostic of the tkb allele. It is concluded that AHA induces primarily micromutations (less than 100 base pairs), probably through a base-pair substitution mechanism, at the tk, hprt and Na+/K+ ATPase loci in this system, with some larger scale damage (kilobases of DNA at the molecular level; chromosome 11b damage at the cytogenetic level) also occurring.  相似文献   

Mutagenicity of 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine to TK6 human lymphoblast cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TK6 human lymphoblast cells (tk +/-; hprt+) were treated with various concentrations of 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA) for 24 h. AHA was quite toxic to TK6 cells in the dose range 0-0.05 micrograms/ml, but additional toxicity was not observed between 0.05 and 0.10 micrograms/ml. AHA induced mutations at 2 distinct genetic loci: the autosomal thymidine kinase (tk) and the X-linked hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (hprt). Significant levels of both tk-NG mutants (normal growth rate of 16-18 h, colonies visible after 10-11 days incubation) and tk-SG mutants (slow growth rate of greater than 24 h, colonies visible after 18 days incubation) were induced. 15 hprt- mutants were isolated and analyzed by Southern blot. 8 of these had normal restriction fragment patterns after digestion with PstI, EcoRI, and HindIII, and were defined as 'point' mutations; the remaining 7 had partial deletions of the hprt gene. 32 tk- mutants were also isolated. 3 of 22 normal growth mutants and 6 of 10 slow growth mutants had lost the active tk allele. These data suggest that both point mutations and larger-scale alterations are induced by AHA.  相似文献   

2-Amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA) was tested in the mouse lymphoma L5178Y tk +/- assay using the microtitre cloning technique over concentrations from 0.005 micrograms/ml-1 (100% viability) to 6 micrograms/ml (10% viability) as measured by cloning efficiency immediately after treatment. At low, non-toxic concentrations (0.005-0.25 micrograms/ml) a dose-related linear increase in the frequency of ouabain-resistant mutants was seen, in addition to an increase in 6-thioguanine- and trifluorothymidine-resistant mutants. No consistent induction of micronucleated cells was observed in this concentration range. Toxic concentrations (20-90% kill) induced a dose-related increase in micronuclei, while the frequency of ouabain-resistant mutants fell (although it was still highly significantly above the control value). These results suggest that the mechanism of action of AHA depends on the concentration, with point mutations being induced at low, non-toxic doses and detectable chromosome breakage occurring only at higher doses. Both large-colony and small-colony trifluorothymidine-resistant mutants were induced at all concentrations. The utility of using multiple genetic end-points in one cell line and the importance of dose range selection for risk assessment and an understanding of the mode of action of test substances is underlined.  相似文献   

The base analogue 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA) was mutagenic in the spot test in (T x HT)F1 mouse embryos. Females were injected with single doses of 20 or 40 mg AHA per kg body weight on the 9th day of pregnancy. To rank the mutagenic potency of different compounds, the frequencies of genetically relevant spots induced by 1 mg/kg body weight were calculated. The observed somatic mutation frequency for 1 mg/kg AHA was lower (1.95 x 10(-3)) spots of genetic relevance) than that of mitomycin C (16 x 10(-3)), ethylnitrosourea (6.8 x 10(-3)) and cyclophosphamide (6.4 x 10(-3)) and therefore AHA was not classified as a very potent mutagen in this test system. The doubling dose to induce genetically relevant spots was calculated to be 20 mg/kg b.w. Based on these data, AHA is suggested to be a candidate to induce recessive specific-locus mutations in germ cells of mice.  相似文献   

The genetic activity of 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine or 2-amino-N-hydroxylaminopurine (AHA) and N6-hydroxyadenine or 6-N-hydroxylaminopurine (HAP) was studied in S. typhimurium, E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. AHA was a more potent mutagen for bacteria and a less potent mutagen for yeast than HAP. The mutagenic activity of analogs was not influenced by excision, mutagenic or double-strand DNA repair mutations. On the other hand, the uvrBdel mutation has a drastic effect on the mutagenicity and toxicity of both analogs in the Salmonella strains studied. HAP was a very potent mutagen in yeast with a low capability of inducing mitotic recombination contrary to common mutagens, possessed unique intergenic specificity and was able to induce mutations in diploids at rather high frequency.  相似文献   

Mouse lymphoma strains L5178Y-R (LY-R) and L5178Y-S (LY-S), which are differentially sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation, were found to differ in their abilities to repair potentially lethal damage (PLD) and sublethal damage (SLD). The results showed that strain LY-R was more proficient than strain LY-S in the repair of SLD. The split dose recovery observed in strain LY-S could be accounted for by its recovery during postirradiation incubation. In contrast, SLD repair occurred in the absence of PLD repair in strain LY-R. The possibility that the repair of PLD might be completed prior to the postirradiation incubation in strain LY-R was suggested by the decreased survival observed when the cells were irradiated in a hypotonic solution. The repair of PLD and SLD in strain LY-S was temperature sensitive, occurring during postirradiation incubations between 15 and 34 degrees C, but not at 37 or 40 degrees C. This temperature sensitivity is very similar to the temperature sensitivity of the repair of pH 9.6-labile lesions in DNA in strain LY-S, as reported previously. Thus postirradiation cellular recovery processes in strain LY-S may involve the repair of pH 9.6-labile lesions in DNA. Temperature-dependent changes in the postirradiation distribution of cells throughout the cell cycle were observed which could contribute to the temperature sensitivity of the postirradiation recovery of strain LY-S.  相似文献   

Potential base-pairing mechanisms of the purine analog, 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA), with the natural bases of DNA are presented. Base-pairing properties of this analog indicate that AHA may induce transitions and transversions of base pairs in DNA.  相似文献   

Summary L5178Y-R (LY-R) and L5178Y-S (LY-S) cells, differing in radiation sensitivity and susceptibility to the radiosensitizing effect of benzamide (Bz) were examined for susceptibility to hydrogen peroxide. Survival and chromatid aberration frequency indicated that LY-R cells were considerably more sensitive to H2O2 than LY-S cells. So, LY strains were found to be inversely crosssensitive to X/ rays and H2O2. The relative resistance to H2O2 corresponded with the previously found twofold difference in catalase activity (Jaworska et al. 1987). At higher concentrations H2O2 treatment caused interphase death, that was delayed by benzamide (Bz, 2 mM), an inhibitor of po1y(ADP-ribosylation), to a lesser extent in the more resistant cell subline (LY-S). From the examination of the H2O2 induced increase in the free Ca2+ concentration (with or without 2 mM Bz treatment) with the use of Fura-2 it followed, that the cells responded to the oxidative stress by Ca2+ release. The Ca2+ concentration increase was neither directly related to the killing effect of H2O2 treatment, nor did it correspond with the twofold difference in catalase activity in LY strains.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of the base analogue, 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA), was tested in Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and TA98 and in Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells. AHA showed very potent mutagenicity in TA100 without S9 mix, inducing 25,000 revertants/micrograms. The mutagenicity increased about 2-fold upon addition of S9 mix containing 10 microliters S9. AHA was found to be one of the strongest mutagens for TA100. Addition of S9 mix containing 100 microliters S9 induced no significant increase of revertants with AHA at amounts up to 50 ng per plate. AHA was also mutagenic for the frameshift mutant, TA98, without S9 mix, the mutagenicity for TA98 being about 1/1000 of that for TA100. When the mutagenicity of AHA was tested in CHL cells, with diphtheria toxin resistance (DTr) as a selective marker in the absence of S9 mix with a 3-h treatment of cells, DTr mutants increased dose-dependently at concentrations of 2.5-15 micrograms/ml. When cells were incubated with AHA for 24 h, a 200-fold increase in the number of DTr mutants was observed; the mutagenicity was 500-fold higher than that of ethyl methanesulfonate. This marked increase of mutagenicity by prolonged incubation may indicate that AHA induces mutations mainly after incorporation into DNA. The addition of a small amount of S9 increased the mutagenicity obtained with a 3-h treatment 2-fold, but a larger amount of S9 decreased the mutagenicity as was found with S. typhimurium TA100.  相似文献   

Two complementary assays were employed to examine the mutagenicity of 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA) in Drosophila melanogaster. A lambda phage-based shuttle vector system, utilizing the supF transfer RNA gene of Escherichia coli, questioned the mutagenicity of AHA in established cell cultures derived from somatic tissue while the standard sex-linked recessive lethal assay measured mutational events in vivo. Consistent with studies in other systems, AHA appears strongly mutagenic when cells are exposed directly. Conversely, in vivo studies suggest that AHA is not a strong mutagen. Further studies will determine if AHA is weakly or not mutagenic in vivo and, using the supF system, what the nature of the mutational events at the molecular level is.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was designed to assess the mutagenicity of 2-amino-N6-hydroxylaminopurine (AHA) in a wide variety of eukaryotic assays systems in terms of potency and specificity. Earlier studies in Salmonella and Neurospora had shown that AHA was an extremely potent mutagen which appeared to cause predominantly AT to GC base-pair transitions. This discovery was viewed as an unusual opportunity to explore the general utility of different eukaryotic assay systems for genetic risk assessment. The objective was to determine whether AHA would show comparable potency and specificity in those eukaryotic organisms used to evaluate mutagenic potential of environmental chemicals for the human population. The data presented in this report show that AHA was mutagenic in all the eukaryotic assays utilized; however, the level of effect was found to be assay system-dependent. In addition, in assays where other base analogs were used as positive controls, differences in relative potency were observed from those obtained in the earlier studies with Salmonella and Neurospora. When alkylating agents were used as positive controls in the higher eukaryotic assays, AHA was found to have a mutagenic potency comparable to ethylnitrosourea (ENU), ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) or methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) for many of the assays. With regard to mutagenic specificity, AHA appears to induce gene/point mutations in eukaryotic organisms, resulting predominantly from base-pair substitutions, predominantly AT to GC base-pair transitions; however, there was some unexplained variation in the ratio of these base-pair transitions and other transitions and transversions as a function of assay system. In addition, studies on the induction of micronuclei have shown that AHA induces chromosomal damage at high concentrations and low levels of survival.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of topoisomerase II inhibitors were measured in closely related strains of mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells differing in their sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Strain LY-S is sensitive to ionizing radiation relative to strain LY-R and is deficient in the rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks induced by this agent, whereas 2 radiation-resistant variants of strain LY-S have regained the ability to rejoin these double-strand breaks. We have found that the sensitivity of these cells to m-AMSA, VP-16, and ellipticine is correlated to their sensitivity to ionizing radiation. However, this correlation did not extend to their sensitivities to novobiocin, camptothecin, hydrogen peroxide, methyl nitrosourea and UV radiation. Thus, there appears to be a unique correlation between sensitivity to ionizing radiation and to topoisomerase II inhibitors which stabilize the cleavable complex between the enzyme and DNA. It is possible either that (1) topoisomerase II is altered in strain LY-S and that this enzyme is involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks or (2) strain LY-S is deficient in a reaction which is necessary for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation as well as the repair of DNA damage induced by these topoisomerase II inhibitors. m-AMSA, VP-16, and ellipticine were found to be highly mutagenic at the tk locus in L5178Y strains which are heterozygous for the tk gene but not in a tk hemizygous strain, indicating that these inhibitors induce multilocus lesions in DNA, as does ionizing radiation. The differences in the sensitivity of strains LY-R and LY-S to the topoisomerase II inhibitors were paralleled by differences in the induction of protein-associated DNA double-strand breaks in the 2 strains. This correlation did not extend to the radiation-resistant variants of strain LY-S, however. The variants showed resistance to the cytotoxic effects of the inhibitors relative to strain LY-S, but exhibited DNA double-strand break induction similar to that observed in strain LY-S.  相似文献   

The thymidine kinase locus (tk) has been utilised as the target locus to measure the induced mutation frequency following X-irradiation in the X-ray-sensitive xrs5 mutant and its parent CHO K1 line of Chinese hamster cells. Mutations to tk- cells were measured by plating cells in selective medium containing trifluorothymidine after a post-irradiation expression time of 4 days. Our results show that the mutation frequency was 3-4 times higher in the xrs5 mutant than in the CHO K1 cell line. This enhanced mutation frequency in xrs5 is though to result from the deficiency in DNA double-strand break repair in this cell line which also results in the enhanced cell killing and higher frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in response to X-irradiation. The findings of the present study suggest that DNA double-strand break is a critical lesion leading to mutations in irradiated cells.  相似文献   

L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells normally appear to possess two functional thymidine kinase alleles (TK+/+). TK-deficient (TK?/?) clonal lines can be derived from these cells by treatment with EMS or other mutagens. Mezger-Freed [12] has argued that such stable phenotypic variants do not arise as the result of gene mutations but instead represent epigenetic events such as normally occur during differentiation without any permanent gene alteration. If this be so, then rare TK+/? revertants arising in TK?/? cultures should possess TK enzyme identical with one of those present in the original TK+/+ cells, since only depression of the TK gene is involved. Our studies show that this is not the case.Among the mutant TK enzymes analyzed in vitro (those from parental TK+/? lines, each derived in turn from separate TK?/? lines) differences were found in (1) solubility in saline; (2) solubility in3 M LiCl; (3) Km′s; and (4) ATP-Mg2+ requirements. These findings were incompatible with a non-mutational model for the production of these stable variants and, in conjunction with reversion-rate data, they tended to favor either direct structural gene modifications or mutations affecting the expression of adult and fetal enzymes.  相似文献   

The L5178Y Mouse Lymphoma TK assay was studied extensively to determine if this mammalian cell assay for gene mutations at the thymidine kinase (TK) locus could provide valid, interpretable determinations of mutagenic potential, and whether this information is of value in the safety evaluation of chemicals. We first determined that test-derived TFTR mutants were phenotypically stable, possessing little or no thymidine kinase activity as measured by labeled thymidine uptake, but demonstrating 100% cross resistance to bromodeoxyuridine. Common solvent vehicles such as acetone, dimethylsulfoxide and ethanol were shown to produce little cytotoxicity and no mutagenic activity when present at 1% levels. Out of a total of 10 noncarcinogens tested, all were negative when results were analyzed by a 2-sample loget test on control and treated mutant count means. Of the 13 putative animal carcinogens tested, 10 were positive, 2 were negative (auramine O and sodium phenobarbital), and 1 showed sporadic activity (hydrazine sulfate) in the TK assay on the basis of test-derived t statistics. 2 compounds, 1,2-epoxybutane and ICR 191, which have been described as Ames positive non-carcinogens, were also positive in the TK assay. Although this sampling of a total of 29 compounds is insufficient for precise estimations of expected false-positive or false-negative frequencies, these data indicate the TK assay can be expected to detect a majority of carcinogens as mutagens including some missed by more established point-mutation assays.  相似文献   

4CMB, 4HMB and BC were tested for their ability to increase the mutation frequency at the thymidine kinase locus of mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells.  相似文献   

We evaluated the ability of proflavin to induce specific-locus mutations at the heterozygous thymidine kinase (tk) locus of L5178Y/TK +/- -3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells, which appears to permit the recovery of mutants due to single-gene and chromosomal mutations. Proflavin was highly mutagenic at the tk locus, producing 724-965 TK mutants/10(6) survivors (background = 56-85/10(6); survival = 29-32%). Most of the mutants were small colonies, which suggested that proflavin may induce chromosomal mutations. The potent clastogenicity of proflavin was confirmed by cytogenetic analysis for chromosomal aberrations. At the highest dose analyzed (1.5 micrograms/ml), proflavin produced 82 aberrations/100 metaphaes (background = 2/100). The large-colony TK mutant frequency produced by proflavin (48-109/10(6) survivors; background = 23/10(6); survival = 57-61%) was similar to published HPRT mutant frequencies produces by proflavin in L5178Y and CHO cells (50-100/10(6) survivors; background = 2-50/10(6); survival = 50-62%). These results lead to the conclusion that proflavin is a potent clastogen and induces a high frequency of small-colony TK mutants; however, it induces a low frequency of HPRT mutants and a low frequency of large-colony TK mutants.  相似文献   

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