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Che D  Hasan MS  Wang H  Fazekas J  Huang J  Liu Q 《Bioinformation》2011,7(6):311-314
Genomic islands (GIs) are genomic regions that are originally transferred from other organisms. The detection of genomic islands in genomes can lead to many applications in industrial, medical and environmental contexts. Existing computational tools for GI detection suffer either low recall or low precision, thus leaving the room for improvement. In this paper, we report the development of our Ensemble algorithm for Genomic Island Detection (EGID). EGID utilizes the prediction results of existing computational tools, filters and generates consensus prediction results. Performance comparisons between our ensemble algorithm and existing programs have shown that our ensemble algorithm is better than any other program. EGID was implemented in Java, and was compiled and executed on Linux operating systems. EGID is freely available at http://www5.esu.edu/cpsc/bioinfo/software/EGID.  相似文献   

Hasan MS  Liu Q  Wang H  Fazekas J  Chen B  Che D 《Bioinformation》2012,8(4):203-205
Genomic Islands (GIs) are genomic regions that are originally from other organisms, through a process known as Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT). Detection of GIs plays a significant role in biomedical research since such align genomic regions usually contain important features, such as pathogenic genes. We have developed a use friendly graphic user interface, Genomic Island Suite of Tools (GIST), which is a platform for scientific users to predict GIs. This software package includes five commonly used tools, AlienHunter, IslandPath, Colombo SIGI-HMM, INDeGenIUS and Pai-Ida. It also includes an optimization program EGID that ensembles the result of existing tools for more accurate prediction. The tools in GIST can be used either separately or sequentially. GIST also includes a downloadable feature that facilitates collecting the input genomes automatically from the FTP server of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). GIST was implemented in Java, and was compiled and executed on Linux/Unix operating systems. AVAILABILITY: The database is available for free at http://www5.esu.edu/cpsc/bioinfo/software/GIST.  相似文献   

Differences in highly repeated DNA sequences among three swine breeds genomes were detected by means of whole‐comparative genomic hybridization (W‐CGH). The results showed that Duroc, Iberian and Landrace/Large White breeds share similar DNA sequences in their centromeric regions, but the number of copies of the highly repeated DNA sequences building the blocks of heterochromatin in the metacentric chromosomes is differentially expanded among them. That is not the case in the acrocentric subgenome where the chromosomes share similar sequence composition and number of copies among the three breeds in the centromeric regions. The highly repeated DNA sequences in the chromosome Y also displayed differences among the breeds studied. The reported results are discussed in the light of the possible evolutionary tendencies of these particular DNA sequences.  相似文献   

We describe a genomic DNA-based signal sequence trap method, signal-exon trap (SET), for the identification of genes encoding secreted and membrane-bound proteins. SET is based on the coupling of an exon trap to the translation of captured exons, which allows screening of the exon-encoded polypeptides for signal peptide function. Since most signal sequences are expected to be located in the 5′-terminal exons of genes, we first demonstrate that trapping of these exons is feasible. To test the applicability of SET for the screening of complex genomic DNA, we evaluated two critical features of the method. Specificity was assessed by the analysis of random genomic DNA and efficiency was demonstrated by screening a 425 kb YAC known to contain the genes of four secretory or membrane-bound proteins. All trapped clones contained a translation initiation signal followed by a hydrophobic stretch of amino acids representing either a known signal peptide, transmembrane domain or novel sequence. Our results suggest that SET is a potentially useful method for the isolation of signal sequence-containing genes and may find application in the discovery of novel members of known secretory gene clusters, as well as in other positional cloning approaches.  相似文献   

We propose a new algorithm for identifying cis-regulatory modules in genomic sequences. The proposed algorithm, named RISO, uses a new data structure, called box-link, to store the information about conserved regions that occur in a well-ordered and regularly spaced manner in the data set sequences. This type of conserved regions, called structured motifs, is extremely relevant in the research of gene regulatory mechanisms since it can effectively represent promoter models. The complexity analysis shows a time and space gain over the best known exact algorithms that is exponential in the spacings between binding sites. A full implementation of the algorithm was developed and made available online. Experimental results show that the algorithm is much faster than existing ones, sometimes by more than four orders of magnitude. The application of the method to biological data sets shows its ability to extract relevant consensi.  相似文献   

Summary A 4.1-kb DNA clone (pTag546), which when used as a probe produces hypervariable DNA fingerprints in common wheat, was found among the genomic clones of Triticum aestivum cv Chinese Spring. Nulli-tetrasomic analyses revealed that the sequences hybridizing to this clone were located at 12 loci on ten chromosomes of the A, B, and D genomes of common wheat. The complete nucleotide sequence of pTag546 was shown to have a transposable element-like structure within it, though no open reading frame was detected. The sequences located in the A and D genomes were assumed to have been derived from the B genome by transposition. Using this clone as a probe, we were able to identify 56 common wheat cultivars, some of which are closely related, by their DNA fingerprints. This suggests that pTag 546 will be useful for cultivar identification as well as for germ plasm evaluation in wheat.  相似文献   

PCNA participates in multiple processes of DNA metabolism with an essential role in DNA replication and intervening in DNA repair. Temperature-sensitive PCNA mutants of Drosophila (mus209) are sensitive to mutagens, impair developmental processes and suppress positional-effect variegation. To investigate the role of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in germline genomic stability, independent mus209-defective and mus209-normal lines were established and maintained over six generations. A time course study was carried out and general genomic alterations were analyzed in the progeny by using arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) and microsatellite analysis. The AP-PCR analysis has shown that a dysfunctional PCNA leads to germline genomic instability, being the amount of genomic alterations transmitted to the progeny directly related to the number of mus209B1 mutant alleles. In addition, we have found that the frequency of genomic alterations tends to increase over successive generations. Surprisingly, the highest microsatellite instability was found in the heterozygous mus209-defective lines, suggesting a greater mutation rate in these individuals, in comparison with the homozygous mus209-defective lines. In conclusion, our results clearly indicate that PCNA is an important factor to maintain genomic stability in germinal cells, both in the overall genome and in simple repeated sequences. The implication of PCNA mutations in transgenerational genomic instability and related to cancer susceptibility is also discussed.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method for the rapid isolation of specific sequences from PCR-amplified cDNA mixtures has been developed. cDNA mixtures obtained using lone linker PCR (Ko et al. 1990) appeared to be highly representative even though the starting material, 100 ng-2 g of total RNA, is much less than is required for making an ordinary cDNA library. With this method, cDNA mixtures were obtained from limited materials, including early mouse embryos and primordial germ cells. For selective enrichment of desired cDNAs, biotinylated probe was hybridized with the lone linker-linked cDNA in solution and the resulting probe-cDNA hybrid was captured by Streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. After appropriate washing, cDNA was released from the beads and subjected to amplification followed by cloning into a vector. Using genomic fragments isolated during chromosomal walking in the T/t complex of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 17, cDNAs encoding novel germ cell specific genes have been readily isolated by the above procedures. The method, termed random access retrieval of genetic information through PCR (RARGIP), will streamline the entire process from RNA to cDNA greatly. Its application potentials in various areas of molecular genetics will be discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, overlap-PCR, an efficient and rapid method, was used to clone cattle Ghrelin gene CDS (coding sequence) from genomic DNA. The procedure included seven primers and three-step PCRs. Cattle Ghrelin gene consists of four exons and the CDS contains 351 bps. In the first step three PCRs were performed to generate extended exon1, exon2, and exon3 that contained overlapped nucleotides and were used as the templates for second ligation PCR. Secondly, exon1 and exon2 were spliced together. And it was same with exon3 and exon4. Lastly, the four exons were linked together with outermost primers and the templates from the second step. Comparison analysis on the obtained CDS of Ghrelin gene and cDNA by RT-PCR showed that the two sequences were same. As an efficient and rapid method, overlap-PCR is feasible and acceptable for gene cloning from genomic DNA.  相似文献   

We describe an algorithm (IRSA) for identification of common regulatory signals in samples of unaligned DNA sequences. The algorithm was tested on randomly generated sequences of fixed length with implanted signal of length 15 with 4 mutations, and on natural upstream regions of bacterial genes regulated by PurR, ArgR and CRP. Then it was applied to upstream regions of orthologous genes from Escherichia coli and related genomes. Some new palindromic binding and direct repeats signals were identified. Finally we present a parallel version suitable for computers supporting the MPI protocol. This implementation is not strictly bounded by the number of available processors. The computation speed linearly depends on the number of processors.  相似文献   

Summary Repetitive DNA sequences present in the grapevine genome were investigated as probes for distinguishing species and cultivars. Microsatellite sequences, minisatellite sequences, tandemly arrayed genes and highly repetitive grapevine sequences were studied. The relative abundance of microsatellite and minisatellite DNA in the genome varied with the repeat sequence and determined their usefulness in detecting RFLPs. Cloned Vitis ribosomal repeat units were characterised and showed length heterogeneity (9.14–12.15 kb) between and within species. A highly repetitive DNA sequence isolated from V. vinifera was found to be specific only to those species classified as Euvitis. DNA polymorphisms were found between Vitis species and between cultivars of V. vinifera with all classes of repeat DNA sequences studied. DNA sequences suitable for DNA fingerprinting gave genotype-specific patterns for all of the cultivars and species examined. The DNA polymorphisms detected indicates a moderate to high level of heterozygosity in grapevine cultivars.On leave from the Biochemical Research Institute, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co, Ltd, Ogaki Gifuken, 503 Japan  相似文献   

Quantification of deoxynucleosides using micellar high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) is an efficient, fast and inexpensive evaluation method of genomic DNA methylation. This approach has been demonstrated to be more sensitive and specific than other methods for the quantification of DNA methylation content. However, effective detection and quantification of 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine depend of the sample characteristics. Previous works have revealed that in most woody species, the quality and quantity of RNA-free DNA extracted that is suitable for analysis by means of HPCE varies among species of the same gender, among tissues taken from the same tree, and vary in the same tissue depending on the different seasons of the year. The aim of this work is to establish a quantification method of genomic DNA methylation that lends itself to use in different Castanea sativa Mill. materials, and in other angiosperm and gymnosperm woody species. Using a DNA extraction kit based in silica membrane has increased the resolutive capacity of the method. Under these conditions, it can be analyzed different organs or tissues of angiosperms and gymnosperms, regardless of their state of development. We emphasized the importance of samples free of nucleosides, although, in the contrary case, the method ensures the effective separation of deoxynucleosides and identification of 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine.  相似文献   

The Friend spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) is an envelope gene recombinant between the ecotropic Friend murine leukemia virus and the endogenous xenotropic mink cell focus-forming retroviral sequences. We synthesized an octadecanucleotide complementary to the 3' end of the SFFV env gene designed for discriminating the SFFV proviruses from the xenotropic mink cell focus-forming virus and ecotropic exogenous or endogenous viral sequences. Under appropriate hybridization conditions this probe allowed the identification, in addition to few endogenous DNA fragments, of multiple SFFV proviruses integrated in the genome of Friend malignant cells. Therefore this probe should be of interest in further characterizing the SFFV integration sites and possibly the SFFV ancestor gene.  相似文献   

Abstract From the genomic library of Brevibacterium ammoniagenes ATCC6872, the purE locus encoding 5'-phosphoribosyl-5aminoimidazole (AIR) carboxylase (EC was cloned and its nucleotide sequence was determined. From the sequence analysis, two distinct open reading frames (ORFs) in the sequence of the purE locus were identified as purK and purE genes ( purK-purE ). An in vivo translation experiment reconfirmed the purK and purE genes to be independent. The genomic organization in the purE locus of B. ammoniagenes is opposite to that of the bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis . However, it coincides with the fused genes ( purKE ) of higher organisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Vigna aconitifolia . This suggests that the purE locus might be an intermediate form for genomic evolution of bacteria to higher organisms.  相似文献   



To study the potential of genomic selection for heterosis resulting from multiplicative interactions between additive and antagonistic components, we focused on oil palm, where bunch production is the product of bunch weight and bunch number. We simulated two realistic breeding populations and compared current reciprocal recurrent selection (RRS) with reciprocal recurrent genomic selection (RRGS) over four generations. All breeding strategies aimed at selecting the best individuals in parental populations to increase bunch production in hybrids. For RRGS, we obtained the parental genomic estimated breeding values using GBLUP with hybrid phenotypes as data records and population specific allele models. We studied the effects of four RRGS parameters on selection response and genetic parameters: (1) the molecular data used to calibrate the GS model: in RRGS_PAR, we used parental genotypes and in RRGS_HYB we also used hybrid genotypes; (2) frequency of progeny tests (model calibration); (3) number of candidates and (4) number of genotyped hybrids in RRGS_HYB.


We concluded that RRGS could increase the annual selection response compared to RRS by decreasing the generation interval and by increasing the selection intensity. With 1700 genotyped hybrids, calibration every four generations and 300 candidates per generation and population, selection response of RRGS_HYB was 71.8 % higher than RRS. RRGS_PAR with calibration every two generations and 300 candidates was a relevant alternative, as a good compromise between the annual response, risk around the expected response, increased inbreeding and cost. RRGS required inbreeding management because of a higher annual increase in inbreeding than RRS.


RRGS appeared as a valuable method to achieve a long-term increase in the performance for a trait showing heterosis due to the multiplicative interaction between additive and negatively correlated components, such as oil palm bunch production.  相似文献   

Relationships among genomes are often revealed by the occurrence of common or related satellite DNA (satDNA) types. A typical satDNA characterized by specific sites for one (or more) restriction endonuclease(s) is called ‘restriction satellite DNA’. Restriction satDNA comprises ‐ in addition to transposons and retrotransposable elements ‐ often highly repeated genome components present in most higher plants. Large arrays of satDNA elements are concentrated at subtelo‐meric and/or centromeric regions (intermingled with other retrotransposon‐derived elements), however, they can be also located as large intercalating blocks along the chromosome. The head‐to‐tail tandemly arranged repeat units (monomers) of satDNA mostly exhibit lengths of 160 to 180 bp or 320 to 370 bp, but other lengths were also found in plants. In particular, in interspecific hybrids between more distantly related species, which often exist only after polyploidization, the individual repetitive DNA of the crossing partners contribute to recombination and rearrangement processes in the hybrids, thereby stimulating genome evolution. Here, we concentrate on the possible origin, molecular evolution, organization and distribution of highly repeated satDNA in various higher plants with emphasis on hybrids and allopolyploids.  相似文献   

草鱼基因组DNA一些RAPD位点的遗传分析及分子标记筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RAPD技术的实验结果很容易因实验条件和反应参数的不同而造成差异。为了建立能通用的草鱼基因组多态性分析RAPD分子标记体系,需要利用RAPD位点按照孟德尔共显性规律遗传的特点,用不同遗传背景的材料对多态性的RAPD位点进行统计遗传学比较分析以判断其真实性。为此,本实验选择具有遗传多态性的湘江流域草鱼群体和经连续两代人工诱导雌核发育获得的雌核发育草鱼品系,对一些可能作为草鱼基因组DNA分子标记的RAPD位点进行了遗传学比较分析。所用的10条多态性随机引物共检测到30个多态性RAPD位点。两个不同遗传背景群体的遗传统计对比分析结果表明:这30个多态位性位点在湘江流域草鱼群体和雌核发育草鱼群体中的分布符合孟德尔遗传规律,可以作为草鱼基因组DNA分析的可靠分子标记。本实验的观察结果还表明:在人工诱导雌核发育过程中,存在RAPD位点的快速丢失现象,两次人工诱导雌核发育过程中共丢失了17个多态性位点。因此,加强对自然水体中草鱼种质资源多样性的保护和利用各种现代生物学技术纯化、筛选和组合优良性状基因,是草鱼遗传育种中同样重要和不可或缺的两个方面。    相似文献   

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