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Forty weaned male guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) of 152.6?±?7.96 g mean body weight were divided into four equal groups and fed a common basal diet comprised of 25% ground cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) hay, 30% ground maize (Zea mays) grain, 22% ground gram (Cicer arietinum) grain, 9.5% deoiled rice (Oryza sativa) bran, 6% soybean (Glycine max) meal, 6% fish meal, 1.5% mineral mixture (without Se), and ascorbic acid at 200 mg/kg to meet their nutrient requirements along with 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 ppm of organic selenium (Se) in groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively. Experimental feeding lasted for a period of 10 weeks, during which, daily feed intake and weekly body weights were recorded. Intake and digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, ether extract, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free extract as well as uptake of calcium and phosphorus were similar (P?>?0.05) among the four groups. Feed:gain ratio was also similar (P?>?0.05) in the four groups. However, digestibility of crude protein was significantly (P?<?0.001) higher in group II supplemented with 0.1 ppm organic Se as compared to other three group. Intake and absorption of Se was significantly (P?<?0.001) higher in all the Se supplemented groups as compared to control group. Average daily gain (ADG) was significantly (P?<?0.05) higher in group II (3.16 g/day) and III (3.38 g/day) as compared to group I (2.88 g/day). However, ADG in group IV (supplemented 0.3 ppm organic Se) was significantly (P?<?0.05) lower (2.83 g/day) than group II and III, but comparable (P?>?0.05) to group I. Findings of the present experiment suggests that Se requirements of guinea pigs are ≥0.2 ppm, as supplementation of 0.1 ppm organic Se in the diet (having 0.1 ppm Se) not only enhanced their growth rate but also improved the protein utilization.  相似文献   

间作对植株生长及养分吸收和根际环境的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过盆栽实验研究了线辣椒和玉米间作对其植株生长、矿质养分吸收、根际环境以及铁载体分泌的影响,以探索间作促进铁、磷等养分吸收利用的可能生理机制.结果表明:(1)与单作相比,间作线辣椒地上部干重降低23.0%,根系干重增加44.2%,玉米地上部和根系的干重分别增加8.7%和22.9%;间作线辣椒根冠比和根系活力分别显著提高86.4%和29.8%;间作线辣椒、玉米叶绿素含量分别显著提高12.6%和7.8%.(2)与单作相比,间作线辣椒的铁、锌、锰含量分别增加1.50倍、1.39倍和1.34%,而间作玉米则无显著变化;间作线辣椒和玉米的钙含量都显著低于相应单作,氮含量没有显著变化,但磷、钾含量显著增加.(3)间作线辣椒和玉米的根际土、非根际土的酸性磷酸酶活性及根系酸性磷酸酶活性都显著高于相应单作,而其根际土和非根际土的pH值无显著变化;间作玉米根系的铁载体分泌比单作减少32.8%,间作线辣椒根系的铁还原酶活性是单作的1.10倍.研究发现,线辣椒/玉米间作能通过影响根际生物学特征和化学过程提高植株的铁、锌、磷和钾养分水平,缓解养分胁迫,是一种很有推广价值的种植模式.  相似文献   

Titanium (Ti) is a beneficial element that promotes growth and biomass production although the mechanism by which this improvement takes place is still unclear, as are other effects on plants, although it is believed that Ti can compensate for N deficiency. To prove this hypothesis, a hydroponic experiment was designed to investigate the effect of adding Ti to a nutrient solution on the nutrient uptake of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) by withholding N within the nutrient solution (NS) by 25?% (NS2) and by 50?% (NS1). Ti was added at 1 and 2?mg?L?1. When Ti was added to nutrient solution, the elemental concentration in tomato changed significantly: K, Ca, Fe, and Zn decreased while Ti increased. As the concentration of N in nutrient solution decreased, the Ca and Ti concentration of tomato leaves decreased and the K, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn concentration increased. As the N concentration in nutrient solution increased, the Ca concentration decreased although the application of Ti compensated for Ca concentration in NS1. All the photosynthetic attributes and physiological characteristics, including flower induction, decreased when the N concentration of NS decreased by 50?%, although this decrease could be compensated by applying 1?mg?L?1 Ti. This has valuable and practical applications and implications for tomato hydroponic culture.  相似文献   

White clover ramets were grown at various carbon dioxide concentrations(200, 350 and 1000 µl 1–1), defoliated and regrownat the same concentrations. Morphological characteristics, dryweights and non-structural carbohydrate contents of plant organs,diurnal variation of sugar and starch content of leaves, translocationof assimilates and photosynthesis were determined. Carbon dioxide concentration influenced the dry weights, butnot the number and size of the plant organs. However, defoliationof plants at low carbon dioxide concentration resulted in decreasedleaf size and stolon length. Carbon dioxide concentration influencedthe content and diurnal variation of starch and sugar in theleaves. Starch was accumulated at medium carbon dioxide concentrationand sugar at a higher concentration when the storage capacityfor starch seemed to be exceeded. Starch was preferentiallyaccumulated in the first and sugar in the second half of thelight period. Translocation was decreased during the periodsof accumulation. Sugar accumulation in the leaves seemed tobe a consequence of the imbalance between sink and source, whereasstarch accumulation seemed to follow an in-built diurnal pattern.Accumulation of both starch and sugar during the photoperiodwas followed by degradation and export during the dark period.Decreased dark export occurred at low carbon dioxide concentrationwhen neither starch nor sugar was accumulated during the photoperiod. Carbon dioxide, white clover, Trifolium repens L., growth, carbohydrates, starch, sugar, translocation, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.) grown at 30°C werecooled to 13°C in the light in atmospheric CO2 or low CO2,or in darkness. Photosynthetic rate at 30°C after coolingwhole plants in atmospheric CO2 for 12 h during a photoperiodwas significantly lower than at the start of the photoperiodcompared to plants cooled at low CO2, those cooled in the darkand those maintained at 30°C. Amounts of sucrose, hexosesand starch in leaves at 13°C increased throughout a 14 hphotoperiod to levels higher than in leaves at 30°C, whereamounts of sucrose and hexoses were stable or falling after4 h. Carbohydrate accumulation at 13°C during this photoperiodwas more than twice that at 30°C. After three photoperiodsand two dark periods at 13°C carbohydrate levels in leaveswere still as high as at the end of the first photoperiod, butless carbohydrate accumulated during the photoperiods than duringthe first photoperiod, and more was partitioned as starch. Amountsof soluble carbohydrate in roots were greater after 14 h at13°C than in roots of plants at 30°C. Loss of 14C fromleaves at 30°C as a proportion of 14CO2 fixed by them at30°C, decreased after exposure of plants to 13°C inthe light for 30 min prior to 14CO2feeding. Results indicatean effect of cold on the transport process that was light-dependent.It is inferred that the reduction in the proportion of 14C lostfrom leaves after 10 h cooling was due to reduced sink demand,whereas the rise in the proportion of 14C lost from leaves after24 h reflects reduced photosynthetic rate. The coincidence ofreduced photosynthetic rate with raised carbohydrate levelsin leaves maintained at 30°C throughout, whilst the restof the plant was cooled to 13°C in the light implies feedbackinhibition of photosynthesis. This may reduce the imbalancebetween source and sink in sunflower during the first days oflong-term cooling. Key words: Temperature, carbon export, carbohydrates, photosynthesis, sunflower  相似文献   

We compared growth kinetics of Prorocentrum donghaiense cultures on different nitrogen (N) compounds including nitrate (NO3 ), ammonium (NH4 +), urea, glutamic acid (glu), dialanine (diala) and cyanate. P. donghaiense exhibited standard Monod-type growth kinetics over a range of N concentraions (0.5–500 μmol N L−1 for NO3 and NH4 +, 0.5–50 μmol N L−1 for urea, 0.5–100 μmol N L−1 for glu and cyanate, and 0.5–200 μmol N L−1 for diala) for all of the N compounds tested. Cultures grown on glu and urea had the highest maximum growth rates (μm, 1.51±0.06 d−1 and 1.50±0.05 d−1, respectively). However, cultures grown on cyanate, NO3 , and NH4 + had lower half saturation constants (Kμ, 0.28–0.51 μmol N L−1). N uptake kinetics were measured in NO3 -deplete and -replete batch cultures of P. donghaiense. In NO3 -deplete batch cultures, P. donghaiense exhibited Michaelis-Menten type uptake kinetics for NO3 , NH4 +, urea and algal amino acids; uptake was saturated at or below 50 μmol N L−1. In NO3 -replete batch cultures, NH4 +, urea, and algal amino acid uptake kinetics were similar to those measured in NO3 -deplete batch cultures. Together, our results demonstrate that P. donghaiense can grow well on a variety of N sources, and exhibits similar uptake kinetics under both nutrient replete and deplete conditions. This may be an important factor facilitating their growth during bloom initiation and development in N-enriched estuaries where many algae compete for bioavailable N and the nutrient environment changes as a result of algal growth.  相似文献   

Maize plants (Zea mays L.) were cultured with nutrient solutioncontaining 0.001 or 0.5 mM orthophosphate (Pi). Effects of lowphosphate (low-P) nutrition on growth, leaf phosphate status,photosynthesis, and carbon partitioning were investigated. Withlow-P treatment, the fresh weight of aerial parts decreasedby about 40% by 24 days after planting. Detailed studies ofthe effects of low-P treatment on the other characteristicsof maize leaves-were done using the middle part of the thirdleaf, counting from the base. Low-P treatment had almost noeffect on specific leaf weight or soluble protein content measured13 to 21 days after planting. Low-P treatment decreased Chicontent slightly (by 15% 19 days after planting). Twenty onedays after planting, low-P treatment had greatly decreased thelevels of leaf acid extractable Pi (by 77%) and photosynthesisrates (by 68%). The detrimental effects of low-P treatment onthe rates of photosynthesis and the amounts of acid extractablePi became progressively greater with time. There was a strongcorrelation between levels of leaf acid extractable Pi and ratesof photosynthesis. The minimum level of Pi necessary to sustainthe maximum photosynthesis rate was 0.6 mmol m–2. Belowthis minimum content of Pi, the rate of photosynthesis decreasedsharply with decreasing Pi. To investigate the direct effectof Pi depletion on photosynthate partitioning at equivalentrates of photosynthesis, the rates in controls were reducedto almost the same as those in 18 or 19 day old low-P plants(about 50% of those in controls) by lowering light intensityand/ or ambient CO2 concentration. The data clearly indicatesthat low-P treatment had a direct effect in lowering photosynthatepartitioning into starch. Starch mobilization during the nightwas also inhibited under low-P conditions. (Received January 7, 1991; Accepted March 5, 1991)  相似文献   

The steady-state effect of 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCBP) on the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum was investigated in a P-limited two-stage chemostat system. The partition coefficient of this polychlorinated biphenyl congener was 5.9 x 10 in steady-state cultures. At a cellular TCBP concentration of 12.2 x 10 ng . cell, growth rate was not affected. However, photosynthetic capacity (P(max)) was significantly enhanced by TCBP (56 x 10 mumol of C . cell . h versus 34 x 10 mumol of C . cell . h in the control). Photosynthetic efficiency, or the slope of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve, was also significantly higher. There was little difference in the cell chlorophyll a content, and therefore the difference in these photosynthetic characteristics was the same even when they were expressed on a per-chlorophyll a basis. Cell C content was higher in TCBP-containing cells than in TCBP-free cells, but approximately 36% of the C fixed by cells with TCBP was not incorporated as cell C. The maximum P uptake rate was also enhanced by TCBP, but the half-saturation concentration appeared to be unaffected.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) catalyses the interconversion of glucose 1-phosphate (G1P) and glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) and exists as plastidial (pPGM) and cytosolic (cPGM) isoforms. The plastidial isoform is essential for transitory starch synthesis in chloroplasts of leaves, whereas the cytosolic counterpart is essential for glucose phosphate partitioning and, therefore, for syntheses of sucrose and cell wall components. In Arabidopsis two cytosolic isoforms (PGM2 and PGM3) exist. Both PGM2 and PGM3 are redundant in function as single mutants reveal only small or no alterations compared to wild type with respect to plant primary metabolism. So far, there are no reports of Arabidopsis plants lacking the entire cPGM or total PGM activity, respectively. Therefore, amiRNA transgenic plants were generated and used for analyses of various parameters such as growth, development, and starch metabolism. The lack of the entire cPGM activity resulted in a strongly reduced growth revealed by decreased rosette fresh weight, shorter roots, and reduced seed production compared to wild type. By contrast content of starch, sucrose, maltose and cell wall components were significantly increased. The lack of both cPGM and pPGM activities in Arabidopsis resulted in dwarf growth, prematurely die off, and inability to develop a functional inflorescence. The combined results are discussed in comparison to potato, the only described mutant with lack of total PGM activity.  相似文献   

The steady-state effect of 2,5,2′,5′-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCBP) on the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum was investigated in a P-limited two-stage chemostat system. The partition coefficient of this polychlorinated biphenyl congener was 5.9 × 104 in steady-state cultures. At a cellular TCBP concentration of 12.2 × 10−8 ng · cell−1, growth rate was not affected. However, photosynthetic capacity (Pmax) was significantly enhanced by TCBP (56 × 10−9 μmol of C · cell−1 · h−1 versus 34 × 10−9 μmol of C · cell−1 · h−1 in the control). Photosynthetic efficiency, or the slope of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve, was also significantly higher. There was little difference in the cell chlorophyll a content, and therefore the difference in these photosynthetic characteristics was the same even when they were expressed on a per-chlorophyll a basis. Cell C content was higher in TCBP-containing cells than in TCBP-free cells, but approximately 36% of the C fixed by cells with TCBP was not incorporated as cell C. The maximum P uptake rate was also enhanced by TCBP, but the half-saturation concentration appeared to be unaffected.  相似文献   

HIROSE  T. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(4):487-496
An empirical model of vegetative plant growth is presented.The model is based on experimental data on Polygonum cuspidatum,which showed (1) that the partitioning of dry matter and nitrogenamong organs was linearly related to the nitrogen concentrationof the whole plant and (2) that leaf thickness was negativelycorrelated with leaf nitrogen concentration. The model properlydescribes the behaviour of plants. Steady-state solutions ofthe model give the relative growth rate, specific leaf weight,and partitioning of dry matter and nitrogen among organs withthe net assimilation rate and the specific absorption rate asenvironmental variables. The effect of nitrogen removal on drymatter and nitrogen partitioning was examined as non-steady-statedynamic solutions of the model. The model predicted not onlyreduced leaf growth and enhanced root growth but also a fluxof nitrogen from the leaf to the root, which agreed with theexperimental results. Mathematical model, partitioning of dry matter and nitrogen, plant nitrogen, relative growth rate, shoot: root ratio, specific leaf weight  相似文献   

MOORBY  J. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(1):57-68
The uptake and distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassiumhas been studied throughout the life of potato plants. Thereappears to be a net loss of all three elements from the plantduring emergence growth even though uptake occurs. When daughtertubers are formed they very quickly become the dominant sinkfor mineral nutrients, the concentrations of N, P, and K remainingsteady for a long period. These concentrations are maintainedin spite of decreasing rates of uptake, indicating the transferenceof mobile ions from the haulm to the growing tubers. 14C tracer experiments have shown that after tuberization thereis a greater export of recently incorporated photosynthate fromthe leaves than takes place before tuberization. There is nogood correlation between the size of individual tubers and theamount of photosynthate transported into them. This is thoughtto be because the largest tubers are not necessarily growingfaster than the smaller tubers. The most active sinks are alsomost active in converting the mobile 14C into storage compounds.The mother tuber continues to import 14C until it is detachedfrom the plant, but over much of this period there is no changein the tuber dry-weight, indicating that there is an equivalentexport from the tuber. The similarities between these distribution patterns and thosefound in tubers showing second-growth are described and theimplications with respect to the control of tuber growth discussed.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows play an important role in marine ecosystems. A part of seagrass production is also exported to adjacent coastal terrestrial systems, possibly influencing their functioning. In this work we experimentally analyzed the effect of Posidonia oceanica beach-cast on plant germination, growth, and nutrient uptake of two plant species (Cakile maritima and Elymus farctus) that grow on upper beaches and fore dunes along the Mediterranean coasts. We compared plants growing in simple sand (control) with those growing in a substrate enriched with P. oceanica wrack (treatment) in laboratory. P. oceanica wrack doubled the N substrate pool and kept the substrate humid. Plants growing in the treated substrate grew faster, were twice as large as those growing in the control substrate, while tissues were enriched in N and P (Cakile by the 1.3 fold in N and 2.5 fold in P; Elymus by 1.5 fold in N and 2 fold in P). Our results suggest a positive effect of seagrass litter for the enhancing of dune species, highlighting its role for the conservation of coastal dune ecosystems.  相似文献   

The extended period of ethylene release from ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonicacid) after application to intact tomato plants has provideda model system in which the effects of ethylene on photosyntheticmetabolism and carbon partitioning has been studied. Ethylenerelease from leaf tissue after ethephon treatment was 10 timesgreater than that from untreated control leaves. The specificactivity of 14C2H4 released from [14C] ethephon remained constantover several days demonstrating that the ethylene was derivedfrom the applied ethephon. The ethephon-treated plants exhibitedextreme epinasty of the leaves and 24 h after application theflower buds in the first visible cluster had abscised, leafexpansion at the apex had ceased and developing adventitiousroots were visible on the lower stem. Rates of steady-state photosynthesis, respiration, photorespirationand transpiration were the same in treated and control leaves24 h after ethephon application. Both treated and control leavespartitioned similar proportions of newly-fixed 14C from 14CO2into neutral (46.4%), acidic (14.0%), basic (5.0%) and insoluble(34.0%) leaf fractions under steady-state conditions. The speedof 11C-assimilate movement in the stems of control plants (3.62±0.42cm min-1 towards the apex and 4.03±0.15 cm min-1 towardsthe roots) was more rapid than in the ethephon-treated plants(2.90±0.31 cm min-1 upwards and 2.59±0.22 cm min-1downwards). Furthermore, in the control plants 20.0±5.4%of the 14C exported to the plant from the source leaf was transportedtowards the developing flower cluster and young leaves. Twenty-fourhours after ethephon application only 6.5 ±1.7% of theexported 14C was translocated towards the shoot. Contrary tosome reports ethylene did not affect steady-state gas exchangeprocesses while carbon partitioning was significantly alteredindicating that ethylene effects on photosynthetic carbon metabolismare indirect and not due to direct effects on photosyntheticprocesses per se. Key words: Ethylene, photosynthesis, partitioning  相似文献   

Temperature was an important factor in growth, development and reproduction of Meloidogyne hapla in lettuce. Growth, as measured by increase in diameter of females, was not appreciably different at the intermediate (21.1 C night and 26.7 C day) and high (26.7 C night and 32.2 C day) temperature regimes, but was considerably less at the low temperature regime (15.5 C night and 21.1 C day) than at the two higher temperature regimes. Second-stage female larvae developed into adults 14 days after inoculation at the high, 18 days at the intermediate and 34 days at the low temperature regime. Eggs were observed 20 days after inoculation at the high, 26 days at the intermediate and 54 days at the low temperature regime. Number of eggs and larvae after 6 weeks was greater at the high than at the intermediate temperature regime and no eggs or larvae occurred at the low temperature regime during the observed 6 weeks.  相似文献   

Carbon Dioxide Effects on Carbohydrate Status and Partitioning in Rice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has beenrising and is predicted to reach double the present concentrationsometime during the next century. The objective of this investigationwas to determine the long-term effects of different CO2 concentrationson carbohydrate status and partitioning in rice (Oryza sativaL cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in outdoor,naturally sunlit, environmentally controlled growth chamberswith CO2 concentrations of 160, 250, 330, 500, 660, and 900µmolCO2 mol1 air. In leaf blades, the priority between the partitioningof carbon into storage carbohydrates or into export changedwith developmental stage and CO2 concentration. During vegetativegrowth, leaf sucrose and starch concentrations increased withincreasing CO2 concentration but tended to level off above 500µmolmol–1 CO2. Similarly, photosynthesis also increased withCO2 concentrations up to 500µmol mol–1 and thenreached a plateau at higher concentrations. The ratio of starchto sucrose concentration was positively correlated with theCO2 concentration. At maturity, increasing CO2 concentrationresulted in an increase in total non-structural carbohydrate(TNC) concentration in leaf blades, leaf sheaths and culms.Carbohydrates that were stored in vegetative plant parts beforeheading made a smaller contribution to grain dry weight at CO2concentrations below 330µmol mol–1 than for treatmentsat concentrations above ambient Increasing CO2 concentrationhad no effect on the carbohydrate concentration in the grainat maturity Key words: CO2 enrichment, starch, sucrose  相似文献   

Hydroponic experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of arsenic on seedlings of Wrightia arborea and Holoptelea integrifolia. Results revealed that W. arborea could tolerate much higher arsenic concentration than H. integrifolia. Therefore, further investigations were focused on W. arborea using higher arsenic concentrations (0.2–2.0 mM). Seedlings of W. arborea accumulated about 312–2147 and 1048–5688 mg/kg dry weight of arsenic in shoots and roots, respectively, following treatments with 0.2–1.5 mM of arsenic without exhibiting arsenic toxicity signs. However, arsenic at 2.0 mM caused decline in growth. Macronutrients content such as Ca, S (except at 2.0 mM), and K (only in root) increased while Mg, P, and K (shoot) decreased by arsenic treatments. However, the content of micronutrients was enhanced under arsenic treatments. Non-protein thiols (NP-SH) showed positive correlations with arsenic doses up to 0.2–1.5 mM but at 2.0 mM there was a decline in NP-SH thus suggesting important role of NP-SH in imparting arsenic tolerance. This study demonstrated that W. arborea that could tolerate arsenic concentrations up to 0.2–1.5 mM may be useful in arsenic phytoremediation programs.  相似文献   

Spray carnation plants were grown for several weeks under an8 h day/16 h night regime at temperatures of approximately 21°C by day and 6, 17, or 30 °C by night. Subsequently,the rates of photosynthesis and transpiration at 20 °C weresimilar. This contrasts with evidence published for some otherspecies. Night temperature had only a slight effect on the plant's growthrate. Leaf area ratios were also similar between treatmentsand for two intervals covering a 5 week period. At the highnight temperature flowers were initiated sooner and there werefewer side shoots per plant than at the lower temperatures. The implications of these results for the optimization of theclimatic environment are discussed briefly, and the resultsare compared with those reported for other species.  相似文献   

The effect of low temperatures on the survival, structure, and metabolism of Campylobacter coli SP10, a virulent strain, was investigated. C. coli became nonculturable rapidly at 20 and 10°C and slightly later at 4°C. Incubation in a microaerobic atmosphere improved survival, but after day 8, campylobacters were detectable by direct-count procedures only. The increase in the number of coccoid cells was most pronounced at 37°C but also was noticeable at 20 and 10°C. Two forms of coccoid cells were seen electron microscopically, but only one (20 and 10°C) seemed to be a degenerative form. The flagella were shorter at 20 and 10°C, a result which correlates well with the observed slight changes in the 62-kDa protein band. The fatty acid composition of bacterial cells was influenced significantly by low temperatures. An increase in the short-chain and unsaturated acids was noted; above all, a drastic increase in C19:0 cyc at 20°C with a concomitant decrease in C18:1 trans9,cis11 was seen. The concentrations of excreted metabolites were analyzed to obtain information on metabolic activity. Depending on the magnitude of the temperature downshift, the production of organic acids decreased, but it was always observable after a temperature-specific lag phase and regardless of ability to be cultured. Under optimal conditions, succinate, lactate, and acetate were the main metabolites, other acids being of less importance. The pattern changed significantly at lower temperatures. Succinate was never detected at 20°C and was only occasionally detected at 10 and 4°C. At the same time, fumarate concentrations, which are normally not detectable at 37°C, were highest at 20°C and reduced at 10 and 4°C. Inactivation of fumarate reductase was considered to be a possible explanation.

Campylobacters are playing an increasingly important role in gastrointestinal disease all over the world, and in some countries they are even more frequent than salmonellae. In industrialized countries, the annual incidence of enteritis caused by campylobacters is estimated to be 1%. In underdeveloped countries it is much higher, affects mainly small children and, in contrast to the situation in developed countries, is caused more often by Campylobacter coli than by C. jejuni (12, 43, 44). The natural reservoir of campylobacters is the intestine of warm-blooded animals; 24 to 82% of examined chicken populations, 58 to 95% of Scandinavian pigs, and 23% of slaughter cattle were campylobacter positive, to name only a few animal species (1, 9, 19, 41). Campylobacters, like other intestinal pathogens, are released into the environment via the feces of infected animals or humans. On average, raw sewage contains log 2 to 4 CFU of campylobacters per 100 ml, but concentrations can rise significantly if abattoirs or chicken farms are connected to the sewer system (18). Treated sewage may contain campylobacters at log 1 to 2 CFU/100 ml, and fresh, undisinfected sewage sludge, which is used as a fertilizer in some countries, may contain campylobacters at up to log 6 CFU/100 ml (2, 17). Sewage discharge into surface water and agricultural runoff can thus lead to the contamination of bathing water areas and drinking water reservoirs and can pose a significant health risk for the population. Not surprisingly, large waterborne outbreaks of campylobacter-induced enteritis have been reported (31, 45, 48).Various surface waters have been examined in the past, and 25 to 95% were shown to be campylobacter positive, with campylobacter concentrations ranging from log 0.04 to log 2 CFU/100 ml. Detection rates were higher during the winter months, suggesting enhanced survival at low temperatures, although, apart from starvation, temperature downshift is one of the greatest stress factors that bacteria experience when they are released into the environment. While psychrophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria have adapted evolutionarily to life at low temperatures, human pathogens, being mesophilic bacteria, can be severely inhibited. In nutrient-rich media, reactions such as intracellular (p)ppGpp (guanosine 5′-triphosphate-3′-diphosphate and guanosine 5′-diphosphate-3′-diphosphate) synthesis or production of cold shock proteins have been shown to be dependent on the temperature shift (22). Changes in the composition of the cell membrane and inhibition of enzyme activities and membrane transport systems are further conceivable reactions of mesophilic bacteria to temperature downshift (29). To study the effect of low temperatures on campylobacters, a virulent C. coli strain was subjected to temperatures normally encountered in Central European aquatic systems. The influence on growth, morphology, membrane fluidity, proteins, and metabolism was examined.  相似文献   

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