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Free-living and captive chelonians might suffer from upper respiratory tract disease (URTD), a pathology primarily caused by Mycoplasma agassizii. Wild tortoises can also be an important reservoir of Salmonella spp., which are commensal in the host reptile but are potential zoonotic agents. Between July 2009 and June 2010, we screened free-living European tortoises (spur-thighed tortoises Testudo graeca, Hermann's tortoises Testudo hermanni, marginated tortoises Testudo marginata) temporarily housed in a wildlife center in Italy. We molecularly characterized 13 Mycoplasma isolates detected in all Testudo spp. studied, and three PCR-positive animals showed typical URTD clinical signs at the time of sampling. Three Salmonella enterica serotypes (Abony, Potsdam, Granlo), already related to reptile-associated human infections, were also identified. These results highlight the potential role played by wildlife recovery centers in the spread and transmission of pathogens among wild chelonians and to humans.  相似文献   

Hatching success, egg incubation, emergence and hatchling characteristics were assessed for 44 naturally incubating nests of Testudo graeca in south-western Spain. Nest predation rate was 4.5% and overall hatching success was 82.4%. Incubation periods ranged from 78 to 114 days, and hatchlings delayed emergence from the nest from one to 23 days. Emergences occurred from mid August to late September, and were not correlated with nesting dates, but earlier laid nests had longer incubation times, which was probably owing to lower temperatures experienced by clutches laid at the beginning of the nesting season. Variance of hatchling body size and mass was high and was mainly influenced by the gravid female. Mean straight carapace length was 34.14mm, and mean body mass 10.8g. Hatchlings from clutches laid last in the nesting season had significantly better physical condition. Hatchling mass was positively correlated with egg mass, and both variables were positively correlated with emergence date. Both better physical condition and relatively late emergence may confer advantages to hatchlings in the face of unfavourable environmental conditions in autumn.  相似文献   

Lapid R  Nir I  Snapir N  Robinzon B 《Theriogenology》2004,61(6):1147-1162
The Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo graeca) is listed as "Vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List. Reproductive characteristics and means to increase offspring production were studied in T. graeca terrestris in a semi-natural environment. Courtship and mating occurred during early spring for about 4 weeks, followed by a laying season of approximately 2 months, with a second, shorter mating period in the fall. During the first mating, calcified eggs were already present in the uterus; we inferred that sperm from both mating seasons were stored in the oviduct for fertilization of eggs of the second laying cycle and of the following year. Average egg production was 3.8+/-0.3 eggs/year. Most females laid all of their eggs in a single clutch, but 18% laid in a second clutch, 11-21 days later. X-ray radiography revealed calcified eggs in the uterus about 4 weeks before oviposition. All eggs in the uterus were calcified simultaneously and were laid in a single clutch; if a second clutch developed, those eggs were also calcified simultaneously. Based on endoscopic examinations, ovaries were active throughout the entire year. Plasma progesterone concentrations in females were very low and were detected only soon after oviposition ( 440 +/-141 pg/ml). Plasma estradiol concentrations in females varied from 4.1 +/-1.5 pg/ml to 70.2 +/-29.4 pg/ml, with no clear seasonal pattern. Maintaining tortoises at a low environmental temperature (9 +/-1 degrees C versus 28 +/- 1 degrees C) reduced plasma estradiol concentrations. Giving 2mg/kg tamoxifen (TAM) increased plasma estradiol to 220 +/-33 pg/ml when treatment was given in September but not in late October, winter or spring. Treatment with TAM increased the number of eggs laid during the following laying season to 7.3 +/- 1.0 eggs/year, laid in one to three clutches. In males, plasma testosterone concentrations had a seasonal pattern with the onset of a rise in July from 2 to >4ng/ml, a continued increase to a peak of 12.8+/-5.3 ng/ml during November and a decline thereafter. Artificial incubation in sand at 29 +/-1 degrees C shortened the natural incubation time of 103+/-3.1 days to 83.5 +/- 1.3 days, increased hatching rate from 28 to 53%, and increased survival rate from 51 to 71% at 40 weeks of age. In summary, this study provides options for increasing reproductive performance, hatchability and offspring survival in captive Mediterranean tortoises, and may offer new tools for conservation of animals that are on the verge of extinction.  相似文献   

The Moroccan distribution of Testudo graeca graeca L. is defined by locality records (109) and related to data from nearby or bioclimatically equivalent meteorological stations (86) to produce a rain-temperature climagram. Tortoises attain 1900 m in the High Atlas range. Tortoises occur where mean annual rainfall (P) is up to 1062 mm, and even 1112 mm where mean minimum monthly temperature for the coolest month (m) is below 0oC and they are usually absent unless associated (90.0%) with Quercus ilex L. and Quercus suber L. woodland. Tortoises are absent from the Arctic-Alpine and Arid or Saharan bioclimates and where, without riverine habitat, Emberger's Quotient (Q) is below 19.5 (P = 139 mm) in the Steppe bioclimate. Below Q_= 39.1, they occur (88.9%) where there is Argania spinosa (L.) Maire woodland in the south-west and other broad-leaved and mixed wood- and scrubland species elsewhere. The Moroccan climagram includes and is extended by further stations (36) in the North African and southern European ranges generally ( T. g. graeca is reported in NW Egypt). The Moroccan range potentially occupies 167 000 m2. Of a total of 45 stations below 550 m in NW Europe, the Western Mediterranean climagram only overlaps 12 in more oceanic Britain and Ireland; 11 are coastal or insular and 11 where Quercus woodland extends the natural range with m below 0oC in montane areas. Tortoises do not occur where mean annual sunshine much exceeds 3250 h in northern Africa or below c. 2400 h in NW Europe. Tortoises introduced from the Mediterranean region by the pet trade are unable to reproduce if they survive in NW Europe for insolation is insufficient for egg incubation and hatchling survival.  相似文献   

Captive reptiles often show higher growth rates than in the wild, possibly due to higher feeding intensity. Although health problems are usually linked to inappropriate diets, fast growth itself, such as triggered by appropriate diets fed in high amounts, has traditionally also been considered unfavorable for tortoises. We document growth rates (based on age and mass) from private Testudo hermanni and T. graeca breeders, which are generally higher than those reported for free‐ranging specimens, but show enormous variation. Tortoise patients presented to an exotics clinic also covered the whole growth rate spectrum. To test whether fast growth was associated with diseases, the age–body mass relationship of these patients was tested, in a retrospective evaluation, for additional influence factors, such as dietary history and occurrence of certain diet and growth‐related diseases. No indication was found that animals particularly heavy for their age were more prone to diet/growth‐related disorders. In general, tortoises fed diets with meat/grain were heavier for their age than tortoises fed more appropriate diets; dietary history was not related to a particular disease. The results suggest the age–body mass relationship may not be suitable for testing effects of fast growth; an age–body length relationship would be more appropriate. Animals presented for a diet/growth‐related disorder were younger than animals presented for other reasons; there was a significant negative correlation between the severity of pyramiding and age, suggesting that growth‐related disorders may well limit the life expectancy of tortoises. Controlled clinical studies are required to fully test this hypothesis. Zoo Biol. 31:705‐717, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mediterranean and Russian tortoises (Testudo spp.) are popular companion animals (pets), despite ongoing controversy concerning privately keeping reptiles. The arguments used during these controversial discussions have often been based on outdated facts. Therefore, a survey was developed to evaluate the current population structure, husbandry conditions, diet regime, and health status of Testudo species in captivity. More than 75% of the 1075 respondents housed their tortoises in an outdoor enclosure containing a greenhouse or cold frame, which is considered the most species-appropriate way of husbandry. Of the respondents, 67.7% fed their tortoises with the optimum diet of more than 80% grasses and weeds during the summer vegetation period. Only 8.2% of respondents owned a tortoise with a diagnosed disease. According to the results, the likelihood of tortoises developing pyramidal growth syndrome, which can be used as an indicator of the quality of tortoise husbandry, was high in tortoises kept in a terrarium and/or fed a diet of less than 80% grasses and weeds in summer. This likelihood varied among species, with a higher incidence in Hermann’s tortoises (Testudo hermanni).  相似文献   

Fleas are commonly recorded on stray as well as domestic dogs and cats in Hong Kong. Fleas can be a major cause of pruritus in dogs and cats and also vectors of potentially zoonotic bacteria in the genera Rickettsia and Bartonella. Morphological examination of 174 fleas from dogs and cats living in Hong Kong revealed only cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis). Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (cox1) genotyping of 20 randomly selected specimens, revealed three cox1 haplotypes (HK-h1 to HK-h3). The most common haplotype was HK-h1 with 17 specimens (17/20, 85%). HK-h1 was identical to cox1 sequences of fleas in Thailand and Fiji. HK-h1 and HK-h2 form a distinct cat flea cox1 clade previously recognized as the Clade 3. HK-h3 forms a new Clade 6. A multiplex Bartonella and Rickettsia real-time PCR of DNA from 20 C. felis found Bartonella and Rickettsia DNA in three (15%) and ten (50%) C. felis, respectively. DNA sequencing confirmed the presence of R. felis, B. clarridgeiae and Bartonella henselae. This is the first reported study of that kind in Hong Kong, and further work is required to expand the survey of companion animals in the geographical region. The sampling of fleas on domestic cats and dogs in Hong Kong revealed them to be exclusively infested by the cat flea and to be harbouring pathogens of zoonotic potential.  相似文献   

In many animal species different intestinal Helicobacter species have been described and a few species are associated with intestinal infection. In humans, the only member of the Helicobacter family which is well described in literature is Helicobacter pylori. No other Helicobacter-associated diseases have definitely been shown in humans. We developed a sensitive quantitative PCR to investigate whether Helicobacter species DNA can be detected in the human gastrointestinal tract. We tested gastric biopsies (including biopsies from H. pylori positive persons), intestinal mucosal biopsies and fecal samples from healthy persons, and intestinal mucosal biopsies from patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) for the presence of Helicobacter species. All gastric biopsies, positive for H. pylori by culture, were also positive in our newly developed PCR. No Helicobacter species were found in the mucosal biopsies from patients with IBD (n = 50) nor from healthy controls (n = 25). All fecal samples were negative. Our study suggests that Helicobacter species, other than H. pylori, are not present in the normal human gastrointestinal flora and our results do not support a role of Helicobacter species in IBD.  相似文献   



DNA-based methods like PCR efficiently identify and quantify the taxon composition of complex biological materials, but are limited to detecting species targeted by the choice of the primer assay. We show here how untargeted deep sequencing of foodstuff total genomic DNA, followed by bioinformatic analysis of sequence reads, facilitates highly accurate identification of species from all kingdoms of life, at the same time enabling quantitative measurement of the main ingredients and detection of unanticipated food components.


Sequence data simulation and real-case Illumina sequencing of DNA from reference sausages composed of mammalian (pig, cow, horse, sheep) and avian (chicken, turkey) species are able to quantify material correctly at the 1% discrimination level via a read counting approach. An additional metagenomic step facilitates identification of traces from animal, plant and microbial DNA including unexpected species, which is prospectively important for the detection of allergens and pathogens.


Our data suggest that deep sequencing of total genomic DNA from samples of heterogeneous taxon composition promises to be a valuable screening tool for reference species identification and quantification in biosurveillance applications like food testing, potentially alleviating some of the problems in taxon representation and quantification associated with targeted PCR-based approaches.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-639) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

小麦内源特异参照基因的查找与定性PCR和实时荧光PCR验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:先从理论上查找和比对了小麦属(Triticum)γ-醇溶蛋白基因(GAG56D)为小麦特异的内源基因,并用定性PCR和实时荧光PCR方法从实验特异性上进行了验证。方法:选择小麦基因组中部分基因序列在NCBI中进行同源性分析,查找在小麦中存在的内源特异参照基因,找到小麦属(Triticum)特异的γ-醇溶蛋白基因(GAG56D),设计并合成该基因的引物和探针序列,同时用定性PCR和实时荧光PCR方法进行检测,并优化了实验条件。结果:不仅在理论上查找和比对了γ-醇溶蛋白基因为小麦特异的内源基因,并用定性PCR和实时荧光PCR方法进行了实验特异性的验证。定性PCR产物经过琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析后,只在小麦属中可以检测到328bp的目的片段,而在其它作物中未扩增出目的片断。同样实时荧光PCR验证的结果小麦属内各个种均有扩增曲线出现,而在其它作物没有扩增曲线出现中。结论:该基因与方法可用作检测小麦属(唯一小麦种是栽培作物)内源特异参照基因。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟病毒微滴数字PCR (ddPCR)方法的建立及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
【目的】非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)能导致猪群高死亡率,从而造成严重的经济损失。因此,建立严密、高效的防控系统,包括灵敏、准确的诊断方法以及高效的预报预警机制等,以避免ASF传入我国。本文旨在建立一种新型而高灵敏度的ASFV微滴数字PCR(Droplet digital PCR,dd PCR)检测方法。【方法】针对ASFV K205R基因设计一对特异性引物和Taq Man探针,通过反应条件优化,建立了ASFV实时荧光定量PCR(q PCR)和dd PCR检测方法;并对两种方法的线性关系、灵敏性、特异性和重复性进行了评估,利用建立的ASFV检测方法对163份国内和进境的组织样本及血清样本进行检测,血清样本经商品化ASFV ELISA试剂盒复检,评估不同方法检测结果的符合率。【结果】建立的ASFV q PCR和dd PCR检测方法线性关系较好(R2≥0.998),dd PCR的最低检测限度可达到0.36拷贝,在20μL反应体系中约为10拷贝/反应,检测灵敏度是q PCR的10倍。ASFV dd PCR检测方法具有很高的特异性和重复性,不与其他猪常见病毒发生交叉反应。【结论】该方法灵敏度高、特异性强,可作为一种有效的分子生物学方法来诊断ASFV,为防止该病传入我国以及ASFV的实时监测提供新的技术储备,同时促进dd PCR技术在我国的发展和应用。  相似文献   

The growth and weight development of Leopard tortoise hatchings (Geochelone pardalis) kept at the Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation (AWWP), Qatar, was observed for more than four years, and compared to data in literature for free‐ranging animals on body weight or carapace measurements. The results document a distinctively faster growth in the captive animals. Indications for the same phenomenon in other tortoise species (Galapagos giant tortoises, G. nigra; Spur‐thighed tortoises, Testudo graeca; Desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizi) were found in the literature. The cause of the high growth rate most likely is the constant provision with highly digestible food of low fiber content. Increased growth rates are suspected to have negative consequences such as obesity, high mortality, gastrointestinal illnesses, renal diseases, “pyramiding,” fibrous osteodystrophy or metabolic bone disease. The apparently widespread occurrence of high growth rates in intensively managed tortoises underlines how easily ectothermic animals can be oversupplemented with nutrients. Zoo Biol 29:517–525, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR是近年发展起来的一种新的实时定量检测特定核酸技术,它是核酸探针技术、荧光共振能量传递技术和PCR技术的有机结合。与常规PCR相比,它具有特异性更强、能有效解决PCR污染问题、自动化程度高等特点,扩大了PCR的应用范围。概述实时荧光定量PCR技术在固氮酶(nifH)基因检测中的应用与研究进展,并探讨该技术的发展和应用前景。  相似文献   

Prompt laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis infection facilitates patient management and initiation of therapy. A cost effective real-time PCR assay using SYBR Green I was developed for detection of pathogenic leptospires in serum specimens. Specific PCR products were obtained only with DNA of pathogenic Leptospira genomospecies. LightCycler PCR ability to distinguish between species was possible using melting curves, providing an approach for identification with a specific Tm assigned to a single species or set of species. Assay sensitivity was approximately 50 leptospires/ml, corresponding to one to two genome copies in a PCR mixture. Fifty-one patients who had clinical symptoms consistent with leptospirosis were tested both with a previously described rrs amplification and our real-time assay. Our LFB1 real-time assay confirmed the diagnosis for 25 patients (49%, 25/51) and revealed an estimated density of 8.0x10(1)-3.9x10(4) leptospires/ml of blood. The total assay time for 12 clinical samples from sample to data analysis was less than 3 h. These data illustrate the potential of our LFB1 real-time assay for the rapid detection of leptospires in serum samples and their subsequent quantification in a single run.  相似文献   

Digestive strategies have been recognized to be a key factor for healthy growth in juvenile Galapagos giant tortoises (Geochelone nigra). The aim of present study was to investigate digestive coefficients with special regard to fiber fractions. Four captive bred Galapagos giant tortoises 4–5 years of age were fed a controlled diet for 32 days. The diet consisted of 77% hay, 15% tortoise pellets, and 8% apples on a dry matter basis. On a dry matter basis diet analysis showed: 95.7% organic matter, 11.3% crude protein, 20.5% crude fiber, 22.6% acid detergent fiber, 5.0% acid detergent lignin, and 17.6% cellulose. Based on total fecal collection during 7 days average dry matter digestibilities were calculated: 65% for dry matter, 67% for organic matter, 63% for crude protein, 55% for crude fiber, 49% for acid detergent fiber, 41% for acid detergent lignin, 54% for cellulose. An increase in crude fiber content resulted in a reduced digestibility in comparative evaluations of data for different tortoise species, and in a comparison of tortoises and mammalian hindgut fermenters. Compared to some mammalian hindgut‐fermenting herbivore species (domestic horses, Asian elephants, Indian rhinoceroses) on a diet of hay and concentrates, the juvenile Galapagos giant tortoises showed a digestion of similar efficiency. If a reduction in dietary digestibility is warranted in juvenile Galapagos giant tortoises, it is concluded that dietary fiber levels should be increased and it is proposed that crude fiber levels of 30–40% on a dry matter basis should be achieved. Zoo Biol 24:185–191, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Selective forces shape sexes differently, with male body proportions facing strong selection to enhance mate searching and male-to-male combat traits, and female fitness being influenced by the ability to assimilate large amounts of nutrients necessary for vitellogenesis (and/or gestation), and their ability to carry the eggs or embryos. We evaluated the sexual dimorphism of body proportion of more than 800 wild steppe tortoises (Testudo horsfieldii) in Uzbekistan. The thick, well-developed shell offers protection from predators but pronounced digging habits probably also constrain body shape (e.g. a shell that is dorso-ventrally flattened, although round from a dorsal view helps to penetrate into, and move within the soil). Thus, in this species, natural selection might favour a heavy and flat shell that is 'closed' with small openings for appendages. In males, these environmental influences appear to be countered by sexual selection. Compared to females, they weigh less (absolutely and relative to shell dimensions), have longer legs, have shell structure allowing wider movements for their legs, and they walk faster. Males were also able to right themselves more quickly than females did in experimental tests. This quick righting ability is critical because intra-sexual combats frequently result in males being flipped onto their backs and becoming prone to hyperthermia or predation. Females are heavily built, with wide shells (relative to male shells), which may provide space for carrying eggs. From our results, a number of simple hypotheses can be tested on a wide range of chelonian species.  相似文献   

The hemostatic activity of von Willebrand factor (vWF) is strongly dependent on its multimeric structure, with the highest activity in 'unusually large' multimers secreted from endothelial cells. The multimeric structure is regulated by a plasma protease, vWF-cleaving protease (vWF-CP, or ADAMTS-13). ADAMTS-13 mRNA is variably expressed in liver and other tissues. Because 15-25% of circulating vWF is stored in platelets, the presence and function of ADAMTS-13 in platelets are important issues. Here we report ADAMTS-13 expression in human platelets. Western blot analysis and flow cytometric analysis on permeabilized platelets revealed the presence of ADAMTS-13 protein. Real-time PCR demonstrated that ADAMTS-13 mRNA is present in platelets of six healthy volunteers, with little quantitative difference. The presence of ADAMTS-13 in platelets may imply the functional role of this enzyme in the local regulation of platelet function at the site of vascular injury or thrombus formation, and provide a useful tool for the analysis of structure and function of this enzyme.  相似文献   

We provide a taxonomic review of the extinct testudinid Testudo catalaunica, based on published and unpublished material from several Miocene (late Aragonian and early Vallesian) sites of the Vallès‐Penedès Basin (north‐east Iberian Peninsula). We show that Testudo catalaunica irregularis is a junior subjective synonym of T. catalaunica, and further provide an emended diagnosis of the latter based on newly reported material. Contrary to some recent suggestions, this emended diagnosis discounts an alternative attribution of T. catalaunica to Paleotestudo. The latter is merely recognized as a subgenus of Testudo, based on a cladistic analysis that assessed the phylogenetic position of all extant and most extinct species of Testudo currently recognized as valid (including T. catalaunica). Our phylogenetic analysis (which recovers the molecular phylogeny of extant Testudo s.l.) supports a taxonomic scheme in which the three extant subgenera of Testudo are represented in the fossil record. Testudo s.s. is retrieved as the sister taxon of Testudo (Agrionemys) + [Testudo (Paleotestudo) + Testudo (Chersine)]. The extinct Testudo (Paleotestudo) is therefore the sister taxon of the Testudo (Chersine) clade. The latter subgenus reveals as the most diverse clade of Testudo s.l. in the fossil record, with T. catalaunica Testudo steinheimensis constituting a subclade distinct from that including Testudo hermanni.  相似文献   

A survey was made to determine the incidence of phytoplasmas in 39 sweet and sour cherry, peach, nectarine, apricot and plum commercial and experimental orchards in seven growing regions of Poland. Nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the phytoplasma‐universal primer pairs P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2 showed the presence of phytoplasmas in 29 of 435 tested stone fruit trees. The random fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns obtained after digestion of the nested PCR products separately with RsaI, AluI and SspI endonucleases indicated that selected Prunus spp. trees were infected by phytoplasmas belonging to three different subgroups of the apple proliferation group (16SrX‐A, ‐B, ‐C). Nucleotide sequence analysis of 16S rDNA fragment amplified with primers R16F2n/R16R2 confirmed the PCR/Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) results and revealed that phytoplasma infecting sweet cherry cv. Regina (Reg), sour cherry cv. Sokowka (Sok), apricots cv. Early Orange (EO) and AI/5, Japanese plum cv. Ozark Premier (OzPr) and peach cv. Redhaven (RedH) was closely related to isolate European stone fruit yellows‐G1 of the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ (16SrX‐B). Sequence and phylogenetic analyses resulted in the highest similarity of the 16S rDNA fragment of phytoplasma from nectarine cv. Super Queen (SQ) with the parallel sequence of the strain AP15 of the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ (16SrX‐A). The phytoplasma infecting sweet cherry cv. Kordia (Kord) was most similar to the PD1 strain of the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’ (16SrX‐C). This is the first report of the occurrence of ‘Ca. P. prunorum’, ‘Ca. P. mali’ and ‘Ca. P. pyri’ in naturally infected stone fruit trees in Poland.  相似文献   

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