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惊飞距离(FID)是指捕食者(包括人类)接近目标个体并导致其逃避时,捕食者与目标个体之间的距离。惊飞距离能很好地衡量动物个体在特定环境下的恐惧反应和风险权衡,是研究动物逃避行为的常用指标,并为物种保护提供科学依据。鸟类是研究逃避行为的理想对象,本文综述了影响鸟类惊飞距离的各种因素,可分为3类:栖息地因素(距隐蔽处的距离和生境开阔度等)、鸟类自身因素(生活史、体型和群体大小等)以及与捕食者相关的因素(捕食者的接近方向和速度等)。城市化也会影响鸟类的惊飞距离,导致城市中的鸟类通常比乡村生境的同种鸟类拥有更短的惊飞距离。习惯化、适应和生境选择是解释惊飞距离城乡差异的3种假说。研究鸟类的惊飞距离及其影响因素,有助于理解鸟类的逃避行为及其风险权衡机制,为物种保护中设立合理的缓冲区域及制定有效的保护管理措施提供科学依据。目前国内有关鸟类惊飞距离的研究多为行为观察和单一因素的影响,有待从不同因素的交互作用角度探讨鸟类的逃避行为并用于物种保护。  相似文献   

Larger eyes capture more information from the environment than small eyes, but also require more brain space for information processing. Therefore, individuals have to optimize the size of their eyes, leading to the prediction that larger eyes should have evolved in species with greater benefits from large eyes, such as species subject to intense predation risk. In a comparative analysis of 97 bird species, we found that species that fled at longer distances from an approaching potential predator indeed had relatively large eyes for their body size. In contrast, there was no indication that large eyes had evolved in species living in secluded habitats, or in species eating mobile prey. These findings are consistent with the assumption that eye size is labile and can evolve in response to changing predator environments. They also suggest that eye size may act as a constraint on optimal anti‐predator behavior, if the predator community changes as a consequence of introductions or invasions.  相似文献   

Hypotheses explaining the use of intermittent bounding and undulatingflight modes in birds are considered. Existing theoretical modelsof intermittent flight have assumed that the animal flies ata constant speed throughout. They predict that mean mechanicalpower in undulating (flap-gliding) flight is reduced comparedto steady flight over a broad range of speeds, but is reducedin bounding flight only at very high flight speeds. Lift generatedby the bird's body or tail has a small effect on power, butis insufficient to explain observations of bounding at intermediateflight speeds. Measurements on starlings Sturnus vulgaris inundulating flight in a wind tunnel show that flight speed variesby around ±1 m/sec during a flap-glide cycle. Dynamicenergy is used to quantify flight performance, and reveals thatthe geometry of the flight path depends upon wingbeat kinematics,and that neither flapping nor gliding phases are at constantspeed and angle to the horizontal. The bird gains both kineticand potential energy during the flapping phases. A new theoreticalmodel indicates that such speed variation can give significantsavings in mechanical power in both bounding and undulatingflight. Alternative hypotheses for intermittent flight includea gearing mechanism, based on duty factor, mediating musclepower or force output against aerodynamic requirements. Thiscould explain the use of bounding flight in hovering and climbingin small passerines. Both bounding and undulating confer otheradaptive benefits; undulating may be primitive in birds, butbounding may have evolved in response to flight performanceoptimization, or to factors such as unpredictability in responseto predation.  相似文献   

Zebras, as prey species, attend to the behavior of nearby conspecifics and heterospecifics when making decisions to flee from predators. Plains zebras (Equus quagga) and Grevy's zebras (E. grevyi) frequently form mixed‐species groups in zones where their ranges overlap in Kenya. Although anecdotal observations suggest that Plains zebras are more flighty around humans than Grevy's zebras are, this has not been empirically confirmed, and relatively little is known about how they may influence each other's flight behavior. We addressed these questions by examining the flight initiation distances (FIDs) of Plains and Grevy's zebras in single‐species and mixed‐species groups from an approaching human. One target individual per group was approached steadily on foot, with start distance, alert distance, and FID recorded from this target. Using start distance and alert distance separately as covariates, 22 Plains zebras in single‐species groups exhibited a significantly longer mean FID than 15 Grevy's zebras in single‐species groups. The FIDs of 7 Plains zebras and 5 Grevy's zebras tested in mixed‐species groups were virtually equivalent and intermediate to those of Plains and Grevy's zebras in single‐species groups, suggesting a bidirectional moderating influence of heterospecifics on risk assessment. This effect was most pronounced for Plains zebras in mixed‐species groups that exhibited an FID that was significantly shorter than that of Plains zebras in single‐species groups. Our findings underscore the importance of recognizing that related equids may be differently impacted by anthropogenic stress.  相似文献   

Morphology, Velocity, and Intermittent Flight in Birds   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Body size, pectoralis composition, aspect ratio of the wing,and forward speed affect the use of intermittent flight in birds.During intermittent non-flapping phases, birds extend theirwings and glide or flex their wings and bound. The pectoralismuscle is active during glides but not during bounds; activityin other primary flight muscles is variable. Mechanical power,altitude, and velocity vary among wingbeats in flapping phases;associated with this variation are changes in neuromuscularrecruitment, wingbeat frequency, amplitude, and gait. Speciesof intermediate body mass (35–158 g) tend to flap-glideat slower speeds and flap-bound at faster speeds, regardlessof the aspect ratio of their wings. Such behavior may reducemechanical power output relative to continuous flapping. Smallerspecies (<20 g) with wings of low aspect ratio may flap-boundat all speeds, yet existing models do not predict an aerodynamicadvantage for the flight style at slow speeds. The behaviorof these species appears to be due to wing shape rather thanpectoralis physiology. As body size increases among species,percent time spent flapping increases, and birds much largerthan 300 g do not flap-bound. This pattern may be explainedby adverse scaling of mass-specific power or lift per unit poweroutput available from flight muscles. The size limit for theability to bound intermittently may be offset somewhat by thescaling of pectoralis composition. The percentage of time spentflapping during intermittent flight also varies according toflight speed.  相似文献   

In many animals, response to predators occurs at greater distances the further an individual is from a refuge, but this has rarely been investigated in birds. Here, we test the hypothesis that the further from refuge (i.e. water) a foraging black swan Cygnus atratus is situated, the longer its flight initiation distance (FID) in response to a pedestrian approach on land. As predicted, swans situated farther from water exhibited longer FIDs compared with those closer to the shore. In addition, there was the possibility of an interesting interaction effect (p < 0.061) of sex and direction of approach on FID. Whilst males tended to not alter their response in relation to the angle of approach relative to the water, females tended to respond at longer distances, when approached from the shore than when approached from the land or parallel to the shore. This is one of the first reports of sex differences in FIDs for birds, with sex differences only manifesting themselves under certain approach types. Group size, the order of repeated approaches, and time of day did not influence responses, although starting distance of approach was positively related to FID.  相似文献   

Three echinostome species, i.e., Patagifer bilobus, Petasiger neocomense, and Saakotrema metatestis, are newly recorded in the trematode fauna of the Republic of Korea. They were recovered from 3 species of migratory birds (Platalea minor, Podiceps cristatus, and Egretta garzetta), which were donated by the Wildlife Center of Chungbuk (WCC) and the Conservation Genome Resource Bank for Korean Wildlife (CGRB). Only 1 P. bilobus specimen was recovered from the intestine of a black-faced spoonbill (P. minor), and characterized by the bilobed head crown with a deep dorsal incision and 54 collar spines. Twenty P. neocomense were recovered from the intestine of a great crested grebe (P. cristatus), and they had a well-developed head crown with 19 spines and 2 testes obliquely located at the posterior middle of the body. Total 70 S. metatestis were collected from the bursa of Fabricius of 1 little egret (E. garzetta). It is characterized by stout tegumental spines covered in the entire leaf-shaped body, posterior extension of the uterus, presence of the uroproct and a well-developed head crown with 12 pairs of collar spines on each side. By the present study, these 3 echinostome species are newly added to the trematode fauna in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of atmospheric structure andmotion (principally winds aloft) on the flight behavior andaltitudinal distribution of migrating songbirds. Bird migrationdata that I gathered using surveillance radars operated by theUnited States National Weather Service and the Federal AviationAdministration and a vertically directed fixed-beam marine radarmounted on a mobile laboratory are analyzed in relation to windsaloft. Migrating birds appear to fly at altitudes where windswill minimize the cost of transport and assist movements inseasonally appropriate directions. When migratory flights occurat altitudes that are higher than usual, a significant correlationexists between the altitude of densest migration and the altitudeof most favorable wind. Lower altitudes may be favored overslightly more favorable winds at much higher altitudes. Radardata on the flight behavior of migrating birds in the vicinityof frontal systems is also examined. The flight strategies ofmigrants (fly over the front, change the direction of flight,or land and terminate the flight) differ depending on seasonand the "thickness" of the front. Recent migration studies thatare related to atmospheric structure and motion are summarizedand related to atmospheric processes operating simultaneouslyat vastly different spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Numbers from Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate. David Henige. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998. 532 pp.  相似文献   

Trends in teaching parasitology: the American situation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Data from two long-term citizen science projects were used to examine the status and ecology of a Red List species, the Secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius (Vulnerable), in South Africa. The first phase of the Southern African Bird Atlas Project operated from 1987 until 1992, and the second phase began in 2007. The Coordinated Avifaunal Roadcounts (CAR) project began in 1993 and by 1998 had expanded to cover much of the south-eastern half of the country. Data submitted up until April 2013 were used. A new method of comparing reporting rates between atlas projects was developed. Changing reporting rates are likely to reflect changes in abundance; in this instance the data suggest that the Secretarybird population decreased across much of South Africa between the two atlas projects, with a widespread important decrease in the Kruger National Park. Habitat data from the CAR project were analysed to gain insight into the ecology of the species. Secretarybirds tended to avoid transformed habitats across much of the area covered by the CAR project. In the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape, which is characterised by heavily transformed fynbos vegetation, at least 50% of Secretarybirds recorded were in transformed environments. This implies that in the Fynbos biome, at least, Secretarybirds have adapted to transformed environments to some degree. However, in the rest of the country it is likely that habitat loss, largely through widespread bush encroachment but also through agriculture, afforestation, and urbanisation, is a major threat to the species. The methods developed here represent a new approach to analysing data from long-term citizen science projects, which can provide important insights into a species'' conservation status and ecology.  相似文献   

A selective regime favoring a streamlining of body contoursand surfaces is proposed as having been instrumental in drivingthe morphological and functional transformations of an unfeatheredreptilian integument into a feather-bearing avian one. Thishypothesis is consistent with a new, structurally and functionallycoherent analysis of the microanatomy of the avian feather-bearingintegument as a complex, integrated organ system that includesan intricate, hydraulic skeleto-muscular apparatus of the feathers,a dermo-subcutaneous muscle system of the integument, and asubcutaneous hydraulic skeletal system formed by fat bodies.Key elements of the evidence supporting the new hypothesis are(1) the presence of depressor feather muscles that are not neededas antagonists for the erector feather muscles, but can counteractexternal forces, such as air currents; (2) the fact that thehighly intricate feather-bearing integument represents a machineryto move feathers or to stabilize them against external forces;(3) the crucial role of the coat of feathers in streamliningthe body contours and surfaces of birds; (4) the aerodynamicrole of feathers as pressure and turbulence sensors and as controllabletemporary turbulators; and (5) the critical role that a streamlinedbody plays in avian flight and is likely to have played in theevolutionary transformations from ecologically and locomotorilyversatile quadrupedal reptiles to volant bipedal birds withoutpassing through parachuting or gliding stages. These transformationsare likely to have occurred more than once. The ancestral birdswere probably small, arboreal, hopping, and using flap-bounding,or intermittent bounding, flight.  相似文献   

上海虹桥国际机场飞行区植被与鸟类的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年3月~2009年2月,通过实地样方调查、样方植株烘箱处理和鸟类直接观察及样本解剖,对土道面区不同草高的所选样区进行植被、草丛动物和鸟类的研究,并对相关数据进行处理分析.调查结果显示: 1) 春季菊科、百合科、旋花科和葡萄科等蜜源植物开花会招引来大量昆虫,秋季禾本科、茄科、豆科和葡萄科等结实植物的果实又会为大量的昆虫以及鸟类提供食物; 2) 植被的生物量在一定程度上影响着鸟类种类数变化; 3) 植被和草丛动物的多样性指数具有极其显著正相关性,但鸟类与植被、草丛动物的多样性指数则不具有相关性; 4) 从各样区鸟类遇见率指数来看,各种鸟类对草高的喜好有着一定的差异.据此提出防范机场鸟击相关的对策和建议.  相似文献   

Wild birds have been implicated in the emergence of human and livestock influenza. The successful prediction of viral spread and disease emergence, as well as formulation of preparedness plans have been hampered by a critical lack of knowledge of viral movements between different host populations. The patterns of viral spread and subsequent risk posed by wild bird viruses therefore remain unpredictable. Here we analyze genomic data, including 287 newly sequenced avian influenza A virus (AIV) samples isolated over a 34-year period of continuous systematic surveillance of North American migratory birds. We use a Bayesian statistical framework to test hypotheses of viral migration, population structure and patterns of genetic reassortment. Our results reveal that despite the high prevalence of Charadriiformes infected in Delaware Bay this host population does not appear to significantly contribute to the North American AIV diversity sampled in Anseriformes. In contrast, influenza viruses sampled from Anseriformes in Alberta are representative of the AIV diversity circulating in North American Anseriformes. While AIV may be restricted to specific migratory flyways over short time frames, our large-scale analysis showed that the long-term persistence of AIV was independent of bird flyways with migration between populations throughout North America. Analysis of long-term surveillance data provides vital insights to develop appropriately informed predictive models critical for pandemic preparedness and livestock protection.  相似文献   

The pre‐eminent model of flight initiation distance assumes that the function relating predation risk to distance between predator and prey is constant. However, the risk–distance function can change dramatically during approaches by predators. Changes in predator behavior during approach and in availability of benefits (e.g. food or potential mates) may alter risks and/or costs during encounters. Thus, prey should be able to respond appropriately to changes in cues to risk, such as predator approach speed. Under the assumption that prey assess risk in real time, it was predicted that flight initiation distance (distance between predator and prey when escape begins) decreases when approach speed increases and increases when approach speed decreases during an encounter. Effects of single, abrupt changes from slower to faster approach or the reverse were studied in a lizard, Anolis lineatopus. Flight initiation distances were determined solely by final approach speed, being nearly identical for: (1) continuously fast approaches and approaches initially at the slower and finally at the faster speed and (2) for continuously slower approaches and approaches initially at faster and finally at slower speed. Escape should be adjusted to match changes in risk and cost caused by changes in predator behavior, ability to escape, and costs of escape as attacks unfold. A recent model by Broom and Ruxton [Behavioural Ecology (2004) vol. 16, pp. 534—540] predicts that cryptic prey should stay motionless until detected, then flee immediately. Our results suggest that current escape models can be applied to prey escape strategies when cues to risk change, by assuming that prey base decisions on the current relationship between risk and distance. Empirical studies are needed to test predictions concerning continuous risk assessment.  相似文献   

Negative interactions between humans and animals are becoming increasingly frequent, as wild habitats shrink and human presence and activities expand throughout the world. Conflicts between people over conservation are one of the outcomes of this increased interaction, with severe consequences for both wildlife and people. Globally, conflicts can arise across diverse ecosystems, species and circumstances. Even if most attention in wildlife-related conflicts has been on mammals, birds are also often at the centre of such conflicts, but conflict research is still not explicitly present in ornithological literature. Examples of such conflicts include those related to birds and agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and public health interests. Conflicts are often more complex than initial assessments might suggest, involving ecological, economic, cultural, social and political elements. Reflecting the complexity of these issues and their increasing relevance to bird conservation, a British Ornithologists' Union conference was organized in November 2021 that aimed to highlight examples of conflicts that exist between people over birds and their conservation. Building on this conference, we provide here a review of key themes relating to the understanding of conflicts, including the importance of conflict perceptions, the collaboration between multiple disciplines and the different types of knowledge needed to better understand conflicts. We then consider the management of bird conservation conflicts, including the key issues of dealing with uncertainty, the role of technical solutions and the importance of collaboration and building trust, illustrating each theme with real-world examples. Finally, we outline potential future conflicts around bird conservation and how best to address them proactively.  相似文献   

Population trends, defined as interval-specific proportional changes in population size, are often used to help identify species of conservation interest. Efficient modeling of such trends depends on the consideration of the correlation of population changes with key spatial and environmental covariates. This can provide insights into causal mechanisms and allow spatially explicit summaries at scales that are of interest to management agencies. We expand the hierarchical modeling framework used in the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) by developing a spatially explicit model of temporal trend using a conditional autoregressive (CAR) model. By adopting a formal spatial model for abundance, we produce spatially explicit abundance and trend estimates. Analyses based on large-scale geographic strata such as Bird Conservation Regions (BCR) can suffer from basic imbalances in spatial sampling. Our approach addresses this issue by providing an explicit weighting based on the fundamental sample allocation unit of the BBS. We applied the spatial model to three species from the BBS. Species have been chosen based upon their well-known population change patterns, which allows us to evaluate the quality of our model and the biological meaning of our estimates. We also compare our results with the ones obtained for BCRs using a nonspatial hierarchical model (Sauer and Link 2011). Globally, estimates for mean trends are consistent between the two approaches but spatial estimates provide much more precise trend estimates in regions on the edges of species ranges that were poorly estimated in non-spatial analyses. Incorporating a spatial component in the analysis not only allows us to obtain relevant and biologically meaningful estimates for population trends, but also enables us to provide a flexible framework in order to obtain trend estimates for any area.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to compare hypertension trends in the urban and suburban population, and to examine the use of several self-care behaviors among patients who were aware of their hypertension.MethodsWe examined the data from three cross-sectional adult populations obtained in 2005, 2008, and 2011, in Beijing.ResultsOur analyses indicated that from 2005 to 2011 the standardized rate of hypertension increased from 31.9% to 36.0% (P <0.001) among urban adults, and was relatively stable (40.8% -40.2%) among suburban adults (P = 0.02). About 10% of the patients reported having taken measures to control their weight for hypertension management. As compared to the other patients, the female patients in the urban areas reported the highest rate of regular BP measurement (52.6%). In addition, the patients who reported taking medication regularly increased among the males and females. Most of the women reported nonsmoking (≥95%) and alcohol abstinence (≥90%). The trend of nonsmoking decreased among the urban males. In contrast, the prevalence of nonsmoking increased among the suburban males, though the trend was not statistically significant (P = 0.055). Further, the patient-reported alcohol abstinence was found to exhibit a decreasing trend among the males.ConclusionsWe observed an increase in the hypertension prevalence from 2005 to 2011. The rates remained higher for suburban adults than for urban adults. Females generally had better self-care ability as compared to male patients. Further research is needed to promote self-care behaviors in hypertensive patients, especially for male patients.  相似文献   

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