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Stable callus cultures tolerant to NaCl (68 mM) were developed from salt-sensitive sugarcane cultivar CP65-357 by in vitro selection process. The accumulation of both inorganic (Na+, Cl and K+) and organic (proline and soluble sugars) solutes was determined in selected and non-selected calli after a NaCl shock in order to evaluate their implication in in vitro salt tolerance of the selected lines. Both salt-tolerant and non-selected calli showed similar relative fresh weight growth in the absence of NaCl. No growth reduction was observed in salt-tolerant calli while a significant reduction about 32% was observed in nonselected ones when both were cultivated on 68 mM NaCl. Accumulation of Na+ was similar in both salt-tolerant and non-selected calli in the presence of NaCl. Accumulation of Cl was lower in NaCl-tolerant than in non-selected calli while proline and soluble sugars were more accumulated in salt-tolerant than in non-selected calli when both were exposed to salt. K+ level decreased more severely in non-selected calli than in NaCl-tolerant ones after NaCl shock. The results indicated that K+ and Cl may play a key role in in vitro salt-tolerance in sugarcance cell lines obtained by in vitro selection and that organic solutes could contribute mainly to counteract the negative water potential of the outside medium.  相似文献   

Callus and suspension cultures adapted to various concentrations of NaCl or mannitol were developed from the cultivated potato Solanum tuberosum cv. Desire. Growth of the calli was less inhibited by mannitol than by iso-osmotic concentrations of NaCl. Reduction of growth by both NaCl and mannitol was considerably lower in osmotically adapted calli than in non-adapted ones. Salt-adapted suspension cultures that grew in the medium to which they had been originally adapted had a shorter lag in growth as well as a shorter time required to achieve the maximum growth, as compared with non-adapted cells. Suspension cultures adapted to NaCl concentrations higher than 150 mM were obtained only after preadaptation to osmotic stress. Adaptation of these cells was found to be stable. Accumulation of Na+ was lower and level of K+ was more stable in osmotically adapted than in non-adapted calli, when both were exposed to salt. Potassium level in NaCl-adapted calli exposed to saline medium was lower than that in non-adapted calli in standard medium. The maximum of Cl and Na+ accumulation was reached at higher external salt concentration in salt-adapted than in non-adapted suspension cultures. In both callus and suspension cultures, Cl accumulated more than Na+. Potassium level decreased more in non-adapted than in NaCl-adapted suspension cultures. The decrease of osmotic potential in osmotically adapted calli exposed to mannitol and in salt-adapted calli and suspension cultures exposed to salt was correlated to the increase of the external concentration. Such a correlation was not found in osmotically adapted calli exposed to salt. Non-electrolytes were found to be the main contributors to the decrease is osmotic potential in both callus and suspension cultures.  相似文献   

Callus was induced from hybrids between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare) and ten species of wild barley (Hordeum L.) as well as from one backcross line ((H. lechleri x H. vulgare) x H. vulgare). Successful callus induction and regeneration of plants were achieved from explants of young spikes on the barley medium J 25–8. The capacity for plant regeneration was dependent on the wild parental species. In particular, combinations with four related wild species, viz. H. jubatum, H. roshevitzii, H. lechleri, and H. procerum, regenerated high numbers of plants from calli.  相似文献   

Summary The karyotype of 82 regenerated plants from callus cultures of interspecific hybrids between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and seven polyploid wild barley species was examined by C-banding or Feulgen staining. The karyotypic changes observed in 46 plants included aneuploidy, double haploidy, amphidiploidy, deletions, inversions, extra C-bands, and extra euchromatic segments. Apparently, chromosome 5, 6, and 7 of H. vulgare were more frequently exposed to elimination or structural change than the other chromosomes of this species. Irradiation of calli seemed to enhance the occurrence of karyotypic variants.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts of Lycopersicon pennelli Corr., a wild relative of tomato, were electrofused with those from a dihaploid potato clone, cv Nicola, with the objectives of transferring saline tolerance from L. pennellii to cultivated potato. 150 calli were selected from the fusion experiments, finally giving 2 hybrid shoots. Their hybrid nature was verified by examining isoenzyme patterns for esterases (EST), peroxidase (PRX), phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD), and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT). The hybrid plants had an intermediate morphology, and grew vigorously in vitro. When transplanted to soil, they were less vigorous, due to difficulties in rooting, but were still capable of flowering, and forming short stolons and mishaped tubers, probably resulting from the effects of gene dosage due to the novel association of two genomes from a tuberizing (potato) and a non tuberizing species (L. pennellii). The characteristics of such mishaped tubers provided strong evidence of a hybrid nature for the selected plants. The hybrid plants were highly sterile, producing only 3–7% viable pollen. Tests for salt tolerance showed that the growth of the somatic hybrid plants was reduced by 50% as for L. pennellii, whilst potato did not grow at all under saline conditions.Abbreviations MS Murashige and Skoog basal medium - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - PEG polyethylen glycol 6,000 - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - AC alternating current - EST esterases - PRX peroxidase - 6-PGD phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - GOT glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase - FDA fluorescein diacetate  相似文献   

A study was made on the self-compatibility in L. hirsutum (LH), L. pennellii (LP) and L. chilense (LC) and on cross-compatibility or preferable unilateral compatibility between these wild species and L. esculentum (LE). From the results of various test crosses and selfings and of cytological research and fruit and seed setting as well it was concluded that the material used is compatible but it differed in the degree of the expression. The highest self- and cross-compatibility was found in LP where number of seed, their viability and also pollen tube growth was similar to LE. Differences between LC and LH in self-compatibility and the congruity with LE were very small on the basis of pollen tube elongation but relatively fewer number of fruit and seed were obtained in the cross LE × LC than from the combination of LE × LH. In the reciprocal crosses when wild species were used as the pistillate parent, no seed were obtained as fertilization was prevented.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty characters were measured on 60 tomato varieties cultivated in the open-air and in polyethylene plastic-house. Data were analyzed by means of principal components, factorial discriminant methods, Mahalanobis D2 distances and principal coordinate techniques. Factorial discriminant and Mahalanobis D2 distances methods, both of which require collecting data plant by plant, lead to similar conclusions as the principal components method that only requires taking data by plots. Characters that make up the principal components in both environments studied are the same, although the relative importance of each one of them varies within the principal components. By combining information supplied by multivariate analysis with the inheritance mode of characters, crossings among cultivars can be experimented with that will produce heterotic hybrids showing characters within previously established limits.  相似文献   

Summary We tested pollen from four tomato cultivars differing in sensitivity to aluminum in the sporophyte to determine if Al sensitivity was also expressed in pollen. Pollen sensitivity to Al was measured by the ability to germinate and grow in a control solution after a short period in a high concentration of Al. The response was ranked and compared to the Al sensitivity ranking of the four cultivars based on top growth in Al toxic soil. In addition, seedlings from the most and least sensitive cultivars, based on pollen germination, were compared for Al sensitivity in nutrient solutions. Treatment with Al significantly reduced pollen germination in the two more sensitive cultivars, but not in the two more resistant cultivars. However, the ranking was not the same as that based on the shoot growth of the sporophyte. Root growth as a criterion of sporophytic Al sensitivity produced results similar to pollen germination. The study suggests that although the correspondence is better for some phenotypic responses of the sporophyte than others, Al tolerance appears to be another character expressed in both pollen and sporophyte.  相似文献   

The functional male sterility controlled by ps gene proved to be a useful tool in hybrid tomato varieties breeding in Poland. The climat conditions such as excessive temperature and high humidity have a bad effect on the expression and stability of functional male sterility. Using the RAPD methods we have identified two RAPD markers linked to the ps gene. The markers OPW 131230 and OPAX 10780 were generated by 5′CACAGCGACA 3′ and 5′CCAGGCTGAC 3′ decamers respectively in F2 population of combination 24/29 × G-1.  相似文献   

Summary Tetraploid (2n=4x=48) 2EBN Mexican wild species in the series Longipedicellata, which consists of Solanum fendleri, S. hjertingii, S. papita, S. polytrichon, and S. stoloniferum, were crossed with two 2EBN cultivated diploid (2n=2x=24) clones. The resulting triploid hybrids (2n=3x=36) produced 2n pollen (triplandroids) by the mechanism of parallel orientation of anaphase II spindles. The percentage of stainable pollen in 520 triploids ranged between 0 and 23.5%, with a mean of 2.7%. Triploids producing between 13.0 and 23.5% stainable pollen were crossed as staminate parents to the tetraploid cultivars, resulting in abundant pentaploid (2n=5x=60) and near-pentaploid hybrid progeny. Crosses of triploids with lower percentage of stainable pollen as pollen parent to the tetraploid cultivars did not yield fruit, unless rescue pollen from a tetraploid cultivar was added 2 days later. Pentaploid hybrids were selected among selfed tetraploid progenies using morphological and isoxyme markers transmitted from their cultivated diploid parents. These pentaploid hybrids were vigorous and had uniformly sterile pollen. They were female fertile and were crossed with tetraploid cultivars, yielding an average of 19 seeds per fruit. Triplandroids provide the opportunity of transferring 2EBN tetraploid Mexican wild species in the series Longipedicellata germ plasm into the 4EBN cultivated potatoes.Cooperative investigations of the ARS, USDA, and the Washington State University Agricultural Research Center, Prosser, WA 99350, USA. H/LA Paper No. 90-03, College of Agriculture and Home Economies Research Center, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA  相似文献   

为探明肉桂醛对番茄幼苗耐盐性的影响,该研究以番茄‘合作903’为试验材料,探究肉桂醛(100μg·L-1)对处于100 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫下番茄种子萌发与幼苗生长特性的影响。在试验中设置4组处理:对照(CK,蒸馏水)、NaCl (100 mmol·L-1)、NaCl+CA(100 mmol·L-1 NaCl+100μg·L-1 CA)、CA(100μg·L-1)。结果表明:(1)在100 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫下,添加100μg·L-1的肉桂醛,番茄种子的发芽势和发芽率均有所提升,番茄幼苗的根长和鲜重均显著提高,说明添加肉桂醛对NaCl胁迫下番茄种子的萌发与幼苗生长均有一定缓解作用。(2)肉桂醛能够有效降低NaCl胁迫导致的番茄幼苗根尖总活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)的过量累积,缓解膜脂过氧化程度从而降低细胞死亡率。综上表明,肉桂醛处理能够通过缓解幼苗的氧化...  相似文献   

Summary Analyses of leaves and ‘tubers’ from somatic hybrids of potato and tomato (‘pomato’ with plastids of potato, ‘topato’ with plastids of tomato) produced by fusion of protoplasts from liquid cultures of dihaploid potato and mesophyll of tomato revealed the presence of the two major potato glycoalkaloids (α-solanine and α-chaconine) as well as the tomato glycoalkaloid (αtomatine). The total alkaloid content of leaves was greater than that of ‘tubers’ and similar to levels in the foliage of parent plants. However, glycoalkaloids were more abundant in hybrid ‘tubers’ than in normal potato tubers by a factor of 5–15. In hybrid foliage, approximately 98% of the alkaloid present was of potato origin whereas in ‘tubers’ the reverse was the case, with tomatine comprising 60–70% of the total alkaloid. The similarities in alkaloid content and ratios between the pomato and the topato lines indicate that plastomes do not influence the biosynthesis and distribution of these alkaloids. The results indicate that major secondary metabolites may prove useful for assessing the hybrid nature of such plants.  相似文献   

Callus cultures were induced from leaves of a tomato plant infected with tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and analyzed for viral DNA presence during successive subcultures. No TYLCV DNA was detected in calli sampled after eight months of culture. Considerable differences in the presence of TYLCV DNA were found within sectors of a callus culture and between different callus cultures, throughout the entire eight months period. Infected calli which were cultured at sub-optimal temperature (15°C) retained the viral DNA longer than at 25 °C. The results suggested that TYLCV disappearance during callus culture was due to a disruption of some of the cell-to-cell connections, resulting in islands of infected cells in the midst of uninfected tissue and/or to the competition between the rate of cell division and that of viral DNA replication.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - CMV cucumber mosaic virus - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - TMV tobacco mosaic virus - TYLCV tomato yellow leaf curl virus  相似文献   

Two chickpea species, one wild (Cicer reticulatum JM2106) and one cultivated (C. arietinum ICC8923) were selected as the parents for this study. C. reticulatum showed high nodule number, nodule dry weight and nitrogen content/plant as compared to C. arietinum. In lines derived from the crosses H208 × (ICC8923 × JM2106) and BG274 × (ICC8923 × JM2106), increase in nodule dry weight, nitrogen content/plant, plant dry weight and grain yield was observed over the parent ICC8923. Similarly F6 lines also showed improvement in these traits over the cultivated parent. It is concluded that the increase in grain yield and dry matter is the result of improvement in nitrogen utilisation together with an increase in the available fixed nitrogen.  相似文献   

Mortality of the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), on Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy and its F1 hybrid with Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. was significantly greater than that on L. esculentum. Physical entrapment was not the sole mechanism of resistance in L. pennellii since few late instar aphids were found trapped in the sticky glandular exudate of the type IV trichomes; entrapment could, however, affect survival of early instars. Aphid settling on L. pennellii was dramatically less than that on L. esculentum, suggesting that starvation may have contributed to high mortality. Compared to L. esculentum, aphid feeding behavior on L. pennellii and the F1 was characterized by a delay in the time to first probe, a reduction in the number of probes, and a decrease in the total proportion of time spent feeding. Removal of the glandular exudate of the type IV trichomes from L. pennellii resulted in a decrease in preprobe time and an increase in both the number of probes and the percent of time spent probing. Transfer of glandular trichome exudate of L. pennellii to leaflets of L. esculentum resulted in an increase in resistance as measured by these three parameters.
Zusammenfassung Die Absterberate der Kartoffellaus, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas, auf Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy, sowie auf der Kreuzung L. esculentum Mill. und L. pennellii, war deutlich grösser als auf L. esculentum. Das mechanische Verfangen der Läuse war nicht der Hauptgrund der Resistenz von L. pennellii. Wenige tote Läuse wurden in dem klebrigen Sekret der Typus IV Trichome gefunden. Auf L. pennellii siedelten sich die Läuse in viel geringerer Zahl an als auf L. esculentum. Dies führte zum Schluss, dass Verhungern eine der Ursachen der hohen Mortalität der Läuse war. Im Vergleich zum Saugverhalten auf L. esculentum war das Saugverhalten auf L. pennellii, wie auch auf F1, durch Folgendes gekennzeichnet 1) Verspätung des ersten Stichversuchs, 2) Verminderung der Stichversuche pro Zeiteinheit und 3) Verminderung des Zeitanteils, der zum Saugen verwendet wurde. Die Entfernung des Sekrets der Typus IV Trichomen auf L. pennellii verursachte 1) eine kürzere Zeitspanne vor dem ersten Stichversuch, 2) eine Vergrösserung der Anzahl Stichversuche pro Zeiteinheit, 3) eine Verlängerung der Saugzeit. Die Uebertragung des Sekretes von L. pennellii auf Blätter von L. esculentum verbesserte deren Resistenz gegen Blattläuse gemessen mit den genannten drei Kriterien.

Summary The inheritance and linkage relationships of a gene for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 were analyzed. An interspecific hybrid between a resistant Lycopersicon pennellii and a susceptible L. esculentum was backcrossed to L. esculentum. The genotype of each backcross-1 (BC1) plant with respect to its Fusarium response was determined by means of backcross-2 progeny tests. Resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene, I1, which was not allelic to I, the traditional gene for resistance against the same fungal pathogen that was derived from L. pimpinellifolium. Linkage analysis of 154 molecular markers that segregated in the BC1 population placed I1 between the RFLP markers TG20 and TG128 on chromosome 7. The flanking markers were used to verify the assignment of the I1 genotype in the segregating population. The results are discussed with reference to the possibility of cloning Fusarium resistance genes in tomato.  相似文献   

Summary Asymmetric somatic hybrids were recovered following fusion of tomato leaf mesophyll protoplasts with irradiated protoplasts isolated from Lycopersicon pennellii suspension cells. The asymmetry was determined by scoring the regenerants at between 20 and 24 loci using isozymes and restriction fragment length polymorphisms. In addition, three quantitative traits, fruit size, leaf shape, and stigma exsertion, were measured in the regenerants. The recovery of asymmetric somatic hybrids was as high as 50% of the regenerants, and there was no requirement for the transfer of a selectable marker gene from the irradiated partner. The amount of nuclear DNA transferred from the irradiated protoplast fusion partner was found to be inversely proportional to the radiation dose. It was possible to recover tomato asymmetric somatic hybrids which were self-fertile and contained limited amounts of genetic information from L. pennelli.  相似文献   

Summary Two somatic hybrid plants generated from a single fusion event between Lycopersicon esculentum and irradiated L. pennellii protoplasts have been analyzed at the molecular level. Over 30 loci have been analyzed using isozymes and RFLPs. All loci tested on chromosomes 2–10 were heterozygous, while those loci on chromosome 12 were homozygous L. pennellii in both somatic hybrids. In one of the somatic hybrids, 2850, loci on chromosome 1 were also homozygous L. pennellii. The other somatic hybrid, 28F5, was heterozygous at all chromosome 1 loci tested, but exhibited altered stoichiometry of parental bands as compared to the sexual hybrid. Loci on chromosome 2 from both somatic hybrids have altered stoichiometry, with L. pennellii alleles being four times more abundant than expected. Both somatic hybrids contain the L. esculentum chloroplast genome, while only L. pennellii polymorphisms have been detected in the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Thirty six tomato wild species accessions of the subgenera Eulycopersicon and Eriopersicon of the genus Lycopersicon were inoculated with race T1 and T3 of Xanthomonas vesicatoria by vaccum infiltration method. Degree of diseases was evaluated by scale of 0 to 4. It was established that some accessions showed low degree of disease to race T1 and others to race T3. LA 2623 indicated very low degree of disease to race T1 and was immune in inoculation with T3. LA 386 and LA 1297 manifested hypersensitive reaction to both races and PI 127826 to race T3 only. The accessions possessing low degree of disease or hypersensitive reaction to race T1 and race T3 are new promising sources of resistance to Xanthomonas vesicatoria.  相似文献   

Cayuela  Encarna  Estañ  Maria T.  Parra  Margarita  Caro  Manuel  Bolarin  Maria C. 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(2):231-238
Although salt-adaptation seems to be a widespread property of plants, the adaptive response has been rarely differentiated to the tolerance response. We report on the adaptive response of tomato plants to growing under saline conditions following a 15 day pre-treatment with a lower NaCl concentration (half) than that used during the plant growth. After 20 days of salt treatment (100 mM NaCl), the biomass of the adapted plants increased significantly with respect to that of the unadapted plants when the pre-treatment was applied to five leaf seedlings, but not at the two leaf stage. The long-term adaptive response was determined in two tomato genotypes with different tolerance to moderate salt levels. At 70 mM NaCl, the adapted-plants of the more salt-sensitive genotype produced up to 29% more fruit yield than did the unadapted plants. However, no positive effect was observed to long-term in the adapted-plants of the more salt-tolerant genotype, which suggests that the stress level necessary to trigger the adaptive response is related to the tolerance degree of genotype. The physiological response of the plants showing a positive response to the adaptation was also modified to long-term. Thus, K+ concentrations increased in the young leaves of the adapted plants, with respect to unadapted plants, and moreover these differences increased with the salinization period. These results indicate that the changes in growth and physiological responses induced by NaCl pre-treatment at the seedling stage are maintained throughout plant life cycle and this is, therefore, an interesting strategy for increasing the salt tolerance in tomato plants.  相似文献   

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