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Two proteins have been identified which stimulate a mutant form of dnaA protein in replication of plasmids containing the chromosomal origin, oriC. One of these is dnaK protein by the criteria of (i) absence of stimulatory activity in enzyme fractions from dnaK mutants, (ii) elevated levels of stimulatory activity in fractions from a dnaK protein overproducer, (iii) comigration of the stimulatory protein with authentic dnaK protein by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and (iv) replacement of this stimulatory protein by dnaK protein in stimulation assays. The stimulatory effect of dnaK protein on dnaA46 protein in replication suggests that this interaction, occurring prior to its action in DNA replication, may regulate its activity.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the 13-kDa polypeptide (P116) encoded by the first gene of the trfA operon of IncP plasmid RK2 shows significant similarity to several known single-stranded DNA-binding proteins. We found that unregulated expression of this gene from its natural promoter (trfAp) or induced expression from a strong heterologous promoter (trcp) was sufficient to complement the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of an Escherichia coli ssb-1 mutant. The RK2 ssb gene is the first example of a plasmid single-stranded DNA-binding protein-encoding gene that is coregulated with replication functions, indicating a possible role in plasmid replication.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in a replication origin induced by an initiator protein   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
S Mukherjee  I Patel  D Bastia 《Cell》1985,43(1):189-197
The replication initiator protein of the plasmid R6K binds to seven contiguous 22 bp direct repeats that form an indispensable part of the three replication origins alpha, beta, and gamma. Binding of the initiator to the direct repeats induced a marked bending of the region of gamma replication origin. Binding of the initiator also promoted unwinding of the origin DNA by at least two turns. Distamycin appeared to antagonize the binding of the initiator to the seven 22 bp direct repeats. At the appropriate DNA and protein concentrations the initiator enhanced topoisomerase-induced catenation of the origin containing supercoiled DNA but not of DNA lacking the origin sequence. Thus, the initiator protein caused significant changes in the secondary and tertiary structures of the replication origin.  相似文献   

H Komori  F Matsunaga  Y Higuchi  M Ishiai  C Wada    K Miki 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(17):4597-4607
The initiator protein (RepE) of F factor, a plasmid involved in sexual conjugation in Escherichia coli, has dual functions during the initiation of DNA replication which are determined by whether it exists as a dimer or as a monomer. A RepE monomer functions as a replication initiator, but a RepE dimer functions as an autogenous repressor. We have solved the crystal structure of the RepE monomer bound to an iteron DNA sequence of the replication origin of plasmid F. The RepE monomer consists of topologically similar N- and C-terminal domains related to each other by internal pseudo 2-fold symmetry, despite the lack of amino acid similarities between the domains. Both domains bind to the two major grooves of the iteron (19 bp) with different binding affinities. The C-terminal domain plays the leading role in this binding, while the N-terminal domain has an additional role in RepE dimerization. The structure also suggests that superhelical DNA induced at the origin of plasmid F by four RepEs and one HU dimer has an essential role in the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

In the HM5 mutant of Haemophilus influenzae, which carries a mutation in the rec-1 gene region and in which the replication of donor-recipient DNA complexes formed in transformation is inhibited, the transformation frequency could be greatly enhanced by inhibition of protein synthesis during transformation, indicating that transformation in the HM5 mutant induces the synthesis of a protein that inhibits the replication of the donor-recipient DNA complexes. This induction occurred in an early step of the recombination. Synthesis of the wild-type Rec-1 protein after transformation of the HM5 mutant with wild-type DNA could diminish the inhibiting effect on DNA replication. The HM5 mutant synthesized an altered Rec-1 protein (molecular weight, 38,000) whose pI differed from that of the wild type. As a result of the mutation in the rec-1 gene, two other proteins (molecular weights, 37,500 and 43,000) are lacking in the HM5 mutant.  相似文献   

To study the functions of the mini-P1 replication initiation protein RepA quantitatively, we have developed a method to measure RepA concentration by using immunoblotting. In vivo, there are about 20 RepA dimers per unit-copy plasmid DNA. RepA was deduced to be a dimer from gel filtration of the purified protein. Since there are 14 binding sites of the protein per replicon, the physiological concentration of the protein appears to be sufficiently low to be a rate-limiting factor for replication. Autoregulation is apparently responsible for the low protein level; at the physiological concentration of the protein, the repA promoter retains only 0.1% of its full activity as determined by gene fusions to lacZ. When the concentration is further decreased by a factor of 3 or increased by a factor of 40, replication is no longer detectable.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method for the mapping of eukaryotic replication origins was tested. The method is based on differential labeling of newly synthesized DNA with BrdUrd and subsequent separation of heavy nascent strands from parental DNA by conventional alkaline sucrose and neutral CsCl isopycnic gradient centrifugation. Purified nascent DNA is then size-fractionated on alkaline agarose gels and analyzed by sequential hybridization to specific probes of known location on the DNA segment of interest. Evaluation of the hybridization results allows: (i) determination of the direction of replication fork movement and (ii) location of the initiation site of DNA synthesis. Taking SV40 and polyoma virus as model systems, we demonstrate the feasibility of this procedure. It applicability to the location of chromosomal replication origins is discussed.  相似文献   

The plasmid R6K contains three distinct origins of replication: alpha, beta, and gamma. The gamma sequence is essential in cis and acts as an enhancer that activates the distant alpha and beta origins. R6K therefore represents a favorable procaryotic model system with which to unravel the biochemical mechanisms underlying selective origin activation, particularly activation involving distant sites on the same chromosome. We have discovered that plasmids containing the origins alpha and gamma required the Escherichia coli DnaA initiator protein in addition to the R6K-encoded initiator protein, Pi, and other host replisomal proteins for their maintenance in vivo. Plasmids initiating replication from origin beta required only the Pi initiator protein and other host replisomal proteins. We have exploited the differential requirement for the DnaA protein by origins gamma and beta to selectively study and localize the minimal origin beta sequences by deletion analysis as one test of a looping model of origin activation. A 64-bp region spanning the extreme -COOH terminal coding sequence of the Pi protein was found to be essential for replication in vivo in the absence of DnaA protein, consistent with the approximate physical location of the beta origin. Replication emanating from origin beta could be abolished in vivo by deletion of the 9-bp target site for Pi protein-mediated DNA looping between the gamma origin/enhancer and the distant beta origin. Electron microscopy of nascent replication intermediates generated in vivo directly confirmed our genetic localization of the beta origin. Our results strongly suggest that activation of the beta origin by a distant replication enhancer element requires a small target sequence essential for initiator protein-mediated DNA looping.  相似文献   

We previously identified and purified from human (HeLa) cells a 66-kDa cruciform-binding protein, CBP, with binding specificity for cruciform DNA regardless of its sequence. DNA cruciforms have been implicated in the regulation of initiation of DNA replication. CBP is a member of the 14-3-3 family of proteins, which are conserved regulatory molecules expressed in all eukaryotes. Here, the in vivo association of CBP/14-3-3 with mammalian origins of DNA replication was analyzed by studying its association with the monkey replication origins ors8 and ors12, as assayed by a chromatin immunoprecipitation assay and quantitative PCR analysis. The association of the 14-3-3beta, -epsilon, -gamma, and -zeta isoforms with these origins was found to be approximately 9-fold higher, compared with other portions of the genome, in logarithmically growing cells. In addition, the association of these isoforms with ors8 and ors12 was also analyzed as a function of the cell cycle. Higher binding of 14-3-3beta, -epsilon, -gamma, and -zeta isoforms with ors8 and ors12 was found at the G(1)/S border, by comparison with other stages of the cell cycle. The CBP/14-3-3 cruciform binding activity was also found to be maximal at the G(1)/S boundary. The involvement of 14-3-3 in mammalian DNA replication was analyzed by studying the effect of anti-14-3-3beta, -epsilon, -gamma, and -zeta antibodies in the in vitro replication of p186, a plasmid containing the minimal replication origin of ors8. Anti-14-3-3epsilon, -gamma, and -zeta antibodies alone or in combination inhibited p186 replication by approximately 50-80%, while anti-14-3-3beta antibodies had a lesser effect ( approximately 25-50%). All of the antibodies tested were also able to interfere with CBP binding to cruciform DNA. The results indicate that CBP/14-3-3 is an origin-binding protein, acting at the initiation step of DNA replication by binding to cruciform-containing molecules, and dissociates after origin firing.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant capable of continued DNA synthesis in the presence of chloramphenicol has been isolated by an autoradiographic technique. The DNA synthesis represents semiconservative replication of E. coli DNA. It can occur in the presence of chloramphenicol or in the absence of essential amino acids, but not in the presence of an RNA synthesis inhibitor, rifampin. The mutant, termed constitutive stable DNA replication (Sdrc) mutant, appears to grow normally at 37 °C with a slightly slower growth rate than that of the parental strain. DNA replication in the mutant occurs at a reduced rate after 60 minutes in the absence of protein synthesis and continues linearly for several hours thereafter. This distinct slowdown in the DNA replication rate is due to a reduced rate of DNA synthesis in all the cells in the population. Constitutive stable DNA replication appears to require the dnaA and dnaC gene products. The sdrc mutation has been mapped near the pro-lac region of the E. coli chromosome. The mutation is recessive. Autoradiographic experiments have ruled out the possibility of multiple initiations during a cell cycle. The implication of the above findings is discussed in terms of the regulation of chromosome replication in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary Prophage is not induced when DNA synthesis ceases at 42°C in a mutant of E. coli which is unable to initiate rounds of DNA replication at high temperature. However, induction occurs when the cells are UV irradiated after completion of rounds of replication at 42°C. Evidence is presented that the uvr functions, necessary for dimer excision, are not required for this induction, and that the UV irradiation itself does not provoke net host DNA synthesis under these conditions. We conclude that prophage induction can result from irradiation damage in chromosomes that are unable to replicate.  相似文献   

S L Rhode  rd 《Journal of virology》1982,42(3):1118-1122
We established a persistent infection in L 929 cells with the DA strain of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus. Our studies showed that only a small number of cells in the cultures contained infectious virus or viral antigen. A role for interferon in the maintenance of persistence was suggested. Viral isolates from the cultures were not temperature sensitive, nor did they contain viral capsid polypeptide mutations or defective interfering particles. T1 oligonucleotide maps showed evidence of mutation in two of three isolates.  相似文献   

Replicative DNA damage bypass, mediated by the ubiquitylation of the sliding clamp protein PCNA, facilitates the survival of a cell in the presence of genotoxic agents, but it can also promote genomic instability by damage-induced mutagenesis. We show here that PCNA ubiquitylation in budding yeast is activated independently of the replication-dependent S phase checkpoint but by similar conditions involving the accumulation of single-stranded DNA at stalled replication intermediates. The ssDNA-binding replication protein A (RPA), an essential complex involved in most DNA transactions, is required for damage-induced PCNA ubiquitylation. We found that RPA directly interacts with the ubiquitin ligase responsible for the modification of PCNA, Rad18, both in yeast and in mammalian cells. Association of the ligase with chromatin is detected where RPA is most abundant, and purified RPA can recruit Rad18 to ssDNA in vitro. Our results therefore implicate the RPA complex in the activation of DNA damage tolerance.  相似文献   

S L Rhode  rd 《Journal of virology》1978,25(1):215-223
A temperature-sensitive mutant of H-1, ts14, that is partially defective in replicative-form (RF) DNA synthesis has been isolated. ts14 H-1 is characterized by a decrease in plaque-forming ability and production of infectious virus at the restrictive temperature of 39.5 degrees C. RF DNA synthesis of ts14 is reduced to 3 to 7% of that of wild-type H-1 at either the restrictive or the permissive temperature. A complementation analysis of RF synthesis of ts14 and a viable defective H-1 virus, DI-1, or wild-type H-3 indicates that the defective RF DNA synthesis of ts14 is cis-acting. ts14, unlike wild-type H-1, causes a multiplicity-dependent inhibition of DI-1 or H-3, but not LuIII, RF DNA synthesis. Mixed infections of cells with two parvoviruses also exhibited a cross-interference for viral protein synthesis that was multiplicity dependent, ts14 inhibited infectious virus production of H-1 or H-3, but not LuIII. LuIII-or H-3-pseudotype particles were produced by coinfection with H-1. H-3 and H-1 showed similar interactions with ts14, and H-3 DNA was more homologous to H-1 than was LuIII by comparative physical mapping studies. The results suggest that ts14 is a mutant with a defect in a regulatory sequence of its DNA that influence RF DNA replication.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli rnh mutants were isolated using localized mutagenesis and selective measurements of RNase H activity in mutagenized cell extracts with [3H]poly(rC)·poly(dG) as substrate. RNase H activity in extracts of one mutant, ON152 (rnh-91), was undetectable (less than 0.05% of that of wild-type cells). This mutant formed small colonies at 43 °C. At this temperature, accumulation of nascent fragments was more prominent in the rnh-91·polA4113 double mutant than in the polA4113 mutant; however, no accumulation was found in the rnh single mutant at 43° C. Unlike the 1–3 nucleotide primer RNA found on nascent fragments of polA4113 cells, primers from the rnh-91·polA4113 cells ranged from one to about ten bases. These results suggest that the 53 exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase I plays a major role in removal of primer RNA and that RNase H functions in an auxiliary role, excising the 5-portion of longer primers.The rnh mutant supports replication of ColE1-type plasmids. A possible mechanism of replication of such plasmids in rnh mutants and a role of RNase H in the initiation of chromosomal replication are discussed.  相似文献   

A human cruciform binding protein (CBP) was previously shown to bind to cruciform DNA in a structure-specific manner and be a member of the 14-3-3 protein family. CBP had been found to contain the 14-3-3 isoforms beta, gamma, epsilon, and zeta. Here, we show by Western blot analysis that the CBP-cruciform DNA complex eluted from band-shift polyacrylamide gels also contains the 14-3-3sigma isoform, which is present in HeLa cell nuclear extracts. An antibody specific for the 14-3-3sigma isoform was able to interfere with the formation of the CBP-cruciform DNA complex. The effect of the same anti-14-3-3sigma antibody in the in vitro replication of p186, a plasmid containing the minimal replication origin of the monkey origin ors8, was also analyzed. Pre-incubation of total HeLa cell extracts with this antibody decreased p186 in vitro replication to approximately 30% of control levels, while non-specific antibodies had no effect. 14-3-3sigma was found to associate in vivo with the monkey origins of DNA replication ors8 and ors12 in a cell cycle-dependent manner, as assayed by a chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay that involved formaldehyde cross-linking, followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-14-3-3sigma antibody and quantitative PCR. The association of 14-3-3sigma with the replication origins was maximal at the G(1)/S phase. The results indicate that 14-3-3sigma is an origin binding protein involved in the regulation of DNA replication via cruciform DNA binding.  相似文献   

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