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Protein kinase C (PKC)delta was the first new/novel PKC isoform to be identified by the screening of mammalian cDNA libraries, based on the structural homology of its nucleotide sequences with those of classical/conventional PKC isoforms. PKC delta is expressed ubiquitously among cells and tissues. It is activated by diacylglycerol produced by receptor-mediated hydrolysis of membrane inositol phospholipids as well as by tumor-promoting phorbol ester through the binding of these compounds to the C1 region in its regulatory domain. It is also cleaved by caspase to generate a catalytically active fragment, and it is converted to an active form without proteolysis through the tyrosine phosphorylation reaction. Various lines of evidence indicate that PKC delta activated in distinct ways plays critical roles in cellular functions such as the control of growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. This article briefly summarizes the regulatory mechanisms of PKC delta activity and its functions in cell signaling.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle results in rapid activation of protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta), which is associated with its tyrosine phosphorylation and physical association with insulin receptor (IR). The mechanisms underlying tyrosine phosphorylation of PKCdelta have not been determined. In this study, we investigated the possibility that the Src family of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases may be involved upstream insulin signaling. Studies were done on differentiated rat skeletal myotubes in primary culture. Insulin caused an immediate stimulation of Src and induced its physical association with both IR and PKCdelta. Inhibition of Src by treatment with the Src family inhibitor PP2 reduced insulin-stimulated Src-PKCdelta association, PKCdelta tyrosine phosphorylation and PKCdelta activation. PP2 inhibition of Src also decreased insulin-induced IR tyrosine phosphorylation, IR-PKCdelta association and association of Src with both PKCdelta and IR. Finally, inhibition of Src decreased insulin-induced glucose uptake. We conclude that insulin activates Src tyrosine kinase, which regulates PKCdelta activity. Thus, Src tyrosine kinase may play an important role in insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of both IR and PKCdelta. Moreover, both Src and PKCdelta appear to be involved in IR activation and subsequent downstream signaling.  相似文献   

Six protein kinase C (PKC) genes are present in Drosophila, comprising two classical PKCs (PKC53E and eye-PKC), two novel PKCs (PKC98E and PKCdelta), an atypical PKC (DaPKC), and a PKC-related kinase. Loss of function alleles affecting DaPKC and eye-PKC are available and their mutant phenotypes have been characterized. DaPKC is essential for early embryonic development because it regulates cell polarity and asymmetric cell division. Eye-PKC plays a role in the regulation of visual signaling, a G-protein coupled phospholipase Cbeta-mediated cascade. Both eye-PKC and DaPKC are differentially localized through tethering to multimolecular complexes. DaPKC interacts with partitioning-defective 3 (Par-3) and Par-6 proteins, which contain PDZ (PSD95, DLG, ZO-1) domains. Similarly, eye-PKC is anchored to a PDZ domain containing scaffolding protein INAD. Characterization of these two PKCs in Drosophila revealed a universal mechanism by which PKC is tethered to specific protein complexes for participation in distinct signal transduction processes.  相似文献   

It was previously demonstrated that sustained activation (30-60 min) of protein kinase C (PKC) results in translocation of PKC α and βII to the pericentrion, a dynamic subset of the recycling compartment whose formation is dependent on PKC and phospholipase D (PLD). Here we investigated whether the formation of the pericentrion modulates the ability of PKC to phosphorylate substrates, especially if it reduces substrate phosphorylation by sequestering PKC. Surprisingly, using an antibody that detects phosphosubstrates of classical PKCs, the results showed that the majority of PKC phosphosubstrates are phosphorylated with delayed kinetics, correlating with the time frame of PKC translocation to the pericentrion. Substrate phosphorylation was blocked by PLD inhibitors and was not observed in response to activation of a PKC βII mutant (F663D) that is defective in interaction with PLD and in internalization. Phosphorylation was also inhibited by blocking clathrin-dependent endocytosis, demonstrating a requirement for endocytosis for the PKC-dependent major phosphorylation effects. Serotonin receptor activation by serotonin showed a similar response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, implicating a potential role of delayed kinetics in G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Evaluation of candidate substrates revealed that the phosphorylation of the PKC substrate p70S6K kinase behaved in a similar manner. Gradient-based fractionation revealed that the majority of these PKC substrates reside within the pericentrion-enriched fractions and not in the plasma membrane. Finally, proteomic analysis of the pericentrion-enriched fractions revealed several proteins as known PKC substrates and/or proteins involved in endocytic trafficking. These results reveal an important role for PKC internalization and for the pericentrion as key determinants/amplifiers of PKC action.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C betaII (PKCbetaII) promotes colon carcinogenesis. Expression of PKCbetaII in the colon of transgenic mice induces hyperproliferation and increased susceptibility to colon cancer. To determine molecular mechanisms by which PKCbetaII promotes colon cancer, we established rat intestinal epithelial (RIE) cells stably expressing PKCbetaII. Here we show that RIE/PKCbetaII cells acquire an invasive phenotype that is blocked by the PKCbeta inhibitor LY379196. Invasion is not observed in RIE cells expressing a kinase-deficient PKCbetaII, indicating that PKCbetaII activity is required for the invasive phenotype. PKCbetaII induces activation of K-Ras and the Ras effector, Rac1, in RIE/PKCbetaII cells. PKCbetaII-mediated invasion is blocked by the Mek inhibitor, U0126, and by expression of either dominant negative Rac1 or kinase-deficient atypical PKCiota. Expression of constitutively active Rac1 induces Mek activation and invasion in RIE cells, indicating that Rac1 is the critical downstream effector of PKCbetaII-mediated invasion. Taken together, our results define a novel PKCbetaII --> Ras --> PKCiota /Rac1 --> Mek signaling pathway that induces invasion in intestinal epithelial cells. This pathway provides a plausible mechanism by which PKCbetaII promotes colon carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC), a phospholipid-dependent serine/threonine kinase, appears to be involved in the signal transduction response to many hormones and growth factors; there are 11 different PKC isozymes. Because PKC isozymes directly and/or indirectly participate in signal transduction pathways of normal and transformed cells through phosphorylation of target proteins, it is critical to understand the diversity of the intracellular signaling pathways regulated by each PKC isozyme. Thus, PKC isozyme-specific substrates are useful to understand the characterization of the intracellular signaling pathways for each PKC isozyme. Consensus sequences and sequence information obtained from PKC target proteins are very important to design PKC isozyme-specific peptide substrates. Moreover, computational prediction programs of phosphorylation sites using a library of peptide substrates aid in the fast design of PKC isozyme-specific peptide substrates. Although a large number of target proteins and synthetic peptides for PKCs are known, only two peptide substrates (peptide 422–426 of murine elongation factor-1α and Alphatomega peptide) have been reported as PKC isozyme-specific peptide substrates. This discussion will review the literature concerning these native and synthetic PKC isozyme-specific peptide substrates and their design.  相似文献   

Activation of the protein kinase Akt/PKB mediates VEGF-dependent endothelial cell survival and eNOS activation. Here we examined the role of PKC in mediating VEGF-induced Akt activation. The PKC inhibitors GF109203X and calphostin C inhibited VEGF-induced Akt activation. Rottlerin and Go6976, inhibitors with specificities for PKC delta and alpha, respectively, also strongly inhibited VEGF-induced Akt activation. VEGF-induced Akt activation was prevented by down-regulation of PKC induced by prolonged pretreatment with the phorbol ester, PMA. VEGF induced phosphorylation of PKC delta at Thr 505 in the activation loop, and this phosphorylation was inhibited by LY294002, suggesting that modulation of PKC delta activation by VEGF occurs distal to phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase. PKC and PI3K inhibitors both strongly reduced the stimulation of branching tubulogenesis by VEGF in vitro. The finding that PKC mediates VEGF-induced Akt activation identifies a novel signal transduction pathway through which Akt can be regulated by growth factors acting through receptor protein tyrosine kinases, and indicates that PKC-mediated Akt activity may play an essential role in VEGF-stimulated angiogenesis.  相似文献   

It is well known that protein kinase C (PKC) plays an important role in regulation of TCR cell surface expression levels. However, eight different PKC isotypes are present in T cells, and to date the particular isotype(s) involved in TCR down-regulation remains to be identified. The aim of this study was to identify the PKC isotype(s) involved in TCR down-regulation and to elucidate the mechanism by which they induce TCR down-regulation. To accomplish this, we studied TCR down-regulation in the human T cell line Jurkat, in primary human T cells, or in the mouse T cell line DO11.10 in which we either overexpressed constitutive active or dominant-negative forms of various PKC isotypes. In addition, we studied TCR down-regulation in PKC knockout mice and by using small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of specific PKC isotypes. We found that PKCalpha and PKCtheta were the only PKC isotypes able to induce significant TCR down-regulation. Both isotypes mediated TCR down-regulation via the TCR recycling pathway that strictly depends on Ser(126) and the di-leucine-based receptor-sorting motif of the CD3gamma chain. Finally, we found that PKCtheta was mainly implicated in down-regulation of directly engaged TCR, whereas PKCalpha was involved in down-regulation of nonengaged TCR.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C delta.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The protein kinase C (PKC) family consists of 11 isoenzymes that, due to structural and enzymatic differences, can be subdivided into three groups: The Ca(2+)-dependent, diacylglycerol (DAG)-activated cPKCs (conventional PKCs: alpha, beta 1, beta 2, gamma); the Ca(2+)-independent, DAG-activated nPKCs (novel PKCs: delta, epsilon, eta, theta, mu), and the Ca(2+)-dependent, DAG non-responsive aPKCs (atypical PKCs: zeta, lambda/iota). PKC mu is a novel PKC, but with some special structural and enzymatic properties.  相似文献   

We have examined the changes in protein kinase C (PKC) which follow IgE-mediated activation of basophils. Exposure to 0.1 microgram/ml anti-IgE resulted in an increase in total cellular PKC (169 +/- 23% of control, histamine release (HR) = 33 +/- 7%, n = 12) which could be accounted for solely by the increase in membrane-associated PKC. These changes reached a maximum (280 +/- 48%) 1.0 min after challenge and declined to 190 +/- 38% after 5.0 min though histamine release was not complete until 5 to 10 min later. We found a good correlation between the increase in membrane-associated PKC and the eventual release of histamine (rs = 0.902). Donors whose basophils released less than 5% total histamine (n = 3, HR = 3 +/- 1%) showed a partial activation of PKC (173 +/- 18%) though much less than the remaining donors (increase in PKC = 346 +/- 59%, n = 9, HR = 43 +/- 7%). We observed no redistribution of cytosolic PKC at any time following exposure to anti-IgE. In contrast, 0.1 microgram/ml 2-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (HR = 36 +/- 3%, n = 3) promoted an increase in total cellular PKC, the loss of 31 +/- 4% of the cytosolic PKC and an 816 +/- 183% increase in membrane-associated PKC. Activation of PKC by anti-IgE was only partially dependent on extracellular calcium. In the absence of calcium, the increase in PKC was approximately 65% (n = 4) of that noted in the presence of 1mM calcium but these levels were sustained over much longer periods, failing to return to base line after 30 min. Higher than normal concentrations of calcium (5 to 10 mM) promoted rapid increases in PKC activity and accelerated the return to base line (back to prechallenge levels by 5 min). Suboptimal concentrations of anti-IgE (0.01 microgram/ml) attenuated the changes in membrane associated PKC and altered the kinetics of the response. The time required to reach maximum activity increased from 1.0 to 5.0 min with a corresponding decrease in the rate at which histamine was released. Higher concentrations of anti-IgE (1.0 microgram/ml) promoted a rapid increase in PKC (maximum increase in PKC = 501 +/- 59%, time = 0.5 min, HR = 28 +/- 2%) followed by an equally rapid return to base line levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

D-serine is a co-agonist of NMDA receptor (NMDAR) and plays important roles in synaptic plasticity mechanisms. Serine racemase (SR) is a brain-enriched enzyme that converts L-serine to D-serine. SR interacts with the protein interacting with C-kinase 1 (PICK1), which is known to direct protein kinase C (PKC) to its targets in cells. Here, we investigated whether PKC activity regulates SR activity and D-serine availability in the brain. In vitro, PKC phosphorylated SR and decreased its activity. PKC activation increased SR phosphorylation in serine residues and reduced D-serine levels in astrocyte and neuronal cultures. Conversely, PKC inhibition decreased basal SR phosphorylation and increased cellular D-serine levels. In vivo modulation of PKC activity regulated both SR phosphorylation and D-serine levels in rat frontal cortex. Finally, rats that completed an object recognition task showed decreased SR phosphorylation and increased D-serine/total serine ratios, which was markedly correlated with decreased PKC activity in both cortex and hippocampus. Results indicate that PKC phosphorylates SR in serine residues and regulates D-serine availability in the brain. This interaction may be relevant for the regulation of physiological and pathological mechanisms linked to NMDAR function.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C alpha (PKC alpha) is a serine/threonine kinase and a member of the conventional (classical) PKCs (cPKCs), which have four conserved (C1 to C4) regions. This ubiquitously expressed PKC isotype is activated in response to many different kinds of stimuli and translocates from cytosol to the specialized cellular compartments (nucleus, focal adhesion, caveolae, etc.) where it is presumed to work. Therefore, PKC alpha has been implicated in a variety of cellular functions including proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation, motility, and inflammation. However, the responses induced by activation or overexpression of PKC alpha vary depending on the types, and sometimes conditions, of cells. For example, in some types of cells, PKC alpha is implicated in cell growth. In contrast, it may play a role in cell cycle arrest and differentiation in other types of cells. Therefore, alterations of cell responses induced by PKC alpha are not an intrinsic property of this isoform. The responses are modulated by dynamic interactions with cell-type specific factors: substrates, modulators and anchoring proteins.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C beta (PKC beta): normal functions and diseases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PKC beta I and PKC beta II are DAG- and Ca(2+)-dependent conventional or classical isoforms of protein kinase C. Generated by alternative splicing from a single gene, they differ at their C-terminal 50 (beta I) or 52 (beta II) residues. They are expressed as major PKC isoforms in a variety of tissues, and thus the functions ascribed to "PKC" based on early studies using phorbol esters and PKC inhibitors could be attributed to them. As tools to probe into isoform-specific functions have recently become available, our understanding of the normal functions of these isoforms has dramatically increased. This minireview will focus mainly on two areas of signal transduction where the roles of PKC beta I and PKC beta II are relatively well-characterized: immunoreceptor and insulin receptor systems. Their involvement in disorders due to pertubations in these signaling systems, i.e., immunodeficiencies and diabetes, is also reviewed. Finally, patterns of PKC action in these and other biologic systems are discussed.  相似文献   

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