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Profilin is a well-characterized protein known to be important for regulating actin filament assembly. Relatively few studies have addressed how profilin interacts with other actin-binding proteins in vivo to regulate assembly of complex actin structures. To investigate the function of profilin in the context of a differentiating cell, we have studied an instructive genetic interaction between mutations in profilin (chickadee) and capping protein (cpb). Capping protein is the principal protein in cells that caps actin filament barbed ends. When its function is reduced in the Drosophila bristle, F-actin levels increase and the actin cytoskeleton becomes disorganized, causing abnormal bristle morphology. chickadee mutations suppress the abnormal bristle phenotype and associated abnormalities of the actin cytoskeleton seen in cpb mutants. Furthermore, overexpression of profilin in the bristle mimics many features of the cpb loss-of-function phenotype. The interaction between cpb and chickadee suggests that profilin promotes actin assembly in the bristle and that a balance between capping protein and profilin activities is important for the proper regulation of F-actin levels. Furthermore, this balance of activities affects the association of actin structures with the membrane, suggesting a link between actin filament dynamics and localization of actin structures within the cell.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization in cells occurs via filament elongation at the barbed end. Proteins that cap the barbed end terminate this elongation. Heterodimeric capping protein (CP) is an abundant and ubiquitous protein that caps the barbed end. We find that the mouse homolog of the adaptor protein CARMIL (mCARMIL) binds CP with high affinity and decreases its affinity for the barbed end. Addition of mCARMIL to cell extracts increases the rate and extent of Arp2/3 or spectrin-actin seed-induced polymerization. In cells, GFP-mCARMIL concentrates in lamellipodia and increases the fraction of cells with large lamellipodia. Decreasing mCARMIL levels by siRNA transfection lowers the F-actin level and slows cell migration through a mechanism that includes decreased lamellipodia protrusion. This phenotype is reversed by full-length mCARMIL but not mCARMIL lacking the domain that binds CP. Thus, mCARMIL is a key regulator of CP and has profound effects on cell behavior.  相似文献   

The anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes of the Drosophila embryo are established during oogenesis through the activities of Gurken (Grk), a Tgfalpha-like protein, and the Epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr). spn-F mutant females produce ventralized eggs similar to the phenotype produced by mutations in the grk-Egfr pathway. We found that the ventralization of the eggshell in spn-F mutants is due to defects in the localization and translation of grk mRNA during mid-oogenesis. Analysis of the microtubule network revealed defects in the organization of the microtubules around the oocyte nucleus. In addition, spn-F mutants have defective bristles. We cloned spn-F and found that it encodes a novel coiled-coil protein that localizes to the minus end of microtubules in the oocyte, and this localization requires the microtubule network and a Dynein heavy chain gene. We also show that Spn-F interacts directly with the Dynein light chain Ddlc-1. Our results show that we have identified a novel protein that affects oocyte axis determination and the organization of microtubules during Drosophila oogenesis.  相似文献   

* Actin organization and dynamics are essential for cell division, growth and cytoplasmic streaming. Here we analyse the effects of the overexpression of Actin Interacting Protein 1 (AIP1) on Arabidopsis development. * Arabidopsis plants were transformed with an ethanol-inducible AIP1 construct and the characteristics of these plants were analysed after induction. * When AIP1 was increased to approx. 90% above wild-type values, root hair development and actin organization in all cell types examined were disrupted. * Our data demonstrate that AIP1 is a key regulator of actin organization and that its regulation is essential for normal plant cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Each actin filament has a pointed and a barbed end, however, filament elongation occurs primarily at the barbed end. Capping proteins, by binding to the barbed end, can terminate this elongation. The rate of capping depends on the concentration of capping protein [1], and thus, if capping terminates elongation, the length of filaments should vary inversely with the concentration of capping protein. In cell extracts, such as those derived from neutrophils, new actin filaments can be nucleated by addition of GTPgammaS-activated Cdc42 (a small GTPase of the Rho family). To determine whether elongation of these filaments is terminated by capping, we manipulated the concentration of capping protein, the major calcium-independent capping protein in neutrophils, and observed the effects on filament lengths. Depletion of 70% of the capping protein from extracts increased the mean length of filaments elongated from spectrin-actin seeds (very short actin filaments with free barbed ends) but did not increase the mean length of filaments induced by Cdc42. Furthermore, doubling the concentration of capping protein in cell extracts by adding pure capping protein did not decrease the mean length of filaments induced by Cdc42. These results suggest that the barbed ends of Cdc42-induced filaments are protected from capping by capping protein.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1483-1493
Many actin-binding proteins affect filament assembly in vitro and localize with actin in vivo, but how their molecular actions contribute to filament assembly in vivo is not understood well. We report here that capping protein (CP) and fimbrin are both important for actin filament assembly in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, based on finding decreased actin filament assembly in CP and fimbrin mutants. We have also identified mutations in actin that enhance the CP phenotype and find that those mutants also have decreased actin filament assembly in vivo. In vitro, actin purified from some of these mutants is defective in polymerization or binding fimbrin. These findings support the conclusion that CP acts to stabilize actin filaments in vivo. This conclusion is particularly remarkable because it is the opposite of the conclusion drawn from recent studies in Dictyostelium (Hug, C., P.Y. Jay, I. Reddy, J.G. McNally, P.C. Bridgman, E.L. Elson, and J.A. Cooper. 1995. Cell. 81:591-600). In addition, we find that the unpolymerized pool of actin in yeast is very small relative to that found in higher cells, which suggests that actin filament assembly is less dynamic in yeast than higher cells.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster bristle is a highly polarized cell that builds specialized cytoskeletal structures. Whereas actin is required for increasing bristle length, microtubules are essential for bristle axial growth. To identify new proteins involved in cytoskeleton organization during bristle development, we focused on identifying and characterizing the javelin (jv) locus. We found that in a jv mutant, the bristle tip is swollen and abnormal organization of bristle grooves is seen over the entire bristle. Using confocal and electron microscopy, we found that in jv mutant bristles, actin bundles do not form properly due to a loss of actin filaments within the bundle. We show that jv is an allele of the predicted CG32397 gene that encodes a protein with no homologs outside insects. Expression of the Jv protein fused to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) shows that the protein is colocalized with actin bundles in the bristle. Moreover, expression of Jv-GFP within the germ line led to the formation of ectopic actin bundles that surround the nucleus of nurse cells. Thus, we report that Jv is a novel actin-associated protein required for actin assembly during Drosophila bristle development.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its relatives function as vesicular receptor proteins for kinesin-I. Deletion of the Drosophila APP-like gene (Appl) or overexpression of human APP695 or APPL constructs caused axonal transport phenotypes similar to kinesin and dynein mutants. Genetic reduction of kinesin-I expression enhanced while genetic reduction of dynein expression suppressed these phenotypes. Deletion of the C terminus of APP695 or APPL, including the kinesin binding region, disrupted axonal transport of APP695 and APPL and abolished the organelle accumulation phenotype. Neuronal apoptosis was induced only by overexpression of constructs containing both the C-terminal and Abeta regions of APP695. We discuss the possibility that axonal transport disruption may play a role in the neurodegenerative pathology of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

CAP1, the gene encoding the alpha subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae capping protein, was cloned using a probe prepared by PCR with primers based on the amino acid sequence of purified alpha subunit peptides. The sequence is similar to that of capping protein alpha subunits of other species but not to that of the S. cerevisiae capping protein beta subunit or any other protein. Null mutants of capping protein, prepared by deletion of the coding region of CAP1 and CAP2 separately or together, are viable and have a similar phenotype. Deletion of the gene for one subunit leads to a loss of protein for the other subunit. The null mutant has a severe deficit of actin cables and an increased number of actin spots in the mother. Cells are round and relatively large. These features are heterogeneous within a population of cells and vary with genetic background. Overexpression of CAP1 and CAP2 also causes loss of actin cables and cell enlargement, as well as the additional traits of aberrant morphogenesis and cell wall thickening. Capping protein null strains and overexpression strains exhibited normal polarized secretion during bud growth as demonstrated by labeling with fluoresceinated Con A. Projection formation and chitin deposition in response to mating pheromone, mating efficiency, and bud site selection were also normal in capping protein null strains. In addition, bulk secretion of invertase was unimpaired. These data indicate that actin cables are not required for polarized secretion in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

CKIP-1 is a pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein that interacts with protein kinase CK2. To elucidate the functions of CKIP-1, we generated human osteosarcoma cell lines with tetracycline-regulated expression of Flag-CKIP-1. Flag-CKIP-1 expression resulted in distinct changes in cellular morphology. Therefore, we examined the actin profile by immunofluorescence, quantitative measurement of phalloidin binding, and immunoblot analysis. These studies demonstrate that Flag-CKIP-1 expression resulted in increases in F-actin staining and protein levels of beta-actin. To elucidate the mechanisms behind the observed phenotype, we utilized tandem affinity purification to isolate CKIP-1 interacting proteins. Mass spectrometry analysis led to the identification of the actin capping protein subunits, CPalpha and CPbeta, as novel CKIP-1 interaction partners. Interactions were confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation and by colocalization. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Ser9 of CPalpha is phosphorylated by protein kinase CK2 in vitro, that CPalpha is phosphorylated in vivo, and that treatment with a CK2-specific inhibitor results in a decrease in CPalpha phosphorylation. Finally, we demonstrate that CKIP-1 and CK2 inhibit the activity of actin capping protein at the barbed ends of actin filaments. Overall, our results are consistent with CKIP-1 playing a role in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton through its interactions with actin capping protein.  相似文献   

Actin forms the dendritic nucleation network and undergoes rapid polymerization-depolymerization cycles in lamellipodia. To elucidate the mechanism of actin disassembly, we characterized molecular kinetics of the major filament end-binding proteins Arp2/3 complex and capping protein (CP) using single-molecule speckle microscopy. We have determined the dissociation rates of Arp2/3 and CP as 0.048 and 0.58 s(-1), respectively, in lamellipodia of live XTC fibroblasts. This CP dissociation rate is three orders of magnitude faster than in vitro. CP dissociates slower from actin stress fibers than from the lamellipodial actin network, suggesting that CP dissociation correlates with actin filament dynamics. We found that jasplakinolide, an actin depolymerization inhibitor, rapidly blocked the fast CP dissociation in cells. Consistently, the coexpression of LIM kinase prolonged CP speckle lifetime in lamellipodia. These results suggest that cofilin-mediated actin disassembly triggers CP dissociation from actin filaments. We predict that filament severing and end-to-end annealing might take place fairly frequently in the dendritic nucleation actin arrays.  相似文献   

During the spreading of a population of rat embryo cells, approximately 40% of the cells develop a strikingly regular network which precedes the formation of the straight actin filament bundles seen in the fully spread out cells. Immunofluorescence studies with antibodies specific for the skeletal muscle structural proteins actin, alpha-actinin, and tropomyosin indicate that this network is composed of foci containing actin and alpha-actinin, connected by tropomyosin-associated actin filaments. Actin filaments, having both tropomyosin and alpha-actinin associated with them, are also seen to extend from the vertices of this network to the edges of the cell. These results demonstrate a specific interaction of alpha-actinin and tropomyosin with actin filaments during the assembly and organization of the actin filament bundles of tissue culture cells. The three-dimensional network they form may be regarded as the structural precursor and the vertices of this network as the organization centers of the ultimately formed actin filament bundles of the fully spread out cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the interaction of CapZ, a barbed-end actin capping protein from the Z line of skeletal muscle, with actin. CapZ blocks actin polymerization and depolymerization (i.e., it "caps") at the barbed end with a Kd of approximately 0.5-1 nM or less, measured by three different assays. CapZ inhibits the polymerization of ATP-actin onto filament ends with ATP subunits slightly less than onto ends with ADP subunits, and onto ends with ADP-BeF3- subunits about as much as ends with ADP subunits. No effect of CapZ is seen at the pointed end by measurements either of polymerization from acrosomal processes or of the critical concentration for polymerization at steady state. CapZ has no measureable ability to sever actin filaments in a filament dilution assay. CapZ nucleates actin polymerization at a rate proportional to the first power of the CapZ concentration and the 2.5 power of the actin concentration. No significant binding is observed between CapZ and rhodamine-labeled actin monomers by fluorescence photobleaching recovery. These new experiments are consistent with but do not distinguish between three models for nucleation proposed previously (Cooper & Pollard, 1985). As a prelude to the functional studies, the purification protocol for CapZ was refined to yield 2 mg/kg of chicken breast muscle in 1 week. The activity is stable in solution and can be lyophilized. The native molecular weight is 59,600 +/- 2000 by equilibrium ultracentrifugation, and the extinction coefficient is 1.25 mL mg-1 cm-1 by interference optics. Polymorphism of the alpha and beta subunits has been detected by isoelectric focusing and reverse-phase chromatography. CapZ contains no phosphate (less than 0.1 mol/mol).  相似文献   

Drosophila singed mutants were named for their gnarled bristle phenotype but severe alleles are also female sterile. Recently, singed protein was shown to have 35% peptide identity with echinoderm fascin. Fascin is found in actin filament bundles in microvilli of sea urchin eggs and in filopodial extensions in coelomocytes. We show that Drosophila singed is required for actin filament bundle formation in the cytoplasm of nurse cells during oogenesis; in severe mutants, the absence of cytoplasmic actin filament bundles allows nurse cell nuclei to lodge in ring canals and block nurse cell cytoplasm transport. Singed is also required for organized actin filament bundle formation in the cellular extension that forms a bristle; in severe mutants, the small disorganized actin filament bundles lack structural integrity and allow bristles to bend and branch during extension. Singed protein is also expressed in migratory cells of the developing egg chamber and in the socket cell of the developing bristle, but no defect is observed in these cells in singed mutants. Purified, bacterially expressed singed protein bundles actin filaments in vitro with the same stoichiometry reported for purified sea urchin fascin. Singed-saturated actin bundles have a molar ratio of singed/actin of approximately 1:4.3 and a transverse cross-banding pattern of 12 nm seen using electron microscopy. Our results suggest that singed protein is required for actin filament bundle formation and is a Drosophila homolog of echinoderm fascin.  相似文献   

Fry JD  Nuzhdin SV 《Genetics》2003,163(4):1357-1364
There have been several attempts to estimate the average dominance (ratio of heterozygous to homozygous effects) of spontaneous deleterious mutations in Drosophila melanogaster, but these have given inconsistent results. We investigated whether transposable element (TE) insertions have higher average dominance for egg-to-adult viability than do point mutations, a possibility suggested by the types of fitness-depressing effects that TEs are believed to have. If so, then variation in dominance estimates among strains and crosses would be expected as a consequence of variation in TE activity. As a first test, we estimated the average dominance of all mutations and of copia insertions in a set of lines that had accumulated spontaneous mutations for 33 generations. A traditional regression method gave a dominance estimate for all mutations of 0.17, whereas average dominance of copia insertions was 0.51; the difference between these two estimates approached significance (P = 0.08). As a second test, we reanalyzed Ohnishi 1974 data on dominance of spontaneous and EMS-induced mutations. Because a considerable fraction of spontaneous mutations are caused by TE insertions, whereas EMS induces mainly point mutations, we predicted that average dominance would decline with increasing EMS concentration. This pattern was observed, but again fell short of formal significance (P = 0.07). Taken together, however, the two results give modest support for the hypothesis that TE insertions have greater average dominance in their viability effects than do point mutations, possibly as a result of deleterious effects of expression of TE-encoded genes.  相似文献   

Moriyama K  Yahara I 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(23):6752-6761
The biochemical activities of cofilin are controversial. We demonstrated that porcine cofilin severs actin filaments and accelerates monomer release at the pointed ends. At pH 7.1, 0.8 microM cofilin cut filaments (2.2 microM actin) about every 290 subunits and increased the depolymerization rate 6.4-fold. A kink in the major alpha-helix of cofilin is thought to constitute a contact site for actin. Side chain hydroxyl groups of Ser119, Ser120 and Tyr82 in cofilin form hydrogen bonds with main chain carbonyl moieties from the helix, causing the kink. We eliminated side chain hydroxyls by Ser-->Ala and/or Tyr-->Phe mutagenesis. Severing and depolymerization-enhancing activities were reduced dramatically in an Ala120 mutant, whereas the latter was decreased in a Phe82 mutant with a relatively small effect on severing, suggesting different structural bases for the two activities of cofilin. The Ala120-equivalent mutation in yeast cofilin affected cell growth, whereas that of the Phe82-equivalent had no effect in yeast. These results indicate the physiological significance of the severing activity of cofilin that is brought about by the kink in the helix.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol pathway is implicated in the regulation of numerous cellular functions and responses to extracellular signals. An important branching point in the pathway is the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate by the phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K) to generate the second messenger phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bis-phosphate (PIP2). PIP5K and PIP2 have been implicated in signal transduction, cytoskeletal regulation, DNA synthesis, and vesicular trafficking. We have cloned and generated mutations in a Drosophila PIP5K type I (skittles). Our analysis indicates that skittles is required for cell viability, germline development, and the proper structural development of sensory bristles. Surprisingly, we found no evidence for PIP5KI involvement in neural secretion.  相似文献   

Mackay TF  Lyman RF  Lawrence F 《Genetics》2005,170(4):1723-1735
Our ability to predict long-term responses to artificial and natural selection, and understand the mechanisms by which naturally occurring variation for quantitative traits is maintained, depends on detailed knowledge of the properties of spontaneous polygenic mutations, including the quantitative trait loci (QTL) at which mutations occur, mutation rates, and mutational effects. These parameters can be estimated by mapping QTL that cause divergence between mutation-accumulation lines that have been established from an inbred base population and selected for high and low trait values. Here, we have utilized quantitative complementation to deficiencies to map QTL at which spontaneous mutations affecting Drosophila abdominal and sternopleural bristle number have occurred in 11 replicate lines during 206 generations of divergent selection. Estimates of the numbers of mutations were consistent with diploid per-character mutation rates for bristle traits of 0.03. The ratio of the per-character mutation rate to total mutation rate (0.023) implies that >2% of the genome could affect just one bristle trait and that there must be extensive pleiotropy for quantitative phenotypes. The estimated mutational effects were not, however, additive and exhibited dependency on genetic background consistent with diminishing epistasis. However, these inferences must be tempered by the potential for epistatic interactions between spontaneous mutations and QTL affecting bristle number on the deficiency-bearing chromosomes, which could lead to overestimates in numbers of QTL and inaccurate inference of gene action.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster bristle development is dependent on actin assembly, and prominent actin bundles form against the elongating cell membrane, giving the adult bristle its characteristic grooved pattern. Previous work has demonstrated that several actin-regulating proteins are required to generate normal actin bundles. Here we have addressed how two actin regulators, capping protein, a barbed end binding protein, and the Arp2/3 complex, a potent actin assembly nucleator, function to generate properly organized bundles. As predicted from studies in motile cells, we find that capping protein and the Arp2/3 complex act antagonistically to one another during bristle development. However, these proteins do not primarily act directly on bundles, but rather on a dynamic population of actin filaments that are not part of the bundles. These nonbundle filaments, termed snarls, play an important role in determining the number and spacing of the actin bundles. Reduction of capping protein leads to an increase in snarls, which prevents actin bundles from properly attaching to the membrane. Conversely, loss of an Arp2/3 complex component leads to a loss of snarls and accumulation of excess membrane-attached bundles. These results indicate that in nonmotile cells dynamic actin filaments can function to regulate the positioning of stable actin structures. In addition, our results suggest that the Arpc1 subunit may have an additional function, independent of the rest of the Arp2/3 complex.  相似文献   

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