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On 42 subject three experimental series were carried out: in the first (12 persons) and second (24 persons) series the presented interval was limited by two short clicks, in the third series (6 persons)--by electrocutaneous stimuli. Duration of the stimuli was 1 ms. There were three regimes of work in the first and third series: the intervals successively increased from 100 to 500 ms with a step of 100 ms (1), decreased from 5000 to 100 ms (2) or varied in a random order (3). In the second series only the regime 3 was applied. In all series the method of temporal intervals reproduction was used. The means of the reproduction varied: in the second and third series the interval was reproduced by button pressing according to the presented duration: in the first series the end of the interval was marked by a short button push, and the beginning was the moment of the second stimulus presentation. With the first means a considerable overreproduction was observed of the presented duration at all intervals and all regimes. At the second and third series a phasic character of the reproduction duration was noted: up to 1000 ms the interval mostly was overestimated, over 2000 ms--it was significantly underestimated. It is suggested that as the estimation of the temporal interval implies some motor reaction, the afferent flow of signals from the active muscles can change the value of the reproduced duration. In the first series, the subjects probably do not take into account the time necessary for the realized signal perception.  相似文献   

The study was conducted on nine right-handed male subjects 20-24 year old and consisted of two series. In the first series one warning signal in the form of one of the digits (from 1 to 8) was successively presented to the subjects on the display and then four trigger signals which required either simple pressing of the push button (an arrow with a dot) or its holding during 0.5 s (two arrows) by the right or left hand depending on the arrow direction. The digit corresponded to one variant of signals succession. Each variant was repeated randomly among other variants 15 times. In the second series instead of arrows asterisks were presented. Reaction time and duration of push button holding were recorded. Two regularities were observed: significant decrease of RT in the series of reacting by memory and successive decrease of RT in accordance with the decrease of the number of the remaining signals observed in both series. In the first series RT successively decreased by 35-40 ms, in the second one-by 16-20 ms. It is supposed that the difference in RTs between series characterizes the time of signal structure analysis, while the difference in RTs within one block of signals in the second series-the time of extraction of selected motor program from memory.  相似文献   

Recognition of short time intervals (10, 60, and 180 ms) between visual stimuli presented to the left or right hemisphere was studied in adult healthy people. The interval of 180 ms is recognized better than that of 10 or 60 ms. Learning with repeated tests with 180 ms intervals proceeds better than that with short intervals. The predominance of the left hemisphere has been revealed only for perception of 10 ms interval. The other time intervals asymmetry is not observed. It is suggested that the left hemisphere is predominant in estimation of short (less than 60 ms) time intervals. In formation of time nervous model a significant role is played by local activation of the cortical zone where the standard stimulus is addressed.  相似文献   

Reaction time (RT) and the number of correct estimations of time microintervals (10 and 180 ms) between two visual stimuli were recorded in healthy subjects. It has been shown that 10 ms interval is better estimated when the stimuli are presented in the right visual field, i.e. when they are addressed directly to the left hemisphere. At the same time the number of correct estimations of 180 ms interval is greater and their RT is less when the stimuli are addressed directly to the right hemisphere. This points to different hemispheric mechanisms of time microintervals estimation. Study of the influence of different forms of verbal reinforcement on this learning has shown that after positive reinforcement (the word "good") the number of correct estimations is on average by 10% greater than after negative reinforcement (the word "error"). This may be connected with such processes as isolation and identification of erroneous reaction.  相似文献   

Images of two fragments of regular geometrical figures (square, triangle etc.) have been presented to 58 healthy persons successively with intervals of 20, 80, 120 and 380 ms. The subject must compare these fragments mentally, decide whether they form the standard figure and press a button by the right or left hand according to the instruction. At presentation of both fragments in one visual field, left or right, the number of correct responses is greater when they form the figure. The greater the interstimulus intervals, the greater the number of correct responses to stimuli forming and not forming the standard figure. At presentation of fragments in different visual fields, the number of correct decisions is the same, independently from forming the standard figure. The reaction time is shorter when exposing fragments forming the figure, independently from the way of their presentation; with prolongation of interstimulus intervals the reaction time decreases in all cases. The number of correct decisions is greater and the reaction time is shorter when the stimuli are presented in different visual fields.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus duration on auditory event-related potentials and performance of oddball task was studied in normal children and those with attention-deficit symptoms. Mismatch negativity was absent on presentation of short-term (11 ms) stimuli and present with longer stimuli (50 ms). The adolescents with deficit of attention performed much worse (errors of omission) with the short stimuli. The RT was significantly larger in subjects with attention-deficit with all types of tested stimulus duration. They also manifested a smaller P3b amplitude in response to task-relevant deviant stimuli and larger N2b peaks in response to the standard stimuli. It was possible to differentiate between the MMN and the N2b components owing to the fact that the MMN was absent with shorter stimuli. The findings suggest that there is a deficit in processing of sensory information at the cortical level in subjects with the attention-deficit symptoms.  相似文献   

A study was made of the dependence of errors in recognizing visual and discriminating acoustic stimuli and of the reaction time (RT), on the duration of intersignal intervals (ISI) (10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600 and 1000 msec). With longer ISI a decrease in RT has been found, particularly pronounced in responses to the second stimuli of the pair. RT to the visual (acoustic) stimulus increases not only when an acoustic (photic) signal is present in the complex, but also in the case of its anticipation. The level of errors in recognizing visual and discriminating acoustic stimuli does not depend on ISI duration. The results so obtained are discussed as related to psychological refractory period and to interaction of sensorimotor channels of the human brain.  相似文献   

The connection of reaction time (RT) with spatial-temporal motor parameters was studied in humans. Duration of the motor act was set by experimenter. In response to the signal the tested person pressed one or two buttons according to instruction. The interval between these pressings corresponded to the time of performing the movement. It is shown, that RT significantly depends on the regime of work, duration of movement, and distance between buttons: with greater distances such dependence becomes significant. It is suggested that dependence of RT upon various motor act parameters is determined by differences in the levels of brain structures activation and in spatial-temporal organization of the movement.  相似文献   

We studied the stimulus-duration effect on the reaction time (RT) to gratings with different spatial frequencies. At each duration value, the product of the contrast and the duration, i.e. the contrast "energy" was kept constant. We found that at near-threshold "energy" levels the RT was constant for up to 15 ms at lower spatial frequencies and up to 30 ms at higher spatial frequencies. At higher "energy" levels, this critical interval was the same (up to 15 ms) for both lower and higher spatial frequencies. The effect of the duration of gradual onset of the stimulus on RT was also studied. An increase of onset duration (up to 60 ms) at low spatial frequencies substantially delayed reaction time for the contrasts under study. Conversely, at high spatial frequencies, this effect was present only for gratings with a high contrast. These results suggest that reaction time is determined by two types of mechanisms (transient and sustained) at a near threshold contrast, and by one type (transient) mechanism at higher contrasts.  相似文献   

Reaction time (RT) and error rate that depend on stimulus duration were measured in a luminance-discrimination reaction time task. Two patches of light with different luminance were presented to participants for ‘short’ (150 ms) or ‘long’ (1 s) period on each trial. When the stimulus duration was ‘short’, the participants responded more rapidly with poorer discrimination performance than they did in the longer duration. The results suggested that different sensory responses in the visual cortices were responsible for the dependence of response speed and accuracy on the stimulus duration during the luminance-discrimination reaction time task. It was shown that the simple winner-take-all-type neural network model receiving transient and sustained stimulus information from the primary visual cortex successfully reproduced RT distributions for correct responses and error rates. Moreover, temporal spike sequences obtained from the model network closely resembled to the neural activity in the monkey prefrontal or parietal area during other visual decision tasks such as motion discrimination and oddball detection tasks.  相似文献   

This study investigated a potential auditory illusion in duration perception induced by rhythmic temporal contexts. Listeners with or without musical training performed a duration discrimination task for a silent period in a rhythmic auditory sequence. The critical temporal interval was presented either within a perceptual group or between two perceptual groups. We report the just-noticeable difference (difference limen, DL) for temporal intervals and the point of subjective equality (PSE) derived from individual psychometric functions based on performance of a two-alternative forced choice task. In musically untrained individuals, equal temporal intervals were perceived as significantly longer when presented between perceptual groups than within a perceptual group (109.25% versus 102.5% of the standard duration). Only the perceived duration of the between-group interval was significantly longer than its objective duration. Musically trained individuals did not show this effect. However, in both musically trained and untrained individuals, the relative difference limens for discriminating the comparison interval from the standard interval were larger in the between-groups condition than in the within-group condition (7.3% vs. 5.6% of the standard duration). Thus, rhythmic grouping affected sensitivity to duration changes in all listeners, with duration differences being harder to detect at boundaries of rhythm groups than within rhythm groups. Our results show for the first time that temporal Gestalt induces auditory duration illusions in typical listeners, but that musical experts are not susceptible to this effect of rhythmic grouping.  相似文献   

One hundred subjects, males and females with ages ranging between 18 and 48 years, were studied under both field-exposed and sham-exposed conditions. A 50 Hz, 100 μT magnetic field (MF) was used. To examine the effect of field exposure on performance, a two-alternative, forced-choice, duration-discrimination task with three levels of difficulty was used. The subject's task was to decide which of two sequentially presented light flashes had the longer duration. The standard duration was 50 ms, and the alternative durations were 65, 100, or 125 ms. Both reaction time and percentage of correct responses were recorded for each subject. MF and sham exposure were for 9 min each. Blood pressure and heart rate were also measured before and following MF exposure and sham-exposure trials. The study was performed double blind, with the exposure order counterbalanced. Compared to sham exposure, MF exposure significantly decreased reaction time on the hardest level of the performance task. MF exposure did not reliably affect percentage correct or cardiovascular performance. It was demonstrated that a relatively high level of statistical power was the basis for the observed MF effect, and the need to pay closer attention to power levels in future research is discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ten healthy subjects from 17 to 23 years old participated in the study. The subjects had to hold the ergograph load with their right hand thus fulfilling a static work. The effort magnitude was 50 per cent of maximal value of voluntary strength. The subjects pressed the button on the ergograph handle with their thumb depending on the experimental conditions and held it for 0.8 or 2.5 s. The work with each interval included three conditions: interval estimation without static load (SL), the same with the SL and after SL. At the end of experiment the subjects worked with the interval of 2.5 s under the conditions of maximally long SL holding as far as it would go. An increase of reaction time (RT) was observed at the transition from simple button pressing to interval estimation. RT tended to increase with prolongation of a standard interval. SL did not influence significantly the RT value if it did not cause the general fatigue. A gradual increase of interval estimations was observed under the influence of SL the interval of 0.8 s being estimated more accurately. Estimation of various intervals was supposed to reflect different mechanisms of their perception. Estimation of the interval of 0.8 s was based on the memory trace processes and that of 2.5 s interval was connected with conditioned reflex activity. Apparently SL did not influence interval estimation directly but by changing the functional state of the subject's organism it predetermined a prolongation of the interval estimations.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that even if subjects deem two visual stimuli less than 20 ms apart to be simultaneous, implicitly they are nonetheless distinguished in time. It is unclear, however, how information is encoded within this short timescale. We used a priming paradigm to demonstrate how successive visual stimuli are processed over time intervals of less than 20 ms. The primers were two empty square frames displayed either simultaneously or with a 17ms asynchrony. The primers were followed by the target information after a delay of 25 ms to 100 ms. The two square frames were filled in one after another with a delay of 100 ms between them, and subjects had to decide on the location of the first of the frames to be filled in. In a second version of the paradigm, only one square frame was filled in, and subjects had to decide where it was positioned. The influence of the primers is revealed through faster response times depending on the location of the first and second primers. Experiment 1 replicates earlier results, with a bias towards the side of the second primer, but only when there is a delay of 75 to 100 ms between primers and targets. The following experiments suggest this effect to be relatively independent of the task context, except for a slight effect on the time course of the biases. For the temporal order judgment task, identical results were observed when subjects have to answer to the side of the second rather than the first target, showing the effect to be independent of the hand response, and suggesting it might be related to a displacement of attention. All in all the results suggest the flow of events is followed more efficiently than suggested by explicit asynchrony judgment studies. We discuss the possible impact of these results on our understanding of the sense of time continuity.  相似文献   

The images of two fragments of simple geometrical figures (square, triangle, etc.) were successively presented to healthy adult subjects in the left and right visual fields with the interval of 20, 80 and 380 ms; the subjects had to compare them mentally and decide whether they formed a geometrical figure. The correctness of reaction was controlled by a computer which lightened on the screen the word "correct" or "error". The number of correct decisions was significantly greater in response to the stimuli, forming a regular figure and increased with the increase of interstimuli interval. At the interval of 120 ms, when no regular figure could be formed from two fragments, the number of correct decisions was greater if the stimuli were presented in the left visual field. The reaction time did not depend on the hemisphere to which information was addressed; it was less in response to the stimuli forming a regular figure, and became shorter with the increase of the interstimuli interval.  相似文献   

QT-RR hysteresis is characterized by longer QT intervals at a given RR interval while heart rates are increasing during exercise and shorter QT intervals at the same RR interval while heart rates are decreasing during recovery. It has been attributed to a lagging QT response to different directional changes in RR interval during exercise and recovery. Twenty control subjects (8 males, age 51 ± 6 yr), 16 subjects with type 2 diabetes (12 males, age 56 ± 8 yr), 71 subjects with coronary artery disease (CAD) and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (≥50%) (51 males, age 59 ± 12 yr), and 17 CAD subjects with depressed LVEF (<50%) (13 males, age 57 ± 10 yr) underwent two 16-min exercise tests followed by recovery. In session 2, parasympathetic blockade with atropine (0.04 mg/kg) was achieved at end exercise. QT-RR hysteresis was quantified as: 1) the area bounded by the QT-RR relationships for exercise and recovery in the range of the minimum RR interval at peak exercise to the minimum RR interval + 100 ms and 2) the difference in QT interval duration between exercise and recovery at the minimum RR interval achieved during peak exercise plus 50 ms (ΔQT). The effect of parasympathetic blockade was assessed by substituting the QT-RR relationship after parasympathetic blockade. QT-RR hysteresis was positive in all groups at baseline and reversed by parasympathetic blockade (P < 0.01). We conclude that QT-RR hysteresis is not caused by different directional changes in RR interval during exercise and recovery. Instead, it is predominantly mediated by differential autonomic nervous system effects as the heart rate increases during exercise vs. as it decreases during recovery.  相似文献   

Manousakis E 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):115-125
We have carried out binocular rivalry experiments with a large number of subjects to obtain high quality statistics on probability distribution of dominance duration (PDDD) for two cases where (a) the rival stimulus is continuously presented and (b) the rival stimulus is periodically removed, with stimulus-on and stimulus-off intervals T(on) and T(off) respectively. In the present study we have chosen to study the regime of relatively long stimulus-on time, i.e., T(on)> 1s, where the stimulus presentation duration is significantly longer than the human reaction and recognition time. In the case of periodically removed stimulus, the total probability for percept reversal during each of the successive stimulus-on intervals T(on) can be predicted using the PDDD for continuous viewing. More importantly, this total probability for percept reversal during any stimulus-on interval is independent of the length T(off) of the preceding blank time, which can be quite long. We argue that this suggests that, in the regime of long T(on) and T(off) considered here, the variables representing the perceptual state do not change significantly during long blank intervals. We discuss that these findings impose challenges to theoretical models which aim at describing visual perception.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察分析正常人左室等容舒张期内的结构和血流变化,明确其各时相及相应的时间周期,为应用心脏同步化治疗提供依据。方法:选取60例健康体检者,通过常规二维左心室血流脉冲多普勒(PW)和组织多普勒(TDI)检查,录取左心室PW、TDI和双声道超声心动图(DCE)图像,将所有受检者等容舒张时间(WRT)分为等容舒张早期(IVRTe)和等容舒张后期(IVRTl)并测量各时相时间间期,测量指标包括:①等容舒张期时间间期(IVRT);②等容舒张早期时间间期(IVRTe);③等容舒张后期时间间期(IVRTl);④IVRTl/IVRT;并计算心率校正后数值:⑤cfVRT;⑥cIVRTe;⑦cIVRTl;⑧cIVRTl/clVRT;⑨测量DCE上二尖瓣血流变化与组织运动时间差(TE-6)。结果:观察分析入选的45例图像,PW曲线上均观测到IVRT内i波存在,i波约占IVRT的1/2,平均值为(49.17±5.37)ms,以i波下降支转折点为t点,可将IVRT划分为IVRTe和IVRTl。84%TDI曲线上观测到IVRT内j波存在,j波约占IVRT的1/2,平均值为(43.13±4.83)ms,以j波形成点为t点,可将IVRT划分为IVRTe和IVRTl。PW、TDI、DCE三组测量指标进行比较,仅有常规PW与TDI所测量的IVRT、IVRTe、IVRTl数值有统计学差异(P〈0.05);常规PW和TDI测量数值分别与DCE所测数值比较,均无统计学差异。校正心率后,三组之间两两比较,其所测数值差异均无统计学意义。三组所测IVRTl/IVRT、cIVRTl/cIVRT差异均无统计学意义,所测数值的平均值为(0.50±0.12)ms。经重复性检验证实.DCE测量IVRT各时相时间间期的测量误差较小,有较好的一致性。结论:研究发现IVRT可进一步划分为两个时相即IVRTe和IVRTl,IVRTe内有i波存在,IVRTl内有i波存在,划分点t点大致为IVRT中点。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to see whether the cellular response to electromagnetic (EM) fields occurs through a detection process involving temporal sensing. L929 cells were exposed to 60 Hz magnetic fields and the enhancement of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was measured to determine cellular response to the field. In one set of experiments, the field was turned alternately off and on at intervals of 0.1 to 50 s. For these experiments, field coherence was maintained by eliminating the insertion of random time intervals upon switching. Intervals ≥ 1 s produced no enhancement of ODC activity, but fields switched at intervals ≥ 10 s showed ODC activities that were enhanced by a factor of approximately 1.7. These data indicate that it is the interval over which field parameters (e.g., amplitude or frequency) remain constant, rather than the interval over which the field is coherent, that is critical to cellular response to an EMF. In a second set of experiments, designed to determine how long it would take for cells to detect a change in field parameters, the field was interrupted for brief intervals (25–200 ms) once each second throughout exposure. In this situation, the extent of EMF-induced ODC activity depended upon the duration of the interruption. Interruptions ≥ 100 ms were detected by the cell as shown by elimination of field-induced enhancement of ODC. That two time constants (0.1 and 10 s) are involved in cellular EMF detection is consistent with the temporal sensing process associated with bacterial chemotaxis. By analogy with bacterial temporal sensing, cells would continuously sample and average an EM field over intervals of about 0.1 s (the “averaging” time), storing the averaged value in memory. The cell would compare the stored value with the current average, and respond to the EM field only when field parameters remain constant over intervals of approximately 10 s (the “memory” time). Bioelectromagnetics 18:388–395, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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