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Tsui S  Dai T  Roettger S  Schempp W  Salido EC  Yen PH 《Genomics》2000,65(3):266-273
The human DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) gene family on the Y chromosome and an autosomal DAZ-like gene, DAZL1, encode RNA-binding proteins that are expressed exclusively in germ cells. Their role in spermatogenesis is supported by their homology with a Drosophila male infertility gene boule and sterility of Daz11 knock-out mice. While all mammals contain a DAZL1 homologue on their autosomes, DAZ homologues are present only on the Y chromosomes of great apes and Old World monkeys. The DAZ and DAZL1 proteins differ in the copy numbers of a DAZ repeat and the C-terminal sequences. We studied the interaction of DAZ and DAZL1 with other proteins as an approach to investigate functional similarity between these two proteins. Using DAZ as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system, we isolated two DAZAP (DAZ-associated protein) genes. DAZAP1 encodes a novel RNA-binding protein that is expressed most abundantly in the testis, and DAZAP2 encodes a ubiquitously expressed protein with no recognizable functional motif. DAZAP1 and DAZAP2 bind similarly to both DAZ and DAZL1 through the DAZ repeats. The DAZAP genes were mapped to chromosomal regions 19p13.3 and 2q33-q34, respectively, where no genetic diseases affecting spermatogenesis are known to map.  相似文献   

GADD34 is one of a subset of proteins induced after DNA damage or cell growth arrest. To examine the function of GADD34, we used the yeast two-hybrid system to clone the protein that interacts with murine GADD34. We utilized as bait the partial product of GADD34 cDNA including the PEST region and the gamma(1)34.5. One cDNA clone was almost the same as MuRED, which encodes an acidic-basic dipeptide repeat; we named it G34BP. The interaction between GADD34 and G34BP was also confirmed in the NIH3T3 cells by in vivo two-hybrid analysis. For the binding of two proteins, the PEST region was important, and the C-terminal of G34BP was necessary. G34BP was detected in all the mouse tissues examined. Although GADD34 was significantly elevated with methyl methanesulfonate treatment, G34BP expression was not induced. Overexpression of G34BP in the NIH3T3 cells inhibited the cell growth analyzed by WST1 assay.  相似文献   

The DAZ (Deleted in AZoospermia) gene family was isolated from a region of the human Y chromosome long arm that is deleted in about 10% of infertile men with idiopathic azoospermia. DAZ and an autosomal DAZ-like gene, DAZL1, are expressed in germ cells only. They encode proteins with an RNA recognition motif and with either a single copy (in DAZL1) or multiple copies (in DAZ) of a DAZ repeat. A role for DAZL1 and DAZ in spermatogenesis is supported by their homology to a Drosophila male infertility protein Boule and by sterility of Dazl1 knock-out mice. The biological function of these proteins remains unknown. We found that DAZL1 and DAZ bound similarly to various RNA homopolymers in vitro. We also used an antibody against the human DAZL1 to determine the subcellular localization of DAZL1 in mouse testis. The sedimentation profiles of DAZL1 in sucrose gradients indicate that DAZL1 is associated with polyribosomes, and further capture of DAZL1 on oligo(dT) beads demonstrates that the association is mediated through the binding of DAZL1 to poly(A) RNA. Our results suggest that DAZL1 is involved in germ-cell specific regulation of mRNA translation.  相似文献   

We have isolated the cDNA and corresponding genomic DNA encoding citrate synthase in Neurospora crassa. Analysis of the protein coding region of this gene, named cit-1, indicates that it specifies the mitochondrial form of citrate synthase. The predicted protein has 469 amino acids and a molecular mass of 52002 Da. The gene is interrupted by four introns. Hybridization experiments show that a cit-1 probe binds to two different fragments of genomic DNA, which are located on different chromosomes. Neurospora crassa may have two isoforms of citrate synthase, one in the mitochondria and the other in microbodies.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene RIT1 encodes a phospho-ribosyl transferase that exclusively modifies the initiator tRNA (tRNAMet i) by the addition of a 2′-O-ribosyl phosphate group to Adenosine 64. As a result, tRNAMet i is prevented from participating in the elongation steps of protein synthesis. We previously showed that the modification is not essential for the function of tRNAMet i in the initiation of translation, since rit1 null strains are viable and show no obvious growth defects. Here, we demonstrate that yeast strains in which a rit1 null allele is combined with mutations in any of the genes for the three subunits of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 (eIF-2), or with disruption alleles of two of the four initiator methionine tRNA (IMT) genes, show synergistic growth defects. A multicopy plasmid carrying an IMT gene can alleviate these defects. On the other hand, introduction of a high-copy-number plasmid carrying the TEF2 gene, which encodes the eukaryotic elongation factor 1α (eEF-1α), into rit1 null strains with two intact IMT genes had the opposite effect, indicating that increased levels of eEF-1α are deleterious to these strains, presumably due to sequestration of the unmodified met-tRNAMet i for elongation. Thus, under conditions in which the components of the ternary met-tRNAMet i:GTP:eIF-2 complex become limiting or are functionally impaired, the presence of the 2′-O-ribosyl phosphate modification in tRNAMet i is important for the provision of adequate amounts of tRNAMet i for formation of this ternary complex. Received: 20 November 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1999  相似文献   

Background: Protein kinase C (PKC) has attracted considerable attention over the past decade, primarily because of its presumed role in cellular growth control and tumourigenesis. Mammalian cells express at least 10 different isozymes of PKC; it is this complexity that has made elucidating the precise functions of PKC: so difficult. The identification of PKC homologues in organisms such as Drosophila, Xenopus, Dictyostelium, Aplysia and Caenorhabditis indicates that the enzyme is evolutionarily conserved, and this has stimulated our search for counterparts in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which powerful genetic analyses can be used. To date, only one PKC homologue, PKC1, has been identified in yeast and no biochemical activity has been definitively ascribed to the encoded protein. This, and the inability to identify other PKC homologues in yeast by DNA hybridization, has led to doubts about the existence of PKC isozymes in yeast. We have taken the approach of screening yeast expression libraries with anti-PKC antibodies in an attempt to identify further homologues.Results: We have identified a novel PKC isozyme, Pkc2p, encoded by the gene PKC2. We report here the sequence of PKC2 and a comparison showing its similarity to other PKCs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that all known PKC genes, including PKC2, originated from a common ancestor. Disruption of the PKC2 protein-coding region, deleting the entire catalytic domain of the encoded enzyme, is not lethal to yeast growing on rich media. However, the pkc2 mutant, unlike wild-type strains, fails to grow on minimal media containing limited concentrations of amino acids. This implicates Pkc2p in the response of yeast cells to amino-acid starvation.Conclusion: We have shown that yeast cells do express more than one PKC isozyme, by identifying and characterizing a novel PKC gene PKC2, the product of which may be involved in the cellular response to amino-acid starvation.  相似文献   

We report here the first cloning of a chalcone flavonone isomerase gene (CHI) from maize. Northern blot experiments indicate that the maize CHI gene (ZmCHI1) is regulated in the pericarp by the P gene, a myb homologue. The ZmCHI1 gene encodes a 24.3 kDa product 55% and 58% identical to CHI-A and CHI-B from Petunia, respectively. This maize CHI gene has four exons and an intron-exon structure identical to the CHI-B gene of Petunia hybrida. RFLP mapping data indicate that some inbred lines contain two additional CHI-homologous sequences, suggesting an organization more complex than that found in Petunia or bean. The possibility that the additional CHI-homologous sequences are responsible for the lack of CHI mutants in maize will be discussed.  相似文献   

Expression of the extracellular proteoglycan aggrecan is both cell-specific and developmentally regulated. Previous studies identified six functionally defined cis elements in the aggrecan promoter region which were shown to repress aggrecan gene expression (1). Using competition electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) we have now identified in nuclear extracts a functional repressor cis element, (T/C)TCCCCT(A/C)RRC, which occurs at multiple locations within the chick aggrecan regulatory region. We purified the factor that binds to this cis element and established that it, APBP-1 (aggrecan promoter-binding protein-1), is a 19-kDa protein that has significant homology to CIRP (cold inducible RNA-binding protein). Recombinantly expressed APBP-1 mimics the native cis element-trans factor interaction in EMSAs. In situ hybridization demonstrates that aggrecan and APBP-1 RNA expression are restricted to complementary tissues in the developing limb, and Northern blot analysis of chick limb bud mRNA shows that APBP-1 mRNA expression is inversely correlated with aggrecan mRNA expression. Functional analyses by transient transfections and Northern blot analyses suggest APBP-1 has the capacity to repress aggrecan expression, indicating that this factor may be important regulator of aggrecan gene expression.  相似文献   

We have used GST pulldowns from A431 cell cytosol to identify three new binding partners for the gamma-adaptin appendage: Snx9, ARF GAP1, and a novel ENTH domain-containing protein, epsinR. EpsinR is a highly conserved protein that colocalizes with AP-1 and is enriched in purified clathrin-coated vesicles. However, it does not require AP-1 to get onto membranes and remains membrane-associated in AP-1-deficient cells. Moreover, although epsinR binds AP-1 via its COOH-terminal domain, its NH(2)-terminal ENTH domain can be independently recruited onto membranes, both in vivo and in vitro. Brefeldin A causes epsinR to redistribute into the cytosol, and recruitment of the ENTH domain requires GTPgammaS, indicating that membrane association is ARF dependent. In protein-lipid overlay assays, the epsinR ENTH domain binds to PtdIns(4)P, suggesting a possible mechanism for ARF-dependent recruitment onto TGN membranes. When epsinR is depleted from cells by RNAi, cathepsin D is still correctly processed intracellularly to the mature form. This indicates that although epsinR is likely to be an important component of the AP-1 network, it is not necessary for the sorting of lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is caused by the absence of the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP), an RNA-binding protein. FMRP is associated with messenger RiboNucleoParticles (mRNPs) present in polyribosomes and its absence in neurons leads to alteration in synaptic plasticity as a result of translation regulation defects. The molecular mechanisms by which FMRP plays a role in translation regulation remain elusive. Using immunoprecipitation approaches with monoclonal Ab7G1-1 and a new generation of chicken antibodies, we identified Caprin1 as a novel FMRP-cellular partner. In vivo and in vitro evidence show that Caprin1 interacts with FMRP at the level of the translation machinery as well as in trafficking neuronal granules. As an RNA-binding protein, Caprin1 has in common with FMRP at least two RNA targets that have been identified as CaMKIIα and Map1b mRNAs. In view of the new concept that FMRP species bind to RNA regardless of known structural motifs, we propose that protein interactors might modulate FMRP functions.  相似文献   

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