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In eukaryotic cells, the membrane compartments that constitute the exocytic pathway are traversed by a constant flow of lipids and proteins. This is particularly true for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the main "gateway of the secretory pathway", where biosynthesis of sterols, lipids, membrane-bound and soluble proteins, and glycoproteins occurs. Maintenance of the resident proteins in this compartment implies they have to be distinguished from the secretory cargo. To this end, they must possess specific ER localization determinants to prevent their exit from the ER, and/or to interact with receptors responsible for their retrieval from the Golgi apparatus. Very few information is available about the signal(s) involved in the retention of membrane type II protein in the ER but it is generally accepted that sorting of ER type II cargo membrane proteins depends on motifs mainly located in their cytosolic tails.  相似文献   

Secretory proteins enter the Golgi apparatus when transport vesicles fuse with the cis-side and exit in transport vesicles budding from the trans-side. Resident Golgi enzymes that have been transported in the cis-to-trans direction with the secretory flow must be recycled constantly by retrograde transport in the opposite direction. In this study, we describe the functional characterization of Golgi-derived transport vesicles that were isolated from tissue culture cells. We found that under the steady-state conditions of a living cell, a fraction of resident Golgi enzymes was found in vesicles that could be separated from cisternal membranes. These vesicles appeared to be depleted of secretory cargo. They were capable of binding to and fusion with isolated Golgi membranes, and after fusion their enzymatic contents most efficiently processed cargo that had just entered the Golgi apparatus. Those results indicate a possible role for these structures in recycling of Golgi enzymes in the Golgi stack.  相似文献   

The unexpected discovery of a transport pathway from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) independent of COPI coat proteins sheds light on how Golgi resident enzymes and protein toxins gain access to the ER from as far as the trans Golgi network. This new pathway provides an explanation for how membrane is recycled to allow for an apparent concentration of anterograde cargo at distinct stages of the secretory pathway. As signal-mediated COPI-dependent recycling also involves the concentration of resident proteins into retrograde COPI vesicles, the main bulk of lipids must be recycled, possibly through a COPI-independent pathway.  相似文献   

Ca2+ import into the lumen of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by the secretory pathway calcium ATPase1 (SPCA1) is required for the sorting of secretory cargo. How is Ca2+ retained in the lumen of the Golgi, and what is its role in cargo sorting? We show here that a soluble, lumenal Golgi resident protein, Cab45, is required for SPCA1-dependent Ca2+ import into the TGN; it binds secretory cargo in a Ca2+-dependent reaction and is required for its sorting at the TGN.  相似文献   

Anantharaman V  Aravind L 《Genome biology》2002,3(5):research0023.1-research00237


Members of the p24 (p24/gp25L/emp24/Erp) family of proteins have been shown to be critical components of the coated vesicles that are involved in the transportation of cargo molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex. The p24 proteins form hetero-oligomeric complexes and are believed to function as receptors for specific secretory cargo.  相似文献   

In this issue of JCB, Welch et al. (2021. J. Cell Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202106115) show that GOLPH3 mediates the sorting of numerous Golgi proteins into recycling COPI transport vesicles. This explains how many resident proteins are retained at the Golgi and reveals a key role for GOLPH3 in maintaining Golgi homeostasis.

The Golgi apparatus lies at the heart of the secretory pathway, where its major functions are the posttranslational modification of cargo proteins and lipids, particularly at the level of glycosylation, and the sorting of cargo to its correct onward destination. The Golgi is composed of stacked membrane compartments called cisternae, which contain numerous resident enzymes that act on the cargo as it passes through the organelle, from the entry or cis side to the exit or trans side. Each resident enzyme has its own distribution within the Golgi stack, resulting in the sequential modification of the secretory cargo as it moves through the Golgi.Various mechanisms exist to ensure that Golgi residents are retained within the Golgi despite the huge flux of protein and lipid through this organelle (1). Major players are COPI vesicles, which recycle Golgi residents from later to earlier cisternae, at the same time as the cisternae are thought to slowly migrate across the stack, as on a conveyor belt, progressively changing composition in a process referred to as cisternal maturation (2). Unlike the Golgi resident enzymes, which enter recycling vesicles, cargo is thought to remain within the maturing cisternae as it moves through the Golgi. Certain Golgi enzymes can bind directly to the COPI coat, explaining their inclusion in COPI vesicles (3), but for other enzymes and resident proteins, their retention mechanism is less obvious.Previous studies on the peripheral Golgi membrane protein GOLPH3 and its paralogue GOLPH3L (herein I will refer to both proteins as GOLPH3) indicated it can bind to certain Golgi enzymes and to the COPI coat, thereby acting as an adaptor to mediate sorting of these enzymes into COPI vesicles (4, 5). This was first shown for the yeast orthologue Vps74p (6, 7) and has also been demonstrated for the Drosophila version of the protein (8), consistent with a conserved function in Golgi enzyme retention. However, the extent to which GOLPH3 might participate in retention of different Golgi enzymes and other resident proteins, and its importance relative to other methods of protein retention in the Golgi, has remained unclear. Indeed, a recent study suggested that GOLPH3 selectively mediates the retention of enzymes involved in glycosphingolipid synthesis, consistent with a fairly selective role in retaining only a subset of resident Golgi enzymes (9). It should also be noted that GOLPH3 has been implicated in other functions, namely budding of exocytic vesicles from the Golgi, the DNA damage response, and mechanistic target of rapamycin signaling (10).In their current paper, Welch et al. used a combination of approaches to reassess the role of GOLPH3 at the Golgi (11). Using proteomics, they could identify numerous GOLPH3 binding partners, which included COPI, as expected, and a large number of other Golgi residents, including numerous Golgi enzymes and other membrane proteins. The ability of GOLPH3 to retain enzymes at the Golgi was confirmed using microscopy and an innovative flow cytometry–based assay to quantify surface versus Golgi abundance. The large number of possible interactors suggested that GOLPH3 could mediate the Golgi retention of many proteins. To further assess this possibility, the authors took advantage of previous observations showing that Golgi enzymes may be misrouted to the lysosome and degraded upon their failure to be retained in the Golgi (6, 7, 9). Using mass spectrometry, they could show that numerous Golgi resident proteins were depleted in GOLPH3 knockout cells, many of which were also found in the GOLPH3 interactome. This included many enzymes involved in glycosylation, consistent with GOLPH3 playing an important role in maintaining Golgi-dependent glycosylation of proteins and lipids. This was supported by lectin analysis, which showed marked changes in a broad range of glycans in the GOLPH3 knockout cells.The large number of GOLPH3 clients raises the question as to how it can recognize so many proteins. Previous work has shown binding to the cytoplasmic tails of Golgi enzymes and an interaction motif has been described for Vps74p and more recently for GOLPH3 (6, 9). However, bioinformatics analysis of the many GOLPH3 clients combined with mutational analysis, as performed in the current study, revealed the lack of a consensus sequence for GOLPH3 binding, with the common feature being a strong net positive charge combined with short cytoplasmic tail length. This would result in a high positive charge proximal to the membrane, which likely allows interaction with an acidic patch on the surface of GOLPH3. This mode of binding could mediate selective retention of many Golgi residents, while allowing for the forward trafficking of cargo proteins that have longer, less charged, or folded cytoplasmic domains.GOLPH3 is an oncogene associated with many types of cancer (12). Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for the oncogenic properties of GOLPH3, but most compelling is that changes in glycosylation are responsible. It was recently shown that GOLPH3-dependent changes in glycosphingolipids affects cell growth by altering mitogenic signaling (9). Changes in glycosylation of surface receptors has also been reported, which can affect surface abundance and hence signaling (13). The new results from Welch et al. suggest that glycosylation of many proteins and lipids may be relevant in cancer and that potentially a broad range of downstream targets contribute to oncogenesis. Such targets could influence processes beyond signaling, including cell adhesion and migration, that are known to be sensitive to changes in the surface glycome and which have been reported in previous studies on GOLPH3 (12).The study by Welch et al. indicates a major role for GOLPH3 in Golgi protein retention (Fig. 1). Clearly though, other retention mechanisms exist, including direct binding to COPI, and transmembrane domain length is also important, where the short transmembrane domain of resident proteins favors partitioning into recycling COPI vesicles and Golgi cisternal membranes of a similar thickness (1). Additional COPI adaptors are also likely, with TM9SF2 recently identified as a likely candidate, being present in Golgi vesicles and able to bind certain Golgi enzymes (1). It is possible that different resident proteins use different adaptors, or that a combination of retention mechanisms act in conjunction for certain residents, providing robustness to the retention process. However, any redundancy would seem incomplete given the strong phenotype seen upon loss of GOLPH3. GOLPH3 is localized toward the trans side of the Golgi, so it is possible that other adaptors, such as TM9SF2 and possibly others, might act earlier in the Golgi, or that direct coat binding is more important within the early Golgi. Hence different residents may be more likely to use different retention mechanisms depending on their location in the Golgi. Because GOLPH3 acts late in the Golgi and can bind many clients, we may think of it as a gatekeeper to prevent loss of numerous Golgi residents from the organelle.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.GOLPH3 plays a major role in Golgi protein retention. Golgi resident proteins, including many glycosylation enzymes, depicted by lollipops, are sorted into recycling COPI vesicles to maintain retention in the Golgi in the face of onward cisternal maturation and secretory cargo transport. Different enzymes are depicted by different lollipop shapes and colors, with GOLPH3 clients indicated by horizontal ovals. Enzymes retained by other mechanisms are depicted by lollipops with circles (transmembrane domain length), squares or vertical ovals (binding to other COPI adaptors, indicated in turquoise and purple), or hexagons (direct binding to the COPI coat). GOLPH3, which is more abundant toward the trans side of the Golgi, has many clients.With regard to possible future studies, although we have a good idea of how GOLPH3 recognizes its clients, detailed structural analysis will prove informative in elucidating how it can bind so many proteins. Similarly, identification of additional adaptors linking Golgi residents to the COPI coat will be important to generate a more comprehensive view of Golgi protein retention. Finally, in the context of disease, further analysis of the glycoproteins and glycolipids whose levels are altered because of changes in GOLPH3 expression, of which there are likely to be many, should provide significant new insights into the mechanisms underlying GOLPH3-mediated tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is an organelle that has been extensively studied in the model eukaryote, yeast. Its morphology varies among yeast species; the Golgi exists as a system of dispersed cisternae in the case of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whereas the Golgi cisternae in Pichia pastoris and Schizosaccharomyces pombe are organized into stacks. In spite of the different organization, the mechanism of trafficking through the Golgi apparatus is believed to be similar, involving cisternal maturation, in which the resident Golgi proteins are transported backwards while secretory cargo proteins can stay in the cisternae. Questions remain regarding the organization of the yeast Golgi, the regulatory mechanisms that underlie cisternal maturation of the Golgi and transport machinery of cargo proteins through this organelle. Studies using different yeast species have provided hints to these mechanisms.   相似文献   



In black-background-adapted Xenopus laevis, the intermediate pituitary melanotrope cells are hyperactive, producing large amounts of their major secretory cargo proopiomelanocortin (POMC, representing ~80% of all newly synthesised proteins), whereas in white-adapted frogs these cells are only basally active. Here we explored in the hyperactive and basally active melanotrope cells the capacity for posttranslational POMC processing events in the secretory pathway.  相似文献   



Transport of molecules from one subcellular compartment to another involves the recruitment of cytosolic coat protein complexes to a donor membrane to concentrate cargo, deform the membrane and ultimately to form an independent carrier. Small-GTP-binding proteins of the Arf family are central to many membrane trafficking events. Arfs are activated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) which results in their recruitment to membranes and subsequent engagement with Arf-effectors, many of which are coat proteins. Among the human BFA-sensitive large Arf-GEFs, the function of the two closely related BIG1 and BIG2 is still not clear, and recent studies have raised the question of functional redundancy between the two proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we have used small-interfering RNA on human cells and a combination of fixed and live-cell imaging to investigate the differential functions of BIG1 and BIG2 in endomembrane organization and function. Importantly, in this direct comparative study, we show discrete functions for BIG1 and BIG2. Our results show that depletion of BIG2 but not of BIG1 induces a tubulation of the recycling endosomal compartment, consistent with a specific role for BIG2 here. In contrast, suppression of BIG1 induces the formation of Golgi mini-stacks still polarized and functional in terms of cargo export.


A key finding from our work is that suppression of BIG1 expression results in a fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus. Our data indicate that the human BFA-sensitive large Arf-GEFs have non-redundant functions in cell organization and membrane trafficking. BIG1 is required to maintain the normal morphology of the Golgi; BIG2 is important for endosomal compartment integrity and cannot replace the function of BIG1 in Golgi organization.  相似文献   

The predominant secretory cargo of bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei is variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), comprising ~10% total protein and forming a dense protective layer. Blocking VSG translation using Morpholino oligonucleotides triggered a precise pre‐cytokinesis arrest. We investigated the effect of blocking VSG synthesis on the secretory pathway. The number of Golgi decreased, particularly in post‐mitotic cells, from 3.5 ± 0.6 to 2.0 ± 0.04 per cell. Similarly, the number of endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (ERES) in post‐mitotic cells dropped from 3.9 ± 0.6 to 2.7 ± 0.1 eight hours after blocking VSG synthesis. The secretory pathway was still functional in these stalled cells, as monitored using Cathepsin L. Rates of phospholipid and glycosylphosphatidylinositol‐anchor biosynthesis remained relatively unaffected, except for the level of sphingomyelin which increased. However, both endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi morphology became distorted, with the Golgi cisternae becoming significantly dilated, particularly at the trans‐face. Membrane accumulation in these structures is possibly caused by reduced budding of nascent vesicles due to the drastic reduction in the total amount of secretory cargo, that is, VSG. These data argue that the total flux of secretory cargo impacts upon the biogenesis and maintenance of secretory structures and organelles in T. brucei, including the ERES and Golgi.   相似文献   



The Src-family non-receptor-type tyrosine kinase Lyn, which is often associated with chemotherapeutic resistance in cancer, localizes not only to the plasma membrane but also Golgi membranes. Recently, we showed that Lyn, which is synthesized in the cytosol, is transported from the Golgi to the plasma membrane along the secretory pathway. However, it is still unclear how Golgi targeting of newly synthesized Lyn is regulated.


Subcellular localization of Lyn and its mutants was determined by confocal microscopy.


We show that the kinase domain, but not the SH3 and SH2 domains, of Lyn is required for the targeting of Lyn to the Golgi, whereas the N-terminal lipids of the Lyn SH4 domain are not sufficient for its Golgi targeting. Although intact Lyn, which colocalizes with caveolin-positive Golgi membranes, can traffic toward the plasma membrane, kinase domain-deleted Lyn is immobilized on caveolin-negative Golgi membranes.

General significance

Besides the SH4 domain, the Lyn kinase domain is important for targeting of newly synthesized Lyn to the Golgi, especially caveolin-positive transport membranes. Our results provide a novel role of the Lyn catalytic domain in the Golgi targeting of newly synthesized Lyn in a manner independent of its kinase activity.  相似文献   

The role of vesicles in cargo transport through the Golgi apparatus has been controversial. Large forms of cargo such as protein aggregates are thought to progress through the Golgi stack by a process of cisternal maturation, balanced by a return flow of Golgi resident proteins in COPI-coated vesicles. However, whether this is the primary role of vesicles, or whether they also serve to transport small cargo molecules in a forward direction has been debated. Two papers (Martínez-Menárguez et al., 2001; Mironov et al., 2001, this issue) use sophisticated light and electron microscopy to provide evidence that the vesicular stomatitis virus membrane glycoprotein (VSV G)* is largely excluded from vesicles in vivo, and does not move between cisternae, whereas resident Golgi enzymes freely enter vesicles as predicted by the cisternal maturation model. Both papers conclude that vesicles are likely to play only a minor role in the anterograde transport of cargo through the Golgi apparatus in mammalian tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

What is the first membrane fusion step in the secretory pathway? In mammals, transport vesicles coated with coat complex (COP) II deliver secretory cargo to vesicular tubular clusters (VTCs) that ferry cargo from endoplasmic reticulum exit sites to the Golgi stack. However, the precise origin of VTCs and the membrane fusion step(s) involved have remained experimentally intractable. Here, we document in vitro direct tethering and SNARE-dependent fusion of endoplasmic reticulum–derived COPII transport vesicles to form larger cargo containers. The assembly did not require detectable Golgi membranes, preexisting VTCs, or COPI function. Therefore, COPII vesicles appear to contain all of the machinery to initiate VTC biogenesis via homotypic fusion. However, COPI function enhanced VTC assembly, and early VTCs acquired specific Golgi components by heterotypic fusion with Golgi-derived COPI vesicles.  相似文献   

Proteins are sorted and packaged into regulated secretory granules at the trans Golgi network but how such granules form is poorly understood. We are studying Muclin, the major sulfated protein of the mouse pancreatic acinar cell, and what its role may be in zymogen granule formation. Muclin behaves as a peripheral membrane protein localized to the lumen of the zymogen granule but the cDNA for this protein predicts it is a type I membrane protein with a short, 16-amino-acid, cytosolic tail (C-Tail). Using domain-specific antibodies, we demonstrate that Muclin is derived from a precursor, pro-Muclin, which is cleaved to produce Muclin and an approximately 80-kDa membrane glycoprotein (p80). Incubation of pulse-labeled cells at < or = 22 degrees C to block exit from the trans Golgi network also blocks cleavage of pro-Muclin but not sulfation, a trans Golgi network event, suggesting that cleavage occurs in a post-Golgi compartment. After cleavage the two products of pro-Muclin diverge with Muclin remaining in the regulated secretory pathway and p80 trafficking to the apical plasma membrane, presumably via the constitutive-like pathway. When transfected into exocrine AR42J cells, Muclin labeling is perinuclear and in large sub-plasma membrane puncta. Transiently transfected AR42J cells have greater immunolabeling for amylase than nontransfected cells, suggesting a role for Muclin in cargo accumulation in the regulated secretory pathway. A construct with the C-Tail deleted targets to small diffusely-distributed puncta and without the large sub-plasma membrane structures. Thus, the C-Tail is required for proper Muclin targeting. When transfected into neuroendocrine AtT-20 cells Muclin is not colocalized with ACTH in cell processes, and it appears to be constitutively trafficked to the plasma membrane, suggesting that Muclin has exocrine-specific information. We present a working model for pro-Muclin as a Golgi cargo receptor for exocrine secretory granule formation at the trans Golgi network.  相似文献   



Cellularization of the Drosophila embryo is an unusually synchronous form of cytokinesis in which polarized membrane extension proceeds in part through incorporation of new membrane via fusion of apically-translocated Golgi-derived vesicles.


We describe here involvement of the signaling enzyme Phospholipase D (Pld) in regulation of this developmental step. Functional analysis using gene targeting revealed that cellularization is hindered by the loss of Pld, resulting frequently in early embryonic developmental arrest. Mechanistically, chronic Pld deficiency causes abnormal Golgi structure and secretory vesicle trafficking.


Our results suggest that Pld functions to promote trafficking of Golgi-derived fusion-competent vesicles during cellularization.  相似文献   

In plants, differentiation of subdomains of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dedicated to protein export, the ER export sites (ERES), is influenced by the type of export-competent membrane cargo to be delivered to the Golgi. This raises a fundamental biological question: is the formation of transport intermediates at the ER for trafficking to the Golgi always regulated in the same manner? To test this, we followed the distribution and activity of two plant Sar1 isoforms. Sar1 is the small GTPase that regulates assembly of COPII (coat protein complex II) on carriers that transport secretory cargo from ER to Golgi. We show that, in contrast to a tobacco Sar1 isoform, the two Arabidopsis Sar1 GTPases were localised at ERES, independently of co-expression of Golgi-destined membrane cargo in tobacco cells. Although both isoforms labelled ERES, one was found to partition with the membrane fraction to a greater extent. The different distribution of fluorescent fusions of the two isoforms was influenced by the nature of an amino acid residue at the C-terminus of the protein, suggesting that the requirements for membrane association of the two GTPases are not equal. Furthermore, functional analyses based on the secretion of the bulk flow marker α-amylase indicated that over-expression of GTP-restricted mutants of the two isoforms caused different levels of ER export inhibition. These novel results indicate a functional heterogeneity among plant Sar1 isoforms.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins exit the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in COPII-transport vesicles. ER export is a selective process in which transport signals present in the cytoplasmic tail (CT) of cargo membrane proteins must be recognized by coatomer proteins for incorporation in COPII vesicles. Two classes of ER export signals have been described for type I membrane proteins, the diacidic and the dihydrophobic motifs. Both motifs participate in the Sar1-dependent binding of Sec23p-Sec24p complex to the CTs during early steps of cargo selection. However, information concerning the amino acids in the CTs that interact with Sar1 is lacking. Herein, we describe a third class of ER export motif, [RK](X)[RK], at the CT of Golgi resident glycosyltransferases that is required for these type II membrane proteins to exit the ER. The dibasic motif is located proximal to the transmembrane border, and experiments of cross-linking in microsomal membranes and of binding to immobilized peptides showed that it directly interacts with the COPII component Sar1. Sar1GTP-bound to immobilized peptides binds Sec23p. Collectively, the present data suggest that interaction of the dibasic motif with Sar1 participates in early steps of selection of Golgi resident glycosyltransferases for transport in COPII vesicles.  相似文献   

Protein egress from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is driven by a conserved cytoplasmic coat complex called the COPII coat. The COPII coat complex contains an inner shell (Sec23/Sec24) that sorts cargo into ER-derived vesicles and an outer cage (Sec13/Sec31) that leads to coat polymerization. Once released from the ER, vesicles must tether to and fuse with the target membrane to deliver their protein and lipid contents. This delivery step also depends on the COPII coat, with coat proteins binding directly to tethering and regulatory factors. Recent findings have yielded new insight into how COPII-mediated vesicle traffic is regulated. Here we discuss the molecular basis of COPII-mediated ER–Golgi traffic, focusing on the surprising complexity of how ER-derived vesicles form, package diverse cargoes, and correctly target these cargoes to their destination.The port of entry into the secretory pathway is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Approximately one-third of the eukaryotic proteome traffics from this multifunctional organelle (Huh et al. 2003). This diverse set of cargo is translocated into the ER, folded, and modified before it travels to the Golgi, where further modifications occur. From the Golgi, cargo is sorted to other subcellular compartments to perform a variety of cellular functions. The highly conserved machinery required for these transport events was initially identified through genetic screens in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and insights into the function of this machinery were provided through the use of in vitro transport assays. Advances in microscopy, in particular, the use of GFP fusion proteins and live cell imaging, have also played a critical role in understanding the dynamics of membrane traffic. In this article, we describe the mechanistic advances that have helped us to understand how diverse cargo correctly traffics from the ER to the Golgi complex in lower and higher eukaryotes. Even though these mechanisms are largely conserved, they are more complex at the molecular and organizational levels in metazoans.  相似文献   

The coat protein II (COPII)–coated vesicular system transports newly synthesized secretory and membrane proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. Recruitment of cargo into COPII vesicles requires an interaction of COPII proteins either with the cargo molecules directly or with cargo receptors for anterograde trafficking. We show that cytosolic phosphatidic acid phospholipase A1 (PAPLA1) interacts with COPII protein family members and is required for the transport of Rh1 (rhodopsin 1), an N-glycosylated G protein–coupled receptor (GPCR), from the ER to the Golgi complex. In papla1 mutants, in the absence of transport to the Golgi, Rh1 is aberrantly glycosylated and is mislocalized. These defects lead to decreased levels of the protein and decreased sensitivity of the photoreceptors to light. Several GPCRs, including other rhodopsins and Bride of sevenless, are similarly affected. Our findings show that a cytosolic protein is necessary for transit of selective transmembrane receptor cargo by the COPII coat for anterograde trafficking.  相似文献   

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