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Preliminary results from an energy analysis of the coal fuel cycle in an Appalachian coal county have provided a systematic assessment of hidden energy subsidies in extraction, transport, processing, and combustion. Current results indicate that the system operates at an annual energy deficit of approximately 350 × 1010 kcal. A major loss is depletion of the coal resource base by use of inefficient mining techniques. Although of smaller magnitude, reductions in work force and community productivity from occupational accidents, disease, and road maintenance requirements for transport also appear to be significant. Further assessment is needed to verify assumptions and characterize additional data bases.  相似文献   

The airline industry has a strong interest in developing sustainable aviation fuels, in order to reduce their exposure to increasing oil prices and cost liability for greenhouse gas emissions. The feasibility and cost of producing sustainable biomass‐based jet fuels at a sufficient scale to materially address these issues is an enormous challenge. This paper builds directly on the biophysical study by H.T. Murphy, D.A. O'Connell, R.J. Raison, A.C. Warden, T.H. Booth, A. Herr, A.L. Braid, D.F. Crawford, J.A. Hayward, T. Javonovic, J.G. McIvor, M.H. O'Connor, M.L. Poole, D. Prestwidge, N. Raisbeck‐Brown & L. Rye, In review, which examined a 25 year scale‐up strategy to produce 5% of projected jet fuel demand in Australia in 2020 (470 mL) in the Fitzroy region of Queensland, Australia. The strategy was based on the use of a mixed ligno‐cellulosic biomass feedstock and assumed, for the sake of exploring and quantifying the scenario, a simplified two‐step conversion process – conversion of biomass to crude bio‐oil within the region, and upgrade to jet fuel at a central Brisbane facility. This paper provides details on the costs of production in this scenario, focusing on two different strategies for biomass utilization, and two types of novel small–medium scale conversion technologies. The cost analyses have taken into account technology learning curves, different economies of scale and key cost sensitivities. The cost of biomass‐based jet fuels is estimated to be between 0.70 and 1.90 The airline industry has a strong interest in developing sustainable aviation fuels, in order to reduce their exposure to increasing oil prices and cost liability for greenhouse gas emissions. The feasibility and cost of producing sustainable biomass‐based jet fuels at a sufficient scale to materially address these issues is an enormous challenge. This paper builds directly on the biophysical study by H.T. Murphy, D.A. O'Connell, R.J. Raison, A.C. Warden, T.H. Booth, A. Herr, A.L. Braid, D.F. Crawford, J.A. Hayward, T. Javonovic, J.G. McIvor, M.H. O'Connor, M.L. Poole, D. Prestwidge, N. Raisbeck‐Brown & L. Rye, In review, which examined a 25 year scale‐up strategy to produce 5% of projected jet fuel demand in Australia in 2020 (470 mL) in the Fitzroy region of Queensland, Australia. The strategy was based on the use of a mixed ligno‐cellulosic biomass feedstock and assumed, for the sake of exploring and quantifying the scenario, a simplified two‐step conversion process – conversion of biomass to crude bio‐oil within the region, and upgrade to jet fuel at a central Brisbane facility. This paper provides details on the costs of production in this scenario, focusing on two different strategies for biomass utilization, and two types of novel small–medium scale conversion technologies. The cost analyses have taken into account technology learning curves, different economies of scale and key cost sensitivities. The cost of biomass‐based jet fuels is estimated to be between 0.70 and 1.90 $ L?1 when the efficiency of conversion of biomass to biocrude and subsequently to aviation fuel is varied by ±10% of published values, with an average value of 1.10 $ L?1. This is within the range of the projected 2035 conventional jet fuel price of 1.50 $ L?1. Therefore, biomass‐based jet fuel has the potential to contribute to supply of Australia's jet fuel needs in the future.  相似文献   

Bioenergy could contribute both to the reduction of greenhouse gases and to increased energy security, but the extent of this contribution strongly depends on the cost and potential of biomass resources. For Sweden, this study investigates how the implementation of policies for CO2 reduction and for phase out of fossil fuels in road transport affect the future utilization of biomass, in the stationary energy system and in the transport sector, and its price. The analysis is based on the bottom‐up, optimization MARKAL_Sweden model, which includes a comprehensive representation of the national energy system. For the analysis, the biomass supply representation of MARKAL_Sweden is updated and improved by the use of, e.g., forestry forecasting modeling and through construction of detailed biomass supply curves. A time horizon up to 2050 is applied. The results indicate a potential for significantly higher use of bioenergy. In the main analysis scenario, in which CO2 reduction of 80% by 2050 is imposed on the Swedish energy system, the total bioenergy utilization increases by 63% by 2050 compared to 2010. The largest increase occurs in the transport sector, which by 2050 accounts for 43% of the total primary bioenergy use. The high demand and strong competition significantly increase biomass prices and lead to the utilization of higher cost biomass sources such as stumps and cultivated energy forest, as well as use of pulpwood resources for energy purposes.  相似文献   

We conducted a pilot study to assess magnetic field levels in electric compared to gasoline‐powered vehicles, and established a methodology that would provide valid data for further assessments. The sample consisted of 14 vehicles, all manufactured between January 2000 and April 2009; 6 were gasoline‐powered vehicles and 8 were electric vehicles of various types. Of the eight models available, three were represented by a gasoline‐powered vehicle and at least one electric vehicle, enabling intra‐model comparisons. Vehicles were driven over a 16.3 km test route. Each vehicle was equipped with six EMDEX Lite broadband meters with a 40–1,000 Hz bandwidth programmed to sample every 4 s. Standard statistical testing was based on the fact that the autocorrelation statistic damped quickly with time. For seven electric cars, the geometric mean (GM) of all measurements (N = 18,318) was 0.095 µT with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 2.66, compared to 0.051 µT (N = 9,301; GSD = 2.11) for four gasoline‐powered cars (P < 0.0001). Using the data from a previous exposure assessment of residential exposure in eight geographic regions in the United States as a basis for comparison (N = 218), the broadband magnetic fields in electric vehicles covered the same range as personal exposure levels recorded in that study. All fields measured in all vehicles were much less than the exposure limits published by the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Future studies should include larger sample sizes representative of a greater cross‐section of electric‐type vehicles. Bioelectromagnetics 34:156–161, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproductive investment in the Silurus meridionalis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comparison of pre- and postspawning Silurus meridionalis showed that 20·7% of body stored energy was utilized during spawning for a standard male (74·5 cm) and 23·8% for a standard female (85·3 cm). About one-third of the loss of the stored energy was released as eggs by females, and almost all of the energy loss for males and about two-thirds for females were expended in metabolism. Stored lipid as fuel for metabolism supplied 90·0% of energy in males and 95·2% in females, and protein supplied the rest of the energy. Models for predicting energy in released gametes ( G g), deposited in the body as somatic growth ( G s), utilized in spawning activity ( S a), expended in maintenance ( M , including metabolism, faeces and excretion), and food energy ( C ) were developed, and annual energy budgets were compiled. The balanced budget for a male aged 4 was: 100 C =0·06 G g+11·17 S a+19·5 G s+69·2 M , and for a female aged 5: 100 C =5·48 G g+8·51 S a+15·8 G s+70·2 M .  相似文献   

Challenges in microbial fuel cell development and operation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a device that converts chemical energy into electricity through the catalytic activities of microorganisms. Although there is great potential of MFCs as an alternative energy source, novel wastewater treatment process, and biosensor for oxygen and pollutants, extensive optimization is required to exploit the maximum microbial potential. In this article, the main limiting factors of MFC operation are identified and suggestions are made to improve performance.  相似文献   

Field trials throughout Europe over the past 15 years have confirmed the potential for high biomass production from Miscanthus, a giant perennial rhizomatous grass with C4 photosynthesis. However, policies to promote the utilization of biomass crops require yield estimates that can be scaled up to regional, national and continental areas. The only way in which this information can be reliably provided is through the use of productivity models. Here, we describe MISCANMOD, a productivity model, which was used in conjunction with a GIS to plot potential, non‐water‐limited yields across Europe. Modelled rainfed yields were also calculated using a water balance approach based on FAO estimates of plant available water in the soil. The observed yields were consistent with modelled yields at 20 trial sites across Europe. We estimate that if Miscanthus was grown on 10% of suitable land area in the European Union (EU15), 231 TWh yr?1 of electricity could be generated, which is 9% of the gross electricity production in 2000. Using the same scenario, the total carbon mitigation could be 76 Mt C yr?1, which is about 9% of the EU total C emissions for the 1990 Kyoto Protocol baseline levels.  相似文献   

To pursue a higher energy density (>300 Wh kg?1 at the cell level) and a lower cost (<$125 kWh?1 expected at 2022) of Li‐ion batteries for making electric vehicles (EVs) long range and cost‐competitive with internal combustion engine vehicles, developing Ni‐rich/Co‐poor layered cathode (LiNi1?x?yCoxMnyO2, x+y ≤ 0.2) is currently one of the most promising strategies because high Ni content is beneficial to high capacity (>200 mAh g?1) while low Co content is favorable to minimize battery cost. Unfortunately, Ni‐rich cathodes suffer from limited structure stability and electrode/electrolyte interface stability in the charged state, leading to electrode degradation and poor cycling performance. To address these problems, various strategies have been employed such as doping, structural optimization design (e.g., core–shell structure, concentration‐gradient structure, etc.), and surface coating. In this review, five key aspects of Ni‐rich/Co‐poor layered cathode materials are explored: energy density, fast charge capability, service life including cycling life and calendar life, cost and element resources, and safety. This enables a comprehensive analysis of current research advances and challenges from the perspective of both academy and industry to help facilitate practical applications for EVs in the future.  相似文献   

The present Peru's metabolic profile study poses the specific question, What are the long‐term national energy system implications of the recent government‐supported growth of the mining sector? The question is addressed by analyzing interactions between human economic activity (in hours) and electricity input flows (in joules) in the mining sector of the Peruvian economy in 2000 and 2010, with a projection for 2020. The methodology is based on the multi‐scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM), which is an application of Georgescu‐Roegen's bioeconomics approach. Empirical results found for the national economy show: (1) the massive increase in size of the energy system, which is explained by exploitation of the Camisea natural gas (NG) reserves, and (2) the potential for establishing a carbon lock‐in in the electricity sector, owing to increasing construction of electricity plants based on NG as their primary energy source. Empirical results specific to the mining sector indicate: (1) the extremely high electricity metabolic rate of the mining sector (61.6 megajoules per hour in 2010), which was found to be 11 times the rate of electricity used per hour of human activity in the building and manufacturing sector in Peru, and (b) the potential increases in the proportion of electricity used in the mining sector (flow share), which could jeopardize the availability of high‐quality primary energy supplies for the rest of society. In light of these implications, it is argued that the Peruvian government's strong support for growth of the mining sector may have to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) will always involve some subjectivity and uncertainty. This reality is especially true when the analysis concerns new technologies. Dealing with uncertainty can generate richer information and minimize some of the result mismatches currently encountered in the literature. As a way of analyzing future fuel cell vehicles and their potential new fuels, the Fuel Upstream Energy and Emission Model (FUEEM) developed at the University of California—Davis, pioneered two different ways to incorporate uncertainty into the analysis. First, the model works with probabilistic curves as inputs and with Monte Carlo simulation techniques to propagate the uncertainties. Second, the project involved the interested parties in the entire process, not only in the critical review phase. The objective of this paper is to present, as a case study, the tools and the methodologies developed to acquire most of the knowledge held by interested parties and to deal with their — eventually conflicted—interests. The analysis calculation methodology, the scenarios, and all assumed probabilistic curves were derived from a consensus of an international expert network discussion, using existing data in the literature along with new information collected from companies. The main part of the expert discussion process uses a variant of the Delphi technique, focusing on the group learning process through the information feedback feature. A qualitative analysis indicates that a higher level of credibility and a higher quality of information can be achieved through a more participatory process. The FUEEM method works well within technical information and also in establishing a reasonable set of simple scenarios. However, for a complex combination of scenarios, it will require some improvement. The time spent in the process was the major drawback of the method and some alternatives to share this time cost are suggested.  相似文献   

Little is known about the processes regulating species richness in deep‐sea communities. Here we take advantage of natural experiments involving climate change to test whether predictions of the species–energy hypothesis hold in the deep sea. In addition, we test for the relationship between temperature and species richness predicted by a recent model based on biochemical kinetics of metabolism. Using the deep‐sea fossil record of benthic foraminifera and statistical meta‐analyses of temperature‐richness and productivity‐richness relationships in 10 deep‐sea cores, we show that temperature but not productivity is a significant predictor of species richness over the past c. 130 000 years. Our results not only show that the temperature‐richness relationship in the deep‐sea is remarkably similar to that found in terrestrial and shallow marine habitats, but also that species richness tracks temperature change over geological time, at least on scales of c. 100 000 years. Thus, predicting biotic response to global climate change in the deep sea would require better understanding of how temperature regulates the occurrences and geographical ranges of species.  相似文献   

Energy investment in reproduction and somatic growth was investigated for summer spawners of the Argentinean shortfin squid Illex argentinus in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Sampled squids were examined for morphometry and intensity of feeding behavior associated with reproductive maturation. Residuals generated from length‐weight relationships were analyzed to determine patterns of energy allocation between somatic and reproductive growth. Both females and males showed similar rates of increase for eviscerated body mass and digestive gland mass relative to mantle length, but the rate of increase for total reproductive organ weight relative to mantle length in females was three times that of males. For females, condition of somatic tissues deteriorated until the mature stage, but somatic condition improved after the onset of maturity. In males, there was no correlation between somatic condition and phases of reproductive maturity. Reproductive investment decreased as sexual maturation progressed for both females and males, with the lowest investment occurring at the functionally mature stage. Residual analysis indicated that female reproductive development was at the expense of body muscle growth during the immature and maturing stages, but energy invested in reproduction after onset of maturity was probably met by food intake. However, in males both reproductive maturation and somatic growth proceeded concurrently so that energy allocated to reproduction was related to food intake throughout the process of maturation. For both males and females, there was little evidence of trade‐offs between the digestive gland and reproductive growth, as no significant correlation was found between dorsal mantle length‐digestive gland weight residuals. The role of the digestive gland as an energy reserve for gonadal growth should be reconsidered. Additionally, feeding intensity by both males and females decreased after the onset of sexual maturity, but feeding never stopped completely, even during spawning.  相似文献   

钟晓青  叶大青 《生态科学》2011,30(5):465-473
在“复合面积重心法”计算国土几何、生态、水资源、经济中(重)心的基础上,利用2008年面板数据分别确定了我国的陆地、全版图几何中(重)心及我国的人口、经济、生态、水资源和粮食中(重)心.比较了各重心与北京之间的生态距离,结果表明北京偏离各指标重心620~1487km.对定都北京62年后逐步显现的生态限制因子如水、大气及地形、地震等因子的限制作用进行了定性定量分析.研究“迁都”最佳位置(备选)的水源区域、核战争威胁的安全区域、最佳物产分布区域、最佳人文地理环境.对“迁都”的国家层面之损失和收益、物质成本和机会成本、迁都后的北京的发展、“迁与不迁”的抉择进行了限制生态因子方法、生态经济成本损益综合评估方法和生产力布局时空分析方法的研究.  相似文献   

This article investigates maternal investment in child carrying and presents a method for determining when it is energetically advantageous for a mother to carry her child rather than force her child to walk independently. I calculate maternal and child energy consumption while walking and develop correction factors to facilitate making these energy calculations for young children. In addition, I investigate the effect of maternal burdens in addition to the child and of external nutritional support on energy consumption. Since maternal energy is a finite resource, the “decision” to carry a child or force it to walk independently is especially important. This decision can be predicted from the body mass of the mother and child and the child's age. If the mother provides all of the child's nutrition, then the mother should choose to carry her child only when the energy usage of the mother carrying the child is less than the sum of the energy used when the mother and child walk independently. The critical velocity, when the two expenditures are equal, can then be determined. Several general hypotheses are also addressed. The critical velocity of a 60 kg mother with a 4-year-old child approximately equals the average walking speed of adult humans. For a lighter mother, the critical velocity is reached when her child is 3 years old, while for heavier mother this point is not reached until her child is 6 years old. The effect of burdens in addition to the child's mass is minimal. Nutritional support of the child by agencies other than the mother decreases the age at which the mother should force the child to walk independently. In some cases, especially for the lightest mothers, it is never in the mother's best energetic interest to carry her child. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:71–85, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Landmark data were collected from cross sections and occlusal images of mandibular molar crowns, and Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA) was used to identify metameric morphological variation between the first and second mandibular molars of living taxa: Gorilla gorilla (n = 30), Pan troglodytes (n = 34), and Homo sapiens (n = 26). Two patterns of metameric variation were identified, one unique to humans and the other shared by chimpanzees and gorillas. In order to assess the utility of this type of analysis for the interpretation of the hominid fossil record, 19 mandibular molars from Sterkfontein Member 4, South Africa, were examined. The pattern of metameric variation of the Sterkfontein molars resembled that of the African great apes, and differed from the modern human pattern. These results demonstrate that data on metameric variation may provide information regarding function or developmental processes previously indiscernible from fossil material.  相似文献   

Fat is the prime energy source for birds during prolonged exercise, but protein is also catabolized. Estimates of the amount of catabolizable fat and protein (termed fat and protein fuel) are therefore important for studying energetics of birds. As fat and protein fuel can only be measured by sacrificing individuals or by use of technically complex methods, scoring systems were invented to estimate fat and protein fuel of birds in the field. The visible subcutaneous fat deposits and the thickness of the flight muscles are each scored on an ordinal scale but these scales do not correspond linearly to fat and protein fuel within species, which is needed for analyses such as flight range estimates. We developed an anova ‐type model to estimate fat and protein fuel from fat scores (FS) and muscle scores (MS) along with total mass and a size measurement. Using data from 11 337 individuals of eight passerine species (Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos, Eurasian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta, Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus, Orphean Warbler Sylvia hortensis, Garden Warbler Sylvia borin, Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis, Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans) mist‐netted in Mauritania, West Africa, we tested for independence of FS and MS and for variation in the relationship between scores and associated mass in response to physiological state. FS, MS and third primary length (size) explained variation in body mass of all eight species analysed (R2: 0.56–0.77). The parameter estimates of the model showed that fat and protein fuel increased monotonically with increasing fat and muscle scores. In two species we found small differences in the estimates between physiological states (seasons). We evaluated our model by comparing the predicted body mass of birds with both FS and MS equal to 0 with the mean body mass of individuals mist‐netted with both scores equal to zero. The values were very close. The amount of fat extracted from dead Garden and Willow Warblers was within the range of predicted fat fuel derived from the model. We conclude that our model is a useful non‐invasive method to estimate simultaneously mean fat and protein fuel of small passerines and we provide recommendations on its use.  相似文献   

Congenital morphological differences between injured and intact individuals in a population may reflect adaptations to avoid injury, to survive injury, or both. We explore the possible occurrence of such adaptations, analysing the relationship between tail state (original, O; regenerated, R) and morphology (20 scale characters) in 23 taxa of Lacertidae. In some taxa, such as Acanthodactylus opheodurus , morphologies of O and R lizards differed significantly. In these, usually O individuals were morphologically typical (modal), while R individuals were extreme; in others, the contrary occurred. Indices of pattern similarity detected fewer differences between O and R lizards than those based on absolute values. We developed unbiased estimates of classification rates of discriminant analysis. The order of inclusion of characters in the discriminant functions of males and females of the same species differed more than the order for the same sex in other species. Some morphological differences between O and R lizards seem adaptive or linked by pleiotropy to adaptive traits. Congenital morphological differences between O and R lizards are probably more frequent than detected because we show that age and geographical heterogeneity of our samples are confounding factors to O–R differences. R-morphologies might reflect microevolution in favour of paedotypic forms, possibly possessing greater regenerating capacities than relatively more peratypic forms.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 307–324.  相似文献   

杭州市公交车油改电项目碳排放效益核算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应紫敏  吴旭  杨武 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6452-6464
以减少碳排放为核心的应对气候变化行动已成为全球趋势,中国政府积极践行减少碳排放的国际承诺,出台多项鼓励新能源的政策措施,其中包括对新能源产业的补偿以及将燃油汽车改装为电动汽车。但是这些政策的实施效果并不太清楚。举例来说,煤电为主的供电类型极大削弱了碳减排的效果,充电桩等配套基础设施建设和旧车报废等过程还会产生额外碳排放,不同城市之间的这些情况差别也较大。因此,城市层面生命周期尺度上的电动车碳减排效果尚未明确。基于生命周期理论,以杭州市为例,在构建公交车生命周期模型下分别核算纯电动和柴油车生命周期碳排放量,并在基准情景、低碳情景和强化低碳情景下进行公交车油改电碳排模拟。研究结果表明:(1)杭州市单辆纯电动和柴油公交车生命周期CO2排放量分别为1103.237t和1401.319t,减排比例达21.27%。其中,电力生产约占纯电动车生命周期碳排量74.10%,柴油生产与消耗约占柴油车生命周期碳排量86.96%;(2)目前杭州市在营运的2312辆纯电动公交车生命周期内(13年)碳减排总量约达到68.917万t,年均5.301万t;(3)在油改电过程中,纯电动公交车需运行约3.5年后才能相对柴油公交车真正起到碳减排效果;(4)在不同新煤电技术及能源结构优化下,2020、2035和2050年杭州市公交车油改电项目每辆车碳减排量将达到354.071—884.339t,年均27.236—68.026t,减排比例25.27%—63.11%,且2050年强化情景下纯公交车生命周期碳排量仅为当前纯电动公交车和柴油公交车的46.86%和36.89%,潜在碳减排效益显著。  相似文献   

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