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Among mammals, only eutherians and marsupials are viviparous and have genomic imprinting that leads to parent-of-origin-specific differential gene expression. We used comparative analysis to investigate the origin of genomic imprinting in mammals. PEG10 (paternally expressed 10) is a retrotransposon-derived imprinted gene that has an essential role for the formation of the placenta of the mouse. Here, we show that an orthologue of PEG10 exists in another therian mammal, the marsupial tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), but not in a prototherian mammal, the egg-laying platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), suggesting its close relationship to the origin of placentation in therian mammals. We have discovered a hitherto missing link of the imprinting mechanism between eutherians and marsupials because tammar PEG10 is the first example of a differentially methylated region (DMR) associated with genomic imprinting in marsupials. Surprisingly, the marsupial DMR was strictly limited to the 5′ region of PEG10, unlike the eutherian DMR, which covers the promoter regions of both PEG10 and the adjacent imprinted gene SGCE. These results not only demonstrate a common origin of the DMR-associated imprinting mechanism in therian mammals but provide the first demonstration that DMR-associated genomic imprinting in eutherians can originate from the repression of exogenous DNA sequences and/or retrotransposons by DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is widespread in eutherian mammals. Marsupial mammals also have genomic imprinting, but in fewer loci. It has long been thought that genomic imprinting is somehow related to placentation and/or viviparity in mammals, although neither is restricted to mammals. Most imprinted genes are expressed in the placenta. There is no evidence for genomic imprinting in the egg-laying monotreme mammals, despite their short-lived placenta that transfers nutrients from mother to embryo. Post natal genomic imprinting also occurs, especially in the brain. However, little attention has been paid to the primary source of nutrition in the neonate in all mammals, the mammary gland. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) play an important role as imprinting control centres in each imprinted region which usually comprises both paternally and maternally expressed genes (PEGs and MEGs). The DMR is established in the male or female germline (the gDMR). Comprehensive comparative genome studies demonstrated that two imprinted regions, PEG10 and IGF2-H19, are conserved in both marsupials and eutherians and that PEG10 and H19 DMRs emerged in the therian ancestor at least 160 Ma, indicating the ancestral origin of genomic imprinting during therian mammal evolution. Importantly, these regions are known to be deeply involved in placental and embryonic growth. It appears that most maternal gDMRs are always associated with imprinting in eutherian mammals, but emerged at differing times during mammalian evolution. Thus, genomic imprinting could evolve from a defence mechanism against transposable elements that depended on DNA methylation established in germ cells.  相似文献   

Available evidence provides little support for a recent proposal that the term "trophoblast" be applied solely to eutherian mammals. Arguments for such a restricted usage are based on a dichotomous interpretation of therian reproduction that underestimates the developmental, structural, and functional diversity of trophoblastic tissues occurring within the infraclass Eutherian. The occurrence of developmental patterns that are phenotypically intermediate between those of commonly studied eutherians and metatherians suggests that blastocyst development is not fundamentally different in marsupials and eutherians. The trophoblast of marsupials accomplishes most or all of the major functions of the eutherian trophoblast, including maternal-fetal physiological exchange, implantation, contribution to placental membranes, steroid metabolism, and possibly, immunological protection of the conceptus. Furthermore, application of the term "trophoblast" to marsupials is consistent with present and past usage, as well as with the original definition and etymological derivation of the term. Therefore, we recommend that the term "trophoblast" continue to be applied in a functional-morphological sense to the appropriate extraembryonic tissues of marsupials. Such use of functional (rather than taxonomic) criteria for application of this term avoids biasing interpretations of mammalian reproductive evolution.  相似文献   

In humans and mice, there are 11 genes derived from sushi-ichi related retrotransposons, some of which are known to play essential roles in placental development. Interestingly, this family of retrotransposons was thought to exist only in eutherian mammals, indicating their significant contributions to the eutherian evolution, but at least one, PEG10, is conserved between marsupials and eutherians. Here we report a novel sushi-ichi retrotransposon-derived gene, SIRH12, in the tammar wallaby, an Australian marsupial species of the kangaroo family. SIRH12 encodes a protein highly homologous to the sushi-ichi retrotransposon Gag protein in the tammar wallaby, while SIRH12 in the South American short-tailed grey opossum is a pseudogene degenerated by accumulation of multiple nonsense mutations. This suggests that SIRH12 retrotransposition occurred only in the marsupial lineage but acquired and retained some as yet unidentified novel function, at least in the lineage of the tammar wallaby.  相似文献   

The C->U editing of RNA is widely found in plant and animal species. In mammals it is a discrete process confined to the editing of apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA in eutherians and the editing of the mitochondrial tRNA for glycine in marsupials. Here we have identified and characterised apoB mRNA editing in the American opossum Monodelphus domestica. The apoB mRNA editing site is highly conserved in the opossum and undergoes complete editing in the small intestine, but not in the liver or other tissues. Opossum APOBEC-1 cDNA was cloned, sequenced and expressed. The encoded protein is similar to APOBEC-1 of eutherians. Motifs previously identified as involved in zinc binding, RNA binding and catalysis, nuclear localisation and a C-terminal leucine-rich domain are all conserved. Opossum APOBEC-1 contains a seven amino acid C-terminal extension also found in humans and rabbits, but not present in rodents. The opossum APOBEC-1 gene has the same intron/exon organisation in the coding sequence as the eutherian gene. Northern blot and RT-PCR analyses and an editing assay indicate that no APOBEC-1 was expressed in the liver. Thus the far upstream promoter responsible for hepatic expression in rodents does not operate in the opossum. An APOBEC-1-like enzyme such as might be involved in C->U RNA editing of tRNA in marsupial mitochondria was not demonstrated. The activity of opossum APOBEC-1 in the presence of both chicken and rodent auxiliary editing proteins was comparable to that of other mammals. These studies extend the origins of APOBEC-1 back 170 000 000 years to marsupials and help bridge the gap in the origins of this RNA editing process between birds and eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Wang X  Parra ZE  Miller RD 《Immunogenetics》2012,64(8):647-652
A VpreB surrogate light (SL) chain was identified for the first time in a marsupial, the opossum Monodelphis domestica. Comparing the opossum VpreB to homologues from eutherian (placental mammals) and avian species supported the marsupial gene being VpreB3. VpreB3 is a protein that is not known to traffic to the cell surface as part of the pre-B cell receptor. Rather, VpreB3 associates with nascent immunoglobulin chains in the endoplasmic reticulum. Homologues of other known SL chains VpreB1, VpreB2, and λ5, which are found in eutherian mammals, were not found in the opossum genome, nor have they been identified in the genomes of nonmammals. VpreB3 likely evolved from earlier gene duplication, independent of that which generated VpreB1 and VpreB2 in eutherians. The apparent absence of VpreB1, VpreB2, and λ5 in marsupials suggests that an extracellular pre-B cell receptor containing SL chains, as it has been defined in humans and mice, may be unique to eutherian mammals. In contrast, the conservation of VpreB3 in marsupials and its presence in nonmammals is consistent with previous hypotheses that it is playing a more primordial role in B cell development.  相似文献   

Attachment of the blastocyst and formation of the placenta during pregnancy is dependent on structural and cellular changes occurring in the uterine epithelium and in particular to the plasma membrane of these uterine cells. Desmosome expression decreases during pregnancy in eutherians and some squamates, presumably allowing for remodeling of the uterine epithelium and invasion of the trophoblast during implantation. Marsupials are a distinct mammalian amniote lineage of viviparity, with a short implantation or attachment period and varying levels of invasive placentation. To test the generality of changes to the uterine epithelium during pregnancy across mammals, we characterized the distribution of desmosomes in the uterine epithelial cells of a marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, using electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. The absolute number of desmosomes along the lateral plasma membrane decreases during pregnancy and desmosomes are redistributed towards the apical region of the lateral plasma membrane as pregnancy proceeds, similar to what occurs during pregnancy in eutherian mammals. Despite the lower level of maternal investment in pregnancy and the noninvasive structure of fetal membranes in marsupials there are similarities in number and redistribution of desmosomes along the plasma membrane and changes to the morphology of the uterine epithelial cells suggesting that similar plasma membrane changes occur across all lineages of amniote vertebrates. J. Morphol. 276:261–272, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In 1942, Walls described the concept of a ‘nocturnal bottleneck’ in placental mammals, where these species could survive only by avoiding daytime activity during times in which dinosaurs were the dominant taxon. Walls based this concept of a longer episode of nocturnality in early eutherian mammals by comparing the visual systems of reptiles, birds and all three extant taxa of the mammalian lineage, namely the monotremes, marsupials (now included in the metatherians) and placentals (included in the eutherians). This review describes the status of what has become known as the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis, giving an overview of the chronobiological patterns of activity. We review the ecological plausibility that the activity patterns of (early) eutherian mammals were restricted to the night, based on arguments relating to endothermia, energy balance, foraging and predation, taking into account recent palaeontological information. We also assess genes, relating to light detection (visual and non-visual systems) and the photolyase DNA protection system that were lost in the eutherian mammalian lineage. Our conclusion presently is that arguments in favour of the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis in eutherians prevail.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping and sequencing show that turnover of sex determining genes and chromosomes, and sex chromosome rearrangements, accompany speciation in many vertebrates. Here I review the evidence and propose that the evolution of therian mammals was precipitated by evolution of the male‐determining SRY gene, defining a novel XY sex chromosome pair, and interposing a reproductive barrier with the ancestral population of synapsid reptiles 190 million years ago (MYA). Divergence was reinforced by multiple translocations in monotreme sex chromosomes, the first of which supplied a novel sex determining gene. A sex chromosome‐autosome fusion may have separated eutherians (placental mammals) from marsupials 160 MYA. Another burst of sex chromosome change and speciation is occurring in rodents, precipitated by the degradation of the Y. And although primates have a more stable Y chromosome, it may be just a matter of time before the same fate overtakes our own lineage. Also watch the video abstract .  相似文献   



Cytokines are small proteins that regulate immunity in vertebrate species. Marsupial and eutherian mammals last shared a common ancestor more than 180 million years ago, so it is not surprising that attempts to isolate many key marsupial cytokines using traditional laboratory techniques have been unsuccessful. This paucity of molecular data has led some authors to suggest that the marsupial immune system is 'primitive' and not on par with the sophisticated immune system of eutherian (placental) mammals.


The sequencing of the first marsupial genome has allowed us to identify highly divergent immune genes. We used gene prediction methods that incorporate the identification of gene location using BLAST, SYNTENY + BLAST and HMMER to identify 23 key marsupial immune genes, including IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-12 and IL-13, in the genome of the grey short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). Many of these genes were not predicted in the publicly available automated annotations.


The power of this approach was demonstrated by the identification of orthologous cytokines between marsupials and eutherians that share only 30% identity at the amino acid level. Furthermore, the presence of key immunological genes suggests that marsupials do indeed possess a sophisticated immune system, whose function may parallel that of eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Earlier workers suggest that marsupial embryonic growth rates are slower than those of many eutherians and that there is little correlation between marsupial gestation lengths and their weight at birth. Previously, this latter observation has been explained as being due to the considerable variability in duration of the initial slow phase of marsupial embryonic growth. The latter phase of pregnancy has always been regarded as rapid and highly uniform in all marsupials. However, this review shows that there can be considerable variation in growth rate during this 'fast' phase and also that marsupials have similar rates of embryonic growth to most eutherians. Development within the monotreme egg may proceed at a similar rate to intra-uterine growth in therian mammals.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates of mammals presumably increased during the evolution of endothermy, but molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying basal metabolic rate (BMR) are still not understood. It has been established that mitochondrial basal proton leak contributes significantly to BMR. Comparative studies among a diversity of eutherian mammals showed that BMR correlates with body mass and proton leak. Here, we studied BMR and mitochondrial basal proton leak in liver of various marsupial species. Surprisingly, we found that the mitochondrial proton leak was greater in marsupials than in eutherians, although marsupials have lower BMRs. To verify our finding, we kept similar-sized individuals of a marsupial opossum (Monodelphis domestica) and a eutherian rodent (Mesocricetus auratus) species under identical conditions, and directly compared BMR and basal proton leak. We confirmed an approximately 40 per cent lower mass specific BMR in the opossum although its proton leak was significantly higher (approx. 60%). We demonstrate that the increase in BMR during eutherian evolution is not based on a general increase in the mitochondrial proton leak, although there is a similar allometric relationship of proton leak and BMR within mammalian groups. The difference in proton leak between endothermic groups may assist in elucidating distinct metabolic and habitat requirements that have evolved during mammalian divergence.  相似文献   

The sixth and seventh components of complement were found to be polymorphic and tightly linked in the laboratory opossum (Monodelphis domestica), as they are in eutherian mammals. In addition, strong evidence for linkage of theC6–C7 haplotype to the gene for glutamic pyruvate transaminase (GPT) was obtained for females but not for males. This result, combined with previous observations, establishes as a generality that recombination is severely reduced in females of this species by comparison with males. It also establishes synteny ofC6–C7 andGPT in a marsupial species, as exists in mice. Because these loci are not syntenic in humans, the results imply that this synteny is ancestral to the separation of marsupials and eutherians and that it was broken relatively recently in the mammalian lineage leading to human beings. The newly described C6 and C7 polymorphisms provide additional power for developing a linkage map for M. domestica and for localizing genes that confer susceptibility to diseases for which this species is used as a model.This work was supported in part by grants from the Robert J. Kleberg, Jr., and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation and the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Minimum resting values for several cardiovascular and respiratory characteristics were established for two marsupial species,Trichosurus vulpecula andMacropus eugenii. Certain characteristics including heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output varied significantly with body mass and allometric equations of the formy=aM b were derived to describe the relationships. The exponents of body mass,b, were generally similar to those for eutherian mammals, but in the marsupials they intercept,a, differed significantly from reported eutherian values.Although resting cardiac output in the marsupials appeared reduced in proportion to their lower resting oxygen consumption this pattern was not repeated for other variables. The stroke volume of the marsupials was 156% of eutherian levels while heart rate was less than 50% of the eutherian values.Initial data for respiratory variables also indicated comparable differences in this aspect of oxygen transport between marsupials and eutherians. Minimum respiratory rates of the marsupials were much lower than those of eutherians and tidal volumes appear larger in marsupials. The results are interpreted as suggesting that marsupials may have a large aerobic capacity.  相似文献   

Diverse metatherian and eutherian tarsal remains from the Late Cretaceous (middle-late Turonian) Bissekty Formation, Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan (ca 90 MYA) are described. Their functional and taxonomic properties, along with those of other tarsal evidence, led to a reassessment of polarity hypotheses of therian, metatherian, and eutherian cruropedal attributes, and the consequences of this for phylogeny of taxa. There are calcaneal remains of several types of marsupials, and a single astragalus that probably belongs to one of these. This represents greater taxonomic diversity than the dental record suggests. Exceptionally large and distally extending peroneal processes, and small and steeply angled calcaneocuboid articulations facing mediodistally, as seen in the Early Cretaceous Sinodelphys and other Cretaceous and Paleogene taxa, attest not only to the metatherian status of these specimens, but also to the retention of many ancestral therian features, even more so than in both the Tiupampa and Itaboraí marsupials of the South American Paleocene (both the calcanea and the astragalus suggest therian traits that are decidedly unlike those of symmetrodonts). Calcanea allocated to the deltatherioid species at Bissekty testify unequivocally to their metatherian affinity. The morphology of the best represented sample of eutherian calcanea from Bissekty, presumably of a number of zhelestid species, appears to be more derived than that of the Late Cretaceous/Paleocene Protungulatum in having a much more reduced peroneal process and a calcaneocuboid articulation that faces distally, oriented nearly at a 90° angle to the long axis of the calcaneus. In fact, this distally facing facet, common in later eutherians (except for lineages in the Paleogene record, and various Carnivora), may not be diagnostic of either the protoeutherian, or even of the protoplacentalian, in spite of its presence in Eomaia. Many putatively “basal” lineages have derived characters, hence such outgroups should not be considered the unequivocal repositories of only ancestral character states.  相似文献   

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