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Circular RNA (circRNA) is a class of RNA with the 5' and 3' ends connected covalently to form a closed loop structure and characterized by high stability, conserved sequences and tissue specificity, which is caused by special reverse splicing methods. Currently, it has become a hot spot for research. With the discovery of its powerful regulatory functions and roles, the molecular mechanisms and future value of circRNA in participating in and regulating biological and pathological processes are becoming increasingly apparent. Among them is the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Many studies have elucidated that circRNA plays a crucial role in the development and progression of CVDs. Therefore, circRNA shows its advantages and brilliant expectations in the field of CVDs. In this review, we describe the biogenesis, bioinformatics detection and function of circRNA and discuss the role of circRNA and its effects on CVDs, including atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure, myocardial fibrosis, cardiac senescence, pulmonary hypertension, and diabetic cardiomyopathy by different mechanisms. That shows circRNA advantages and brilliant expectations in the field of CVDs.  相似文献   

随着高通量测序技术的发展,环状RNA (circular RNA, circRNA)逐渐成为非编码RNA研究领域的热点。CircRNA是由3′端下游供体和5′端上游受体经反向剪接形成的共价闭合环状分子,普遍存在于真核生物中。CircRNA过去被认为是错误剪接的副产物,近年来相关研究爆炸式增长,才将这种错误概念推翻。相较于动物中的大量研究,植物circRNA的研究还处于起步阶段。文中从植物circRNA的发现引入,总结了植物circRNA的环化特征、表达特异性、保守性和稳定性等特征;关注了circRNA的鉴定工具、主要类型和生成机制;归纳了植物circRNA作为microRNA(miRNA)海绵和翻译模板的潜在功能,以及在生物/非生物胁迫应答中的重要作用;简单概括了植物circRNA的降解与定位。最后讨论了植物circRNA研究存在的问题并对进一步开展植物circRNA研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

近年来,随着RNA研究技术的进步,研究者们在多种生物中发现了数量众多的环状RNA,且发现它们具有重要的生物学功能。环状RNA来源于内含子或外显子,可以充当微小RNA海绵,还能与蛋白质相结合,从而参与基因表达调控并影响蛋白质的功能,此外,个别环状RNA甚至能编码蛋白质。更重要的是,环状RNA在肿瘤(如:胃癌、肝癌、结直肠癌、乳腺癌、宫颈癌和卵巢癌等)的发生和发展过程中起着重要的调控作用。因此,环状RNA有希望成为肿瘤诊断的标志物和治疗的新靶点。  相似文献   

Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a group of covalently closed, endogenous, non-coding RNAs, which exist widely in human tissues including the heart. Increasing evidence has shown that cardiac circRNAs play crucial regulatory roles in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). In this review, we aimed to provide a systemic understanding of circRNAs with a special emphasis on the cardiovascular system. We have summarized the current research on the classification, biogenesis and properties of circRNAs as well as their participation in the pathogenesis of CVDs. CircRNAs are conserved, stable and have specific spatiotemporal expression; thus, they have been accepted as a potential diagnostic marker or an incremental prognostic biomarker for CVDs.  相似文献   

Plexin D1 (PLXND1), which was previously thought to mediate semaphorin signalling, belongs to the Plexin family of transmembrane proteins. PLXND1 cooperates mostly with the coreceptor neuropilin and participates in many aspects of axonal guidance. PLXND1 can also act as both a tumour promoter and a tumour suppressor. Emerging evidence suggests that mutations in PLXND1 or Semaphorin 3E, the canonical ligand of PLXND1, can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases, such as congenital heart defects, CHARGE syndrome and systemic sclerosis. Upon ligand binding, PLXND1 can act as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and modulate integrin-mediated cell adhesion, cytoskeletal dynamics and cell migration. These effects may play regulatory roles in the development of the cardiovascular system and disease. The cardiovascular effects of PLXND1 signalling have gradually been elucidated. PLXND1 was recently shown to detect physical forces and translate them into intracellular biochemical signals in the context of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the role of PLXND1 in cardiovascular development and diseases is gaining research interest because of its potential as a biomarker and therapeutic target. In this review, we describe the cardiac effects, vascular effects and possible molecular mechanisms of PLXND1 signalling.  相似文献   

小鼠精子发生过程中存在大量环状RNA(circRNA,circular RNA),其来源和功能尚不清楚。利用生物信息学手段分析小鼠精子发生过程中5个时期(精原干细胞,原始精原细胞、前细线期精母细胞,粗线期精母细胞及圆形精子细胞)的circRNA,共发现3万余个circRNA。对circRNA两侧内含子中的重复序列分析发现:circRNA两侧内含子中显著富集反向互补重复序列。这些重复序列不仅包括已报道的SINE/Alu序列,还包括SINE/B2、SINE/B4、LINE/L1,LTR/ERVL-MaLR和LTR/ERVK,暗示多种类别的反向互补序列有可能参与了精子发生过程中的circRNA形成。采用sailfish-cir和maSigPro对获得的circRNA进一步定量和差异表达分析,发现5个不同时期的精子细胞中共存在409个差异表达circRNA,它们所在基因能够富集在与精子发生密切相关的功能类群上。对差异表达的circRNA进行miRNA结合预测,共发现有137个circRNA-miRNA结合位点。精子发生相关基因来源的circRNA序列中有93%含有与翻译有关的m~6A基序,暗示精子发生进程中的部分circRNA有形成多肽的潜力。研究发现小鼠精子发生过程中许多circRNA具有RNA结合蛋白(RBP)结合位点,提示circRNA可能具有"RBP海绵"的潜在功能。  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain is a major type of chronic pain caused by the disease or injury of the somatosensory nervous system. It afflicts about 10% of the general population with a significant proportion of patients’ refractory to conventional medical treatment. This highlights the importance of a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of neuropathic pain so as to drive the development of novel mechanism‐driven therapy. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a type of non‐coding, regulatory RNAs that exhibit tissue‐ and disease‐specific expression. An increasing number of studies reported that circRNAs may play pivotal roles in the development of neuropathic pain. In this review, we first summarize circRNA expression profiling studies on neuropathic pain. We also highlight the molecular mechanisms of specific circRNAs (circHIPK3, circAnks1a, ciRS‐7, cZRANB1, circZNF609 and circ_0005075) that play key functional roles in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain and discuss their potential diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic utilization in the clinical management of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Protease activated receptors in cardiovascular function and disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have shown that a novel class of protease activated receptors (PARs), which are composed of seven transmembrane G protein-coupled domains, are activated by serine proteases such as thrombin, trypsin and tryptase. Although four types (PAR 1, PAR 2, PAR 3 and PAR 4) of this class of receptors have been identified, their discrete physiological and pathological roles are still being unraveled. Extracellular proteolytic activation of PARs results in the cleavage of specific sites in the extracellular domain and formation of a new N-terminus which functions as a tethered ligand. The newly formed tethered ligand binds intramolecularly to an exposed site in the second transmembrane loop and triggers G-protein binding and intracellular signaling. Recent studies have shown that PAR-1, PAR-2 and PAR-4 have been involved in vascular development and a variety of other biological processes including apoptosis and remodeling. The use of animal model systems, mainly transgenic mice and synthetic tethered ligand domains, have contributed enormously to our knowledge of molecular signaling and the regulatory properties of various PARs in cardiomyocytes. This review focuses on the role of PARs in cardiovascular function and disease. (Mol Cell Biochem 263: 227–239, 2004)  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a major health problem worldwide, and health professionals are still actively seeking new and effective approaches for CVDs treatment. Presently, extracellular vesicles, particularly exosomes, have gained its popularity for CVDs treatment because of their function as messengers for inter‐ and extra‐cellular communications to promote cellular functions in cardiovascular system. However, as a newly developed field, researchers are still trying to fully understand the role of exosomes, and their mechanism in mediating cardiac repair process. Therefore, a comprehensive review of this topic can be timely and favourable. In this review, we summarized the basic biogenesis and characterization of exosomes and then further extended the focus on the circulating exosomes in cellular communication and stem cell‐derived exosomes in cardiac disease treatment. In addition, we covered interactions between the heart and other organs through exosomes, leading to the diagnostic characteristics of exosomes in CVDs. Future perspectives and limitations of exosomes in CVDs were also discussed with a special focus on exploring the potential delivery routes, targeting the injured tissue and engineering novel exosomes, as well as its potential as one novel target in the metabolism‐related puzzle.  相似文献   

植物microRNA的生物合成和调控功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨曦  何玉科 《生命科学》2010,(7):688-696
植物microRNA(miRNA)是一类21~24个核苷酸长度的小RNA分子。它的生物合成机制及其对植物生长发育的重要调控作用是人们普遍关注的科学问题和深入探索的研究对象。目前,RNA分子生物学在理论和技术上日趋完善,正在成为一门独立的新兴学科,对生物相关学科的发展产生了重要影响。其中,植物miRNA的生物合成和调控功能是植物小RNA分子生物学的核心问题之一。该文提供植物miRNA领域的最新研究成果,在此基础上对未来的学科发展提出新的建议。  相似文献   

Adult neural stem cells (NSCs) are able to self-renew and generate new neural cells. Identifying regulators of NSCs is significant for the development of NSC-based therapies for neurodegenerative diseases and brain injuries. Recently, circular RNAs (circRNAs) have been characterized in various cell lines and brain tissues, and found to participate in multiple biological processes. However, the expression pattern of circRNAs in adult NSCs is still unknown. Here, the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle was isolated as the niche of NSCs in adult rat brain for RNA sequencing and the characteristics of circRNAs profiling in both SVZ and cerebral cortex were also investigated. As a result, 29 049 and 31 975 circRNAs were identified in SVZ and cortex, respectively. Among them, 41 were SVZ-specific and 48 were cortex-specific. 467 circRNAs were also found to express predominately in SVZ, while the cortex had other 423 circRNAs. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analyses revealed that the SVZ-specific circRNAs have close relationship with the regulation of NSC expansion and NSC-niche interaction, while the other differentially expressed circRNAs might be involved in neural cellular construction and nerve system function. Furthermore, the interactions between circRNAs and microRNAs were also explored, and the result showed that one SVZ-specific circRNA was capable to competitively bind miR-138-5p as a potential derepressive regulator in NSCs proliferation. Hence, our work has laid the foundations to decipher regulation mechanisms of circRNAs in adult NSCs and to develop circRNAs as novel biomarkers for adult NSCs.  相似文献   

许佳  侯宁  韩凝  边红武  朱睦元 《遗传》2016,38(5):418-426
植物激素是调控植物生长发育的信号分子。近年来的研究发现,小分子RNA作为基因表达调控网络的组分,参与植物激素信号途径,在植物生长发育和胁迫反应方面发挥重要作用。本文综述了miRNA和次级siRNA(Short interfering RNAs)介导的基因调控与植物激素信号通路相互作用的研究进展,主要包括生长素、赤霉素、油菜素内酯和脱落酸途径涉及的miRNA及其功能,并对不同发育过程中miRNA参与的不同激素信号通路的交叉和互作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a major cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. Non-coding RNAs are a potential resource to be used as an early diagnostic biomarker for breast cancer. Circular RNAs are a recently identified group of non-coding RNA with a significant role in disease development with potential utility in diagnosis/prognosis in cancer. In this study, we identified 26 differentially expressed circular RNAs associated with early-stage breast cancer. RNA sequencing and two circRNA detection tools (find_circ and DCC) were used to understand the circRNA expression signature in breast cancer. We identified hsa_circ_0006743 (circJMJD1C) and hsa_circ_0002496 (circAPPBP1) to be significantly up-regulated in early-stage breast cancer tissues. Co-expression analysis identified four pairs of circRNA-miRNA (hsa_circ_0023990 : hsa-miR-548b-3p, hsa_circ_0016601 : hsa_miR-1246, hsa_circ_0001946 : hsa-miR-1299 and hsa_circ_0000117:hsa-miR-502-5p) having potential interaction. The miRNA target prediction and network analysis revealed mRNA possibly regulated by circRNAs. We have thus identified circRNAs of diagnostic implications in breast cancer and also observed circRNA-miRNA interaction which could be involved in breast cancer development.  相似文献   

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