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α-Smooth muscle actin-positive endothelial cells have not been found in adult aortic endothelium except valve leaflets. Here, using en face immunostaining method, we identified α-smooth muscle actin-positive endothelial cells in the luminal surface of rat, mouse and human thoracic aortas. These cells express both endothelial markers and definite smooth muscle cell markers and were only occasionally observed in thoracic aorta of wild type mice and rats. Their density did not increase with aging. Given that α-smooth muscle actin-positive endothelial cells express low level of vascular endothelial-cadherin that is important for the maintenance of cell contact, these cells were frequently detected in the thoracic aorta of 5-week-old apolipoprotein-E deficient mice. In 20- to 24-week-old apolipoprotein-E deficient mice, marked accumulation of α-smooth muscle actin-positive endothelial cells was observed especially in the luminal surface of atheromatous plaques. Our findings indicate the existence of α-smooth muscle actin-positive endothelial cells in adult aortic endothelium and the possible association with progression of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Gαi proteins play major roles in the developing and mature nervous system, ranging from the control of cellular proliferation to modulating synaptic plasticity. Although best known for transducing signals from activated seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) when bound to GTP, key cellular functions for Gαi-GDP are beginning to emerge. Here, we show that Gαi2 is expressed in motor neuron progenitors that are differentiating to form postmitotic motor neurons in the developing spinal cord. Ablation of Gαi2 causes deficits in motor neuron generation but no changes in motor neuron progenitor patterning or specification, consistent with a function for Gαi2 in regulating motor neuron differentiation. We show that Gαi2 function is mediated in part by its interaction with GDE2, a known regulator of motor neuron differentiation, and that disruption of the GDE2/Gαi2 complex in vivo causes motor neuron deficits analogous to Gαi2 ablation. Gαi2 preferentially associates with GDE2 when bound to GDP, invoking GPCR-independent functions for Gαi2 in the control of spinal motor neuron differentiation.  相似文献   

Until recently, the cell biology of mammalian muscle repair following damage appeared to be completely different from the formation of new muscles in regenerated appendages of Amphibia. Mammalian muscle repair occurs through the mobilization of muscle satellite cells, whereas the new muscle in amphibian appendage regeneration was believed to arise by dedifferentiation of myofibres to form myoblasts. But recent work shows that muscle satellite cells are also involved in amphibian regeneration and the controversy about the reality of muscle dedifferentiation is heating up again.  相似文献   

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) can activate a heterotrimeric G-protein complex with subsecond kinetics. Genetically encoded biosensors based on Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) are ideally suited for the study of such fast signaling events in single living cells. Here we report on the construction and characterization of three FRET biosensors for the measurement of Gαi1, Gαi2 and Gαi3 activation. To enable quantitative long-term imaging of FRET biosensors with high dynamic range, fluorescent proteins with enhanced photophysical properties are required. Therefore, we use the currently brightest and most photostable CFP variant, mTurquoise2, as donor fused to Gαi subunit, and cp173Venus fused to the Gγ2 subunit as acceptor. The Gαi FRET biosensors constructs are expressed together with Gβ1 from a single plasmid, providing preferred relative expression levels with reduced variation in mammalian cells. The Gαi FRET sensors showed a robust response to activation of endogenous or over-expressed alpha-2A-adrenergic receptors, which was inhibited by pertussis toxin. Moreover, we observed activation of the Gαi FRET sensor in single cells upon stimulation of several GPCRs, including the LPA2, M3 and BK2 receptor. Furthermore, we show that the sensors are well suited to extract kinetic parameters from fast measurements in the millisecond time range. This new generation of FRET biosensors for Gαi1, Gαi2 and Gαi3 activation will be valuable for live-cell measurements that probe Gαi activation.  相似文献   



Two pertussis toxin sensitive Gi proteins, Gi2 and Gi3, are expressed in cardiomyocytes and upregulated in heart failure. It has been proposed that the highly homologous Gi isoforms are functionally distinct. To test for isoform-specific functions of Gi proteins, we examined their role in the regulation of cardiac L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (L-VDCC).


Ventricular tissues and isolated myocytes were obtained from mice with targeted deletion of either Gαi2 (Gαi2 −/−) or Gαi3 (Gαi3 −/−). mRNA levels of Gαi/o isoforms and L-VDCC subunits were quantified by real-time PCR. Gαi and Cavα1 protein levels as well as protein kinase B/Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation levels were assessed by immunoblot analysis. L-VDCC function was assessed by whole-cell and single-channel current recordings.


In cardiac tissue from Gαi2 −/− mice, Gαi3 mRNA and protein expression was upregulated to 187±21% and 567±59%, respectively. In Gαi3 −/− mouse hearts, Gαi2 mRNA (127±5%) and protein (131±10%) levels were slightly enhanced. Interestingly, L-VDCC current density in cardiomyocytes from Gαi2 −/− mice was lowered (−7.9±0.6 pA/pF, n = 11, p<0.05) compared to wild-type cells (−10.7±0.5 pA/pF, n = 22), whereas it was increased in myocytes from Gαi3 −/− mice (−14.3±0.8 pA/pF, n = 14, p<0.05). Steady-state inactivation was shifted to negative potentials, and recovery kinetics slowed in the absence of Gαi2 (but not of Gαi3) and following treatment with pertussis toxin in Gαi3 −/−. The pore forming Cavα1 protein level was unchanged in all mouse models analyzed, similar to mRNA levels of Cavα1 and Cavβ2 subunits. Interestingly, at the cellular signalling level, phosphorylation assays revealed abolished carbachol-triggered activation of ERK1/2 in mice lacking Gαi2.


Our data provide novel evidence for an isoform-specific modulation of L-VDCC by Gαi proteins. In particular, loss of Gαi2 is reflected by alterations in channel kinetics and likely involves an impairment of the ERK1/2 signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G-proteins are the immediate downstream effectors of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Endogenous protein guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs) like AGS3/4 and RGS12/14 function through GPR/Goloco GDI domains. Extensive characterization of GPR domain peptides indicate they function as selective GDIs for Gαi by competing for the GPCR and Gβγ and preventing GDP release. We modified a GPR consensus peptide by testing FGF and TAT leader sequences to make the peptide cell permeable. FGF modification inhibited GDI activity while TAT preserved GDI activity. TAT-GPR suppresses G-protein coupling to the receptor and completely blocked α2-adrenoceptor (α2AR) mediated decreases in cAMP in HEK293 cells at 100 nM. We then sought to discover selective small molecule inhibitors for Gαi. Molecular docking was used to identify potential molecules that bind to and stabilize the Gαi–GDP complex by directly interacting with both Gαi and GDP. Gαi–GTP and Gαq–GDP were used as a computational counter screen and Gαq–GDP was used as a biological counter screen. Thirty-seven molecules were tested using nucleotide exchange. STD NMR assays with compound 0990, a quinazoline derivative, showed direct interaction with Gαi. Several compounds showed Gαi specific inhibition and were able to block α2AR mediated regulation of cAMP. In addition to being a pharmacologic tool, GDI inhibition of Gα subunits has the advantage of circumventing the upstream component of GPCR-related signaling in cases of overstimulation by agonists, mutations, polymorphisms, and expression-related defects often seen in disease.  相似文献   

vSMCs (vascular smooth muscle cells) lose differentiation markers and gain uncontrolled proliferative activity during the early stages of atherosclerosis. Previous studies have shown that OPN (osteopontin) mRNA and protein levels increase significantly on induction of proliferative activity by allylamine (an atherogenic amine) and that this response can be inhibited by OPN antibodies. We have investigated the role of OPN in vSMC differentiation. Primary cultures of aortic mouse vSMCs were transfected with an OPN expression plasmid and several vSMC differentiation markers including α-SM actin (α-smooth muscle actin), SM22-α, tropomyosin and calponin were monitored in this cellular model. α-SM actin and calponin protein levels were significantly decreased by OPN overexpression. Down-regulation of α-SM actin and calponin was also observed on extracellular treatment of mouse vSMCs with recombinant OPN. In addition, calponin mRNA was significantly decreased under serum-restricted conditions when OPN mRNA was dramatically increased, while α-SM actin mRNA remained unchanged. These data indicate that OPN down-regulates α-SM actin and calponin expression through an extracellular signalling pathway. Functional connectivity between OPN and vSMC differentiation markers has been established. Since vSMCs lose differentiation features during early atherosclerosis, a mechanistic basis for OPN functions as a critical regulator of proliferative cardiovascular disease has been presented.  相似文献   

Various heterotrimeric G(i) proteins are considered to be involved in cell migration and effector function of immune cells. The underlying mechanisms, how they control the activation of myeloid effector cells, are not well understood. To elucidate isoform-redundant and -specific roles for Gα(i) proteins in these processes, we analyzed mice genetically deficient in Gα(i2) or Gα(i3). First, we show an altered distribution of tissue macrophages and blood monocytes in the absence of Gα(i2) but not Gα(i3). Gα(i2)-deficient but not wild-type or Gα(i3)-deficient mice exhibited reduced recruitment of macrophages in experimental models of thioglycollate-induced peritonitis and LPS-triggered lung injury. In contrast, genetic ablation of Gα(i2) had no effect on Gα(i)-dependent peritoneal cytokine production in vitro and the phagocytosis-promoting function of the Gα(i)-coupled C5a anaphylatoxin receptor by liver macrophages in vivo. Interestingly, actin rearrangement and CCL2- and C5a anaphylatoxin receptor-induced chemotaxis but not macrophage CCR2 and C5a anaphylatoxin receptor expression were reduced in the specific absence of Gα(i2). Furthermore, knockdown of Gα(i2) caused decreased cell migration and motility of RAW 264.7 cells, which was rescued by transfection of Gα(i2) but not Gα(i3). These results indicate that Gα(i2), albeit redundant to Gα(i3) in some macrophage activation processes, clearly exhibits a Gα(i) isoform-specific role in the regulation of macrophage migration.  相似文献   

How regeneration cues are converted into the epigenetic information that controls gene expression in adult stem cells is currently unknown. We identified an inflammation-activated signaling in muscle stem (satellite) cells, by which the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) represses Pax7 expression during muscle regeneration. TNF-activated p38α kinase promotes the interaction between YY1 and PRC2, via threonine 372 phosphorylation of EZH2, the enzymatic subunit of the complex, leading to the formation of repressive chromatin on Pax7 promoter. TNF-α antibodies stimulate satellite cell proliferation in regenerating muscles of dystrophic or normal mice. Genetic knockdown or pharmacological inhibition of the enzymatic components of the p38/PRC2 signaling--p38α and EZH2--invariably promote Pax7 expression and expansion of satellite cells that retain their differentiation potential upon signaling resumption. Genetic knockdown of Pax7 impaired satellite cell proliferation in response to p38 inhibition, thereby establishing the biological link between p38/PRC2 signaling to Pax7 and satellite cell decision to proliferate or differentiate.  相似文献   

Syndecan-4 (S4) is a cell membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan that plays a role in satellite cell mediated myogenesis. S4 modulates the proliferation of myogenic satellite cells, but the mechanism of how S4 functions during myogenesis is not well understood. In other cell systems, S4 has been shown to form oligomers in the cell membrane and interact through its cytoplasmic domain with the cytoskeletal protein α-actinin. This study addressed if S4 forms oligomers and interacts with α-actinin in muscle. The S4 cytoplasmic domain was found to interact with α-actinin in a phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate dependent manner, but did not associate with vinculin. Through confocal microscopy, both S4 and syndecan-4 without the cytoplasmic domain were localized to the cell membrane. Although the cytoplasmic domain was necessary for the interaction with α-actinin, S4 oligomer formation occurred in the absence of the cytoplasmic domain. These data indicated that S4 function in skeletal muscle is mediated through the formation of oligomers and interaction with the cytoskeletal protein α-actinin.  相似文献   

Collagen type I is the most abundant component of extracellular matrix in the arterial wall. Mice knocked out for the protein kinase C δ gene (PKCδ KO) show a marked reduction of collagen I in the arterial wall. The lack of PKCδ diminished the ability of arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) to secrete collagen I without significantly altering the intracellular collagen content. Moreover, the unsecreted collagen I molecules accumulate in large perinuclear puncta. These perinuclear structures colocalize with the trans-Golgi network (TGN) marker TGN38 and to a lesser degree with cis-Golgi marker (GM130) but not with early endosomal marker (EEA1). Associated with diminished collagen I secretion, PKCδ KO SMCs exhibit a significant reduction in levels of cell division cycle 42 (Cdc42) protein and mRNA. Restoring PKCδ expression partially rescues Cdc42 expression and collagen I secretion in PKCδ KO SMCs. Inhibition of Cdc42 expression or activity with small interfering RNA or secramine A in PKCδ WT SMCs eliminates collagen I secretion. Conversely, restoring Cdc42 expression in PKCδ KO SMCs enables collagen I secretion. Taken together, our data demonstrate that PKCδ mediates collagen I secretion from SMCs, likely through a Cdc42-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Gliomas are resistant to radiation therapy, as well as to TNFα induced killing. Radiation-induced TNFα triggers Nuclear factor κB (NFκB)-mediated radioresistance. As inhibition of NFκB activation sensitizes glioma cells to TNFα-induced apoptosis, we investigated whether TNFα modulates the responsiveness of glioma cells to ionizing radiation-mimetic Neocarzinostatin (NCS). TNFα enhanced the ability of NCS to induce glioma cell apoptosis. NCS-mediated death involved caspase-9 activation, reduction of mitochondrial copy number and lactate production. Death was concurrent with NFκB, Akt and Erk activation. Abrogation of Akt and NFκB activation further potentiated the death inducing ability of NCS in TNFα cotreated cells. NCS-induced p53 expression was accompanied by increase in TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (TIGAR) levels and ATM phosphorylation. siRNA-mediated knockdown of TIGAR abrogated NCS-induced apoptosis. While DN-IκB abrogated NCS-induced TIGAR both in the presence and absence of TNFα, TIGAR had no effect on NFκB activation. Transfection with TIGAR mutant (i) decreased apoptosis and γH2AX foci formation (ii) decreased p53 (iii) elevated ROS and (iv) increased Akt/Erk activation in cells cotreated with NCS and TNFα. Heightened TIGAR expression was observed in GBM tumors. While NCS induced ATM phosphorylation in a NFκB independent manner, ATM inhibition abrogated TIGAR and NFκB activation. Metabolic gene profiling indicated that TNFα affects NCS-mediated regulation of several genes associated with glycolysis. The existence of ATM-NFκB axis that regulate metabolic modeler TIGAR to overcome prosurvival response in NCS and TNFα cotreated cells, suggests mechanisms through which inflammation could affect resistance and adaptation to radiomimetics despite concurrent induction of death.  相似文献   



Taxol binds to the cellular microtubules and suppresses their dynamic instability. Development of tumor cell resistance to taxol is typically associated with increased expression of the drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein and/or alterations in the microtubules. Recently, changes in the dynamic instability of the microtubules have also been associated with development of taxol resistance in a lung cancer cell line. We have established a 250-fold taxol-resistant human ovarian carcinoma subline (2008/13/4) that does not display the typical alterations associated with development of drug resistance.


Utilizing the mRNA differential display technique, we observed increased expression of an alpha subunit of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein, Gαi1, in the taxol-resistant human ovarian carcinoma cell lines compared to the parental 2008 cells. Several isoforms of the α-subunit of the G protein have been identified and the Gαi (inhibitory) are so named because they inhibit the activity of adenylate cyclase leading to inactivation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) pathway. In addition, Gαi1 is also known to bind to microtubules and activates their GTPase activity and thus induces depolymerization of the microtubules. In the present study we demonstrate that the intracellular level of cAMP and the PKA activity were higher in the taxol-resistant 2008/13/4 and the 2008/17/4 cells despite the increased expression of Gαi1 in these cells. Moreover, Gαi1 was found to be localized not on the cell membrane, but in intracellular compartments in both the taxol-sensitive and -resistant human ovarian carcinoma cells. Interestingly, increased association of the Gαi1 protein and the microtubules in the taxol-resistant cells compared to the parental 2008 cells was observed, both prior to and after treatment of these cells with taxol.


Based on the opposing effects of taxol and the Gαi1 protein on the microtubule dynamic instability (taxol suppresses microtubule dynamic instability whilst the Gαi1 protein inhibits the suppression) our results indicate the operation of a novel pathway that would enable the cells to escape the cytotoxic effects of taxol.  相似文献   

Our earlier work showed that mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is essential to the development of various hypertrophic responses, including cardiomyocyte survival. mTOR forms two independent complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, by associating with common and distinct cellular proteins. Both complexes are sensitive to a pharmacological inhibitor, torin1, although only mTORC1 is inhibited by rapamycin. Since mTORC2 is known to mediate the activation of a prosurvival kinase, Akt, we analyzed whether mTORC2 directly mediates Akt activation or whether it requires the participation of another prosurvival kinase, PKCε (epsilon isoform of protein kinase-C). Our studies reveal that treatment of adult feline cardiomyocytes in vitro with insulin results in Akt phosphorylation at S473 for its activation which could be augmented with rapamycin but blocked by torin1. Silencing the expression of Rictor (rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR), an mTORC2 component, with a sh-RNA in cardiomyocytes lowers both insulin-stimulated Akt and PKCε phosphorylation. Furthermore, phosphorylation of PKCε and Akt at the critical S729 and S473 sites respectively was blocked by torin1 or Rictor knockdown but not by rapamycin, indicating that the phosphorylation at these specific sites occurs downstream of mTORC2. Additionally, expression of DN-PKCε significantly lowered the insulin-stimulated Akt S473 phosphorylation, indicating an upstream role for PKCε in the Akt activation. Biochemical analyses also revealed that PKCε was part of Rictor but not Raptor (a binding partner and component of mTORC1). Together, these studies demonstrate that mTORC2 mediates prosurvival signaling in adult cardiomyocytes where PKCε functions downstream of mTORC2 leading to Akt activation.  相似文献   

Intestinal homeostasis and the coordinated actions of digestion, absorption and excretion are tightly regulated by a number of gastrointestinal hormones. Most of them exert their actions through G-protein-coupled receptors. Recently, we showed that the absence of Gαq/Gα11 signaling impaired the maturation of Paneth cells, induced their differentiation toward goblet cells, and affected the regeneration of the colonic mucosa in an experimental model of colitis. Although an immunohistochemical study showed that Gαq/Gα11 were highly expressed in enterocytes, it seemed that enterocytes were not affected in Int-Gq/G11 double knock-out intestine. Thus, we used an intestinal epithelial cell line to examine the role of signaling through Gαq/Gα11 in enterocytes and manipulated the expression level of Gαq and/or Gα11. The proliferation was inhibited in IEC-6 cells that overexpressed Gαq/Gα11 and enhanced in IEC-6 cells in which Gαq/Gα11 was downregulated. The expression of T-cell factor 1 was increased according to the overexpression of Gαq/Gα11. The expression of Notch1 intracellular cytoplasmic domain was decreased by the overexpression of Gαq/Gα11 and increased by the downregulation of Gαq/Gα11. The relative mRNA expression of Muc2, a goblet cell marker, was elevated in a Gαq/Gα11 knock-down experiment. Our findings suggest that Gαq/Gα11-mediated signaling inhibits proliferation and may support a physiological function, such as absorption or secretion, in terminally differentiated enterocytes.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Zhang HX  Sun YP  Liu ZX  Liu XS  Wang L  Lu SY  Kong H  Liu QL  Li XH  Lu ZY  Chen SJ  Chen Z  Bao SS  Dai W  Wang ZG 《Cell research》2007,17(10):858-868
RIG-I (retinoid acid-inducible gene-I), a putative RNA helicase with a cytoplasmic caspase-recrultment domain (CARD), was identified as a pattem-recognition receptor (PRR) that mediates antiviral immunity by inducing type I interferon production. To further study the biological function of RIG-I, we generated Rig-I^-/- mice through homologous recombination, taking a different strategy to the previously reported strategy. Our Rig-I^-/- mice are viable and fertile. Histological analysis shows that Rig-I^-/ mice develop a colitis-like phenotype and increased susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis. Accordingly, the size and number of Peyer's patches dramatically decreased in mutant mice. The peripheral T-cell subsets in mutant mice are characterized by an increase in effector T cells and a decrease in naive T cells, indicating an important role for Rig-I in the regulation ofT-cell activation. It was further found that Rig-I deficiency leads to the downregulation of G protein αi2 subunit (Gαi2) in various tissues, including T and B lymphocytes. By contrast, upregulation of Rig-I in NB4 cells that are treated with ATRA is accompanied by elevated Gαi2 expression. Moreover, Gαi2 promoter activity is increased in co-transfected NIH3T3 cells in a Rig-I dose-dependent manner. All these findings suggest that Rig-I has crucial roles in the regulation of Gαi2 expression and T-cell activation. The development of colitis may be, at least in part, associated with downregulation of Gαi2 and disturbed T-cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

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