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The existence of a stable positive equilibrium density for a community of k interacting structured species is studied as a bifurcation problem. Under the assumption that a subcommunity of k–1 species has a positive equilibrium and under only very mild restrictions on the density dependent vital growth rates, it is shown that a global continuum of equilibria for the full community bifurcates from the subcommunity equilibrium at a unique critical value of a certain inherent birth modulus for the kth species. Local stability is shown to depend upon the direction of bifurcation. The direction of bifurcation is studied in more detail for the case when vital per unity birth and death rates depend on population density through positive linear functionals of density and for the important case of two interacting species. Some examples involving competition, predation and epidemics are given.  相似文献   

Individuals within any species exhibit differences in size, developmental state, or spatial location. These differences coupled with environmental fluctuations in demographic rates can have subtle effects on population persistence and species coexistence. To understand these effects, we provide a general theory for coexistence of structured, interacting species living in a stochastic environment. The theory is applicable to nonlinear, multi species matrix models with stochastically varying parameters. The theory relies on long-term growth rates of species corresponding to the dominant Lyapunov exponents of random matrix products. Our coexistence criterion requires that a convex combination of these long-term growth rates is positive with probability one whenever one or more species are at low density. When this condition holds, the community is stochastically persistent: the fraction of time that a species density goes below \(\delta >0\) approaches zero as \(\delta \) approaches zero. Applications to predator-prey interactions in an autocorrelated environment, a stochastic LPA model, and spatial lottery models are provided. These applications demonstrate that positive autocorrelations in temporal fluctuations can disrupt predator-prey coexistence, fluctuations in log-fecundity can facilitate persistence in structured populations, and long-lived, relatively sedentary competing populations are likely to coexist in spatially and temporally heterogenous environments.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive isolation in spatially structured populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.— Recent models of speciation have incorporated population structure and migration into the classic model of speciation in which reproductive isolation arises as a by-product of divergence. In this paper, we expanded these models to explore the joint effects of migration and population subdivision on speciation in a spatially explicit context. The results of our simulation support previous results concerning the influence of population subdivision on the accumulation of reproductive isolation. The simulation also shows that speciation in subdivided populations occurs most rapidly when subpopulations are not strictly allopatric. These results counter the widespread notion that speciation is most likely to occur in allopatric populations and suggest that there are useful insights to be gained by incorporating increasingly realistic types of population structure into models of speciation.  相似文献   

In the use of age structured population models for agricultural applications such as the modeling of crop-pest interactions it is often essential that the model take into account the distribution in maturation rates present in some or all of the populations. The traditional method for incorporating distributed maturation rates into crop and pest models has been the so-called distributed delay method. In this paper we review the application of the distributed delay formalism to the McKendrick equation of an age structured population. We discuss the mathematical properties of the system of ordinary differential equations arising out of the distributed delay formalism. We then discuss an alternative method involving modification of the Leslie matrix.  相似文献   

We formulate and study continuous-time models, based on systems of ordinary differential equations, for interacting wild and transgenic mosquito populations. We assume that the mosquito mating rate is either constant, proportional to total mosquito population size, or has a Holling-II-type functional form. The focus is on the model with the Holling-II-type functional mating rate that incorporates Allee effects, in order to account for mating difficulty when the size of the total mosquito populations is small. We investigate the existence and stability of both boundary and positive equilibria. We show that the Holling-II-type model is the more realistic and, by means of numerical simulations, that it exhibits richer dynamics.  相似文献   

Consumer–resource interactions with intraguild predation (IGP) were studied in a spatial setting (i.e., predators catch prey and individuals reproduce within local neighborhoods only). Pair approximation (a method for deriving ordinary differential equations that approximate the dynamics of a community that interacts in a lattice environment) was used to study the effect of spatially structured species interactions. An individual-based computer simulation was used to extend the study to a case with spatially variable resource densities. The qualitative results of the pair approximation model were similar to those of the corresponding non-spatial model. However, the spatial model predicted coex((istence over a wider range of parameters than the non-spatial model when intraguild prey are nutritionally valuable to intraguild predators. Spatially heterogeneous resource distributions and spatially structured interaction could overturn the qualitative predictions of non-spatial models.  相似文献   

This paper considers a model for the dynamics of an age structured population subject to a density dependent factor which regulates the recruitment. Certain properties of biological interest are obtained and the stability of the equilibrium age distributions is investigated. Finally some applications to known fishery models are considered.Work done under the contract 80.02333.01 of C.N.R.  相似文献   

Abstract –A recent study suggests that sex-specific dispersal rates can be quantitatively estimated on the basis of sex- and state-specific (pre- vs. postdispersal) F -statistics. In the present paper, we extend this approach to account for the hierarchical structure of natural populations, and we validate it through individual-based simulations. The model is applied to an empirical data set consisting of 536 individuals (males, females, and predispersal juveniles) of greater white-toothed shrews ( Crocidura russula ), sampled according to a hierarchical design and typed for seven autosomal microsatellite loci. From this dataset, dispersal is significantly female biased at the local scale (breeding-group level), but not at the larger scale (among local populations). We argue that selective pressures on dispersal are likely to depend on the spatial scale considered, and that short-distance dispersal should mainly respond to kin interactions (inbreeding or kin competition avoidance), which exert differential pressure on males and females.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of a pair of competing behavioural alleles in a structured population when there are non-additive or ‘synergistic’ fitness effects. Under a form of weak selection and with a simple symmetry condition between a pair of competing alleles, Tarnita et al. provide a surprisingly simple condition for one allele to dominate the other. Their condition can be obtained from an analysis of a corresponding simpler model in which fitness effects are additive. Their result uses an average measure of selective advantage where the average is taken over the long-term—that is, over all possible allele frequencies—and this precludes consideration of any frequency dependence the allelic fitness might exhibit. However, in a considerable body of work with non-additive fitness effects—for example, hawk–dove and prisoner''s dilemma games—frequency dependence plays an essential role in the establishment of conditions for a stable allele-frequency equilibrium. Here, we present a frequency-dependent generalization of their result that provides an expression for allelic fitness at any given allele frequency p. We use an inclusive fitness approach and provide two examples for an infinite structured population. We illustrate our results with an analysis of the hawk–dove game.  相似文献   

The existence of a stable positive equilibrium state for the density of a population which is internally structured by means of a single scalar such as age, size, etc. is studied as a bifurcation problem. Using an inherent birth modulus n as a bifurcation parameter it is shown for very general nonlinear model equations, in which vital birth and growth processes depend on population density, that a global unbounded continuum of nontrivial equilibrium pairs (n, ) bifurcates from the unique (normalized) critical point (1, 0). The pairs are locally positive and conditions are given under which the continuum is globally positive. Local stability is shown to depend on the direction of bifurcation. For the important case when density dependence is a nonlinear expression involving a linear functional of density (such as total population size) it is shown how a detailed global bifurcation diagram is easily constructed in applications from the graph of a certain real valued function obtained from an invariant on the continuum. Uniqueness and nonuniqueness of positive equilibrium states are studied. The results are illustrated by several applications to models appearing in the literature.This research was done while the author was on leave at the Lehrstuhl für Biomathematik, Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, 7400 Tübingen 1, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

We analyse the coalescence of invasive cell populations by studying both the temporal and steady behaviour of a system of coupled reaction-diffusion equations. This problem is relevant to recent experimental observations of the dynamics of opposingly directed invasion waves of cells. Two cell types, u and v, are considered with the cell motility governed by linear or nonlinear diffusion. The cells proliferate logistically so that the long-term total cell density, u+v approaches a carrying capacity. The steady-state solutions for u and v are denoted u(s) and v(s). The steady solutions are spatially invariant and satisfy u(s)+v(s)=1. However, this expression is underdetermined so the relative proportion of each cell type u(s) and v(s) cannot be determined a priori. Various properties of this model are studied, such as how the relative proportion of u(s) and v(s) depends on the relative motility and relative proliferation rates. The model is analysed using a combination of numerical simulations and a comparison principle. This investigation unearths some novel outcomes regarding the role of overcrowding and cell death in this type of cell migration assay. These observations have relevance to experimental design and interpretation regarding the identification and parameterisation of mechanisms involved in cell invasion.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the stochastic modelling of a spatially structured biological population subject to social interaction. The biological motivation comes from the analysis of field experiments on a species of ants which exhibits a clear tendency to aggregate, still avoiding overcrowding. The model we propose here provides an explanation of this experimental behavior in terms of long-ranged aggregation and short-ranged repulsion mechanisms among individuals, in addition to an individual random dispersal described by a Brownian motion. Further, based on a law of large numbers, we discuss the convergence, for large N, of a system of stochastic differential equations describing the evolution of N individuals (Lagrangian approach) to a deterministic integro-differential equation describing the evolution of the mean-field spatial density of the population (Eulerian approach).  相似文献   

Our chances to halt epidemic outbreaks rely on how accurately we represent the population structure underlying the disease spread. When analysing global epidemics this force us to consider metapopulation models taking into account intra- and inter-community interactions. Here I introduce and analyze a metapopulation model which accounts for several features observed in real outbreaks. First, I demonstrate that depending on the intra-community expected outbreak size and the fraction of social bridges the epidemic outbreaks die out or there is a finite probability to observe a global epidemics. Second, I show that the global scenario is characterized by resurgent epidemics, their number increasing with increasing the intra-community average distance between individuals. Finally, I present empirical data for the AIDS epidemics supporting the model predictions.  相似文献   

Evolutionary game theory studies frequency dependent selection. The fitness of a strategy is not constant, but depends on the relative frequencies of strategies in the population. This type of evolutionary dynamics occurs in many settings of ecology, infectious disease dynamics, animal behavior and social interactions of humans. Traditionally evolutionary game dynamics are studied in well-mixed populations, where the interaction between any two individuals is equally likely. There have also been several approaches to study evolutionary games in structured populations. In this paper we present a simple result that holds for a large variety of population structures. We consider the game between two strategies, A and B, described by the payoff matrix . We study a mutation and selection process. For weak selection strategy A is favored over B if and only if σa+b>c+σd. This means the effect of population structure on strategy selection can be described by a single parameter, σ. We present the values of σ for various examples including the well-mixed population, games on graphs, games in phenotype space and games on sets. We give a proof for the existence of such a σ, which holds for all population structures and update rules that have certain (natural) properties. We assume weak selection, but allow any mutation rate. We discuss the relationship between σ and the critical benefit to cost ratio for the evolution of cooperation. The single parameter, σ, allows us to quantify the ability of a population structure to promote the evolution of cooperation or to choose efficient equilibria in coordination games.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics shape the living world around us. At the centre of every evolutionary process is a population of reproducing individuals. The structure of that population affects evolutionary dynamics. The individuals can be molecules, cells, viruses, multicellular organisms or humans. Whenever the fitness of individuals depends on the relative abundance of phenotypes in the population, we are in the realm of evolutionary game theory. Evolutionary game theory is a general approach that can describe the competition of species in an ecosystem, the interaction between hosts and parasites, between viruses and cells, and also the spread of ideas and behaviours in the human population. In this perspective, we review the recent advances in evolutionary game dynamics with a particular emphasis on stochastic approaches in finite sized and structured populations. We give simple, fundamental laws that determine how natural selection chooses between competing strategies. We study the well-mixed population, evolutionary graph theory, games in phenotype space and evolutionary set theory. We apply these results to the evolution of cooperation. The mechanism that leads to the evolution of cooperation in these settings could be called ‘spatial selection’: cooperators prevail against defectors by clustering in physical or other spaces.  相似文献   

The Leslie-Gower model is a discrete time analog of the competition Lotka-Volterra model and is known to possess the same dynamic scenarios of that famous model. The Leslie-Gower model played a historically significant role in the history of competition theory in its application to classic laboratory experiments of two competing species of flour beetles (carried out by Park in the 1940s-1960s). While these experiments generally supported what became the Competitive Exclusion Principle, Park observed an anomalous coexistence case. Recent literature has discussed Park's 'coexistence case' by means of non-Lotka-Volterra, non-equilibrium dynamics that occur in a high dimensional model with life cycle stages. We study this dynamic possibility in the lowest possible dimension, that is to say, by means of a model involving only two species each with two life cycle stages. We do this by extending the Leslie-Gower model so as to describe the competitive interaction of two species with juvenile and adult classes. We give a complete account of the global dynamics of the resulting model and show that it allows for non-equilibrium competitive coexistence as competition coefficients are increased. We also show that this phenomenon occurs in a general class of models for competing populations structured by juvenile and adult life cycle stages.  相似文献   

The invasion of new species and the spread of emergent infectious diseases in spatially structured populations has stimulated the study of explicit spatial models such as cellular automata, network models and lattice models. However, the analytic intractability of these models calls for the development of tractable mathematical approximations that can capture the dynamics of discrete, spatially-structured populations. Here we explore moment closure approximations for the invasion of an SIS epidemic on a regular lattice. We use moment closure methods to derive an expression for the basic reproductive number, R(0), in a lattice population. On lattices, R(0) should be bounded above by the number of neighbors per individual. However, we show that conventional pair approximations actually predict unbounded growth in R(0) with increasing transmission rates. To correct this problem, we propose an 'invasory' pair approximation which yields a relatively simple expression for R(0) that remains bounded above, and also predicts R(0) values from lattice model simulations more accurately than conventional pair and triple approximations. The invasory pair approximation is applicable to any spatial model, since it takes into account characteristics of invasions that are common to all spatially structured populations.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting a species’ distribution across a landscape is of central importance in ecology, biogeography and conservation biology. However, it presents daunting challenges when populations are highly dynamic (i.e. increasing or decreasing their ranges), particularly for small populations where information about ecology and life history traits is lacking. Currently, many modelling approaches fail to distinguish whether a site is unoccupied because the available habitat is unsuitable or because a species expanding its range has not arrived at the site yet. As a result, habitat that is indeed suitable may appear unsuitable. To overcome some of these limitations, we use a statistical modelling approach based on spatio‐temporal log‐Gaussian Cox processes. These model the spatial distribution of the species across available habitat and how this distribution changes over time, relative to covariates. In addition, the model explicitly accounts for spatio‐temporal dynamics that are unaccounted for by covariates through a spatio‐temporal stochastic process. We illustrate the approach by predicting the distribution of a recently established population of Eurasian cranes Grus grus in England, UK, and estimate the effect of a reintroduction in the range expansion of the population. Our models show that wetland extent and perimeter‐to‐area ratio have a positive and negative effect, respectively, in crane colonisation probability. Moreover, we find that cranes are more likely to colonise areas near already occupied wetlands and that the colonisation process is progressing at a low rate. Finally, the reintroduction of cranes in SW England can be considered a human‐assisted long‐distance dispersal event that has increased the dispersal potential of the species along a longitudinal axis in S England. Spatio‐temporal log‐Gaussian Cox process models offer an excellent opportunity for the study of species where information on life history traits is lacking, since these are represented through the spatio‐temporal dynamics reflected in the model.  相似文献   

Two definitions of persistence despite perturbations in deterministic models are presented. The first definition, persistence despite frequent small perturbations, is shown to be equivalent to the existence of a positive attractor i.e. an attractor bounded away from extinction. The second definition, persistence despite rare large perturbations, is shown to be equivalent to permanence i.e. a positive attractor whose basin of attraction includes all positive states. Both definitions set up a natural dichotomy for classifying models of interacting populations. Namely, a model is either persistent despite perturbations or not. When it is not persistent, it follows that all initial conditions are prone to extinction due to perturbations of the appropriate type. For frequent small perturbations, this method of classification is shown to be generically robust: there is a dense set of models for which persistent (respectively, extinction prone) models lies within an open set of persistent (resp. extinction prone) models. For rare large perturbations, this method of classification is shown not to be generically robust. Namely, work of Josef Hofbauer and the author have shown there are open sets of ecological models containing a dense sets of permanent models and a dense set of extinction prone models. The merits and drawbacks of these different definitions are discussed.  相似文献   

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