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Because the spatial arrangements of nocturnal prosimians are often used to indicate their social systems, it is important to assess the reliability of methods used to analyze ranging patterns. We compared methods of home range analysis for 2 species of nocturnal prosimians: central pottos (Perodicticus potto edwardsi) and Cross River Allens galagos ({Sciurocheirus cameronensis}). We conducted radio-tracking studies of 10 pottos and 8 galagos from October 1999 – November 2000 in the montane rain forests of southwest Cameroon. We calculated home ranges via minimum convex polygon (MCPs) and kernel analyses. Adult potto home ranges averaged 145.2 ha (MCPs) versus only 28.4 ha via kernel analysis; the difference is statistically significant. The mean home range of galagos is 18.3 ha via MCPs and 2.19 ha via kernel analysis; the difference is statistically significant. Neither MCP nor kernel analyses revealed a sex difference in adult home ranges for pottos and galagos. Kernel analysis gave more reliable estimates of home ranges than the minimum convex polygon method used in many studies of nocturnal prosimians. Minimum convex polygon analysis tended to overestimate the range sizes and to include many areas not traversed by the animal. We compared our findings with those from an earlier study of similar species in Gabon, where little attention was given to the home range analysis, technique. Together with studies of lemur spatial systems they highlight the importance of considering the method of home range analysis when it is to be applied to understanding social systems.  相似文献   

An increasing number of primatologists have begun using radio telemetry to study the behavioral ecology of nocturnal prosimian primates. Radio telemetry has enabled the collection of data on these nocturnal and cryptic prosimians that was previously difficult or impossible to otherwise obtain. A critical assumption of studies employing radio telemetry is that the radio transmitters have no appreciable negative effects on the study animals and the data being collected are not being biased by the presence of radio transmitters. This assumption is made because comparable data from a non-radio-collared control group are impossible to obtain. In an attempt to determine the tolerable weight limit for radio collars for a small nocturnal primate, the spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum, a comparison of the behavior and body weight of individuals wearing collars of two different weights was conducted. This study was conducted in Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve in Sulawesi, Indonesia. A total of 16 individuals from seven groups were trapped in mist nets, radio-collared, and observed using focal follow sampling between April 1994 and June 1995. Each individual was observed for 4–6 months depending on the life span of the radio-collar battery. The two radio-collar weights appeared not to affect spectral tarsiers differentially. Average body masses in neither set of subjects differed between the days collars were attached and 6 months later, when they were removed. No differences in activity patterns, home range size, or prey capture rate were detectable between subjects wearing the different transmitters. These results suggest that the heavier radio collars used in this study did not have any appreciable effects on the behavioral patterns of this primate. Am. J. Primatol. 46:145–155, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Three male and two female ship rats (Rattus rattus) were radio‐tagged and tracked in beech (Nothofagus) forest in the Eglinton Valley, Fiordland, New Zealand over two field periods in 1996 and 2000. The home range of each animal was calculated using the minimum convex polygon method. Ranges of three male rats were 7.5, 9.1, and 11.4 ha whereas those of the female rats were 0.89 and 0.27 ha. The home ranges recorded for male rats were considerably larger than those reported from other studies in non‐beech forest. Ship rats are important predators of forest birds, and home range information could be used to provide a guide for trap or bait station spacing in beech forests. To carry out rat control in beech forests effectively, further studies are needed to determine if the results of this pilot study are typical, and if home ranges of ship rats change with season, or at various stages of the beech mast cycle.  相似文献   

Measuring and characterizing the area utilized by a population or species is essential for assessment of conservation status and for effective allocation of habitat to ensure population persistence. Yet population-level range delineation is complicated by the variety of available techniques coupled with a lack of empirical methods to compare the relative value of these techniques. This study assesses the effect of model choice on resulting subpopulation range estimation for the critically endangered and patchily distributed Cross River gorilla, and evaluates the conservation conclusions that can be drawn from each model. Models considered range from basic traditional approaches (e.g. minimum convex polygon) to newer home range techniques such as local convex hull (LoCoH). Overlap analysis comparing sub-sampled to complete data sets are used to evaluate the robustness of various modeling techniques to data limitations. Likelihood cross validation criterion is employed to compare core range model performance. Results suggest that differing LoCoH models produce similar range estimates, are robust to data requirements, provide a good fit for core habitat estimation, and are best able to detect unused habitat within the subpopulation range. LoCoH methods may thus be useful for studies into habitat selection and factors limiting endangered species distributions. However, LoCoH models tend to over-fit data, and kernel methods may provide similar information about animal space use while supporting protection of larger swaths of critical habitat. Subpopulation range analyses for conservation/management planning should therefore explore multiple modeling techniques, and employ both qualitative and quantitative assessments to select the best models to inform decision making for species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Home range, activity and movements of a wolf pack in central Italy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Home range, habitat use, activity and movement patterns were studied in a pack of wolves in a mountainous region of Abruzzo, central Italy from June 1986 to March 1987. The home range, estimated by the minimum convex polygon from 421 radio locations, measured 197 km2 and comprised several infrastructures and areas of human presence, including four garbage dumps and two offal sites. Core areas, calculated by the harmonic mean method, were located toward the centre of the home range where human disturbance and road density were lowest but forest cover was highest. During the time-span of the study, home-range use and movement patterns suggested a marked centrality in spatial behaviour and traditionality in retreat areas year-round, both during pup-rearing season and the following months. In addition, by being essentially nocturnal, resident wolves appeared to adopt tactics of temporal segregation from people to exploit food resources safely in the proximity of human settlements. Overall activity correlated with distance travelled (r = 0.90, P << 0.001), and corresponded to cyclic nocturnal movements from retreat to feeding areas. Wolf movement rate between 20:00 and 04:00 h averaged 2.5 km/h but varied up to about 8 km/h, and daily distance travelled (= 27 km/night; range 17–38 km/night) mostly depended on the location of traditional feeding sites. Home-range configuration, habitat use, activity and movements all appeared highly integrated so as to represent the most functional compromise between avoidance of human inteference and exploitation of the available food resources.  相似文献   

最小凸多边形法(MCP)和固定核空间法(FKE)是目前最常用的家域计算方法,但受空间自相关性、偏远位点等问题的影响,两种方法均存在明显的局限性。本文根据2006 年和2007 年在四川省石渠县和青海省都兰县的7 只藏狐352 个活动位点数据,分析MCP 和FKE 家域估计的效果和存在的问题。结果显示:(1)利用概率百分比≤95% 时,MCP 计算结果和FKE 没有显著差异;(2)极端点对高百分比(85% ~ 100% ) 下MCP影响显著,而FKE 对极端点影响控制较好;(3)FKE 家域外形复杂,计算结果受平滑度系数设置影响显著。因此,研究领域行为时,应同时使用FKE 和95% MCP 两种方法。当数据分布较理想时,FKE 能够给出更为准确的面积估计,而MCP 则因其通用性,使得研究数据与其他研究的结果更具可比性。

In primates, learning set formation has been reported in various simian species, but in only few prosimian species. The formation of visual discrimination learning set was tested on a nocturnal prosimian species, slow lorises (Nycticebus coucang). Their performance was higher than that of some New World monkeys. This confirmed the suggestion from the data on black lemurs (Lemur macaco) that there is an overlap between prosimians and simians in learning set ability.  相似文献   

洪雅县人工林赤腹松鼠活动范围及栖息地利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3~8月期间,通过观察并利用无线电遥测等方法对洪雅县林场赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)的活动范围和栖息地利用进行了研究。研究结果显示,赤腹松鼠的最小凸多边形(minimum convex polygon,MCP)巢域面积为(1.90±0.59)hm2,95%和60%固定核法(fixed kernel,FK)巢域面积分别为(1.06±0.19)hm2和(0.16±0.03)hm2。处在求偶高峰期的雄鼠会显著地扩大活动范围。栖息地利用的研究结果表明,赤腹松鼠对栖息地因子有明显的选择性,倾向在坡度大、灌木生长繁茂、靠近人居和水源及有藤本植物覆盖的区域活动。  相似文献   

Early studies of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda, reported only rough estimates for home range size. This study aimed to quantify home range size and habitat composition for chimpanzees of the Sonso community in this forest. Home range is the habitually used portion of the total area over which an animal travels, and for chimpanzees the home range is shared by the community. From data collected in 1994 and 1995, the home range for this community was estimated to cover an area of 6.78 km2 using the minimum convex polygon analysis technique and 6.89 km2 using fixed kernel analysis. Habitat was highly heterogeneous. The small home range and consequent high local population density (approximately 6.8 individuals km?1) suggests that the Sonso region is highly productive in chimpanzee foods, possibly in contrast to other parts of the forest. This estimate of home range size is among the smallest reported for habituated chimpanzees, but comparisons with other sites are confounded by methodological and analytical differences. Future studies of chimpanzee ranging patterns should endeavour to use precise locations and the latest analytical techniques to ensure accurate estimation of range size and structure, and intersite comparability.  相似文献   

Global Positioning System (GPS) collars have revolutionized the field of spatial ecology, but to date, few primate studies have used them. We fitted a free-ranging, semi-habituated, juvenile male chacma baboon (Papio hamadryas ursinus) with an automatic self-releasing GPS collar and tracked his movements for 359?days. The collar captured 4254 fixes out of 5719 programmed opportunities, a 74.4?% acquisition rate, suggesting that the collar effectively tracked this baboon in a variety of habitat types. Of the data points captured, 73.7?% were three-dimensional fixes, and of these fixes, 66.9?% were highly accurate, having a dilution of precision of less than four. We calculated home range using three protocols with three estimation methods: minimum convex polygon, fixed kernel-density estimation (KDE), and fixed r local convex hull. Using all data points and the 95?% contour, these methods created home range estimations ranging from 10.8 to 23.1?km(2) for this baboon troop. Our results indicate that the KDE output using all data locations most accurately represented our data set, as it created a continuous home range boundary that excluded unused areas and outlying, potentially exploratory data points while including all seven sleeping sites and a movement corridor. However, home range estimations generated from KDE varied from 15.4 to 18.8?km(2) depending on the smoothing parameter used. Our results demonstrated that the ad hoc smoothing parameter selection technique was a better method for our data set than either the least squares cross-validation or biased cross-validation techniques. Our results demonstrate the need for primatologists to develop a standardized reporting method which documents the tool, screening protocol, and smoothing parameter used in the creation of home range estimations in order to make comparisons that are meaningful.  相似文献   

Lepilemur mittermeieri, a little‐studied sportive lemur of north‐west Madagascar, endemic to the Ampasindava Peninsula, faces habitat loss through forest degradation and rapid fragmentation. Understanding its habitat requirement is the first step toward preservation of this threatened forest‐dependent species. In this study, we gathered data on the use of space and home range characteristics of L. mittermeieri. We studied individuals from early March to the end of June 2015 and 2016, in three sites of the Ampasindava peninsula. We radio‐tracked 15 individuals to obtain detailed information on the size and location of home ranges (around 450 hr of tracking). Direct observation and morphometric measurements provided additional data sets. Both kernel density estimation (KDE) and minimum convex polygon (MCP) methods yielded similar home range sizes (an average of 2.01 ha with KDE method and 1.96 ha with MCP method). We did not find differences in home range size between males and females, with respect to forest type or proximity to the forest edge. Home ranges overlapped and individuals showed low levels of territoriality. We highlighted a sexually‐dimorphic trait: males have longer upper canine than females. Our results constitute the first set of ecological information on Lepilemur mittermeieri and could be the basis for a conservation strategy for this endangered species with a very small distribution area.  相似文献   

Successful conservation requires an understanding of animal movement patterns and space use. Such data are hard to obtain, however, when difficult terrain, nocturnal habits, or lack of habituation make direct observation impractical. White-footed tamarins (Saguinus leucopus) are small primates endemic to Colombia that are in danger of extinction due to habitat loss, fragmentation, and the illegal pet trade. Here, we report the results of the first study to use radio-tracking to investigate white-footed tamarin ranging behavior. We recorded the movements of three neighboring tamarin groups simultaneously for 3 month using radio-telemetry. Home range sizes (estimated using both minimum convex polygon and fixed kernel contour methods) were substantially larger than reported in previous studies that did not use remote-tracking. Monte Carlo resampling procedures revealed that home range size differed significantly among the three groups but that the mean daily path length did not. As in other tamarin species, the degree of range overlap between neighboring social groups was high, ranging from 27 to 81%. Using a randomization test, we showed that the observed mean distance between groups was significantly lower than expected by chance for two of the three group dyads. This pattern of intergroup “attraction,” in conjunction with substantial range overlap and high population density, implies that the Bellavista Forest, one of the few remaining habitats of Saguinus leucopus, may be saturated, and promoting habitat restoration should be a priority for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

J. Sneyd Taylor 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):145-155
Radiotelemetry is an important tool used to aid the understanding and conservation of cryptic and rare birds. The two bird species of the family Picathartidae are little-known, secretive, forest-dwelling birds endemic to western and central Africa. In 2005, we conducted a radio-tracking trial of Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas in the Mbam Minkom Mountain Forest, southern Cameroon, using neck collar (two birds) and tail-mounted (four birds) transmitters to investigate the practicality of radio-tracking Picathartidae. Three birds with tail-mounted transmitters were successfully tracked with the fourth, though not relocated for radio tracking, resighted the following breeding season. Two of these were breeding birds that continued to provision young during radio tracking. One neck-collared bird was found dead three days after transmitter attachment and the other neither relocated nor resighted. As mortality in one bird was potentially caused by the neck collar transmitter we recommend tail-mounted transmitters in future radio-tracking studies of Picathartidae. Home ranges, shown using minimum convex polygon and kernel estimation methods, were generally small (<0.5 km2) and centred around breeding sites. A minimum of 60 fixes were found to be sufficient for home range estimation.  相似文献   

Many conclusions about mammalian ranging behaviour have been drawn based on minimum convex polygon (MCP) estimates of home range size, although several studies have revealed its unpredictable nature compared to that of the kernel density estimator. We investigated to what extent the choice of home range estimator affected the biological interpretation in comparative studies. We found no discrepancy when the question asked covered a wide range of taxa, as real and very large differences in range size were likely to have masked smaller differences due to the choice of home range estimator. However, when the question asked concerned within-species characteristics, the choice of home range estimator explained as much of the variation in range size as did the ecological variable in question. The implications for macro-ecological and intraspecific studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Estimation of Shark Home Ranges using Passive Monitoring Techniques   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
We examined a population of blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, within a coastal nursery area to define how individuals use the nursery habitat throughout the summer. We used a series of acoustic hydrophones to passively monitor the movement patterns of sharks for periods up to 167 days. We used passive monitoring data to calculate home range estimates using minimum convex polygon (MCP) and fixed kernel estimators. MCP calculated the extent of an individual's range. Kernel estimates provided information regarding the utilization of space within the home range including core area (50% kernel) and larger excursions outside the core area (95% kernel). Individuals within the nursery area typically used a consistently small core area. All sharks monitored in the study site underwent a home range expansion during the month of July, suggesting a synchronous population-level change in habitat use. This change in habitat use was reflected in all home range calculations. Passive monitoring revealed that young sharks remain within the nursery area for up to 6 months. The long-term use of this nursery area reflects its critical importance to young blacktip sharks.  相似文献   

Primate home range sizes can vary tremendously as a consequence of the analytical technique chosen to estimate home range. This is exemplified by a recent dataset on free ranging snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Northwest Yunnan, China. Our findings show that the grid cell method cannot substitute for the minimum convex polygon (MCP) method and vice versa. MCP-based estimates are far too large, especially when the form of the home range is irregular due to forays into peripheral areas. Here, we propose an adjusted polygon method, whereby unsuitable and never visited areas are clipped out from the polygon, thus producing more accurate results. Compared to the grid cell method, the adjusted MCP is much more robust when the number of group relocations is limited; MCP turned out to be the method of choice for calculation of monthly and seasonal home ranges. The grid cell method on the other hand yielded the most precise estimates for total or annual home ranges. The style of ranging exhibited by a given primate taxon or population determines which analytical procedures should be applied to estimate home range size, and we would stress the need for thorough evaluation of the pros and cons of home range estimators before conducting field work and analysing data.  相似文献   

Abstract: Home-range estimators are commonly tested with simulated animal locational data in the laboratory before the estimators are used in practice. Although kernel density estimation (KDE) has performed well as a home-range estimator for simulated data, several recent studies have reported its poor performance when used with data collected in the field. This difference may be because KDE and other home-range estimators are generally tested with simulated point locations that follow known statistical distributions, such as bivariate normal mixtures, which may not represent well the space-use patterns of all wildlife species. We used simulated animal locational data of 5 point pattern shapes that represent a range of wildlife utilization distributions to test 4 methods of home-range estimation: 1) KDE with reference bandwidths, 2) KDE with least-squares cross-validation, 3) KDE with plug-in bandwidths, and 4) minimum convex polygon (MCP). For the point patterns we simulated, MCP tended to produce more accurate area estimates than KDE methods. However, MCP estimates were markedly unstable, with bias varying widely with both sample size and point pattern shape. The KDE methods performed best for concave distributions, which are similar to bivariate normal mixtures, but still overestimated home ranges by about 40–50% even in the best cases. For convex, linear, perforated, and disjoint point patterns, KDE methods overestimated home-range sizes by 50–300%, depending on sample size and method of bandwidth selection. These results indicate that KDE does not produce home-range estimates that are as accurate as the literature suggests, and we recommend exploring other techniques of home-range estimation.  相似文献   

The black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) is a threatened species due to past destruction of its natural habitat, thus knowledge of its home range size and use is essential in planning for its conservation. I studied one group for 4 months in the Morro do Diabo State Park, in São Paulo State, Brazil. I estimated the home range of the group to be 64 and 127 ha via the quadrat and convex polygon methods, respectively, while a composite method yielded an estimate of 106 ha. They ate insects most frequently (38% of scans), a resource which was distributed throughout their home range. Fruit was the second major resource, but when it was not available, they ate more gum. The exploitation of fruits was associated with dryland forest, while gum-feeding occurred mainly in swamp forest. The study group used a transition zone between dryland and swamp forest most frequently, and all of their sleeping trees were located there. Although the vegetation reached 15–20 m, the group spent most of the time (55%) in the upper understory, between 4 and 8 m high. The study group revealed more specific habitat needs than thought previously, suggesting that the current population may be smaller than estimated.  相似文献   

The social organization of Galago zanzibaricus was studied for the first time and the study included data from two different sites in the coastal forests of Kenya. A combination of mark-recapture and radio-tracking techniques was used to investigate patterns of inter- and intrasexual home range overlap. Associations in sleeping groups indicated social ties between individuals. Patterns of range use were established by radio-tracking focal individuals. Adult males generally had nonoverlapping ranges, shared with one or two females and their offspring with which the male regularly slept. Young females remained longer in their natal ranges than males and reproduced within their natal ranges. Range size and distance traveled per night were similar between the sexes; both sexes probably defended territories. None of the other galago (bushbaby) species studied to date show the degree of close male-female association found in G. zanzibaricus. This study thus extends the variety of social organization documented in nocturnal prosimians.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of data on the movement patterns of feral cats in Australia. Such data can be used to refine control strategies and improve track‐based methods of monitoring populations of feral cats. In this study the home ranges and movements of male feral cats were examined over 3.5 years in a semiarid woodland environment in central Australia. Two home range estimators were used in the examination: (i) minimum convex polygon (MCP); and (ii) fixed kernel. The most widely used method of estimating home range in feral cats is MCP, while the fixed kernel method can be used to identify core areas within a home range. On the basis of the MCP method, the long‐term home ranges of feral cats in central Australia were much larger than those recorded elsewhere (mean, 2210.5 ha). Twenty‐four hour home ranges were much smaller (mean, 249.7 ha) and feral cats periodically shifted their 24 h ranges within the bounds of their long‐term home ranges. Core area analysis indicated marked heterogeneity of space use by male feral cats. Several instances where feral cats moved large distances (up to 34 km) were recorded. These long distance movements may have been caused by nutritional stress. Using data from the literature, it is shown that prey availability is a primary determinant of long‐term home range size in feral cats. The relevance of the results to the design of management strategies for feral cats in central Australia is also discussed.  相似文献   

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