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The temporal and spatial variability in the quality and quantityof settling phytoplankton material in relation to concurrentprimary production was studied using sediment traps at threecoastal stations from a semi-enclosed bay (Pojo Bay) throughthe outer archipelago to the open Gulf of Finland. The fluxof settling phytoplankton was high (9.3 g C m–2period–1)in Pojo Bay, especially in spring, and lower in the archipelago(8.1 g C m–2 period–1) and open-sea area (5.2 gC m"2 period"1), although the primary production followed theopposite pattern. A large influx of allochthonous material intoPojo Bay in spring brought allochthonous phytoplankton cellsinto the traps, but limited primary production. Diatoms werethe most abundant settled phytoplankton at all stations, butthe species composition varied between Pojo Bay (Aulacoseiraspp., Rhizosolenia minima) and the outer stations (Skeletonemacostatum, Chaetoceros spp.)At the outer stations, migratingdinoflagellates (Peridiniella catenate) comprised part of thesettling material in spring. The high settling flux of the cyanophyteAphanizomenon flos-aquae is discussed. The species compositionof the phytoplankton assemblage influenced the proportion ofthe total organic carbon sedimentation that consisted of phytoplanktoncarbon.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the structure of the zooplankton communitiesof two large (18 500 m3) experimental enclosures (‘LundTubes’) are reviewed. The diets of the two most prominentcrustaceans, Daphnia hyalina and Diaptomus gracilis, were investigatedby direct analyses of gut contents and in a series of shortterm experimental manipulations of communities isolated in 6m3 bags, placed in one of the enclosures. The relative abundanceof Daphnia hyalina generally coincided with warmer water temperaturesbetween late spring and late summer, but its numbers fluctuatedwithin that period, apparently in response to the availabilityof smaller algae (<104 µm3 unit volume: chiefly cryptomonads,chlorellids and Ankyra). Daphnia numbers declined steadily throughthe summer in the enclosure overwhelmingly dominated by Microcystis,although it did feed on smaller colonies (< 105 µm3in volume). Diaptomus gracilis and most rotifers were also prominentin the first half of the year, but peak abundances of Keratellaquadrata followed the presence of large populations of small(<103 µm3) algae. Under conditions of limiting foodavailability, mortality was greatest amongst the smaller speciesand the juvenile instars of the large Crustacea. 1Present address: Anglian Water Authority, North Street, Oundle,Peterborough, UK  相似文献   

The seasonal development of bacteria was studied in the hypertrophiccoastal lagoon Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (Caribbeancoast of Colombia). This large but only 1.5 m deep lagoon issubject to strong seasonal variations of salinity from almostfully marine (April/May) to brackish conditions in October/November.Chlorophyll ranged from 6 to 182 µg L–1, and grossprimary production amounted to 1690 g C m–2 per year.Total bacterial number (TBN) ranged from 6.5 to 90.5 x 109 cellsL–1 and bacterial biomass (BBM) from 77 to 1542 µgC L–1, which are among the highest ever reported for naturalcoastal waters. Neither TBN nor BBM varied significantly withsalinity, phytoplankton or seston concentrations. Only the bacterialmean cell volume showed a significant relation to salinity,being highest (0.066 µm3) during the period of increasingand lowest (0.032 µm3) during decreasing salinity. Bacterialprotein accounted for 24% (19–26%) and phytoplankton proteinfor 57% (53–71%) of total seston protein. The ratio (annualmean) of bacterial carbon to phytoplankton carbon was 0.44 (range0.04–1.43). At low phytoplankton abundance [chlorophylla (Chl a) < 25 µg L–1], bacterial carbon wasalmost equal to phytoplankton biomass (i.e. the mean ratio was1.04). In contrast, at Chl a > 100 µg L–1, BBMwas low compared to phytoplankton biomass (the mean ratio was0.16). In general, BBM varied less than phytoplankton biomass.Most probably, the missing correlation between bacterial andphytoplankton variables was due to (i) organic material partlyderived from allochthonous sources serving as food resourcefor bacteria and (ii) a strong resuspension of bacteria fromthe sediment caused by frequent wind-induced mixing of the veryshallow lagoon.  相似文献   

The impact of fish-mediated changes on the structure and grazingof zooplankton on phytoplankton and bacterioplankton was studiedin Lake Søbygaard during the period 1984–92 bymeans of in vitro grazing experiments (14C-labelled phytoplankton,3H-labelled bacterioplankton) and model predictions. Measuredzooplankton clearance rates ranged from 0–25 ml l–1h–1 on phytoplankton to 0–33 ml l–1 h–1on bacterioplankton.The highest rates were found during thesummer when Daphnia spp. were dominant. As the phytoplanktonbiomass was substantially greater than that of bacterioplanktonthroughout the study period, ingestion of phytoplankton was26-fold greater than that of bacterioplankton. Multiple regressionanalysis of the experimental data revealed that Daphnia spp.,Bosmina longirostris and Cyclops vicinus, which were the dominantzooplankton, all contributed significantly to the variationin ingestion of phytoplankton, while only Daphnia spp. contributedsignificantly to that of bacterioplankton. Using estimated meanvalues for clearance and ingestion rates for different zooplankters,we calculated zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton and bacterioplanktonon the basis of monitoring data of lake plankton obtained duringa 9 year study period. Summer mean grazing ranged from 2 to4% of phytoplankton production and 2% of bacterioplankton productionto maxima of 53 and 88%, respectively. The grazing percentagedecreased with increasing density of planktivorous fish caughtin August each year using gill nets and shore-line electrofishing.The changes along a gradient of planktivorous fish abundanceseemed highest for bacterioplankton. Accordingly, the percentagecontribution of bacterioplankton to the total ingestion of thetwo carbon sources decreased from a summer mean value of 8%in Daphnia-dominated communities at lower fish density to 0.7–1.1%at high fish density, when cyclopoid copepods or Bosmina androtifers dominated. Likewise, the percentage of phytoplanktonproduction channelled through the bacteria varied, it beinghighest (5–8%) at high fish densities. It is argued thatthe negative impact of zooplankton grazing on bacterioplanktonin shallow lakes is highest at intermediate phosphorus levels,under which conditions Daphnia dominate the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

Sinking losses of phytoplankton in closed limnetic systems   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Specific algal recoveries from sediment traps of two differentdesigns and from mud surface deposits of large experimentalenclosures (Lund Tubes) were monitored during 1978 and are analyzedin relation to the vertical and temporal distribution of tendominant phytoplankton populations. Sedimentation accounts fordiffering proportions of the total loss of biomass for differentalgae: between 28 and 100% of diatoms; 15–95% of Eudorina;<4% of populations of small algae (spp. ofAnkyra, Chromulina,Cryptomonas). Rates of diatom loss are also derived from thecomparison of net rates of change (kn) and the silica uptake-derivedgrowth rate (k1); intrinsic sinking behaviour may be specificallyregulated in relation to growth conditions. Implications inthe calculation of sedimentary losses and their impact uponthe seasonal periodicity of phytoplankton are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Results are presented on the phytoplankton species compositionand abundance from bottle samples collected in September 1989near the confluence of the Brazil and Malvinas currents offArgentina. The phytoplankton assemblages were dominated by diatomsand dinoflagellates. A surface diatom bloom was found alongthe west side of the Brazil Current, and was dominated by Thalassiosiradelicatula Ostenfeld emend. Hasle (cell numbers up to 5.5 x105 cells 1–1) The bloom was associated with strong temperaturegradients separating Brazil and Malvinas waters, and with thepresence of a cyclonic eddy near the confluence of the currents.These features were detected in satellite imagery coincidentwith the in situ sampling dates.  相似文献   

The copepod community of the estuaries near Beaufort, NC underwenta consistent seasonal succession from a spring assemblage dominatedby the medium-sized copepod Acartia tonsa (1 mm) to a summer—fallassemblage dominated by the small-bodied copepods Parvocalanuscrizsrirostris and Oithona colcarva (both 0.5 mm). However,in enclosure experiments during this period, A. tonsa dominatedthe community, due to higher growth rates and its predationon the nauplii of other species. Nutrient additions enhancedthe dominance by A. tonsa. The decline in abundance of A. tonsain the estuary was associated with increased abundance of planktivorousanchovies and silversides. In other enclosure experiments, planktivorousfish eliminated A. tonsa and other large copepods, althoughthey persisted in enclosures lacking fish. I conclude that predationby size-selective planktivorous fish prevents dominance by A.tonsa during summer—fall. 1Present address: Institute of Marine Sciences, University ofNorth Carolina, 3407 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557,USA  相似文献   

Relatively warm (12.50–12.75°C) and high-salinity[<35.640 practical salinity units (PSU)] water flowing eastwardwas detected at the shelf-break during a cruise carried Outin the southern Bay of Biscay in Spring 1987. The slope currentinduced the formation of a convergent front separating well-mixedoceanic waters from haline-stratified coastal waters. Very highconcentrations of dissolved oxygen (295 µmol kg–1)and chlorophyll a(>4.5 mg m–3) were found at the outeredge of the frontal boundary. Small autotrophic flagellatesdominated the phytoplankton community. Primary production peakedat the boundary region. Estimated phytoplankton growth ratesindicated that active growth was taking place, with lower turnovertimes integrated over the water column at the frontal station(2.5–5 days) than at coastal (1.5–2.8 days) or oceanic(1.5–3.5 days) stations. The lowest doubling times (1–2days) were calculated for surface frontal populations. Accumulationof zooplankton was also observed associated with the convergentphysical structure, although this relationship was less markedthan for phytoplankton. Copepods, mainly Paracalanus parvus,Acartia clausi and Oithona helgolandica, formed the bulk ofthe mesozooplankton biomass. Compatibility between the sizeof phytoplankton cells and copepod size spectra indicate highfood availability for these animals, particularly in the vicinityof the front. The distribution of fish eggs and fish larvaewas also coupled with the slope current-induced front. Sardinelarvae were more abundant at the coastal side of the front,whereas larval stages of blue whiting reached the highest densitiesat off-shelf stations. Larvae of lamellibranch molluscs andbryozoa were restricted to nearshore waters, as the frontalboundary prevented larval dispersion to the open ocean. Theresults presented in this paper suggest that the Iberian slopecurrent and its associated shelf-break frontal structure werecrucial in controlling phytoplankton primary production, activityof grazers, distribution of larvae of fishes and benthic invertebrates,and ultimately in determining the structure of the pelagic foodweb in the southern Bay of Biscay during the seasonal periodof vertical mixing.  相似文献   

Not all phyloplankton behave as ideal water tracers. Longitudinaldispersion experiments were conducted in a large flume withseawater of constant depth and velocity. The transport of thepassive, fluorescent tracer, Rhodamine B dye, was compared withunialgal cultures of a large, fast-sinking diatom (Odontellachinensis) and a small, slow-sinking diatom (Skeletonema costatum).Horizontal dispersion rates, proportional to variance per distance,were linear for the dye and Skeletonema but nonlinear for Odontella.Results are explained by the interaction of Odontella sinkingand advection. Longitudinal dispersion coefficients for thedye and Skeletonema were between 60–80 cm2 s–1 andas high as 280 cm2 s–1 for Odontella. This may have implicationsfor nutrient uptake in natural phytoplankton populations.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and zooplankton development in a lowland, temperate river   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The longitudinal and seasonal patterns of plankton developmentwere examined over 2 years in a lowland, temperate river: theRideau River (Ontario, Canada). Following an initial decreasein phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass as water flowed fromthe headwaters into the Rideau River proper, there was an increasein chlorophyll a (chl a) and zooplankton biomass with downstreamtravel. At approximately river km 60, both phytoplankton andzooplankton reached their maximum biomass of 27 µg l–1(chl a) and 470 µg l–1 (dry mass), respectively.Downstream of river km 60, the biomass of both planktonic communitiesdeclined significantly despite increasing nutrient concentrationsand favorable light conditions. These downstream declines maybe due to the feeding activity of the exotic zebra mussel (Dreissenapolymorpha) which was at high density in downstream reaches(>1000 individuals m–2). There was no evidence forlongitudinal phasing of phytoplankton and zooplankton, as increasesand decreases in chl a and zooplankton biomass appeared to coincide.Overall, chl a was best predicted by total phosphorus (R2=0.43),whereas zooplankton biomass was best predicted by chl a (R2=0.20).There was no evidence for significant grazing effects of zooplanktonon phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Although both nutrient inputs and zooplankton grazing are importantto phytoplankton and bacteria in lakes, controversy surroundsthe relative importance of grazing pressure for these two groupsof organisms. For phytoplankton, the controversy revolves aroundwhether zooplankton grazers, especially large cladocerans likeDaphnia, can effectively reduce phytoplankton populations regardlessof nutrient conditions. For bacteria, little is known aboutthe balance between possible direct and indirect effects ofboth nutrients and zooplankton grazing. However, there is evidencethat bacteria may affect phytoplankton responses to nutrientsor zooplankton grazing through direct or apparent competition.We performed a mesocosm experiment to evaluate the relativeimportance of the effects of nutrients and zooplankton grazingfor phytoplankton and bacteria, and to determine whether bacteriamediate phytoplankton responses to these factors. The factorialdesign crossed two zooplankton treatments (unsieved and sieved)with four nutrient treatments (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 µgphosphorus (P) l–1 day–1 together with nitrogen(N) at a N:P ratio of 20:1 by weight). Weekly sieving with 300µm mesh reduced the average size of crustacean zooplanktonin the mesocosms, decreased the numbers and biomass of Daphnia,and increased the biomass of adult copepods. Nutrient enrichmentcaused significant increases in phytoplankton chlorophyll a(4–5x), bacterial abundance and production (1.3x and 1.6x,respectively), Daphnia (3x) and total zooplankton biomass (2x).Although both total phytoplankton chlorophyll a and chlorophylla in the <35 µm size fraction were significantly lowerin unsieved mesocosms than in sieved mesocosms, sieving hadno significant effect on bacterial abundance or production.There was no statistical interaction between nutrient and zooplanktontreatments for total phytoplankton biomass or bacterial abundance,although there were marginally significant interactions forphytoplankton biomass <35 µm and bacterial production.Our results do not support the hypothesis that large cladoceransbecome less effective grazers with enrichment; rather, the differencebetween phytoplankton biomass in sieved versus unsieved zooplanktontreatments increased across the gradient of nutrient additions.Furthermore, there was no evidence that bacteria buffered phytoplanktonresponses to enrichment by either sequestering P or affectingthe growth of zooplankton.  相似文献   

The effects of food concentration and food quality on the growthrate and bioluminescence potential of the heterotrophic dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintillans were examined. The growth rate of N. scinullansvaried greatly with the phytoplankton food it was provided,and those foods yielding higher growth rates also produced cellsthat were smaller in diameter, but with a greater bioluminescencepotential per unit volume. Small phytoplankton species, includingIsochrysis galbana and an unidentified chrysophyte responsiblefor the Texas brown tide, supported the lowest growth rates.Other small flagellates (Dunaliella tertiolecta) and dinoflagellates(Gyrodinium dorsum, Prorocentrum minimum) supported moderategrowth rates. The highest growth rates were supported by diatomsand prasinophytes. Maximum growth rates (0.5 day-1) were obtainedwith the diatom Thalassiosira sp. at concentrations  相似文献   

The sedimentary flux of phytoplankton was measured using sedimenttraps in a shallow hypertrophic lake (Lake Kasumigaura), whereMicrocystis bloomed, from June to November 1983 The sedimenttraps were set at 0.5, 1.5 and 3.0 m depth in Takahamairi Bay(3.5 m depth). Microcystis spp. (including M.aerugmosa and M.viridis)in the traps were rare until early August, but increased thereafter.Sinking rates of Microcystis were 0.0045, 0.020 and 0.24 m day–1in June–August, September and October respectively, whichwere far lower than those of Melosira (0.2–1.7 m day–1)and Syncdra (0.2–1.0 m day–1). The total sedimentaryfluxes of POC and that of algal carbon during the study periodwere 283.2 and 96.7 gC m–2 which were 59.5% and 20.3%of the gross primary production (475.8 gC m–2) respectively.The sedimentary flux of living algae measured by algal countswas large in June but small in August and September. On theother hand, the flux of detritus obtained by subtracting totalalgal carbon from POC was small in June and July but large inAugust and September. Therefore diatoms, which appeared mostlyin June, tended to sink as live algae, while Microcystis sankas detritus after being decomposed or consumed in the waterIt was concluded from the results of carbon budget calculationsand the respiration rate of the 1- to 20-µm fraction thatthe activity of decomposers or consumers increased greatly inthe short period at the end of the bloom of Microcystis.  相似文献   

The impact of grazing by natural assemblages of microzooplanktonwas estimated in an upwelling area (Concepción, Chile)during the non-upwelling season in 2003 and 2004. Seawater dilutionexperiments using chlorophyll a (Chl a) as a tracer were usedto estimate daily rates of phytoplankton growth and microzooplanktongrazing. Initial Chl a concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 1.4mg Chl a m–3 and phytoplankton prey biomass and abundancewere numerically dominated by components <20 µm. Phytoplanktongrowth and microzooplankton grazing rates were 0.19–0.25day–1 and 0.26–0.52 day –1, respectively.These results suggest that microzooplankton exert a significantremoval of primary production (>100%) during the non-upwellingperiod.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of the large heterotrophic dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintillans, together with the changes in its potentialprey items, were monitored in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, duringsummer 1997 (17 July-11 August). Growth and grazing rates ofNscintillans fed natural plankton populations were also measuredeight and seven times, respectively, during the survey period.The abundance and biomass of N scintillans averaged over thewater column (19 m) were in the range 1–345 cells 1–1(temporalaverage = 93 cell1–1) and 0.1–49.6 µg C l–1(temporalaverage = 13.8 µg C l–1; three times higher thanthat of calanoid copepods during the same period). Noctilucascintillans populations followed the changes in phytoplankton:N.scintillans biomass was increasing during the period of diatomblooms and was at a plateau or decreasing during periods oflow chlorophyll a. The growth rates of N.scintillans (µ)were also consistent with the wax and wane of the N.scintillanspopulation: N.scintillans showed highest growth rates duringdiatom blooms. A simple relationship between µ and chlorophylla concentration was established, and the production of N.scintillanswas estimated using this relationship and the measured biomass.The estimated production averaged over the water column wasin the range >0.1–5.2 µg C l–1 day–1(temporalaverage = 1.4 µg C l–1 day–1; 64% of the productionof calanoid copepods during the same period). Diatom clearancerates by N.scintillans were in the range 0.10–0.35 mlcell–1 day–1, and the phytoplankton population clearanceby N.scintillans was >12% day–1. Thus, although thefeeding pressure of N.scintillans on phytoplankton standingstock was low, N.scintillans was an important member of themesozooplank-ton in terms of biomass and production in the SetoInland Sea during summer.  相似文献   

Seventeen size-fractionation experiments were carried out duringthe summer of 1979 to compare biomass and productivity in the< 10, <8 and <5 µm size fractions with that ofthe total phytoplankton community in surface waters of NarragansettBay. Flagellates and non-motile ultra-plankton passing 8 µmpolycarbonate filters dominated early summer phytoplankton populations,while diatoms and dinoflagellates retained by 10 µm nylonnetting dominated during the late summer. A significant numberof small diatoms and dinoflagellates were found in the 10–8µm size fraction. The > 10 µm size fraction accountedfor 50% of the chlorophyll a standing crop and 38% of surfaceproduction. The <8 µm fraction accounted for 39 and18% of the surface biomass and production. Production by the< 8 µm fraction exceeded half of the total communityproduction only during a mid-summer bloom of microflagellates.Mean assimilation numbers and calculated carbon doubling ratesin the <8 µm (2.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 0.9day–1)and<5 µm(1.7 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 0.5day–1)size fractions were consistently lower than those of the totalpopulation (4.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 1.3 day–1)and the <10 µm size fraction (5.8 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 1.4 day –1). The results indicate that smalldiatoms and dinoflagellates in fractionated phytoplankton populationscan influence productivity out of proportion to their numbersor biomass. 1Present address: Australian Institute of Marine Science, P.M.B.No. 3, Townsville M.S.O., Qld. 4810, Australia.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effects of planktivorous Holeshestes heterodon Eigenmann (Characidae) predation on the plankton community of a small subtropical reservoir, using four enclosures (volume about 17.5 m3), open to the sediment, established in the littoral zone. Two enclosures were stocked with fish (mean TL 5.7 cm), at a density of about 4–5 fish m–3 (approx. 8 g m–3), whereas two remained fishless. The experiment lasted a little longer than one month. In the fish enclosures, most Crustacea and Chaoborus larvae remained scarce, probably as a result of visually selective fish predation. In both fishless enclosures, Chaoborus larvae became abundant. However, in only one of these did large individuals become relatively numerous; this discrepancy in the demographic structure of the Chaoborus populations between the two fishless enclosures is unexplained. Only in the fishless enclosure without appreciable numbers of large Chaoborus did densities of Crustacea increase greatly. It is suggested that in the enclosure containing large Chaoborus individuals, crustacean populations were prevented from developing due to predation pressure, while the small Chaoborus larvae of the other enclosure could not readily consume these prey. Rotifers were low in abundance in the absence of fish, probably as a consequence of Chaoborus predation. Phytoplankton density increased in all four enclosures, due probably to the lack of water flow. Only in the fishless enclosure with high densities of crustaceans did phytoplankton abundance decrease markedly at the end of the experiment, perhaps because of grazing losses.  相似文献   

The plankton of a large oligotrophic freshwater Antarctic lake   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The planktonic community of Crooked Lake, a large freshwaterlake in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica was investigated duringthe austral summer in 1990. Very low levels of chlorophyll aranging between mean values of 0 29 and 1.8 µl1were recorded. The phytoplankton was largely made up of colouredflagellates, including single species of Chlamydomonas, Ochromonasand Pendimum, which occurred in low concentrations (23.8x 102–47.3x102 l1). Heterotrophic colourless flagellates, includingParaphysomonas vestita, were also relatively sparse (2.1x 102–21.3x102l1). Ciliated protozoans were particularly poorly represented.Only three species occurred reaching densities of 10011,and among them the mixotrophic species Strombidium vinde wasthe most common. A single species of heliozoan Actinosphaeriumand relatively large numbers of naked amoebae were the sarcodinerepresentatives The protistan community and the bacteria wereconcentrated into microbial consortia associated with floesof paniculate organic matter probably derived from the benthicalgal mat. Of the two microcrustacean zooplankters recordedfrom the lake only Daphniopsis studeri was found breeding inthe plankton in very low numbers. The behavioural and physiologicaladaptations of the organisms inhabiting this extremely oligotrophicenvironment are discussed.  相似文献   

Herbivory of Mnemiopsis leidyi and its interactions with phytoplanktonand non-gelatinous zooplankton were examined in small-scalemicrocosm experiments. Clearance rates for M. leidyi incubatedwith phytoplankton were generally negative, but ranged up to4.5 1 ctenophore–1 day–1 when the large (80 µmø) diatom Ditylum brightwelli was offered as a food source.These highest ingestion rates would provide Mnemiopsis withonly 21 % of its daily carbon requirements for respiration.Mean shrinkage of M. leidyi was 8.2–51% when incubatedwith phytoplankton. Although M. leidyi neither fed activelyon phytoplankton, nor satisfied its nutritional needs on sucha diet, the chain-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum becameentangled in mucus strands and balls produced by M. leidyi inthe absence of zooplankton. Attachment onto mucus occurred atphytoplankton concentrations commonly observed in NarragansettBay and may be important in the formation of "marine snow" duringsummer M. leidyi pulses; phytoplankton sinking rate and the"package size" available to herbivores would also be affected.The experiments support our previous hypothesis based on fieldobservations in Narragansett Bay that M. leidyi indirectly regulatesphytoplankton abundance there during the summer bloom as a consequenceof predation on zooplankton. The extent to which M. leidyi influencedphytoplankton dynamics in the microcosms was dependent on therelative abundance and physiological state of the three trophiclevels. A food web diagram for M. leidyi is presented.  相似文献   

From June through August, 1985, a bloom of the cyanobacteriumMicrocyslis aeruginosa was observed in the upper Potomac Riverreaching densities of 193 x 106 cells 1–1 and 83% of totalcells in the surface mixed layer. However, in regions typifiedby salinities of 1–2 p.p.t. immediately down-river, thealga disappeared from the phytoplankton assemblage, never contributing>17% of total phytoplankton numbers. In an attempt to determinethe effect of increasing salinity on limiting horizontal distributionsof cyanobacteria blooms in the Potomac River estuary, threelaboratory experiments were conducted. Bloom samples collectedfrom the river were exposed to daily salinity increases of 1–2p.p.t. through the addition of NaCl or a complement of fullsea salts. Relative to samples receiving no salt supplement,densities of Microcyslis spp. declined in salinity-stressedsamples. However, total cyanobacteria remained constant or increaseddue to rapid growth of Aphanizomenon. The addition of a mixtureof full sea salts favored aggregation of cyanobacteria, yieldingan average of 132 cells colony–1; 36 cells colony–1were observed in populations maintained in river water and NaCl-supplementedsamples. Chlorophyll concentrations declined slightly relativeto assemblages receiving no salt additions while carbon fixationwas reduced in salinity-stressed assemblages. These resultssuggest that salinities from 0.5 to 7 p.p.t., typical of theoligohaline region of the Potomac River, could limit the distributionof Microcystis-dominated blooms down-estuary. In addition, increasingsalinities should result in the aggregation of photosyntheticallyinhibited cells and, through prolonged exposure to increasingosmotic stress, produce large, rapidly sinking detrital particlessupporting microbial decomposition in oligohaline and mesohalineregions of the lower Potomac River estuary, perhaps perpetuatinghigh microbial oxygen demand and anoxia in this portion of theriver/estuary.  相似文献   

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