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Combining a molecular phylogeny and morphological data, we discovered a new species of Osornophryne from the Amazonian slope of the Ecuadorian Andes. Morphologically, the new taxon is distinguished from all others species in Osornophryne by having the Toes IV and V longer than Toes I-III, a short and rounded snout with a small rostral papilla, and conical pustules on flanks. The new species previously was confused with Osornophryne guacamayo. A taxonomic key is provided for all known species of Osornophryne.  相似文献   

The reciprocal illumination nature of integrative taxonomy through hypothesis testing, corroboration and revision is a powerful tool for species delimitation as more than one source has to support the hypothesis of a new species. In this study, we applied an integrative taxonomy approach combining molecular and morphological data sets with distributional patterns to examine the level of differentiation between and within the grasshopper Orotettix species. Orotettix was described based on five valid species distributed in the Andes of Peru. In our study, initially a molecular‐based hypothesis was postulated and tested against morphological data and geographical patterns of distribution. Results from molecular and morphological analyses showed agreement among the species delimitation in Orotettix, and were also consistent with the geographical distribution. The analyses allowed us to delimit five new species for the genus ( O. lunatus sp. nov. , O . astreptos sp. nov. , O. colcaensis sp. nov. , O . paucartambensis sp. nov. and O . dichrous sp. nov. ) from the Eastern and Western Cordilleras of Peru. We also provide critical knowledge on the phylogenetic relationships and distribution of the genus and conduct a revision of Orotettix. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

While researching Cardamine (Brassicaceae) in the Pyrenees, putative hybrid plants were found at two natural sites. Pollen grain viability, AFLP, and multivariate morphometric analyses were performed in order to assess the plants' presumed hybrid origin, establishing that natural hybridization between the diploids C. crassifolia and C. amara ssp. pyrenaea had occurred. A new diploid nothospecies, C. × enriquei (2 n = 2x = 16), is described. Examination of 18 morphological characters showed the intermediacy of the hybrid between the parental taxa in most characters. AFLP analyses of C. amara ssp. amara , ssp. austriaca , ssp. olotensis and C. raphanifolia , demonstrated the close position of the hybrid to C. crassifolia , and revealed that the highest number of markers were shared with the parents. Polymorphism found in the AFLP pattern of the hybrid suggested recurrent origin, segregation and/or backcrosses, although assessment of pollen viability indicated high male sterility. The hybridization event reported here represents the second documented case between the C. pratensis group and C. amara . An account of the nomenclature of C. crassifolia is also presented, including lectotypification of relevant names.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 275–294.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the Calliergonaceae is reconstructed based on nuclear and chloroplast sequence data, and morphology. Depending on treatment of insertions and deletions, the total number of informative characters was 194 or 163. The study yielded good support for two major clades, one with Hamatocaulis, Scorpidium, and possibly Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Wils.) Loeske, and one with Calliergon, Loeskypnum, Straminergon, and Warnstorfia. Inclusion of H. ochraceum in the ingroup increased tree length, markedly decreased consistency and retention indices, and decreased support for the structure of the Hamatocaulis-Scorpidium clade, and its position within the family is challenged. When H. ochraceum was excluded, good support is found for the genera Hamatocaulis and Scorpidium. Within the other major subclade the monophyly of a clade with Loeskypnum, Straminergon, and Warnstorfia, of a portion of Calliergon, and of Warnstorfia fluitans plus W. pseudostraminea are well supported.  相似文献   

Liparidae (snailfishes) is one of the most diverse and abundant fish families in polar and deep-sea habitats. However, the evolution of this family is poorly known because of the rarity of many species and difficulties in scoring morphological characters. We perform phylogenetic analyses of Liparidae using sequences from two mtDNA genes, 16S (585 bp) and cytochrome b (426 bp), and 84 morphological characters from 24 species of Liparidae and 4 species of Cyclopteridae (outgroup). The present study confirms earlier hypotheses that the shallow-water genera, such as Liparis and Crystallichthys, occupy basal positions and that deep-water genera, such as Careproctus, Elassodiscus, Rhinoliparis, Paraliparis, Rhodichthys and Psednos, are increasingly derived. The later two genera form a terminal clade which does not include Paraliparis. The topology shows that the family has undergone a reductive type of evolution, with a gradual loss of characters (e.g. sucking disc/pelvic fins, pseudobranchial filaments, skin spinules). Nectoliparis, which had previously been placed either as the basal most genus or among the most derived genera, are found to occupy the most basal position among the taxa analyzed. This result indicates that the sucking disc has been lost at least twice during the evolution of the Liparidae. The basal position of Nectoliparis is supported by its plesiomorphic otolith morphology, whereas an advanced overgrown otolith ostium, unique among teleosts, is found to be apomorphic for a clade containing the derived genera: Paraliparis, Psednos, Rhinoliparis and Rhodichthys. We also identify the presence of probable nuclear inserts of mitochondrial DNA (Numts) in three species of Careproctus and in Elassodiscus caudatus.  相似文献   

The genus Bonatea is widely distributed throughout southern and eastern Africa. Considerable debate surrounds the generic status of Bonatea, but there have been neither previous studies of evolutionary relationships among Bonatea species, nor any tests of the monophyly of the genus in relation to its close relative Habenaria. We investigated phylogenetic relationships between Bonatea and selected Habenaria species using morphology, as well as sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. A fully resolved cladogram was obtained using morphological data, but neither the ITS, matK, nor combined data sets yielded well-resolved and well-supported phylogenetic structure for Bonatea. There is poor congruence between ITS and matK data for interspecific relationships in Bonatea, whilst the morphological results are largely congruent with the ITS analysis. Relative to Habenaria, there is little sequence variation between Bonatea species, which could indicate a recent and rapid radiation of Bonatea. Although the sampled Bonatea species form a distinct clade, more extensive sampling of Habenaria would be required to establish unambiguously whether or not Bonatea is monophyletic.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Aphroditiformia, benthic polychaetes carrying dorsal elytra, is assessed from nuclear 18S rDNA, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), and 31 morphological characters. Two non-elytrabearing taxa, Palmyra and Pisione, are included to assess their relationship to the elytrabearers. The data are analysed both separately and combined, with parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. In total, 19 terminal taxa are examined, including 12 elytrabearing taxa from all scale-worm groups, Palmyra, Pisione, and five outgroup taxa. The results show that Palmyra and Pisione are nested within Aphroditiformia. Palmyra is sister to Aphrodita, and both Pisione and Pholoe are positioned within Sigalionidae, suggesting that both family names Pisionidae and Pholoidae should be treated as junior synonyms of Sigalionidae.  相似文献   

Dated molecular phylogenetic trees show that the Andean uplift had a major impact on South American biodiversity. For many Andean groups, accelerated diversification (radiation) has been documented. However, not all Andean lineages appear to have diversified following the model of rapid radiation, particularly in the central and southern Andes. Here, we investigated the diversification patterns for the largest South American‐endemic lineage of Brassicaceae, composed of tribes Cremolobeae, Eudemeae and Schizopetaleae (CES clade). Species of this group inhabit nearly all Andean biomes and adjacent areas including the Atacama–Sechura desert, the Chilean Matorral and the Patagonian Steppe. First, we studied diversification times and historical biogeography of the CES clade. Second, we analysed diversification rates through time, lineages and associated life forms. Results demonstrate that early diversification of the CES clade occurred in the early to mid‐Miocene (c. 12–19 Mya) and involved the central Andes, the southern Andes and the Patagonian Steppe, and the Atacama–Sechura desert. The Chilean Matorral and northern Andes were colonized subsequently in the early Pliocene (4–5 Mya). Diversification of the CES clade was recovered as a gradual process without any evidence for rate shifts or rapid radiation, in contrast to many other Andean groups analysed so far. Diversification time/rates and biogeographical patterns obtained for the CES clade are discussed and compared with patterns and conclusions reported for other Andean plant lineages.  相似文献   

The placement of a recently discovered South American monotypic genus,Pseudomonotes tropenbosii, in subfam.Monotoideae (Dipterocarpaceae) extends the geographical range of the subfamily from Africa to the Neotropics. Although morphological and anatomical evidence suggest similarities betweenPseudomonotes andMonotes, the close alliance of these two genera was questionable due to their disjunct distribution and a lack of phylogenetic analysis. In the present study, we reconstructed the phylogeny ofPseudomonotes and other putatively related taxa usingrbcL sequence data. The analysis ofrbcL sequences of 20 taxa belonging to 15 genera and eight families recovered a single most parsimonious tree. The genusSarcolaena (Sarcolaenaceae) formed a clade sister to the monophyleticDipterocarpaceae clade.Monotes andPseudomonotes formed a strongly supported group, sister to the monophyletic clade withPakaraimaea and the remaining Asiatic dipterocarp species studied. The study strongly supports the placement ofPseudomonotes within subfam.Monotoideae of theDipterocarpaceae.  相似文献   

A combined molecular (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, 16S rDNA and COI) and morphological analysis of the benthic phyllodocids is presented for the first time. Nineteen phyllodocids and two outgroup taxa are assessed using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. We demonstrate high degrees in homoplasy in the traditionally used morphological phyllodocid characters, and show that all the three current subfamilies Phyllodocinae, Eteoninae and Notophyllinae are non-monophyletic. The genera Eulalia, Eumida, Protomystides, Pseudomystides, Pterocirrus and Sige form a well-supported group, as does Mystides and Nereiphylla. Another clade with strong support includes Eteone and Paranaitis, although with Eteone nested within a paraphyletic Paranaitis. The relationship between these two taxa indicate that the unusual arrangement of modified cirri on the first segments in Eteone is due to a fusion of segment 1 and 2 where the cirri of segment 1 have been reduced. Eulalia is non-monophyletic and should be split, minimally into two groups. Our results are ambiguous regarding the ancestral phyllodocid condition of absence-presence of median antenna or nuchal papilla and uniramous or biramous parapodia, but shows that the absence of cirri on segment 3 (previously an apomorphy, for e.g., Mystides, Pseudomystides and Hesionura) is maximally homoplastic.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of Iberian Aphodiini dung beetles was reconstructed based on morphological and molecular data. The data set included a total of 84 variable characters from wing venation, mouthparts, genitalia, and external morphology, as well as mitochondrial partial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), complete tRNA-Leu (UUR), and partial cytochrome c oxidase II (COII) gene nucleotide sequences (1210 positions). Phylogenetic trees based on molecular data were relatively more resolved than those based on morphological characters. The Bayesian analysis of combined molecular and morphological data provided resolution not achieved by each data set separately. Ammoecius and Aphodius are the first lineages that branch off from the tree, followed by Acrossus, Nimbus, and Heptaulacus. The remaining studied taxa are recovered in a more derived clade that lacks internal resolution. Reconstructed trees based on molecular data showed relatively short internal nodes that were weakly supported. Such pattern may reflect a rapid radiation at the origin of the tribe Aphodiini, but also saturation of mutational changes. Several tests were conducted to discern between both competing hypotheses, as well as to assess the effect of incomplete taxon sampling.  相似文献   

The unparalleled avian diversity of the Neotropics has long been argued to be in large part the evolutionary consequence of the incredible habitat diversity and rugged topography of the Andes mountains. Various scenarios have been proposed to explain how the Andean context could have generated lineage diversification (e.g. vicariant speciation or parapatric speciation across vertical ecological gradients), yet further study on Andean taxa is needed to reveal the relative importance of the different processes. Here we use mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences to derive the first phylogenetic hypothesis for Phrygilus (Sierra-Finches), one of the most species-rich genera of mainly Andean passerines. We find strong evidence that the genus is polyphyletic, comprising four distantly related clades with at least nine other genera interspersed between them (Acanthidops, Catamenia, Diglossa, Haplospiza, Idiopsar, Melanodera, Rowettia, Sicalis and Xenodacnis). These four Phrygilus clades coincide with groups previously established mainly on the basis of plumage characters, suggesting single evolutionary origins for each of these. We consider the history of diversification of each clade, analyzing the timing of splitting events, ancestral reconstruction of altitudinal ranges and current geographical distributions. Phrygilus species origins date mainly to the Pleistocene, with representatives diversifying within, out of, and into the Andes. Finally, we explored whether Phrygilus species, especially those with broad altitudinal and latitudinal Andean distributions, showed phylogeographic structure. Our best-sampled taxon (Phrygilus fruticeti) exhibited no clear pattern; however, we found deep genetic splits within other surveyed species, with Phrygilus unicolor being the most extreme case and deserving of further research.  相似文献   

The Scarabaeini is an old world tribe of ball-rolling dung beetles that have origins dating back to at least the mid-upper Miocene (19-8 million years ago). The tribe has received little to no attention in morphological or molecular phylogenetics. We obtained sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (1,197 bp) and 16S ribosomal RNA (461 bp) genes for 25 species of the Scarabaeini in an attempt to further resolve broad phylogenetic relationships within this tribe. Sequence data from both markers along with 216 morphological and 3 biological characters were analysed separately and combined. Independent analyses showed poorly resolved trees with many of the intermediate and basal nodes collapsed by low bootstrap values. Many sites in both genes exhibited strong A+T nucleotide bias and high interlineage divergences. The combined analysis revealed a number of well supported relationships such as the monophyly of the nocturnal species Scarabaeus satyrus, S. [Neateuchus] proboscideus, and S. zambesianus. Furthermore, the total evidence tree suggested to elevate S. (Pachysoma) to the status of an independent genus, Pachysoma, as a sister taxon to a clade containing Pachylomerus femoralis and Scarabaeus sensu lato. Within the latter, the following subgenera were maintained by the combination of data sets: S. (Scarabaeolus), S. (Sceliages), and S. (Kheper). Both, feeding specialisation and food relocation behaviour, were inferred to be polyphyletic in the Scarabaeini. Total evidence analysis found no support for common ancestry of Scarabaeini and Eucraniini.  相似文献   

Lappula Moench includes ca. 70 species and exhibits a wide range of nutlet variation. Currently, the evolutionary relationships among species of Lappula have not been examined; therefore, to elucidate phylogenetic relationships and morphological evolution within Lappula and related genera, we conducted phylogenetic analyses with matrices that include 48 species as well as four DNA regions (ITS, trnL-trnF, rpS16 and psbA-trnH) and 18 morphological characters. These matrices were analyzed using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. Analyses of the combined molecular and morphological data result in a phylogeny that is better resolved than that based solely on molecular sequence data. Phylogenetic results suggest that the current infrageneric classification of Lappula, at least at the subsectional and series level, is artificial. The evolutionary patterns of 18 morphological characters are investigated in a phylogenetic context. In Lappula, nutlet homomorphism and small corollas are resolved as ancestral, while nutlet heteromorphism and larger corollas are derived.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate the male, female, and pupa of two new species of Neocorynura from the Colombian Andes, and provide information on their nesting behavior, host plants and social organization. Nests of Neocorynura iguaquensis sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez and N. muiscae sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez were found in flat or vertical banks, and contained one to three adult females. The percentage of multi‐female nests varied considerably from 8.3% to 40% of the total of dissected nests at different times in 2000 and 2003. The ovarian development, wing and mandibular wear of females in the nests with two or more females indicated that they were the offspring that remained in the nest before dispersal or a mother and a newly emerged daughter. Pollen taken from the nest cells and scopae of museum specimens showed that both species rely heavily on pollen of asteraceans and may be active year‐round. Details on the nest architecture and comments on the phylogenetic placement of both species are also provided. Direct observations on the multi‐female nests are required to determine whether or not such nests contain temporary assemblages or truly semisocial colonies.


Describimos e ilustramos el macho, hembra y pupa de dos especies nuevas de Neocorynura de los Andes colombianos, y proporcionamos información sobre su biología de nidificación, plantas hospederas y organización social. Los nidos de Neocorynura iguaquensis sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez y N. muiscae sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez fueron encontrados en el suelo, en áreas planas o barrancos verticales, y tenían de una a tres hembras adultas. El porcentaje de nidos con más de una hembra varió considerablemente desde 8.3% al 40% del total de nidos disectados a diferentes meses en el año 2000 y 2003. El desarrollo ovárico, desgaste de las alas y mandíbulas de las hembras en los nidos con dos o más hembras indicaron que ellas fueron las crías que permanecieron en el nido antes de dispersarse o una madre con la hija recién nacida. El polen tomado de las celdas de cría y escopas de especimenes de museo mostró que ambas especies dependen principalmente de asteraceas y que podrían estar activas todo el año. También oferecemos detalles de la arquitectura del nidos y comentarios sobre la posición filogenética de ambas especies. Observaciones directas de los nido con más de una hembra son necesarias para determinar si tales nidos son agrupaciones temporales o verdaderas colonias semisociales.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Binder M  Hibbett DS 《Mycologia》2002,94(4):641-650
A discomycete collected in western Sichuan, China, is morphologically intermediate between Cudonia and Spathularia. The fungus has a bright yellow capitate ascigerous head, a white, ridged stalk, and a well-developed membrane covering the whole ascoma. The asci, ascospores, and paraphyses are similar to those of Cudonia and Spathularia. Based on morphology and DNA sequence analysis, a new species, Cudonia sichuanensis, is reported. Cudonia and Spathularia are closely related to members of Rhytismataceae, as has been suggested previously. The similarity of ascoma and ascospore development between these two genera and Lophodermium (Rhytismataceae) is discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of Polytrichales were conducted using morphology and sequence data from the chloroplast genes rbcL and rps4 plus the trnL-F gene region, part of the mitochondrial nad5 and the nuclear-encoded 18S rDNA. Our analyses included 46 species representing all genera of Polytrichales. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with simultaneous parsimony analyses of all sequences plus morphology and separate combinations of sequence data only. Results lend support for recognition of Polytrichales as a monophyletic entity. Oedipodium griffithianum appears as a sister taxon to Polytrichales or as a sister taxon of all mosses excluding Sphagnales and Andreaeles. Within Polytrichales, Alophosia and Atrichopsis, species without the adaxial lamellae (in Atrichopsis present but poorly developed on male gametophyte) otherwise typical of the group are sister to the remaining species followed by a clade including Bartramiopsis and Lyellia, species with adaxial lamellae covering only the central portion of the leaves. Six taxa with an exclusively Southern Hemisphere distribution form a grade between the basal lineages and a clade including genera that are mostly confined to the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences was used to test the validity of morphospecies of catfishes of the family Astroblepidae inhabiting the southern‐most limit of their Andean distribution in the upper Ucayali and upper Madre de Dios river basins. Population samples of morphospecies designated a priori on the basis of morphological features were further diagnosed by the presence of unique and unreversed molecular synapomorphies, thereby confirming species validity for seven of nine cases. Although each are distinguished by unique combinations of morphological features, two morphospecies (designated F and H) cannot be diagnosed on the basis of apomorphic changes in molecular sequence that did not also occur in other astroblepid morphospecies or outgroup taxa. Further, one morphospecies (species G) was recovered as nested within the assemblage of populations sampled from morphospecies F, whose morphological diagnosis does not involve unique or apomorphic characters. In contrast, the absence of corroborating molecular apomorphies for species H, otherwise recognized by distinctive and uniquely derived morphological characters, suggests a history of rapid divergence and insufficient time for fixation of genetic differences. Species sharing syntopic distributions were not recovered as sister groups, and in some cases species distributed in adjacent river drainage basins were not more closely related to one another than to species distributed in more distant drainages. Three independent instances were observed of sister‐group relationships involving species distributed in both the Apurimac and Urubamba rivers (Ucayali drainage). These observations combine to suggest that the current distribution of astroblepid species in the southern region may have arisen via a complex history involving both divergence between and dispersal amongst drainage basins that is probably repeated numerous times throughout the Andean distribution of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 90–102.  相似文献   

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