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Plants dissipate excess excitation energy as heat by non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ). NPQ has been thought to resemble in vitro aggregation quenching of the major antenna complex, light harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC‐II). Both processes are widely believed to involve a conformational change that creates a quenching centre of two neighbouring pigments within the complex. Using recombinant LHC‐II lacking the pigments implicated in quenching, we show that they have no particular role. Single crystals of LHC‐II emit strong, orientation‐dependent fluorescence with an emission maximum at 680 nm. The average lifetime of the main 680 nm crystal emission at 100 K is 1.31 ns, but only 0.39 ns for LHC‐II aggregates under identical conditions. The strong emission and comparatively long fluorescence lifetimes of single LHC‐II crystals indicate that the complex is unquenched, and that therefore the crystal structure shows the active, energy‐transmitting state of LHC‐II. We conclude that quenching of excitation energy in the light‐harvesting antenna is due to the molecular interaction with external pigments in vitro or other pigment–protein complexes such as PsbS in vivo, and does not require a conformational change within the complex.  相似文献   

In photosynthesis, light energy is absorbed by light‐harvesting complexes and used to drive photochemistry. However, a fraction of absorbed light is lost to non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) that reflects several important photosynthetic processes to dissipate excess energy. Currently, estimates of NPQ and its individual components (qE, qI, qZ and qT) are measured from pulse‐amplitude‐modulation (PAM) measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence yield and require measurements of the maximal yield of fluorescence in fully dark‐adapted material (Fm), when NPQ is assumed to be negligible. Unfortunately, this approach requires extensive dark acclimation, often precluding widespread or high‐throughput use, particularly under field conditions or in imaging applications, while introducing artefacts when Fm is measured in the presence of residual photodamaged centres. To address these limitations, we derived and characterized a new set of parameters, NPQ(T), and its components that can be (1) measured in a few seconds, allowing for high‐throughput and field applications; (2) does not require full relaxation of quenching processes and thus can be applied to photoinhibited materials; (3) can distinguish between NPQ and chloroplast movements; and (4) can be used to image NPQ in plants with large leaf movements. We discuss the applications benefits and caveats of both approaches.  相似文献   

Leaf chloroplast movement is thought to optimize light capture and to minimize photodamage. To better understand the impact of chloroplast movement on photosynthesis, we developed a technique based on the imaging of reflectance from leaf surfaces that enables continuous, high‐sensitivity, non‐invasive measurements of chloroplast movement in multiple intact plants under white actinic light. We validated the method by measuring photorelocation responses in Arabidopsis chloroplast division mutants with drastically enlarged chloroplasts, and in phototropin mutants with impaired photorelocation but normal chloroplast morphology, under different light regimes. Additionally, we expanded our platform to permit simultaneous image‐based measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast movement. We show that chloroplast division mutants with enlarged, less‐mobile chloroplasts exhibit greater photosystem II photodamage than is observed in the wild type, particularly under fluctuating high levels of light. Comparison between division mutants and the severe photorelocation mutant phot1‐5 phot2‐1 showed that these effects are not entirely attributable to diminished photorelocation responses, as previously hypothesized, implying that altered chloroplast morphology affects other photosynthetic processes. Our dual‐imaging platform also allowed us to develop a straightforward approach to correct non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) calculations for interference from chloroplast movement. This correction method should be generally useful when fluorescence and reflectance are measured in the same experiments. The corrected data indicate that the energy‐dependent (qE) and photoinhibitory (qI) components of NPQ contribute differentially to the NPQ phenotypes of the chloroplast division and photorelocation mutants. This imaging technology thus provides a platform for analyzing the contributions of chloroplast movement, chloroplast morphology and other phenotypic attributes to the overall photosynthetic performance of higher plants.  相似文献   

The epoxy‐xanthophylls antheraxanthin and violaxanthin are key precursors of light‐harvesting carotenoids and participate in the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle. Thus, the invention of zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP) catalyzing their formation from zeaxanthin has been a fundamental step in the evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes. ZEP genes have only been found in Viridiplantae and chromalveolate algae with secondary plastids of red algal ancestry, suggesting that ZEP evolved in the Viridiplantae and spread to chromalveolates by lateral gene transfer. By searching publicly available sequence data from 11 red algae covering all currently recognized red algal classes we identified ZEP candidates in three species. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the red algal ZEP is most closely related to ZEP proteins from photosynthetic chromalveolates possessing secondary plastids of red algal origin. Its enzymatic activity was assessed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses of red algal pigment extracts and by cloning and functional expression of the ZEP gene from Madagascaria erythrocladioides in leaves of the ZEP‐deficient aba2 mutant of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Unlike other ZEP enzymes examined so far, the red algal ZEP introduces only a single epoxy group into zeaxanthin, yielding antheraxanthin instead of violaxanthin. The results indicate that ZEP evolved before the split of Rhodophyta and Viridiplantae and that chromalveolates acquired ZEP from the red algal endosymbiont and not by lateral gene transfer. Moreover, the red algal ZEP enables engineering of transgenic plants incorporating antheraxanthin instead of violaxanthin in their photosynthetic machinery.  相似文献   

We characterized a set of Arabidopsis mutants deficient in specific light-harvesting proteins, using freeze-fracture electron microscopy to probe the organization of complexes in the membrane and confocal fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to probe the dynamics of thylakoid membranes within intact chloroplasts. The same methods were used to characterize mutants lacking or over-expressing PsbS, a protein related to light-harvesting complexes that appears to play a role in regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting. We found that changes in the complement of light-harvesting complexes and PsbS have striking effects on the photosystem II macrostructure, and that these effects correlate with changes in the mobility of chlorophyll proteins within the thylakoid membrane. The mobility of chlorophyll proteins was found to correlate with the extent of photoprotective non-photochemical quenching, consistent with the idea that non-photochemical quenching involves extensive re-organization of complexes in the membrane. We suggest that a key feature of the physiological function of PsbS is to decrease the formation of ordered semi-crystalline arrays of photosystem II in the low-light state. Thus the presence of PsbS leads to an increase in the fluidity of the membrane, accelerating the re-organization of the photosystem II macrostructure that is necessary for induction of non-photochemical quenching.  相似文献   

The biological conversion of light energy into chemical energy is performed by a flexible photosynthetic machinery located in the thylakoid membranes. Photosystems I and II (PSI and PSII) are the two complexes able to harvest light. PSI is the last complex of the electron transport chain and is composed of multiple subunits: the proteins building the catalytic core complex that are well conserved between oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, and, in green organisms, the membrane light‐harvesting complexes (Lhc) necessary to increase light absorption. In plants, four Lhca proteins (Lhca1–4) make up the antenna system of PSI, which can be further extended to optimize photosynthesis by reversible binding of LHCII, the main antenna complex of photosystem II. Here, we used biochemistry and electron microscopy in Arabidopsis to reveal a previously unknown supercomplex of PSI with LHCII that contains an additional Lhca1–a4 dimer bound on the PsaB–PsaI–PsaH side of the complex. This finding contradicts recent structural studies suggesting that the presence of an Lhca dimer at this position is an exclusive feature of algal PSI. We discuss the features of the additional Lhca dimer in the large plant PSI–LHCII supercomplex and the differences with the algal PSI. Our work provides further insights into the intricate structural plasticity of photosystems.  相似文献   

Thylakoid energy metabolism is crucial for plant growth, development and acclimation. Non‐appressed thylakoids harbor several high molecular mass pigment–protein megacomplexes that have flexible compositions depending upon the environmental cues. This composition is important for dynamic energy balancing in photosystems (PS) I and II. We analysed the megacomplexes of Arabidopsis wild type (WT) plants and of several thylakoid regulatory mutants. The stn7 mutant, which is defective in phosphorylation of the light‐harvesting complex (LHC) II, possessed a megacomplex composition that was strikingly different from that of the WT. Of the nine megacomplexes in total for the non‐appressed thylakoids, the largest megacomplex in particular was less abundant in the stn7 mutant under standard growth conditions. This megacomplex contains both PSI and PSII and was recently shown to allow energy spillover between PSII and PSI (Nat. Commun., 6, 2015, 6675). The dynamics of the megacomplex composition was addressed by exposing plants to different light conditions prior to thylakoid isolation. The megacomplex pattern in the WT was highly dynamic. Under darkness or far red light it showed low levels of LHCII phosphorylation and resembled the stn7 pattern; under low light, which triggers LHCII phosphorylation, it resembled that of the tap38/pph1 phosphatase mutant. In contrast, solubilization of the entire thylakoid network with dodecyl maltoside, which efficiently solubilizes pigment–protein complexes from all thylakoid compartments, revealed that the pigment–protein composition remained stable despite the changing light conditions or mutations that affected LHCII (de)phosphorylation. We conclude that the composition of pigment–protein megacomplexes specifically in non‐appressed thylakoids undergoes redox‐dependent changes, thus facilitating maintenance of the excitation balance between the two photosystems upon changes in light conditions.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of asymmetric carotenoids such as α‐carotene and lutein in plants and green algae involves the two enzymes lycopene β‐cyclase (LCYB) and lycopene ε‐cyclase (LCYE). The two cyclases are closely related and probably resulted from an ancient gene duplication. While in most plants investigated so far the two cyclases are encoded by separate genes, prasinophyte algae of the order Mamiellales contain a single gene encoding a fusion protein comprised of LCYB, LCYE and a C‐terminal light‐harvesting complex (LHC) domain. Here we show that the lycopene cyclase fusion protein from Ostreococcus lucimarinus catalyzed the simultaneous formation of α‐carotene and β‐carotene when heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The stoichiometry of the two products in E. coli could be altered by gradual truncation of the C‐terminus, suggesting that the LHC domain may be involved in modulating the relative activities of the two cyclase domains in the algae. Partial deletions of the linker region between the cyclase domains or replacement of one or both cyclase domains with the corresponding cyclases from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii resulted in pronounced shifts of the α‐carotene‐to‐β‐carotene ratio, indicating that both the relative activities of the cyclase domains and the overall structure of the fusion protein have a strong impact on the product stoichiometry. The possibility to tune the product ratio of the lycopene cyclase fusion protein from Mamiellales renders it useful for the biotechnological production of the asymmetric carotenoids α‐carotene or lutein in bacteria or fungi.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis phosphate transporter PHT4;1 was previously localized to the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. Here we investigated the physiological consequences of the absence of PHT4;1 for photosynthesis and plant growth. In standard growth conditions, two independent Arabidopsis knockout mutant lines displayed significantly reduced leaf size and biomass but normal phosphorus content. When mutants were grown in high‐phosphate conditions, the leaf phosphorus levels increased and the growth phenotype was suppressed. Photosynthetic measurements indicated that in the absence of PHT4;1 stromal phosphate was reduced to levels that limited ATP synthase activity. This resulted in reduced CO2 fixation and accumulation of soluble sugars, limiting plant growth. The mutants also displayed faster induction of non‐photochemical quenching than the wild type, in line with the increased contribution of ΔpH to the proton‐motive force across thylakoids. Small‐angle neutron scattering showed a smaller lamellar repeat distance, whereas circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated a perturbed long‐range order of photosystem II (PSII) complexes in the mutant thylakoids. The absence of PHT4;1 did not alter the PSII repair cycle, as indicated by wild‐type levels of phosphorylation of PSII proteins, inactivation and D1 protein degradation. Interestingly, the expression of genes for several thylakoid proteins was downregulated in the mutants, but the relative levels of the corresponding proteins were either not affected or could not be discerned. Based on these data, we propose that PHT4;1 plays an important role in chloroplast phosphate compartmentation and ATP synthesis, which affect plant growth. It also maintains the ionic environment of thylakoids, which affects the macro‐organization of complexes and induction of photoprotective mechanisms.  相似文献   

Salt stress is a major abiotic stress factor that can induce many adverse effects on photosynthetic organisms. Plants and algae have developed several mechanisms that help them respond to adverse environments. Non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) is one of these mechanisms. The thalli of algae in the intertidal zone that are attached to rocks can be subjected to salt stress for a short period of time due to the rise and fall of the tide. Ulva prolifera causes green tides and can form floating mats when green tides occur and the upper part of the thalli is subjected to high salt stress for a long period of time. In this study, we compared the Ulva prolifera photosynthetic activities and NPQ kinetics when it is subjected to different salinities over various periods of time. Thalli exposed to a salinity of 90 for 4 d showed enhanced NPQ, and photosynthetic activities decreased from 60 min after exposure up to 4 d. This indicated that the induction of NPQ in Ulva prolifera under salt stress was closely related to the stressing extent and stressing time. The enhanced NPQ in the treated samples exposed for 4 d may explain why the upper layer of the floating mats formed by Ulva prolifera thalli were able to survive in the harsh environment. Further inhibitor experiments demonstrated that the enhanced NPQ was xanthophyll cycle and transthylakoid proton gradient‐dependent. However, photosystem II subunit S and light‐harvesting complex stress‐related protein didn't over accumulate and may not be responsible for the enhanced NPQ.  相似文献   

The red seaweed Gracilariopsis is an important crop extensively cultivated in China for high‐quality raw agar. In the cultivation site at Nanao Island, Shantou, China, G. lemaneiformis experiences high variability in environmental conditions like seawater temperature. In this study, G. lemaneiformis was cultured at 12, 19, or 26°C for 3 weeks, to examine its photosynthetic acclimation to changing temperature. Growth rates were highest in G. lemaneiformis thalli grown at 19°C, and were reduced with either decreased or increased temperature. The irradiance‐saturated rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) decreased with decreasing temperature, but increased significantly with prolonged cultivation at lower temperatures, indicating the potential for photosynthesis acclimation to lower temperature. Moreover, Pmax increased with increasing temperature (~30 μmol O2 · g?1FW · h?1 at 12°C to 70 μmol O2 · g?1FW · h?1 at 26°C). The irradiance compensation point for photosynthesis (Ic) decreased significantly with increasing temperature (28 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 at high temperature vs. 38 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 at low temperature). Both the photosynthetic light‐ and carbon‐use efficiencies increased with increasing growth or temperatures (from 12°C to 26°C). The results suggested that the thermal acclimation of photosynthetic performance of G. lemaneiformis would have important ecophysiological implications in sea cultivation for improving photosynthesis at low temperature and maintaining high standing biomass during summer. Ongoing climate change (increasing atmospheric CO2 and global warming) may enhance biomass production in G. lemaneiformis mariculture through the improved photosynthetic performances in response to increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Knowledge concerning the effects of several abiotic factors on the physiology of carrageenophytes is essential both in ecological and economic standpoints, to ensure their sufficient supply for the sustainability of seaweed‐based industries. This paper presents the photosynthetic characteristics of farmed carrageenophytes, E ucheuma denticulatum and K appaphycus alvarezii [brown (BRN) and green (GRN) color morphotypes] from Sulawesi Utara (Sulawesi Island), Indonesia, as determined by examining their photosynthetic response across different temperatures and irradiances using dissolved oxygen measurements and pulse‐amplitude modulated fluorometer. Net photosynthesis–irradiance ( P E ) curves at 26°C revealed that net photosynthetic rates of the three seaweeds gradually increased until the estimated saturation irradiances ( E k ) of 58 μmol photons m? 2 s?1 (49–68 μmol photons m? 2 s?1, 95% Bayesian prediction intervals; BPI) for E . denticulatum, and 158 and 143 μmol photons m? 2 s?1 (134–185 and 99–203 μmol photons m? 2 s?1, 95% BPI) for BRN and GRN K . alvarezii, respectively; and that no photoinhibition was observed at the highest irradiance of 1000 μmol photons m? 2 s?1. All seaweed samples exhibited photosynthetic tolerance to high PAR as shown by their recovery in maximum quantum yields (Fv / Fm ) following chronic exposures; as well as tolerance over a broad range of temperature, which is from 19 to 33°C for E . denticulatum, 20–29°C for BRN K . alvarezii, and 17–32°C for GRN K . alvarezii. Temperature responses of these carrageenophytes indicated that they were well‐adapted to the annual seawater temperatures in the cultivation site; however, they are also likely close to threshold levels for thermal inhibition, given the decline in Fv / Fm above 30°C.  相似文献   

Plants must switch rapidly between light harvesting and photoprotection in response to environmental fluctuations in light intensity. This switch can lead to losses in absorbed energy usage, as photoprotective energy dissipation mechanisms can take minutes to hours to fully relax. One possible way to improve photosynthesis is to engineer these energy dissipation mechanisms (measured as non‐photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence, NPQ) to induce and relax more quickly, resulting in smaller losses under dynamic light conditions. Previous studies aimed at understanding the enzymes involved in the regulation of NPQ have relied primarily on labor‐intensive and time‐consuming generation of stable transgenic lines and mutant populations – approaches limited to organisms amenable to genetic manipulation and mapping. To enable rapid functional testing of NPQ‐related genes from diverse organisms, we performed Agrobacterium tumefaciens‐mediated transient expression assays in Nicotiana benthamiana to test if NPQ kinetics could be modified in fully expanded leaves. By expressing Arabidopsis thaliana genes known to be involved in NPQ, we confirmed the viability of this method for studying dynamic photosynthetic processes. Subsequently, we used naturally occurring variation in photosystem II subunit S, a modulator of NPQ in plants, to explore how differences in amino acid sequence affect NPQ capacity and kinetics. Finally, we functionally characterized four predicted carotenoid biosynthesis genes from the marine algae Nannochloropsis oceanica and Thalassiosira pseudonana and examined the effect of their expression on NPQ in N. benthamiana. This method offers a powerful alternative to traditional gene characterization methods by providing a fast and easy platform for assessing gene function in planta.  相似文献   

The chronological change of photosynthetic efficiency in a frozen storage treatment of the Japanese Nori cultivation industry was examined in the cultivated red alga, Pyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis (Saga‐#5 Strain, Bangiales) by using pulse‐amplitude fluorometry. During the desiccation process that was conducted after the nursery cultivation season in November, the maximum quantum yield (F v/F m) of the gametophytic sporelings growing on the Nori‐net decreased monotonically with decreasing absolute water content (AWC), and was around 0.1 at 20% AWC. During frozen storage of the Nori‐net, the F v/F m of the frozen gametophyte was low but stable, and ranged between 0.10 ± 0.02 SD and 0.14 ± 0.05 SD. The magnitude of F v/F m for the gametophyte of the freezing treatment, after 10 min and 3 h of immersion in seawater, recovered quickly. After 10 min and 3 h of immersion, these values were 0.29 ± 0.12 SD and 0.47 ± 0.05 SD during the 14 days of freezing treatment, and 0.15 ± 0.02 SD and 0.29 ± 0.04 SD after 71 days of freezing treatment, and suggest that the ability to recover gradually decreased as the storage duration increased. The response of F v/F m from general cultivation (i.e., directly cultivated from the nursery cultivation season) and those after 47 days of freezing were almost identical, suggesting that the current Nori net frozen storage period (6 or 7 weeks) was not detrimental to the gametophyte.  相似文献   

Pine wilt disease (PWD ) is considered as the most destructive forest‐invasive alien species in China. We measured gas exchange parameters and foliar carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of different infection phases of Masson pine in order to investigate the effect of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus infection on photosynthetic responses and resource‐use efficiency. The results showed that net photosynthetic rate (P n), transpiration rate (T ), stomatal conductance (g s), and internal CO 2 concentrations (C i) decreased in the infested trees at photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD ) levels from 0 to 2,000 μmol m?2 s?1 compared with controls. The maximum net photosynthetic rate (P max) was significantly declined in the infected trees than in controls (<  .05). There also exist significant differences in dark respiration rate (R d) among different infection phases (<  .05), but the value is highest in the middle infection phase, followed by the control and then the terminal infection phase. This indicates that Pinus massoniana plants need to consume more photosynthetic products during the middle infection phase in order to defend against pine sawyer beetle feeding and PWD infection. Isotopic analysis revealed a significant decrease of the foliar δ13C (<  .05), as much as 2.5‰ lower in the infected trees. The mean leaf N content was about 12.94% less in the middle infection phase and 27.06% less in the terminal infection phase, causing a significant increase of the foliar C:N ratio in infested trees. Both of the net photosynthetic rates and foliar δ13C were linearly correlated with the foliar N content. We also found a significant decrease (<  .05) of resource‐use efficiency in PWD ‐induced P. massoniana plants, which can be attributed to the closure of stomatal pores and the inactivation or loss of both Rubisco and other key Calvin cycle enzymes. This study highlights the impact of photosynthetic characteristics, foliar carbon isotope ratios, and resource‐use efficiency of PWD ‐induced trees, which can help identify PWD infestations at the photosynthetic and physiological levels so as to better facilitate management actions.  相似文献   

  • Soil salinity severely affects and constrains crop production worldwide. Salinity causes osmotic and ionic stress, inhibiting gas exchange and photosynthesis, ultimately impairing plant growth and development. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) have been shown to maintain light and carbon use efficiency under stress, possibly providing a tool to improve salinity tolerance of the host plants. Thus, it was hypothesized that AM will contribute to improved growth and yield under stress conditions.
  • Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown with (AMF+) or without (AMF?) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation. Plants were subjected to salinity stress (200 mm NaCl) either at pre‐ or post‐anthesis or at both stages. Growth and yield components, leaf chlorophyll content as well as gas exchange parameters and AMF colonization were analysed.
  • AM plants exhibited a higher rate of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance and lower intrinsic water use efficiency. Furthermore, AM wheat plants subjected to salinity stress at both pre‐anthesis and post‐anthesis maintained higher grain yield than non‐AM salinity‐stressed plants.
  • These results suggest that AMF inoculation mitigates the negative effects of salinity stress by influencing carbon use efficiency and maintaining higher grain yield under stress.

Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) catalyses the final step of the tyrosine degradation pathway, which is essential to animals but was of unknown importance in plants until we found that mutation of Short‐day Sensitive Cell Death1 (SSCD1), encoding Arabidopsis FAH, results in cell death under short‐day conditions. The sscd1 mutant accumulates succinylacetone (SUAC), an abnormal metabolite caused by loss of FAH. Succinylacetone is an inhibitor of δ‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA) dehydratase (ALAD), which is involved in chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis. In this study, we investigated whether sscd1 cell death is mediated by Chl biosynthesis and found that ALAD activity is repressed in sscd1 and that protochlorophyllide (Pchlide), an intermediate of Chl biosynthesis, accumulates at lower levels in etiolated sscd1 seedlings. However, it was interesting that Pchlide in sscd1 might increase after transfer from light to dark and that HEMA1 and CHLH are upregulated in the light–dark transition before Pchlide levels increased. Upon re‐illumination after Pchlide levels had increased, reactive oxygen species marker genes, including singlet oxygen‐induced genes, are upregulated, and the sscd1 cell death phenotype appears. In addition, Arabidopsis WT seedlings treated with SUAC mimic sscd1 in decline of ALAD activity and accumulation of Pchlide as well as cell death. These results demonstrate that increase in Pchlide causes cell death in sscd1 upon re‐illumination and suggest that a decline in the Pchlide pool due to inhibition of ALAD activity by SUAC impairs the repression of ALA synthesis from the light–dark transition by feedback control, resulting in activation of the Chl biosynthesis pathway and accumulation of Pchlide in the dark.  相似文献   

as1, for antenna size mutant 1, was obtained by insertion mutagenesis of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. This strain has a low chlorophyll content, 8% with respect to the wild type, and displays a general reduction in thylakoid polypeptides. The mutant was found to carry an insertion into a homologous gene, prokaryotic arsenite transporter (ARSA), whose yeast and mammal counterparts were found to be involved in the targeting of tail‐anchored (TA) proteins to cytosol‐exposed membranes, essential for several cellular functions. Here we present the characterization in a photosynthetic organism of an insertion mutant in an ARSA‐homolog gene. The ARSA1 protein was found to be localized in the cytosol, and yet its absence in as1 leads to a small chloroplast and a strongly decreased chlorophyll content per cell. ARSA1 appears to be required for optimal biogenesis of photosynthetic complexes because of its involvement in the accumulation of TOC34, an essential component of the outer chloroplast membrane translocon (TOC) complex, which, in turn, catalyzes the import of nucleus‐encoded precursor polypeptides into the chloroplast. Remarkably, the effect of the mutation appears to be restricted to biogenesis of chlorophyll‐binding polypeptides and is not compensated by the other ARSA homolog encoded by the C. reinhardtii genome, implying a non‐redundant function.  相似文献   

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