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In most eudicot and monocot species, interspecific and interploidy crosses generally display abnormalities in the endosperm that are the major cause of a post‐zygotic hybridization barrier. In some eudicot species, however, this type of hybridization barrier can be overcome by the manipulation of ploidy levels of one parental species, suggesting that the molecular mechanisms underlying the species hybridization barrier can be circumvented by genome dosage. We previously demonstrated that endosperm barriers in interspecific and interploidy crosses in the genus Oryza involve overlapping but different mechanisms. This result contrasts with those in the genus Arabidopsis, which shows similar outcomes in both interploidy and interspecific crosses. Therefore, we postulated that an exploration of pathways for overcoming the species hybridization barrier in Oryza endosperm, by manipulating the ploidy levels in one parental species, might provide novel insights into molecular mechanisms. We showed that fertile hybrid seeds could be produced by an interspecific cross of female tetraploid Oryza sativa and male diploid Oryza longistaminata. Although the rate of nuclear divisions did not return to normal levels in the hybrid endosperm, the timing of cellularization, nucellus degeneration and the accumulation of storage products were close to normal levels. In addition, the expression patterns of the imprinted gene MADS87 and YUCCA11 were changed when the species barrier was overcome. These results suggest that the regulatory machinery for developmental transitions and imprinted gene expression are likely to play a central role in overcoming species hybridization barriers by genome dosage in the genus Oryza.  相似文献   

The euryhaline fish Cyprinodon variegatus variegatus (Cvv) is capable of tolerating ambient salinities ranging from 0.3 to 167 g l?1, but incapable of long‐term survival in freshwater (< 2 mM Na+). However, a population of this species, now designated as a subspecies (Cyprinodon variegatus hubbsi; Cvh), has been isolated in several freshwater (0.4–1 mM Na+) lakes in central Florida for the past ~150 ky. We previously demonstrated that Cvh has a significantly higher affinity for Na+ uptake suggesting that it has adapted to its dilute freshwater environment. We here evaluate whether Cvh should be considered a separate species by characterizing pre‐ and post‐zygotic isolation, Na+ transport characteristics of the two populations and their hybrids, and developing a molecular phylogeny of Cvv and Cvh populations in Florida using mtDNA sequence data. We found evidence of partial prezygotic isolation with Cvv females mating almost exclusively (89%) with con‐specific males in choice mating experiments. Partial post‐zygotic isolation was also observed with significant (59–89%) reductions in hatching success of hybrid embryos compared with con‐specific embryos. Na+ uptake kinetics in hybrids (both Cvv x Cvh and Cvh x Cvv) bred and raised under common garden conditions were intermediate to Cvh (high affinity) and Cvv (low affinity) indicating that observed differences are genetically based. Similar observations were made with respect to short‐term (96 h) survival of juveniles acutely transferred from 7 mM Na+ to a range of more dilute (0.1–2 mM Na+) freshwater. Finally, although phylogenetic analysis of Cvv and Cvh populations using mtDNA sequence for ND2 were unable to fully resolve a polytomy between Cvh and Cvv populations from northeastern Florida, these data do not falsify the hypothesis that Cvh is of monophyletic origin. Overall, the available data suggest that Cvh should be considered a separate species or at a minimum an evolutionarily significant unit.  相似文献   

Introgression is the incorporation of alleles from one species or semispecies into the gene pool of another through hybridization and backcrossing. The rate at which this occurs depends on the frequency of hybridization and the fitness of hybrids and backcrosses compared to 'pure' individuals. The collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) and the pied flycatcher (F. hypoleuca) co-exist and hybridize at low to moderate frequencies in a clinal hybrid zone in Central Europe and on the islands of Gotland and Oland off the Swedish east coast. Data on hatching success suggest that hybrids are less fertile in Central Europe compared to on the islands. Direct fitness estimates using molecular markers to infer paternity are consistent with the demographic data. Applying a tag-array-based minisequencing assay to genotype interspecific substitutions and single nucleotide polymorphisms we demonstrate that the amount of introgression from the pied to the collared flycatcher is higher in the two island populations (Gotland and Oland) than in two geographically distinct areas from the Central European hybrid zone (Czech Republic and Hungary). In all areas the amount of introgression from collared to pied flycatchers is very low or seemingly absent. The different patterns of introgression are consistent with regional differences in rates of hybridization and fitness of hybrids. We suggest that barriers to gene exchange may have been partly broken down on the islands due to asymmetric gene flow from allopatry. Alternatively, or in addition, more pronounced reinforcement of prezygotic isolation in Central Europe might have increased post-zygotic isolation through hitchhiking, since genes affecting pre and post-zygotic isolation are both sex-linked in these birds. One of our genetic markers appears to introgress from pied to collared flycatchers at a much higher rate than the other markers. We discuss the possibility that the introgressed marker may be linked to a gene which is under positive selection in the novel genetic background.  相似文献   

Spatially varying selection can lead to population‐specific adaptation, which is often recognized at the phenotypic level; however, the genetic evidence is weaker in many groups of organisms. In plants, environmental shifts that occur due to colonization of a novel environment may require adaptive changes in the timing of growth and flowering, which are often governed by location‐specific environmental cues such as day length. We studied locally varying selection in 19 flowering time loci in nine populations of the perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata, which has a wide but patchy distribution in temperate and boreal regions of the northern hemisphere. The populations differ in their recent population demographic and colonization histories and current environmental conditions, especially in the growing season length. We searched for population‐specific molecular signatures of directional selection by comparing a set of candidate flowering time loci with a genomic reference set within each population using multiple approaches and contrasted the patterns of different populations. The candidate loci possessed approximately 20% of the diversity of the reference loci. On average the flowering time loci had more rare alleles (a smaller Tajima's D) and an excess of highly differentiated sites relative to the reference, suggesting positive selection. The strongest signal of selection was detected in photoperiodic pathway loci in the colonizing populations of Northwestern Europe, whereas no evidence of positive selection was detected in the Central European populations. These findings emphasized the population‐specific nature of selection and suggested that photoperiodic adaptation was important during postglacial colonization of the species.  相似文献   

Pre‐mRNA splicing is an important step for gene expression regulation. Yeast Bud13p (bud‐site selection protein 13) regulates the budding pattern and pre‐mRNA splicing in yeast cells; however, no Bud13p homologs have been identified in plants. Here, we isolated two mutants that carry T‐DNA insertions at the At1g31870 locus and shows early embryo lethality and seed abortion. At1g31870 encodes an Arabidopsis homolog of yeast Bud13p, AtBUD13. Although AtBUD13 homologs are widely distributed in eukaryotic organisms, phylogenetic analysis revealed that their protein domain organization is more complex in multicellular species. AtBUD13 is expressed throughout plant development including embryogenesis and AtBUD13 proteins is localized in the nucleus in Arabidopsis. RNA‐seq analysis revealed that AtBUD13 mutation predominantly results in the intron retention, especially for shorter introns (≤100 bases). Within this group of genes, we identified 52 genes involved in embryogenesis, out of which 22 are involved in nucleic acid metabolism. Our results demonstrate that AtBUD13 plays critical roles in early embryo development by effecting pre‐mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RFC) is a conserved eukaryotic complex consisting of RFC1/2/3/4/5. It plays important roles in DNA replication and the cell cycle in yeast and fruit fly. However, it is not very clear how RFC subunits function in higher plants, except for the Arabidopsis (At) subunits AtRFC1 and AtRFC3. In this study, we investigated the functions of AtRFC4 and found that loss of function of AtRFC4 led to an early sporophyte lethality that initiated as early as the elongated zygote stage, all defective embryos arrested at the two‐ to four‐cell embryo proper stage, and the endosperm possessed six to eight free nuclei. Complementation of rfc4‐1/+ with AtRFC4 expression driven through the embryo‐specific DD45pro and ABI3pro or the endosperm‐specific FIS2pro could not completely restore the defective embryo or endosperm, whereas a combination of these three promoters in rfc4‐1/+ enabled the aborted ovules to develop into viable seeds. This suggests that AtRFC4 functions simultaneously in endosperm and embryo and that the proliferation of endosperm is critical for embryo maturation. Assays of DNA content in rfc4‐1/+ verified that DNA replication was disrupted in endosperm and embryo, resulting in blocked mitosis. Moreover, we observed a decreased proportion of late S‐phase and M‐phase cells in the rfc4‐1/–FIS2;DD45;ABI3pro::AtRFC4 seedlings, suggesting that incomplete DNA replication triggered cell cycle arrest in cells of the root apical meristem. Therefore, we conclude that AtRFC4 is a crucial gene for DNA replication.  相似文献   

The genus Helleborus comprises 22 species, which are allocated to six sections. H. x hybridus and H. niger, which belong to different Helleborus sections, are economically important ornamentals. Several other species with minor impact exhibit interesting features, e.g. flower size, flower colour, foliage, scent and disease resistance, which should be introgressed into H. x hybridus or H. niger through interspecific hybridisation. The aims of this study were to investigate whether and which kind of hybridisation barriers occur in crosses between Helleborus species and if they differ in their manifestations, depending on the genetic distance of the respective partners. In order to obtain interspecific hybrids despite crossing barriers, a method to overcome these barriers should be developed. Crossing barriers in Helleborus were localised as predominantly post‐zygotic according to in situ pollen tube staining with aniline blue. For certain crosses, pre‐zygotic barriers could also be assumed, but pollen tube growth was not totally inhibited. Therefore, embryo rescue techniques via ovule culture were established to overcome the post‐zygotic barriers. Ovules were isolated from maternal plants 5–7 weeks after pollination in most cases and then cultured in vitro. Overall, 219 hybrids were successfully obtained, of which 16 were derived from inter‐sectional crosses. Hybrids were verified by flow cytometry and/or by molecular DNA markers.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing number of genomic tools, identifying the genetics underlying adaptive complex traits remains challenging in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. This is due, at least in part, to the lack of data on the geographical scale of adaptive phenotypic variation. The aims of this study were (i) to tease apart the historical roles of adaptive and nonselective processes in shaping phenological variation in A. thaliana in France and (ii) to gain insights into the spatial scale of adaptive variation by identifying the putative selective agents responsible for this selection. Forty‐nine natural stands from four climatically contrasted French regions were characterized (i) phenologically for six traits, (ii) genetically using 135 SNP markers and (iii) ecologically for 42 variables. Up to 63% of phenological variation could be explained by neutral genetic diversity. The remaining phenological variation displayed stronger associations with ecological variation within regions than among regions, suggesting the importance of local selective agents in shaping adaptive phenological variation. Although climatic conditions have often been suggested as the main selective agents acting on phenology in A. thaliana, both edaphic conditions and interspecific competition appear to be strong selective agents in some regions. In a first attempt to identify the genetics of phenological variation at different geographical scales, we phenotyped worldwide accessions and local polymorphic populations from the French RegMap in a genome‐wide association (GWA) mapping study. The genomic regions associated with phenological variation depended upon the geographical scale considered, stressing the need to account for the scale of adaptive phenotypic variation when choosing accession panels for GWAS.  相似文献   

Growth is a complex trait that adapts to the prevailing conditions by integrating many internal and external signals. Understanding the molecular origin of this variation remains a challenging issue. In this study, natural variation of shoot growth under mannitol‐induced stress was analyzed by standard quantitative trait locus mapping methods in a recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between the Col‐0 and Cvi‐0 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Cloning of a major QTL specific to mannitol‐induced stress condition led to identification of EGM1 and EGM2, a pair of tandem‐duplicated genes encoding receptor‐like kinases that are potentially involved in signaling of mannitol‐associated stress responses. Using various genetic approaches, we identified two non‐synonymous mutations in the EGM2[Cvi] allele that are shared by at least ten accessions from various origins and are probably responsible for a specific tolerance to mannitol. We have shown that the enhanced shoot growth phenotype contributed by the Cvi allele is not linked to generic osmotic properties but instead to a specific chemical property of mannitol itself. This result raises the question of the function of such a gene in A. thaliana, a species that does not synthesize mannitol. Our findings suggest that the receptor‐like kinases encoded by EGM genes may be activated by mannitol produced by pathogens such as fungi, and may contribute to plant defense responses whenever mannitol is present.  相似文献   

Seeds are dormant and desiccated structures, filled with storage products to be used after germination. These properties are determined by the maturation program, which starts, in Arabidopsis thaliana, mid‐embryogenesis, at about the same time and developmental stage in all the seeds in a fruit. The two factors, chronological and developmental time, are closely entangled during seed development, so their relative contribution to the transition to maturation is not well understood. It is also unclear whether that transition is determined autonomously by each seed or whether it depends on signals from the fruit. The onset of maturation follows the cellularization of the endosperm, and it has been proposed that there exists a causal relationship between both processes. We explored all these issues by analyzing markers for maturation in Arabidopsis mutant seeds that develop at a slower pace, or where endosperm cellularization happens too early, too late, or not at all. Our data show that the developmental stage of the embryo is the key determinant of the initiation of maturation, and that each seed makes that transition autonomously. We also found that, in contrast with previous models, endosperm cellularization is not required for the onset of maturation, suggesting that this transition is independent of the hexose/sucrose ratio in the seed. Our observations indicate that the mechanisms that control endosperm cellularization, embryo growth, and embryo maturation act independently of each other.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are unique biological interfaces that reveal both population level and species level evolutionary processes. A genome‐scale approach to assess gene flow across hybrid zones is vital, and now possible. In Mexican towhees (genus Pipilo), several morphological hybrid gradients exist. We completed a genome survey across one such gradient (9 populations, 140 birds) using mitochondrial DNA, 28 isozyme, and 377 AFLP markers. To assess variation in introgression among loci, cline parameters (i.e., width, center) for the 61 clinally varying loci were estimated and compiled into genomic distributions for tests against three empirical models spanning the range of observed cline shape. No single model accounts for observed variation in cline shape among loci. Numerous backcross individuals near the gradient center confirm a hybrid origin for these populations, contrary to a previous hypothesis based on social mimicry and character displacement. In addition, the observed variation does not bin into well‐defined categories of locus types (e.g., neutral vs. highly selected). Our multi‐locus analysis reveals cross‐genomic variation in selective constraints on gene flow and locus‐specific flexibility in the permeability of the interspecies membrane.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of Oceanian staple yams (species of Dioscorea section Enantiophyllum) were investigated using plastid trnL‐F and rpl32‐trnL(UAG) sequences and nine nuclear co‐dominant microsatellites. Analysis of herbarium specimens, used as taxonomic references, allowed the comparison with samples collected in the field. It appears that D. alata, D. transversa and D. hastifolia are closely related species. This study does not support a direct ancestry from D. nummularia to D. alata as previously hypothesized. The dichotomy in D. nummularia previously described by farmers in semi‐perennial and annual types was reflected by molecular markers, but the genetic structure of D. nummularia appears more complex. Dioscorea nummularia displayed two haplotypes, each corresponding to a different genetic group. One, including a D. nummularia voucher from New Guinea, is closer to D. tranversa, D. alata and D. hastifolia and encompasses only semi‐perennial types. The second group is composed of semi‐perennial and annual yams. However, some of these annual yams also displayed D. alata haplotypes. Nuclear markers revealed that some annual yams shared alleles with D. alata and semi‐perennial D. nummularia, suggesting a hybrid origin, which may explain their intermediate morphotypes and the difficulty met in classifying them.  相似文献   

Nonsense‐mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a eukaryotic process that targets selected mRNAs for destruction, for both quality control and gene regulatory purposes. SMG1, the core kinase of the NMD machinery in animals, phosphorylates the highly conserved UPF1 effector protein to activate NMD. However, SMG1 is missing from the genomes of fungi and the model flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana, leading to the conclusion that SMG1 is animal‐specific and questioning the mechanistic conservation of the pathway. Here we show that SMG1 is not animal‐specific, by identifying SMG1 in a range of eukaryotes, including all examined green plants with the exception of A. thaliana. Knockout of SMG1 by homologous recombination in the basal land plant Physcomitrella patens reveals that SMG1 has a conserved role in the NMD pathway across kingdoms. SMG1 has been lost at various points during the evolution of eukaryotes from multiple lineages, including an early loss in the fungal lineage and a very recent observable gene loss in A. thaliana. These findings suggest that the SMG1 kinase functioned in the NMD pathway of the last common eukaryotic ancestor.  相似文献   

RAB GTPases are key regulators of membrane traffic. Among them, RAB11, a widely conserved sub‐group, has evolved in a unique way in plants; plant RAB11 members show notable diversity, whereas yeast and animals have only a few RAB11 members. Fifty‐seven RAB GTPases are encoded in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome, 26 of which are classified in the RAB11 group (further divided into RABA1–RABA6 sub‐groups). Although several plant RAB11 members have been shown to play pivotal roles in plant‐unique developmental processes, including cytokinesis and tip growth, molecular and physiological functions of the majority of RAB11 members remain unknown. To reveal precise functions of plant RAB11, we investigated the subcellular localization and dynamics of the largest sub‐group of Arabidopsis RAB11, RABA1, which has nine members. RABA1 members reside on mobile punctate structures adjacent to the trans‐Golgi network and co‐localized with VAMP721/722, R‐SNARE proteins that operate in the secretory pathway. In addition, the constitutive‐active mutant of RABA1b, RABA1bQ72L , was present on the plasma membrane. The RABA1b ‐containing membrane structures showed actin‐dependent dynamic motion . Vesicles labeled by GFP–RABA1b moved dynamically, forming queues along actin filaments. Interestingly, Arabidopsis plants whose four major RABA1 members were knocked out, and those expressing the dominant‐negative mutant of RABA1B, exhibited hypersensitivity to salinity stress. Altogether, these results indicate that RABA1 members mediate transport between the trans‐Golgi network and the plasma membrane, and are required for salinity stress tolerance.  相似文献   

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