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RNA interference (RNAi) has been exploited as a reverse genetic tool for functional genomics in the nonmodel species strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) since 2006. Here, we analysed for the first time different but overlapping nucleotide sections (>200 nt) of two endogenous genes, FaCHS (chalcone synthase) and FaOMT (O‐methyltransferase), as inducer sequences and a transitive vector system to compare their gene silencing efficiencies. In total, ten vectors were assembled each containing the nucleotide sequence of one fragment in sense and corresponding antisense orientation separated by an intron (inverted hairpin construct, ihp). All sequence fragments along the full lengths of both target genes resulted in a significant down‐regulation of the respective gene expression and related metabolite levels. Quantitative PCR data and successful application of a transitive vector system coinciding with a phenotypic change suggested propagation of the silencing signal. The spreading of the signal in strawberry fruit in the 3′ direction was shown for the first time by the detection of secondary small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) outside of the primary targets by deep sequencing. Down‐regulation of endogenes by the transitive method was less effective than silencing by ihp constructs probably because the numbers of primary siRNAs exceeded the quantity of secondary siRNAs by three orders of magnitude. Besides, we observed consistent hotspots of primary and secondary siRNA formation along the target sequence which fall within a distance of less than 200 nt. Thus, ihp vectors seem to be superior over the transitive vector system for functional genomics in strawberry fruit.  相似文献   

Physiologically active acylphloroglucinol (APG) glucosides were recently found in strawberry (Fragaria sp.) fruit. Although the formation of the APG aglycones has been clarified, little is known about APG glycosylation in plants. In this study we functionally characterized ripening‐related glucosyltransferase genes in Fragaria by comprehensive biochemical analyses of the encoded proteins and by a RNA interference (RNAi) approach in vivo. The allelic proteins UGT71K3a/b catalyzed the glucosylation of diverse hydroxycoumarins, naphthols and flavonoids as well as phloroglucinols, enzymatically synthesized APG aglycones and pelargonidin. Total enzymatic synthesis of APG glucosides was achieved by co‐incubation of recombinant dual functional chalcone/valerophenone synthase and UGT71K3 proteins with essential coenzyme A esters and UDP‐glucose. An APG glucoside was identified in strawberry fruit which has not yet been reported in other plants. Suppression of UGT71K3 activity in transient RNAi‐silenced fruits led to a loss of pigmentation and a substantial decrease of the levels of various APG glucosides and an anthocyanin. Metabolite analyses of transgenic fruits confirmed UGT71K3 as a UDP‐glucose:APG glucosyltransferase in planta. These results provide the foundation for the breeding of fruits with improved health benefits and for the biotechnological production of bioactive natural products.  相似文献   

Octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a model plant for research and one of the most important non‐climacteric fruit crops throughout the world. The associations between regulatory networks and metabolite composition were explored for one of the most critical agricultural properties in octoploid strawberry, fruit colour. Differences in the levels of flavonoids are due to the differences in the expression of structural and regulatory genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis. The molecular mechanisms underlying differences in fruit colour were compared between red and white octoploid strawberry varieties. FaMYB genes had combinatorial effects in determining the red colour of fruit through the regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis in response to the increase in endogenous ABA at the final stage of fruit development. Analysis of alleles of FaMYB10 and FaMYB1 in red and white strawberry varieties led to the discovery of a white‐specific variant allele of FaMYB10, FaMYB10‐2. Its coding sequence possessed an ACTTATAC insertion in the genomic region encoding the C‐terminus of the protein. This insertion introduced a predicted premature termination codon, which suggested the loss of intact FaMYB10 protein playing a critical role in the loss of red colour in white octoploid strawberry.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting fitness of hybrids between wild soybean (Glycine soja) and cultivated soybean (Glycine max). Seed dormancy and seed number, both of which are important for fitness, were evaluated by testing artificial hybrids of G. soja × G. max in a multiple‐site field trial. Generally, the fitness of the F1 hybrids and hybrid derivatives from self‐pollination was lower than that of G. soja due to loss of seed dormancy, whereas the fitness of hybrid derivatives with higher proportions of G. soja genetic background was comparable with that of G. soja. These differences were genetically dissected into QTL for each population. Three QTLs for seed dormancy and one QTL for total seed number were detected in the F2 progenies of two diverse cross combinations. At those four QTLs, the G. max alleles reduced seed number and severely reduced seed survival during the winter, suggesting that major genes acquired during soybean adaptation to cultivation have a selective disadvantage in natural habitats. In progenies with a higher proportion of G. soja genetic background, the genetic effects of the G. max alleles were not expressed as phenotypes because the G. soja alleles were dominant over the G. max alleles. Considering the highly inbreeding nature of these species, most hybrid derivatives would disappear quickly in early self‐pollinating generations in natural habitats because of the low fitness of plants carrying G. max alleles.  相似文献   

  • Induced systemic resistance (ISR) is one of the indirect mechanisms of growth promotion exerted by plant growth‐promoting bacteria, and can be mediated by ethylene (ET). We assessed ET production and the expression of related genes in the Azospirillum–strawberry plant interaction.
  • Ethylene production was evaluated by gas chromatography in plants inoculated or not with A. brasilense REC3. Also, plants were treated with AgNO3, an inhibitor of ET biosynthesis; with 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylic acid (ACC), a precursor of ET biosynthesis; and with indole acetic acid (IAA). Plant dry biomass and the growth index were determined to assess the growth‐promoting effect of A. brasilense REC3 in strawberry plants. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT‐PCR) was performed to analyse relative expression of the genes Faetr1, Faers1 and Faein4, which encode ET receptors; Factr1 and Faein2, involved in the ET signalling pathway; Faacs1 encoding ACC synthase; Faaco1 encoding ACC oxidase; and Faaux1 and Faami1 for IAA synthesis enzymes.
  • Results showed that ET acts as a rapid and transient signal in the first 12 h post‐treatment. A. brasilense REC3‐inoculated plants had a significantly higher growth index compared to control plants. Modulation of the genes Faetr1, Faers1, Faein4, Factr1, Faein2 and Faaco1 indicated activation of ET synthesis and signalling pathways. The up‐regulation of Faaux1 and Faami1 involved in IAA synthesis suggested that inoculation with A. brasilense REC3 induces production of this auxin, modulating ET signalling.
  • Ethylene production and up‐regulation of genes associated with ET signalling in strawberry plants inoculated with A. brasilense REC3 support the priming activation characteristic of ISR. This type of resistance and the activation of systemic acquired resistance previously observed in this interaction indicate that both are present in strawberry plants, could act synergistically and increase protection against pathogens.

Citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), is severely damaging to the global citrus industry. Targeted editing of host disease‐susceptibility genes represents an interesting and potentially durable alternative in plant breeding for resistance. Here, we report improvement of citrus canker resistance through CRISPR/Cas9‐targeted modification of the susceptibility gene CsLOB1 promoter in citrus. Wanjincheng orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) harbours at least three copies of the CsLOB1G allele and one copy of the CsLOB1? allele. The promoter of both alleles contains the effector binding element (EBEPthA4), which is recognized by the main effector PthA4 of Xcc to activate CsLOB1 expression to promote citrus canker development. Five pCas9/CsLOB1sgRNA constructs were designed to modify the EBEPthA4 of the CsLOB1 promoter in Wanjincheng orange. Among these constructs, mutation rates were 11.5%–64.7%. Homozygous mutants were generated directly from citrus explants. Sixteen lines that harboured EBEPthA4 modifications were identified from 38 mutant plants. Four mutation lines (S2‐5, S2‐6, S2‐12 and S5‐13), in which promoter editing disrupted CsLOB1 induction in response to Xcc infection, showed enhanced resistance to citrus canker compared with the wild type. No canker symptoms were observed in the S2‐6 and S5‐13 lines. Promoter editing of CsLOB1G alone was sufficient to enhance citrus canker resistance in Wanjincheng orange. Deletion of the entire EBEPthA4 sequence from both CsLOB1 alleles conferred a high degree of resistance to citrus canker. The results demonstrate that CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated promoter editing of CsLOB1 is an efficient strategy for generation of canker‐resistant citrus cultivars.  相似文献   

Grain size and weight are important components of a suite of yield‐related traits in crops. Here, we showed that the CRISPR‐Cas9 gene editing of TaGW7, a homolog of rice OsGW7 encoding a TONNEAU1‐recruiting motif (TRM) protein, affects grain shape and weight in allohexaploid wheat. By editing the TaGW7 homoeologs in the B and D genomes, we showed that mutations in either of the two or both genomes increased the grain width and weight but reduced the grain length. The effect sizes of mutations in the TaGW7 gene homoeologs coincided with the relative levels of their expression in the B and D genomes. The effects of gene editing on grain morphology and weight traits were dosage dependent with the double‐copy mutant showing larger effect than the respective single copy mutants. The TaGW7‐centered gene co‐expression network indicated that this gene is involved in the pathways regulating cell division and organ growth, also confirmed by the cellular co‐localization of TaGW7 with α‐ and β‐tubulin proteins, the building blocks of microtubule arrays. The analyses of exome capture data in tetraploid domesticated and wild emmer, and hexaploid wheat revealed the loss of diversity around TaGW7‐associated with domestication selection, suggesting that TaGW7 is likely to play an important role in the evolution of yield component traits in wheat. Our study showed how integrating CRISPR‐Cas9 system with cross‐species comparison can help to uncover the function of a gene fixed in wheat for allelic variants targeted by domestication selection and select targets for engineering new gene variants for crop improvement.  相似文献   

Multilocular silique is a desirable agricultural trait with great potential for the development of high‐yield varieties of Brassica. To date, no spontaneous or induced multilocular mutants have been reported in Brassica napus, which likely reflects its allotetraploid nature and the extremely low probability of the simultaneous random mutagenesis of multiple gene copies with functional redundancy. Here, we present evidence for the efficient knockout of rapeseed homologues of CLAVATA3 (CLV3) for a secreted peptide and its related receptors CLV1 and CLV2 in the CLV signalling pathway using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and achieved stable transmission of the mutations across three generations. Each BnCLV gene has two copies located in two subgenomes. The multilocular phenotype can be recovered only in knockout mutations of both copies of each BnCLV gene, illustrating that the simultaneous alteration of multiple gene copies by CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis has great potential in generating agronomically important mutations in rapeseed. The mutagenesis efficiency varied widely from 0% to 48.65% in T0 with different single‐guide RNAs (sgRNAs), indicating that the appropriate selection of the sgRNA is important for effectively generating indels in rapeseed. The double mutation of BnCLV3 produced more leaves and multilocular siliques with a significantly higher number of seeds per silique and a higher seed weight than the wild‐type and single mutant plants, potentially contributing to increased seed production. We also assessed the efficiency of the horizontal transfer of Cas9/gRNA cassettes by pollination. Our findings reveal the potential for plant breeding strategies to improve yield traits in currently cultivated rapeseed varieties.  相似文献   

Terpenes are important compounds in plant trophic interactions. A meta‐analysis of GC‐MS data from a diverse range of apple (Malus × domestica) genotypes revealed that apple fruit produces a range of terpene volatiles, with the predominant terpene being the acyclic branched sesquiterpene (E,E)‐α‐farnesene. Four quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for α‐farnesene production in ripe fruit were identified in a segregating ‘Royal Gala’ (RG) × ‘Granny Smith’ (GS) population with one major QTL on linkage group 10 co‐locating with the MdAFS1 (α‐farnesene synthase‐1) gene. Three of the four QTLs were derived from the GS parent, which was consistent with GC‐MS analysis of headspace and solvent‐extracted terpenes showing that cold‐treated GS apples produced higher levels of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene than RG. Transgenic RG fruit downregulated for MdAFS1 expression produced significantly lower levels of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene. To evaluate the role of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene in fungal pathogenesis, MdAFS1 RNA interference transgenic fruit and RG controls were inoculated with three important apple post‐harvest pathogens [Colletotrichum acutatum, Penicillium expansum and Neofabraea alba (synonym Phlyctema vagabunda)]. From results obtained over four seasons, we demonstrate that reduced (E,E)‐α‐farnesene is associated with decreased disease initiation rates of all three pathogens. In each case, the infection rate was significantly reduced 7 days post‐inoculation, although the size of successful lesions was comparable with infections on control fruit. These results indicate that (E,E)‐α‐farnesene production is likely to be an important factor involved in fungal pathogenesis in apple fruit.  相似文献   

In recent years, the type II CRISPR system has become a widely used and robust technique to implement site‐directed mutagenesis in a variety of species including model and crop plants. However, few studies manipulated metabolic pathways in plants using the CRISPR system. Here, we introduced the pYLCRISPR/Cas9 system with one or two single‐site guide RNAs to target the tomato phytoene desaturase gene. An obvious albino phenotype was observed in T0 regenerated plants, and more than 61% of the desired target sites were edited. Furthermore, we manipulated the γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) shunt in tomatoes using a multiplex pYLCRISPR/Cas9 system that targeted five key genes. Fifty‐three genome‐edited plants were obtained following single plant transformation, and these samples represented single to quadruple mutants. The GABA accumulation in both the leaves and fruits of genomically edited lines was significantly enhanced, and the GABA content in the leaves of quadruple mutants was 19‐fold higher than that in wild‐type plants. Our data demonstrate that the multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 system can be exploited to precisely edit tomato genomic sequences and effectively create multisite knockout mutations, which could shed new light on plant metabolic engineering regulations.  相似文献   

Plant height and branch number are essential components of rapeseed plant architecture and are directly correlated with its yield. Presently, improvement of plant architecture is a major challenge in rapeseed breeding. In this study, we first verified that the two rapeseed BnaMAX1 genes had redundant functions resembling those of Arabidopsis MAX1, which regulates plant height and axillary bud outgrowth. Therefore, we designed two sgRNAs to edit these BnaMAX1 homologs using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The T0 plants were edited very efficiently (56.30%–67.38%) at the BnaMAX1 target sites resulting in homozygous, heterozygous, bi‐allelic and chimeric mutations. Transmission tests revealed that the mutations were passed on to the T1 and T2 progeny. We also obtained transgene‐free lines created by the CRISPR/Cas9 editing, and no mutations were detected in potential off‐target sites. Notably, simultaneous knockout of all four BnaMAX1 alleles resulted in semi‐dwarf and increased branching phenotypes with more siliques, contributing to increased yield per plant relative to wild type. Therefore, these semi‐dwarf and increased branching characteristics have the potential to help construct a rapeseed ideotype. Significantly, the editing resources obtained in our study provide desirable germplasm for further breeding of high yield in rapeseed.  相似文献   

Flowering time is a key agronomic trait that directly influences the successful adaptation of soybean (Glycine max) to diverse latitudes and farming systems. GmFT2a and GmFT5a have been extensively identified as flowering activators and integrators in soybean. Here, we identified two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) regions harbouring GmFT2a and GmFT5a, respectively, associated with different genetic effects on flowering under different photoperiods. We analysed the flowering time of transgenic plants overexpressing GmFT2a or GmFT5a, ft2a mutants, ft5a mutants and ft2aft5a double mutants under long‐day (LD) and short‐day (SD) conditions. We confirmed that GmFT2a and GmFT5a are not redundant, they collectively regulate flowering time, and the effect of GmFT2a is more prominent than that of GmFT5a under SD conditions whereas GmFT5a has more significant effects than GmFT2a under LD conditions. GmFT5a, not GmFT2a, was essential for soybean to adapt to high latitude regions. The ft2aft5a double mutants showed late flowering by about 31.3 days under SD conditions and produced significantly increased numbers of pods and seeds per plant compared to the wild type. We speculate that these mutants may have enormous yield potential for the tropics. In addition, we examined the sequences of these two loci in 202 soybean accessions and investigated the flowering phenotypes, geographical distributions and maturity groups within major haplotypes. These results will contribute to soybean breeding and regional adaptability.  相似文献   

Hongkong kumquat (Fortunella hindsii) is a wild citrus species characterized by dwarf plant height and early flowering. Here, we identified the monoembryonic F. hindsii (designated as ‘Mini‐Citrus’) for the first time and constructed its selfing lines. This germplasm constitutes an ideal model for the genetic and functional genomics studies of citrus, which have been severely hindered by the long juvenility and inherent apomixes of citrus. F. hindsii showed a very short juvenile period (~8 months) and stable monoembryonic phenotype under cultivation. We report the first de novo assembled 373.6 Mb genome sequences (Contig‐N50 2.2 Mb and Scaffold‐N50 5.2 Mb) for F. hindsii. In total, 32 257 protein‐coding genes were annotated, 96.9% of which had homologues in other eight Citrinae species. The phylogenomic analysis revealed a close relationship of F. hindsii with cultivated citrus varieties, especially with mandarin. Furthermore, the CRISPR/Cas9 system was demonstrated to be an efficient strategy to generate target mutagenesis on F. hindsii. The modifications of target genes in the CRISPR‐modified F. hindsii were predominantly 1‐bp insertions or small deletions. This genetic transformation system based on F. hindsii could shorten the whole process from explant to T1 mutant to about 15 months. Overall, due to its short juvenility, monoembryony, close genetic background to cultivated citrus and applicability of CRISPR, F. hindsii shows unprecedented potentials to be used as a model species for citrus research.  相似文献   

The CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease system is a powerful and flexible tool for genome editing, and novel applications of this system are being developed rapidly. Here, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to target the FAD2 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana and in the closely related emerging oil seed plant, Camelina sativa, with the goal of improving seed oil composition. We successfully obtained Camelina seeds in which oleic acid content was increased from 16% to over 50% of the fatty acid composition. These increases were associated with significant decreases in the less desirable polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid (i.e. a decrease from ~16% to <4%) and linolenic acid (a decrease from ~35% to <10%). These changes result in oils that are superior on multiple levels: they are healthier, more oxidatively stable and better suited for production of certain commercial chemicals, including biofuels. As expected, A. thaliana T2 and T3 generation seeds exhibiting these types of altered fatty acid profiles were homozygous for disrupted FAD2 alleles. In the allohexaploid, Camelina, guide RNAs were designed that simultaneously targeted all three homoeologous FAD2 genes. This strategy that significantly enhanced oil composition in T3 and T4 generation Camelina seeds was associated with a combination of germ‐line mutations and somatic cell mutations in FAD2 genes in each of the three Camelina subgenomes.  相似文献   

The development and adoption of hybrid seed technology have led to dramatic increases in agricultural productivity. However, it has been a challenge to develop a commercially viable platform for the production of hybrid wheat (Triticum aestivum) seed due to wheat's strong inbreeding habit. Recently, a novel platform for commercial hybrid seed production was described. This hybridization platform utilizes nuclear male sterility to force outcrossing and has been applied to maize and rice. With the recent molecular identification of the wheat male fertility gene Ms1, it is now possible to extend the use of this novel hybridization platform to wheat. In this report, we used the CRISPR/Cas9 system to generate heritable, targeted mutations in Ms1. The introduction of biallelic frameshift mutations into Ms1 resulted in complete male sterility in wheat cultivars Fielder and Gladius, and several of the selected male‐sterile lines were potentially non‐transgenic. Our study demonstrates the utility of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for the rapid generation of male sterility in commercial wheat cultivars. This represents an important step towards capturing heterosis to improve wheat yields, through the production and use of hybrid seed on an industrial scale.  相似文献   

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