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Fish migrations are energetically costly, especially when moving between freshwater and saltwater, but are a viable strategy for Pacific salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus spp.) due to the advantageous resources available at various life stages. Anadromous steelhead (O. mykiss) migrate vast distances and exhibit variation for adult migration phenotypes that have a genetic basis at candidate genes known as greb1L and rock1. We examined the distribution of genetic variation at 13 candidate markers spanning greb1L, intergenic, and rock1 regions versus 226 neutral markers for 113 populations (n = 9,471) of steelhead from inland and coastal lineages in the Columbia River. Patterns of population structure with neutral markers reflected genetic similarity by geographic region as demonstrated in previous studies, but candidate markers clustered populations by genetic variation associated with adult migration timing. Mature alleles for late migration had the highest frequency overall in steelhead populations throughout the Columbia River, with only 9 of 113 populations that had a higher frequency of premature alleles for early migration. While a single haplotype block was evident for the coastal lineage, we identified multiple haplotype blocks for the inland lineage. The inland lineage had one haplotype block that corresponded to candidate markers within the greb1L gene and immediately upstream in the intergenic region, and the second block only contained candidate markers from the intergenic region. Haplotype frequencies had similar patterns of geographic distribution as single markers, but there were distinct differences in frequency between the two haplotype blocks for the inland lineage. This may represent multiple recombination events that differed between lineages where phenotypic differences exist between freshwater entry versus arrival timing as indicated by Micheletti et al. (2018a). Redundancy analyses were used to model environmental effects on allelic frequencies of candidate markers, and significant variables were migration distance, temperature, isothermality, and annual precipitation. This study improves our understanding of the spatial distribution of genetic variation underlying adult migration timing in steelhead as well as associated environmental factors and has direct conservation and management implications.  相似文献   

基于Hom in的基因共表达网络的比较分析,发现人类基因共表达网络和蛋白质相互作用数据之间存在一定的相关性。采用基因本体论对这两个网络重叠区域进行基因分类后发现,这些编码的蛋白质主要集中在对刺激物的应答途径之中。通过对该途径中的蛋白质相互作用网络作图,获得了两个独立的功能模块。通过对模块中的基因分类和关键基因分析得出两者分别对应于内外源刺激物的应答功能。本研究对于利用不断丰富的核酸公共数据信息挖掘蛋白质相互作用的研究具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

In perennial woody plants, the coordinated increase of stem height and diameter during juvenile growth improves competitiveness (i.e. access to light); however, the factors underlying variation in stem growth remain unknown in trees. Here, we used linkage‐linkage disequilibrium (linkage‐LD) mapping to decipher the genetic architecture underlying three growth traits during juvenile stem growth. We used two Populus populations: a linkage mapping population comprising a full‐sib family of 1,200 progeny and an association mapping panel comprising 435 unrelated individuals from nearly the entire natural range of Populus tomentosa. We mapped 311 quantitative trait loci (QTL) for three growth traits at 12 timepoints to 42 regions in 17 linkage groups. Of these, 28 regions encompassing 233 QTL were annotated as 27 segmental homology regions (SHRs). Using SNPs identified by whole‐genome re‐sequencing of the 435‐member association mapping panel, we identified significant SNPs ( 9.4 × 10?7) within 27 SHRs that affect stem growth at nine timepoints with diverse additive and dominance patterns, and these SNPs exhibited complex allelic epistasis over the juvenile growth period. Nineteen genes linked to potential causative alleles that have time‐specific or pleiotropic effects, and mostly overlapped with significant signatures of selection within SHRs between climatic regions represented by the association mapping panel. Five genes with potential time‐specific effects showed species‐specific temporal expression profiles during the juvenile stages of stem growth in five representative Populus species. Our observations revealed the importance of considering temporal genetic basis of complex traits, which will facilitate the molecular design of tree ideotypes.  相似文献   

Equine osteochondrosis (OC) is a frequent developmental orthopaedic disease with high economic impact on the equine industry and may lead to premature retirement of the animal as a result of chronic pain and lameness. The genetic background of OC includes different genes affecting several locations; however, these genetic associations have been tested in only one or few populations, lacking the validation in others. The aim of this study was to identify the genetic determinants of OC in the Spanish Purebred horse breed. For that purpose, we used a candidate gene approach to study the association between loci previously implicated in the onset and development of OC in other breeds and different OC locations using radiographic data from 144 individuals belonging to the Spanish Purebred horse breed. Of the 48 polymorphisms analysed, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in the FAF1, FCN3 and COL1A2 genes were found to be associated with different locations of OC lesions. These data contribute insights into the complex gene networks underlying the multifactorial disease OC, and the associated SNPs could be used in a marker‐assisted selection strategy to improve horse health, welfare and competitive lifespan.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic mechanisms for the phenotypic plasticity and developmental instability of a quantitative trait has important implications for breeding and evolution. Two clonally replicated plantations of two 3-generation inbred pedigrees derived from the highly divergent species Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides were used to examine the genetic control of macro- and micro-environmental sensitivities and their genetic relationships with the trait mean across two contrasting environments. For all stem-growth traits studied, the trait mean had a higher broad-sense heritability (H2) level than macroenvironmental sensitivity, both with much higher values than microenvironmental sensitivity. Genetic correlation analyses indicated that the trait mean was more or less independent of macro- or micro-environmental sensitivity in stem height. Thus, for this trait, the genetic difference in response to the two environments might be mainly due to epistasis between some regulatory loci for plasticity and loci for trait mean. However, for basal area and volume index, pleiotropic loci might be more important for their genetic differences between the two environments. No evidence was found to support Lerner’s (1954) homeostasis theory in which macro- or micro-environmental sensitivity is the inverse function of heterozygosity. Received: 8 March 1996 / Accepted: 31 May 1996  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common subtype in liver cancer whose prognosis is affected by malignant progression associated with complex gene interactions. However, there is currently no available biomarkers associated with HCC progression in clinical application. In our study, RNA sequencing expression data of 50 normal samples and 374 tumor samples was analyzed and 9225 differentially expressed genes were screened. Weighted gene coexpression network analysis was then conducted and the blue module we were interested was identified by calculating the correlations between 17 gene modules and clinical features. In the blue module, the calculation of topological overlap was applied to select the top 30 genes and these 30 genes were divided into the green group (11 genes) and the yellow group (19 genes) through searching whether these genes were validated by in vitro or in vivo experiments. The genes in the green group which had never been validated by any experiments were recognized as hub genes. These hub genes were subsequently validated by a new data set GSE76427 and KM Plotter Online Tool, and the results indicated that 10 genes (FBXO43, ARHGEF39, MXD3, VIPR1, DNASE1L3, PHLDA1, CSRNP1, ADR2B, C1RL, and CDC37L1) could act as prognosis and progression biomarkers of HCC. In summary, 10 genes who have never been mentioned in HCC were identified to be associated with malignant progression and prognosis of patients. These findings may contribute to the improvement of the therapeutic decision, risk stratification, and prognosis prediction for HCC patients.  相似文献   

Glioma causes great harm to people worldwide. Systemic coexpression analysis of this disease could be beneficial for the identification and development of new prognostic and predictive markers in the clinical management of glioma. In this study, we extracted data sets from the Gene Expression Omnibus data set by using “glioma” as the keyword. Then, a coexpression module was constructed with the help of Weighted Gene Coexpression Network Analysis software. Besides, Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analyses were performed on the genes in these modules. As a result, the critical modules and target genes were identified. Eight coexpression modules were constructed using the 4,000 genes with a high expression value of the total 141 glioma samples. The result of the analysis of the interaction among these modules showed that there was a high scale independence degree among them. The GO and KEGG enrichment analyses showed that there was a significant difference in the enriched terms and degree among these eight modules, and module 5 was identified as the most important module. Besides, the pathways it was enriched in, hsa04510: Focal adhesion and hsa04610: Complement and coagulation cascades, were determined as the most important pathways. In summary, module 5 and the pathways it was enriched in, hsa04510: Focal adhesion and has 04610: Complement and coagulation cascades, have the potential to serve as biomarkers for patients with glioma.  相似文献   

Bioengineering of photoautotrophic microalgae into CO2 scrubbers and producers of value‐added metabolites is an appealing approach in low‐carbon economy. A strategy for microalgal bioengineering is to enhance the photosynthetic carbon assimilation through genetically modifying the photosynthetic pathways. The halotolerant microalgae Dunaliella posses an unique osmoregulatory mechanism, which accumulates intracellular glycerol in response to extracellular hyperosmotic stresses. In our study, the Calvin cycle enzyme sedoheptulose 1,7‐bisphosphatase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrSBPase) was transformed into Dunaliella bardawil, and the transformant CrSBP showed improved photosynthetic performance along with increased total organic carbon content and the osmoticum glycerol production. The results demonstrate that the potential of photosynthetic microalgae as CO2 removers could be enhanced through modifying the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle, with glycerol as the carbon sink.  相似文献   

The oldest species of bacteria capable of oxygenic photosynthesis today are the freshwater Cyanobacteria Gloeobacter spp., belonging to the class Oxyphotobacteria. Several modern molecular evolutionary studies support the freshwater origin of cyanobacteria during the Archaean and their subsequent acquisition of salt tolerance mechanisms necessary for their expansion into the marine environment. This study investigated the effect of a sudden washout event from a freshwater location into either a brackish or marine environment on the photosynthetic efficiency of two unicellular freshwater cyanobacteria: the salt‐tolerant Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC7203 and the cyanobacterial phylogenetic root species, Gloeobacter violaceus PCC7421. Strains were cultured under present atmospheric levels (PAL) of CO2 or an atmosphere containing elevated levels of CO2 and reduced O2 (eCO2rO2) in simulated shallow water or terrestrial environmental conditions. Both strains exhibited a reduction in growth rates and gross photosynthesis, accompanied by significant reductions in chlorophyll a content, in brackish water, with only C. thermalis able to grow at marine salinity levels. While the experimental atmosphere caused a significant increase in gross photosynthesis rates in both strains, it did not increase their growth rates, nor the amount of O2 released. The differences in growth responses to increasing salinities could be attributed to genetic differences, with C. thermalis carrying additional genes for trehalose synthesis. This study demonstrates that, if cyanobacteria did evolve in a freshwater environment, they would have been capable of withstanding a sudden washout into increasingly saline environments. Both C. thermalis and G. violaceus continued to grow and photosynthesise, albeit at diminished rates, in brackish water, thereby providing a route for the evolution of open ocean‐dwelling strains, necessary for the oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere.  相似文献   

Nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA) or testicular failure is the most severe form of male infertility. A variety of conditions, both acquired and congenital, can cause azoospermia. However, in a large number of azoospermia patients who are classified as idiopathic cases, the etiology remains poorly understand mainly due to the lack of knowledge of all the genetic causes and molecular mechanisms responsible for spermatogenesis failure. Identification of the key gene modules and pathways-related spermatogenesis failure might help to reveal the mechanisms of idiopathic azoospermia. Therefore, the expression patterns of spermatogenesis-associated genes in NOA were analyzed by weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) based on two public microarray data sets (GSE45885 and GSE45887), which included 51 samples and 32,321 genes. We identified a module (turquoise) that was significantly related to the Johnsen score of the testicular samples. In addition, the results of function and pathway enrichment analyses based on the online bioinformatics database Metascape revealed that genes in the turquoise module were mainly related to the process of spermatogenesis and spermatid development. To further identify spermatogenesis-associated genes, a microarray data set (GSE926) of murine testis at different developmental time points was analyzed by WGCNA. The blue module in GSE926 was significantly related to the time of murine testis development. The overlap study and k-core analysis based on protein–protein interaction network revealed that spermatogenesis- and spermatid development–associated genes, including glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, ADAM metallopeptidase domain 2, transition protein 1, testis-specific serine kinase 2, transition protein 2, and germ cell-associated 1 (GSG1), were further identified in the selected modules. The expression profile of GSG1 in human testis was chosen for further study using immunochemistry staining. Taken together, these screened gene modules and pathways provided a more detailed genetic and molecular mechanism underlying spermatogenesis failure occurrence and holds promise as potential diagnosis biomarkers and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The Gran Chaco is the largest continuous region of the South American dry forest, spanning Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil. Prosopis rubriflora and Prosopis ruscifolia are typical tree species of chaquenian area forests, which have been subjected to continuous fragmentation caused by cattle raising. This study evaluated P. rubriflora and P. ruscifolia in areas with varying levels of disturbance. We investigated the contemporary genetic diversities of both species in areas with distinct anthropogenic disturbances. Even with a lower heterozygote frequency, disturbed areas can provide important storage for alleles, allowing the maintenance of diversity. The genetic diversity of P. rubriflora was surprisingly similar to that of P. ruscifolia (H= 0.59 and He = 0.60, respectively) even with very different distribution ranges of both species. However, P. ruscifolia exhibited a higher intrapopulation fixation index than P. rubriflora. P. rubriflora showed evidence of bottlenecking in 64% of the sampled areas, while P. ruscifolia showed such evidence in 36% of the sampled areas. Additionally, P. rubriflora had two distinct populations due to its disjunctive geographic distribution, whereas P. ruscifolia had a single population that exhibited few signs of population structure in some areas, possibly due to the main pollinators presenting a short range of dispersion. Our results suggest that 42 Chaco areas should be conserved to retain the minimum of 500 individuals necessary to maintain genetic diversity for 100–1,000 generations. This study improves our understanding of these two Prosopis species and provides information for the conservation of their genetic diversities.  相似文献   

Fungal effector–host sensitivity gene interactions play a key role in determining the outcome of septoria nodorum blotch disease (SNB) caused by Parastagonospora nodorum on wheat. The pathosystem is complex and mediated by interaction of multiple fungal necrotrophic effector–host sensitivity gene systems. Three effector sensitivity gene systems are well characterized in this pathosystem; SnToxA–Tsn1, SnTox1–Snn1 and SnTox3–Snn3. We tested a wheat mapping population that segregated for Snn1 and Snn3 with SN15, an aggressive P. nodorum isolate that produces SnToxA, SnTox1 and SnTox3, to study the inheritance of sensitivity to SnTox1 and SnTox3 and disease susceptibility. Interval quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping showed that the SnTox1–Snn1 interaction was paramount in SNB development on both seedlings and adult plants. No effect of the SnTox3–Snn3 interaction was observed under SN15 infection. The SnTox3–Snn3 interaction was however, detected in a strain of SN15 in which SnTox1 had been deleted (tox1–6). Gene expression analysis indicates increased SnTox3 expression in tox1–6 compared with SN15. This indicates that the failure to detect the SnTox3–Snn3 interaction in SN15 is due – at least in part – to suppressed expression of SnTox3 mediated by SnTox1. Furthermore, infection of the mapping population with a strain deleted in SnToxA, SnTox1 and SnTox3 (toxa13) unmasked a significant SNB QTL on 2DS where the SnTox2 effector sensitivity gene, Snn2, is located. This QTL was not observed in SN15 and tox1–6 infections and thus suggesting that SnToxA and/or SnTox3 were epistatic. Additional QTLs responding to SNB and effectors sensitivity were detected on 2AS1 and 3AL.  相似文献   

Special conditions are required for genetic differentiation to arise at a local geographical scale in the face of gene flow. The Natal multimammate mouse, Mastomys natalensis, is the most widely distributed and abundant rodent in sub‐Saharan Africa. A notorious agricultural pest and a natural host for many zoonotic diseases, it can live in close proximity to humans and appears to compete with other rodents for the synanthropic niche. We surveyed its population genetic structure across a 180‐km transect in central Tanzania along which the landscape varied between agricultural land in a rural setting and natural woody vegetation, rivers, roads and a city (Morogoro). We sampled M. natalensis across 10 localities and genotyped 15 microsatellite loci from 515 individuals. Hierarchical STRUCTURE analyses show a K‐invariant pattern distinguishing Morogoro suburbs (located in the centre of the transect) from nine surrounding rural localities. Landscape connectivity analyses in Circuitscape and comparison of rainfall patterns suggest that neither geographical isolation nor natural breeding asynchrony could explain the genetic differentiation of the urban population. Using the isolation‐with‐migration model implemented in IMa2, we inferred that a split between suburban and rural populations would have occurred recently (<150 years ago) with higher urban effective population density consistent with an urban source to rural sink of effective migration. The observed genetic differentiation of urban multimammate mice is striking given the uninterrupted distribution of the animal throughout the landscape and the high estimates of effective migration (2NeM = 3.0 and 29.7), suggesting a strong selection gradient across the urban boundary.  相似文献   

Flowering time is an important factor affecting grain yield in wheat. In this study, we divided reproductive spike development into eight sub‐phases. These sub‐phases have the potential to be delicately manipulated to increase grain yield. We measured 36 traits with regard to sub‐phase durations, determined three grain yield‐related traits in eight field environments and mapped 15 696 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, based on 90k Infinium chip and 35k Affymetrix chip) markers in 210 wheat genotypes. Phenotypic and genetic associations between grain yield traits and sub‐phase durations showed significant consistency (Mantel test; = 0.5377, < 0.001). The shared quantitative trait loci (QTLs) revealed by the genome‐wide association study suggested a close association between grain yield and sub‐phase duration, which may be attributed to effects on spikelet initiation/spikelet number (double ridge to terminal spikelet stage, DR‐TS) and assimilate accumulation (green anther to anthesis stage, GA‐AN). Moreover, we observed that the photoperiod‐sensitivity allele at the Ppd‐D1 locus on chromosome 2D markedly extended all sub‐phase durations, which may contribute to its positive effects on grain yield traits. The dwarfing allele at the Rht‐D1 (chromosome 4D) locus altered the sub‐phase duration and displayed positive effects on grain yield traits. Data for 30 selected genotypes (from among the original 210 genotypes) in the field displayed a close association with that from the greenhouse. Most importantly, this study demonstrated specific connections to grain yield in narrower time windows (i.e. the eight sub‐phases), rather than the entire stem elongation phase as a whole.  相似文献   

The MIR396 family, composed of ath‐miR396a and ath‐miR396b in Arabidopsis, is conserved among plant species and is known to target the Growth‐Regulating Factor (GRF) gene family. ath‐miR396 overexpressors or grf mutants are characterised by small and narrow leaves and show embryogenic defects such as cotyledon fusion. Heterologous expression of ath‐miR396a has been reported in tobacco and resulted in reduction of the expression of three NtGRF genes. In this study, the precursor of the Populus trichocarpa ptc‐miR396c, with a mature sequence identical to ath‐miR396b, was expressed under control of the CaMV35S promoter in tobacco. Typical phenotypes of GRF down‐regulation were observed, including cotyledon fusion and lack of shoot apical meristem (SAM). At later stage of growth, transgenic plants had delayed development and altered specification of organ type during flower development. The third and fourth whorls of floral organs were modified into stigmatoid anthers and fasciated carpels, respectively. Several NtGRF genes containing a miR396 binding site were found to be down‐regulated, and the cleavage of their corresponding mRNA at the miR396 binding site was confirmed for two of them using RACE‐PCR analysis. The data obtained agree with the functional conservation of the miR396 family in plants and suggest a role for the miR396/GRF network in determination of floral organ specification.  相似文献   

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