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Photoactivated riboflavin in the presence of Cu(II) generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can hemolyze human red blood cells (RBC). In the present work we examined the effect of sodium azide (NaN3) on RBC in the presence of riboflavin and Cu(II). The addition of NaN3 to the riboflavin-Cu(II) system enhanced K+ loss and hemolysis. The extent of K+ loss and hemolysis were time and concentration dependent. Bathocuproine, a Cu(I)-sequestering agent, inhibited the hemolysis completely. Among various free radical scavengers used to identify the major ROS involved in the reaction, thiourea was found to be the most effective scavenger. Thiourea caused almost 85% inhibition of hemolysis suggesting that *OH is the major ROS involved in the reaction. Using spectral studies and other observations, we propose that when NaN3 is added to the riboflavin-Cu(II) system, it inhibits the photodegradation of riboflavin resulting in increased *OH generation. Also, the possibility of azide radical formation and its involvement in the reaction could not be ruled out.  相似文献   

Prion disorders are fatal neurodegenerative diseases caused by the autocatalytic conversion of a natively occurring prion protein (PrPC) into its misfolded infectious form (PrPTSE). The proven resistance of PrPTSE to common disinfection procedures increases the risk of prion transmission in medical settings. Herein, we present the effective photodynamic inactivation (PDI) of prions by disulfonated hydroxyaluminum phthalocyanine (AlPcOH(SO3)2) utilizing two custom‐built red light sources. The treatment eliminates PrPTSE signal in infectious mouse brain homogenate with efficiency that depends on light intensity but has a low effect on the overall protein content. Importantly, singlet oxygen (O2(1Δg)) is the only species significantly photogenerated by AlPcOH(SO3)2, and it is responsible for the PDI of prions. More intensive light conditions show not only higher O2(1Δg) production but also decreases in AlPcOH(SO3)2 photostability. Our findings suggest that PDI by AlPcOH(SO3)2‐generated O2(1Δg) represents a promising approach for prion inactivation that may be useful in future decontamination strategies for delicate medical tools.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are presently thought to play important role in an increasing number of the physiological and pathological processes in living organisms. Various chemiluminescent (CL) compounds have been studied in order to find suitable and specific probes for the detection of particular ROS species. The CL of luminol is known to be non‐specific and can be induced by various oxidants. Two Cypridina luciferin analogues, CLA and MCLA, have been used for the detection of ROS in vivo. CLAs are thought to emit light only when reacting with superoxide and singlet oxygen. It is possible to distinguish the particular ROS by using a specific quencher or scavenger, e.g. superoxide dismutase (SOD) or sodium azide (NaN3). The CL reactions of luminol (3‐aminophthalhydrazide), CLA [2‐methyl‐6‐phenyl‐3,7‐dihydroimidazo(1,2α) pyrazin‐3‐one] and MCLA [2‐methyl‐6‐(p‐methoxyphenyl)‐3,7‐dihydroimidazo(1,2α) pyrazin‐3‐one] were studied in three hydrogen peroxide decomposition systems (H2O2–HRP; H2O2–CuSO4; and H2O2–NaOCl). The measurements were carried out in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 25 °C, using a luminometer (Fluoroskan Ascent FL and Sirius C). NaN3 was used as the specific quencher of singlet oxygen. The results demonstrate that the proclaimed specifity of the CL of Cypridina luciferin analogues towards singlet oxygen has to be discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present study, the antimicrobial and antibiofilm efficacy of toluidine blue (TB) encapsulated in mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) was investigated against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus treated with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) using a red diode laser 670?nm wavelength, 97.65?J cm?2 radiant exposure, 5?min). Physico-chemical techniques (UV-visible (UV-vis) absorption, photoluminescence emission, excitation, and FTIR) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) were employed to characterize the conjugate of TB encapsulated in MSN (TB MSN). TB MSN showed maximum antimicrobial activities corresponding to 5.03 and 5.56 log CFU ml?1 reductions against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, respectively, whereas samples treated with TB alone showed 2.36 and 2.66 log CFU ml?1 reductions. Anti-biofilm studies confirmed that TB MSN effectively inhibits biofilm formation and production of extracellular polymeric substances by P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.  相似文献   

Depletion of the electron donor ascorbate causes rapid inactivation of chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) of higher plants, while cytosolic APX is stable under such conditions. Here we report the cloning of cDNA from Galdieria partita, a unicellular red alga, encoding a novel type of APX (APX-B). The electrophoretic mobility, K m values, k cat and absorption spectra of recombinant APX-B produced in Escherichia coli were measured. Recombinant APX-B remained active for at least 180 min after depletion of ascorbate. The amino-terminal half of APX-B, which forms the distal pocket of the active site, was richer in amino acid residues conserved in chloroplastic APXs of higher plants rather than cytosolic APXs. In contrast, the sequence of the carboxyl-terminal half, which forms the proximal pocket, was similar to that of the cytosolic isoform. The stability of APX-B might be due to its cytosolic isoform-like structure of the carboxyl-terminal half.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the mechanisms of neuronal cell death induced by lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and muramyl dipeptide (MDP) from Gram-positive bacterial cell walls using primary cultures of rat cerebellum granule cells (CGCs) and rat cortical glial cells (astrocytes and microglia). LTA (+/- MDP) from Staphylococcus aureus induced a strong inflammatory response of both types of glial cells (release of interleukin-1beta, tumour necrosis factor-alpha and nitric oxide). The death of CGCs was caused by activated glia because in the absence of glia (treatment with 7.5 microm cytosine-d-arabinoside to inhibit non-neuronal cell proliferation) LTA + MDP did not cause significant cell death (less than 20%). In addition, staining with rhodamine-labelled LTA confirmed that LTA was bound only to microglia and astrocytes (not neurones). Neuronal cell death induced by LTA (+/- MDP)-activated glia was partially blocked by an inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (1400 W; 100 microm), and completely blocked by a superoxide dismutase mimetic [manganese (III) tetrakis (4-benzoic acid)porphyrin chloride; 50 microm] and a peroxynitrite scavenger [5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrinato iron (III); 100 microm] suggesting that nitric oxide and peroxynitrite contributed to LTA-induced cell death. Moreover, neuronal cell death was inhibited by selective inhibitors of caspase-3 (z-DEVD-fmk; 50 microm) and caspase-8 (z-Ile-Glu(O-Me)-Thr-Asp(O-Me) fluoromethyl ketone; 50 microm) indicating that they were involved in LTA-induced neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

真核生物通过双层膜结构包裹细胞内受损的蛋白、细胞器或外源物质, 经溶酶体(或液泡)将内含物降解并进行循环利用, 这种高度保守的生物学过程称为自噬。活性氧是细胞有氧代谢的副产物, 作为一种信号分子广泛参与不同生物学过程的调控。研究表明, 真核生物中自噬与活性氧之间存在密切联系。该文结合近年的研究进展, 对植物细胞中活性氧的种类及作用和自噬的分子机制等进行概述, 旨在探讨活性氧对自噬的调控作用。  相似文献   

以常用的神经嗜铬细胞瘤PC12细胞株为实验模型,通过比较活性氧(ROS)作用细胞后的细胞活力、凋亡相关蛋白(p53、Bax)水平以及细胞中SOD、GSH、MDA的差异,发现菟丝子提取物不仅能提高ROS损伤的已分化PC12细胞活力,调节细胞中凋亡相关基因的表达,而且还能提高细胞中SOD和GSH的含量,降低MDA水平。由此表明,菟丝子提取物对ROS造成的PC12细胞损伤有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

快速、高效删除大肠杆菌染色体DNA的目的基因是大肠杆菌代谢工程研究的前提和基础。利用Red重组系统结合Xer重组系统删除了野生型大肠杆菌CICIM B0013的ackA-pta基因和pps基因。实验证明了可重复应用dif位点实现大肠杆菌染色体上多基因突变的叠加,同时,在染色体上并未留下抗生素标记,借此能够高效地实现多基因缺失突变株的构建。此外,本方法重组效率高,实验步骤较简便。  相似文献   


This study systematically assessed the inactivation mechanism on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms by a N2 atmospheric-pressure plasma jet and the effect on the biofilm regeneration capacity from the bacteria which survived, and their progenies. The total bacterial populations were 7.18?±?0.34 log10 CFU ml?1 in biofilms and these were effectively inactivated (>5.5-log10 CFU ml?1) within 30?min of exposure. Meanwhile, >80% of the S. aureus biofilm cells lost their metabolic capacity. In comparison, ~20% of the plasma-treated bacteria entered a viable but non-culturable state. Moreover, the percentage of membrane-intact bacteria declined to ~30%. Scanning electron microscope images demonstrated cell shrinkage and deformation post-treatment. The total amount of intracellular reactive oxygen species was observed to have significantly increased in membrane-intact bacterial cells with increasing plasma dose. Notably, the N2 plasma treatment could effectively inhibit the biofilm regeneration ability of the bacteria which survived, leading to a long-term phenotypic response and dose-dependent inactivation effect on S. aureus biofilms, in addition to the direct rapid bactericidal effect.  相似文献   

The effect was investigated of some polyphenol compounds on the growth and intracellular enzyme activity of human-derived cells and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Quercetin, a mutagen, inhibited the growth of serum-free cultured human-human hybridomas (SI102 and HB4C5) and a human histiocytic lymphoma cell line (U-937), but did not affect the growth of CHO cells. Glycosides of quercetin such as quercetin-4′-glucoside (Q-4′-G), quercetin-3,4′-glucoside (Q-3,4′-G) and rutin, and other polyphenol compounds (catechin and epicatechin) had no significant inhibiting effect on the growth of human-derived cells or CHO cells. These compounds slightly promoted the growth of human-derived cells. Most of the polyphenols used increased the activity of a drug-metabolizing enzyme, NADPH-cytochrome C reductase, in the U-937 cells and CHO cells, this effect being more marked in the CHO cells than in the U-937 cells. Quercetin markedly reduced the activity of catalase in the human-derived cell lines, while it slightly activated catalase in the CHO cells. Rutin, Q-4′-G, Q-3,4′-G, catechin and epicatechin produced no significant change in catalase activity. Quercetin also reduced the activity of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase in the U-937 cells.  相似文献   

目的:探讨白藜芦醇(resveratrol,Res)对高糖条件下大鼠晶状体上皮细胞(LECs)凋亡、线粒体活性氧产生以及内质网表达的影响。方法:用含30 mmol·L-1葡萄糖浓度的培养基体外培养LECs,随后加入25 mg·L-1Res共培养48 h。流式细胞术检测LECs细胞凋亡情况和线粒体膜电位的变化。激光共聚焦显微镜观察线粒体活性氧变化情况,并用免疫组化法检测内质网表达。结果:在高糖培养条件下,与对照组相比,LECs死亡率明显增高,线粒体膜电位降低,活性氧增多。内质网阳性率明显下降。经Rev干预后,细胞凋亡率显著降低,线粒体膜电位和内质网阳性率均升高,活性氧产生明显减少(P〈0.05)。结论:白藜芦醇能在一定程度上减轻糖尿病性白内障大鼠晶状体凋亡的发生并维持正常细胞器功能,从而延缓白内障的发生和发展。  相似文献   

The structures of alkyl radicals generated in several methyl esters of fatty acids by irradiation with UV light were studied by the spin trapping technique. A spin trap, deuterated nitrosodurene, traps alkyl radicals in both saturated and unsaturated esters at the ambient temperature. The trapped radicals and their hyperfine splitting constants from several esters were as follows: pentadienyl radicals (aN= 13.8 ~ 14.0 G, aH = 5.9 ~ 6.0 G) from methyl linoleate, linolenate and docosahexaenoate; allyl radicals (aN = 13.9 G, aH = 6.8 G) and α-carbon radicals (aN = 13.3 G, aH = 10.0 G) from methyl oleate and elaidate; α-carbon radicals (aN = 13.3 ~ 13.4 G, aH = 9.6 ~ 10.0 G) and secondary alkyl radicals (aN = 13.9 G, aH = 6.8 ~ 7.2 G) from saturated esters.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that calprotectin, the most abundant cytosolic protein existing in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), induces apoptotic cell death in various tumor cells, suggesting that calprotectin is an effector molecule against tumor cells in PMNs. To explore the cell death-inducing mechanism of the factor, we examined the involvement of target protein synthesis and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the reaction. Calprotectin induced cell death in MM46 mouse mammary carcinoma cells after a 14-16 hr lag time. When the factor was removed from the medium up to about 12 hr after culturing, the effect was diminished. The induction of cell death by calprotectin was markedly inhibited by the presence of the RNA synthesis inhibitor actinomycin D or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. However, the addition of these inhibitors after 12 hr of culturing was unable to inhibit the reaction. Up to 12 hr of culturing, the net protein synthesis of MM46 cells was augmented by the presence of calprotectin, but thereafter was impaired. The induction of cell death was also inhibited by the antioxidative reagents N-acetyl-l -cysteine (NAC) or propyl gallate. The addition of NAC even 15 hr later significantly attenuated the calprotectin effect. Flow cytometry analysis showed that calprotectin began to increase the ROS content in MM46 cells after 8-12 hr of culturing, and that the increase was abrogated by the antioxidants. Thus, protein synthesis and ROS generation may be essential elements in the early or later phases of the cell death-inducing reaction of calprotectin, respectively.  相似文献   

厨房油烟引起AL细胞遗传损伤和胞内自由基形成   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了解厨房油烟(cooking oil fumes,COF)对细胞的危害及其遗传毒性机制,以A细胞为实验模型,对细胞活力水平、细胞基因突变率、细胞非巯基蛋白化合物水平(NPSH)以及细胞内活性氧(ROS)产生的变化规律进行了研究。实验发现:用厨房油烟(COF)处理后,A细胞的活力下降,细胞CD59基因的突变率随着处理浓度的增加而增加,NPSH水平随着处理浓度的增加而降低,且存在一定的剂量一效应关系。检测胞内产生的ROS,发现400μg/ml COF处理30min后,细胞内ROS含量高于对照3倍多。实验结果表明:COF可引起细胞氧化胁迫,诱导哺乳动物细胞基因突变。  相似文献   

Despite initially positive responses, recurrences after Photodynamic treatment (PDT) can occur and there is need for improvement in the effectiveness of PDT. Our study uniquely showed that there was a significantly gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC)‐dependent PDT cytotoxicity. The presence of GJIC composed of Connexin 32 increased the PDT phototoxicity in transfected HeLa cells and in the xenograft tumors, and the enhanced phototoxicity of Photofrin‐mediated PDT by GJIC was related with ROS and calcium pathways. Our study indicates the possibility that up‐regulation or maintenance of gap junction functionality may be used to increase the efficacy of PDT.

The phototoxicity effect of Photofrin was substantially greater in Dox‐treated cells, which expressed the Cx32 and formed the GJ, than Dox‐untreated.  相似文献   

Previously considered as toxic by-products of aerobic metabolism, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are emerging as essential signaling molecules in eukaryotes. Recent evidence showed that maintenance of ROS homeostasis during female gametophyte development is crucial for embryo sac patterning and fertilization. Although ROS are exclusively detected in the central cell of mature embryo sacs, the study of mutants deficient in ROS homeostasis suggests that controlled oxidative bursts might take place earlier during gametophyte development. Also, a ROS burst that depends on pollination takes place inside the embryo sac. This oxidative response might be required for pollen tube growth arrest and for sperm cell release. In this mini-review, we will focus on new insights into the role of ROS during female gametophyte development and fertilization. Special focus will be made on the mitochondrial Mn-Superoxide dismutase (MSD1), which has been recently reported to be essential for maintaining ROS homeostasis during embryo sac formation.  相似文献   

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