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应用自控、封闭、独立的生长室系统,研究了川西亚高山岷江冷杉根际土壤微生物数量对大气CO2浓度升高 (环境CO2浓度+350(±25)μmol·mol-1,EC)和温度升高(环境温度+2.2(±0.5)℃,ET)及其CO2浓度和温度同时升高 (ECT)的响应.结果表明,1)同对照(CK)相比,在6月、8月和10月,EC处理的根际细菌数量分别增加了35%、164%和312%,ET处理增加了30%、115%和209%,而EC和ET处理对根际放线菌和根际真菌数量影响不显著;ECT处理的根际放线菌数量分别增加了49%、50%和96%,根际真菌数量增加了151%、57%和48%,而ECT对根际细菌数量影响不显著.2)3种处理对非根际土壤微生物数量影响均不显著.3)在EC、ET和ECT处理下,微生物总数的根际效应明显,其R/S值分别为1.93、1.37和1.46(CK的R/S值为0.81).  相似文献   

全球大气CO2浓度升高对土壤微生物生态系统的影响已引起广泛关注。本文从土壤微生物群落结构、微生物区系、土壤呼吸、微生物生物量以及土壤酶活性方面对大气高浓度CO2的响应进行了综述。由于提供高浓度CO2的实验系统、所选植物材料以及土壤特性等的不同,大气CO2浓度升高对土壤微生物群落结构、微生物区系、土壤呼吸、微生物生物量以及土壤酶活性的影响并未得出一致结论。但高浓度CO2对土壤微生物生态系统的影响是存在的。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高与森林群落结构的可能性变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
赵平  彭少麟 《生态学报》2000,20(6):1090-1096
大气CO2浓度升高的所引起的森林生态系统稳定性的变化会导致森林在结构和功能上的变动,概述了大气CO2浓度升高和陆地森林生态系统可能性变化之间的相互关系的研究情况。由于大气CO2浓度升高出现了额外多的C,供应,讨论了以这些额外多的C经大气-植物-土壤途径的流动走向,来研究大气CO2浓度的升高,与森林结构的相互作用,探讨了大气CO2浓度升高对森林植物生长、冠层结构、引发的生物量增量的分配、凋落物质量和  相似文献   

大气二氧化碳(CO2)和臭氧(O3)浓度升高是全球气候变化的主要特征之一。土壤胞外酶作为维持土壤生态系统服务功能的重要参与者,其活性对于大气CO2和O3浓度升高的响应特征及驱动机制研究,以及应对并缓解未来全球气候变化具有重要意义。本研究采用开顶式气室(OTCs)分别模拟大气CO2浓度升高(环境大气+200μmol·mol-1,eCO2)、大气O3浓度升高(环境大气+0.04μmol·mol-1,eO3)及其交互处理(环境大气+200μmol·mol-1 CO2+0.04μmol·mol-1 O3,eCO2+eO3),探究水稻根际土壤胞外酶活性对大气CO2和O3浓度升高的响应。结果表明:与对照(环境...  相似文献   

利用中国稻/麦轮作FACE(Free-Air Carbon=Dioxide Enrichment)试验平台,研究大气CO2浓度升高200 μmol·mol-1(周围大气中CO2浓度约370 μmol·mol-1)对稻季各生育期不同深度土壤溶液NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度的影响.结果表明:高CO2浓度条件下耕层土壤溶液NH4+-N浓度在水稻生育前期有所增加,但在生育后期明显下降;大气CO2浓度升高增加了稻季5、15、30、60和90 cm处土壤溶液NO3--N浓度,分别比对照平均提高了46.5%、36.8%、23.3%、103.7%和42.7%,在60和90 cm处差异分别达到统计上的极显著和显著水平.  相似文献   

木本植物对CO_2浓度和温度升高的相互作用的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
CO2 浓度和温度是影响木本植物生长和发育的两个关键因子 ,二者在全球变化中的相互作用对木本植物生长和发育具有显著的影响。大多数研究表明 :CO2 浓度增加和温度升高的相互作用可能影响木本植物的生长发育 ,促进光合作用 ;呼吸作用对CO2 浓度增加和温度升高的相互作用存在长期和短期响应差异 ;二者的相互作用促进生物量增加和生产力的增长。木本植物对CO2 浓度和温度升高的相互作用的响应程度因植物种类而异。  相似文献   

大气中不断升高的CO2浓度以及人类饮食的营养质量是目前我们面临的两个重大问题.目前,大气中CO2浓度已达到380 μmol·mol-1,预测到2050年大气CO2浓度将达到550 μmol·mol-1.农产品的品质不仅取决于遗传基因,而且受生长环境条件的影响.大量研究表明,农作物的生长发育和产量形成都对CO2浓度升高做出了响应,而且这种变化对农产品的品质也产生了重要影响.本文对目前国内外模拟CO2浓度升高对农产品品质影响研究中采用的常见方法进行了比较,并综述了近年来在CO2浓度升高对水稻、小麦、大豆和其他一些蔬菜类农产品品质影响方面的研究进展.大量试验结果表明,CO2浓度升高条件下,大宗作物籽粒中蛋白质含量下降,微量元素总体上有下降趋势,而蔬菜类农产品的品质有一定程度改善.最后,本文根据目前研究现状对一些问题进行了讨论并提出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对春玉米土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐洲  冯倩  王玉  赵金磊  李常鑫  王丽梅 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7331-7338
为探讨春玉米不同生育期土壤呼吸速率对大气CO2浓度升高的响应,以黄土高原旱作春玉米为研究对象,通过改进的开顶式气室(OTC)模拟大气CO2浓度升高的环境,在田间条件下设置自然大气CO2浓度(CK)、OTC对照(OTC,CO2浓度同CK)与CO2浓度升高(OTC+CO2,OTC系统自动控制CO2浓度700 μmol/mol)3种处理。研究了旱区覆膜高产栽培春玉米播前(V0)、六叶期(V6)、九叶期(V9)、吐丝期(R1)、乳熟期(R3)、蜡熟期(R5)及完熟期(R6)土壤呼吸速率对大气CO2浓度升高的响应特征,以及大气CO2浓度升高对土壤呼吸速率的温度与水分效应的影响。研究发现,OTC+CO2处理土壤呼吸速率,与CK相比,在R3和R5期分别增加43%、104%(P<0.05),与OTC相比,R3和R5期分别提升了63%、109%(P<0.05);OTC处理与CK相比,在整个生育期对土壤呼吸影响不显著;3种处理条件下,土壤温度和水分随生育期变化趋势基本一致,土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度和水分分别呈指数相关和抛物线型相关;结果表明:大气CO2浓度升高对土壤呼吸的影响因生育期而异,土壤温度和土壤水分是影响旱地农田土壤呼吸的重要因素,CO2浓度升高会使土壤呼吸温度效应值(Q10)降低,土壤呼吸对土壤水分响应的阈值提高。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对土壤微生物的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
自人类进入工业化时代以来,由于化石燃料的燃烧和森林的大面积破坏,大气中CO2的浓度已由工业革命以前的280μl·L-1增加到现在的350μl·L-1,仅从1957年至今的几十年间,大气中CO2的浓度就增加了20%,预计到下个世纪下半叶,大气中CO2的...  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对稻田土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验利用无锡稻 麦轮作FACE系统研究平台 ,开展了稻田土壤线虫群落对大气CO2 浓度升高响应的研究。实验中共观测到线虫 2 7科 4 0属 ,其中短腔属 (Brevibucca)、茎属(Ditylenchus)和垫刃属 (Tylenchus)为优势属。拔节期稻田土壤线虫总数、食细菌线虫和捕食 /杂食线虫对大气CO2 浓度升高表现出正响应。食真菌线虫在拔节期和抽穗期对CO2 浓度升高表现出负响应 ,成熟期捕食 /杂食线虫对CO2 浓度升高表现出负响应。在FACE条件下 ,植物寄生线虫的潜根属 (Hirschmanniella)和散香属 (Boleodorus)线虫数量显著增加 ,对CO2 浓度升高敏感  相似文献   

Feng R F  Yang W Q  Zhang J  Deng R J  Jian Y  Lin J 《农业工程》2007,27(10):4019-4026
Little is known about the responses of the activities of soil enzymes that are related to mass cycle to simulated climate change. Therefore, 72 intact soil columns from the primary fir (Abies faxoniana Rehder & E. H. Wilson) forest were parked in environment-controlled chambers with the CK (outside ambient CO2 concentration and temperature), EC (elevated concentration CO2 with (347.1 ± 22.1) μmol·mol?1), ET (elevated temperature with (2.4 ± 0.4)°C), and ECT (elevated CO2 concentration with (352.8 ± 27.6) μmol·mol?1 and temperature with (2.2 ± 0.5)°C) treatments, and the activities of invertase, urease, nitrate reductase and acid phosphatase, which are related to the cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in mineral soil (MS) and organic layer (OL) were measured simultaneously to understand the responses of these enzymes to climate change. Significant monthly variations on the activities of the studied enzymes were found in both OL and MS with the highest enzyme activities in summer, which were of ecological significance for soil nutrient availability and tree nutrition in the subalpine forest ecosystem. Different monthly patterns of enzyme activities were attributed to enzyme sources and soil layer. EC treatment had influenced slightly on the activities of the studied enzymes resulting from the higher CO2 concentration in soil atmosphere and no indirect effect from the EC owing to a lack of trees planted on soils. ET treatment increased enzyme activities in comparison with the CK treatment because ET was beneficial to microbial growth and propagation. The increments of the enzyme activities in OL were higher than those in MS, implying that OL is more sensitive to climate change. ECT treatment sharply increased enzyme activities in comparison with the EC and CK, but there was no significant difference between ET and ECT, which was also attributed to no indirect effect by EC treatment owing to trees not planted on soils, implying that the increment of enzyme activities resulted from the temperature effect. However, further studies on indirect effect and complex effect on soil enzyme activity caused by EC, ET and ECT are needed to understand the soil enzyme responses to the climate change.  相似文献   

It has been predicted that elevated atmospheric CO2 will increase enzyme activity as a result of CO2-induced carbon entering the soil. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil enzyme activities under a rice/wheat rotation. This experiment was conducted in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China as part of the China FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) Project. Two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (580±60) and (380±40) μmol·mol-1) and three N application treatments (low-150, normal-250 and high-350 kg N·hm-2) were included. Soil samples (0-10 cm) were collected for analysis of β-glucosidase, invertase, urease, acid phosphates and β-glucosaminidase activities. The results revealed that with elevated atmospheric CO2 β-glucosidase activity significantly decreased (P < 0.05) at low N application rates; had no significant effect with a normal N application rate; and significantly increased (P < 0.05) with a high N application rate. For urease activity, at low and normal N application rates (but not high N application rate), elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased (P < 0.05) it. With acid phosphatase elevated atmospheric CO2 only had significant higher effects (P < 0.05) at high N application rates. Under different CO2 concentration, effects of N fertilization are also different. Soil β-glucosidase activity at ambient CO2 concentration decreased with N fertilization, while it increased at elevated CO2 concentration. In addition, invertase and acid phosphatase activities at elevated CO2 concentration, significantly increased (P < 0.05) with N treatments, but there was no effect with the ambient CO2 concentration. For urease activity, at ambient CO2 concentration, N fertilization increased it significantly (P < 0.05), whereas at elevated CO2 concentration it was not significant. Additionally, with β-glucosaminidase activity, there were no significant effects from N application. In general, then, elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil enzyme activity, which may be attributed to the following two factors: (1) elevated atmospheric CO2 led to more plant biomass in the soil, which in turn stimulated soil microbial biomass and activity; and (2) elevated atmospheric CO2 increased plant photosynthesis, thereby increasing plant-derived soil enzymes.  相似文献   

It has been predicted that elevated atmospheric CO2 will increase enzyme activity as a result of CO2-induced carbon entering the soil. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil enzyme activities under a rice/wheat rotation. This experiment was conducted in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China as part of the China FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) Project. Two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (580±60) and (380±40) μmol·mol-1) and three N application treatments (low-150, normal-250 and high-350 kg N·hm-2) were included. Soil samples (0-10 cm) were collected for analysis of β-glucosidase, invertase, urease, acid phosphates and β-glucosaminidase activities. The results revealed that with elevated atmospheric CO2 β-glucosidase activity significantly decreased (P < 0.05) at low N application rates; had no significant effect with a normal N application rate; and significantly increased (P < 0.05) with a high N application rate. For urease activity, at low and normal N application rates (but not high N application rate), elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased (P < 0.05) it. With acid phosphatase elevated atmospheric CO2 only had significant higher effects (P < 0.05) at high N application rates. Under different CO2 concentration, effects of N fertilization are also different. Soil β-glucosidase activity at ambient CO2 concentration decreased with N fertilization, while it increased at elevated CO2 concentration. In addition, invertase and acid phosphatase activities at elevated CO2 concentration, significantly increased (P < 0.05) with N treatments, but there was no effect with the ambient CO2 concentration. For urease activity, at ambient CO2 concentration, N fertilization increased it significantly (P < 0.05), whereas at elevated CO2 concentration it was not significant. Additionally, with β-glucosaminidase activity, there were no significant effects from N application. In general, then, elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil enzyme activity, which may be attributed to the following two factors: (1) elevated atmospheric CO2 led to more plant biomass in the soil, which in turn stimulated soil microbial biomass and activity; and (2) elevated atmospheric CO2 increased plant photosynthesis, thereby increasing plant-derived soil enzymes.  相似文献   

冯瑞芳  杨万勤  张健  邓仁菊  简毅  林静 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4019-4026
采用控制环境生长室研究了川西亚高山森林生态系统中与C、N、P循环有关的土壤转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性的月动态及其对模拟大气CO2浓度增加、温度升高以及交互作用的动态响应。在一个生长季节内,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在温度较高的夏季。其中,土壤有机层的转化酶活性高峰出现在6月份,但土壤矿质层的转化酶活性高峰出现在7月份,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的脲酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在7月份,而硝酸还原酶的活性高峰均出现在8月份。升高大气CO2浓度处理(EC)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性没有显著影响。升高温度处理(ET)显著增加了土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的酶活性,并且土壤有机层的转化酶、硝酸还原酶和脲酶活性增加更显著。大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高之间的交互作用(ECT)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层酶活性的影响主要是温度升高引起的。  相似文献   

Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 may alter patterns of plant biomass production. These changes will be dependent on the ability of plants to acquire sufficient nutrients to maintain enhanced growth. Species-specific differences in responsiveness to CO2 may lead to changes in plant community composition and biodiversity. Differences in species-level growth responses to CO2 may be, in a large part, driven by differences in the ability to acquire nutrients. To understand the mechanisms of how elevated CO2 leads to changes in community-level productivity, we need to study the growth responses and patterns of nutrient acquisition for each of the species that comprise the community. In this paper, we present a study of how elevated CO2 affects community-level and species-level patterns of nitrogen uptake and biomass production. As an experimental system we use experimental communities of 11 co-occurring annuals common to disturbed seasonal grasslands in south-western U.S.A. We established experimental communities with approximately even numbers of each species in three different atmospheric CO2 concentrations (375, 550, and 700 ppm). We maintained these communities for 1, 1.5, and 2 months at which times we applied a 15N tracer (15NH415NO3) to quantify the nitrogen uptake and then measured plant biomass, nitrogen content, and nitrogen uptake rates for the entire communities as well as for each species. Overall, community-level responses to elevated CO2 were consistent with the majority of other studies of individual- and multispecies assemblages, where elevated CO2 leads to enhanced biomass production early on, but this enhancement declines through time. In contrast, the responses of the individual species within the communities was highly variable, showing the full range of responses from positive to negative. Due to the large variation in size between the different species, community-level responses were generally determined by the responses of only one or a few species. Thus, while several of the smaller species showed trends of increased biomass and nitrogen uptake in elevated CO2 at the end of the experiment, community-level patterns showed a decrease in these parameters due to the significant reduction in biomass and nitrogen content in the single largest species. The relationship between enhancement of nitrogen uptake and biomass production in elevated CO2 was highly significant for both 550 ppm and 700 ppm CO2. This relationship strongly suggests that the ability of plants to increase nitrogen uptake (through changes in physiology, morphology, architecture, or mycorrhizal symbionts) may be an important determinant of which species in a community will be able to respond to increased CO2 levels with increased biomass production. The fact that the most dominant species within the community showed reduced enhancement and the smaller species showed increased enhancement suggest that through time, elevated CO2 may lead to significant changes in community composition. At the community level, nitrogen uptake rates relative to plant nitrogen content were invariable between the three different CO2 levels at each harvest. This was in contrast to significant reductions in total plant nitrogen uptake and nitrogen uptake relative to total plant biomass. These patterns support the hypothesis that plant nitrogen uptake is largely regulated by physiological activity, assuming that physiological activity is controlled by nitrogen content and thus protein and enzyme content.  相似文献   

冯瑞芳  杨万勤  张健  邓仁菊  简毅  林静 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4019-4026
采用控制环境生长室研究了川西亚高山森林生态系统中与C、N、P循环有关的土壤转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性的月动态及其对模拟大气CO2浓度增加、温度升高以及交互作用的动态响应。在一个生长季节内,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在温度较高的夏季。其中,土壤有机层的转化酶活性高峰出现在6月份,但土壤矿质层的转化酶活性高峰出现在7月份,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的脲酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在7月份,而硝酸还原酶的活性高峰均出现在8月份。升高大气CO2浓度处理(EC)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性没有显著影响。升高温度处理(ET)显著增加了土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的酶活性,并且土壤有机层的转化酶、硝酸还原酶和脲酶活性增加更显著。大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高之间的交互作用(ECT)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层酶活性的影响主要是温度升高引起的。  相似文献   

大豆主要株型和产量指标对大气CO2和温度升高的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前气候变暖和大气CO_2浓度升高同步发生现实,以高光效大豆品种黑农41(HN41)和3个常规对照品种周豆16号(ZD16)、中豆35号(ZD35)和桂黄豆2号(GHD2)为研究对象,通过开顶式气室模拟高CO_2浓度(650μL/L)和温度升高(±0.5—0.6℃)研究了大气CO_2和温度升高对大豆的生长发育与产量影响。结果表明,CO_2浓度升高对株高、茎粗、单株干重和单株籽粒重影响极显著;温度、CO_2与品种互作极显著地影响单株籽粒重。CO_2浓度升高有增加大豆株高、茎粗、干重和单株籽粒重的趋势,且高温下CO_2浓度升高对株高和茎粗的促进作用更大,而正常温度水平下高CO_2浓度升高更有利于干物质积累。与对照CO_2浓度比,高CO_2浓度显著促进了高温下HN41、ZD16和GHD2的株高,并显著提高了正常温度下HN41、ZD16、ZD35和GHD2的单株干重。与正常温度相比,高温仅显著提高了高CO_2处理下HN41的茎粗,并显著提高了对照CO_2处理下HN41的单株籽粒重。此外,同一CO_2浓度和温度处理下,高光效大豆HN41的茎粗、根冠比和单株籽粒重等都显著高于ZD16、ZD35和GHD2;而仅在正常温度与高CO_2浓度处理下HN41的单株干重显著高于ZD16和GHD2。CO_2浓度和温度升高显著影响了高光效大豆的生长,其中,高温下CO_2浓度升高有利于其生长势,正常温度下CO_2浓度升高有利于其光合产物积累。  相似文献   

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