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The localization of alpha-fetoprotein (alpha-FP) and the proliferative activity of hepatocytes were studied after an insignificant liver damage. On the 3rd--6th day after the operation alpha-FP was detectable in hepatocytes localized on the boundary with the zone of damage. The most intensely stained cells were found adjacent to some vessels lying near this zone. The overwhelming majority of alpha-FP-containing hepatocytes did not incorporate 3H-thymidine. The data obtained allow a conclusion that the synthesis of alpha-FP is not related to cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The level of the nonspecific lipid transfer protein (i.e., sterol carrier protein 2) is 16-fold lower in the Reuber H35 hepatoma cells as compared to the hepatocytes in culture (49 and 810 ng of protein per mg of 105000 X g supernatant protein, respectively). In order to establish whether there is a relationship between the level of nonspecific transfer protein and intracellular cholesterol metabolism, we have determined the biosynthesis and esterification of cholesterol in these hepatoma cells and hepatocytes. Both types of cells incorporated [3H]mevalonate into cholesterol and cholesterol ester. Incubation of both cell types with [3H]cholesterol in the medium resulted in a time-dependent uptake and subsequent conversion into cholesterol ester. In both instances, the amount of 3H label incorporated into cholesterol per mg of cellular protein was about 2-fold higher for the hepatoma cells. The kinetics of esterification of endogenously synthesized cholesterol were similar for both hepatoma cells and hepatocytes. Esterification of cholesterol derived from the medium proceeded 2-times faster in the hepatoma cells than in the hepatocytes. From the kinetics of cholesterol esterification we conclude that cells do not discriminate between cholesterol synthesized de novo and cholesterol derived from the medium. In addition, the proposition that the nonspecific lipid transfer protein is involved in cholesterol synthesis and esterification is not substantiated by this study.  相似文献   

The effects of amiloride on Na+ ion influx, amino acid transport, protein synthesis and RNA synthesis have been studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. The initial rate of 22Na+ uptake and the amount of 22Na+ taken up at later time points were decreased in hepatocytes incubated in the presence of amiloride. Amiloride inhibited by about 25% the influx of α-methylamino[1?14C]isobutyric acid, a specific substrate for the A (Alanine preferring) system of neutral amino acid transport. By contrast, the activity of system L (Leucine preferring) was not affected by amiloride. Rates of protein synthesis were determined by using high extracellular concentrations of [14C]valine in order to maintain a constant amino acid precursor pool. Amiloride inhibited protein synthesis by 85% and had no effect on RNA synthesis. Half-maximal inhibition of protein synthesis occurred with amiloride at about 150 μM. In the absence of Na+ in the incubation medium, the rate of protein synthesis was reduced by about 35% and no further inhibition was observed with amiloride. These results suggest that in isolated rat hepatocytes protein synthesis is partially dependent on Na+, and that amiloride is an efficient inhibitor of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In rodents, fasting increases the carnitine concentration in the liver by an up-regulation of enzymes of hepatic carnitine synthesis and novel organic cation transporter (OCTN) 2, mediated by activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) α. This study was performed to investigate whether such effects occur also in pigs which like humans, as nonproliferating species, have a lower expression of PPARα and are less responsive to treatment with PPARα agonists than rodents. An experiment with 20 pigs was performed, which were either fed a diet ad-libitum or fasted for 24 h. Fasted pigs had higher relative mRNA concentrations of the PPARα target genes carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 and acyl-CoA oxidase in liver, heart, kidney, and small intestinal mucosa than control pigs, indicative of PPARα activation in these tissues (P<.05). Fasted pigs had a higher activity of γ-butyrobetaine dioxygenase (BBD), enzyme that catalyses the last step of carnitine biosynthesis in liver and kidney, and higher relative mRNA concentrations of OCTN2, the most important carnitine transporter, in liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, and small intestinal mucosa than control pigs (P<.05). Fasted pigs moreover had higher concentrations of free and total carnitine in liver and kidney than control pigs (P<.05). This study shows for the first time that fasting increases the activity of BBD in liver and kidney and up-regulates the expression of OCTN2 in various tissues of pigs, probably mediated by PPARα activation. It is concluded that nonproliferating species are also able to cover their increased demand for carnitine during fasting by an increased carnitine synthesis and uptake into cells.  相似文献   

A system of preparation of rat hepatocytes with extended viability has been developed to study the role of hormones and other plasma components upon secretory protein synthesis. Hepatocytes maintained in minimal essential medium reduced the levels of all amino acids in the medium except the slowly catabolized amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which steadily increase as the result of catabolism of liver protein. Although the liver cells catabolize 10-15% of their own protein during a 20-h incubation, the cells continue to secrete protein in a linear fashion throughout the period. The effects of insulin, cortisol, and epinephrine on general protein synthesis, and specifically on fibrinogen and albumin synthesis, have been tested on cells from both normal rats and adrenalectomized rats. Cells from normal animals show preinduction of tyrosine amino transferase (TAT), having at the time of isolation a high level of enzyme which shows only an increase of approximately 60% upon incubation with cortisol. In contrast, cells from adrenalectomized animals initially have a low level of enzyme which increases fourfold over a period of 9 h. The effects of both epinephrine and cortisol on protein synthesis are also much larger in cells from adrenalectomized animals. After a delay of several hours, cortisol increases fibrinogen synthesis sharply, so that at the end of the 20-h incubation, cells treated with hormone have secreted nearly 2.5 times as much fibrinogen as control cells. The effect is specific; cortisol stimulates neither albumin secretion nor intracellular protein synthesis. The combination of cortisol and epinephrine strongly depresses albumin synthesis in both types of cells. Insulin enhances albumin and general protein synthesis but has little effect on fibrinogen synthesis.  相似文献   

Glucose production was studied in isolated hepatocytes using various substrates and with increasing substrate concentrations (0-10 mM). Fructose was the best gluconeogenic substrate while other substrates studied stimulated net glucose production in the following decreasing order: lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, galactose, alanine, and succinate. Studies on oxygen consumption showed that endogenous respiration was linear for 60 min and was not altered by extracellular calcium. Studies on the incorporation of 14C-leucine into protein was linear for only 3-4 hr in cells containing low glycogen. However, cells containing high glycogen incorporated 14C-leucine into protein linearly for 8-10 hr. About 3 mg of protein per g per hr was synthesized by isolated cells when incubated for 4 hr with amino acids mixture, glucose, lactate, and insulin.  相似文献   

During fasting, gastrointestinal (GI) motility is characterized by cyclical motor contractions. These contractions have been referred to as interdigestive migrating contractions (IMCs). In dogs and humans, IMCs are known to be regulated by motilin. However, in rats and mice, IMCs are regulated by ghrelin. It is not clear how these peptides influence each other in vivo. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between ghrelin and motilin in conscious dogs. Twenty healthy beagles were used in this study. Force transducers were implanted in the stomach, duodenum, and jejunum to monitor GI motility. Subsequent GI motility was recorded and quantified by calculating the motility index. In examination 1, blood samples were collected in the interdigestive state, and levels of plasma ghrelin and motilin were measured. Plasma motilin peaks were observed during every gastric phase III, and plasma ghrelin peaks occurred in nearly every early phase I. Plasma motilin and ghrelin levels increased and decreased cyclically with the interdigestive states. In examination 2, saline or canine ghrelin was administered intravenously during phase II and phase III. After injection of ghrelin, plasma motilin levels were measured. Ghrelin injection during phases II and III inhibited phase III contractions and decreased plasma motilin levels. In examination 3, ghrelin was infused in the presence of the growth hormone secretagogue receptors antagonist [D-Lys3]-GHRP-6. Continuous ghrelin infusion suppressed motilin release, an effect abrogated by the infusion of [D-Lys3]-GHRP-6. Examination 4 was performed to evaluate the plasma ghrelin response to motilin administration. Motilin infusion immediately decreased ghrelin levels. In this study, we demonstrated that motilin and ghrelin cooperatively control the function of gastric IMCs in conscious dogs. Our findings suggest that ghrelin regulates the function and release of motilin and that motilin may also regulate ghrelin.  相似文献   

An ultradian oscillation of protein synthesis was detected by synchronization of metabolic activity in rat hepatocyte cultures. This oscillation occurs in dense cultures in fresh medium, but not in sparse ones. Metabolic synchronization of sparse cultures, however, was initiated by conditioned medium or addition of 0.3-0.5 microm of a mixture of bovine brain gangliosides to fresh culture medium along with either 0.06-0.2 microm GM1 or 0.1-0.2 microm GDIa. GTIb and GDIb did not produce oscillations, nor did human liver ganglioside GM3. High expression of GM1 ganglioside determinants in hepatocytes maintained in the conditioned medium purified polyclonal antibodies to GM1 was coupled with protein synthetic oscillatory activity, i.e. metabolic synchronization. Incubation of dense cultures with GM1-antibodies for 24 h decreased the amplitude of these oscillations. In sparse cultures maintained in fresh medium where protein synthesis showed no oscillatory pattern, GM1 expression was low.  相似文献   

The harpin protein Hpa1 produced by the bacterial blight pathogen of rice induces several growth-promoting responses in plants, activating the ethylene signaling pathway, increasing photosynthesis rates and EXPANSIN (EXP) gene expression levels, and thereby enhancing the vegetative growth. This study was attempted to analyze any mechanistic connections among the above and the role of gibberellin in these responses. Hpa1-induced growth enhancement was evaluated in Arabidopsis, tomato, and rice. And growth-promoting responses were determined mainly as an increase of chlorophyll a/b ratio, which indicates a potential elevation of photosynthesis rates, and enhancements of photosynthesis and EXP expression in the three plant species. In Arabidopsis, Hpa1-induced growth-promoting responses were partially compromised by a defect in ethylene perception or gibberellin biosynthesis. In tomato and rice, compromises of Hpa1-induced growth-promoting responses were caused by a pharmacological treatment with an ethylene perception inhibitor or a gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor. In the three plant species, moreover, Hpa1-induced growth-promoting responses were significantly impaired, but not totally eliminated, by abolishing ethylene perception or gibberellin synthesis. However, simultaneous nullifications in both ethylene perception and gibberellin biosynthesis almost canceled the full effects of Hpa1 on plant growth, photosynthesis, and EXP2 expression. Theses results suggest that ethylene and gibberellin coregulate Hpa1-induced plant growth enhancement and associated physiological and molecular responses.  相似文献   

The effect of gangliosides and phenylephrine synchronizing the protein synthesis rhythm was preserved in hepatocytes cultured in the normal serum-free medium for one-two days. Hence, the membrane signal triggers intracellular, as was shown by us earlier, calcium-dependent processes, which regulate the kinetics of protein synthesis for a certain time after the signal perception.  相似文献   

The effect of gangliosides and phenylephrine synchronizing the protein synthesis rhythm was preserved in hepatocytes cultured in the normal serum-free medium for one-two days. Hence, the membrane signal triggers intracellular, as was shown by us earlier, calcium-dependent processes, which regulate the kinetics of protein synthesis for a certain time after the signal perception.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen, albumin and the major apoprotein of high density lipoprotein (apoprotein A) were localized in a primary embryonic chick liver cell culture by indirect immunofluorescence staining. Changes in the pattern of plasma protein synthesis under a variety of conditions, as measured by the accumulation of secreted plasma proteins in the culture medium, could be studied at the cellular level because relative fluorescence intensities were shown to reflect synthetic rates. In all cases studied, the immunofluorescence of the hepatic parenchymal cells was of a similar intensity throughout the monolayers, indicating that the cells in culture constitute a homogeneous population with respect to the synthesis of these plasma proteins.  相似文献   

Estradiol-17beta added to cultured chick embryo hepatocytes induced the appearance in the medium of a phosphoprotein, identified as phosvitin on the basis of: (i) its behaviour on ionic exchange columns; (ii) its SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoretic mobility; (iii) its amino acid composition. The hormone treatment was also followed by a decreased synthesis of other proteins secreted by the hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibody, S-30, was produced from hybridoma preparation from mice injected with the cytoskeleton extract of an in vitro aged culture of human fibroblasts derived from a 66-yr-old donor. The antibody stains positively the nuclei of the nonproliferating cells present predominantly in the senescent cultures of five selected fibroblast strains derived from donors of different age groups, whereas a negative reaction is observed in the cultures of their young counterparts. In the intermediate stage of the in vitro life span of these cell strains, a heterogeneous positive reaction for staining with S-30 antibody is observed in different subfractions of cell cultures. However, the expression of S-30 can be induced in the young fibroblasts at the early stage of their life by prolonged culturing to confluence. This induced expression of S-30 nuclear staining can be depleted upon subculturing at low cell density. Immunoelectron microscopy with colloidal gold-protein A complex demonstrates that the S-30 proteins are present in the nuclear plasma and at the region of nuclear envelope in a clustered arrangement. Immunoprecipitation of [3H]leucine labeled cell specimens shows that the antibody S-30 reacts with a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 57,000.  相似文献   

Summary The inhibition of RNA synthesis of isolated mouse liver parenchymal cells caused by 10 mM D-galactosamine was reversible, while the inhibition of protein synthesis remained unaltered after the removal of galactosamine. 10–5 M epinephrine and 10–7 M glucagon have been shown to decrease aminoglycogen formation and thus to reduce the inhibitory effect of galactosamine on protein synthesis (11). However, these hormones did not decrease the inhibition of RNA synthesis. 10 mM D-galactosamine did not effect the nucleoside and amino acid incorporation of isolated non-parenchymal mouse liver cells. The predominant role of aminoglycogen in the inhibition of protein synthesis in galactosamine induced liver injury is discussed.  相似文献   

A review of available data on the replication-dependent and replication-independent histone synthesis in the proliferating and nonproliferating (quiescent) cells during gametogenesis and early embryogenesis. In each of the considered models the replication-dependent and replication-independent histone synthesis play different roles in the chromatin organization and metabolism. The transition from replication-dependent to replication-independent histone synthesis during gametogenesis is a regular process directed to the formation of a highly compacted metabolically inert chromatin (males) and to the formation of histone protein pool in order to provide the chromatin nucleosome structure in the sperm nucleus during fertilization, as well as the nuclear chromatin in zygotes and blastomeres (females). A suggestion is put forward that the coupling of histone and DNA syntheses should arise not simultaneously in all cells of the embryo but have a regional pattern, due, possibly, to the asynchrony of cell cycle in the early embryos.  相似文献   

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