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The structures of tandem non-canonical base pairs, a frequently recurring motif in RNA molecules, are reviewed and analysed. The tandem non-canonical base pair motifs can be roughly divided in three groups, containing seven subgroups based on their base pairing patterns and local geometries. Structural details and helical parameters that can be used to numerically distinguish between the subgroups are tabulated. Remarkably, while the individual helical twists of the tandem and adjacent base pair steps can be substantially smaller or larger than the typical A-form value of 32.7°, the average value is close to A-form. This and other striking regularities resulting from compensating geometrical adjustments, important for understanding and predicting the configurations of non-canonical base pairs geometries are discussed.  相似文献   

Degeneracy of the genetic code was attributed by Crick to imprecise hydrogen-bonded base-pairing at the wobble position during codon–anticodon pairing. The Crick wobble rules define but do not explain the RNA base pair combinations allowed at this position. We select six pyrimidine bases functioning as anticodon wobble bases (AWBs) to study their H-bonded pairing properties with the four major RNA bases using density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. This is done to assess the extent to which the configuration of a solitary RNA wobble base pair may in itself determine specificity and degeneracy of the genetic code by allowing or disallowing the given base pair during codon–anticodon pairing. Calculated values of select configuration markers for the base pairs screen well between allowed and disallowed base pairs for most cases examined here, where the base pair width emerges as an important factor. A few allowed wobble pairs invoke the involvement of RNA nucleoside conformation, as well as involvement of the exocyclic substituent in H-bonding. This study, however, cannot explain the disallowed status of the Ura?Gua wobble pair on the basis of configuration alone. Explanation of the allowed status of the V?Ura pair requires further study on the mediatory role of water molecules. Apart from these two cases, these computational results are sufficient, on the basis of base pair configuration alone, to account for the specificity and degeneracy of the genetic code for all known cases of codon–anticodon pairing which involve the pyrimidine AWBs studied here.  相似文献   

Here, we demonstrate that a series of naphthyridine derivatives, naphthyridine carbamate tetramer (NCTn), can bind to the RNA CGG/CGG triad comprised of two single-stranded regions of a hairpin loop and a tail. Complete suppression of the binding by a single mutation indicated simultaneous binding of NCTn between hairpin loop and single stranded tail, leading to the formation of NCTn-induced pseudoknot.  相似文献   

A non-Watson-Crick G-A/A-G base pair is found in SECIS (selenocysteine-insertion sequence) element in the 3'-untranslated region of Se-protein mRNAs and in the functional site of the hammerhead ribozyme. We studied the stability of G-A/A-G base pair (bold) in 17mer GT(U)GACGGAAACCGGAAC synthetic DNA and RNA oligonucleotides by thermal melting experiments and gel electrophoresis. The measured Tm value of DNA oligonucleotide having G-A/A-G pair showed an intermediate value (58 degrees C) between that of Watson-Crick G-C/C-G base pair (75 degrees C) and that of G-G/A-A of non-base-pair (40 degrees C). Similar thermal melting patterns were obtained with RNA oligonucleotides. This result indicates that the secondary structure of oligonucleotide having G-A/A-G base pair is looser than that of the G-C type Watson-Crick base pair. In the comparison between RNA and DNA having G-A/A-G base pair, the Tm value of the RNA oligonucleotide was 11 degrees C lower than that of DNA, indicating that DNA has a more rigid structure than RNA. The stained pattern of oligonucleotide on polyacrylamide gel clarified that the mobility of the DNA oligonucleotide G-A/A-G base pair changed according to the urea concentration from the rigid state (near the mobility of G-C/C-G oligonucleotide) in the absence of urea to the random state (near the mobility of G-G/A-A oligonucleotide) in 7 M urea. However, the RNA oligonucleotide with G-A/A-G pair moved at an intermediate mobility between that of oligonucleotide with G-C/C-G and of the oligonucleotide with G-G/A-A, and the mobility pattern did not depend on urea concentration. Thus, DNA and RNA oligonucleotides with the G-A/A-G base pair showed a pattern indicating an intermediate structure between the rigid Watson-Crick base pair and the random structure of non-base pair. RNA with G-A/A-G base pair has the intermediate structure not influenced by urea concentration. Finally, this study indicated that the intermediate rigidity imparted by Non-Watson-Crick base pair in SECIS element plays an important role in the selenocysteine expression by UGA codon.  相似文献   

The advent of deep sequencing technology has unexpectedly advanced our structural understanding of molecules composed of nucleic acids. A significant amount of progress has been made recently extrapolating the chemical methods to probe RNA structure into sequencing methods. Herein we review some of the canonical methods to analyze RNA structure, and then we outline how these have been used to probe the structure of many RNAs in parallel. The key is the transformation of structural biology problems into sequencing problems, whereby sequencing power can be interpreted to understand nucleic acid proximity, nucleic acid conformation, or nucleic acid‐protein interactions. Utilizing such technologies in this way has the promise to provide novel structural insights into the mechanisms that control normal cellular physiology and provide insight into how structure could be perturbed in disease.  相似文献   

The total number of RNA secondary structures of a given length with minimal hairpin loop length m(m>0) and with minimal stack length l(l>0) is computed, under the assumption that all base pairs can occur. Asymptotics are derived from the determination of recurrence relations of decomposition properties.  相似文献   

本研究提出了一种新的RNA二级结构的图形表示方法,这种方法不同于以往的表示方式。根据所提出的RNA二级结构的图形表示,将对9种病毒的RNA二级结构进行图形表示,构建系统进化树,进行序列间相似性的比较和分析。根据最终结果,可以很清晰地发现,AVII与LRMV两种病毒是最为相似的,另外,较大的距离值出现在了APMV与ALMV;PDV与AVII中,这说明这几种RNA二级结构明显不相似。这一研究结果与前人相似性分析的结果是十分相似的,同时,所采取的方法更加简单易于区分观察且得到的结果又是十分可靠的,因此,这些更加证明了该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

目的 长链非编码RNA在遗传、代谢和基因表达调控等方面发挥着重要作用。然而,传统的实验方法解析RNA的三级结构耗时长、费用高且操作要求高。此外,通过计算方法来预测RNA的三级结构在近十年来无突破性进展。因此,需要提出新的预测算法来准确的预测RNA的三级结构。所以,本文发展可以用于提高RNA三级结构预测准确性的碱基关联图预测方法。方法 为了利用RNA理化特征信息,本文应用多层全卷积神经网络和循环神经网络的深度学习算法来预测RNA碱基间的接触概率,并通过注意力机制处理RNA序列中碱基间相互依赖的特征。结果 通过多层神经网络与注意力机制结合,本文方法能够有效得到RNA特征值中局部和全局的信息,提高了模型的鲁棒性和泛化能力。检验计算表明,所提出模型对序列长度L的4种标准(L/10、L/5、L/2、L)碱基关联图的预测准确率分别达到0.84、0.82、0.82和0.75。结论 基于注意力机制的深度学习预测算法能够提高RNA碱基关联图预测的准确率,从而帮助RNA三级结构的预测。  相似文献   

Secondary structure prediction for aligned RNA sequences   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Most functional RNA molecules have characteristic secondary structures that are highly conserved in evolution. Here we present a method for computing the consensus structure of a set aligned RNA sequences taking into account both thermodynamic stability and sequence covariation. Comparison with phylogenetic structures of rRNAs shows that a reliability of prediction of more than 80% is achieved for only five related sequences. As an application we show that the Early Noduline mRNA contains significant secondary structure that is supported by sequence covariation.  相似文献   

DNA sequences d-TGAGGAAAGAAGGT (a 14-mer) and d-CTCCTTTCTTCC (a 12-mer) are complementary in parallel orientation forming either Donahue (reverse Watson-Crick) base pairing at neutral pH or Hoogsteen base pairing at slightly acidic pH. The structure of the complex formed by dissolving the two strands in equimolar ratio in water has been investigated by nmr. At neutral pH, the system forms an ordered antiparallel duplex with five A : T and four G : C Watson-Crick base pairs and three mismatches, namely G-T, A-C, and T-C. The nuclear Overhauser effect cross-peak pattern suggests an overall B-DNA conformation with major structural perturbations near the mismatches. The duplex has a low melting point and dissociates directly into single strands with a broad melting profile. The hydrogen-bonding schemes in the mismatched base pairs have been investigated. It has been shown earlier that in acidic pH, the system prefers a triple-stranded structure with two pyrimidine strands and one purine strand. One of the pyrimidine strands has protonated cytosines, forms Hoogsteen base pairing, and is aligned parallel to the purine strand; the other has nonprotonated cytosines and has base-pairing scheme similar to the one discussed in this paper. The parallel duplex is therefore less stable than either the antiparallel duplex or the triplex, in spite of its perfect complementarity. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 41: 773–784, 1997  相似文献   


Using primary and secondary structure information of an RNA molecule, the program RNA2D3D automatically and rapidly produces a first-order approximation of a 3-dimensional conformation consistent with this information. Applicable to structures of arbitrary branching complexity and pseudoknot content, it features efficient interactive graphical editing for the removal of any overlaps introduced by the initial generating procedure and for making conformational changes favorable to targeted features and subsequent refinement. With emphasis on fast exploration of alternative 3D conformations, one may interactively add or delete base-pairs, adjacent stems can be coaxially stacked or unstacked, single strands can be shaped to accommodate special constraints, and arbitrary subsets can be defined and manipulated as rigid bodies. Compaction, whereby base stacking within stems is optimally extended into connecting single strands, is also available as a means of strategically making the structures more compact and revealing folding motifs. Subsequent refinement of the first-order approximation, of modifications, and for the imposing of tertiary constraints is assisted with standard energy refinement techniques. Previously determined coordinates for any part of the molecule are readily incorporated, and any part of the modeled structure can be output as a PDB or XYZ file. Illustrative applications in the areas of ribozymes, viral kissing loops, viral internal ribosome entry sites, and nanobiology are presented.  相似文献   

Intra- and intermolecular complementary contacts in RNA are not always perfect: a significant amount of mismatch pairs is frequently found in naturally occurring RNA helices. The state of art in studies on mismatch pairs and examples of imperfect complementarity are reviewed. Two more cases are revealed by nucleotide sequence analysis techniques: imperfect complementary contacts Between ends of intervening sequences in eukaryotic mRNA precursors, and possible “stickiness” of mRNA to the ribosomes. The “stickiness” might arise from specific 3-Base periodicity of protein coding sequences which is found to be as universal as the code itself. The imperfect complementary contacts between mRNA and rRNA which monitor the coding frame provide a structural basis for the explanation of leaky frameshift phenomena.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis is a promising technology featuring many advantages compared to in vivo expression techniques. However, most proteins are still synthesized in vivo due to relatively low protein yields commonly achieved in vitro, especially in the batch mode of reaction. In Escherichia coli S30 extract-based cell-free systems protein yields are supposed to be partially limited by a secondary structure formation of the mRNA. In this study we checked promising members of various classes of RNA chaperones and several different RNA helicases on their ability to enhance in vitro translation. The data clearly show that the addition of none of these factors provides a general solution to the problem. However, protein yields can be increased in presence of a microRNA hybridizing with the 5′ untranslated region of mRNAs, possibly by inducing structural changes improving accessibility of the Shine Dalgarno sequence for the ribosomes.  相似文献   

In recent decades studies on RNA structure and function have gained significance due to discoveries on diversified functions of RNA. A common element for RNA secondary structure formed by series of non-Watson/Watson Crick base pairs, internal loops and pseudoknots have been the highlighting feature of recent structural determination of RNAs. The recent crystal structure of group-I introns has demonstrated that these might constitute RNA structural motifs in ribozymes, playing a crucial role in their enzymatic activity. To understand the functional significance of these non-canonical base pairs in catalytic RNA, we analysed the sequences of group-I introns from nuclear genes. The results suggest that they might form the building blocks of folded RNA motifs which are crucial to the catalytic activity of the ribozyme. The conservation of these, as observed from divergent organisms, argues for the presence of non-canonical base pairs as an important requisite for the structure and enzymatic property of ribozymes by enabling them to carry out functions such as replication, polymerase activity etc. in primordial conditions in the absence of proteins.  相似文献   

Single crystal x-ray diffraction methods have been used to characterize numerous oligonucleotide structures, providing valuable information on the fine structure of DNA, oligonucleotide hydration, interactions with small molecule ligands and proteins. There has been a particular focus on nonstandard base associations and a number of groups have sought to characterize different non-Watson-Crick base pairs to further the understanding of their influence on the structure of duplex DNA and RNA, and to investigate which structural features might be utilized by enzymes in recognition and repair of these errors in DNA. Bases that have been chemically damaged by mutagenic or carcinogenic agents have distinctive modified hydrogen-bonding patterns and these have been investigated. The structure determination of a series of nonduplex DNA structures including examples of a triplex, quadruplexes, and a novel DNA loop have recently been published. In this article we survey the structures of a series of non-Watson-Crick base associations in duplex DNA and RNA. We show how nonstandard base pairs, base triads, and tetrads play an important role in stabilizing nonduplex structures. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 44: 91–103, 1997  相似文献   

RNA structural motifs are recurrent three-dimensional (3D) components found in the RNA architecture. These RNA structural motifs play important structural or functional roles and usually exhibit highly conserved 3D geometries and base-interaction patterns. Analysis of the RNA 3D structures and elucidation of their molecular functions heavily rely on efficient and accurate identification of these motifs. However, efficient RNA structural motif search tools are lacking due to the high complexity of these motifs. In this work, we present RNAMotifScanX, a motif search tool based on a base-interaction graph alignment algorithm. This novel algorithm enables automatic identification of both partially and fully matched motif instances. RNAMotifScanX considers noncanonical base-pairing interactions, base-stacking interactions, and sequence conservation of the motifs, which leads to significantly improved sensitivity and specificity as compared with other state-of-the-art search tools. RNAMotifScanX also adopts a carefully designed branch-and-bound technique, which enables ultra-fast search of large kink-turn motifs against a 23S rRNA. The software package RNAMotifScanX is implemented using GNU C++, and is freely available from http://genome.ucf.edu/RNAMotifScanX.  相似文献   

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