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随着气候温暖化问题日益突出,维持全球碳平衡成为人类可持续发展的关键。在超过地球表面70%的水环境中,生物有机碳循环是所有元素循环中最重要的一环。噬菌体的分布十分广泛,且含量丰富,其丰度可达106~108/mL,仅海洋噬菌体的总量即可达1030个。噬菌体在维持生物有机碳循环中贡献巨大,据估算经由海洋病毒完成的可溶性有机碳就达到全球碳循环的26%。主要针对噬菌体在海洋、湖泊、冰尘穴及湿地有机碳循环的作用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Vibrios are among the most common bacteria that inhabit surface waters throughout the world and are responsible for a number of severe infections both in humans and animals. Several reports recently showed that human Vibrio illnesses are increasing worldwide including fatal acute diarrheal diseases, such as cholera, gastroenteritis, wound infections, and septicemia. Many scientists believe this increase may be associated with global warming and rise in sea surface temperature (SST), although not enough evidence is available to support a causal link between emergence of Vibrio infections and climate warming. The effect of increased SST in promoting spread of vibrios in coastal and brackish waters is considered a causal factor explaining this trend. Field and laboratory studies carried out over the past 40 years supported this hypothesis, clearly showing temperature promotes Vibrio growth and persistence in the aquatic environment. Most recently, a long-term retrospective microbiological study carried out in the coastal waters of the southern North Sea provided the first experimental evidence for a positive and significant relationship between SST and Vibrio occurrence over a multidecadal time scale. As a future challenge, macroecological studies of the effects of ocean warming on Vibrio persistence and spread in the aquatic environment over large spatial and temporal scales would conclusively support evidence acquired to date combined with studies of the impact of global warming on epidemiologically relevant variables, such as host susceptibility and exposure. Assessing a causal link between ongoing climate change and enhanced growth and spread of vibrios and related illness is expected to improve forecast and mitigate future outbreaks associated with these pathogens.  相似文献   

The complex nature of ecosystems with multiple invaders requires whole-system approaches to ecosystem management. Undesirable, unintended secondary effects may occur if interspecific interactions are ignored. Although degraded riparian zones urgently need effective restoration, broad-scale removal of introduced tree species (e.g., willows [ Salix spp.]) and fencing of riparian zones to exclude livestock may facilitate spread of the invasive aquatic grass Glyceria maxima in southeastern Australia. We recorded occurrence of the grass at riparian sites with different amounts of woody vegetation, including willows, and monitored spread for 2 years in locations with and without livestock. Glyceria maxima occurred more frequently at sites with little or no woody riparian vegetation. Larger, older patches fenced from livestock spread fastest. Analyses of costs of controlling G. maxima with herbicide showed that it is more cost-effective to eradicate small patches than large patches if locations are known. However, the cost per m2 reduction in patch size is cheaper for larger patches. We recommend that small, young patches should be eradicated as soon as detected and show that spread of large source patches can be controlled effectively with continued spraying over several years. If restoration of waterways is to succeed, riparian management strategies must recognize connectivity between riparian and freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

The fauna of aquatic insects was studied in the rivers of the Berezinskii Biosphere Reserve. A total of 108 species of 4 orders were found: Plecoptera (10 species), Ephemeroptera (24), Odonata (25), and Trichoptera (49). The aquatic fauna is abundant and includes some species rare in Belarus and Europe.  相似文献   

Recent evidence showing host specificity of colonizing bacteria supports the view that multicellular organisms are holobionts comprised of the macroscopic host in synergistic interdependence with a heterogeneous and host-specific microbial community. Whereas host-bacteria interactions have been extensively investigated, comparatively little is known about host-virus interactions and viral contribution to the holobiont. We sought to determine the viral communities associating with different Hydra species, whether these viral communities were altered with environmental stress, and whether these viruses affect the Hydra-associated holobiont. Here we show that each species of Hydra harbors a diverse host-associated virome. Primary viral families associated with Hydra are Myoviridae, Siphoviridae, Inoviridae, and Herpesviridae. Most Hydra-associated viruses are bacteriophages, a reflection of their involvement in the holobiont. Changes in environmental conditions alter the associated virome, increase viral diversity, and affect the metabolism of the holobiont. The specificity and dynamics of the virome point to potential viral involvement in regulating microbial associations in the Hydra holobiont. While viruses are generally regarded as pathogenic agents, our study suggests an evolutionary conserved ability of viruses to function as holobiont regulators and, therefore, constitutes an emerging paradigm shift in host-microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Factors such as increased mobility of humans, global trade and climate change are affecting the range of many species, and cause large-scale translocations of species beyond their native range. Many introduced species have a strong negative influence on the new local environment and lead to high economic costs. There is a strong interest to understand why some species are successful in invading new environments and others not. Most of our understanding and generalizations thereof, however, are based on studies of plants and animals, and little is known on invasion processes of microorganisms. We conducted a microcosm experiment to understand factors promoting the success of biological invasions of aquatic microorganisms. In a controlled lab experiment, protist and rotifer species originally isolated in North America invaded into a natural, field-collected community of microorganisms of European origin. To identify the importance of environmental disturbances on invasion success, we either repeatedly disturbed the local patches, or kept them as undisturbed controls. We measured both short-term establishment and long-term invasion success, and correlated it with species-specific life-history traits. We found that environmental disturbances significantly affected invasion success. Depending on the invading species’ identity, disturbances were either promoting or decreasing invasion success. The interaction between habitat disturbance and species identity was especially pronounced for long-term invasion success. Growth rate was the most important trait promoting invasion success, especially when the species invaded into a disturbed local community. We conclude that neither species traits nor environmental factors alone conclusively predict invasion success, but an integration of both of them is necessary.  相似文献   

Here we provide a brief review of the rare biosphere from the perspective of ciliates and other microbial eukaryotes. We trace research on rarity from its lack of much in‐depth focus in morphological and Sanger sequencing projects, to its central importance in analyses using high throughput sequencing strategies. The problem that the rare biosphere is potentially comprised of mostly errors is then discussed in the light of asking community‐comparative, novel‐diversity, and ecosystem‐functioning questions.  相似文献   

The recent invasion of the red alga Heterosiphonia japonica in the western North Atlantic Ocean has provided a unique opportunity to study invasion dynamics across a biogeographical barrier. Native to the western North Pacific Ocean, initial collections in 2007 and 2009 restricted the western North Atlantic range of this invader to Rhode Island, USA. However, through subtidal community surveys, we document the presence of Heterosiphonia in coastal waters from Maine to New York, USA, a distance of more than 700 km. This geographical distribution spans a well-known biogeographical barrier at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Despite significant differences in subtidal community structure north and south of Cape Cod, Heterosiphonia was found at all but two sites surveyed in both biogeographic provinces, suggesting that this invader is capable of rapid expansion over broad geographic ranges. Across all sites surveyed, Heterosiphonia comprised 14% of the subtidal benthic community. However, average abundances of nearly 80% were found at some locations. As a drifting macrophyte, Heterosiphonia was found as intertidal wrack in abundances of up to 65% of the biomass washed up along beaches surveyed. Our surveys suggest that the high abundance of Heterosiphonia has already led to marked changes in subtidal community structure; we found significantly lower species richness in recipient communities with higher Heterosiphona abundances. Based on temperature and salinity tolerances of the European populations, we believe Heterosiphonia has the potential to invade and alter subtidal communities from Florida to Newfoundland in the western North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, has spread through eastern North American aquatic ecosystems during the past 15 years. Whereas spread among navigable waterways was rapid, the invasion of isolated watersheds has progressed more slowly and less predictably. We examined the patterns of overland spread over multiple spatial and temporal extents including individual lake districts, states, and multi-state regions in the USA and found that only a small proportion (<8%) of suitable inland lakes have been invaded, with the rate of invasion appearing to be slowing. Of the 293 lakes known to be invaded, 97% are located in states adjacent to the Laurentian Great Lakes with over half located in Michigan. Only six states have more than 10 invaded lakes and only in Michigan and Indiana have more than 10% of suitable lakes become invaded. At smaller spatial extents, invaded lakes are often clustered within a lake-rich region across southern Michigan and northern Indiana. This clustering appears primarily due to multiple overland invasions originating from the Great Lakes followed to a lesser extent by subsequent secondary overland and downstream dispersal. Downstream spread appears responsible for only one third of the inland invasions. Temporally, invasions peaked in the late 1990s, with only 13 new invasions (0.4% of suitable lakes) reported in 2003 in the four-state region surrounding Lake Michigan. Peak rates of invasion occurred 4–6 years earlier in Michigan relative to Indiana and Wisconsin, but this time lag is likely due to differences in the establishment of Great Lake source populations rather than ‘stepping stone’ dispersal across the landscape.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages are the most abundant biological entities in the biosphere, and this dynamic and old population is, not surprisingly, highly diverse genetically. Relative to bacterial genomics, phage genomics has advanced slowly, and a higher-resolution picture of the phagosphere is only just emerging. This view reveals substantial diversity even among phages known to infect a common host strain, but the relationships are complex, with mosaic genomic architectures generated by illegitimate recombination over a long period of evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Viruses are integral members of the human microbiome. Many of the viruses comprising the human virome have been identified as bacteriophage, and little is known about how they respond to perturbations within the human ecosystem. The intimate association of phage with their cellular hosts suggests their communities may change in response to shifts in bacterial community membership. Alterations to human bacterial biota can result in human disease including a reduction in the host''s resilience to pathogens. Here we report the ecology of oral and fecal viral communities and their responses to long-term antibiotic therapy in a cohort of human subjects. We found significant differences between the viral communities of each body site with a more heterogeneous fecal virus community compared with viruses in saliva. We measured the relative diversity of viruses, and found that the oral viromes were significantly more diverse than fecal viromes. There were characteristic changes in the membership of oral and fecal bacterial communities in response to antibiotics, but changes in fecal viral communities were less distinguishing. In the oral cavity, an abundance of papillomaviruses found in subjects on antibiotics suggests an association between antibiotics and papillomavirus production. Despite the abundance of papillomaviruses identified, in neither the oral nor the fecal viromes did antibiotic therapy have any significant impact upon overall viral diversity. There was, however, an apparent expansion of the reservoir of genes putatively involved in resistance to numerous classes of antibiotics in fecal viromes that was not paralleled in oral viromes. The emergence of antibiotic resistance in fecal viromes in response to long-term antibiotic therapy in humans suggests that viruses play an important role in the resilience of human microbial communities to antibiotic disturbances.  相似文献   

In a literature-based study, 29 non-indigenous species present in northeastern European waters were assessed for their potential for introduction and establishment in Finnish inland lakes. Their physiological and ecological demands were compared to abiotic and biotic lake conditions. The availability of adequate vectors was surveyed from shipping statistics for the Saimaa Canal, which connects the Finnish Lake District to the Baltic Sea. There exists a high probability for the introduction of six non-indigenous invertebrate species, i.e., Anguillicola crassus, Potamothrix heuscheri, Potamothrix vejdovskyi, Hemimysis anomala, Cercopagis pengoi and Gmelinoides fasciatus, with the Gulf of Finland as the main donor area. Barriers against new species introductions, which maintain the biological integrity of Finnish inland lakes, include low water temperature, northern isolated location, and low concentration of nutrients and major ions.  相似文献   

Zhao  Tingting  Gong  Haiyan  Shen  Xiaojuan  Zhang  Wen  Shan  Tongling  Yu  Xiangqian  Wang  Seong Jin  Cui  Li 《中国病毒学》2020,35(4):398-406
Ticks are involved in the transmission of various arboviruses and some tick-borne viruses pose significant threats to the health of humans or livestock. This study aimed to investigate the geographical distribution of tick species and tickassociated viruses in central and eastern China. Total 573 ticks from domestic animals including dogs, sheep and cattle were collected in 2017. Two genera of ticks were identified including Rhipicephalus and Haemaphysalis. Sequencing was performed on Miseq Illumina platform to characterize the tick viromes from the four different sampling locations.Following trimming, 13,640 reads were obtained and annotated to 19 virus families. From these sequences, above 37.74% of the viral reads were related to the RNA viruses. Virome comparison study revealed that the tick viral diversity was considerably different in the two identified tick genera. The viral diversity of R. microplus was significantly different from that of other Rhipicephalus species. On the other hand, substantial overlap in viral species was observed between the same genera. In addition, we found no evidence that the natural host played a major role in shaping virus diversity based on the comparison of their viromes. Rather, the geographic location seems to significantly influence the viral families. Phylogenetic study indicated that the novel negative-sense RNA viruses identified in this study was closely related to Bole tick virus 1 and 3 viruses. In conclusion, the present study provides a baseline for comparing viruses detected in ticks, according to species, natural hosts, and geographic locations.  相似文献   

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