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Left-right asymmetry in vertebrates is initiated in an early embryonic structure called the ventral node in human and mouse, and the gastrocoel roof plate (GRP) in the frog. Within these structures, each epithelial cell bears a single motile cilium, and the concerted beating of these cilia produces a leftward fluid flow that is required to initiate left-right asymmetric gene expression. The leftward fluid flow is thought to result from the posterior tilt of the cilia, which protrude from near the posterior portion of each cell''s apical surface. The cells, therefore, display a morphological planar polarization. Planar cell polarity (PCP) is manifested as the coordinated, polarized orientation of cells within epithelial sheets, or as directional cell migration and intercalation during convergent extension. A set of evolutionarily conserved proteins regulates PCP. Here, we provide evidence that vertebrate PCP proteins regulate planar polarity in the mouse ventral node and in the Xenopus gastrocoel roof plate. Asymmetric anterior localization of VANGL1 and PRICKLE2 (PK2) in mouse ventral node cells indicates that these cells are planar polarized by a conserved molecular mechanism. A weakly penetrant Vangl1 mutant phenotype suggests that compromised Vangl1 function may be associated with left-right laterality defects. Stronger functional evidence comes from the Xenopus GRP, where we show that perturbation of VANGL2 protein function disrupts the posterior localization of motile cilia that is required for leftward fluid flow, and causes aberrant expression of the left side-specific gene Nodal. The observation of anterior-posterior PCP in the mouse and in Xenopus embryonic organizers reflects a strong evolutionary conservation of this mechanism that is important for body plan determination.  相似文献   

The Wnt signaling pathways control many critical developmental and adult physiological processes. In vertebrates, one fundamentally important function of Wnts is to provide directional information by regulating the evolutionarily conserved planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway during embryonic morphogenesis. However, despite the critical roles of Wnts and PCP in vertebrate development and disease, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying Wnt regulation of PCP. Here, we have found that the receptor-like tyrosine kinase (Ryk), a Wnt5a-binding protein required in axon guidance, regulates PCP signaling. We show that Ryk interacts with Vangl2 genetically and biochemically, and such interaction is potentiated by Wnt5a. Loss of Ryk in a Vangl2+/− background results in classic PCP defects, including open neural tube, misalignment of sensory hair cells in the inner ear, and shortened long bones in the limbs. Complete loss of both Ryk and Vangl2 results in more severe phenotypes that resemble the Wnt5a−/− mutant in many aspects such as shortened anterior-posterior body axis, limb, and frontonasal process. Our data identify the Wnt5a-binding protein Ryk as a general regulator of the mammalian Wnt/PCP signaling pathway. We show that Ryk transduces Wnt5a signaling by forming a complex with Vangl2 and that Ryk regulates PCP by at least in part promoting Vangl2 stability. As human mutations in WNT5A and VANGL2 are found to cause Robinow syndrome and neural tube defects, respectively, our results further suggest that human mutations in RYK may also be involved in these diseases.  相似文献   

SPAG6, an axoneme central apparatus protein, is essential for function of ependymal cell cilia and sperm flagella. A significant number of Spag6-deficient mice die with hydrocephalus, and surviving males are sterile because of sperm motility defects. In further exploring the ciliary dysfunction in Spag6-null mice, we discovered that cilia beat frequency was significantly reduced in tracheal epithelial cells, and that the beat was not synchronized. There was also a significant reduction in cilia density in both brain ependymal and trachea epithelial cells, and cilia arrays were disorganized. The orientation of basal feet, which determines the direction of axoneme orientation, was apparently random in Spag6-deficient mice, and there were reduced numbers of basal feet, consistent with reduced cilia density. The polarized epithelial cell morphology and distribution of intracellular mucin, α-tubulin, and the planar cell polarity protein, Vangl2, were lost in Spag6-deficient tracheal epithelial cells. Polarized epithelial cell morphology and polarized distribution of α-tubulin in tracheal epithelial cells was observed in one-week old wild-type mice, but not in the Spag6-deficient mice of the same age. Thus, the cilia and polarity defects appear prior to 7 days post-partum. These findings suggest that SPAG6 not only regulates cilia/flagellar motility, but that in its absence, ciliogenesis, axoneme orientation, and tracheal epithelial cell polarity are altered.  相似文献   

The planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway is a conserved non-canonical (β-catenin-independent) branch of Wnt signaling crucial to embryogenesis, during which it regulates cell polarity and polarized cell movements. Disruption of PCP components in mice, including Vangl2 and Dact1, results in defective neural tube closure and other developmental defects. Here, we show that Sestd1 is a novel binding partner of Vangl2 and Dact1. The Sestd1-Dact1 interface is formed by circumscribed regions of Sestd1 (the carboxyl-terminal region) and Dact1 (the amino-terminal region). Remarkably, we show that loss of Sestd1 precisely phenocopies loss of Dact1 during embryogenesis in mice, leading to a spectrum of birth malformations, including neural tube defects, a shortened and/or curly tail, no genital tubercle, blind-ended colons, hydronephrotic kidneys, and no bladder. Moreover, as with Dact1, a knock-out mutation at the Sestd1 locus exhibits reciprocal genetic rescue interactions during development with a semidominant mutation at the Vangl2 locus. Consistent with this, examination of Wnt pathway activities in Sestd1 mutant mouse embryonic tissue reveals disrupted PCP pathway biochemistry similar to that characterized in Dact1 mutant embryos. The Sestd1 protein is a divergent member of the Trio family of GTPase regulatory proteins that lacks a guanine nucleotide exchange factor domain. Nonetheless, in cell-based assays the Sestd1-Dact1 interaction can induce Rho GTPase activation. Together, our data indicate that Sestd1 cooperates with Dact1 in Vangl2 regulation and in the PCP pathway during mammalian embryonic development.  相似文献   



Mutations in the Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) core gene Vangl2 cause the most severe neural tube defects (NTD) in mice and humans. Genetic studies show that the Vangl2 gene genetically interacts with a close homologue Vangl1. How precisely Vangl2 and Vangl1 proteins interact and crosstalk has remained a difficult issue to address, with the main obstacle being the accurate discrimination of the two proteins, which share close sequence homology. Experimental evidence previously presented has been sparse and addressed with ectopically expressed proteins or with antibodies unable to biochemically discriminate Vangl1 from Vangl2, therefore giving rise to unclear results.

Methodology and Main Findings

A highly specific monoclonal anti-Vangl2 antibody was generated and rigorously tested on both recombinant and extracted Vangl2 using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis, western blot, and immunoprecipitation experiments. This antibody efficiently affinity-purified Vangl2 from cell lysates and allowed the unambiguous identification of endogenous Vangl2 by proteomic analysis. Vangl1 was also present in Vangl2 immunoprecipitates, establishing the first biochemical evidence for the existence of Vangl2/Vangl1 heterodimers at an endogenous level. Epitope-tagged Vangl2 and Vangl1 confirmed that both proteins interact and colocalize at the plasma membrane. The Vangl2 antibody is able to acutely assess differential expression levels of Vangl2 protein in culture cell lines, as corroborated with gene expression analysis. We characterised Vangl2 expression in the cochlea of homozygous and heterozygous Lp mutant mice bearing a point mutation within the C-terminal Vangl2 region that leads to profound PCP defects. Our antibody could detect much lower levels of Vangl2Lp protein in mutant mice compared to the wild type mice.


Our results provide an in-depth biochemical characterisation of the interaction observed between Vangl paralogues.  相似文献   

Zebrafish gastrulation cell movements occur in the context of dynamic changes in extracellular matrix (ECM) organization and require the concerted action of planar cell polarity (PCP) proteins that regulate cell elongation and mediolateral alignment. Data obtained using Xenopus laevis gastrulae have shown that integrin–fibronectin interactions underlie the formation of polarized cell protrusions necessary for PCP and have implicated PCP proteins themselves as regulators of ECM. By contrast, the relationship between establishment of PCP and ECM assembly/remodeling during zebrafish gastrulation is unclear. We previously showed that zebrafish embryos carrying a null mutation in the four-pass transmembrane PCP protein vang-like 2 (vangl2) exhibit increased matrix metalloproteinase activity and decreased immunolabeling of fibronectin. These data implicated for the first time a core PCP protein in the regulation of pericellular proteolysis of ECM substrates and raised the question of whether other zebrafish PCP proteins also impact ECM organization. In Drosophila melanogaster, the cytoplasmic PCP protein Prickle binds Van Gogh and regulates its function. Here we report that similar to vangl2, loss of zebrafish prickle1a decreases fibronectin protein levels in gastrula embryos. We further show that Prickle1a physically binds Vangl2 and regulates both the subcellular distribution and total protein level of Vangl2. These data suggest that the ability of Prickle1a to impact fibronectin organization is at least partly due to effects on Vangl2. In contrast to loss of either Vangl2 or Prickle1a function, we find that glypican4 (a Wnt co-receptor) and frizzled7 mutant gastrula embryos with disrupted non-canonical Wnt signaling exhibit the opposite phenotype, namely increased fibronectin assembly. Our data show that glypican4 mutants do not have decreased proteolysis of ECM substrates, but instead have increased cell surface cadherin protein expression and increased intercellular adhesion. These data indicate that Wnt/Glypican4/Frizzled signaling regulates ECM assembly through effects on cadherin-mediated cell cohesion. Together, our results demonstrate that zebrafish Vangl2/Prickle1a and non-canonical Wnt/Frizzled signaling have opposing effects on ECM organization underlying PCP and gastrulation cell movements.  相似文献   

Bone formation requires synthesis, secretion, and mineralization of matrix. Deficiencies in these processes produce bone defects. The absence of the PDZ domain protein Na+/H+ exchange regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) in mice, or its mutation in humans, causes osteomalacia believed to reflect renal phosphate wasting. We show that NHERF1 is expressed by mineralizing osteoblasts and organizes Na+/H+ exchangers (NHEs) and the PTH receptor. NHERF1-null mice display reduced bone formation and wide mineralizing fronts despite elimination of phosphate wasting by dietary supplementation. Bone mass was normal, reflecting coordinated reduction of bone resorption and formation. NHERF1-null bone had decreased strength, consistent with compromised matrix quality. Mesenchymal stem cells from NHERF1-null mice showed limited osteoblast differentiation but enhanced adipocyte differentiation. PTH signaling and Na+/H+ exchange were dysregulated in these cells. Osteoclast differentiation from monocytes was unaffected. Thus, NHERF1 is required for normal osteoblast differentiation and matrix synthesis. In its absence, compensatory mechanisms maintain bone mass, but bone strength is reduced.  相似文献   

Vertebrate Wnt proteins activate several distinct pathways. Intrinsic differences among Wnt ligands and Frizzled (Fzd) receptors, and the availability of pathway-specific coreceptors, LRP5/6, and Ror2, affect pathway selection. Here, we show that a secreted glycoprotein, Cthrc1, is involved in selective activation of the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway by Wnt proteins. Although Cthrc1 null mutant mice appeared normal, the introduction of a heterozygous mutation of a PCP gene, Vangl2, resulted in abnormalities characteristic of PCP mutants. In HEK293T cells, Cthrc1 activated the PCP pathway but suppressed the canonical pathway. Cell-surface-anchored Cthrc1 bound to Wnt proteins, Fzd proteins, and Ror2 and enhanced the interaction of Wnt proteins and Fzd/Ror2 by forming the Cthrc1-Wnt-Fzd/Ror2 complex. Consistent with this, Ror2 mutant mice also showed PCP-related abnormalities in the inner ear. These results suggest that Cthrc1 is a Wnt cofactor protein that selectively activates the Wnt/PCP pathway by stabilizing ligand-receptor interaction.  相似文献   


Planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling controls a number of morphogenetic processes including convergent extension during gastrulation and neural tube formation. Defects in this pathway cause neural tube defects (NTD), the most common malformations of the central nervous system. The Looptail (Lp) mutant mouse was the first mammalian mutant implicating a PCP gene (Vangl2) in the pathogenesis of NTD. We report on a novel chemically induced mutant allele at Vangl2 called Curly Bob that causes a missense mutation p.Ile268Asn (I268N) in the Vangl2 protein. This mutant segregates in a semi-dominant fashion with heterozygote mice displaying a looped tail appearance, bobbing head, and a circling behavior. Homozygote mutant embryos suffer from a severe form of NTD called craniorachischisis, severe PCP defects in the inner hair cells of the cochlea and posterior cristae, and display a distinct defect in retinal axon guidance. This mutant genetically interacts with the Lp allele (Vangl2 S464N) in neural tube development and inner ear hair cell polarity. The Vangl2I268N protein variant is expressed at very low levels in affected neural and retinal tissues of mutant homozygote embryos. Biochemical studies show that Vangl2I268N exhibits impaired targeting to the plasma membrane and accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum. The Vangl2I268N variant no longer physically interacts with its PCP partner DVL3 and has a reduced protein half-life. This mutant provides an important model for dissecting the role of Vangl2 in the development of the neural tube, establishment of polarity of sensory cells of the auditory and vestibular systems, and retinal axon guidance.


It has been reported that melanocytes play important roles in skin and hair pigmentation and are differentiated from melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) residing in the bulge area of hair follicles. Recently, interest has been growing in MSCs because regulation of the upstream of differentiated melanocytes is essential for the determination of skin and hair pigmentation; however, their precise characteristics remain to be elucidated. The aim of this study is to explore cell-surface markers expressed on MSCs in order to understand their characteristics.To explore genes specifically expressed in the bulge region, we classified a hair follicle into four areas, hair bulb, hair bulb to bulge (lower bulge), bulge, and epidermis to bulge (upper bulge), and collected these areas from back skin sections of C57BL/6 mice by laser microdissection. Real-time RT-PCR performed on these areas revealed that Frizzled (Fzd)-4, Fzd7, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (Lrp5), and Lrp6, receptors for Wnt molecules, were expressed higher in the bulge area than other areas. Furthermore, FACS analysis showed that populations of Fzd4+ cells and Fzd7+ cells were different from those of Kit+ cells (precursor of melanocytes: melanoblasts). Fzd4+ and Fzd7+ cells isolated by FACS required a longer culture period to differentiate into mature melanocytes than Kit+ cells. Up-regulation of mRNA expressions of melanocyte markers (dopa chrometautomerase: Dct, tyrosinase: Tyr, tyrosinase-related protein 1: Tyrp1) was observed in Fzd4+ and Fzd7+ cells following Kit+ cells during differentiation. These results suggested that Fzd4+ and Fzd7+ cells were more immature than melanoblasts, therefore raising the possibility that Fzd4+ and Fzd7+ cells are MSCs.  相似文献   

Ependymal cells, epithelial cells that line the cerebral ventricles of the adult brain in various animals, extend multiple motile cilia from their apical surface into the ventricles. These cilia move rapidly, beating in a direction determined by the ependymal planar cell polarity (PCP). Ciliary dysfunction interferes with cerebrospinal fluid circulation and alters neuronal migration. In this review, we summarize recent studies on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying two distinct types of ependymal PCP. Ciliary beating in the direction of fluid flow is established by a combination of hydrodynamic forces and intracellular planar polarity signaling. The ciliary basal bodies' anterior position on the apical surface of the cell is determined in the embryonic radial glial cells, inherited by ependymal cells, and established by non-muscle myosin II in early postnatal development.  相似文献   

Chorioallantoic branching morphogenesis is a key milestone during placental development, creating the large surface area for nutrient and gas exchange, and is therefore critical for the success of term pregnancy. Several Wnt pathway molecules have been shown to regulate placental development. However, it remains largely unknown how Wnt-Frizzled (Fzd) signaling spatiotemporally interacts with other essential regulators, ensuring chorionic branching morphogenesis and angiogenesis during placental development. Employing global and trophoblast-specific Fzd5-null and Gcm1-deficient mouse models, combining trophoblast stem cell lines and tetraploid aggregation assay, we demonstrate here that an amplifying signaling loop between Gcm1 and Fzd5 is essential for normal initiation of branching in the chorionic plate. While Gcm1 upregulates Fzd5 specifically at sites where branching initiates in the basal chorion, this elevated Fzd5 expression via nuclear β-catenin signaling in turn maintains expression of Gcm1. Moreover, we show that Fzd5-mediated signaling induces the disassociation of cell junctions for branching initiation via downregulating ZO-1, claudin 4, and claudin 7 expressions in trophoblast cells at the base of the chorion. In addition, Fzd5-mediated signaling is also important for upregulation of Vegf expression in chorion trophoblast cells. Finally, we demonstrate that Fzd5-Gcm1 signaling cascade is operative during human trophoblast differentiation. These data indicate that Gcm1 and Fzd5 function in an evolutionary conserved positive feedback loop that regulates trophoblast differentiation and sites of chorionic branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The PDZ (PSD-95/Drosophila discs-large protein/zonula occludens protein) domain-containing proteins Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) and NHERF2 interact with the glutamate transporter GLAST. To characterize the roles of these NHERF proteins in the plasma membrane targeting of GLAST, we examined the interaction of green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged GLAST with epitope-tagged NHERF proteins in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells. Co-expression of either NHERF protein increased the cell surface expression of EGFP-GLAST. Deletion of the C-terminal PDZ domain-binding motif caused an increase in EGFP-GLAST with immature endoglycosidase H-sensitive N-linked oligosaccharides, suggesting impaired exit of EGFP-GLAST from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that NHERF1 predominantly bound EGFP-GLAST containing immature N-glycans, whereas NHERF2 co-precipitated EGFP-GLAST with mature N-glycans. Expression of a dominant-negative mutant of the GTPase Sar1 increased the interaction of EGFP-GLAST with NHERF1 in the ER. By contrast, immunofluorescence microscopy showed that NHERF2 co-localized with EGFP-GLAST in ER–Golgi intermediate compartments (ERGICs), at the plasma membrane and in early endosomes, but not in the ER. These results suggest that NHERF1 interacts with GLAST during ER export, while NHERF2 interacts with GLAST in the secretory pathway from the ERGIC to the plasma membrane, thereby modulating the cell surface expression of GLAST.  相似文献   

Scaffolding proteins are molecular switches that control diverse signaling events. The scaffolding protein Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) assembles macromolecular signaling complexes and regulates the macromolecular assembly, localization, and intracellular trafficking of a number of membrane ion transport proteins, receptors, and adhesion/antiadhesion proteins. NHERF1 begins with two modular protein-protein interaction domains—PDZ1 and PDZ2—and ends with a C-terminal (CT) domain. This CT domain binds to ezrin, which, in turn, interacts with cytosekeletal actin. Remarkably, ezrin binding to NHERF1 increases the binding capabilities of both PDZ domains. Here, we use deuterium labeling and contrast variation neutron-scattering experiments to determine the conformational changes in NHERF1 when it forms a complex with ezrin. Upon binding to ezrin, NHERF1 undergoes significant conformational changes in the region linking PDZ2 and its CT ezrin-binding domain, as well as in the region linking PDZ1 and PDZ2, involving very long range interactions over 120 Å. The results provide a structural explanation, at mesoscopic scales, of the allosteric control of NHERF1 by ezrin as it assembles protein complexes. Because of the essential roles of NHERF1 and ezrin in intracellular trafficking in epithelial cells, we hypothesize that this long-range allosteric regulation of NHERF1 by ezrin enables the membrane-cytoskeleton to assemble protein complexes that control cross-talk and regulate the strength and duration of signaling.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) is a scaffold protein known to interact with a number of cancer-related proteins. nherf1 Mutations (K172N and D301V) were recently identified in breast cancer cells. To investigate the functional properties of NHERF1, wild-type and cancer-derived nherf1 mutations were stably expressed in SKMES-1 cells respectively. NHERF1-wt overexpression suppressed the cellular malignant phenotypes, including proliferation, migration, and invasion. nherf1 Mutations (K172N and D301V) caused complete or partial loss of NHERF1 functions by affecting the PTEN/NHERF1/PDGFRβ complex formation, inactivating NHERF1 inhibition of PDGF-induced AKT and ERK activation, and attenuating the tumor-suppressor effects of NHERF1-wt. These results further demonstrated the functional consequences of breast cancer-derived nherf1 mutations (K172N and D301V), and suggested the causal role of NHERF1 in tumor development and progression.  相似文献   

Polycystin-1 (PC-1), the product of the PKD1 gene, mutated in the majority of cases of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD), is a very large (∼520 kDa) plasma membrane receptor localized in several subcellular compartments including cell-cell/matrix junctions as well as cilia. While heterologous over-expression systems have allowed identification of several of the potential biological roles of this receptor, its precise function remains largely elusive. Studying PC-1 in vivo has been a challenging task due to its complexity and low expression levels. To overcome these limitations and facilitate the study of endogenous PC-1, we have inserted HA- or Myc-tag sequences into the Pkd1 locus by homologous recombination. Here, we show that our approach was successful in generating a fully functional and easily detectable endogenous PC-1. Characterization of PC-1 distribution in vivo showed that it is expressed ubiquitously and is developmentally-regulated in most tissues. Furthermore, our novel tool allowed us to investigate the role of PC-1 in brain, where the protein is abundantly expressed. Subcellular localization of PC-1 revealed strong and specific staining in ciliated ependymal and choroid plexus cells. Consistent with this distribution, we observed hydrocephalus formation both in the ubiquitous knock-out embryos and in newborn mice with conditional inactivation of the Pkd1 gene in the brain. Both choroid plexus and ependymal cilia were morphologically normal in these mice, suggesting a role for PC-1 in ciliary function or signalling in this compartment, rather than in ciliogenesis. We propose that the role of PC-1 in the brain cilia might be to prevent hydrocephalus, a previously unrecognized role for this receptor and one that might have important implications for other genetic or sporadic diseases.  相似文献   

Mammalian body hairs align along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis and offer a striking but poorly understood example of global cell polarization, a phenomenon known as planar cell polarity (PCP). We have discovered that during embryogenesis, marked changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal polarization occur as nascent hair follicles become anteriorly angled, morphologically polarized and molecularly compartmentalized along the A-P axis. Hair follicle initiation coincides with asymmetric redistribution of Vangl2, Celsr1 and Fzd6 within the embryonic epidermal basal layer. Moreover, loss-of-function mutations in Vangl2 and Celsr1 show that they have an essential role in hair follicle polarization and orientation, which develop in part through non-autonomous mechanisms. Vangl2 and Celsr1 are both required for their planar localization in vivo, and physically associate in a complex in vitro. Finally, we provide in vitro evidence that homotypic intracellular interactions of Celsr1 are required to recruit Vangl2 and Fzd6 to sites of cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

β-Arrestins are crucial regulators of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling, desensitization, and internalization. Despite the long-standing paradigm that agonist-promoted receptor phosphorylation is required for β-arrestin2 recruitment, emerging evidence suggests that phosphorylation-independent mechanisms play a role in β-arrestin2 recruitment by GPCRs. Several PDZ proteins are known to interact with GPCRs and serve as cytosolic adaptors to modulate receptor signaling and trafficking. Na+/H+ exchange regulatory factors (NHERFs) exert a major role in GPCR signaling. By combining imaging and biochemical and biophysical methods we investigated the interplay among NHERF1, β-arrestin2, and the parathyroid hormone receptor type 1 (PTHR). We show that NHERF1 and β-arrestin2 can independently bind to the PTHR and form a ternary complex in cultured human embryonic kidney cells and Chinese hamster ovary cells. Although NHERF1 interacts constitutively with the PTHR, β-arrestin2 binding is promoted by receptor activation. NHERF1 interacts directly with β-arrestin2 without using the PTHR as an interface. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies revealed that the kinetics of PTHR and β-arrestin2 interactions were modulated by NHERF1. These findings suggest a model in which NHERF1 may serve as an adaptor, bringing β-arrestin2 into close proximity to the PTHR, thereby facilitating β-arrestin2 recruitment after receptor activation.  相似文献   

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