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湖南八大公山的植物区系及其在植物地理学上的意义   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
湖南八大公山自然保护区是华中地区面积大且植物保存较完好的地点。土著种子植物计162科、709属、1755种。全部属按15个地理分布型进行分析,全部种按更细的分布型类别(中国特有分为10个亚型)进行分析,结果表明,本地热带分布的科属虽为数不少,但温带分布的科属更显优势,北温带科属比较集中,同时中国、东亚、及东亚一北美特有属也很集中。本山中国特有种计1120种、华中特有种为347种。植物区系的古老、残  相似文献   

华中地区藤本种子植物区系的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以湖南和湖北两省为代表对华中地区藤本种子植物的区系进行了研究。本区共有藤本种子植物62科175属838种,其中土著种类有60科159属784种。在科、属、种的水平上对藤本种子植物区系特性进行了较深入的统计和分析,并对本区藤本种子植物与邻近地区的关系、本区内的藤本种子植物的地带性分异进行了探讨。统计表明,本区藤本种子植物种数占该区种子植物总种数的11%,且61.7%的种类主要集中在30种以上的大科中;热带分布型明显多于温带分布型;泛热带、热带亚洲、东亚(中国)特有和东亚—北美间断分布科属比较集中,其中许多属为古老成分;本区藤本种子植物特有成分丰富,计有东亚特有科1科、中国特有属6属、中国特有种507种(其中华中地区特有种35种)。通过研究认为:本区藤本种子植物具有种类丰富、分布类型多样、特有成分较多、区系较古老的特点;与本区的全部种子植物区系相比,藤本种子植物区系的热带性更强,具有明显的热带亲缘性,并与喜马拉雅及中国西南有较强的地理渊源。  相似文献   

云南昭通北部地区种子植物区系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2006年实地采集的4500余号标本,从科、属、种水平对昭通北部地区种子植物区系特征和性质进行了分析.结果表明:(1)该地区种子植物种类丰富,成分复杂,有159科640属1864种.(2)种子植物区系表现出明显的温带性质.北温带分布属127属,泛热带分布属99属,东亚分布属93属,热带亚洲分布属54属,4种类型共占总属数的60,94%,是该区种子植物区系主要来源.(3)该区植物区系较之滇中高原的小百草岭更近于华中植物区系的梵净山,应隶属于中国-日本植物亚区之华中区系,而与云南的大部分地区明显不同.(4)该区有中国特有科1科珙桐科,东亚特有科10科、中国特有属27属、中国特有种1063种,特有种的比例高达57%.丰富的特有成分,表明该区植物区系的古老性和独特性.该区植物区系具有深刻的热带亚洲的历史背景,而现代植物区系总体上已经是东亚植物区系中的华中植物区系性质.  相似文献   

武陵山地区种子植物区系特性与性质研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
武陵山地区位于湘鄂渝黔交界处,面积约10万km^2。本文从科、属、种水平对武陵山地区种子植物区系特征和性质进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)本区自产种子植物201科、1005属、4119种,其中裸子植物6科、19属、36种,双子叶植物166科781属、3447种,单子叶植物29科、205属、636种,含单种和少种的科和属及木本植物比较丰富;(2)本区含世界广布科40科,热带分布科912科,温带分布科70科,含种数较多的科为广布科和热带分布科,而主要特性科则是一些主产东亚(包括中国特有)的亚热带和温带分布科;(3)本区的属含我国15种分布类型中的14种,其中以北温带分布、泛热带分布和东亚分布三类成分比较集中。中国特有属64属(占6.83%),其中不少可能就起源于本区(或)及其周围。温带分布属多于热带分布属;(4)种的地理成分有15种类型,其中绝大多数属东亚和中国特有,它们具有明显的亚热带-温带性质,中国特有种共计2682种,其中126种为本区所特有,675种为华中区特有,其他1881种广泛分布于我国各地并大体上可分为10个亚型,种的地理成分决定了本区现代植物区系的基本特征和性质,即在旧的热带区系的基础上蜕化演变化而成的温带性亚热带植物区系或亚热带山地植物区系。本区东亚成分众多,不仅是其分布中心的一部分,而且正征于东亚成分扩散和迁移的重要通道--武陵山走廊上,因此可视为东亚植物区系的一个关键地区。  相似文献   

基于西藏特有种子植物名录,结合物种自然地理分布信息,对西藏特有种子植物科属种多样性组成特征、物种生活型多样性、垂直海拔分布及县域尺度分布格局、属水平植物区系性质进行了分析,并对特有种热点地区进行了识别。结果显示,西藏特有种子植物有1 079种,隶属89科297属,特有性高,其中含20种以上的科为19个,含特有种最多的科为菊科;含10种以上的属有24个,含特有种最多的属为翠雀属(Delphinium)和小檗属(Berberis)。多年生草本植物在特有种中占绝对优势(66.4%)。从区系成分来看,温带性质的属占主导(61.6%)。东南部的墨脱县含特有种数量最多(271种)。总体上,西藏特有种子植物的空间分布格局极不均匀,喜马拉雅东南麓是丰富度最高的区域。西藏特有种子植物的海拔分布范围宽泛,集中分布在3 000~4 500 m,特有种丰富度在海拔梯度上呈单峰分布格局。本研究结果可为将来确定西藏植物多样性保护优先次序、红色名录制定及自然保护体系的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

该研究在对德夯风景名胜区种子植物进行多次野外调查及查阅相关资料文献的基础上,从科、属、种层面、不同特殊生境类型,并与邻近地区进行比较,综合分析探讨德夯的植物区系特征,深入揭示该区植物区系的性质和地位,为该区自然资源的保护和管理以及持续利用提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)德夯种子植物类群丰富,该区共有野生种子植物154科710属1 626种,分别占武陵山地区种子植物科、属、种总数的94.48%、83.43%、54.00%,分别占湖南省种子植物科、属、种总数的73.33%、54.20%、33.46%。(2)该区种子植物区系地理成分复杂,科含12个分布区类型,属含14个,种含15个,科和属的地理成分均以泛热带分布型所占比例最高,种的地理成分以中国特有分布型所占比例最高;特有现象明显,该区含7个东亚特有科、2个中国特有科,27个中国特有属,588个中国特有种,其中含39个华中特有种,29个武陵山地区特有种和6个德夯特有种。(3)该区植物区系成分随生境不同出现分化,台地、悬崖、谷地3种代表性生境区系成分差异明显,和邻近的壶瓶山、小溪、乌龙山3个地区具有较高的相似性。总体上,德夯风景名胜区植物区系具有东亚植物区系特征,在武陵山地区植物区系中具有重要地位。  相似文献   

武陵山地区种子植物区系特征与性质研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
武陵山地区位于湘鄂渝黔交界处,面积约10万km2。本文从科、属、种水平对武陵山地区种子植物区系特征和性质进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)本区自产种子植物201科、1005属、4119种,其中裸子植物6科、19属、36种,双子叶植物166科781属、3447种,单子叶植物29科、205属、636种,含单种和少种的科和属及木本植物比较丰富;(2)本区含世界广布科40科,热带分布科91科,温带分布科70科。含种数较多的科为广布科和热带分布科,而主要特征科则是一些主产东亚(包括中国特有)的亚热带和温带分布科;(3)本区的属含我国15种分布区类型中的14种,其中以北温带分布、泛热带分布和东亚分布三类成分比较集中。中国特有属64属(占6.83%),其中不少可能就起源于本区(或)及其周围。温带分布属多于热带分布属;(4)种的地理成分有15种类型,其中绝大多数属东亚和中国特有,它们具有明显的亚热带-温带性质。中国特有种共计2682种,其中126种为本区所特有,675种为华中区特有,其他1881种则广泛分布于我国各地并大体上可分为10个亚型。种的地理成分决定了本区现代植物区系的基本特征和性质,即在旧的热带区系的基础上蜕化演变而成的温带性亚热带植物区系或亚热带山地植物区系。本区东亚成分众多,不仅是其分布中心的一部分,而且正处于东亚成分扩散和迁移的重要通道--武陵山走廊上,因此可视为东亚植物区系的一个关键地区。  相似文献   

鄂东南幕阜山区种子植物区系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱东茹  陈德懋   《广西植物》1997,17(3):224-230
鄂东南幕阜山区共种子植物183科741属1653种。以属的分析为主,结合科的分析,认为本地区种子植物区系为温带性质。本地区温带分布型属占总属数(剔除世界分布属)的5313%,热带分布型属占总属数的4245%,缺乏典型的热带科属。从植物区系现状和历史分析中,论证了本区系白垩纪—第三纪古热带起源的历史背景。确认本地区主体上属于中国—日本森林植物区系的华东地区,但富含华中区系成分,具有浓厚的华中区系色彩。本地区南北和东西植物交汇,具有复杂区系成分。论证了鄂西南武陵山—幕阜山脉一线可能是西南成分向东迁移的通道之一。本地区特有现象不明显,共有中国特有属24个,无地区特有属,只有少数地区特有种。  相似文献   

那坡县种子植物区系的特有现象   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
地处桂西南的那坡县迄今计有种子植物174科,889属,2201种。其中东亚特有科5个,中国特有属15个,那坡特有种39个。这一地区不仅植物种类丰富,而且特有现象较为显著。在15个中国特有属中,1属为那坡本地的的特有属,4属为苦苣苔科植物。中国特有种的各亚型以及39个那坡特有种所隶属的分布区类型的分析均表明,该植物区系具有强烈的热带亚洲特色。石灰岩山地的特有文化发展则是那坡植物区系的另一个显著特征,这种特有化发展在苦苣苔科中表现得尤为显著。  相似文献   

地处滇中南的无量山地区迄今计有种子植物207科,1026属,2540种。其中有东亚特有科10个,中国特有属27个,无量山特有种67个。这一地区不仅植物种类丰富,而且特有现象较为显著。在对科级特有现象进行较细致的研究后,本文认为无量山具有的较多的分类系统上隔离的东亚特有科反映了该地作为东亚古老植物区系的一部分,其地质历史与整个东亚是一致的,且与东亚植物区系的发端密切相关。属的特有现象表明,地处中国特有属高频率中心区云南腹地的无量山,却没有相应的高比例中国特有,说明我国高频率区的特有程度质和量上不是均一的,在此之外存在一些次级中心区;无量山明显处于滇西北、滇东南两大中国特有属多样性中心之间。种的特有现象中,中国特有种的各亚型显示了这里区系的亚热带性质;67个特有种所隶属的属的分布区类型的分析表明了由热带性质向温带性质的过渡,而较低的特有种比例,说明无量山的地理隔离程度并不高,时间也不长。  相似文献   

通过适当的样品处理方法,游离的和结合的植物雌激素[大豆素,雌马酚,染料木素,芒柄花素,香豆雌酚和美皂异黄酮]被从新鲜植物材料的提取物中分离出来,并在不同的紫外光波长下,可被HPLC法定量测定,根据滞留时间和标准品的添加,而鉴别出植物雌激素的层析波峰。本方法的测定灵敏度为2ppm。白三叶草样品的加样回收率在80%-100%之间(平均回收率变异系数为5.4%)。通过比较游离植物雌激素的含量测定,本方法  相似文献   

Epidemiological data from retrospective and case-control studies have indicated that estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) can decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. In addition, ERT has been found to promote cellular correlates of memory and to promote neuronal survival both in vivo and in vitro. Phytoestrogens have been proposed as potential alternatives to ERT. To determine whether phytoestrogens exert estrogen agonist effect in neural tissue, investigations of neuroprotective and neurotrophic efficacy of phytoestrogens were conducted. Six phytoestrogens, genistein, genistin, daidzein, daidzin, formononetin, and equol, were tested for their neuroprotective efficacy against two toxic insults, glutamate excitotoxicity and beta-amyloid(25-35). Neuronal membrane damage was quantitatively measured by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, and neuronal mitochondrial viability was determined by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromid (MTT) assay. Results of these studies demonstrated that all phytoestrogens induced a modest but significant reduction in LDH release following exposure to glutamate and beta-amyloid(25-35). In contrast, none of phytoestrogens induced a significant increase in reduced MTT levels, which occurred in the presence of a full estrogen agonist, 17beta-estradiol. Analysis of the neurotrophic potential of genistein and daidzein, two phytoestrogens that exerted a significant reduction in LDH release, demonstrated that neither of these molecules promoted hippocampal neuron process outgrowth. Results of these analyses indicate that although phytoestrogens exert a neuroprotective effect at the plasma membrane, they do not sustain neuron mitochondrial viability nor do they induce cellular correlates of memory as neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis are putative mechanisms of memory. Data derived from these investigations would predict that phytoestrogens could exert some neuroprotective effects analogous to that of antioxidants, but that these molecules are not functional equivalents to endogenously active 17beta-estradiol or to estrogen replacement formulations and, therefore, would raise the concern that they may not reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease or sustain memory function in postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

From dengue to herpes and influenza to AIDS, the phytoestrogens that are present in many fruits and vegetables have been shown to exert anti-viral properties. Here we review the various different anti-viral mechanisms employed by phytoestrogens.  相似文献   

Dietary phytoestrogens have been implicated in the prevention of chronic diseases. However, it is uncertain whether the phytoestrogens or the foods associated with phytoestrogens account for the observed effects. We report here a new liquid chromatography photodiode array mass spectrometry (LC-PDA-MS) assay for the determination of nanomolar amounts of the most prominent dietary phytoestrogens (genistein, dihydrogenistein, daidzein, dihydrodaidzein, glycitein, O-desmethylangolensin, hesperetin, naringenin, quercetin, enterodiol, enterolactone) in human plasma or serum and urine. This assay was found to be suitable for the assessment of quercetin exposure in an onion intervention study by measuring urinary quercetin levels. Other successful applications of this assay in clinical and epidemiologic studies validated the developed method and confirmed previous results on the negative association between urinary isoflavone excretion and breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens have recently been suggested to be the cause of infertility by stimulating luteolytic prostaglandin (PG) F(2alpha) secretion from endometrium in cattle. The purpose of this study was to examine the enzymatic and molecular mechanisms involved in the preferential induction of PGF(2alpha) synthesis by phytoestrogens, and whether phytoestrogens influence endometrial cell viability. Cultured bovine endometrial epithelial and stromal cells were exposed to phytoestrogens (daidzein and genistein) and their metabolites (equol and p-ethyl phenol) for 24h. Prostaglandin F(2alpha) and PGE2 were stimulated by phytoestrogens in both stromal and epithelial cells, with a preference for PGF(2alpha) synthesis in epithelial cells (P<0.001). Although RT-PCR and Western Blot analyses did not reveal the influence of phytoestrogens on either gene expression or protein level of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and PGE2 synthase (PGES) in stromal and epithelial cells (P>0.05), the stimulative effects of equol and p-ethyl phenol on PGF(2alpha) synthase-like 2 (PGFSL2) gene expression and protein level were observed only in epithelial cells (P<0.05). The same compounds did not affect PGFSL2 gene expression and protein in stromal cells (P>0.05). Exposure to phytoestrogens and their metabolites decreased cell viability in both stromal and epithelial cells. Stromal cell viability decreased to 50% of the control and was more evident than that in epithelial cells (P<0.001). The overall results suggest that infertility in cattle, caused by phytoestrogen-dependent preferential stimulation of luteolytic PGF(2alpha) synthesis, is caused by increasing PGFSL2 in epithelial cells, and by decreasing stromal cell viability, which are the main source of luteotropic PGE2 production.  相似文献   

Synergistic inhibition of LDL oxidation by phytoestrogens and ascorbic acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Increasing evidence indicates that oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is an important determinant in atherogenesis, and following menopause, the incidence of coronary heart disease is as prevalent in women as it is in men. Estrogen has been demonstrated to inhibit the susceptibility of LDL to be oxidized, and more recently the use of phytoestrogens has been considered for estrogen replacement therapy. In this study the antioxidant activity of the three major phytoestrogens: genistein, daidzein, and equol were measured in terms of LDL oxidative susceptibility. Increasing levels of genistein, daidzein, and equol inhibited LDL oxidation, and this inhibitory effect was further enhanced in the presence of ascorbic acid. The synergism exhibited by these compounds is of clinical importance to phytoestrogen therapy since the efficacy of phytoestrogens as effective antioxidants is evident at concentration well within the range found in the plasma of subjects consuming soy products. However, this synergism, combined with the low reactivity of the phytoestrogens with peroxyl radicals, suggests that an antioxidant mechanism other then free radical scavenging reactions account for the phytoestrogen antioxidant effect. A structural basis for inhibition of LDL oxidation involving interaction of the phytoestrogens with apoB-100 is postulated.  相似文献   

Dietary phytoestrogens and health   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The interest in the potential health effects of dietary phytoestrogens has increased with the findings that hormone replacement therapy is not as safe or effective as previously thought. This review summarizes the dietary sources of the phytoestrogens; isoflavonoids, stilbenes, coumestans and lignans. It also examines 105 clinical studies related to effects of phytoestrogens on bone density, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, cognitive ability and menopausal symptoms.  相似文献   

Most primates depend heavily on plant foods; thus their chemical composition is key to understanding primate ecology and evolution. One class of plant compounds of strong current interest are phytoestrogens, which have the potential to alter fertility, fecundity, and survival. These plant compounds mimic the activity of vertebrate estrogens, resulting in altered physiology and behavior. Here, we review what is known about phytoestrogens from an ecological and evolutionary perspective. Much of what is known about the effects of phytoestrogens on the endocrine system comes from research on human foods, especially soybeans (Glycine max). Two opposing perspectives have resulted from this research: 1) phytoestrogens provide health benefits, such as cancer prevention, or 2) phytoestrogens act as endocrine disruptors and threaten reproductive health. Studies of wild primates have only recently begun examining the presence of estrogenic plants in the primate diet and the effects of their consumption. Evidence that a number of primate species eat plants containing phytoestrogens and research documenting behavioral and hormonal effects of estrogenic plant consumption for red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) augment captive and laboratory studies to suggest that these compounds promote differential survival and reproduction. Although much debate is currently taking place over the role of phytoestrogens and other endocrine disruptors in human health issues and in threatening biodiversity, we argue that an ecological and evolutionary approach is needed to reach appropriate conclusions.  相似文献   

Figuero E  Soory M  Cerero R  Bascones A 《Steroids》2006,71(13-14):1062-1072
BACKGROUND: There is a growing awareness that oxidative stress may play a role in periodontal disease. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate potential oxidant/antioxidant interactions of nicotine with antioxidants (Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ), Pycnogenol and phytoestrogens in a cell culture model. METHODS: Duplicate incubations of human periosteal fibroblasts and osteoblasts were performed with 14C-testosterone as substrate, in the presence or absence of CoQ (20 microg/ml), Pycnogenol (150 microg/ml), and phytoestrogens (10 and 40 microg/ml), alone and in combination with nicotine (250 microg/ml). At the end of a 24-h incubation period, the medium was solvent extracted and testosterone metabolites were separated by thin-layer chromatography and quantified using a radioisotope scanner. RESULTS: The incubations of osteoblasts and periosteal fibroblasts with CoQ, Pycnogenol or phytoestrogens stimulated the synthesis of the physiologically active androgen DHT, while the yields of DHT were significantly reduced in response to nicotine compared to control values (p<0.001 for phytoestrogens). The combination of nicotine with CoQ, Pycnogenol or phytoestrogens increased the yields of DHT compared with incubation with nicotine alone in both cell types. CONCLUSION: This investigation suggests that the catabolic effects of nicotine could be reversed by the addition of antioxidants such as CoQ or Pycnogenol and phytoestrogens.  相似文献   

Quantitative analytical methods for the 17 phytoestrogens containing isoflavonoids, lignans, and mycoestrogens in herbs were developed, and the amount of phytoestrogens was determined in 22 traditional medicinal herbs. The focus of this study was to simplify the purification procedure for removing many kinds of interferences in herbs, and to select adequate derivatization reagent for getting desirable selectivity and sensitivity in the quantitative determination of phytoestrogens. To satisfy these goals, we performed a solid-phase extraction with Oasis HLB cartridges following enzymatic and acidic hydrolysis, and we used the mixture of MSTFA/NH4I/DTE (1000:4:5, v/w/w) to form TMS derivatives of phytoestrogens. Overall recovery was more than 84% in all of the phytoestrogens, and the limit of quantification for phytoestrogens in herbs were set at 0.2 microg/g. Coefficient of variation percentages were in the range of 0.18-15.68% (within-day) and 0.23-16.61% (day-to-day), respectively. Most of the isoflavonoids and lignans were found in all of the herbs, but mycoestrogens were not detected at all. The Leguminosae family proved to be the richest source of isoflavonoids. Lignans such as enterodiol and enterolactone were detected at low concentration in most of the herbs. These results indicate that this assay is accurate and reliable for the determination of phytoestrogens in herbs. Also, information regarding the phytoestrogen contents in traditional medicinal herbs is useful in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, dementia, and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

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